Proportions and shapes of the human head in 1 hour

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so guys in this video as you know i will do this guy from a sphere and i will tell you as much as i can about the forms about the ears about the nose about the mistakes the people that i will even do those mistakes and then repair them i will even in the beginning do some little drawing with um proportions tell you about the proportions of the face of the eye width how many eyes are in the width of the face and all that stuff until we get to this point and it will be a good exercise if you do this with me and try to achieve a similar result when listening especially when i say it's important to listen and especially when i say it's important to leave your tablet or phone and just watch and listen then it's important to listen because there are a lot of things that i will say a lot of probably it will be useful for you to watch this video a couple of times but i think the information in this video will be pretty much invaluable for you so watch it and learn okay guys now just different a little bit we will start by drawing a little bit and i will show you how i used to draw a human face from front and it will be very interesting because i will show you how to draw the features of the face by drawing only the shadows only the dark parts and it's very very interesting so stay with me here now first what i do by drawing a man which is kind of a superhuman or just a regular very strong man will be just two kind of straight lines down this will be the sides of the face they are pretty straight and then from here we will go and make the jaw and then the chin it's very straight forward then we will go down this will be our neck and then this will be our traps pretty easy the neck is just straight down from the jaw and then we will do a little bit of a v shape here which will be our neck and a little bit of a triangular shape here for the adam apple now next thing we want to do is to make a kind of circular shape in the top which will be the top of the head like you can see by the way uh notice my head it's kind of straight here and then the circular shape of the top is not exactly circle it's a little bit sharp it's a little bit like a roof so bear in mind that uh the top of the head is different in different people it's never a perfect circle or maybe it is but sometimes on some freak people so uh it will be kind of irregular shape sometimes it's more squarish sometimes it's like mine like a kind of a roof of the house so next thing i want to do i want to establish where my eyes will be this is a main proportion landmark for the face when we make the face like this of course we want to see where the the ice will be so let's kind of see where it starts and when it finishes it starts in the top of the head and finishes on the chin so from the top of the head to the chin we have this distance and this distance will have its middle around here and around at this middle level will be our eyes this is what everybody knows yes but sometimes these eyes are a little bit more up they sometimes are a little bit more down if we want a strong male character with big chin and stuff like this we will make the eyes a little bit more up on this so let's make them a little bit more up and i will make them here and you may wonder why i'm doing the eyes like this why i'm not doing the eyes like they are supposed to be drawn uh like this and the eye here and the upper eyelid and everything now and the lower eyelid why am i doing this because if you notice my eyes like this when i'm doing this mainly look you see the the fat pad above the upper eyelid is kind of pressing down of the eye and making it look more straight on the top and then here and here it will be okay let me zoom in a little bit it will be easier so this i will draw only the upper eyelet not the lower eye because i told you i will draw only or mostly with shadow and since the upper eyelid is the thing that are that is yeah this is the pupil inside uh the upper eyelid is the something that's uh kind of making the shadow there we will draw it so if you notice my eyes now where is the eyebrow when i'm giving you this manly look the eyebrow is just above the upper eyelid so if on the upper eyelid we can see it here this is the the fat the eyebrow will be just above it like here and i will not draw a unibrow like mine i will draw a regular thick male bro bro yeah eyebrow so yeah and here also we can give it a little bit of a darker look because under the eyebrow the eye goes inward so it's always darker than the rest of the face most likely so this is one so we have also one more landmark now which is the eyebrow line and why is it important you know most common mistake that i've seen when people are drawing or sculpting faces is that they are taking the eye line and the chin and in the middle of that they are putting the bottom of the nose which is wrong in so many levels the nose should be more up and it should be in the middle between the eyebrow line and the chin between the eyebrow line which is more up and the chin so around the middle should be the bottom the most bottom part of the nose if you see my nose see the most bottom part is here so the nostrils even the nostrils are more up than that they're not in the most bottom part the most bottom part is like this and then you see the nostrils are here for