How To Win An SCA Steak Competition Ft. Kosmos Q

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- [Kosmo] Hey, what up, Kosmo here, and on today's video, I'm gonna show you how you can win your next SCA steak competition. (rock music) If you've ever wanted to cook a steak competition, let me get you up to speed. And it all starts with steak selection. Now at a SCA steak competition, you're not allowed to touch the steaks, and you only got 30 seconds to pick them out. Now, I typically go for a steak that has a ton of inner muscular fat. And if you wanna see the other side, you can always request that they pick the steak up and show you the other side. Now for trimming, I keep it super simple. I always wack the little tail off the end, and just kinda trim the fat up around the edges, and then get her tied up and ready to go. Now, after I'd get them tied up, there's one or two things you can do here. You can either salt brine, or you can do a marinade. I've done both, and I actually like both, but it all depends on the meat. If it's super tender already, I'm gonna do a marinade. If it's tough, I'm gonna do a salt brine. And just so you know, if I do go the salt brine method, I'll marinate it after I rinse it off anyway. But that's enough out of me, let's go up and get this fire lit, and get to cooking. (rock music) Alright, so we got our salt brine steak right here. We're gonna pull her out, get her seasoned up. We got our extra steak out of that pack. And then we have our brined, not brined. (laughing) Marinated steak. Shake her off a little bit. Wipe it off a little bit. We're going to season these just like, the way (record scratch) That's gotta be loud. (squeak noise) All right. So we're going to season them up and this is the way I've seasoned all my competition steaks. If you want to check out that video, we'll have a link down in the description, go over there, check it out. How I won $10,000. How I won a world champion, all the, all the videos we'll have them down in the description, go down there and click on one. It will show you this recipe. A little bit of cow cover, and we're going to season these the exact same way. When I say the sus-zact, the exact same way. A little bit dirty bird hot. Good stuff. Texas Beef Bull is where you're going to get that crust. That nice crust, son. Now I have a feeling this, this tie is going to come off during the cook. That's okay. (squeak noise) Get rid of it now. This one, this is actually, if I was going to turn one in, this is the one I'd turn in. Okay, I'll cover the other side. Dirty bird hot. Alright, here we go. Now the side that I want to turn in is going to be the side I always have the top. That's going to be the side I put down first and I focus on my sear marks. And yeah, I'm a use a little bit of duck fat here. Remember this is for competition, quit being a crybaby. - [West] It sounds like you're a cry baby. - I know I do get a little butt hurt when people rag on me down in the comments, but I quit reading them though. - [West] We're going to get you a shirt or a hat. A crown. - You're hurting my feelings. - [West] You're a comment. - Quit it, quit it! You're hurting my feelings. - [West] Comment queen. - We got a butter up here and this is a nice little butter melter. Dude, I'm ready when you are. You ready? You ready to rock one of these? - [West] I'm ready. - Ready? I got my stopwatch. All right, I'm going to start with this little fat dude right here, first. Give a little, little light grease. And I always let that grease heat up for a second. All right, here we go. You ready? One, two, three. (sizzle noise) Oh yeah. Don't be afraid to shoot that other side. Start! Shut the lid. I always do the first one about a minute and 15, minute, 20 seconds. - [West] I thought of everything. I know. - What? - [West] This is everything you need. You got everything here. - No, everything is right here. - [West] I did everything but wipe your butt. - I know you did. I appreciate you so much, West. It sucks that you're leaving, though. - [West] I'm already gone. - I know, technically by the time you guys see this video, West has already went on to bigger and better things in his life and his career. And I wish him the best. I am kind of pissed off about it, but, hey, man. - [West] Guys, I'm starting a barbecue company, head over and check out my channel. - Starting a barbecue channel. Reset, there we go. A minute 20. Now we're gonna wanna turn this, I like that, kind of, nope, don't wanna do that. Clean them little dilly whickers off. Let the butter heat up or my duck fat, I'm sorry. Slide that off. We'll do it again. All right. Start. So on the second rotation, 30 seconds in. Now here's the deal. When I open this thing up, I'm going to obviously clean it off, let my grill grates heat up again, and then I'm going to flip it, and then I'm going to butter that top side. I like that. I like the boo-tter. Is that how you say it? That's how Paula Dean says it, boo-ter. 55 seconds. Hey, this is, hey, SCA man. You gotta be pow, pow, pow, on the mark. Alrighty. Oh yeah. - [West] You're living on the edge over there. - I know this always scares me, I'm right handed. I'm scared, I'm gonna, you know, somebody's gonna say something, I'm gonna dump it. Yeah. Let them heat up. Oh, you ready? Let's see what we got. Let's see the goodness. Oh, wee. Talk to me goose. Now just use this little guy to push them down. Ooh, she looks purty. All right, shut the lid. ♪ Just keep on rockin' and a rollin'. ♪ Now, this is where our little, little steak grate. What do you call it? - [West] Steak shelf. - Steak shelf is gonna come in handy. 