Powell-Peralta Presents: "SEEN HIM" a Zenga Bros Film Featuring Andy Anderson

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[Music] uh [Music] so [Music] it's very intentional intentionally involving others in what i do when i was a kid i purposely walked to school even though i could get a ride i'd walk to school and try to say hi to every single person i saw most parents will tell their kids like hey don't talk to strangers don't take any risks it's it's weird advice i think a huge thing that inspired me to do that as a kid was like realizing how misunderstood skateboarding was and bringing people into my perspective of what i'm doing when i'm skateboarding [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're making a film from skating from my house to the cafe it's actually an art project it's just gonna be like boom like most skate videos that are done well are really hard tricks done all over the world takes years to film yeah the second i'm watching him play yeah it's hilarious and i wanted to do a video that's just filmed in white rock where there's nothing famous to skate you know it's just a little over a mile 10 blocks 20 minute route [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some people might feel uncomfortable sleeping in an ambulance out front of a stranger's house so like that stresses some people out that's exciting for me that is where i want to be i want to be moving moving moving [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dude we got all these yeah this thing has been shredded man this thing just screwed into the wood [Music] apparently there's only like 20 of these ever made it's independent so i put grip tape on it and then i found out how rare it was [Music] yeah you want to check it out would you like to sign it usually people that come in they get to write their names on it what's your name andy andy yeah what's your name you'll find that out yeah h.j this is dana's name how do you say it hello hello hello yeah you're right i can't say that well thanks h.j nice to meet you guys nice meeting you too okay should i just flow and i can trust you guys yep okay this is dope i'm gonna grab my helmet this will be my weapon of choice it's my bowl board but today it's a street board oh also randomly skateboarding is illegal in whiterun it's literally illegal but you just do it anyway [Music] so ah how's it going mueller looking good today let me just take this route today i love feeling the trees there's something beautiful about passing through a space and you kind of greet everything you're kind of like hello round sounds weird but there's something to that mindset where you're just saying hello to everything like inanimate objects and homies the same you know you're like yo what's up rock [Music] this welcoming day [Music] maybe you're right yeah i'm totally fine it's not a very big ravine but when you are in the middle of it it's like you're surrounded by life you're surrounded by what this place might have looked like before and what's so cool about ravines is they're so steep and unstable that you can't build on them it's nature's way of going like screw you society i'm keeping this you know what i mean like i'm gonna make you struggle any way i can to save myself and that's what this is right like straight up this family movie no big deal you know he's got your skinny bridge for the daring you know practice your flow state like getting into some dangerous positions that's what we're going to be doing all day right so i'm thinking about front crooks right here and i'm grabbing my tail and i'm like have you ever seen that grab grab the tail behind the back from with the front hand but till i get it like just laid out there's certain roadblocks to this trick like can you make it look good like can you do it well enough that you're proud of it like and where are you gonna place it you know it's one thing to discover it's another thing to do it and it's another thing to make it beautiful this is the line bro that acid drop kickflip coming up and now you're going kind of slow you're kind of getting a twist on it you kind of get a sly with it i'm trying to flirt with this kirby like oh oh can i get away with this yeah yeah i got it you know and then you come up to this next thing you're like okay walk up the stairs like this one i'm stoked on we've actually never done this this double bar i'm gonna do it right now because i'm so freaking hyped [Music] just watched him rip that handrail over there oh man what are you doing hey there's this bank at the top of the hill yeah at the uh at the tennis court and it's like a steep bank like all the up the sidewalk and there's only like this much space on top yeah so i think it'd be sick to get towed into the bank yeah which is going to be kind of hard absolutely bro i can catch you in the mirror you ready bro right hang on too bad [Music] could be the worst is ever yeah but it was the only bump we had so it was the best bump ever i mean right there was nothing else to skate like you had to make it the best right no totally dude [Music] yo you go up and you surf down god damn that feels good whoa that was sick off the curb did you get all that that was amazing actually what did you even do dude i don't know [Music] it's it's funny like some people they go to work the same route every single day right and some people are fine with that and some people aren't but when i'm playing piano i can easily fall into a habit of playing the exact same notes every single time in the exact same