How to Set Up a Skateboard for Beginners

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my name is Aaron Cairo I'm a sponsored skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area and today I'm going to teach you how to set up a complete skateboard Chloe who runs our shop has been asking me to make this video for a very long time she doesn't know how to set up a board herself and she thought it would be very helpful for you guys to get a video on how to set up a complete skateboard and she keeps saying you guys don't have this video why aren't you making this video so I decided the best way to make this video would be to teach her how to set up a skateboard so what do we got here Chloe grip tape and two decks and then a bunch of other stuff okay so you got all of this stuff for your two nieces and we're gonna set these boards up but they don't know for Christmas whatever hopefully they don't watch the video Merry Christmas the first thing that you're gonna do in setting this up is you're gonna get the grip tape on there this grip tape and grip notice that it has this thing right here so what do you think is the situation with that I think that you pop that out so it looks cool well done pop it out so it looks cool do we want to tell them everything that they need for a complete yeah okay so you need a board a lot of people think this would be the most important thing because it is the deck it is the graphic that you like and it is likely the thing that you're going to be like in love with the most generally speaking so choose the board that you like the most then choose the grip tape that goes on top you can put it down like that so that is the board we can refer to that as the deck the next thing you need are these things they are metal and they are called trucks these are what attach the wheels which you will also need onto the board and in order to make these wheels roll you need these little red things here called bearings so we will eventually end up putting these bearings into those wheels and then we will attach the trucks to the skate board with these little screws called Hardware so that is all the pieces you need to make a complete skateboard hardware trucks bearings wheels board grip tape and then a tool and a razor blade a tool and a razor blade is that are the tools that you need to set the board up yes we do sell complete so you can like just choose everything and get your complete setup for you or you can buy packages where that just comes with all the stuff and you can set it up personally I only set up my own boards it seems weird to me to have somebody else set up my board seems like setting up the board is sort of part of the board's life but if you've never set up a board yourself hey whatever you want to do right we're gonna go detailed in this video right here so the first thing we're gonna do Chloe is you're gonna take this plastic off of the board white pants is probably the best worst thing you could have done good you got it yep now next thing you're gonna put your grip tape down and you're going to kind of feel around the edges and see that that's where the grip tape needs to go you're gonna take this part off of the grip tape it's essentially a giant sticker but I want you to get the idea of where you're gonna place it so you don't place it like that and then you're like oh half the tail has no grip tape another good point is that you want to make sure that the graphic grip tape is on the tail you know that's kind of a preference thing I guess some people would put it up there whatever but that's fine so you know what's the tail because well this one's rather simple oh and Cairo's up there the Phoenix is this way that's obviously the nose yeah and that's the tail yeah not every board is like that some graphics go like this so generally speaking that nose is the bigger wider side but on these ones this sticker is also always on the tail have the sticker that's on the tail so we know okay we're just gonna put this grip tape right over that so go ahead and peel the grip tape off like so okay sometimes there's a little bit of a hiccup right around the graphic so pull that thing fully off you can kind of hold it on the edges be careful to not let it stick down before you want it to do I want to bend it or just hold it straight all this straight and you want to hold it up so that you make sure like we kind of measured it out before that you're not going to have any parts not covered with grip tape now stick it on there make sure it's straight just drop it okay good is it dropped on there gonna die yeah okay good now Center I'm gonna hit it and then you're gonna kind of go like this you started from the center and then pushed out and ideally there's no air bubbles yeah so in pushing out you hopefully got rid of all those that's sort of the scariest part of it in terms of getting the grip tape on straigh see nailed it good first try now the next thing that we're gonna do because this is really rough and we need to cut this so you cut this with some sort of tool a razor blade or something if you're a kid and you're putting together a board do not touch a razor blade get your parents help you with that so you want to get something to scrape this some skate tools like this have a little file on top I usually just use a giant wrench or something like that but just take whatever you got and just start scraping no any edges that gives me the heebie jeebies know what the noise it gives you the white so notice how right here it's like I scraped off so much of it that it's just sort of the sticky part yeah yeah ideally you get it to that level and then it's really easy to cut with the razor blades keep on trucking okay did I do okay you did okay that's okay this is my most satisfying part of the whole board setup you ready breathe it out good so you see the more you scrape it the easier it's gonna be to cut okay and I think it's fine so grab one of those razor blades grab one for me as well if one is better than the other mine either they're not gonna be happy what I do is I just put it underneath and cut it all the way around but this is a way to make it a little bit safer is to cut some some slits so make some little cuts on the edges that sides fine good and then this way it's gonna