My way of thinking when modelling a concept in Blender

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[Music] okay guys so in the beginning when we start the concept we look at the concept and we want to start modeling it okay so we have the sphere of course and the sphere what is the sphere the sphere is the main thing so it's the head it's this part of the head and from it we need to extract some things in this case we need to extract the nose let me show you now so this will be our sphere it's this thing the main shape and then we will extract a nose here yes and all these things we will extract it and then we will start thinking about other forms but in the beginning we need to extract this we need to extract ears at some point although the ears are not as important but for the whole shape for the whole um let's say anatomy of the thing we need the ears we need also this the beard and the teeth of course at some point but they are not as important in the beginning the most important thing is the following let me show you so I get my move brush or the grab brush in blender and I just grab it and move it so this is our nose the the top of the head of this saber-toothed cat or saber tooth lion or a tiger doesn't matter is very flat so it's very flat from the nose back to behind the ears even it's kind of one flat area a little bit round but flat there is no forehead or something to talk about so let's do this I'm pushing the nose also here because you can see the nose the bottom of the nose here is kinda going uh inward from the top of the nose to the bottom nose Inward and then we will see how it will go but in the beginning we just need to have something the other thing I will make the nose like this and the head overall will be wider than the North shape and we even can have a little bit of a inward part in the middle of the nose so we have this and now I will get my ears so I will just extract them like this this easy extraction of ears just pull them out of the shape you know usually when I use um when I sculpt heads but human heads uh I want to be a little bit more exact with the ears that's why then I just mask you revert the mask and extract dealers but in this case we don't need that we need overall shape of this cap saber tooth cat so as we can see I'm doing the nose here the nose we have this shape down okay we don't have the teeth because we don't need them but maybe you notice maybe you don't but I will I will tell you that this is very low poly and uh you may tell that this is too low pull you cannot do it but as you can see with this super low polygon count I can definitely see already that we have something that's looking relatively fine you see it's looking relatively fine okay I can admit that I have done this concept couple of times before this video which is normal because in order to to be able to teach you something I have to understand it completely so that's why I practice and if you have to do something like a concert or anything I advise you to do it couple of times first time spend like three four five hours on it and you will be able to get familiar with the whole thing then the second time just starts from scratch I know it's uh seems like a waste of time but every time you do it I promise you you will get better this is a thing that you need to just practice and practice always makes you a little bit better every time now I'm pushing here because this will be my eyes and as you can see they're a little bit more inward but the idea is that the nose and the eyes are connected by this line here this a little bit darker line here it's not a little bit darker it's very visible the line between the nose and the mouth and this line we will make but now we just need to make that scene that it's kind of there I'm trying to work as much as possible in this low poly model because this will make my work a lot easier afterwards since I cannot go into much detailing here and yes when I was a younger artist there are other older artists that I was learning from and they were saying the same thing they were saying start low try to keep yourself low and then go higher but the urge was too big and I was going higher a little bit earlier but with practice I learned that yeah tried to squeeze as much as possible from this low poly you know from the low poly mesh it's difficult I know uh when I was in it was difficult because you don't have the experience you don't have the practice you don't know how to do it you know at some point you are like but I cannot do more with this ultra low poly but as you can see it's looking kinda like the concept already alright it's just the main forms are very similar and we have them and we can continue by just remaking so now in the newer blender when you're trying to call out the mesh not the mesh but the the grid for remeshing you don't press shift R anymore you press R just R and then you just go 0.06 or 7 or whatever and then Ctrl R to remesh but as you can see it's not symmetrical so we go here in the upper corner and symmetrize it so now it's symmetrical and we can continue this amount of polygons that I have now are completely sufficient for what I'm about to do now I'm smoothing because I need to gather my thought or something and now I will make the Triangular shape of the nose as you can see the front of the nose is pretty triangular although from the top view this will be an arch which is going backwards but other than that it's pretty triangular then we have a little bit of a lip and then we go back with this lip here we have to have place for our teeth which we will add a little bit later but now you see that this looks almost good you know which is good which is great okay now as I said practice is the key now I'm using a lot of brushes here not a lot I'm using just a few brushes I'm using the grab brush which is very important one of the most important brushes I'm using the draw sharp brush to make sharp things like this just to sharpen a little the draw sharp