Free Face Mocap NO IPHONE on your Metahuman

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hey everyone luas here and now you can do facial animation without an iPhone using your webcam like the one I have here and I'm going to show you how you can import that into your metahuman in a real engine real quick so I'm going to leave this link in the description is the face land mark and you will download it here got the zip file and extract it then where is it you're going to open your bad boy here and then here you can say you want head uh head tracking say yes and no SM metrical eyes and then we choose the video I have a video that I recorded earlier then I'm going to set it up here and then the file will be uh where your video is so we got this CSV file so in real engine you get your metahuman all your scene you go to plugins and you type in Live link and then you're name live link uh I like to have the controll the bug everything and the most important one is live link faceing port then you check that them on and restart your engine and then you will simply just me see I have an animation file here take this CSV file drop it there you open you'll have this bad boy here click your metahuman and then make sure that it's in the key frame so it can show up here and then you choose it there and then use your kit and there you have it uh a couple friends of mine said oh it's not that good but I mean it's free and it's actually hard to compete with iPhone because of the depth camera but I think it's pretty good you know the the eyes blink I think you can just like use the eyes blink from this one the head rotation and take audio to face for the mouth or something thanks very good and if if you yours uh don't run for some reason you can come up here simulate and hit play and then it it will run bye
Channel: Space Orca Studio
Views: 19,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X_TdTvXwwiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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