sort of come off in chunks now you're gonna take it it's best if you hold the board kind of like this you can kind of go towards yourself on this which is the way you're not supposed to cut right just go very slow and just nice and easy just make one straight line I'm not gonna cut up my board with that or no so notice how your grip tape is stuck to the side you go like that so it's not stuck to the side and you'll see you notice how it's really stuck there yeah so if it spilled up like that now it's gonna cut way easier okay hold it kind of like this so you have some leverage with your arm and then just pull that crazy blade you can kind of drag it along the line this is the most difficult part of gripping a skateboard definitely the scariest see now watch yourself you're getting that razor blade close get your parents to cut the grip tape for you okay so you see how that one part right there is like a little bit off yeah just that so I think what's gonna make this easier again is to scrape it a little more can almost just fully scrape it off let's see then it's just so even if you pull a little bit of your board it's fine yeah okay so I really wasn't getting aggressively too into it yeah cuz you're holding it like not just like this way then that way you're going like away from the board which you did yeah you're holding it like into the board a little bit okay go see how that's like basically a pretty nice straight line yeah yeah that looks a lot better good now let's do the same thing on the other side okay let's just cut it all and then you can make any Corrections okay okay so on the nose and tail you're gonna do the same thing it's just going around like around the curve just remember if it's stuck down it's gonna be hard to cut okay perfect now this is a crazy pro tip so you're gonna take that piece whoops take that piece and stick it together like so mm-hmm so you have a nice little triangle we'll be using that later in the cooking show now let's cut the other side not so scary right not something I can see why it would be valuable to have like to like push really hard on that part yeah like scraping it beforehand right yeah now you see all those little pieces that you want to just sort of slightly cut so take one of these this is like the ultimate pro tip not everybody does this one just sand it down so you can see how right here it's kind of a little bit rough so sand it down so it's nations oh that's so much better like if you use this side too much see how that's always like almost turn so just flip it over yep white pants not ideal okay so I gots pretty good yeah you got your grip tape on great hardest part done flip that over take some hardware and put it in four of the holes and then take your truck and you're gonna just hit that hit them through Wow nailed it now you have the holes on the other side that you needed otherwise you would have never found where are they I get it so now put them on the top where they're supposed to go now take your truck and hit those down okay good now put the truck on there and then just finger tighten those on there okay so then here's my question how do I know which way this goes so the bushing the part that is the little squishy part always goes inside okay both trucks if you mess that up you're gonna have a very very difficult time skateboard okay basically you'll you'll turn left and the board will go right how tight does this have to be as tight as you can get it okay I mean obviously the tighter the better we're gonna tighten them all the way down but with your fingers you're only gonna get it so tight okay hold on here's the question so how do you know which side to put these on it's a good question actually the bottom side is flat and the top is a little more rounded and it sort of looks like there's like a little piece of plastic in there that little piece of plastic I think it's called lock tight it basically makes it so this does not rattle loose as long as the screw part goes through that plastic part it's not gonna come off unless you purposely take it off with a tool which is nice it's very important that your hardware is long enough and you do make it go through that plastic part so you got them all on there finger tight good so now we're gonna just fully tighten those down so grab your skate tool in this skate tool you'll notice this little thing sticking out boom this one has driver and an Allen they usually all do so you can use that screwdriver on the screwdriver side and then I just twist it so screw it in okay but if maybe if I put my put enough pressure on the other side I don't know oh I get it it's probably easier to just hold it with this and this has you can just going righty tighty lefty loosey yeah so you can just hold it like that and then use this and tighten it down nice and tight okay but probably a little bit easier to hold it like this oh so Aaron gets the easier way out you could use a drill oh yes how tight do I do it here so as tight as you can get it you want to tighten it sort of here here here here is that really gonna matter probably not but if you want to be really into things like I am go here here here here and remember you want this screw to pop out through that plastic part so that one's not gonna come off these hardware are the absolute perfect size for a complete skateboard you got them all yeah so this side how do I make that look weird less weird good question I'm glad you asked that there's a little thing that I do you know pretty big deal pretty much the only person on the world that does this I'll show you all of the different ways so we're gonna do the same thing on the other side put the screws in take your truck full wing dado okay do you see how this we just put them on over the grip tape yeah we're just fine I'll show you how to fix that as well on this one notice how like this one for example it popped out kind of like a nice little hole yeah generally what I will do is I will take after I made the holes like that take a razor blade nose I'll scrape a circle around it it's sort of countersinks it yeah and it gets the grip tape out of there and then it won't be sticking up when you put the bolt in yeah there's different ways to do it I suppose you could take a drill and kind of sort of like an arts and