How To NOT Look Like a Beginner Longboarder

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what's up guys my name is Sun sorters and today I'm gonna give you tips on how to not look like a beginner longboarder I know a lot of people are starting to get into long boarding and they're a bit afraid to cruise around town or something because they're very conscious about people judging them so today I'm giving you tips on how you can feel more confident and look like a more experienced long water and even though I think there's nothing wrong with being a beginner it's absolutely fine everyone started as a beginner and there's nothing wrong with looking like a beginner but still I can understand that you're feeling judged and even I feel that way sometimes when I'm cruising down the streets so hopefully this video will help you guys out and let's just get started alright so the first thing we're gonna talk about is the pushing this is one of the most important things in my opinion and starting to look like an experienced long mortar the way you push will easily give away to someone who skates or long words what level of skating you're wrong so I think this is the first thing you can work on to get more confidence and more comfortable on your boards and the cool thing is when you're learning how to push this can be a really fun thing to do is just practicing pushing because first of all you can just put some music on just cruise around your town your home town and just cruising through the streets even like exploring some new parts of the city or the town or whatever or you can hit up your friends and just every week or a couple of times a week go cruise around the city and just like that you will really practice you're pushing along the way and this will help you a lot towards becoming a better longboarder and towards looking like a more experienced long mortar that's what you're talking about so things you can work on when you're practicing you're pushing or you're cruising around the town so you can learn it faster and you know what you have to keep your mind on first thing you want to learn is how to push straight of course and it's gonna be the first step and already enough of a challenge for you then but once you're so were comfortable pushing straight you already want to start practicing making some turns while you're pushing so you can go to corners more easily and more elegantly this way like you don't have to just push straight then going into your cruising position maybe the corner and then go back to pushing straight but like most experience longboarders will just keep pushing throughout corners so you can make turns while pushing in a couple of different ways first of all something of people do like me I put my foot on the side of the boards while I'm making the car this is a really easy way once you get comfortable standing on the side of the boards etc some people they turn their feet a bit and they just lean into it more like yellow that's right now like you can see right now you can also make turns like that yeah whatever works for you like you can try different ways practice whatever you want second thing you can work on while practicing your pushing is to put your feets close to the board instead of far away as you can see it looks like that I doesn't really look very good if you put your foot far away from the board secondly you don't want to stretch your legs too much try pushing you want to keep them bent and really go through your legs there goes boat for your leg that is pushing as the leg that's standing on the boards you want to go through that knee while the other leg is making a push and it will make it look way more smooth next step something that's really important is that you swing it out you don't just stop the push as soon as your efforts like releases the contact with the grounds which actually swing it out this will make it look for you more elegantly and it will just feel more comfortable while pushing another really important one is that you don't keep your foot flat a lot of people keep your foots like parallel to the ground like really flat as I push and after they push and before before they push and this also doesn't really look very well and lastly something that's really important is that you extend your foot that's pushing in front of your body for you actually push and that's just like put your foots start push like next to you that's like one of the easiest giveaways of a really beginner longboarder if you see someone pushing like this it doesn't look very you're right so you want to extend it like long in front of you and it will make your push look that much better bonus tip as you're cruising like after you push you put your feet on the board are you cruising as you cruise you don't want to put your feet like this or whatever a lot of people do it because I push and they put their foot on the boards and they're standing like this you immediately want to go into a nice cruising position with balinese etc so that's also a big dip for y'all next step is about picking up your board so when you're cruising around very often you have to stop and pick up your boards this is something that can be really really uncomfortable for beginners me when I started I really didn't like it because it looks goofy and what I often did was just stop the boards and then just lean in and pick it up now this doesn't really look very cool and you can give away that you're a beginner now once again there's nothing wrong with being a beginner but if you want to learn a cooler way to pick up your boards and also don't put so much load on your back while you're picking up your boards I got you baby so there are many ways to pick up your board in a cool way and I've talked about them in another video ten beginner tips so today I'm not gonna go over all of them I'm just gonna give you the main one that I always used to pick up my boards and that's also the easiest one learn yeah let's go so it's first you can just practice it by standing next to your boards and literally just popping it up and trying to catch it do it's over and over and over and that way you can practice it very easily the next step will be that you're riding and you're still standing on the boards and then you go into popping it up and catching it there's