Making Short Films in Unreal Engine 5 with Metahumans

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what's up guys my name is abdf and welcome back to yet another brand new course and in this one we're going to be learning how to make realistic looking short films inside of under Engine 5 using metahumans now this course is perfect for everybody who has like a basic level of knowledge and under L 5 but you want to take things to the next level and you want to actually start producing real short films so if that sounds like you then you at the perfect place now we're going to be going through all the processes of creating a short film including blocking out the whole environment right we're going to be creating the whole um environment using Mega scans assets right you can create either an indoor environment or an outdoor environment but in this course I'm going to be actually creating an outdoor environment so you can either follow along with that or you can sort of uh do your own thing and create your own environment um but apart from that we're also going to be creating meta humans using meta human Creator um after that we're going to be importing a meta human we're going to be animating it we're going to be using mixim animations and not only body animations we're also going to be doing facial animations using metahuman animator now I do need to mention one thing is that if you want to do facial animations you are going to need an iPhone for that so be sure you have an iPhone and also one other thing which I want to mention before we start is that this course is going to be pretty Hardware intensive so make sure you have like a relatively good computer if you have like a very old computer with like a very old graphic card then I wouldn't actually recommend you to take this course but yeah I hope that sounds interesting and I hope you guys are ready to learn cuz we're going to be learning a lot in this course anyway that's it for now and I'll see you in the course all right so let's get started um so first thing we're going to do is that is that we're going to create a new project um so we're going to go to games and I'm actually going to be choosing third person this time usually we with like other projects we we just go with the blank project um but in this we are going to need the Third person um mannequins just for the rigs and stuff like that uh so we're just going to be creating a third person project and so we can you know get all that stuff right uh so I'm going to turn on rate tracing now right um this is going to give you better results better lighting results and the quality is going to be better if you um have an RTX graphic card and you can sort of bear the performance cost that this is going to have um then I would definitely recommend you to turn this on um and quality preset set it to maximum uh start a Content Shore and just name the project whatever I'm just going to call this sh Filmore course all right and the location is fine um and then we can just go ahead and create the project so you can obviously use existing project as well and you can also import um the third person content if you just created a blank project that's fine as well uh but I'm just going to be creating a new project for this one um all right so we are inside unv engine perfect um so what we're going to be doing now is that we're actually just going to be going to file let's create a new level so I'm just going to click new level and then we can just do empty level so that we can sort of start from scratch and we don't have to worry about any of um any play presets or anything like that um so right now you're going to see that we don't have a Content browser uh so there's this button right here content browser down here so I'm just going to click that and we're going to dock this in layout I just want to make sure that you guys can see the cont browser actually you can see it on the bottom right so um below collections below like where we where I where my mouse is right now below this there's going to be a Content drawer um so just click that and then you can sort of um what do you call it dock it right so yeah that's essentially it um also the the console is also down there uh so let me make sure yeah cuz we are going to be using some console commands so let me actually um make this Unreal Engine in Window mode so you can see this console this um sort of uh console command area we're going to be using this a lot uh not a lot I mean we're going to be using it a few times so just make sure that you know where this is right so um because it's not visible in the scene let make sure you can see the top panel you can't even see that uh even like the top the top um sort of tools what do you call it the tools menu whatever uh we might use some of these as well we're going to use tools we're going to use but I'm just going to let you know what what I'm using so it won't be that big of a problem for you guys but yeah so let's go ahead and start with the basic lighting setup so that we can at least see what's going on in in our scene um so I'm just going to go to window right up here you can't really see this but like just go up and click Windows uh sorry window not Windows and then go down to environment light mixer click this and now what we're going to be doing is that we're just going to be creating all these lights which these are basically just just just a basic outdoor lighting setup which under engine gives you it's very easy to set up just click create Skylight create atmospheric light um Sky atmosphere volumetric cloud and height fog right so once you add all of these you can just cross this out and now you're going to see that we have a basic outdoor lighting setup perfect we don't really have anything um on which the character can stand on uh so we're just going to be going to add and let's go to shape and Cube I'm just going to be adding a basic Cube