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[Music] hi enjoyers today we're going to work with metahuman I know I said that I will create new video of Space shooter series but after consideration I decided to suspend that series because honestly I think there is no much interest in that series from you viewers I decided to create some different topics and then I will start new series all right let's back to this video let's start with metahuman and first of all you need to go to the bridge find this metahuman and you can use default metahuman or you can create new your metahuman so you can click on every single metahuman and then you can click here start met a human Creator you can find out what character you want as default and then you can edit that character to make it like what you like let's use someone I'm going to press here launch and you must wait until it load now I'm in the metahuman editor this is our character that we choose we can click create selected now this is our editor and here we can use this different stuff first all we can change name of our character uh let's name him Kevin all right then let's go to the face and click on blend now we can use different characters to make blend we can use also female character if you want it is also possible if you want to make his face prettier for example if he looks too masculine and so on I'm going to use some different type of characters uh let's try this guy this guy okay now you can see this points you can click on the points and move and when you move here you will make him more look like this guy if you make it up this guy and you will understand R is this left guy all right let's make it like this for example also you can click here change environment if you want you can make different type of environment for example you can change it like this some rooftop and other type of HDR I'm going to use studio for now also I don't use camera for now you can use this face uh then quality don't touch this we can make it rate raced high and epic but it is just for production but because we don't need it currently we're going to use medium just for performance and LOD we don't need this here but you can actually check out your character on different distance uh all right we can make our character without colors this is like a clay material uh you can also remove hair and I recommend it for now just remove to work with only shapes and then at the end you can add it then let's work with this part this is symmetrical so you can change it here and here differently all right this is the first part then you can change here using sculpting different parts without using presets you can manually change something for example you can make ice even bigger for example if you want you can change shapes as you wish also you can move some parts for example you can make nose changes with a gr movement because here you have this little points and here this is gred part also this is ears eyebrows ice I think ice is all right okay I think this is enough uh then let's add our airs and let's go to the skin click on blend all right what we can do we can actually change texture of our character color we can make him look differently for example we can make him uh something like U you know Middle East type of character we can make character completely white like in Japan for example but this is I don't know I think more natural is something like this uh yeah and texture you can change skin texture to make him look differently you can make him even like old man for example this yeah you can also change contrast and roughness roughness is for Reflections you can see his skin glowing and here it is not I will keep like this yeah freckles is freckles you can add different amount you can add density you can remove density you can add more strength saturation and this is tone shift but I'm going to keep him clear without that and accent you can add some redness on the different areas for example this is under eyes you can see this part yeah I'm going to add some here this the cheeks I think this is enough and yeah I think this is enough then ice uh there is some presset you can actually customize it if you want but for me it is not that important because in the game you will not see uh his eyes too much so I'm going to keep it with PR it okay let's make this one then teas you can change it differently you can see here I'm going to keep it like this then you can change to color you can make them completely white or you can make them like this all right I'm going to make him white then gum gum with this part you can change it but actually it doesn't matter that much and this is yellow of your uh teeth here you can add them and also you can remove it I'm going to remove yeah like this you can check out Joel I'm going to keep it like this then makeup uh this is male character so we don't need actual makeup but I'm going to ice here and click this one just to make his eyes more accented because here you can see real change that make it better and you know all actors in the movies they use makeup to looks better so there is nothing wrong with this all right let's go to the hair section here you have this haircuts you can use whatever you want I'm going to use something without this sign because the sign causes problems you can fix this but I highly recommend to avoid this type of airs because you will have some optimization problem not because you can't fix it you can but it will hit your performance okay this is kind of generic but okay let's use this one then we have this eyebrows I'm going to use this one okay you can also add some details for example you can change color also you can change color of your character save you can make them brighter we can make him like this we can make him Ginger if you want I'm going to use slightly yeah like this you can also make this whiteness on your character so if you create some older character you can use this to make it look like more realistic I'm going to avoid that part then eyelashes I'm going to use this short fine or maybe it is too much okay then mustache I think this all part is fine but you can change it if you want I'm going to show you all stuff but I will not change something then beard also you can change it here you have the samples but I think my character is perfectly fine here so what I need next I'm going to the body part and I can change proportion of my character my character now is average I can make him taller I can change him to be fat or slim and this is fat and this one will be slim yeah you can see let's change camera to body you can see now he's slim now this is our AG I'm going to keep him average then go to the tops and here you can add some customization