The only head sculpting tutorial you will ever need ! Blender ( From beginner to pro ! )

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hello and welcome to my tutorial series in which  i'm gonna teach you how to scope the whole head   of the character the series is gonna have quite a  few episodes in the first episode i'm gonna try to   simplify the shapes of the head and make it much  easier for you to sculpt the head in very simple   way but the later one i'm gonna go more in  depth and refine the features of the face   in which you're gonna learn how to finalize  the look of your character head okay so first   let's just go um i'm gonna  delete what we don't need   in the modifiers i'm gonna add subdivision  so we're gonna have a spare and apply   okay i'm gonna go into edit mode scale  it a little bit because it's a bit small i'm gonna just turn on the screencast so  you can see what i'm pressing unless it   in the viewport overlay i'm gonna turn  on statistics and annotations annotations   is only for you uh because i'm  gonna do a little bit of draw over   from time to time okay let's just let me drag out  the ui so you can see what kind of brush i'm on okay uh i think you can go so i'm  gonna start with a grab tool and drag   from the front view i'm actually  gonna change the focal length a bit   you can you should do it too  so the head looks the same i'm just gonna fatten up the sides a little bit but as well as shorten up the top flatten up go  into side view and make the head actually bigger because we need to fit in those big  brains i'll drag a chin of it a bit so when i'm looking usually uh drawing tutorials are very amazing and  learning the proportions and feature of the face in one of the drawing tutorials i  learned that the top is like an egg shape   excuse my horrible drawing skills so this top  is the x shape and this one is like a boat sail what we're looking at so just keep  that a bit in mind i recommend you   watching some drawing tutorials if  you're not sure because they are like   much faster way of you seeing what to do  the anatomy and proportion of the head   okay so i'm already seeing that i have  not enough vertices i'm just gonna   increase the auxiliary measure to zero is   0.05 and activate it so gonna have 25 000.  if it's not 25 000 for you you can just   try lowering the value but don't go too extreme  because if you just press pressing it down and   you're gonna remesh it's gonna change really  big it doesn't change too big where the numbers are going like till two but two is gonna be pretty  horrible but after the one everything is gonna be   very laggy so just be very careful i'm gonna  go with five okay so we have kind of the basic basic shape i'm gonna add as well a neck soon  i'm just tweaking a little bit at what i prefer and you should try to follow the shape quite  close but it it doesn't have to be the same   i'm gonna go in top view and usually  when you try start from the sphere   the the end of your skull going to be very  narrow in and in reality the school back   is usually even a bit thicker than the front of  the scope i'm just going to increase the mass look at the front view and okay i'm going  to go at the bottom press on m to get a mask   got my mask out the proportion  press a and invert the mask and i'm gonna use the track go to  the side view and drag the neck   so neck is not down not in front  neck actually goes a bit to the side i'm gonna press a clear the mask go  back to my dragging grabbing tool i'm   gonna wax a little remesh because after the  dragging the vertice is gonna be messed up   and i'm gonna try fixing the shape  of the neck so it looks a bit more more natural okay what i'm looking at the neck  is having a nice nice long shape from this one it's more like this so when i add the muscles it should look something like that i'm gonna add  another color just in case you don't see the flow the flow bump inner bump a nice beautiful flow  up the neck okay i'm just gonna smooth out a   little bit um let's go to the front and try and  start shaping the head i'm gonna use the draw   sharp draw the line somewhere in the one third of  the head we're probably gonna change the position   of the eyes later on so don't be  too much like oh it's not in place   just like now i see that my head might be a  bit too small it's a lot a lot of tweaking i'm gonna draw a hole for the eyes and i'm gonna draw the hole for the  side actually use crease strips to   take out the bit of the sides  because we don't need it right now and with script we're gonna make  everything a bit more flat let's move up just a small tweaks making a neck a bit thicker at the  end made the neck a bit too long okay so i think this is where we end with the head   welcome to the part two where we're gonna  sculpt the nose um so let's just go the   first thing i see that i'm not gonna have  enough of vertices so i'm just gonna increase i'm being cow just on how much i'm  gonna put in i'm gonna try putting   yeah i think that's enough 0.025 i'm just gonna smooth the shapes because after  adding more vertices everything is very flat now it's much better i'm just  going to change the matte cap and you as well should try and test out  a lot of different math gaps you have   and choose the one you like if you like mine i'm  gonna put in the link on where you can get it okay so