or actually instead what we can do is we can probably just add a landscape so I just deleted that Cube and we can go to selection mode click this go to landscape mode and we're not going to be obviously going too deep in landscape we're just going to be using the default settings whatever it gives you cuz we're just going to delete this later on anyway we just need this as sort of like a starting point uh so I'm just going to click create perfect and then we can get out of landscape mode just go back to selection mode and you're going to see that at least we have a ground a floor where the character and everything they can like stand right so let's go ahead and save this so just control uh press contrl s and I'm just going to save it in content that's file fine I'm just going to call this short Filmore course perfect you're going to see it appear right here so now just press save all and everything is saved now what we can do is we can actually go ahead and create our first meta human right um so for that what I'm going to do is that I'm going to go to add quickel content quixel content and then we can go down to metahuman just click this right here and you're going to see that there you're going to get a lot of options you might have to sign into your epic games account um before opening this menu so just do that and you can see that we have a lot of these um metahuman options I'm going to show you how to customize them and how to sort of um make them you can basically customize them in in a million different ways I'm just going to be showing you the basics of meta human Creator but yeah um C customizing them more is obviously up to you you can do whatever you want right so what you can do is you can just select a starting point uh for your character right so I think the one which I chose was probably I think it was this one yeah miles so once you've decided what what starting point you want right you can just open that you can just click that character and you can click Start MHC this is going to be opening The Meta human Creator right so once it's it's just going to open your browser for me it's Google Chrome um and just select your underl version I have the latest version which is 5.3 um obviously if if if you're watching this in the future and there's more versions out obviously you can select the version whichever you have I don't think the process process should like change that much but then you can just click launch meta human Creator and it is going to take a bit it's going to take a few minutes to load up the character and stuff so just wait for it to do that all right so it took a few minutes to load but now we are inside metahuman Creator so you're going to see that now we have um the Char character which we selected it that's loaded up and you can basically use um your mouse to sort of move around um and orbit around this met human so you can use your right click so just press uh press and hold your right Mouse button and you can sort of orbit around the character you can rotate it right you can uh press your left Mouse button actually left Mouse button doesn't really do anything you can also um press your middle Mouse button to sort of pan around so and you can obviously use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out so if I zoom in like that and if I have to rotate like that I'm using my right Mouse button for that all right cool so now what we can do is we can just click create selected and it's just going to sort of uh what do you call it it's going to give us this all these options to modify this metahuman right first thing I'm going to start with is there are the proportions so firstly right now you're going to see that this guy is very skinny he's very um what do you call it sort of uh um he he looks like a kid right also you can press this button right here to sort of um stop the animations or you can just click any of these animations to play them I don't know if you can see the yeah you can see part of it so that's fine um but yeah so you can trigger all these animations or you can just uh click this button right here the square button so you can um pause it right first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go to body and proportions so if I go to proportions you're going to see that we have some uh body types right here so I'm just going to select this body type which is going to be sort of like a a little bulkier body type um it's going to it's going to give him like a good um built body that's what I want from my character and we can also make it tall um you can also you can sort of make it any height you want that's perfectly fine perfect so I think that looks good he looks more like an adult now because previously he was looking more like a kid but yeah so um next thing we're going to do is let's just go to the face and I'm going to I'm going to show you how you can sort of use all these um options right so the blend option this is basically for blending multiple um what do you call call it meta humans right for example if you choose like this one if you choose this one you drag it in you choose this one you drag it in and choose this one you drag it in just three random uh meta humans and what it's going to do is just going to sort of blend all of those and you can choose individual um characteristics of each metahuman to blend right so for example like this if I click this right here you can see that if I move this if I move it to this this thing right here this this one so that's going to be this a OE character right there um if I move it to this you're going to see that it's going to take the character characteristics of Cooper which is this metahuman right here if I move it on this side it's going to take the characteristics of brine which this metahuman right here right so you can essentially blend multiple metah humans I'm personally not going to do that CU I'm just going to be using this