How To Replace The Mannequin With A Metahuman - Unreal Engine 5.3 Tutorial

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what's up guys mizo frizzo here and in this short tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to replace the mannequin in the third person template with a metahuman using live retarget this is an updated method for version 5.3 and uh little bit has changed but works quite nicely so without further Ado let me show you how to do this all righty guys I'm just going to create a new project under the third person template leave everything as default and hit create once the editor has fired up I'm going to head on over to quicko bridge down to the metahuman section and I'm just going to add a metahuman that I've already got downloaded which will be tray export to project you'll be prompted to enable all missing plugins uh sometimes it'll take a second might be when you first try to open up the blueprint enable all missing plugins and when prompted restart the editor once the editor has restarted open up your med humans blueprint and also head over to the third person folder and blueprints and open up the third person character blueprint and the third person game mode blueprint over in your metahumans blueprint uh the first thing we're going to do in class settings is change the parent class to BP third person character then we're going to find the body over here and drag it onto mesh we can delete root if we hit compile we'll get an eror down here that says Target this node here requires mesh so grab mesh plug it into Target and compile the error should disappear select the body zero out the location and the rot and then we're going to head down here to where it says Live retarget use live retarget mode change the default to true and live R Target setup here you can double click that this node right here if you hit the browse icon will take you to the animation blueprint for the retargeter and right here should be right next to it you'll see an ik retargeter RTG metahuman we're going to hit contrl D to duplicate that one and we can change this to RTG many to meta something like that many to meta human going to open up this retargeter and up here at the top right the source ik rig asset will be ik mannequin Source preview mesh will be SK and many because I'm going to retarget from many uh and ik metahuman on the target ik rig asset the target preview mesh will be the preview of the body that your metahuman uses so if you just select the body on your metahuman you'll see over here the skeletal mesh asset is M tall normal weight body for my metahuman so medium tall normal weight body so we're looking for medium tall normal weight body preview once that's been selected um one of the first things we can do is select the root here and change the translation mode to globally scaled this is just in case you want to use this retargeter to duplicate and retarget the animation assets um this makes the root motion work correctly in 5.3 uh we also want to go up here and click these three little dots and edit retarget pose you can see that the pose here of the metahuman is slightly off um if the bones aren't showing you want to click character bones all hierarchy and we're going to make sure rotation snapping is switched on to 10° and we are going to rotate the arm 10° back like this and 10° out grab the other arm rotate it 10° out and 10° back you can see they're lined up quite well there um that's all looking pretty good um you could probably go in and I can't really see anywhere else where the pose could be improved uh maybe in the feet uh the feet are slightly out there but I don't think that matters too much if you really if this really annoyed you you could let's say - 2.5 there that's a little bit closer - 2.5 oh that's maybe even a little bit too much minus 2 uh that's about as good as the pose is going to get um that's everything we need to do in here so we can save this retargeter and close it um but then what we want to do is change the retargeter that the animation blueprint uh for the retargeting is using so open up the animation blueprint and double click click on the anom graph here and this retarget pose from mesh node you'll see the retargeter asset is selected up here change it to the one that you've just created many to metahuman and hit compile and save and close that and now we can see that our metahuman is retargeted onto man's mesh uh click on the mesh man's mesh and you can and search for visible and uncheck visible and change this visibility based anom tick option to always tick pose and refresh bones one other thing we can do while we're in here is click on LOD sync down here and change forced LOD to zero you'll see his beard pops up up so we're locking it into lod0 there and I'm pretty sure the only other thing we've got to do is in BP third person game mode uh change the default porn class to your metahumans blueprint H there is one other thing we need to do which is in BP third person character grab everything out of the event graph control click to unselect event begin play contrl C to copy and in your metahumans blueprint find some empty space paste this in here grab event begin play and hair L setup and plug it into cast 2 player controller here compile and save that should be absolutely everything we need to do if I hit play you can see we've got a metahuman here it's replaced our third person character retargeted quite nicely guys if this has been of any use or value to you whatsoever please hit like And subscribe and I will see you on the next one
Channel: MizzoFrizzo
Views: 17,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game development, how to import metahuman, how to use metahuman, metahuman, how to replace the mannequin with a metahuman, ue5 metahuman, ue5 how to make a metahuman, unreal engine add metahuman, unreal engine 5 how to add a metahuman to mannequin, unreal engine 5 mannequin to metahuman, unreal engine metahuman create, unreal engine 5 how replace mannequin with a metahuman, ue5 mannequin to metahuman, ue5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, UE5.3, 5.3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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