How To Skateboard For Adults Tutorial

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Been seeing a lot of fellow adults (how do you do, fellow kids?) here and honestly just found this guy's vibe to be super soothing and helpful. It's a nice change to watch a video by someone who's not half my age

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/COandChill 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Probably one of the best skateboard reviewer on youtube even though his channel is mainly about photography. Fun fact, he made a review about a Landyachtz skate that went really well (I think it was the Tugboat LY) and he decided to do more skate videos.

This guy is knowledgable, very eloquent. He just convinced me to get a dinghy (in another of his videos) although I was about to go for the tugboat.

Refreshing tips and reviews, much more in depth and soothing than most skate reviews videos online.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/thisistherythmof 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you very much for sharing your experience so that the rest of the community can grow. My better half and I just started skating in our mid thirties and some of your suggestions are very helpful. Others, like the helmet and protective pads, should have been a bit more obvious than they were when I started out.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/GyNmdLion 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a wholesome video, thanks for sharing bro!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/WarmBrownies117 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

dude has a very chill and smooth demeanour.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mcfilib 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I fucking love this guy. My younger sister was pretty insecure riding her skateboard in public, so I sent her this video. Helped me too. Chill dude.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sarajevo_x99 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's up this is ray welcome back hey this is going to be a fun video man because look about two years ago i did a review of a skateboard it was the land yachts dinghy that video became so popular um i think it's like at 140 000 views right now which is ridiculous because this is a photography channel and my photography videos don't go nowhere near that i get so many comments from people saying man you should start a skate channel um even asking questions about what gear to use so i decided you know what i need to do a follow-up so this video is not a gear review it's going to be a tutorial teaching adults how to skate the reason i say that there's tons of skate videos on youtube already but they're kind of tailored to kids it's different when you're an adult trying to learn we're not trying to fall 20 times a day we don't want bloody elbows and we're not going to be doing aerial tricks we just want to cruise you know what i'm saying so yeah that's the point of this video we're going to be teaching you how to skate um without killing yourself how not to look too lame in the process and uh to enjoy yourself so yeah if that sounds like something you're interested stick around i'm going to be checking out how to skate for grown-ups stay tuned okay first things first check this out we cannot talk about adults learning to skate without talking about safety uh it is very important that you wear helmet elbow knee pads and a lot of people even wear wrist guards because if you fall that's usually the first thing that's going to touch down first keep in mind it's like riding a bicycle you can't learn a bicycle without falling it's the same thing with skateboard and you're probably going to fall even more than learning on a bicycle because you're standing on something with wheels so it's very important once you have these pads on if you fall you won't really feel a thing and it's a good feeling jumping back up and you feel fresh keep in mind there's people out there who's if you come back with a bloody elbow they're going to secretly smile on the inside and say i told you so i told you you shouldn't be doing that so definitely protect yourself uh it's very important um you're going to see people even like me riding around not wearing any pads um it's different once you know how to skate and you're just cruising there's not a lot of falling going on but it's still smart to wear that especially in the beginning when you're learning so it's better to over protect and uh you'll thank yourself throughout the learning process all right there's something very important we have to talk about even before you start learning the skate ninety percent of the world uses their is right-handed right and the other ten percent is like left-handed it's very it's the same thing with skating ninety percent of the world is left footed first and the other ten percent is right foot so it's important to find out which is your dominant foot uh the only way to do that to figure it out is to try try both of them but what some people say is if someone were to push you from behind whichever foot you use to catch yourself that's your dominant foot i don't know how true that is though so what i recommend is start with your left foot since most of the world uses the left foot put your front foot on the rear bolts of the front truck put your toes right over those rear bolts in the middle of the board and give it a push see how it feels if it feels weird or awkward it's going to feel that anyway your first time try the other foot again right over the rear bolts of the front truck and see how it feels whichever foot feels more natural that's your dominant foot that's the one you want to learn on because you're going to learn much faster better and uh have less errors but i have to point out that professionals when they learn they have to learn to ride with both feet um because when they go up a ramp and come down they're coming down on the opposite foot and that's called coming down switch and if you're riding on on your opposite foot your right foot first that's called goofy uh it's not an insult that's just what they call it so just keep those things in mind figure out which is your dominant foot before you start learning [Music] let me okay so check this out one thing a lot of people ask me in the comments is what kind of board should i get and this is going to sound strange but it really doesn't matter the reason why i say that is like if you're learning to drive a car it doesn't matter what kind of vehicle you learn on but there's some vehicles it's easier for if you're learning in a car that you could see out of it's small it's easy to park you'll it'll be easier to learn than if you're driving a truck but either way you're going to learn so that's