uh miles meta human um and I'm just going to be modifying this like by myself right let's go to skin and so you can just change the skin color obviously right um let's say you want to um let's say you messed up the skin for example um and you want to bring it back you can just contrl Z press control Z on your keyboard and it's going to um bring it back right you can also increase the texture so if I zoom in also by the way you can see uh you can still see those um dots right here so you can just click this blend thing right here to sort of toggle them on and off right and if I zoom in you're going to see that if I increase the texture it's going to have more uh sort of wrinkles and all that stuff so if if you want your character to be like old so you can add more of these if you want to make it extremely old you can add a lot of texture something like that I would recommend you to do this if you're going for like a very realistic character like a very realistic old character you can do that but I'm just going to be undoing this contrl Z and I'm just going to be setting it back to the default right that should be fine because I'm going for like a mainly young character um okay perfect so um you can also increase the contrast I don't really um actually more contrast seems to be better just a little bit more something like that and the roughness obviously this is going to uh make your skin shiny and non shiny based on the value you set I usually like to go um so it really depends on what sort of scene you're going for uh now since our scene is going to be in a forest and it's going to be like um basically sort of like a survival scene um I think our roughness should be low cuz then that would mean that the guy has hasn't washed his face since like um maybe a day or two so um he has oil on his face and like stuff like that right so I think that would make more sense um but again it really depends on what sort of situation you're going for right so I think that's it for the skin let's go down to our eyes and you're going to see that we have a lot of options For Eyes I'm just going to be setting them to something like um one thing which I do want you to note is that if you set your eyes to be like very light for example something like this they are going to Glow a little bit in the dark for some reason in Unreal Engine so I would recommend you to set them to like a darker color something like that should be good good um and you can obviously change like the amount of um honestly the amount of uh customization that meta human creator gives you is actually insane like you can even select the shape of uh your eyes like inside eyes so that's kind of crazy if you think about it but yeah um let's move on to teeth so teeth you can change the color obviously you can change the uh variation of teeth you can set them to like whatever teeth you want but I'm just going to be setting the color to a little white white something like that should be good and plaque color let me set this to white as well and reduce the plaque amount cuz I wanted him to have at least good teeth you know and the to tooth lint you can obviously change that as well really depending on what sort of character you're going for um you you can also open the jaw just to see how it looks from inside and I think the character looks really realistic um also one thing which I want to mention here is if you want to look at this character in different lighting setups you can click this studio button right here and you can just toggle any um lighting setup so for example this one right here it's a really different you know lighting setup so you can sort of look at your character from um in in in this scenario and just see how it looks right so you have a lot of options here but I'm just going to go back to the studio light okay you can also add makeup to your character you can apply foundation and all that stuff this would um yeah you can add this if you want I'm I'm not really going to add this cuz obviously our character is going to be in the forest and all that so I don't think there's any point of adding makeup why would you have makeup in the forest um unless I mean that's what you're what you want to portray in your story oh yeah um let's let's move on to head so if I go to style you're going to see that we have a lot of hairstyles now the hairstyles are a little limited um when I was trying to create my own metahuman I couldn't find the hairstyle that I have so that was kind of a bummer um but again you can you still have a lot of options that you can choose from uh again really depends on what sort of character you're trying to make I think that looks pretty good doesn't it yeah I'm actually going to go with that let's go with that hairstyle um let's go to eyebrows again eyebrows and stuff like that is just minor um minor what do you call it adjustments I'm not really going to be changing any of that stuff so let's go to mustache and let's add a mustache I mean it already does have a mustache but like let's make it a little thicker uh something like that might be good let's combine it with a beard with like a good beard how about we do something like that seems to be good honestly yeah maybe the mustache needs to be a little lighter again all this depends on your personal preference it depends on what sort of character you're going for I think that that was a good mustache yeah yeah and the beard let's see if what other options we have again you can add a longer beard if you want there's a lot of options that you can go for but I'm just going to go with this all right perfect so let's go to uh the body and let's go to Tops we already covered proportions and we're good with that so the tops you can uh change your clothing so you have a few options you have a um crew neck shirt you have um a button-up shirt you have a normal full sleeve I think this is like a sweatshirt sweater yeah and you have a hoodie