Create your own MetaHuman | Unreal Engine 5 tutorial

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oh dude that looks exactly like her this is so close this is Angelina and today we're going to be creating her meta human using Unreal Engine 5. and you are going to learn exactly how we do it step by step using metahumans you can turn anyone into a photorealistic avatar and they come rig head to toe ready for production and the best part is it's simple and free we started by 3D scanning her using an app called polycam then cleaned it up in blender and took it to Unreal Engine 5 to process the meta human we took it to the meta human Creator website to do the final customizations to turn on Jelena from this to this let's get it today we're here for the photogrammetry workout we got Angelina right there first time doing photogrammetry our first time doing photogrammets we're going to be 3D scanning her face we're gonna go three Loops eye level high angle low angle so when you're doing your photo scan make sure your subject is comfortable Angelina needs to stay still while we're doing the scan that's why we have this video in the front so when I'm moving and scanning her she's not going to be looking at me or get distracted this is going to be the solution are you ready foreign we're using the photo mode on polycam [Music] so we have all these photos we try to do an orbit at eye level and in high level and then low level and then we did close-ups what you want to do is remove the photos that are out of focus even though you seem to give details they actually don't they're just going to ruin your polygons and your texture so you want to get rid of them and then you can go for processing for the processing we're going to go full and we don't need to turn on object masking because that's for like small items and I'm going to upload and process so what we're doing right now is going into polycam what we have to do is export this and put it into blender and how we're gonna do that is click this download button and Export it as a GLT and once this is done we're gonna bring it and import it as a glp5 within blender sending it now open WhatsApp download the glb file Unreal Engine 5 only needs the face we don't need the body the neck and so we're going to do all the cleanup here first step is to import the glb file say yes sir yes sir dude that looks beautiful aside from her eyelashes There is almost no artifact on her face this is a clean scan the way she's sitting is just so Majestic this is like a very chill wow this is so close she looks like a doll if you look at the scan her eyelashes have become part of the texture but I feel like we can actually recreate her face texture on Unreal Engine 5's meta human Creator what you want is the face the goal right now is to go ahead and clean up this geometry and remove any unwanted part of the model which means everything else but the front part of the face and we're going to do that by going into the edit mode and literally removing the vertices that we don't need so I'm just going to go to the toggle x-ray mode just going to hit C so I can do this as quick as possible I'm just gonna quickly get rid of her body here and X vertices so that's gone we do not need her hair either that is going to be recreated in The Meta human Creator so we're gonna remove this one thing you can do actually is is just open another window right here and in this window go out of x-ray mode you can potentially even go into like the render mode just to make sure you're not getting rid of anything uh necessary take a look at this boom if your ears are not covered by your hair you can keep them but since hers are I'm just gonna get rid of them this looks like the Game of Thrones scene yes of the faceless Faceless Men I wish Game of Thrones follow through for that that was the most exciting part of two season the more time you spend here cleaning it up of course it's going to propagate into the results that you have I'm pretty happy with this next thing that you're gonna do you need to clean up the mesh before we send it to our New London five the meringuemen creator doesn't tend to like meshes that are dirty once you look at the mesh right now you see it it seems like it's broken that's what because the different parts of the mesh are not connected that's what happens when we use polycam there's three steps to follow very quick very easy that you need to do before you import this within Unreal Engine 5 and you do that by going to the edit mode select your entire mesh and go to mesh clean up delete loose and look at the bottom it removed some of the vertices that were extra in the scene that you didn't need select your mesh again go to clean up degenerate dissolve and merge by distance it's going to remove 274 vertices these are extra vertices that you do not need and now the model is all connected as you can see when I select it so now that we're done we're going to select this as part of the object that we want to export go to file export fbx and make sure you have selected objects because we don't want to export anything else but the mesh and just going to click mesh since that's what we're exporting we do not have animation for the material if you want to have the material in there because we are going to use a material change the path mode to copy and click on this button embed textures to send a text features in your fbx file export fbx we're going to go out of blender Unreal Engine damn right you have epic games open you want to go ahead and