Reality of Learning to Skateboard as an Adult...

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what's up guys welcome back if you're new say what's up to me down below if you're a subscriber say what's up to me also let's jump into today's topic so a lot of comments i get are from guys that skated a very little bit when they were younger and they stumble across this channel and they see me that i started as an adult and they asked me all types of questions about what it's like to start skating as an adult so let's jump into some of the pros and some of the not pros and the realities of starting to skate as an adult never really having skated as a kid never really doing transition or being able to ollie or any of that stuff so i had a board and when i was younger it was probably like a 10-inch board i think he-man was on it or something it was very old-school like before the whole popsicle board so to me i never really skated as a kid ever didn't learn any tricks nothing and i think a big reason of that was because no one showed me tricks i didn't have any older siblings and nobody like around me in my neighborhood was skateboarding really so and there was no youtube which is huge because nowadays i mean that's how i learned basically everything was you know uh aaron cairo and all that stuff so youtube and not having anyone to learn off of when i was younger was a big reason of why i didn't continue skating but somewhere like around two and a half three years ago i just like it just popped into my mind like oh i really want a board or whatever and i was out at venice beach and we walked by a shop my buddy's like oh there's a complete go get it so i ended up grabbing that board and from that day forward i skate every day and i absolutely love it now here is the realities of skating as an adult one younger skaters when they see you with a board they automatically assumed you've been skating your whole life and that you could skate so a couple times i went to the skate park and like just completely ate it or wiped out and like just looked like a fool in front of everyone who was staring at me because i thought i was gonna go throw down some crazy trick because it looked like i've been skating my whole life just because i was an adult who was at the skate park but in reality i was just learning so after that i slowly started like padding up a little bit because again i'm an adult and you fall and like that is definitely one of the realities of the whole thing is that like you're gonna fall period especially if you start thinking about other stuff or like i start i mean i think i fell like four times just pushing like my first few times like literally because you're just getting your balance everything you don't even know if the setup's right for you and all types of stuff are at play and like when you're first getting started so definitely i wasn't prepared for actually i think falling i didn't think i was gonna fall for some reason i don't know i just guess i didn't really think about it um but that was definitely one of the first realities of like oh i definitely if i'm gonna be trying tricks as an adult like sitting there trying tricks i'm gonna have to pad up a little bit regardless so that's the that's definitely one of the cons is that you then have to kind of pad up so one not only are you an adult who looks like you could escape a cat but now you're an adult wearing pads so that's definitely one of the realities of the whole situation again depends on your job and all that stuff but like i couldn't be all smashed up i had to i have to stay healthy you know what i mean so i don't care if some kid's like oh you're wearing a wrist girl that's lame like well i don't care like that kid's 14 or something i have stuff to do i'm an adult you know what i mean so i had to put that aside i had to put that pride and that ego aside and pat up so that's one of the realities of the whole thing at least for me who wanted to try tricks if you're just going to long board around you don't really need pads but again i was trying tricks so it is what it is i think another part of that so that's how i think how younger people look at you now older people also then look at you like you're again like some 12 year old like skate rat runt like what are you doing skating like only when i'm with my dog like skateboarding with my dog is it like a little bit different but if i'm just skateboarding around people like don't look at you like young old anything they just see a skateboarder and if they don't like skateboarders you just get classified into that right wrong whatever it is what it is but like i've gotten the dirty looks from young and old people and i've gotten the thumbs up from young and old people so that's definitely something that goes along with part of the whole thing i think everyone that skates knows that so that's definitely one of the things i realized as an adult like other adults looking at me like what are you doing skateboarding and it's like it's amazing it's the craziest workout in the whole world which brings me into the third most amazing thing ever is that for me who's done all types of workouts something about skateboarding is completely different because you could sit in a whole yoga class and the whole time be thinking about dinner or your what you're gonna do that night or your mind could be completely somewhere else regardless but if your mind is somewhere else when you're skating you're gonna eat it you're gonna hit the floor and that is the craziest most beautiful part about the whole thing is that there is that element of danger and fear and then i think that is in your brain so when you do land a trick and you get that shot of dopamine in your head because you should have fallen but when you landed finally your brain's like oh my god and like everyone that knows when you land that first trick or any trick it doesn't matter if it's a shove it to an ollie to a kickflip whatever that feeling that comes over you that instant like is just so unreal and that is to me one of the most beautiful things about skateboarding now i don't try tricks every single day like i did maybe the first year i was trying to always try new tricks lately i've been more in like trying to get better at the tricks i know and cruise around and have fun but like that is definitely for me learning a new trick landing it trying something new whatever it is even if it's doing some transition for the first time dropping in somewhere bigger for the first time whatever it happens to be if it's something new and you get that rush i mean i mean that is part of the beauty of it you know what i mean and for me luckily i'm adults so like i'm not chasing jumping down 19 stairs like i don't care for that it's that's not what's getting me like landing two shuvits in a row in a line and still being able to move gets me excited or whatever you know landing a kickflip i'm just saying like because i'm a little older i don't have the aspiration to kickflip el toro or whatever like okay you know but i'm still having fun and every time i do line a trick i get super pumped and that is definitely the biggest pro and the biggest most amazing thing about skateboarding is that you get to zone in and you get to battle and tackle something and you get to overcome it and i think that's amazing so i don't know that's some of the realities of learning to skate when you're an adult is that it's amazing but there's definitely a couple things that go with it you know let me know what you think down below hit that like button i know it's a little bit of a long video but i love you guys i'm gonna see you players later leave me a comment peace you
Channel: Skate State
Views: 199,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to skateboard 2019, how to skateboard over 30, how to skateboard over 40, how to ollie beginner, how to ollie advanced, how to ollie higher, how to land skate tricks, how to skateboard good. vl skate tricks easy, skateboard street finals 2019, nine club chris roberts, skateboard trucks, skateboard shoes, skate shoe review
Id: WrrLgvaEmlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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