I'm just going to go with a hoodie um so you can change the colors obiously and you can change the primary and secondary color I'm just going to undo that so because I think this color looks good and you can also change the graphics which are on um which is on the hoodie right which uh I don't really think I need to change I think having no Graphics is looking pretty good and you can obviously change the bottoms as well so you can have it where have wear anything you want I'm just going to go with like some cargo pants I think that's going to look good but I'm just going to be reducing the saturation of the color so I'm just going to make it like a black cargo pant something like that should be good yeah dark gray charcoal um cargo pant and let's go for shoes so with shoes again you have a few options um I think in order to like customize this fully if you want to add like a custom shoe model I think you're going to have to take this in blender but that's going to be a little um or blender or any other 3D editing 3D um animation software but again I think that's going to be a little too complicated and I'm so I'm just not going to cover that in this uh tutorial uh because I want to keep this like pretty basic um but yeah so our character is basically complete um you can also set the render quality to Epic if you want to sort of make the render quality look better and yeah our character is basically done so once your character is done what you can do is you can basically um just go back to my meta humans or whatever just don't do anything here cuz it's automatically saving everything you do as like you do it so once you're ready to add this character character what you can do is also by the way it's going to appear in your my metahumans um what do you call it my metahumans uh folder um so what you can do is you can go back to anal engine right close this bridge and go to add add quickel content once again then you can go to metahumans and my metahumans so now you're going to see your character appear right here perfect so um you can just click this and you can select the highest quality or whatever um I would recommend you to go for highest quality if you're going for like the best results um but then you can just go ahead and click download now this is going to be like 1 or 2 GB and it is going to generate it first so it is going to take some time um so in order to like save some time I might just go with like the previous character that I made the previous miles uh but it is going to take like a few minutes not a few minutes it for me it took like 20 30 minutes but it is going to take some time to like generate your 3D model and then also to download it I think it was something around like 2 GB so yeah it really depends on your internet speed so I'm just going to go with this model right here which I already have installed cuz I want to save time um so I'm just going to click add once it's downloaded you're just going to click add and it's going to import that model perfect so once it's added you can just cross this out and you're going to see that in your uh content browser you're going to see this new folder appear which is called metahumans so if you click this if you open it like that and you go to miles right you're going to see if you go down to uh go down inside the miles folder you're going to see this bpor miles blueprint class so this is the meta human itself so you can just drag it out into your scene just like that and it is going to take some time okay so some plugins are missing so you can just click enable missing enable missing and once again enable missing just enable everything and it is asking you to restart the engine so I'm just going to do that just save selected and you can so cross this out just leave it all right so under Lon just restarted and I don't know why for some reason we have two content browsers now so I'm going to cross one of them out and let's go back to our content and let's go back to the short film course um level cuz right now we're just in the default level for some reason so let's open it and your meta human should already be there yep it is right there perfect but it's it's bald for some reason so we got to fix that the pro the reason for that is because there's thing called lods which which stands for level of detail and so the hair that this metahuman uses these hair are basically only visible in like the highest quality LOD right and it sort of automatically switches lods if you go far from uh the character right so in order to basically fix this issue what we're going to be doing is that we're just going to be um sort of uh turning off all lods except for the LOD zero which is the highest quality L right so um also in order to like preview the lods of of any meta human character I I'll have to open metahuman character once again so just a metahuman Creator once again let me just launch this all right um in order to like preview any uh what do you call it u in order to preview the lods I can just edit this uh you can just click this button right here lod0 if I set to lod1 you going see that the quality is going to reduce lod3 is going to be so after I think anything after lod2 it's going to lose the hair right and so how do you know which hair um you should add if you don't want it to lose hair you can just go here and so any any of the hair which has this um this warning Mark it's only going to be displayed on lod0 or lod1 right so you can just go ahead and preview all the lods this is obviously the lowest quality one right but anyways so let me just go ahead and close this so the reason why I why I was telling you all this is just so we can add a console command which is just going to force the LOD to be zero at all times no matter what right and you're going to have to do this every time you restart the engine right so just keep that in mind um and it is going to be uh applicable to all the objects in