open the engine version that currently supports meta humans and you can do that by going to the bottom if you don't have the meta human plugin installed go to the marketplace and install it but if you have it then you have something like this meta-humans installed here if you can check create a project and you can see the engine versions that are available right now we are on 5.2 but 5.2 doesn't support meta human so that's why we need to go back a version and create for 5.1 engine 5.1.1 so we're gonna go to the film and video live event I'm going to open a bank project just have Ray tracing on this is just something I do all the time project location the project name and hit create hello darkness mild yeah if it's the first time you're opening up a project it's very likely that you have to compile shaders and wait a while so be patient patience is key while we have time go answer some comments and I'm gonna subtitle our video don't waste any time [ __ ] Unreal Engine 5 is finally open so we're gonna go to edit go to plugins make sure you have metahumans installed it's not installed so put it in there click yes restart and wait again all right now that we have meta humans in there all we have to do open a Content browser by hitting control space make a new folder here right a new folder I'm gonna call it 3D scan and we're going to import the 3D scan that we have I'm gonna drag it drop it in here import all beautiful we have Angelina's face scan you don't have to do this I just like to view it you can just drag it and drop it in the scene just see what it looks like scale it up and it looks great we're going to add search for metahuman identity right color whatever you want save all like always open The Meta human identity and once this guy's open it's going to probably connect to Epic Games the reason for that is because it's going to be using the meta human Creator website so once you're in the management identity you want to go to the top left section components from mesh click that and here we want to add the face scan to the scene we see it right over here if you don't see it search for it boom what we're going to do is just bring the camera down just so it's at eye level and the next thing we're going to want to do is click on this three bars make sure to fill the view is somewhere like 15 and the reason we do that is because you want to get a flatter face because we're going to be using that scene right here to recognize the landmarks on the face the eyes the eyebrows the nose and the mouth we're going to go to unlit unlit just make sure there's even lighting all across our face again better for finding the landmark all we have to do is go and choose our body type essentially you can always change these later on but for now we're just going to go with something that suits the character we want to go for you're gonna go to neutral pose and the reason why you go there is because you need to now promote a frame you're gonna tell on your 195 I want to lock this Frame use this Frame to recognize the face Landmark so you want to go ahead and click promote frame and now it's locked this Frame the next thing you're going to want to do is Click track active frame track active frame is going to automatically find the landmarks on our face let's see if it can do a good job even though our eyelashes are kind of messed up and wow wow the eyes okay so I'm just going to quickly adjust this guy you know well I have as you can see a reference photo of Angelina make sure you take reference photos of your subject even though her eyelashes are covering her eyes here I'm just gonna make sure if it's done right on the left top left it should come a bit lower so I'm pretty confident about this once you're done it's time to go for that meta-human identity solve boom that's the moment okay so we're essentially done before you go to meshire human which sends this model to The Meta human Creator website where you can further customize it you can actually check the mesh right here by clicking B we have her face mesh and if you want to see this is something that is close to the mesh or not it's actually very easy to do all you got to do is hit neutral pose hit template mesh and I can now go around the model and you can see wow this is the perfect [ __ ] face mesh we managed to get Angelina's face smash to the dot we're just gonna quickly go back to A and B wow so you can see this perfect match actually and in the B menu you can take off the template mesh or actually a neutral pose overlaying her own face on top you can see the nose is on point the lips are on point the cheeks are on point actually I think this is the best meta human you've ever made probably all right click okay so mesh meta human this is going to send it to the meta human Creator website why don't we go ahead and open the meta human Creator website Unreal Engine 5.1 is the version we're going for so launch meta human Creator your meta human is now a bridge we do not need a new engine open at this time so we're just going to close it so make sure you save all click refresh now it's going to come in as a mesh with no textures nothing our goal right now is to turn this into it yeah can we turn your eyes are amazing like it's really close like I didn't [ __ ] up the eyes though the best way to do this is like I said always have a reference photo of your model we're going to open up a photo of Angelina on the side first thing we gotta do is go to custom mesh here if there's any part of our face that doesn't look like her