let's start with the nose i'm gonna  just use the clay strip to draw the shape only worry about the bridge when you have something poking through the mesh  you can go to the side view and use the grab tool so now we can see we can see what the nose bridge actually is doing there's a few few ways you can  draw a nose bridge shape i'm gonna i'm gonna show the one i like   so the head usually goes okay sorry the  head usually goes quite quite overly shaped and the nose comes in being quite  flat and having a nice nice drop line it can definitely be drawn   a lot of different ways but try to follow  my shape it's going to be a bit easier you can have a bit of the near side have a bump so don't worry too much but  try to to stay close to my ship okay i'm gonna take out a bit from  the side so we're gonna have a flatter   surface to work with which is gonna be a bit  easier for us to control i'm gonna smooth it everything looks very same thickness which is good  for now when you have a bridge go to the side view   and use the brush you like i'm going to use  the clear strips and draw like a ball shape don't worry too much on how  big you draw you always have a a grab tool i'm gonna add some more to the side pull the bump now i can draw the holes i'm gonna use the  sculptra it's very good for making the holes i'm gonna make the nose bottom a bit more flatter that the poking of the nose because nose can be straight but i like  to add a bit a bit of the bump at the end make it a bit more thicker i already can see that i'm gonna like a bit of  the very easies so i'm very slowly gonna try   increasing okay 300 is a lot but it should be okay  it shouldn't be too hard to control it yet i'm gonna use draw sharp and  draw in the whole nose shape so what people usually miss about the nose is that the nose actually from this it goes in into nose and it has that's entering it can be very  minimalistic visible but it's usually still there i'm gonna just draw on the surface i'm gonna still thicken this another thing is that usually the thickness of the nose should  be quite sim same through through all the   side of the nose mine is a bit thicker but i'm  just gonna increase the size of the nostrils   don't be afraid to smoke but just don't  use it too much on where you're gonna lose so we have a pretty simple nose which looks  decent welcome to the eye sculpting part and   i'm gonna try and sculpt that as simply as  possible first i'm just gonna go into layout and   add some spheres go into edit mode  right date them on x axis 90 degrees and just try to fit in in the place where it belongs mirror modifier where is it go back into object mode select  head and go back to sculpting okay so first a small explanation   an explanation goes like this sorry again  for horrible drawing skills so the eye   is like hollow and uh the top bone of the  eye socket usually hides some of the eye so usually the eye goes a bit more up than down   i will end up probably dragging  a bit of the bone down on the eye and the placing of ti you can change it but don't change it too much this is where the bone of the ends i'm gonna  have this flat here the distance between the eyes   and the nose same should be quite same  that's where i try to put in my eyes   it can be different but just  try it keeping on this rule i'm gonna drag in the nose bridge  a bit so we can see more of the eye okay i go to the scope draw and draw the eye it's gonna look very dumb at  first but don't worry about it   i said usually it takes a lot  of times to get them right so usually your eyes probably  looks like that all the time   i'm gonna try and show what  kind of ships i'm looking uh i'm looking to draw the eyes usually the eyelid goes like this as  you i sculpt woman most of the time   so i'm trying to have my eyelids look attractive what you can see is that this corner is lower  than right corner they can be at at the same same height as well but don't put this one lower than the left corner another thing is on the asian people eyelid this let me just add another color this eyelet goes in and this one goes over but on this side for everyone is the same this one goes over the lower one let me just hide them i'm gonna go to draw sharp and draw sharpen the side what you shouldn't forget is let me use our drawing again from the eye okay what the from the eye the eyelid thickness it's always the same same in here same in here same in here another thing the thickness  of the eyelet shouldn't be too too small i see so many people doing the mistake  of making the eyelid thickness way too small   and nice having like this it's already  looks weird so i'm just gonna ctrl   c okay you have to have a  thickness and it has to be visible i'm gonna use the draw shaft  to draw the lower one as well don't mind too much how you  form your eyelids at the moment because we have an amazing tool called grab i'm gonna separate the  eyelets use the crease brush and i'm gonna crease every single part of the eyelet sharp  places to make it a bit better smooth now i can shape a bit with the grab tool make the corner make the curvature what is important and nice is use masks masks are so it's essential to  get those tight places look good and we can just move i'm gonna check the side another thing the corner goes in  don't leave it too flat to the face i'm gonna use the jaw sharp  and just crease