crafts craft we're a crass band Karen Spiro Karen Spyros crafts craft oh yeah really let her rip okay okay perfect put that truck on okay so then this goes on the inside that bushing the thing that makes the truck turn goes on the inside bushing is that soft part right there always goes on the inside okay okay I'll let you rock the drill on this one so just give it a little bit and then it's best to be easier your left hand is screwed in tight okay I think that's good then I came out the other side like the little thing first right here and you got any jokes course the other day I was walking down the street and there was a walrus she will literally laugh at anything is that person you want to take to the comedy club no on this you'll notice these two washers in there ah so you want those to go on either side of the bearings by either side I mean both sides okay got it ticked off just one and then slide on one of the bearings now in these particular bangs you'll notice one side is sort of like a red rubbery shield and the other side is sort of a red plasticky shield you want the rubbery shield out you can tell because it's wider and it's gonna protect the bearing more so put that down point out I mean not on the inside of the wheel which is gonna go in like this rubbery side towards the outside of the wheel okay rubbery side closest to the truck there you go okay got it now take a wheel and push it in there push it in yeah okay you get it in there yeah no next bearing same thing oh that's what you guys are doing when you do that yeah okay so then rubber is on the inside of the truck yeah it's touching inner track I find this way easier if you put it on the ground good now one thing you'll notice is like look at how far my bearing is in the wheel oh yeah and how yours is not yeah so you need to push that one in a lot harder Oh see how hard this is remember that thing I was telling them to buy called the bearing press all you do is go boom both bearings are in yeah we've got to get that I'm sold now there I think I got it if it's in there enough to put this nut on then you can just tighten it down and you can tighten it enough where it's gonna just tighten the bangs down Oh both of them yeah you obviously have to get them into the wheel enough to tighten it at all yeah I think I did that enough you did yeah okay so then I put the little little thingamajig there you go on that yep and then this they're gonna take this end and put it on there and tighten it down you can even tighten it so you feel like it goes tight just to make sure the bangs are pushing and then loosen it up a couple turns like it should be a little bit a little bit loose it's not loose right so now if it's too tight that we always like in a row I see but what about for little kids wouldn't you want them a little bit tighter yeah no okay I mean it's gonna not roll you want it to roll okay so that's how you put the wheels on so now we'll do the other side just observe the bearing and look at which side is more protective could you tell the rubber yeah so that is you want that on the outside of the wheel right because the inside of the wheel nothing's getting there oh I see what you're saying dirt whatever right put it on there okay use your body weight to push it down I forgot to put like the little things egg no the wheels will never work I think most people don't even use those okay what does that do it just provides a little more protection I guess a little less friction so how fast can you do this about that fast like half hour I don't know how long we've been going I've never timed it okay put boards together and skate and usually I don't change the trucks like once you have your trucks that you have you've grooved them in and you have grind marks you want to keep those trucks generally speaking I will only change the board okay the truck is gonna have to be really really bad or broken somehow to make me want to change trucks okay so you just unscrew these and put them in a new one that's right okay so then I messed this up and I put one on the other side is that gonna be a big problem yeah why don't you just pop it out so put the bearing in like that and then pull it to the south oh that's a clever little trick after I screw this in I'm good then I made a complete I wanted to show you the final touches that we do on the top here which is you know final version of the skateboard other than stickers that we can cut on there you've officially made a complete skateboard now let's check the top remember how we had these things that we were like not ideal yeah take something like maybe this and kind of just smash it down a little bit good now see how the bumps are gone it's just kind of in there so now you can take whatever excess piece of grip tape that you have and just file it down and don't worry it might look like it's kind of bad but this first day of skating that's gonna come all off you're all good I mean I think that's all right right if there's nothing like sticking up that would be in the way then you're good to go okay the sides feel smooth you're good to go yeah they feel feel smooth boom nailed it that wasn't too bad it's easier than I thought so you guys can get a skateboard deck and then get all of the pieces and put it together yourself or you can buy a fully assembled complete skateboard those are available at Brielle skateboarding calm everything that you see here is available Chloe does run the shop and so she really wanted us to make this video for you guys so that you guys would always have a reference in putting together your equipment alright so any other questions you have before we end off on this nope I think we're good alright let's skate hope you guys enjoyed this video definitely go to Brielle skateboarding comm to get all of your skateboard gear subscribe like and leave a comment below we will see you in the next video alright guys we were super super excited about the holiday special click the link in the description below and go find out what it is [Music] you
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 1,749,302
Rating: 4.9496078 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille
Id: 09AcXVxYk9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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