for your character you can change cloes and you can add some colors and even fabric uh keep in mind if you want to change your character and add some other closes different closes for example armor some military clothes or your custom clothes then you need to use this one and keep him without any clothes as much as it possible for example like this and this because uh this um cloes they cover his body and then you will not have these parts this texture of body yeah so I'm going to use t-shirt or let's use this sweater all right secondary color I'm going to use white and let's make it gray like this okay and I'm not allowed to use any graphic okay if you use this part you can also add some graphics for example I click here we can add some emblems but I'm going to sweater I can create Christmas sweater so yeah uh let's use second part let's use this what is this cargo pants yeah jeans is fine let's make this white and this part almost black or let's make it like this okay this is more realistic looking and shoes I'm going to use let's go to the feet yeah this is too official let's check out yeah I think this is fine okay and this must be a little bit like this okay this is our character let's go to the body uh we have everything that we need we can actually do some preview for example you can click here and add some animation to a character to see how it looks like when the character moves you can add face animation and check out when that character uh do some stuff with his mouth and face you can body uh preview and so on also you can check out different type of animation for example when character is happy when character surprised pose and so on all right this character is ready and all changes saved because uh metahuman aut automatically save everything so let's back to the Unreal Engine and here in the my meta humans you can find out your character this is our K character click here it is not yet uh refreshed so let's back to our meta human and now it must work yeah now we can see he looks like in the our editor so you need to click on download remember for games you need medium quality if you want to create some cutscenes cinematics some you know visualization or some movie then you need highest quality but we're going to use medium then download it will take a lot of time generating character and then downloading so yeah you must wait for it now add character uh in this uh project I have imported uh downtown west you can find that uh in the unreal market and it is free to use so you can also download this and then open this demo environment map just for environment if you have your custom environment you can use your custom environment uh also I have here third person character um content so basically what we need to do we need to adjust our metahuman first of all our metahuman is here this is our character I highly suggest drag and drop here first of all just for uh you know rendering reasons you can see it doesn't appear right now it requires some time to generate character okay now you can see these plugins click on enable me missing enable missing and enable missing and I will need to restart it all right I have restarted then let's go to the downtown west maps and demo environment uh I need to wait preparing shaders but I need to also add here texture pool stream size let's use instead streaming pool size streaming pool size this one and let's make it as much as possible I have a 6 GB of vram but I'm going to use only four for this purpose just to avoid some parts that will not render because I don't have that vram in directly in the Unreal Engine you will see uh warning when you click here uh currently you don't see because I fixed that but you can see here sometimes streaming pool size something like this and there are some numbers for example 700 uh megabytes and so on if you see that warning you can add S Pool size and avoided part currently we have this third person character let's make our character using our metahuman double click here now let's add our character all right this is our character um but it is not actually character it is actor if you double click on his blueprint you can clearly see in the class defaults more be class settings yeah par class is actor you can actually change it and make him a character for example if you find here character you can make him character or even third person character so parent class currently is actor you can create character and then customize it but I'm going to use third person character because we already have template of third person character with everything that we need and only thing we need is just change mesh now this is our character you can see and we have some problems with uh textures you can see character is not that detalized so if you want to change it you need to go to this load sync and here you have this load components first of all uh where it is custom load mapping yeah this part you can see here you have load mapping this is distance when your body starts to become less detail detailed um this is a zero index you can change this actual to also zero and then change this one for example to one like this uh if you use bigger numbers you will get more optimized version of your character but currently let's make our character more detalized and optimization is the second part torso I would say also we can make like this okay legs legs part particular is this part okay let's it is actually the same so I'm not going to touch this this one must be zero and last one is feet I don't think feet need to be more detailed it is okay I think yeah then the most important part for our character we can see this shadow in on your character hair so actually we need to add lots for our hair so I'm going to just add new map element and also another map element yeah I can't until I customize this part so let's make this hair and open all right now we can add some mapping to our character all right this is a hair let's add another one and this is our beard actually we can change our mustache first because mustache is more important part currently copy name and let's go to LOD syn let's change it to no okay let's try just type exact same name St all right this is our character we can also change beard for that purpose let's add last one beard I'm not going to to add eyelashes because it is not that visible from the you know far point of view so here beard and let's add some mapping all right this is our LOD settings this will allow us uh to avoid any hair problems even if it is that problematic hairs that I showed before now we need to remove our mesh character this one uh instead we need to add here our character body so I need to find out this one and then click on mesh and click here