how it is with skateboards don't worry too much about what kind you get but one thing i will say is if you get a long cruiser board or a long long board it may feel a little sluggish um it may be just too big to make that corner turn on the sidewalk or if you get a board that's too small like a penny board both your feet probably won't even fit on it at the same time so you get my point it's good to get something in between that is comfortable for your feet the next most important thing is you can learn on a trick board with the little wheels but i recommend if you have a choice to learn on something like a cruiser with bigger wheels because these bigger wheels are going to run over rough pavement if there's a pebble there that pebble can stop the trick board little wheel while this one will run right over it so those are some things to keep in mind this will help you not fall as easier so if you have a choice i recommend start with a bigger wheeled type of cruiser okay so let's talk about foot position now that we know which foot is our front foot see these four bolts in front of my toes those are the bolts that cover and hold the trucks in place you want to put your toes right over the rear of the bolts and also you don't want to put your foot too far to the right or too far to the left if your foot is to the right i'm going to show you a video right now as you push you're going to be turning right and it's going to be hard for you to maintain stability and same as if you put it on the left side you'll be pushing and turning left and it's annoying when you're trying to learn so make sure you put it right in the middle toes over the rear of those bolts and give it that push and uh that's the best way for you to start off easy without having any troubles with balance all right check this out finally this is going to be your first skate lesson enough talking let's get to work first thing this you're going to do is of course you're going to put your front foot in position in the middle and just give it one push and i'm going to show you what's going to happen it's not going to be pretty the first time watch this going to put the board might be unsteady the board might shoot off in front of you like that make sure you get low soon as you push the board may be unsteady and it may shoot off behind you like that don't worry it's perfectly normal but the lower you are the easier it's going to be to react and one more thing when you feel unsteady like you're going to fall put the foot down first put your foot down before you start falling because if you have one foot down all you have to do is step off with the other much safer you're going to do this probably for days maybe a week or two until you feel comfortable where you can stand up and relax okay so here's something important probably everything's important but how do you steer on a skateboard you tilt the board to the left or to the right and it's always best you have to be kind of sideways this way you can tilt to your toe side or to your heel side and i'm going to demonstrate that right now it's a little more tricky because as soon as you push off on the board you want to reorient your feet sideways for that you have more leverage in in turning if you don't turn your front foot sideways that front foot won't have any leverage and it'll be your only back on your back foot doing the turning so let me demonstrate now how to rotate your feet as soon as you push off it's going to make it so much easier to turn one important thing to know is skateboarding is almost like a dance because you're constantly readjusting your foot position so for example let's say you're sideways for for better turning it's time to push again watch i'm sideways when i have to push i got to put this foot forward again before i push see what i'm saying so you can't push while your foot is sideways and you can't turn while your front foot is forward so you're constantly adjusting and it's kind of good it keeps your mind active they say there's a bump in the sidewalk you put your back foot on the tail lift it over it so you're always looking at what's going on on the road and readjusting your foot position another thing might happen you may see something a rough spot in the road you shift your weight to the back of the board so the front wheel will go over it easier yeah so there's always little techniques you'll find to make it better but always use these as like a beginning point how to skate and just remember continue to move that front foot whether you're pushing or turning all right check this out this is something i never really understood um if you're a woman want to skate and you go to a skate park you're going to see a bunch of guys um not enough women skate which i don't understand but when you go to the skate park and you see all those guys you may feel uncomfortable like you don't want to be around all these guys but the truth is guys aren't going to bother you at the skate park um they're not going to talk you to death they're pretty much going to leave you alone and what's cool about skate culture also is if you fall or if you mess up no one's really going to laugh it's kind of like an unwritten rule a respect rule so that's one cool thing about escaped culture so if you're a woman you want to learn to skate just do your thing because anyone who skates have to not care what other people think anyway so uh keep that in mind [Music] okay so look this is probably the most important thing to learn um and that is how to stop you probably notice throughout the video i'm dragging my right foot it's important to know how to stop because you may be picking up speed going down a hill and man if you reach a point where you pick up so much speed you can't stop yourself and it gets dangerous so the way you stop the most basic way is what you see i just did put down your opposite foot and drag it the first time you start doing that it's going to feel weird because your body is going to twist so it'll take time for you to figure out to get that balance let's do it one more time yeah so you bend this knee drag that foot drag it close to the board if you drag it out here it'll make your body twist more so that's one way to stop all right so check this out i'm going to show you a real world example of how to slow down if you're going down a hill and you know you're going to be picking up too much speed you swerve you slalom left and right but you have to do it hard to bleed off that speed the tricky thing is if you push too hard the wheels the back wheels can slide out so you kind of have to feel it so watch this i'm going to show you how we do it [Music] okay so you're probably wondering what gear am i using what is this board this is the land yacht's tugboat i actually reviewed this on the channel a while back and i'll