your scene so none of them are going to be using any other lods other than zero right just go down to your console uh your console right here I think yeah you can't see this so I'm just going to be making this into Window mode right I hope you can see it now yep yeah you can see right now this one right here so what you can do is you can just click R you can Type R do Force LOD r. Force L this one right here space zero and press enter right now it's going to force the LOD to be zero at all times now no matter how far I go you're going to see that it's going to stay the same now this is obviously going to cost more um Computer Resources it is going to uh affect your frame rates but that's the only option we have right now uh with these hair uh otherwise you can obviously just choose um some hair which are like not that heavy on your computer so yeah uh just press contrl s and save all perfect so our metahuman is basically added and you can see that it looks pretty realistic right now we can go ahead and maybe add some animations to this metahuman right how exactly do we make this metahuman sort of move how exactly do we make it um basically do the stuff that we wanted to do all right so for the animations we're going to be using this website called mixo now I'm pretty sure you are already famili familiar with miimo but if you're not it's basically a website where you can sort of get um animations and stuff like that right so mixim just go to and it is going to ask you to log in first so just log in with your with your Adobe account if you don't have an adobe account you can just create one um but yeah I'm just going to I just skipped over that part because obviously I don't want to like show you my credentials and stuff like that so um you're going to see that if we go to characters we have a lot of these characters you can also choose characters from here if you want but they're not really that realistic um compared to like meta humans obviously plus like the custom imization is not that much like you just get what you get right so yeah you have a lot of these options but what we're what we're more more interested in is if you go to this animations tab you're going to see that we have a lot of animations which we can use right they're just pre-made animations which look really nice and which are like pretty good which we can apply to our metahumans right so how exactly do we go about doing that how exactly do we take these animations and apply them to our metahuman we basically we can't we cannot do that directly uh we're going to have to use this tool called uh miimo converter miimo converter right so um just go to this website it's uh Terror Bliss studio. frr um and yeah this is the website right or you can just search for mixim converter and the first website is probably going to be this um so yeah just open this just click direct download and it's just going to download that the password is going to be ter terrious terrious um but I would recommend you to just come to this website and just look at the password yourself just to make sure that's still the same they might change it in the future I don't know um but yeah so once it is install is is downloaded we can just go ahead and open it and yeah uh so I'm just going to be dragging this to my desktop actually I think I can't do that cuz I already have it I already have it in my desktop uh actually say yeah I'm I'm not going to do that um let me just copy this and is somewhere else so just that I can show you where to like enter your password right click let me create a new folder MC make some converter and let me paste in here so it's going to ask you for for the password like this like this so you can just copy this right click oop right click is not working for some reason just paste it like that and it's going to just copy it like that perfect so once you have this uh once you have this downloaded what you can do is you can basically just um sort of convert animations right using this tool right so how exactly do we do that firstly we go we go to and we can just close that out let's go to and we're just going to click upload character because we're going to be using our own character which we're going to be uh which is going to be the Unreal Engine default mannequin right so we're going to be uploading that right so uh in order to like get that character it's pretty simple to get that character you can just go to the mixim converter web it uh sorry the folder not the website and just go to mannequins and just select uh official man Unreal Engine 4 um I tried it with under Lon 5 I was getting some issues but I so I would recommend you to just do it with under Lon 4 Once um just cuz it doesn't really matter um under line 41 is going to work exactly the same as under line 5 but I was just getting some problems with under line 5 so I'm just going to be using this one so you can you just have this thing right here this fpx file just drag this right here right and it's going to upload the character and then it's going to rig it automatically for you right that's the power of uh mixo right just rigs everything for you it just rigs all your characters and animates them for you right um yeah you can see that it looks perfectly fine okay so just click next and click next again and you're going to see that we have this character in our viewport right now right so let's say we want um for example we want like a walking animation right just search for walking and you going to see a lot of different variations so for example this one right here problem with this walking animation is that it's firstly it's too small um but that's not really the main problem the main problem is that it's the style of the Walk is not really what we're going for um I want the walk to be like more what do you call it like a little slower and a little more confused and stuff like that so cuz obviously you're walking in the jungle