example yeah i'm not super good at drawing but we will draw in shadow so let's draw a little bit of a nostrils and then we will draw the shadow below the nose because when the light is going from up down the nose will throw shadow we will not draw anything in this area although we can basically draw a little bit of this arches here because here the nose in the upper part is going most forward until it meets the corners of the eyes and one more landmark that you should open your ears for is very important and i i'm not sure i did it right this time is uh the head is five eyes wide so the width of the eye is going five times into the width of the head in this in the widest point which is around here so uh it should be like one eye here one eye here one between those eyes and one right here and in my case my eyes here are pretty big so i would like to kind of give them a little bit of a oops yeah i will try to make them smaller which couldn't happen yeah this is okay let me put a little bit of a white background below this okay and now i will take one of the eyes because they are now interestingly separated and i will move it a little bit away from the other one so now the distance between the eyes now is one eye which is great so the nose remember make it not in the middle between the eyes and the chin but a little bit more up because it's in the middle between the eyebrow and the chin but if your eyebrows is like this maybe it will not be in the middle but these are general landmarks so yeah the next thing below the eyes below the middle of the eyes we'll draw lines and this lines will represent where we put our mouth so the mouth i always see people mistaking the position of the mouth they always do it like this let me show you between the nose line and the chin they make a middle line around here and they put their mouth in there you see what happens somewhere like this it's not exactly good so what we should do is take this distance between the nose and the chin this distance separate it in three so one two separate it in three parts one two three parts and in the first part near the nose this is where your mouth will be the middle of the mouth will be here okay and okay so the mouth itself will be like m a stretched m and also the upper l uh the upper lip will be also like m shape most of the time you will see it in the scope a little bit later and we will have this kind of thing but i will not draw this we need only the shadows and the last thing i will draw of the mouth here is the bottom lip but remember never do this even in drawing or in in sculpting never kind of align the sides of the lower lip because you need only the middle part of the lower lip like this you don't need the sides you need only the middle part and you can do this and now what is missing is the ears and where the ears will be they will be between the nose line which is this one here the bottom of the nose and the eyebrow line so there will be big ears here pretty big ears and i will show you by the way a very interesting way to remember how to kind of make the shape of the ear in scoping and maybe also in drawing but this will be later so now you see this now he seemed like his head is a little bit too small here because we drew the eyes a little bit more up than they should be so what we can do is select the upper part of the head and move it slightly upward a little bit and then everything is a little bit you know and then we connect it here and we have this kind of hat let's delete most of the things and we see what kind of is left after that so now we kind of have our proportions right and our guy is okay we can add of course this thing here which is you see it my in my head this is the um this is by the way the skull is visible here this is the arch of the skull here the the the eyeball where it sits the yeah and we can draw also this a little bit here this is bigger this we can smile him a little bit and we can draw those interesting lines which are from the ear where it connects on the top on the skull not from here but from the ear on the you see where i'm going and here and to the chin and these lines we can fill them a little bit with dark and it will give us a little bit more detail and here of course we have dark beneath the chin because you know this is much more upward and also we can do a little bit of this and also this kind of things here that you can see in my head too they are from the corners of the eyebrows up and away they go you know and they're pretty pretty prominent in some people and some people not so much but i will show you how to scope them also so this basically are the proportions of the face let's see how this works in zbrush how this works in practice so we have the sphere of course i always start with a sphere almost always but now i'm starting with the sphere again and we'll make the helmet shape again let's make the helmet shape so with the move brush i just move the front part of the sphere down i have my symmetry on of course i will move the sides a little bit to accumulate to make this jaw line a little bit you can see it here and here and then from the sides i will kind of flatten it but a little bit more forward i will flatten it a little bit more on the forward side until it goes to the chin almost so i will get this kind of area here from those temporal lines here down to the chin some kind of a line and of course the chin is not