the sides and draw the spherical shape around this was a simple eyes next  we're gonna go with the mouth   so let's just go i'm gonna delete the annotations  first okay uh-huh and let's go clay strips   and what we should start to know about the mouth   is that the mouth is on a bump so we cannot draw  a bump of the shape where the mouth should be don't draw too big but yeah it is quite there i'm gonna smooth smooth smooth  might look weird but don't worry   draw a sharp and let's form the lips okay i'm gonna draw over and we'll  tell you what i'm looking for is having a bit of spherical shape drop down  we can have something on the top like this so first just take care of this this crevice shape i'm gonna use a crease already increase  this because i want to have a nice line draw the top of the lid as well   what is hard to make ellipse for beginners is make  them look neutral pose so i'm gonna try explaining   as well as possible what looks weird when you  draw like that is that usually the top gonna be   a bit lower than the bottom one and the chin is gone i'm  gonna drag a chin a bit out another thing very important  for lips is that chin separation i'm gonna mask the top of the lip do a few smooths drag the corners in and just clear the mask what i see it   as well is that this the head became  a very disproportional of everything i'm gonna mask we're gonna worry about the proportions a bit  later when we're gonna go in more advanced i'm gonna mask the ellipse inverted  and i'm gonna drag it a bit more   up higher try to make a corners neutral i'm gonna mask the top lip again because i left  it lower than the bottom one what i mean by lower   is this one is more pushed out forward  when usually the top one should be pushed i have a mask where i don't want so i'm gonna use  the simple mask and clear from the lip top clip clear draw corners a little bit in  because the nose is not a flat now well looking from the top  is to have a nice oval shape don't forget it oval shape that's why we  draw a bump oh nice um that's why we drew we drew this bump in here so the shape  of the mouth is as well drawn in there it's a bit off the nose but i like  to push the corner top draw this don't worry about the face now just the lips i'm gonna make the lower lip shape a  bit more spherical spherical as well i'm gonna use the crease to crease where we want to make  the shape look a bit more cleaner and yeah that's a quick nice simple lips i'm actually gonna add the ears as well  because the lips finished quite fast so the year starts from the where the jaw and i can use the draw sharp join the chop  don't be afraid to leave the space i think   people draw the job in here are they too too  scared and draw the shot the join in here the jar is usually somewhere not exactly  in the middle but it's not too far from it okay as well as i'm probably gonna even  drag it a bit in where it's closer to   the middle not too much now for the ears  i just mask mask the shape i want try to   try to be very patient on what what  shape you mask because it's gonna be the the the the basic shape of the ear we're  definitely gonna fix it with the grab tool   just keep it in mind what lines i'm looking at how to  proportion my my my my year is the top of the eyelid where the  bone is it's gonna be the top of the   ear as well and usually where the nose ends  draw the line straight i already know that my   nose is too low and i probably gonna make my air  lower because i didn't draw the line too straight i'm not gonna make air as well  as big i'm definitely gonna   make my nose somewhere like here so it's  gonna be more normal but i'm not gonna do   it right now i'm gonna do it in when i'm gonna  go more in depth on the features a bit later okay i'm just gonna hide don't worry too  much we're just trying to make a simple simple simple features i'm gonna go to the  front then back and draw my beautiful ears   it's gonna look look like locators but usually  there is definitely visible outside of the head now what nice about drawing the ears  this way is that we can invert the mask and now we can sharpen sharp and smooth and now i can draw grab the grab  tool just grab and push the mesh inside the air forming an actual sheer ear  shape a very quick and simple way smooth smooth i'm gonna clear the mask see  what we got just move a bit okay draw it a bit too high but not worry about now um as well what  i look in the airship is have a nice drop i'm just gonna draw an airship i'm  looking at the basic one goes like this i'm gonna try fit in beautiful with  clay strips i'm gonna add more mesh   at the side because the air  is connected to the face i drew it a bit too okay i'm gonna use scope  draw and sculpt in the air i'm gonna quickly explain what ship i'm  looking at as well so inside the ear we want to have of course this thickness and two of the lines can i add that more better one in here and another one is connected but goes  this way this usually overlays at the top then we and i have an air itself okay so when we have the overdrop now i'm  just gonna go with it and actually show and then i use the clay strips first  i'm just making a nice nice nice hole smooth i'm gonna go back to scope draw because  it's a bit faster to get a simple shapes   make it quite clean cut close to the edge  use the draw sharp draw a bit more inside very well