How To Season and Cook a Ribeye Steak on a NexGrill Evolution Cooking With Fergy Ep 5 TLT

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alright y'all so today Mama's not feeling well so we're filming cooking with Fergie outside prep and cook stay tuned hey everybody it's got Ferguson here things like that today I'm cooking with Fergie we're gonna be doing steaks that's right folks rib eyes America's favorite steak that's something you might be interested in stay tuned alright folks we are gonna heat up our grill [Applause] all right I like to heat up my grill when I start season in my steaks we are going to do a little trimming trim that cap off to nice little hunks of meat to eat while we're cooking all right [Music] all right so we're gonna go with some olive oil that around [Applause] all right everything's got a good coating of olive oil on alright now we're gonna go as a little Montreal steak seasoning alright now we got some minced garlic I like putting garlic on everything weird around [Applause] hi folks I guess this is my secret so what I think is a good steak just plain old fine grated pepper you put it on liberally get it make sure you get inside all right so now flip them over more garlic not realistic and pepper all right so now we've got our steaks season and what we're going to do is we're going to stick them in this plastic bag he's they're out not all there doesn't I'm not trying to get all they're necessarily better they're still not warming up so I'm gonna let them come up to room temperature in this plastic bag so bugs and such don't get on there's just not quite warm enough for me yet [Applause] get our two little tender loin pieces here [Applause] alright guys so here we are at the grill it's been heating up as long as our steaks have been and we've been working on those things get our grill brush [Applause] [Music] all right we are gonna stick our two little our two little tender loin pieces on we tripped out okay so we're really only at at 300 now I want to be a little bit hotter we're gonna throw in those two little pieces of meat but the grill get a little bit hotter and we'll throw the steak so stay tuned all right now let's check our little tenderloins weighed about 350 now oh yeah all right yeah let's check out this little hunks of meat we got cooking in here oh yeah I'd say they're done all right so our sticks are up to temperature room temperature take them out of the bag grills up to 400 let's cut one of these little pieces of meat up oh man supid just oh man all right so I'm gonna give it my son another uncle make yourself preciate it and close the lid on this bring on five minutes they're about an inch into the core one inch I go four minutes now we'll give it a check stay tuned okay y'all so it's been like three minutes I'm just gonna give them turn like clockwise turn go close it down again alright guys let's see what we've got oh yeah turn to get a little blood at the top yeah that looks real nice so there's what I'm seeing folks yeah buddy looking good looking good all right we're going to close the lid on that five more minutes all right guys let's see what looks like good get it our turn we're gonna turn it down we're gonna put some butter on it I didn't put any salt whatever was in the Montreal steak seasoning as if I didn't put any other salt on this we get the salt from the butter two more minutes all right guys let's take our Weber cooking thermostat see what our internal temperature is all right we got one 45 they're coming home [Applause] all right so now we're gonna let these sit we're gonna let them sit for 10 minutes so it'll be a flash for you but I gotta wait 10 minutes stay - all right you guys let's cut this thing up ah a little too much some people might think that's perfect see we got here [Applause] that's a little bit better and I know a lot of y'all out there like it more pink than that but let me tell you look at that that that is tender are you doing good juicy it's juicy look at that [Applause] oh yeah oh man I'm so juicy berry flavor though again just enough salt from the butter you don't eat it they're a lot of salt I'm people throw a lot of salt on everything something makes everything taste better at the end pad of butter go over the top all right guys stop person things like that tuck them with bringing quick steak y'all take care thanks for watching
Channel: Things Like That Scott Ferguson
Views: 4,855
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: Ribeye, Steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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