put a link somewhere up here where you can see it lanyards actually sent me this board they allow me to choose any board i want from their catalog after they saw my first review which is really cool what i like about this board is it's not too long not too small and it's kind of the perfect size and the deck is super stiff it doesn't flex what i didn't like when i got this board was it comes with some small 60 millimeter wheels and for me those are just too small they didn't run over rough payment well so these are 70 millimeter wheels that i had that i put on um it rolls so much better so much smoother and um but keep in mind whenever you put larger wheels on your board you have to put i don't know if you can see these spacers here between the trucks you have to put spacers otherwise the wheel will be too close to the deck and you'll get wheel bite as you can see i was getting a little wheel bite here and a little wheel bite here um so that's something to keep in mind every skateboarder tweaks and sets up their board a little different so that's important to keep in mind whatever board you get if you don't like how it rides don't it's okay because you're going to make adjustments anyway to suit your needs so those are some things to keep in mind okay so we're going to talk about something super important now remember i said we're going to talk about how not to kill yourself it's easy to do because especially if you're going downhill like this sometimes you could be having so much fun you're picking up more speed than you realize and before you know it you're going too fast to slide your foot to stop you're going too fast to weave left and right to bleed off speed um so the the final thing you can do is to jump off jump off the board but there's a right way to do it if you do it wrong you can fall and it could be even worse so i'm going to show you a scenario now of me going down this hill picking up too much speed i'm going to show you how to jump off right here before i hit this uh grassy section let's check it out all right i don't know if you can see me up here on the bridge so i'm weaving left and right now bleeding off speed now that i reach this narrow area i don't have enough room to weave so watch what i do right before i hit the grass right see that it's not pretty but it can save you from a fall and when you jump you want to make sure jump and leave the board behind you if you jump in the board is in front of you rolling you could step on it and you could do like i did one time and have a bad fall so more importantly if you could jump and leave the board in one spot like you saw me do that's even better but keep in mind i was able to run after i jumped off because i was going at a speed that i could run at so imagine if you pick up so much speed faster than what you're able to run even if you jump off you're going to trip and fall so it's very important to jump off before you reach that terminal velocity and most importantly you have to practice this but practice it at a lower speed than what i did you're going to get better results and that's one of the tips not to kill yourself skating all right i'm gonna show you something very important this is part of the not to kill yourself university look right here you see how there's this big lift in the sidewalk sometimes you're going to come across cracks in the sidewalk and things like that that can trip you if you're skating you don't want to have to stop get up pick up the board put it here and then go again you want to be able to go over it but i'm going to show you what will happen if you don't pay attention and you run into something like this it doesn't look like much but watch how it can make you fall all right i'm not going fast just riding normal you see that it can catch you off guard and if you're not aware if you're going too fast you can fall of course so i'm going to show you one way to go over something like this without stopping um check this out what i'm going to do right before i hit the lip of that curb i'm going to put my right foot down and take all the weight off of my left foot see that let's do it a little faster all right this is a full speed run so the reason that works is that right as i'm approaching it i took all my weight off of the board foot that way it can just slide over if your body weight is on it the wheel won't clear it so that's something important to keep in mind how to get over cracks in the sidewalk and irregularities it's not perfect if i tried to do this at a taller point maybe it wouldn't go over but it's very important that you practice this while you're learning and definitely start on smaller cracks first hey one of my favorite things to do when i'm skating is to lean it's just a cool feeling it's like you're riding a motorcycle but keep in mind leaning can be dangerous because what if there's a patch of sand right there and you're leaning hard what do you think is going to happen when the wheel touches it the wheel is going to slide out and you're going to be on the ground before you realize it so yeah skating is fun you want to look around and have fun but it's very important for you to keep track of what is on the ground you're about to run over it could save you some serious embarrassment one important thing to mention is if you're interested in the skateboards and wheels and equipment i use i'm going to put some amazon affiliate links below to things i use and recommend and if you also would like to shoot your own skate video like this i'm going to put some links also to the video camera and the wireless microphone i use [Music] alright so that is my how to skate for grownups tutorial this video was a long time coming hopefully you benefited from it if you have any questions definitely leave them below if you're a skate company reach out to me because i love testing out new and fresh stuff like that so yeah thank you for watching though and keep in mind no matter what you skate whether it's a in line or a penny board or a long board or whatever just do it and have fun um and put your own spin on it all right see what i did there yeah so thanks for watching and keep in mind no matter what you do what you ride until next time keep it real [Music] that review became so popular i think it wait where's my spot oh darn i don't miss my spot name if you're curious we're going to be studying how to skate whoa so if you're curious we're going to be studying how to skate for grown-ups
Channel: Raychristofer
Views: 195,709
Rating: 4.9775672 out of 5
Keywords: how to skate, how to skateboard, how to ollie, landyachtz review, skateboard review, how to skateboard for beginners, berrics, transworld, landyachtz dinghy, landyachtz tugboat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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