smooth smooth smooth smooth if you get it too slim  just like i did i usually like using inflate some   people use another tools if you like to use the  scope draw you can actually do it but in advanced   options you have to use free for front face only  and like go at the top at it or at the bottom edit but with the inflate it's  just gonna be faster okay after a pulling i seen that i'm missing a bit of  vertices in this place so i'm just gonna save and   re-mesh again use the jaw sharp to fix the airship okay let's start enjoying that those shapes which i drew with the annotation so we have a nice bowl like shape inside the air and another one connecting to it i'm gonna fill a bit of this gap  because i drew in way too much i'm gonna redraw drag this one  a bit more in use the scope draw make this one bend inside the air and this one as well loops up and ends up in this bump well that's what you get for finishing only the  features of the face next one i'm gonna go more   in depth on every single part of the face  and try to fix everything to look at more   professional but this is how mostly like your  head's gonna start looking at a congratulation for   going this far into the tutorial and now i'm gonna  share you an amazing secret on how to actually   increase the level of your  art of your head sculpting so the first thing is probably that you  see is that the eyes nose slips and ears   as well as chin is not enough  to make your face look normal   the face has some other things which  is the bones underneath and the muscles as well as the shape after putting these  few things started looking a bit weird   so i'm going to go to the back view and i'm  going to start fixing the head shape what i'm   looking at is try to get a spherical shape the  bottom part is definitely flat it's not a sphere   but overall it's pretty spherical the sides should  be flat as well but i'm pretty flat but it follows   a nice oval shape i'm gonna go to the top view  as i told at the beginning the back is usually   thicker than the front of the scope this side  is pretty flat but don't flatten it too much maybe i'll start looking a  bit weird but that's fine i'm gonna drag in need to hide a bit as well as i drew the ear a bit too far too high the neck changes shape as well and first fix the jaw everyone knows how  the charge ship should be like but realistically the joy's pretty down as a sharp cut going up a more stylist kind of characters will  definitely have it going very clean shape i go somewhere in between and i have it a bit down and up that's what i look informing  don't be afraid to put on the or on the volume the mesh at the corners i  mean that at the side of the jaw it's all good sometimes i like to crease it just so i  see the shape clear maybe first draw sharp it's going to be a bit easier to follow the shape  of it because it's much more visible right now   even on the females it's fine to do it the face  became feather which i'm gonna make a bit narrower okay you can see that the face  is changing very very quickly so what beginners worry about is making  the features but the exact shapes   are not getting ticks that's  why everything looks so weird even if you're gonna get a perfect features if  your face is not fixed it's still gonna look weird okay so i told before that  the nose and lips are way   too way too much down on the face and  it's actually is still bothering me i'm gonna mask smooth the mask i just press   a i press and hold a and drag my mouse down  and release and i i keep doing this motion   and have a really smooth mask now i'm  gonna drag it a bit more clear the mask and it looks already a bit better another thing i told this that yeah  we got a features but we don't have   a head a face muscles and bones itself so  the first thing i like to shape a triangle you should look at the reference photos of  how the muscles are actually in the face   but i draw this one like that and i told about that  triangle that's where i see the triangle   it's in this shape it's where your  cheek lays down with cheekbones i'm adding this because i'm trying to make a  face smoother as well as having this go straight i'm gonna smooth and see how it changes the head you see if we just add everything  and we leave this empty   it's gonna look weird that's why we add  more in between to make a shape look natural because the skin follows the features it doesn't matter if it's a female or  man it usually usually goes the same now what i'm looking at the quarter view  quarter views what the beginners mostly miss let's have a shape drop to the eye usually have a bump even on the mouth you can have a bump draw down now fixing this is not that simple  because the quarter view is actually only   the view where it not only depends okay  let's firstly say that nose nose looks   this way right remember the shape of the  nose now if i change it only on e axis   it doesn't matter how i draw the note looks  the same the only difference is the shadow let's try it again everything looks  the same it's just the light changes so even if it looks the same this way if i go  to side view i see the difference and a third   the fourth chord review this doesn't matter how  you go you're always going to see the difference   that's why you have to be very  careful on how it changed into   y and x-axis because it's gonna make  a difference