Sculpting with Blender For Beginners (Tutorial)

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in this blender tutorial i'm going to show you how to get started with sculpting in blender so if you've never sculpted in blender before or maybe you've sculpted a little bit but you kind of need to know kind of the basic things to get started i'm going to show you all the basic stuff and all the tools that i use to do sculpting in blender now you can see above me i have this camera right here that you can see on the screen and i have this here because i wanted to show you my setup because i think the setup is really important to being able to sculpt efficiently and sculpt well and it's also important like where your keyboard is because you're going to be using your keyboard for shortcut keys now i first wanted to talk about what tools you're going to use for sculpting so i would highly recommend you not use a mouse because computer mice really aren't made for sculpting they're really just made for you know moving around and clicking on buttons on the screen and when you're doing sculpting you have to make a lot of strokes and a computer mouse just isn't really good for that it's just really not what it's made for also a mouse doesn't have pen pressure so you're not able to use that and also when you're using a mouse you're not able to have a very good posture for sculpting but again if you're just starting out with sculpting you could do a little bit of sculpting with a mouse just to see what you think of it if you can use a screen drawing tablet or a pad tablet i'd highly suggest that you do that so right here you can see i have this uh small wacom pad tablet and really this is going to be a hundred times better than using a mouse now i like to use this screen tablet because i really like actually drawing on the screen and it's a lot bigger as you can see it's got a lot more space but these are definitely more expensive than these pad tablets so if you only have one of these or if you can only afford one of these then you can totally do that and this is going to be way better than using a mouse before i was able to afford this big huion drawing tablet i was using this wacom tablet for probably like two years and i don't feel like it prohibited me to sculpt good definitely using a screen tablet is funner and maybe a bit easier but a pad tablet isn't going to stop you from making good artwork i definitely can recommend this it's very high quality there will be amazon links in the video description to this tablet if you want to get this exact one and a disclaimer they are affiliate links but it won't cost you anything extra if you purchase something through those links and if you're wondering what screen tablet i have this is the huion canvas gt191 and after looking around online it looks like this tablet is actually out of production at least i can't really find anywhere that you can buy it unless you wanted to like buy a used one but there is another version of this tablet that huion has made and that tablet seems to look really similar and it seems to be a newer model i think this model was a little bit older so i don't think it's in production anymore so there will be a link to the huion canvas 20 if you want to check that out i'm guessing that the hue on canvas 20 is going to be really similar after looking at it it seems like it has a lot of the same features but it's a newer model also i forgot to mention that i bought this uh drawing tablet glove um this will sometimes come with drawing tablets but sometimes it won't and i really like it because it makes it a lot smoother when i'm moving my hand on the drawing tablet all right so now that we've talked about tablets let's actually jump in a blender and start doing some sculpting so i'm going to start off by deleting everything delete the cube lamp and camera and the crosshair got out of place so i'll just press shift c top it back to the center i'm going to press shift a and i am going to add under mesh i'm going to add an icosphere you can add any object that you want but i'm going to add an icosphere just because i think it would be a good thing to start sculpting out with if you click on the add ico sphere settings right here you can change this value change it up slowly because if you change it up really quickly and make it a really high number it's probably going to blender is probably going to crash because there will be too many vertices so just bring it up slowly i'm just going to go with 7 and that's not too high for me okay and now that i have this nice smooth round sphere i'm going to go over and click on this sculpting tab and here we are in the sculpting layout so you can see that there are a bunch of brushes right over here there's also sculpt mode edit mode and object mode if you're in the layout you can also just go over to sculpt mode right here but i like going over to the sculpting tabs that the workspace is already set up you can see that there's some settings right here like radius and strength and some other settings and we're going to go over the most important ones that i use and then also over here you can see there's other settings these settings are actually the same as here you can see there's the radius and the strength and the radius and strength so all these settings up here are also going to be on this side panel right here so i'm first going to go over all the different brushes that i use i'm not going to go over every single brush because there are a lot of brushes but you can definitely play around with all these different brushes so if you click right here you can click and drag out if you pull it