order [Music] and i have to step outside of my comfort zone to play different notes my fingers are wanting to go here and i have to intentionally go over here and i can't predict what that noise is going to sound like and then when i hit it i go oh that hit me different i was expecting to feel this way because i've been through this before this one two three four but it's not one two three seven i'm like whoa hit differently and it's the exact same thing with skating man like finding that root and you're like oh i go this way but i've been here ten times already i'm gonna go right whoa what the heck's over here it's like a whole different world whole different vibe how many worlds are in your world [Music] to be honest i've never really seshed this bank you know i mean it's like pretty shitty it's just i love it dude [Music] my man [Music] go [Music] [Music] a lot going on but one of the sickest things the most symbolic thing is this dragon and what he's holding we call it a vajra or a dorje it's an ancient tibetan tool when you're holding it you can create or destroy anything you can imagine [Music] the dead space i'm kind of excited about like the uphill on a shitty sidewalk you know making that like not just going uphill on a sidewalk [Music] pleasure bro pleasure i give you a hug but you look pretty leafy yeah yeah i'm good yeah peace out man [Music] you disappear disappear go away this is this private property this this is our art the hole in the sky yeah i live here wait you don't live here no no no i live a block down that's fine this is our property go away [Applause] i don't want your skateboard in our property yeah i i don't want your damage in our property yeah i get what you're saying man i just wish you i i i can't i can't ask you to do this but i wish you're polite about it you know how could i be polite i feel like i'm getting shooed off like an animal man i'm trying to be here like a friend well then don't come on our property and damage yeah there's no damage if you had to come and approach the council and ask them to do this i don't think it'd be a problem that's part of the whole like graffiti artist hip-hop vibe of skateboarding is like you just show up and make the street your own you know what i mean you know our feelings yeah i'm making the conscious decision let's do it i mean no no no i'm not giving you approval i know no but that's what you're gonna do i don't agree with it yeah and i respect your opinion and i i really wish you a good day sir i really appreciate it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i got a really hard trick and it's super ugly too let's say i got like three or four tricks that would be too hard to do in a line it seems all easy when you do it right but then when you don't do it you're like what [Music] yep [Music] oh yeah that was beautiful dude that's so sick i know you i've seen your youtube videos you're the white rock skater what's your name marco marco yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you marco yeah marco [Applause] i feel like you're told where to work and where to relax and there's something so special about relaxing in a place that's totally illegal like somewhere you're definitely not supposed to be like what do you mean i can't relax here like there's a skill to relaxing there's a skill to finding peace it's funny how relaxing is so tied into being lazy because it doesn't necessarily mean you're being lazy like part of my work is relaxing [Music] because what that is relaxing is taking control of yourself and accepting that you're not controlling anything else dude you're insane you're insane no like like you've got mad skills dude thank you so much no i mean that with all my heart you're such a gentle soul and you you've been raised right you have no ego you just you're just doing your thing doing your thing and trying to be a good soul anyway anyway man it's always good to see you man always good to see you man you did it yeah [Music] if i know i've gone down a certain street or i i will like sometimes you just have to be open to letting your environment speak to you someone will step up and you'll get a feeling like i should say something [Music] and then it's up to you whether or not you actually do and it's just you gotta do it and the more you listen to those cues the more cues you get and the more useful the queues are and the more in-depth the cues are and you're like who's giving me these cues and it doesn't matter as long as you're listening to them [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] family yo we got it we're the two watch crew bro yeah nice to meet you [Music] oh [Music] every day is a learning experience straight up man couldn't be said better if you don't learn something new every day then it's not worth living i agree and it's like this great thing and the whole thing is interacting with all the people that we see along the way by minute then well you definitely will be i think it's gonna be good man it's gonna be good i think i think a lot of artists a lot of true artists recognize that they can't take full credit for their work there's a level of surrender to what comes you
Channel: Powell Peralta
Views: 296,605
Rating: 4.9623499 out of 5
Keywords: powell peralta, seen him, andy anderson, zenga brothers, george powell, stacy peralta, skateboarding, white rock, BC canada, have you seen him, animal chin, ripper, short film
Id: -bpsHh5nwe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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