established it should be kind of a flat line like we saw on the simplification i drew you and then what i see uh is people are not making the jaw kind of nice enough you have to kind of fix it until from the front view you have you have this weight we have flat and then side side and then kind of flat on the sides thing then you will have of course the ears will make the ears it will be interesting and since this head now is pretty thick it's pretty kind of white you can see my head it's pretty narrow so i'm aiming for this narrowness mostly but let's see so move it with move brush let's put perspective and let's see what perspective we can use we can use 85 which is the the least perspective we can get but still have perspective in the back by the way when i was flattening you see we have these edges these edges we will not use them but in the back especially we need to smooth it we don't need edge in the back so i will go and smash the head even more to make it more narrow and now i will smooth the top and from the side view also important open your ears very important don't make the head don't leave it like a balloon this is the most common mistake maybe to leave the head look like a balloon the head doesn't look like it looks more like a square if you can see the skull here so this skill is very nicely made it's not made by me but it's very nicely made and it's mostly like a kinda like a square even you can see that let me show you even you can see that this is going like this and this is flat but even it goes a little bit dimple in here and then goes like a front with uh with the forehead so uh i will not make that much of a thing but whatever and the next thing i always like to do and some people are not doing it some people are doing is the neck and for the neck i can say a lot for the neck okay invert the mask and just do the neck so for the neck i can say this many people are leaving the neck as it is like this don't do this first the neck isn't starting from here it doesn't start from the end of the jaw it start much more forward it starts from let's see this guy by the way here it could be a little bit of yeah you see see this guy this little guy here you can see and you can kind of look for him as inspiration the neck the the forward part of the neck from the side view starts from the middle of the jaw so if the jaw is here here and here and of course you have this kind of a flat area here this triangle from the sidewall the jaw doesn't stop from here the the neck the neck starts from around this area down it starts from here and animaple stuff like this and the sternocleidoma sternocleidomastoid sternocleidomastoid something like this is this muscle here which is pretty important we have to do it we have to also where will be our ear i always say the ear is uh starting from the middle of the face so the middle of the face if it is here the ear will start from here back so uh you see how the front of the face from the ear front is pretty big and the back from the ear back is very small it's like one ear and a half uh [Music] kind of a thick the back here this this part is very small so that's why that is because the the whole of the ear is around this area and then the whole kind of a mesh the whole form of deer is behind that so we will do that we also will do a little bit of this then we will push here because when we are drawing from the side view we have to push then we will draw the nose the lips and then we'll draw the jaw then we'll draw the mouth but the mouth will be uh much much much at the end of this video because i want to show you that you don't have to hurry with the mouth the mouth is not kind of as important in the beginning in the beginning there are more things that are important much more things that are important in the face rather than the mouth the mouth is maybe the least important thing the mouth kind of the shape of the mouth and everything is like more like a secondary form you have to get the forms of the skull and the forms of the head right and what are the forms of the head by the way the forms of the head are bones in the first place which is the skull then you have muscles and you have also fat and also some cartilage but it's only for the nose and i think the ears so mostly bones muscles and fat so i'm just shaping a little bit the head because it kind of started to look the top of the head started to look more squarish i wanted to be more like my head which is more like a kind of a torpedo hit a little bit you see this kind of a bump in here like going up but it's it's okay it's okay i'm uh i'm okay with that so let's try to put the ear up i don't care where to put i can put it here i don't care i can move it then download but of course it will be good to to put it around the place that it should be and then one more pretty big mistake that people are making is not making the ear go kind of a away enough from the head and they're making this which is not good you have to do this in the beginning you do this then you kind of squeeze it you see how the ear is going backwards like this and of course we will kind of adjust the shape afterwards but first we need to kind of kind of dig this ear out and put it away from them from the head a little bit more this way we'll be able to shape it and then put it back into the head and for now i will leave it as this shape which is kind of decent i mean it's fine