out once then it'll just have two rows of brushes this is how i like it because i don't really use very many other brushes down here i mostly use the brushes up here and if you pull it out even more you can see it then has the names of the brushes i just bumped the microphone so it has the names of the brushes if you pull it out even more but i already know the names of the brushes so i don't really need this let me just show you really quick how to navigate in the 3d scene when you're using your drawing tablet now it's really going to depend on what you've programmed these buttons to do but most pens should have a front and back button and if you go into your driver settings on your computer you should be able to program these but i just have these buttons set at the default so if i click with the front button and move around this is actually going to rotate the view now you can't really see it rotating because we're in the very center but if i like just draw something now you can see we're rotating around the object also if you want to just click and drag on this little circle right here you can rotate around you can see right there i don't really like to use this because i like to use shortcut keys to work faster so to remove these things because i don't use them you can just click on that button and that'll remove those little widgets right there okay so now we know how to move around um to zoom in you hold down control and click with your front mouse button so i can just hold down control and click and that'll go in and out so i can zoom in and zoom out and if you hold down shift and then click on your middle mouse button and hold it down you can pan and you can see down here there's the shortcut keys if you want to see what i'm doing also if you want to change the center of your view to a certain area you can hold down alt and then middle click on an area and that'll move you around to that area also if you want to jump to a spot where you've just recently sculpted like if i sculpted right here and then i want to zoom into that you can press the period key on the number pad it's kind of far away over here but you can click on the period key and it's going to jump you over to that and then if i sculpt down here and then press the period key again it's going to hop me over there and then of course you can also use the alt key and click with your button and it'll move you around i actually don't use the alt key very much because i want to keep my right hand on the shift and control key so that i can very quickly use shift to pan ctrl zoom in and out and then just let go if i want to rotate around and that brings me to the next thing that i wanted to talk about which is how to set this all up so i am left-handed if you haven't figured that out yet but i believe most people in the world are right-handed and so if you're right-handed you're probably going to be sculpting better with your right hand and if you're going to do that you're probably going to want your keyboard to use the control and shift key on the other side so that you can sculpt with your right hand and then use the shortcut keys with your left hand so really just play around with your setup and try to get it so that it works well for you i've also got down muscle memory so i don't even really think about the shift and control keys um it might take you a little while to get used to this moving around but now it's just muscle memory and i don't even think about the shift and control keys and if you look down here at the screencast keys you can see that i'm very quickly going shift and then control and shift and control just to move around wherever i want and i have full control and i'm not really even thinking about it so when you're starting out with sculpting it might be a bit hard and clunky but once you get that muscle memory once you practice enough it's going to be really easy to navigate just like if you were navigating in the 3d view in blender okay let's go over the brushes now so you can see here this is the draw brush so if i just click and drag you can see it's basically just kind of making a little lump um this brush works really well and you can see that this brush is making the digital clay come out but if you want to make the digital clay go in you can hold down the control key while you're sculpting and you can see that it's going to now carve in instead of out and also if you want to change that right here you can see the direction there's add and subtract so if i change it to subtract it'll now go in if i change to add it'll go out now as i said earlier i'm only going to go over the brushes that i mostly use you can definitely check out all of them but i'm going to go to the next one which i mostly use which is the clay strips and this is the brush that i use the most so this one basically just adds layers of clay on to your mesh and it works the same way so if you hold down control you can see it'll now sculpt in now there is something that i like to change to this brush and that is turning on this auto smooth i just personally like it because i find that the clay strips brush isn't very smooth now i wouldn't suggest turning this up very high maybe just turn it up to like 0.1 or 0.2 but you can see if i turn up this auto smooth now when i sculpt it's just going to be smoothing out the mesh while you're sculpting so you can see here is how it looks with auto smooth turned off and then if you turn auto smooth to maybe like point one you can see it's definitely a lot smoother and the different strips of clay that you're adding are blending together a lot nicer so you can definitely turn that on if that's