right you're not not really like um you're not going to be walking like that again you have a lot of different options nope that is not a good walk um a lot of these animations are going to be very stylized so they're not going to be super realistic they're going to be more cartoony so it's your job to sort of find the animations which look good I think the one which I used was this animation called Swagger Swagger walk yeah Swagger walk I think mine was this one yeah so this the good thing about this animation is that firstly it's relatively long and secondly um it is what do you call it um it's it's slower right it's slower compared to like the normal walking animation so that and so it looks good so this trim part if you increase it you're going to see that it's going to make the animation longer which is very good which is exactly what we want and let's take it back to actually I think we should start from zero and just take it to frame number 150 start from one and take it to one uh 50 perfect so that should be a good animation perfect um so once we have this uh this animation done basically we can just click download and these settings are very important right just do so skin you can do without skin right you have to do this and this is the only thing which we're going to change this is very important right the FPS should be 30 the F uh the format settings should be fpx that's fine key Fair ruction none is fine just click download and so thing about this animation is going to be that you can't really apply this directly onto your uh your metahuman you have to first retarget this right and you have to convert this animation so um what we can do now is we can open the folder again the mixim converter folder again go to this folder called incoming fpx right and then you can just drag your fpx the the one the file which you just downloaded into this folder just Dr just spacee in this folder right and go back open the miximum converter now so that just just cuz like we have sort of fed the uh fed the animation into this we're just going to be converting this using the app right left click to continue just go to enter the conversion process go down go down to this part right here convert the animations and you're going to see that our animation which we just copied is appearing right here which is perfectly fine and you don't really need to do anything you just need to click this right here just um click here to convert the animations so just convert it and you can click this button right here to open the folder with converted animations so this is the animation which is going to which is which is like converted just fine and you can sort of apply this to your meta human right so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to be dragging this out of this folder and just pasting it on the on my desktop something like that actually uh let me right click and I think I should be more organized let me create a new f folder I'm just going to call this uh metahumans course anims and I'm just going to be dragging this animation right here perfect so now what we're going to be doing is that we're going to be opening Unreal Engine now this part might be a little um complicated for you guys but let me just give you a quick Rec recap it's not really that hard so you basically um go to your mixim converter folder you open mannequins open the official man under full folder and you have this uh fpx file right here this 3D model right here so you can click upload character and upload that file once it's uploaded you can just go to animations select any animation you want preview it right here to make sure it works fine with this character right click download make sure you do it without skin and once it's downloaded you can basically uh just open the mixim converter folder go to incoming fpx and paste that animation then you can open the miximum converter and convert it just using the process that I just showed you and then it's going to the the converted animation is just going to appear in outgoing fpx it's not here right now cuz we U moved it out moved this moved it outside this folder but yeah so once it's there you can just import it inside of fun engine I hope this process was understandable if it's not you guys can feel free to reach out to me um and I'll try my best to help you guys all right so once you're inside Unreal Engine what we're going to be doing is that just going to be right click the right clicking the content folder and let me just create a new folder I'm just going to call this animations animations right just so that we can sort of keep our scene uh keep our project a little organized and let me go back to my desktop meta humans course animations so just the this this animation which we where which we just converted just drag this inside of under engine like this right and now this this part is very important cuz the skeleton uh you first first thing you're going to notice is that you can't really import this without selecting a skeleton so the select uh the skeleton we're just going to type M Ann right and the SK mannequin skeleton is just going to come up like that so this is just fine anything else we don't really need to change click import all or import doesn't really matter and you're going to see that now we have this animation imported if I play it you're going to see that the animation is playing just fine perfect so we have this animation imported um one thing one problem which you may face is that if you can't find the SK mannequin skeleton um when you were importing the fpx uh that means you haven't really imported you haven't really created a third person project if that's the case what you can do is you can basically just go to add add feature or content pack and then just add third person content pack right just click add to project I'm not going to be doing this CU I've already included it but you're going to see that after