brush then I'm using the grub brush for example to do this because I see there are some kind of you know eyebrows which are not like mine my is almost one eyebrow I don't know it was heavier here but now it's not whatever so we have this and uh yeah again draw sharp brush yeah I can tell you a little bit of the brushes here but it doesn't matter that much the purpose of this lesson is to kind of give you an idea how I think about the concept when I start doing it because the first few hours of making one concept is are the most important most likely because this is your base if your base is flawed maybe you will not be able to you know to make whatever you do the whatever flavor you put afterwards it will not do I mean if it's if you put a lot of sugar on it and cover it with chocolate and everything at the end it will be a although beautiful although it may smell a little bit better but it will be so you have to just put you know more effort into the beginning stages and the beginning stages are actually where I master at why because I train a lot in the beginning stages I always start with a sphere I do something and when I uh reach a certain point I usually uh gave up I'm not interested anymore that much except when I'm working for some project for a company or for freelance then I finish it but the idea is that finishing it is not the hard part the hard part is beginning it and and continuing it and reaching up to a point that everything is looking great and then you can spend your time doing details you can spend your time uh you know making it prettier but you have to reach this stage which is the difficult part now what I'm noticing here is I need to just do you know this kind of uh you know going down here the upper lip is going down like a little bit of a like a dog or a cat as we can see here or a lion because this some people say that those are saber-toothed Lions some people say there are tigers but overall it's a saber-toothed cat uh whatever it is I mean lion or not I don't care nobody cares maybe some people care okay it's cool it's cool if you care about the saber-toothed cat it's okay but now we are on the stage that overall it looks relatively fine we need to put some details now we need to dig the ears we need to put a little bit more here before the ears and just to cover the ears the beginning of the earth a little bit then we need ice but now we will not be able to have eyes because we don't have this we have a little bit less geometry than we're supposed to have for the eyes but overall as we can see we are pretty well in this point now I'll press R and increase the geometry usually I will play a little bit more in the in this stage in the later stage in the latest in the latest stage but in this case case I don't want to lose your time so I will go up one level in the geometry and up one level what that what does that mean what what does it mean at one level what is it upon level means like double the geometry for example or triple the geometry but not not more than that double or triple the geometry in blender what does that mean is when you press R in the latest blender 3.5 because before that it was shift R but now it's just R and then let's just see it from the back so R and you see 0.02 If It Go lower than that it will be less uh dense I mean more dense geometry and if we go up you see the the polygons this this is the actual size of the polygons that you will have in our case we need the polygons to be like double the size I mean double the density so less size but the idea is yeah you know what I mean probably if you don't know ah yeah it's difficult but practice is what you need many people are asking but what density should I use in the beginning what density in the beginning I always use the I always use the default density which is 0.1 I think and I work with it for a while now I'm using the pinch brush just to make this a little bit pinched and the pinch brush is with the the the p Key by the way I don't know why my keys are missing here they should be there ah they are here below this okay thank you very much Keys you're hidden like crazy okay but whatever it doesn't matter that much since this is not about blender although I'm mentioning some things about blender this is more about the way that you have to think or at least my thoughts how I think about the concept when I see a concept how I started from scratch how I started from a sphere because I usually do this I start from a sphere especially it's very useful to start from a sphere not from some kind of already ready model when you are sculpting something stylized when I was going to continue something highly stylized like cartoon character uh it's useful to start from just from scratch from sphere because then you have the freedom the artistic freedom to do it exactly as it is in the concept instead of uh you know trying to change some things from a ready mesh which usually is difficult to change maybe you will not be able to it's it's it's hard I prefer usually to start from absolutely from scratch and yeah I recommend it I may say because this gives you more experience uh that's for sure I mean you will be more experienced if you always start from sphere but at some point when you think you are good enough you can especially for human models even stylized you can start from base mesh which I don't I always start from sphere at least for now I always start from saying why many people are asking why are you starting from sphere isn't it more isn't it faster to start from a base mesh it depends maybe it's faster for most people for me it's it's kind of the same because I'm pretty fast and when I start from sphere the fun is the biggest I have much more fun when I start from a sphere and that's why I like to start from a sphere by the way if you want to see some of my courses and stuff because I sell courses of zbrush of blender of anatomy also you can check out links in the description to our station udemy and my other channel by the