something that you wanna do the next brush that i use is this inflate brush so this basically just kind of adds a blob sort of inflates it the next brush that i use is similar it's called the blob brush and it just basically adds a blob i don't use this very much but i use it a little bit sometimes and the next brush is the crease brush so this brush i really like i use it a lot this basically adds a crease to wherever you sculpt so you can see if i sculpt here you can see it starts to add that crease in there and then if i hold down control i can do the opposite which is going to make like a peek right there and the next brush is this scrapes brush so basically what this does is it kind of like takes the clay and kind of like flattens it sort of it kind of like scrapes off a layer of clay and flattens it so you can see here it kind of makes different angles so if i'm like trying to make angles of like a face like if i'm trying to make the the side plane of like the cheek or something or the angles of the forehead i can use this to kind of get the planes of the face or just get the right shape of your object you can see it kind of like flattens it out and scrapes off clay so i really like this one so the next one is this grab brush so this one you can just grab and drag just click down on a part of the mesh and drag it and it's gonna pull the mesh around so if i was like sculpting a face maybe this is a head i can just grab this and pull out a jaw and maybe like pull this back a little bit and maybe pull this down a bit and then another brush that i like to use a lot is this snake hook and what this brush does is basically what the image shows it just basically pulls out the mesh and it kind of looks like a snake and then the last one that i use is this pose brush so this one is really good for like if you're making a character and you want to like move the limbs around you can click on an area and rotate it and it's going to pose your mesh so it doesn't work very well for like places like this it's pretty weird and doesn't work very well but it works good for like limbs like maybe an arm or a leg of a character and the last brush that i use a lot is the smooth brush so you can see it's right up here i actually skipped over it when i was going down but the smooth brush basically just smooths out any spot of the mesh okay now let's go over the shortcut keys for these different brushes so the grab brush is g so if you press the g key you can see that now i'm on the grab brush so the smooth brush you can press shift s and that'll jump over to the smooth brush you can see right there but i actually don't really use that i don't press shift s and then go to the smooth brush what i do is let's say that i'm maybe sculpting like maybe i'm sculpting right here and i'm adding some clay right here then if i want to smooth out the mesh what you do is you hold down shift and then just drag around and sculpt it actually uses the smooth brush so it's not using the draw brush you can see it's just smoothing out the mesh then when i let go of the shift key and draw now it's using the draw brush again and then if i hold down shift it's going to go back to the smooth brush and if you want to get to the draw brush the shortcut key is x you can see right here if i just hover over you can see the shortcut right here there's shift space bar but then there's also the x key i use shortcut keys for like the grab brush and the smooth brush but the other brushes i just find it really easy to just move up and then click on whatever brush i want to use so it's really your preference whether you want to just go over and click on one of the brushes or use the shortcut key all right now you can see here that there's this radius and strength and you can see they're also over right here radius and strength so the radius changes the size of the brush so if i make this bigger you can see now it's a really big brush also the strength if i change the strength up it's going to be a lot stronger you can see it's coming out a lot more and also i'm pressing ctrl z to undo my action shift control z will redo an action and control z will undo an action that's pretty standard with most programs now there are shortcut keys for the radius and strength if you press f it's going to change the radius so you can see i can just press f move this up and make it bigger or f again make it smaller and so you can very quickly just use the f key to change that and then if you want to change the strength you can press shift f so if i press shift f now you can see there's this um it kind of gets black and then it kind of gets more transparent the darker it is the stronger it's going to be you can see here now it's 1 and then it's like 0.7 0.6 0.5 and if you make it a lot smaller it's going to be not very strong at all now i wanted to go over what's called matte caps because you can see that this kind of white look is maybe a little bit boring and it might be kind of hard to see the form of your sculpt so if i go up here and click on this drop down menu you can see that there's different mat caps and i've actually imported uh more mat caps if you want to add your own mat caps or create your own there are tutorials on youtube you can check that out on how to like make your own mac caps or import your own mac caps so you're probably not going to see all of these because i've added in my own but you can just like click on a mat cap like maybe this red one so why matte caps are so important is because they show you the form of the mesh because if i move around here you can see there's like different reflections and stuff and you can also use the studio so