on both of those views the simplest way is probably would  be first dragging on one axis i want to increase some dragging it out   it looks already better but on the x it looks a  bit flat so i'm gonna drag it out on the x as well now the head i made the chin a  bit too high lips to separate it a nice face shape whilst moving everything you probably end up  not going to see a muscle groups which is fine   if you're going for stylized but even   for the realistic you're gonna add  it in everything later on anyways i'm gonna re-mesh because i see a weird artifact save don't forget to save now what is left it going in further in and actually fixing every single feature again at this point it it's  very hard to keep attention of everything because   one small change isn't gonna change the  whole look of the whole face okay so first   this is not gonna be enough for  vertices if you want to go more in that actually gonna go somewhere here is 0.009  but be very careful how you change i'm   pretty confident in my computer okay  even for me it's more than i need if you have a weak pc please be  very cautious on how much you had okay at nine hundred thousand eight hundred  thousand it should be enough like if it's   lagging even seven hundred and six hundred gonna  be enough so don't worry about that too much   please be very careful on how much resolution  you're adding in the volkswagen measure okay so i drew the eye shapes   but it definitely doesn't look anything  like it used to look on what i draw just let me fix my camera view okay so first we see that the thickness is changed  that's why is the problem which we're gonna go   through probably again and  again is fixing the shapes i'm gonna use pinch this time to pinch more  resolution at the corner i mean side of the eyelid i'm gonna smooth now i see that my eye dropped a nice looking shape  so with the grab tool i'm gonna try readjusting   the shoe back a little bit not too much   yet because we're gonna do a still a lot of  changes with probably gonna change the shape draw sharp small pinch and smooth already looks better now what we're  looking at the eye when we're making it firstly this one should be quite  straight they shouldn't be wobbly another thing very important is that  the top is higher than the bottom   top one is more front than the bottom  one another thing is that the eyes   have the cuts going through this so we're  gonna put everything in very very soon okay i like to go to wireframe and see how big is  my eye you probably can't see too clearly in mine but that depends how the corner is gonna look if you're afraid to change something  in one lit please mask it i'm gonna actually   do it right now and drag this one a  bit more up make its shape more crisp some smoothing another thing people don't notice  is that the side of the nose is   a bit smaller and carved  in where the eye corner is again as i draw sharp i'm gonna shape up more of the bone area be careful how how high you make it makes a  very big difference in the mood of the eye   i'm actually gonna use the mask mask the eye on some math caps the mask looks weird not  very visible so be careful about that as well   i see that my mask is too big so i'm  gonna shrink okay probably end up wait the shrink is too strong  let's move and sharpen smooth i'm just gonna smooth a few times then i'm gonna drag the bone a bit  more downer down on the eye make a line a bit more straight be careful on how i shape shape the skull don't destroy  the shape of the skull okay use the draw sharp and where is the  corner starts i'm gonna carve in draw the eyelet bottom smooth okay the smooth tool at  the blender can be very weird   so i'm just gonna add a bit more  mass of on my by myself okay don't be afraid to use grab if  you don't like how it shipped now we're gonna fix the top as well it's  usually does the same this won't start from   this corner where it starts bending  in the corner this one does the same that's where your eye is starting to where's your eye is itself  that's where the shape is i'm going to use the crease smooth smooth more because i see then i destroy some of  the eyelid now we definitely have to add more mass   at this that ship is actually pretty  complicated it has a lot of different different shapes i'm gonna try masking out  and showing you but you definitely have to   still have some reference try using  reference images they're extremely important this is where that gulp of the mesh gonna be this one as well there's even a difference in here  this is but don't you don't have to   keep everything in your mind just doing it  there's something at the right side on top   of the eyelid where you have to  draw and it ends somewhere in here smooth now i'm just gonna add a bit  more i really don't like how blender doesn't have any good   crevices drawing tools i'm gonna try using  crease and just slowly going through it can i actually join more on here   a lot of blender tools destroys the previous  shapes if you're trying to go very deeply in which is annoying but if you keep patience you should reach what you want i'm just  gonna add a bit more mission here it's   it's just so the shape looks smoother itself  it's not that i'm following the muscles too much i'm gonna use the scope draw   and add a bit of bumpiness and just  overall more shape to the eyelid add the i mean hide