'Cause we got some pretty nice marks going here. But when I temp this thing, I bet you it's not even close. I bet you it's about, I'll go 104, 104. So this is the exact opposite method I use to cook steaks at home. I indirect until 100 and then get my and I just go straight for the total sear. So on this one, we're getting the marks, the visual, and then we'll go indirect for the internal temp. Coming up on one minute, 15. One, 20, I'm gonna hit stop. Reset. Count to two, one, two. Here we go. I'm going to put my little steak dilly Whacker shelf in there because I want it to heat up. Yeah, that's a good lookin' steak, son. I'm just telling you right now. I know this is a lot of work. And hey, and if you can do this at home too, you never know. You might get a little booger. - [West] What's booger mean? - (laughing) ♪ Buh bow A little ♪ Bow chicka bow cow ♪ (funky music) (record scratch) - [West] Oh. (sizzling) - Boom. A little booter. Oh yeah, come on baby. I just drizzle it, I'm not trying to wipe it on there. Maybe doll up the edges, just a little bit. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Boom. At one, 20. Let that butter leak off. I'm going to put him right here. I'm gonna go in the lip. 127. 104, 102, 106, that's close. Forget, what do we do, boys and girls? We clean off the grates. And we hit them with a little duck fat. And we close the lid. Now at this point, I've already got my grill marks. I really like 127. That's what it was when I won the world steak championship back in 2015. So I'm going to be picking 127, might as well. Let's go ahead and stick with it. (laughing) Suck-ah! Let's see what we've got. 121, 119, 111. It's coming up slow, coming up slow. - [West] Slow burn. Normally what I do is I get it at about 700 degrees on this one, but you want to, this is that even cook. What I normally do is get it about 700 degrees and then it's about a minute, minute, 20 a side. Or a minute 20, turn, minute 20, flip, do the same thing. And usually, you don't make it to that last one. But you know, I understand how this is getting more of the smoke flavor on there. I'll probably let it run for another, another couple of minutes or another couple, probably about 45 more seconds. And then I'm going to go ahead and pan it, seal it, get doing it again. (rock music) So I'm cooking this second steak. And the one adjustment I did make is I went from a minute 20, to a minute, 45, and this is going to do two things. It's going to A, give you better grill marks and B, it's going to get me closer to that final temperature so it doesn't have to sit on that shelf and just cook from one side near as long, if any at all. (rock music) Alright so after I let them sit for just a little bit and I put them together. I'm not afraid. It's turn in time. And this is a tight window. Always make sure you get the string. String is not your friend. Get her gone. I wish I had some turn in boxes, but from there you just pick it up, put it in your turn in box and go from there. But for us, we're going to pull them out and cut them up. (rock music) So as you can tell from these, they look freaking amazing. Nailed it. Now let me tell you, let me just walk through you, what I like about the first one and what I like about the second one. What I like about the first one is, we still got good grill marks. We still got top notch grill marks. It's cooked to perfection. But it set inside the smoke just a little bit longer, so it's going to have a little bit more of that flavor. What I like about the second one is, is the grill marks are really pronounced. It's still cooked to perfection, but it probably may have a little bit less of the charcoal flavor because it spent less time in there. So it's kind of a wash. You know, if you can, if you like, you know, the grill marks that you're getting and cooking it on the, on the, the steak shelf, you know, stay gay. If you like the second one, then the second one. But I say, let's just jump into tasting them and see how we did. I'm going straight for this guy, this spinalis. I'm just going to take it right off of there. Cause this is, this is the best part. Steak A. (rock music) It does have a very pronounced, that charcoal flavor, which I love. Well, let's try steak B. You know, I gotta be honest with you. If I was tasting these, I would pick steak B because I like that crust and the crust flavor on this one was way better than the first one. So there you have it. Hey, thank you for watching. If you love what we're doing here, smash that subscribe button and I'll catch you in the next video. Peace.
Channel: Kosmo's Q BBQ & Grilling
Views: 91,632
Rating: 4.9615555 out of 5
Keywords: Kosmos Q, Cosmos Q, How to, How to BBQ, Kosmo's Q, Steak Competition, steak, ribeye steak, grilling, sca, grill grates, steak cookoff association, competition, steak cookoff, kosmos q, how to, ribeye, bbq, recipes
Id: jVG5ikxPpyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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