if you want to use these different studio ones you can now you may have noticed that while i've been sculpting it's mirroring it to the other side of the object and that's because the symmetry feature is turned on so the symmetry settings are right up here and if you also go down they're also right here and you can see right here there's this x turned on if i turn this off now when i sculpt it's not going to mirror the object so if you're doing something like a face sculpt then you're definitely going to want to turn symmetry on because the face is going to be pretty similar on either side um but if you're doing something else then you might want to turn symmetry off so this one right here is the main one mirror x that's the main one that you're going to use you could also use y and z if you want and it's turned on on default because i think most people are going to be sculpting like a character or a face but you can turn it off really easily just right there now i wanted to show you what these two buttons do so this one right here you can see it looks like a little pen with like some lines around it if you have this turned on which it is turned on on default what this does is it uses the pen pressure sensitivity in your pen to change the size of the brush because this is the radius so it's the size so you can see right here if i sculpt very lightly i'm not pressing very hard it is a pretty small width and then if i push down really hard you can see now it's really big now if you want to turn this off you can just press the button and now it'll be turned off and it's not going to use the pressure sensitivity to change the size of the brush and then that's the same for this right here so that's the strength so the strength is like how hard it's going to be so if i just press down pretty lightly it's not going to go up very much but if i press down really hard it's going to be coming out a lot more and then what this button does right here it looks like some paint brushes what this does is it makes the size of the brush or the strength the same between all the brushes so right now the radius is turned on so if i just press f make this a little bigger maybe i sculpt a bit and then i go to another brush you can see that now it's the same it's 82 pixels if i go to another one you can see this one's 82 pixels as well if i go to this one 82 pixels they're all the same so you may or may not want to use this it really depends if i turn this off you can see that now the radius is only 35 pixels because that's the default then if i go over to a different brush like the clay strips brush and scale it up you can see now it's a lot bigger maybe that's too big and i can just sculpt in there and then maybe i go to the draw brush and there it is at 129 and then i can go back to the clay strips and that's 114 so if you want each brush to be a different size then just leave this off and every time you go into the different brush you can change the size but if you want each brush to stay the same so if i make a brush this big i want all the other brushes to stay that same size you can turn it on and now you can see maybe i'll change this to like 100 and turn it on now each time i go to each brush it's going to stay at 100 pixels now there is one other brush that i wanted to show you and that is the mask brush so i don't use this brush very much but sometimes i use it so let's say this is not a very good face but let's just say i'm making a face and i want to extrude out the character's neck what i can do is i can use this mask brush and i can mask around the spot that i want the character's neck to come out of so i can just mask it in and now if i try to sculpt on it you can see that wherever the mask is you're not going to be able to sculpt on it so how i'm going to extrude out the neck is i'm going to press ctrl i and control i will invert the mask so now you can see everything is affected except that little area so now i can press g and go to the grab brush press f and make it way bigger and then pull it out and you can see i can't move anything else i can only move the area that's not affected so i can just pull out the neck right there and then when i want to get rid of the mask brush i can press alt m so alt m is going to get rid of the mask and now you can see i can now just continue to sculpt the entire thing now you also may have noticed that while i've been sculpting this mesh is starting to get a little bit low detail so i'm going to pull out the nose here with the grab brush and you can see here that as we're starting to pull this out we have less and less mesh to work with so we need more detail to sculpt so there's two ways to add more detail and they're both down right here there's the dyn topo and the remesh first i'll show you the remesh then i'll show you the dyn topo i actually like using dyntoba better but there are cases where i sometimes use the remesh so let me just open up this remesh tab and you can see here's the voxel size that's how detailed you want it to be so then i can click on remesh you can also press ctrl r that's the shortcut for remeshing and if i do that you can see it now remeshed our object and it made it even less detailed because it's only 0.1 so that's actually really small detail we want it to be a lot bigger because we can't really sculpt with this there's just not enough detail so if i change this to like .05 and then click on remesh you can see it's even more detailed i want it to be even more detailed so maybe i'll change to 0.01 remesh that make sure you're not going to make it too high though because if you make it too high your computer could crash or blender