let's kind of decrease a little bit the chin and then i will try to make this shape of the shape of the jaw straight shape and here i will add more material because i want to have this this thing here you see this and then the jaw is starting going upward and you get this kind of a triangle here from the side view which i am talking about okay okay with the move brush i will move it down just the center of it and we'll get that that triangle this is sharp cornering here because we have a bone here that everything is attached to it yeah we have a bone there which is uh strange because this bone is not connected to any other bone it's just a bone here around this area i'm not sure where it should be around here somewhere yeah they say it should be there so i'm i'm believing them i will push this down a little bit because i want him to be more aerodynamic you see like this it's not very aerodynamic it's like um like a land rover but if you do this a little bit it becomes a mercedes so yeah so now i will just dynamesh a little bit maybe like 80 let's see 80 dynamesh yes smooth and then let's do this sternocleidomastoid muscle and sternocleidomastoid why is it called like that and why am i why am i remembering it since i don't quite remember this kind of uh latin names of the muscles uh because this muscle is connected to the sternum which is this bow tie bone exactly in the middle of your chest here which all the ribs are going to still the sternum the clavicle sterno clyde collido must do it is this process here behind the ear so uh sternocleidomastoid sternum collider mastoid in the back so in the back this muscle in the back of your ear is kind of more flat and then when it goes down it becomes more prominent but you have to watch for references you don't just uh invent it you have to watch for references how it is so this is the sternocleidomastoid is here it's not super visible even on lean and very very muscular persons it's not super visible but it's better to do it so this is of course the traps in the back i'm doing because they will help kind of establish the overall look of our head and i think this is it for now of course there's one more thing this sternocleidomastoid i just attached it only to the sternum now let's attach it to the clavicle here in the side and when we attach it and smooth then we will see this kind of a straight line from the jaw to the to the clavicle almost is this straight line from the front we see it as a straight line from the side we don't see it exactly as a straight line so yeah that's it that's it for the neck but pay attention to the neck don't neglect it you always have a neck and it always has to be there if you neglect the neck your head even if it's very nicely done it will not be very nice the other thing also kind of important is when you look your head from the front look my head you don't see the beginning of my ear when you look exactly from the front that's why this is why because the head is kind of from the ear it's going outward a little bit and then forward and then kind of inward so we have to do this outward and just move the ears inward let's see if we can do this move the ears inward okay smooth and now let's see so uh let me show you a skull this is the skull this is below here is the skull i will try to show you the skill so this is the skull i did this by the way skull and the whole skeleton by the way i will use in my future in my next course by the way but let's say no more for now it will be an anatomical and we will talk about the hit even more in this course so let me show you the skull now why from the ear downward and forward will be our cheekbone and it's very important landmark because let's see in this guy you see it here and it's kind of always visible in this kind of guys but let's go to our superman guy and see what's going on here we see this line here let me kind of try to draw it over his head if i can in this case probably i will not be able to but sometimes yes so yeah sometimes it happens okay let me make it a little bit bigger his head and let's try to draw over it if we can again thank you no okay we can do it now now i cannot remove this line but whatever so this is kind of the line of his cheekbone this here would be the line of his um the orbital or orbit of the eye here and here it will go like this uh his uh nose the skeleton the ch the the skull will be here and then this part here that's going down is uh kind of a partly muscle partly some fat in here and this part in the back here is mostly the chewing muscle here so that's the things that we have to kind of worry about in this guy and also in our guy probably so let's try to do it so for the for the forehead by the way you see my forehead it's not flat and then sideways sideways although it's kind of sideways you have these planes in here but after that it's more like roundish here so in my case it's a little bit more flat so i will kind of flatten this area and we have to establish the ice in order to be able or the eye orbits in order to be able to make the exact temporal line this line in here from the eyebrow so let's put the eyes i will put them in the approximately center of the face around here both eyes like this and in the middle i will leave the space for the nose you see just a short space for the nose but from the side view with the move brush i will move this a little bit more inward because i know