that we're going to get all the skeletons and stuff like that right um again with this you can't really directly apply this to the metahuman you have you have to retarget it first um so let's just go ahead and do that that's a really simple process it's just a onstep process so you can go back to your content folder right so the animation retargeter is present inside your content browser it's just uh under Legend comes with that retargeter we just have to like search for it and then you just have to use it so just search for RTG right just type RTG and you're going to see a few options here right the option that we're interested in is RTG u4 Manny underscore u5 Manny so this is basically going to be converting from underline 4 mannequin to underline 5 manquin this is exactly what we are interested in open this right and so you're going to see that we're going to have two um uh two mannequins right the first one is going to be the one which we used um in our what do you call it in our animation right which we used on mixo and the second one is going to be uh the under five mannequin but we're not going to be needing this right we just need we need this to be the metahuman right so if you go to the Target on the right side you're going to see that there's going to be this uh option right here which is going to say Target preview mesh instead of the skm Manny we're going to be typing the name of our metahuman right uh our metahuman body but how exactly do we know that uh we don't know that yet right so what we're going to be doing is that we're just going to be going back to our metahumans miles open it and you can just open the BP miles uh blueprint class and you're going to see that if I go to body right and if I go down to the skeletal mesh asset you're going to see that it's going to be mcore t a lcore nrw so this basically stands for male tall narrow body right male tall narrow body so we're just going to be typing this exact thing in the skeletal mesh right so just basically select this mcore T and you're going to see that you're going to have a few options but what we're interested in is mcore tlore nrw _ bodycore preview this is exactly what we're interested in right so you're going to see that now instead of the under Engine 5 mannequin we have this uh metah human right and you're going to see that in the right bottom asset browser you're going to see that we have the animation which we imported right here so if you double click the animation you're going to see that it's going to play like that and you can just make sure that it looks fine on your metahuman I think it looks perfectly fine and so once you are satisfied with the animation make sure the animation is selected click export selected animations go to animation uh go to any folder you want basically but I'm just going to be saving it in the animations folder and click export all right so we are finally done with this process this process was a little tedious but um you just have to do it uh but now the animation we have is basically exactly for the The Meta human right if I open it you're going to see that it's for the meta human right so how exactly do we apply this it's very simple in order to apply any animation I'm pretty sure that you already know this but in order to apply any animation you have to create a level sequence so you can just click right here to add a level sequence new level sequence and I can just call this uh mainor sequence the reason why I'm calling this main sequence is we might need to add other sequences as well to sort of uh facilitate our animations but yeah let's not get into the details of that right now but yeah so I'm just going to be moving this below the landscape just so that we don't really we don't get confused by it and so you're going to see that we have this sequencer which is going to give us a timeline right we can scrub through it nothing is really happening right now uh but what we're interested in is we're interested in uh animating the BP miles right the miles character so just drag this inside the sequencer right here and so now you're going to see that it's going to give us some options it's going to have this very complicated control rig we're not going to be using any of this we already have our animation this is for custom animations by the way if you want to like animate anything custom right you can like change stuff right stuff right here and you can like rotate it just like animate the character manually right we're not really interested in doing that so let's close this just select the metahuman control rig and just press delete on your keyboard select the face control rig and delete on your keyboard again and instead of Animation mode we're going to go back to selection mode because we don't really need all that information and so what we're going to be doing is that we're just going to be selecting the body click plus animation and now we can just uh type the name of the animation which we imported right so we Swagger walk Swagger walk 3 and once you click that you're going to see that we're going to have this thing in our timeline and if I play the animation you're going to see that our metahuman is being animated perfect perfect so that's how you add animations to meta humans now once the animation is completed it's going to sort of glitch and it's going to just go back uh it's just going to detach but we're not really concerned about that cuz obviously the part that we're interested in is the one which is being animated right so that's how you add animations to metahumans uh now this is just one animation that we're going to be adding uh in order to add more animations the process is going to be basically the same uh but it's just going to be easier this time so let's repeat the process once again to import another animation just so that you can get more familiarized with uh how to sort of import animations all right so let's