two ways you can do it you can either profits with your front foots that's what I mainly do or you can pop it with your back foot like yell at us so either way you're just gonna put your foot on the ground slide the board forwards and then just pop it up first off if you popped like me with your front foot the advantage is that you're putting the same foot on the ground that you would do as you're pushing if you do it like yell at us with your back foot popping it the advantages that it's the same foot popping it as you would pop you're normal shrieks wait so you disadvantages like stepping off the board can be harder right now for a second as you're stepping off you have to lean on the foots that isn't your normal foot that's on the board as you're pushing stem might be less comfortable but either way just try out both I would say and I'll see what works for you for me is the first one for y'all is the second one everyone does something differently maybe something completely different works better for you that's totally fine these aren't rules these are just suggestions side notes something really important to keep you in mind is that you want to keep your hands open don't go reaching for your boards with closed hand and then open it last minute or something just go in with hands gives otherwise you might mess up your fingers so that is the easiest way to pick up your board in my opinion and also another advantage of it is that it's really safe way it's not this much of a risk something else often do is just popping it up as I'm skating this way sometimes I don't catch it or something homeboy is afraid of not catching it because if you don't get it your boards will just fall on the ground make a hell of a lot of noise you don't want this to happen as you're cruising down a city or something gets trust me I'm telling this from experience everyone will look at you and you have to like pick up your board from the ground and it's painful so this is a safe way this is what I do if I feel like a I'm not that comfortable popping it right now I'll just do it like this it's really easy it looks great and you look like you know what you're doing alright the next step we're gonna talk about stepping onto your boards it's just like stepping off it's how you get on it can really make you look way more comfortable while you're skating and there are also some convenient ways to get on it rather than just standing next to your board and then putting it on the ground or whatever let's start pushing first of all this is pretty much the coolest way in my opinion is to just grab your board by the nose walk next to it and then just jump onto your board this is a really cool way it looks badass but it's also really a good way to get on it first of all you can catch a lot of speeds this way you can really run into it and then jump on so that's why I love skaters to it for example a lot of skaters do it if like there's not a long run-up to the spots say that like there's a stair over there and you just you have only 5 meters to get speeds so they run into it jump on the board and they pop their trick it's not what we are doing right now with this video still it shows that this is a great way to get a lot of speeds in a short amount of time this is also very convenient because there are a lot of moments when you are carrying boards and you have to transition into skating like either yeah you're on the bus and you start skating or you have to stop at a stoplight and you have your board in your hand you have to start skating again there's so many times that you start skating after carrying your boards and this is my opinion the coolest way to get on to it and it's also like a set very convenient another way to get on your board that's really fun is to push the ball in front of you and then around and jump onto it this is something I really enjoy practicing when I was beginning gives in my opinion it looks pretty cool especially for someone who's really beginning and it's a cool away when the board is already on the ground to get some speed and to get on the board so you can just practice it and you will figure this one out yourself if you're comfortable with this it's also cool to run and then put one foot on the grill on the boards and start pushing it's a really good transition if you want to get a lot of speed it's really a combination of the two and I think this is a really cool way to start pushing so these are the three ways that I still use right now like 90% of the time if I want to get on my boards and I think this is a these are good ones for you too if you're a beginner and you want to look more experienced if you do this if someone does this they jump onto their boards while they're running or something I will immediately think like okay if they can do that there they must be experienced because otherwise you can't just do that so yeah just practice it and have fun with it so in conclusion I don't think you should feel bad but looking like a beginner even though I believe that you don't have to feel bad still a lot of people will do so so these are just some tips and some ideas that you can work on and if you do so and if you practice these I'm really sure that people won't consider you a beginner a Longmore anymore so that's it for this video I really hope this one helped I'm really stoked on making more beginner videos so if you got questions or whatever leave them in the comments help each other out I always like to see people helping each other in these comments it's really wholesome thing to see and yeah let me know if these tips helped you and as always I'll see you guys in the next video big axe from Belgium
Channel: Hans Wouters
Views: 945,566
Rating: 4.9105558 out of 5
Keywords: Hans wouters, hans, wouters, longboard, long board, longboard dancing, longboarding tricks, longboarding, longboard freestyle, longboarding dancing, longboard tips, how to longboard dance, how to longboard, how to ride a longboard, longboard basics, longboarding for beginners, learn longboarding, easy longboard, longboard tip, tips, beginner, longboard beginner, longboarding tips, how not look like beginner, not look like noob, poser, not look like poser
Id: wEURJ16zTfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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