could crash so you can see here that's a lot better and now we have a lot more detail to work with and it's you can see it kind of looks like it has a weird texture to it that's because we were low really low detail then we went higher so you're just going to need to like smooth that out and kind of sculpt it to fix that but normally you're not going to have that issue very much and now i'm going to actually like give this character like bunny ears just to show you what i mean okay so i've added these kind of like bunny ear things and you can see here that if i zoom in you can see the mesh is starting to get low detail again because yeah it's starting to get pulled out and we need more geometry so if i just hit remesh again you can see once it's finished it looks a little bit weird but if i just click on shift and smooth that out now this is all smoothed out and now we have a lot more detail to work with so i can use like the clay strips brush hold down control and make the inside of the bunny ears just like that and now it has a lot more detail because if i was going to do that before let me just control z that until we're back to the lower mesh here we are if i try to sculpt in here you can see it's been stretched out and pulled so much that i can't really sculpt inside the bunny's ear but then if i remesh this it gives it lots more detail and i can just smooth that out and then press ctrl and then go in so basically with this workflow you're continuing to sculpt and then hitting remesh and continuing to sculpt and then hitting remesh so this is cool but i like to use the other one which is dyn topo so if i just turn this on it might give you a little message you can just click on ok i like to use dyn topo better because what this does is it adds geometry while you're sculpting so i like it better because it's like more creative and you don't really have to worry about the like technical side of sculpting or technical side of digital sculpting i guess so i like to use something maybe like three or five uh with the detail size and now if i just start to sculpt here you can see if i zoom in it's gonna keep on adding detail so this is actually a little bit laggier it's not quite as smooth because it's adding detail while you're sculpting so if i make the brush really big kind of zoom out you can see that's the detail size and then if i zoom in and sculpt you can see now that's way more detail you can see the difference from uh here to here and then definitely play around with this like if you want to make this 10 you can see now it's going to be less detail if you make this like two it's going to be really high detail if you make it something really high it'll start to get laggy like that now you can see it's kind of lagging and it caught up but it was a little bit laggy and then also you can see there's this smooth shading if you turn this on then while you're sculpting it's going to keep the shading really smooth let me just change this up to five again you can see now when i'm sculpting it has smooth shading and you can't see those vertices um i actually like to turn this off just because i like to see the vertices and just kind of see how the mesh is going uh but you could definitely turn the smooth shading on if you prefer that now there's one more setting i wanted to go over within this dyn topo you can see right here the detailing right now it's set to relative detail but i can change it to constant detail and if i change it to constant detail i'm going to need to change this up like maybe to 60 or something like that now when i'm sculpting you can see there it is and when i zoom in it's going to be the same amount of detail and this is really useful for certain things i prefer to use the relative detail most of the time so that when you're zooming in if you want to like make one part of your sculpt more detailed it'll just automatically make it more detailed so it's really up to you which ones you want to use okay so let's just say that i finished this uh bunny human character this mesh is really high in density you can see if i zoom in here and i can actually go into wireframe mode let me just go into wireframe you can see here here is all the vertices and this is really dense it's really dense so this might be a little bit harder in your computer especially if you go back into object mode you're trying to like do different stuff in the scene and also you may want to share your sculpt with someone so you might want to send it to them and if it's a really high dense mesh then the memory of the blender file is going to be a lot more and you also might want to upload this to like a website like sketch fab like if you want to upload your 3d models so that other people can look at them if it's really high dense if it's too dense then you're not going to be able to upload it and it's just going to be harder to work with so i'm going to show you how to make your mesh a lot less dense while still keeping the details so let's go over here to the modifiers and i am in back in object mode i can just hop over back to the layout now so i'm going to go over to the modifiers and i'm going to add modifier and i'm going to add the decimate modifier so this value right here the ratio if i turn this down it's going to take away more and more of the mesh so let's just change this to maybe like 0.2 so this is going to take away 80 of the mesh and only keep 20 percent of it so it's going to you know calculate however it does it sometimes takes a little while to do but now you can see if i uh move my mouse over and press or move my pen over this and press ctrl a that's going to apply it and there we