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If you're ready to take your skating to the next  level, and you want to learn how to do an ollie   as quickly as humanly possible, today I'm going  to break down a training technique that you can   use in order to land your first ollie in under 8  minutes. All right, so now, for the first minute   I just want to take a couple of seconds and make  sure we have everything all set up so we're ready   to go. So, the first thing I want you to do  is make sure you're wearing the right shoes.   You don't want to be wearing any like running  shoes or sandals or anything goofy like that.   You're going to want close-toed, rubber shoes, and  if you can find some like this, find some where   they go a little bit over the ankle. That way  you're having some protection from rolling your   ankle when you're doing this because you might  land in kind of a silly way for a little bit   and you want to have that protection from having  any issues with that. All right so now that you've   got some good shoes on, I want to make sure that  you're in a situation where you're set up to   succeed here. So rather than just putting your  skateboard on concrete like you may have been,   what I want you to do is I want you to take  your skateboard and find some short grass,   maybe some turf, or my personal favorite: a thin  rug put on top of concrete. This is what works   for me every time anytime I teach someone how to  ollie, I always get out the rug and they don't   have to go and buy skater trainers or put tennis  balls on their wheels or anything like that.   So now you're going to have your skateboard on a  surface that's going to prevent your wheels from   rolling left and right too much, but also have  enough rebound to still allow you to do an ollie. All right, so now the next item on the  itinerary is that we want to find a way   for you to be able to fall repeatedly without  breaking anything. Getting scratched up is fine,   that's part of skateboarding, but breaking a bone,  that's how you take yourself out of skateboarding   for two months and we don't want that to happen.  So number one thing that you're going to possibly   break when you're doing this is going to be  anything in your arm, so you wanna prevent that.   What you want to do is, if you're already on  turf or something like that, that's going to   be a pretty good way to prevent yourself from  having that kind of situation, but if you're not,   if you're on concrete like me, put on a bunch  of pads, okay? Number one pad I recommend for   this is going to be a helmet, but after that  we're going to do wrist guards. That's the first   thing that kind of sticks out instinctively  when you start to fall, okay, so if you've   got a wrist guard on and you got your helmet  on, you're going to be pretty good. If you're   a little more clumsy and you want to play it extra  safe, put on those elbow pads and those knee pads   as well. All right, so now that we have that out  of the way, you're ready to fall, we're gonna do   the first step of actually skateboarding. I know  we're getting into this and we only have like five   minutes left but that's okay, that's plenty of  time. So now that we're all set up, go ahead and   stand on your board and then the first step and  this is the key step that everyone misses for like   a year while they're practicing ollies. They don't  know why they're doing it. They're doing this:   "I can't ollie! I don't know why i can't ollie!"  Here's why: it's because you didn't practice this   one step that I'll go ahead and show you. What  you want to do: stand on the board with your feet   above the wheels, and then all you're going to do,  for the whole minute, is you're going to practice   JUMPING off of the board. You're not going to  worry about ollying, you're just going to practice   jumping off of the board. Ultimately I want you to  be able to do this: jump/land back on the board.   But at first, you can just jump and land in front  of the board, or jump and land behind the board,   however you got to do it. But i just want you  to bend down ALL THE WAY to where your knees   make a 90-degree angle with the ground at least.  JUMP. And you want to remember that. You want   to feel that, and the next time you stand  on your skateboard and try to do an ollie   I want you to be doing that exact same thing. I  don't want you to be jumping like that. That's   not how you jump. It's not how you jump in real  life, and it's not how you jump to do an ollie,   either. So we're going to jump, we're going  to bend our knees, jump, just like that,   and then we're going to ultimately when we get to  the end of this minute, I want you to be jumping   like this, okay? Jumping, landing on the board.  Now, don't forget this step when we go to the next   one. You got to do this exact same thing. Don't  start giving me that. All right, so we're jumping,   landing on the board...now what i want you to  do, is i want you to start looking at the correct   foot positioning for an ollie. So what that's  going to look like: you're going to have your feet   like you did before, feet over top of the wheels,  then i want you to take your front foot, and put   it just behind the front wheels, okay, and  then the same thing with your back foot. I   want you to put it just behind the back wheels.  So this is going to be how you want your feet   positioned to do an ollie. All right so now that  we have our feet set up in the right position,   you want to practice doing that over and over.  One thing you can do is you can step with your   front foot right into the right position and then  step with your back foot right into the right   position and you're ready to go. That's going to  be your setup. You're going to do that every time.   