the eyes oh i  see a lot of not smooth shapes inside and i'm gonna use the same tool  to draw my corner of the eye looks weird for now because  we have a lot work ahead of us   to go more in depth with the nose and the lips and  this time we're gonna go over the nose but we're   probably gonna finish the nose quite fast so i'm  probably gonna end up adding some more to the lips   let's not speak maybe too soon and  let's go i'm gonna use the crease tool to try and sharpen up the shape of the nose  so i actually see what's happening with it   because it's too bubbly right now don't forget that the nose go in actually  in the nose didn't change too much shape too much shape from the original  if we did many changes to the face okay so this is probably going to be a very  unattractive nose review going for female   and exactly i'm going for a  female so what i'm gonna do is try to make it more beautiful and the  more beautiful does mean what it means   make a shape a bit more smoothing so i did carve in the place  dimension here but i'm gonna add   some with the clay strip let's move in and give  a bit more triangle now the triangle doesn't go   that much up so i'm gonna use a grab tool and just  push it inwards push it inwards pushing inwards as well as i have a pretty ugly ugly shape for the nose what i'm looking now is that this arc is not doing what i want now when i look i see that drops down and this shouldn't be dropping out that much  so with the clay sculpt draw i'm going to add   some look at the side looks a bit better  i see a strange artifact i'm gonna remesh am i'm going way too  quickly so let me slow down a bit   one of the hardest thing i found in the nose is  actually getting this bump look decent you can go   very simple straight down  and it's gonna be working i usually don't like it that's i dragged in one a bit  down and make this more bumpy   but it can be very hard to find a  shape you like probably made it too big as well as i seen this bridge became way too  slim i'm just gonna fan it up sometimes using a flat brush and going through the  features can make them a bit more bubbly and cute you see now what i think is that other features making the  nose look a bit ugly other features of the face usually having not to open  nostrils on females looks cuter yeah let's keep the noses at that it's very hard to just go into features and  make them finish usually go over everything   and then change small details together   one by one of every single feature so as i  told before let's just go to the buffer now i'm gonna redraw the shape of the mouse we still had that bump that's  why it didn't start from you i'm gonna use the crease i like this corners  usually i go a bit more up at the corner i'm gonna remesh okay so sometimes the draw sharp is not the best   thing sometimes just using  a simple pinch can be good the problem is it's probably  gonna destroy some of the   volumes of the mesh but  it's gonna give you a pretty smooth and slick move as well what you can do is like when you use  the the pinch try remeshing the only problem   on the very high police that's gonna probably  take very long time to remesh making beautiful   female head is usually very hard because you  have to have in mind so many small things the smaller the mouth probably the  cuter it's going to be but not too   small because it's going to start look weird i see that some of the mesh has gone away there's a muscle  group which goes over your mouth i'm adding that right now and it have helps to build that bumpiness  and puffiness to the lips as well the shape can look weird not because the lips  look weird but everything around the lips   looks weird that's why it makes even if it's not the channel shape itself   but only the things around make  the main chip shape look weird what i see already is that i  made her face way too thick i'm gonna smaller make it smaller make it thinner make it cuter you see it looks decently fine from the front but from the side it  looks still pretty weird don't worry about it too much right now i'm  just i'm just uh putting an attention to   to that it's very important  not to work on only one view another thing is when i shipped i shipped  the chin and the lips that's a weird nut not a good bump formed on a down at the  bottom of the lip so i'm going to do is   carve out and then add the  shape which i actually need smooth it out now the lip shape is very  hard to do the way you want to make   lips look puffy and nice what i like to do is  separate and hide the lip i'm not working on   so now we're gonna use one of the  newer tools of the blender is facets when i mask i press w and there's a face  sets from the mask i'm gonna do that   but it's gonna show too much interview port which  i don't like so i'm just turning on that face sets   or you can make it less visible but it's still way too i i just don't like it  you can keep it if you want it's it's not really   it's just preferable think i'm gonna  clear the mask why it's still visible okay so i'm just gonna press at the  top of the face while hiding the bottom making a beautiful ellipse if you thinks making  the it's very puffy it's cute and sexy way   um i'm gonna use the crease brush make this my  brush quite small size and form this puffy middle the crease is actually too small i'm gonna crease it now i'm gonna you can actually