go it took a moment to apply but now it's applied if i tab into edit mode now you can see it's way less dense this mesh is way less dense but you didn't notice anything when i added that in you couldn't really see any difference let me just go back here so you can see it with it on so if i press this button it looks like a little computer monitor this will make it so you can't see it in the view so this is how it is before just take a look at it and now i'll turn it on and there it is with it on and you really can't notice anything but it's eighty percent less dense because we've made it only 0.2 instead of one and if you make this too small like .01 or something then it's going to actually start to destruct your mesh you can see there now it's so low that um it's starting to get kind of low poly so definitely don't turn this too low but like point two that's going to take away a ton of the memory but your mesh is still gonna look the same now i did wanna show you a common problem that could happen let's say you're trying to make a character so maybe you're like adding a sphere and then maybe you want to scale it up because maybe you want to make the head kind of round so maybe you're going to scale it up something like that then maybe you add a subsurf let me just turn that way up and then i'll just apply that and now let's go into sculpting so now if i try to sculpt this something looks off here you can see that the circle is rounded and if i try to sculpt something is definitely wrong here you can see it's kind of stretched out the brush is really stretched out it's like going way up and you've probably figured out why this is happening it's because i scaled the mesh so for a while when i was first learning how to sculpt i kept having the issue because i was like modeling an object like this and then i would go into sculpt mode and the brushes were acting really weird and i didn't know why so what i need to do to fix this is i need to apply the object scale if i press the n key you can see here's the location rotation and scale you can see the scale is totally scaled up but these are all at zero so what i can do is i can apply the scale so what i do is i press ctrl a that'll bring up this apply menu and then you can choose location rotation or scale or all transforms i'm just going to click on scale and now that i've applied that i can go into sculpt mode oops not edit mode sculpt mode and now if i sculpt it it's going to look really nice so i've talked over all kind of the basics of sculpting and also kind of the technical side of it like the different brushes and things like that and the different settings but i also wanted to talk about the artistic side of sculpting because even if you know all the brushes and know how to use all the settings it still takes a lot of practice to get good at sculpting and i have definitely come a long way i'm gonna put up on the screen over there some of my first sculpts when i started sculpting i think i've been sculpting for about three years now and i've been using blender for a little over four years but you can see right here up on the screen some of these sculpts are really bad and so if your sculpts are looking like this don't feel bad you can definitely improve um because this is how i started out just like drawing or painting or another artistic skill sculpting takes a lot of work and practice to get good now here are my more recent sculpts and you can see i think we can all agree that these are definitely improved i'm still practicing a lot and i'm trying to get better i know that i still have a lot to learn but i think i've definitely improved as you can see from my first sculpts to like three years or so later so if you're starting out and your sculpts are looking really bad just know that that probably happens with pretty much everyone and it just takes some time to learn how to sculpt if you keep on practicing you're gonna get better but i do have a few tips for you that i think are important to know to get better at sculpting faster so my first tip is to use a drawing tablet now i know i talked about this earlier but i just want to say it again i think it's really important i think if you use a mouse you're really limiting yourself so even just buying a cheap pad tablet is going to be way better like a hundred times better than using a mouse and my second tip is to move around and sculpt from lots of different angles because you can see here on my first sculpts i don't think i was doing that enough i was kind of just sculpting from maybe the front and you can see my faces especially looked very flat and that was also just me really not understanding the forms and also not really knowing the anatomy of the face very well but definitely moving around constantly sometimes looking from the left sometimes looking from the right because you're not really drawing here you're really working with 3d forms so move around look at lots of different angles to get your shapes right my next tip is getting familiar with the object that you're sculpting so for instance if you want to sculpt heads or if you want to sculpt characters then learning anatomy is really important i mostly want to learn how to sculpt faces and heads so i'm trying to get better at facial anatomy i'm trying to learn that um i've been uh sculpting some skulls so i can kind of get the idea of the facial structure like the bone structure i also do sketching and drawing and i think that definitely helps and learning things like where the fat pads are and where the different muscles are can really help so if you're trying to do characters or faces learning anatomy is really helpful if