that you know how you have this kind of thing and then going inward and then the nose and of course i will just dig above this area here and then the temporal line will kind of appear above it you see how it happens the temporal line is around here it was not where i kind of made the first space for it so now what we can do about it so now i see many people are making if you go to this level i mean if you go to this you're already in a very right very nice place but now you need to do something interesting we will start with a clay tools brush in this case and we will start in the beginning of the eye here and start dragging kind of sideways and then down like this you see and then more and more and then i will smooth it you see what i have done now i have kind of the orbit of the the eye now i have the cheek i will dig it a little bit more inward and uh i will i can have also the the bottom part of the cheek visible here the cheekbone the cheekbone will be not super visible except for very very thin people because we have fats in here we have muscles and only the bottom part like this will be kind of visible of the cheek which is okay for us then i will smooth this and we will have a decent shape of our head already which is fine so next thing i want to do i want to do the nose so for the nose i will show you the nose and the mouth right now how to not do it so the nose what people are doing is digging here all the way down adding nostrils pushing pushing and leaving it something like this you see and this kind of yeah and maybe like this this could work but it's not exactly you see because the nose in the top area in the top part of the nose it's kind of narrow but then it becomes i will show later and the mouth very importantly very much i see this upper lip lower lip between okay what's the problem with my head hmm i'm not sure it's it's pretty nice it's pretty nice looking for uh yeah i don't know it's mayan sculpture or something but let's be real now uh for the for the nose you see how the nose is getting kind of wider in the here it's narrow almost all the way to the to the eye you see and it's pretty much a long way in to the eye so it's here the eye will start around here let's make kind of a bump for the eye and then let's make a little bit of a fat on the top and the side of this bump and let's make a little bit of a you know that um the eyebrow actually when we frown it's going uh lower than the upper part of the eye arch or whatever yeah so we will do that and the nose we will kind of make it wider here and connected to the face not as if it's kind of uh stuck into the face but really connected to the face which is fine what am i doing now and i will flatten this area just to simplify it so simplifying it make it making everything with simple planes is a very good way to start a face making it more like stylized and from the side view you see how the nose is starting and the the mouth is going just beneath and the nostril is starting just here it's it's not good we have to have let me show you what we have to have the nose then the nostril will be around here it doesn't matter but the the lower part here the mouth will start from the middle around the middle part of the nose here okay not from the nostril okay so this is very important this is one of the most common mistakes again so i see a lot of common mistakes and in many heads i see this the nose starting from here although it should be like going inward in here and then outward in this area because the mouth is from the bottom the mouth part all the mouth part is like a horseshoe a little bit like going uh not exactly to the teeth because we have a lot of flesh like in this area but around the teeth is kind of safe but and by the way here for the chin i will always dig a little bit for the chin and then smooth it and now we will have a very good position of our mouth we can make our mouth go there and it will be proud to go in this place before that it will not be proud definitely so here what i'm doing is i'm kind of doing this kind of a plane that's below the eye so you see from the side view the eye is here the lower eyebrow will be around this area below it will have you see this shadow below the lower eyebrow lower eyebrow is kind of a it's kind of defined you see it and below it we have this shadow and then we will have the eye back which will be positioned inside the rest of the eye socket of the skull and then we'll have some fat going in here and if this fat is very prominent and it's uh kind of sagging the guy will look old if this fat is kind of strong and not so sagging and smooth the guy will look younger that will determine your or girl also by the way but for the girl anatomy we will talk maybe another time this is for a guy anatomy so now what i like in here is my the head of our guy is still too white which is also a thing and many many times i see this when you extract the ears don't extract the head with the ears the head should stay in one place this should be flat here or relatively flat so yeah let's see the ears starting from the eyebrows to the nose i think it's good so let me show you about the years the form of the years is the question let me make a little bit this is a question mark you see so the question is why this is a y shape inside the ear here so we have the question and then you have y inside the question is why let me show you exactly how it is