use face  mask faces like this you hide one thing   mask it unhide smooth mask  and now you have it masked and you can do the changes to one  thing while seeing another one as well not hidden um so i'm trying to add the  puffy drawing to my finish to the lip corners what makes lips look puffy is when they go over one another just be careful how much you deform your  lips it might end up looking very weird   very very weird i'm gonna clear the meshes to look it looks not bad but what i don't like is this one became way too small  and to separate it from the lips i'm gonna use the crease tool to fix the corners  as well because the lips look way too separated use crease at the bottom of the  lip to make it more look more puffy i'm gonna use pinch as well  because i lost the shape of the lip   that's like what you're gonna have to do  over and over again to to get what you want and it is hard and it is time consuming but that's the difference between pro and  a beginner is that the pro gives the time   he needs to go over the features over and over  again to to achieve the look he needs he wants   it's really no smoking mirrors it's just  that time you have to go over the features okay i actually end up seeing that i don't like   how how small my upper lip is i'm just  gonna mask the bottom one and make it bigger i ended up talking about that the nose can  be straight and i'm actually gonna do it a   bit straighter because i think it's gonna  work out with how my character is looking i think this is way too pushed okay now i'm just gonna go over the air or maybe i think that's the first to go in this  episode so yeah people just keep resisting on the   features keep going over and over again and make  the shape and changes that we want on reaching   so far into series let's go over the ears to make  them cute and beautiful for this female character   what i'm gonna do first is make them much  smaller change the shape i'm actually gonna mask and make it go a bit more closer to the to the jaw okay i'm gonna add a bit more mesh  to the side because it looks like the part   of the areas is too waste too much  separated from the from the jaw can actually hide press hate to make for more face sets  and hide more things to make it a bit   easier for your pc i find it  actually helps lower the lag as you see a lot of the ships  from our earlier air is now gone   but as well as we can add much more  because we have a lot more vertices so first what i like to do is shift again from this part as i told before we're going over it again because that's what the best artists do being persistent and not giving up don't be too much afraid on how you have this one separated  because it can be very very   a lot of yeah realities oh how you  actually want to do them do the separation okay don't forget the back of the air as well what i usually do we we have a pretty decent  ship up there as well i'm just carving in so we have that inner part look as well as  carving the other part of the bump unless we having a relatively  good shape of the air already okay don't forget to keep saving up your project another thing might look  weird is some of the views but i think it has quite nice flow maybe  it has a bit too small cheek on the side at this point it just go for preference  and the more you're gonna scope   the different preference you're gonna get and  your preference is gonna be a bit more clear and more corrupt on how you put in the shapes let's not forget to shape the bottom and i'm just gonna finish up with the neck you will see that a small change events  on those changes how everything looks so without changing too much i'm  just gonna leave it on at this and that's it now um i see a lot of people representing their scopes  in very bad way i'm just adding one light one   simple let's say sun because and i get is the  easiest to control let's go into render mode they add more light so the face is visible and this is probably how 99 of the   beginners head sculpts look like which  you're not helping your head at all um what i like to start it's getting a nice hddrs you can download and install them i like this one a lot i can add some strength  you can use scene lights add blur some opacity i think the rotation is is decent don't be afraid to add add some of the  properties of the rendering add a high contrast and probably can add some subsurface but better not um the head's usually never a good look try getting a good mat cap and can actually make it a bit lighter i believe some people don't know how to render from the view pretty simple you can go to  view and import render image and you're gonna get a little bit  better results um but okay guys um i think that's it for the tutorial thank you very much uh for watching this   if you have some questions you can go  ahead and ask but it's gonna be it am well first i guess congratulations  for finishing and see you next time
Channel: Just Tis Arts
Views: 1,054,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender Tutorial, Blender sculpting, Blender2.9, Blender 2.9, Sculpting, Anatomy, Detailed, Overdraw, Annotation, Head, Female, Woman, Man, Nose, Lips, Mouth, Ears, Eyes, Begginer, Advanced
Id: 3Dw8FwCi5aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 28sec (5668 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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