you're trying to sculpt other things like animals like learning animal anatomy is really important really try to understand the form of the object that you're trying to sculpt and that leads me to my next tip which is using reference i think most of the time you should always use reference unless you're kind of doing some maybe challenge where you're going to try to challenge yourself and not use reference but most of the time i think you should use reference reference is super important i use reference almost all the time for all of my artwork because it's kind of hard for us to remember all the details in different things like for instance sculpting a head i highly suggest using reference i really think it's going to help you to sculpt better there's also a program called pureref and i'll leave a link to pureref in the video description and pref is a really great reference photo program so i have a multiple screen setup on my computer and what i can do is i can open up the pureref software and then i can add in images and i can move them and rotate them and scale them and i can just kind of get a nice layout with a bunch of different images and then i can just look at it while i'm sculpting or while i'm drawing or whatever i'm doing so if you want to check out that program called pref i'll leave a link in the video description okay my next tip is to do sculpting tutorials so there are a lot of free sculpting tutorials on youtube um two youtube channels which i'd highly recommend are flip normals and digital clay so i know that there are a lot of youtube channels out there that have sculpting videos but these two youtube channels are my two favorite so flip normals and digital clay i'll leave links in the video description to their channels they have really good sculpting tutorials and i can definitely recommend them and also don't shy away from watching tutorials that use other software like zbrush is the main software that's used for sculpting because once you know how to use your software the artistic side of sculpting it doesn't really matter what software you're using so i definitely watch um tutorials that use zbrush or blender or other programs once you know how to do sculpting and blender you could definitely watch zbrush tutorials and take away the same things that they're trying to teach so my next tip is getting feedback and getting feedback is super important especially getting feedback from artists who are more skilled than you and there are some different places to get feedback online for free i have heard about some facebook groups and i also have gotten some feedback on some discord servers so definitely look around and i'm sure there's some different places online where you can get feedback also if you know someone who's more skilled than you you could definitely show them your work and hopefully they'll be able to give you some feedback i still have a lot to learn i'm definitely still learning sculpting if you want to get some feedback from me you can leave a link to your artwork and ask for feedback i'll try to give feedback if i can but i'm definitely still learning sculpting i am happy with some of the artwork that i've made but i still have a lot to learn and my last tip is to practice practice practice so just keep on practicing don't give up i've probably sculpted hundreds of heads and i still have a lot to learn i'm gonna put a bunch of images up here to show you a bunch of different heads that i've sculpted and this isn't even all of the heads that i've sculpted i've sculpted even more just to show you that it does take a really long time but if you keep on practicing you are going to improve and also there's this sculpting challenge that's really fun it happens in january if you haven't heard about it it's called sculpt january and i'll leave the link to the website down below in the video description so sculpt january is a sculpting art challenge that happens in january and there's a calendar where every day there's a word and you're supposed to sculpt something that's related to that word so after the month of january you have 31 finished sculpts so every day you sculpt one thing and it really helps to just get in a ton of sculpting practice i've actually done this for three years already so i did it in january 2018 2019 and also this year 2020 so it's really fun if you want to do it other artists are doing it too which can kind of help to motivate you and by the end of it you'll get in a lot of sculpting practice so that's going to wrap it up for this video i hope that this video has helped you to get started with sculpting if you'd like to support me and this channel i do have a blender market store where i'm selling 3d models and assets and tutorials and i also have a patreon setup where you can get a 3d models and assets that i sell and you can also get all the tutorial files on my patreon so if you'd like to support me the links will be in the video description to my patreon and my different stores where i'm selling these 3d models and assets and tutorials but even just following me on youtube and watching my videos are a really great way to help out so thank you for your support thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in another tutorial [Music]
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 1,536,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Sculpting, Tutorial, Blender, Sculpting, sculpt, digital sculpting, Blender 2.9, Beginner, Ryan King, Ryan King Art, Beginner Tutorial, Sculpting for beginners, beginner sculpting tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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