wait this is not this is what we need to change yeah and remove this this not what we need okay now you can see our character becomes this hands and feet so then we need to click on face close it and all the stuff and just move it to mesh Okay now click on face and remove all coordinates you have also this body just delete it because we don't need it uh wait there is some stuff that uses this body let's check it out here feet legs course so face face body instead of body we need actually use our mesh and remove this body okay let's remove it and compile then let's find out the problems okay on un name initiat okay let's check it out and let's connect everywhere where we can see this [Music] problem okay now try to compile again now there is no mistakes okay currently our character has no animation actually because this is animation blueprint for third person but our characters have the same skeleton exactly the same skeleton so you can just take an animation for manquin and use it for character let's try out our character oh wait we need to change our world settings let's use instead our character so where's project settings maps and modes click here and let's change our default pwn class use BP Kevin and let's check it out how it looks like now I think yeah we have some problems with animation because we don't have actual animation for this character so let's go to the ABP menu steal this animation I'm duplicating this so it is duplicate okay let's make this ABP Kevin all right I can just right click here and assign skeleton and use skeleton of our metahuman character but before that let's check out our character skeleton which is meta human base skeleton met a human base skeleton so I can actually go to our animation blueprint right click here assign skeleton and use met a human base skeleton and accept because their skeletons are exactly the same save all all right now our character must have some animation now I must be able to add ABP kin in it must work okay face also use Face animation okay where is Le let's add our animation here as well okay torso and feet okay compile let's check it out now he must work better yeah definitely B our character is now looks like a character um the only problem is that we don't have inputs for our character because uh we need to have where is our event begin play get player controller then get enhanced input local system add mapping context okay connected here and we need to use maping context of third person character compile and Save save it yeah you can see our character is moving but our fits doesn't work well yeah so what we need to do we need to make our character legs separate so it is where it is is our feet mhm okay now let's go to our uh parent because if I remember correctly in the yeah in the animation blueprint we must have something like control rig so I need anim graph yeah we have control this is the reason yeah so let's adjust it here we actually have this full body IQ we need to use here animation route instead of pelvis here so now it must work properly if I remember correctly yeah it works correctly but you can see it is laggy frames are not perfect but Hector is actually working so basically we did it we create our character now we can do some optimization first of all you can go to the this load sync and try to work with this lods so this is LOD for range zero range 1 2 3 and so on you basically need 0 one and sometimes two this part you can actually make them all much worse [Music] actually for mustache you can use direct the three because uh this is not important part for far view points when you are too far from your character you don't need your mustache all right next part is our actual character here in the S details you have this uh ma materials where it [Music] is okay let's use statistic we need actually our texture stats and here we need to find our character animations for example uh I mean character textures you can see there's a 4K and 2K um texture you can also find them in the material part you can for example go here and see this material and you need to actually find out textures I'm going to use here this filter I'm going to use texture this is our textures here you can find 157 items so this is our all textures you can just reduce their texture size I'm going to to do that uh except for base color of uh his uh body and for normal of his body all the stuff I can little bit adjust for example how to do that you can for example click on some textures let's use this jeans double click and here you can find um [Music] yes this maximum texture size and change it from 4K for example to 1K and save it okay and you can do that for every single one but you can actually you can actually uh optimize this process you can click on some first one for example click on next one right click here ass set action and then you can uh bulk edit uh edit selection property Matrix click here and you can find here your uh Max te texture size and you can find what texture you need and uh remove their maximum texture size to 1,24 I'm going to skip that part of editing because it will take a long time and I don't want to prolong this video ever longer okay I changed all texture to 1K and let's try I'm going to click here and this is our [Music] character all right you can see now it is not that laggy it is still needs some optimization but but it is much better this is because uh metahuman is not optimized and I say it in my previous videos this is why metahuman is only for advanced users and this is why you can use this mostly for cinematics and not for game because the character is too detailed and almost nothing you can do to optimize this properly um especially when you have this type of environment you can see this environment is pretty heavy for performance and you can see even this warning because there is a lot of stuff going on and character is also heavy heater for performance the last one that I need to do click on camera boom and change this 400 to 200 and 80 to make our camera closer to our characters so we can see our character better because currently it is too far okay now this is our character it becomes a little bit laggy because our character now more detailed than before yeah currently this is it I hope you enjoy if so hit the like button share comments and subscribe but most importantly enjoy see you
Channel: Unreal Engine Enjoyer
Views: 2,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create, unreal, engine, 5.3, character, free, freebies, how to, space, game, generator, level, design, weapon, shooting, shooter, fps, tps, assets, metahuman, guide, tutorial
Id: 9tcGGq4YgUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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