You're going to put your front foot on, back  foot on, and then we're going to do the same   thing we did before, we're just going to jump,  okay, just like that. Now, it looks like we're   not doing a whole lot, but that is over 50 percent  of how to do an ollie is just that right there. So   we're going to keep practicing this, we're going  to put our front foot on, put our back foot on,   then we're going to bend down, jump, and land back  on the board. All right, so keep practicing that.   Get a couple more of those in: front foot on,  back foot on, we're balanced because we're on   the carpet, we don't have to worry too much about  that, bend down, jump, looking good! All right,   so now we're on to the next step. We have three  minutes left and that's plenty of time because   we're already really far into this. Now, what i  want you to do: we're going to start popping the   skateboard off of the ground. Now, the way  that we're going to do that is when you jump,   this time, same as before, but pick up your front  foot first, that's all i'm going to say all right,   so pick up your front foot first. So what  that's going to look like...on flat ground,   what that's going to look like is like this, okay,  you're just going to do that. Now, obviously it's   going to be different when you do it on a  skateboard, and you pick up that front foot,   immediately that's going to shoot down  okay, so you got to be careful of that,   but you just have to go with it...and  you want to minimize the amount of time   in between that front foot coming up and the back  foot coming up. So you don't want to do it like:   front foot [small pause] back foot that's  too long. You want to do it more like, jump,   front-foot-back-foot, like that!  We're gonna take it to the skateboard.   So we're already trained up, we're going  to put our feet on the board. Front foot,   back foot, and we're going to do the same thing.  Prepare to fall. Do it on purpose. Get it over   with. Front-foot-back-foot, okay, fall. Doesn't  matter. That's fine. Once you get the first fall   out of the way, everything else is going to fall  right into line. So we're going to do that again.   Get our front foot on, put our back foot on, bend  down, and then jump again the same way. Now it   doesn't matter where you land. Preferably at this  stage you want to land with one or both of your   feet not on the skateboard. That's the first step.  Front foot on the board, back foot on the board,   we're going to bend down. Front foot  up first. Take the back foot off. At   this point you should be getting some  clearance from the back wheel and the ground,   and that's what we're going for. So we're going  to do it again: front foot, back foot, bend down,   take that back foot off. So now once you've got  that down, now we're going to try to start adding   in landing on the board with both feet. Once you  can do that, it might look a little ugly, but it's   technically going to be an ollie. We're going to  do it again. Now this is the key step. This is the   one, right here! We're going to try it, and we're  going to leave our back foot on the board for when   we land, because that is the scariest part, and  we're going to do it right now, and you're not   going to overthink it, okay? So we're going to  bend down, jump, pull that back foot up, and then   just...just...[clap]. You don't have to fully land  on it. All you have to do is get that back foot   to be on it when the back wheels touch back down  on the ground, then you can step off like I did.   So we're going to do it again. We're going to  have our front foot, back foot, bend down, okay,   just like that, and then step off. Once you're  doing that, you are really really already past   all of the hard things. All you've got  to do is, kind of, refine your strategy.   One of the things that's going to make it a little  bit easier for you to stay on is when you jump,   don't have that hesitation where you're leaning  back. Just kind of stay over top of the board.   Just like that. Now we're going to talk about  making it look a little bit prettier and feeling   a little more legitimate...and all that you  have to do in order to do that is, in the air,   rather than keeping your legs like this, you're  just going to level them out. So you're going   to pull your back leg up, and you're gonna let  your front foot come back down. So that's looking   like this, okay, we're going to bend down just  like before, and then you're just going to pull   that back foot up. So one way you can do that  is you just envision that your back foot is   touching lava the instant it touches the ground  and you instantly pull it up. So the first second   you feel the your foot touch the ground, go  ahead and pull it up. We have our front foot,   back foot, we're going to bend down, jump,  and then just pull that back foot up as soon   as you possibly can. And these ollies might look  ugly but i guarantee you, they're looking better   than they did when you started if you have  never done an ollie before, because that's   what we're doing right now. All right, so we're  going to do the same thing . We're going to pull   that back foot up instantly the second we feel  it touch the ground. We're going to bend down,   and then we're just going to do that. That's  how your ollies should be looking as soon as   you start getting your first ones. All right guys,  I'm a little worn out, but I hope you guys had fun   with that. Let me know how the ollie practice  goes, and I'll see you all in the next video!
Channel: Never Stop Improving
Views: 157,627
Rating: 4.9632649 out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, ollie, easy, learn, how to, tutorial, how to ollie, how to do an ollie, ollie tutorial, easiest, quickest, fastest, fast, skateboard, how to skateboard, jump, pop an ollie, better, how to ollie better, best ollie tutorial, how to ollie the fastest way, easiest way, best, justin lauria, never stop improving, nsi skateboarding, ollies, coach, coaching, skate support, skate, sk8, how to ollie on a skateboard, higher, beginner, beginners, for beginners, how to ollie for beginners, pop
Id: qmu95vp7UpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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