you can actually click on the influence so you can select the region and reduce the influence just check out the overall influence see that see the difference click enable editing duplicate and unlock will keep the main version so if you [ __ ] it up you can always come back to it we're going to do that let's start with skin assign skin texture she has a fair skin so I would say pretty light lighter yeah eyes so we're both color blind the problem is we cannot use okay can we scan yeah there's a photo Color Picker that will tell you what color is your photo and we need this because we're both colorblind you can use this to your advantage let's try this I think this is her eye color I think I'm right yeah so for her hair is this was this her hair no definitely not we might have to do custom here enable hair dye we're gonna put the makeup on and everything and this is gonna get closer trust me let's go for this we're closing it on it eyelashes if you look at long curl oh my God we're getting close long thick curls oh my God yes okay all right everybody help me out here help me out here if this is the color of her foundation what color does this match okay definitely not at the top see be smart people probably my guess is this I might be wrong if I'm wrong let me know in the comments okay eyes eyes eyes guys this is gonna make like the [ __ ] difference are you guys ready for this I'm not ready for this are you guys ready for this boom my biggest problem is that the hairs don't match so it's hard to tell no I think you should try this yes but I think we have to start sculpting but you gotta be very careful because when you move things here things get messed up move these ears back yes like this chubbiness of the cheeks that is giving it away detect who's the thief they have four second racks of paper no they cover and they will ask like because they want to identify the guy right yeah does it look the same and then they put different so one oh two two three three and four okay let's do that right now let's do that right now if you can con this way you know what's the problem right easily you can don't get distracted APS push it up oh yes yes too long wait yes who's this better but she has Fuller eyebrows it's not black brown yeah it's got her much closer yeah much because this one right eyelashes can be better yes check the give me copy this is the [Music] oh this angle we are definitely closed so after an hour of customization within the meta human Unreal Engine website we now have a final result ready we represent you Angelina's meta human right here look at that dude I think we nailed the makeup especially on the eyes the makeup is great right I would say her General facial structure is really well done like the nose that she oh the nose is amazing the nose is really really close yeah and if you look at like check this out check out the sad pose this is exactly good this is so good this is so good so we can already tell okay this is around 80 percent there is it complete is it a perfect clone no not really not but that's the whole purpose of this tutorial we wanted to show you in this video how you can start by scanning your friend yourself and take that scan into blender clean it up take it to a new Legend 5 create a meta human out of it and then bring it to the meta human Creator website to turn yourself or your friend into an actual clone an actual meant to human however there is a limitation farad you're aware of this yeah there's only a certain amount of customization you can do within the Creator website and it will be a waste of time for us to go and keep working on this and so a shout out to real-time graphx or having a course about full-on customization of metal humans that means you can customize the hair you can customize the eyebrows you you can go out and add your own makeup that you like and are we going down tomorrow we're [ __ ] doing that tomorrow damn right we're doing that that's why we're gonna cut the video right here up until this moment whoever wanted to create a management oh they can do it they can it will be as close as you know they can get in one day exactly I would say this is more of like beginner to intermediate tomorrow's tutorial is going to be Advanced exactly it's gonna be Advanced because we're gonna be importing this model into Unreal Engine 5 and then to blender to add customizations to the mesh right the next parts that will come after that are gonna be for the hair they're gonna be Textures in substance painter the goal is we want to take this to to our Egyptian scene yeah that's gonna be [ __ ] go but but but our Discord server is open make sure you get in there we're gonna put all this nudes yeah all the steps that they took today in our Discord if you create any meta human come and share it with us we would love to see your work too yeah and we also oh we are also going to be sharing uh a written file document on all the steps in this video for anybody who doesn't want to keep re-watching this video and wants to just look at that although the watch time will help so please do us if you are here until now make sure you hit that subscribe button then since you're here see you guys tomorrow ciao
Channel: Bad Decisions Studio
Views: 448,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad decisions studio, daily vlog, vlog, bad decisions vlog, #youtubevlog, vlogger, vloglife, startup, vancouver, canada
Id: 7lAWhk_aVvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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