here so i will make this question mark and the ear is shaped basically like a question mark yeah almost okay uh the question mark will go in a spiral and go very much deep in here and go like a snail something you see spiral deep in here but the y will be also here of course i don't have too much of a resolution now to make it and the y will start from here up this will be the question mark and of course if you want the dot of the question mark you can make earrings for example it's not a problem and from the front the ear should have something like this shape oops not like this maybe like this if you are an elf why not that's okay but mostly it will have kind of a decent ear shape because it's the ear you know it couldn't have a nose shape probably if it's a nose in this area of the body i will be kind of surprised pretty much surprised to see a nose here but yes nothing is impossible i mean the world is big and they could be surprises so now i'm what i'm doing here as i'm making this kind of a plane this here here here and uh and i make it go inward in this area just above the the cheek is going inward and just above the um the orbit here of the of the eye and then temporal line and the top also a little bit in in the skull this is very much inward let me show you but uh yeah it's super in and if we make it in our model a little bit not so much like in the scale because you have muscle and mostly muscle in here but maybe some fat also you cannot do it i mean it will not be appropriate to make it so much in except if the guy is very very thin very very slim but otherwise no so what else we should do maybe the the chin now is too much forward it's too masculine and i will make the chin go a little bit more down so my idea is that i need more space for between the nose and the and the chin i need more space because there i will put them out and i have to have pretty big chin because he will be strong and also i would like to make this kind of line in here and then push behind it so below this line i will push a little bit and this line will be like this and also what i like to do is from the corner of the eye down here is the bottom part of the eye socket and then we'll go and continue this here and then we'll go continue this back in here and then we can kind of push it even more in this area and i can smooth it especially in here if i want him to be younger i will even add some muscles that are connecting uh the cheekbone the cheekbone to the to the mouth to the lip that are kind of helping a smile and everything there here and if you're young those muscles kind of flatten this area here uh you don't have that much wrinkles in here so it's fine and the other thing is that the nostrils has to go inward just in this area here you see it's going outward and then suddenly inward but not anymore not in here in the top they just are visible but not going inward that much maybe the nose here should be a little bit more white even but sometimes i even like to do this and smooth because from here down you have this kind of a fat pad which you can draw you cannot draw when you look at people especially in movies and something you can you will notice you will definitely notice this fat pad going in here and also in many people which are especially the oldest people also we have some fat pets in this area which are sagging with the age and we're getting this we get fat parts in here which are sagging everything is sagging and we get this kind of a old look but now we are not aiming for that so let's keep it more like uh young and nice and the the one thing you can do to make him look more masculine even is you don't have to kind of do the jaw like this although you can but it's not that sharp but you can just do a little bit of a circle here and then smooth almost all of it but not the front part and it will be your jaw muscle your chewing muscle which is kind of okay then here i will make this and now we are probably ready for one little mouth let's do the mouth because this video is starting to get a little bit ugly i mean huge so i will push this little area below the nose this will be this thing here but don't do this i've seen a lot of people doing very white no it doesn't need to be white it needs to be just normal size and then you make the mouth how to make them out just draw the upper lip draw the lower lip and between and this is the mouth no don't do this no no no no just follow my lead now okay okay stop watching uh cats in your next monitor stop watching your phone just concentrate now because this is very important i always see not even not even only beginners doing the mouth wrong so the mouth should be like okay let's put it a little bit more up than the middle of the face than the middle of part of between the nose and the chin and we put it like kind of a we dig the ends the corners of the mouth and then we do the mouth to the front but the corners we dig them deep and now you see decent lips a little bit thin but decent so next thing i want to do carefully you have to have lower polygons like i do otherwise you will not be able to smooth that much we will go with the clay tubes and just dig the sides of the lower lip here we dig them and now you see it's getting a little bit more interesting okay so never gonna go and move the upper lip forward like this but rather move it upward just upward and now the distance between the nose and the lip