go back to miimo and this time we're going to be getting an idle animation idle animation is just going to be like an animation where the character is just standing it's not really doing anything something like this might be good let me see yeah I think I'm just going to go with breathing idle or actually idle should be better just idle yeah I think this is better right so once you have once you're finalized with once you finalize the animation click download without skin download it like that and one one way to sort of make the process faster would be to do multiple animations just download multiple animations and convert them all at once so I'm just going to do that so I think another animation which we are going to do is going to be standing [Music] up okay so I think the one which I got initially was this one yeah it was this one right there and so you can you can you also have some customization options so you can customize some stuff if you reduce the stance you're going to see that it's going to be pretty disoriented when it like gets up I don't really want that and Consciousness you can reduce the Consciousness and it's going to be more like I think dizzy or something something like that and if you increase the Consciousness it's just going to do the the whole thing faster so I think I'm going to set it to zero just cuz um we want it to be like pretty confused yeah this animation actually how about we just reset it to like 50 let's let's preview this let's see how this looks cuz I don't I don't want it to be like too disoriented when it gets sub yeah I think this should be fine yeah download this without skin and download started another thing which we're going to need is we're going to be needing a start walking animation so it's just going to obviously start walking something like this uh I think it should be fine for the job it should it should get the job done download it and another one for for stopping uh like stop walking I think that should be fine [Music] download now obviously if you if you want to make like a very custom uh short film or something like that and you can't really find animation that you want on miximum you can uh also record your own animations using uh either a moap kit um in which you like wear a whole suit and you record yourself doing doing this stuff um or I think there's a few apps out there which you can use to do moap without using a map suit so I think you should explore those more I haven't I haven't personally explored them a lot I just use mixim for animations but like if you want to do that that's an option for you and you can look into that so I think we have four animations now and I think these are all the animations that we need um I mean if we need anything else we're just going to get it later but yeah so just open uh what do you call it let's go back desktop MC where's MC Mi someo converter incoming fpx and so incoming fpx I'm just going to delete this Swagger walk cuz we we're done with this but now we can import basically just copy all of these into this folder one by one and idle perfect so all of the all the animations are in this folder we can just open the mixim mo converter now left click to continue enter the conversion process go down and you can see all your animations right here just click click here to convert animations and it's done open the folder with converted animations you can see that we have all the good animations like the converted animations here just right click and cut all of them go to desktop and I'm just going to be pasting them right here so now it's time to import all of these in under line so just go go to under L make sure you're in the animations folder open let me close all of these open this folder and select all of these drag them inside on your Lon skeleton again just make sure to Type M Ann and SK mannequin skeleton import all and it's going to hopefully import everything perfect so you can you can preview these if you want but I'm just I'm not going to do that I'm just going to go to content RTG u4 u5 click this double click this and this time you don't really need to change the M mesh cuz it's already set to that you just need to select the animations which you want to basically retarget just double click them and just make sure like to like preview them once just so you can sort of be sure that all the animations are working the way you expect them to I mean they should you don't you shouldn't really be worried about this it really doesn't matter so I don't know what this animation okay this is basically a default animation which just which just comes with this character but yeah so let me select this stop walking start walking hold control on your keyboard idle and stand up so all the new animations which we imported just click export selected animations go to animations export and it is going to be exporting the retargeted animations perfect so we have all our animations ready to go uh now we can sort of start um actually I think you know what we should do we should before moving on to the facial animations I think what we should do is we should probably build out the environment and sort of just build out the whole scene just so that we can oops my bad just so that we can um press Save All by the way because I don't want you to lose your progress Unreal Engine might crash by the way this the stuff that we're doing is pretty high uh pretty like intensive on your computer so un engine could crash it has crashed on me a couple of times but keep saving up project so yeah um let's build out the environment first and then after that we can sort of go ahead and start working on the facial animations and then apply all the animations and just build out the whole scene
Channel: Nafay 3D
Views: 26,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bOIjaubEwO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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