way which I do some lives they are pretty long like two hours I answer questions I do some very fast uh you know Concepts from scratch for two hours whole character it's uh yeah it's interesting so you can check it out in the description of this video but let's continue so now we have all the main things we have this uh the front part you see how it's like um like separated it's got like going down it's like uh hanging this Parts here and now we need ice and teeth how to do ice so I go to object mode I add a sphere then I go to edit mode and make it smaller in order to see it I will go out zip LG is x-ray mode yeah I'm talking about blender here because I think many people will be kind of it will be curious for many people how I work in blender because blender is even now it's not the most you know most used tool for sculpting for professionals at least but uh I consider myself professional and I'm using it so I think it's it's okay for professionals nowadays blender is completely okay now what I did is I made the eye then I duplicated the sphere and side skillet to the z-axis only and made the the tooth one of the teeth so this tooth will be our toot one of the teeth and the other one I will make with mirror so I will have to go here and adjust the mirror modifier and it will be okay we have two eyes and two teeth which is great now uh yeah those are you know easy things when you are sculpting digitally usually you want to be able to work faster and that's why we have symmetry a very important thing by the way so you work only on half of the object basically and the other thing we have is mirror when you have like eyes or teeth or even hands and then you mirror them to the other side so you do just one of them one arm one teeth one tooth in this case because we have just two but if you have more teeth you probably will have to do a couple of them on one side and then just mirror them to the other side which is great the eyes of course are the most important thing one of the most let's say not the most but yeah one of the most important things are the eyes now uh what I like to do now is increase maybe the geometry a little bit more so I can do my eyelids overall I'm happy with the result I'm happy with how the head is coming out and I will do one more R and then move to 0.9 or 0.1 uh 0.009 for example but warning here don't go too low if you go too low it could be a disaster for example if you go R and then you go like 0.0009 which is the lowest so three zeros after the point and then one and then you click on the screen and and control R most likely your computer will go I mean it will not blow up probably but it will freeze I did it my computers my laptop and my computer are uh 64 gigabytes of RAM very fast processors with a lot of cores but even they cannot handle this and they just freeze and I have to restart them from the bottom so don't do this just go 0.0 like let's say 0.09 or something and then it should be okay and then I smooth of course you can go a little bit lower with the number so a little bit higher part account but always be aware don't go too low too fast on the number I mean or too high on the poly count too fast because this will eat you I mean it's not good idea it's not a good idea at all so be careful with that and that's my uh thing now what I will do is I will very fast try to improve this model by just going and adding some like hairsing here for example just very quick this will in any case it will not be uh something to brag about but it will be a fast just a fast study which I recommend you to do sometimes I don't recommend these studies to be like 20 minutes like I did here I recommend them to be much much longer like two three hours at least yeah I'm pretty fast which you don't have to be fast is not a skill that you wanna achieve in the beginning in the beginning you want uh to be more precise and the speed is it will come eventually but don't pursue it in the beginning the speed is not your uh thing to to pursue in the beginning it's always the quality before quantity quantity is not as important now I'm doing what I'm doing is I'm getting the paintbrush and I am just you know putting some a little bit of a painting here and there just to you know to make it look a bit better better bro and it's starting to look a bit more professional I'm trying to make this video not very long because long videos on this channel particularly I don't like to do that much in my other channel I don't mind I mean I'm doing there very very long videos like two hours or something but there are lives so I think it's fine in this channel we have to try to make them a little bit you know not so long uh and what I mean by the other channel I mentioned it already it's the link is in the description of this video or at least should be because haven't made the video yet I mean I haven't made the description of the video yet but it will be there most likely yeah I'm trying to do this things that the artist's done has done uh just a little bit of uh you know things here and there just to make it look more uh interesting with those shapes and it's I think it's working should be at least I think it is it is working and it will be pretty great I don't like this completely but overall I am happy with the result we have yeah we might have a ponytail on the back or whatever it doesn't matter what matters is how it started how we think about the process that's what I wanted to show you how I think about this process and yeah what brushes I use and how I do it Fast and Furious in my case but as I said don't aim for the fastness aim for quality quality is difficult maybe I can make the rest kind of the body in my other channel as a life but we'll see all right thank you and uh yeah see you in the next video
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 19,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CYDU7x1Tkt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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