is pretty ridiculous so i will move it move it down and i will move also this center part a little bit more down and it's starting to look kind of nice but i have to just dynamesh it a little bit so now you see it's looking kind of decent but still the lower lip is not exactly nice so never i will even flatten this area here on the sides of the lower lip and i will leave only this trapezoid form in here like a plane in the middle and i will dig even more between the lips i'll dig it dig it and then from the lower part i will dig the sides of the upper lip too and then smooth it because i want the upper lip to come from the inside and out you see let me show you again i want it oops i want it to come from the inside and out and here by the way don't do this from the bottom view just to have like this don't leave it like coming from nowhere this is a hole in here it comes from the hole okay yeah you have to experiment a little bit i will smooth the sides i will smooth this too and i will kind of push the lower lip and smooth it and if your guy is starting to look like like this or something just smooth just smooth all the the mouth and then redo it like this so this as you see is a little bit of a flattened or stepped on m shape then the the upper lip itself i can make i can even push a little bit more here you see now it's looking kind of decent the sides here i always like to push and make this kind of a dimple on the sides of the lip and smooth it and make it and smooth it and even make it bigger and smooth it you see it's kind of nice smooth now uh our guy has pretty kind of thick nose and also he maybe the nose should go a little bit more up the eyes could go a little bit more up and the mouth could go a little bit more down and he can have a lower lip because our lower lip now was too flat i can make it a bit like this and then i can make sharp corner just here in the middle and you see how it goes this is pretty flat in here we don't care about it it looks kind of nice what is missing is the nostrils the holes of the nostrils put them a little bit more back leave a space for this kind of a ball you see a ball let me show you in this guy the superman guy you see kind of a ball which by the way is not a ball exactly it's two parts like this going but they are kind of wider than the rest of the nose and it's fine and what i like to do here for the nostrils is to sharpen the corner and flatten the bottom part here and this allows me to [Music] to have a plane there when i have difficulties with some area i like to use planes i do the planes and then i smooth them and then they become kind of nice so be very careful of a few more things first from the let's make by the way the bulge of the of the eye above the eyebrows we have to have this kind of a bulging because it's a male especially from the side view it should look more like zbrush is saving yeah it looks like zbrush is saving and it's probably saving yeah so a little bit of bulging yes in some people it's a lot of bulging but in our case it shouldn't be a lot and also if we look from the bottom we have to push the eyebrow area a little bit more back it shouldn't be super flat there and also i don't like the look of him from the from the side also the neck should be kind of thicker okay and in the beginning you will not be able to see where your mistakes are this will come with experience a lot of experience even i like maybe three four years ago i wasn't quite able to see where my mistakes are one of the most common mistakes again i always say that but it's true is that people are making the face area smaller than the head what i'm what that mean is what i mean is that the face seems like face feature seems small and compact and the head is huge like a balloon so don't make a balloon also this is pretty fixable for example if my head was like like this i will say okay let's uh mask it and just increase the the face features and it will be fine i think so let's make a little bit of an i here eye against tie okay this is the upper eyelid here will be the bottom eyelet of course i will not make ice and everything i wanted this video to be short and straight to the point hopefully it's useful again even over my other videos of this kind of subject but we'll see what people will say so yeah we'll see how i'm making this kind of a flat area and then side and then this side like this then the bottom eyelet and on the side i will push it a little bit then we'll have a little bit of a this arch visible in here it will be okay this can go a bit but we have to be very careful never make this go to the side of the mouth like this it will go around it and around and this muscle always will be kind of between them between those things from the side view i still don't like it because the the forehead is a little bit too forward i would like him to be a little bit more lean back so i will just push with a very big move brush i will push it backward and also the bottom of the nose is a little bit not good i will pull it up and also do kind of a flat here flat here i will do some flat shapes just to be sure okay and here i will do this why i'm doing this so now this is the cartilage it's uh not the character this is the bone it's going to around here and then this is kind of thick after the bone ends it goes thinner and then this is the front part of the nose which is cartilage and stuff and it's kind of thick is the thickest part and the nose will start to look kind of decent it's not exactly the the perfect nose now but it will do for our presentation now because we don't have other nose we have only this nose now so this guy looks like a fighter and bruiser and everything because he has a harsh kind of a face but that's how i want you to kind of remember those things here this thing here so if you want to make a super human not superhuman but kind of a hard man or fighter or whatever for a video game or for your own project which almost everybody wants to do i know i do i mean not anymore but once i was a young artist i always wanted to do this kind of a harsh guy and his nose is pretty kind of sharp we can do this to make him harsher harder yeah harder not not so much i don't like him like this by the way sometimes your head can look like this you just have to take your move brush and move it back like this and also move everything back maybe move only the nostril part here also back a little bit you can move the nose back you can move the mouth up you can move everything as long as it fits your kind of character and you like it now it looks kind of nice and by the way if i add here you will see he'll look even better let me show you just a little bit of a haircut it's nothing too much i just want to show you with here how he will look not not as a villain that much much more like a superhero or a superman even you see the hair is everything that's why i look like a lex luthor and he's bald ah there are not so many bold superheroes except for the rock but what kind of superhero he was a black adam yeah i don't know all right this looks kind of kind of decent so don't don't remember remember neck you have to kind of make the atom apple you have to make this sternocleidomastoid muscle uh the jaw you have to establish the jaw don't make a balloon shape and put kind of a face features on it it will not work it will not work very good for you for the for the eyes i have a separate video of course for the eyeballs and stuff maybe i will make another ones i will pay more attention to the eyes to the nose to the shapes in my anatomy curves that i'm preparing now i haven't even started it yet by the way because i'm lazy and i have other things on my head but yeah i'm kind of training for it let me show you by the way what i am doing now and it's here in this file but for this video i've trained a lot i made this head this head this head this head you cannot see it that much but yeah this head this head this head this head and this and this and this and suddenly this is the the result of our video now but let me show you some kind of bodies oops yeah this doesn't have so many things maybe i was lazy about it but yeah this is kind of nice because it has even here and yeah something like this will make in the in the anatomy course with everything with all the muscles explained the forms everything for a kind of big human and of course we'll use this skeleton as a base for this our guy maybe could go a little bit more up to fit into the skull and more forward and he will fit almost perfectly into our skull not exactly by the way because the orbits of the eyes are a little bit on a different space place we can move it a little bit but still it's kind of decent let's see transparency yeah it's almost nice the nose is almost in the right place the jaw and the the temporal lines and the ear by the way is almost exactly where it should be according to the skull it looks fine i like it by the way uh when i say i like it it's decent don't ever like your work a lot because it's not good you have to hate it not hate it but you have to know that you can do better or you have to try to do better all the time i mean if you kind of like it and say okay i'm good enough it's it will be the end of your artistic june journey at least until you kind of say okay let me just become better i'm making him thrown a little bit very uh super manish you know like i like it i like how it goes so that's it for this video guys and i hope it was interesting for you this is my kind of uh pack for for the for the upcoming anatomy think i will show you i will draw over the muscles here show you the the biceps the triceps the brachialis where it goes this kind of a brachioradialis muscle and all of this kind of muscles here fingers i will not tell you the know the names of all the muscles because i don't know them i know some muscles like biceps and triceps i don't know any others but still i know the form sign of the shapes and all the muscles where they start where they go which is kinda enough for me to draw them and to sculpt them this is my skill by the way uh from few years ago it looks kind of decent it has some issues but it's fine these are some very nice scopes that i found in the internet it's um this this one is i'm i'm very i mean there are a little bit of problems here in devices but other than that the it's super nice so yeah this will be it for this week now you see i'm uh i'm not uploading uh so much recently i don't have too much time but hopefully this video will be kind of good for you and see you in the next or in the course that i will do bye for now
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 207,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oY9XybQRxzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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