How to REMOVE Background NOISE from AUDIO in DaVinci Resolve 16

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel it is great to see you here again today we're gonna be talking about how to remove that background noise in your audio track we're gonna be using DaVinci Resolve to do it but hey if you're new here my name is Jada Lasky and on this channel we talked a lot about the Vinci resolve little photography and Photoshop Lightroom even some gear stuff cuz everybody looking gear stuff right so if you're into any of those consider subscribing to my channel now let's jump into this video [Music] all right so we've all been there you recorded your audio you think it's sounding good you get it back into the computer and you realize oh man what is that in the background I hear a fan going or I hear a low humming noise or I hear maybe some people talking quietly in the background and you're like ah I got to get that out of there I don't want that there I just want to hear my main audio track so there's a couple different ways that we can try and reduce or eliminate that noise one thing you got to keep in mind is that depending on what that background noise sounds like for example if it's loud people talking or say it's a music playing in the background behind a voice and the music is kind of loud there's no magic tool that's gonna separate those things within your one audio track and give you just your voice and get rid of say the music in the background that you don't want you're probably not going to be able to reduce or get rid of that music or maybe some loud people talking in the background it's not some magical trick here that we got to take out the background noise and really separate things from a single track so keep that in mind the next thing you want to try and do is just be aware of your environment when you're actually filming so you want to try and keep things as quiet as you can or isolate things use directional microphones in my little studio here I got blankets hanging up all over the place just to try and stop some echo so you want to do what you can in your camera or in your environment before you record to make sure you're getting the best sounding audio that you can so now we're gonna jump over into DaVinci Resolve I'm going to show you a few different ways that we can try and remove some background noise I filmed the sample clip of myself with a fan going in the background I'm gonna show you a few of the techniques that I would use to try and remove background noise some of them work some of them don't you gotta just try it and it's very specific to your clip so let's jump into different yours off and I'm gonna show you these couple tips oh and one thing before we jump into different resolve one thing you're gonna want to use is a good pair of headphones or some good speakers that's how you're gonna notice the biggest difference here in these tools that we're gonna be using so I've got some Sony headphones here I'll leave a link in the description down below in case you want to go check them out but some good headphones or some good speakers are a must when you're trying to figure out audio stuff and really hear the little differences in nuances between different things you're doing with the audio alright let's jump in the result and check it out alright so here we are in DaVinci Resolve I've got the same clip copied a few times on to a few different tracks here and we'll show you a few different techniques we can you to try and get rid of that background noise so first let's play through the clip so you can hear the background noise again I ran a fan in the background and that's what you'll hear so here's what the clip sounds like without anything done to it alright what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here I've got a little bit of background noise and we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve cool all right so that's the clip without anything done to it you can hear the fan in the background and you can even hear a little voice from a few little munchkins so let's go back to this clip and what I want to do is jump over into the Fairlight tab to start working with these clips so to get in the Fairlight tab click on the little musical notes at the bottom here alright so now that we're here in the Fairlight tab the first thing i want to try is working with some dynamics so this is my first track right here and in order to turn on the dynamics and start working with them you want to come over to your mixer if you don't see your mixer come to the top here you can toggle your mixer on and off come down to my track 1 which is the track I'll be working with I'm gonna scroll down to where it says dynamics and if for some reason you don't see dynamics there you can come to these three little dots here click on it and make sure you have dynamics checked on so in order to open the dynamics just double click on the dynamics area so the first thing we want to try is using a gate so a gate is basically a tool that says anything below a certain level that you said I want you to reduce or drop the volume let's say of that signal so anything that's below at this point - 35 on my meters so if I come over here anything that's below this level right here say - 35 will get reduced so if I just come in make sure all these are reset you can just double click on each one of these wheels then you know everything is set to its original state so let's play through just by turning on the gate nothing else turn it on let's play through and see how it sounds compared to the original alright what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here got a little bit of background noise we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve okay so you can hear they're reduced it quite a bit so if I come back here I'm going to play through with the gate off and then turn it on and you can hear the difference so you can see they're pretty big difference it drops it down quite a bit now you did notice when I was talking it was a little bit choppy so you'd have to go through and adjust your settings a little bit in order to kind of clean that up so even with just the default settings there it does sound pretty good and you can come in and make some adjustments to hear I'm not going to go over every one of these tools right now but you can come in and make adjustments and modify that sound to sound better take away more take away less for example if I just the range here it's gonna take that decibel level and drop it down even lower once it gets past the threshold and again just double click on there to reset it to the default settings so the gates basically going to take away any of that background noise in between the parts of you talking so the gates a great tool and I use it pretty much on every single video and since we're going to be playing the same tracks over and over again a quick tip here to be able to just loop a little section is if you come to this tool here the selector and you just window over an area that you want to repeat I'm going to turn on my looper and if you press option and forward slash which I'll show you in a second here that'll allow the clip here to keep looping so we can hear the differences so the next thing that I want to try working with is a little EQ and sometimes you can take out background noise with an EQ and sometimes you can't if you have say a high-pitched noise it might sit at a certain frequency and you may be able to just grab that frequency drop it down and get rid of it so it depends on the kind of background noise but this is another technique you can try and I'm gonna show you here what it's like if we try using it and it may work it may not so let's give it a whirl here so I'm gonna come to my EQ and sometimes if you're scrolling over here you can't get to the part you want so I find it helpful to come over and maybe just turn off a few of these sometimes and then once you turn off a few of those you see now I can get to my EQ I don't know why they make the scrolling a little weird there but anyway double click on your EQ to bring it up so now I'm gonna play through this section here and then I'm gonna adjust the EQ so depending on the kind of noise that you have for this one for example it's like a the fan sounds almost like a static noise and I know it's in the register the EQ the upper frequencies so I'm gonna show you how that works but in order to start this playback to loop make sure you got your loop button checked up here and I'm gonna press option and all right what's up sighs here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here I've got a little bit of background noise and we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve cool so you can see there by bringing down those high frequencies it does take out some of that background noise it helps a little bit but you notice it also changes the audio a little bit so now I'm going to just turn off this band 6 here I'm gonna grab band 5 change my type to the second guy down here and I'm just going to sweep it around a little bit on the EQ with my point number 5 to see if I can find somewhere where maybe I can just pull down part of the frequency so it doesn't affect the voice so much so I'm going to come back and use the loop button to play through this clip again looks like my loop is still on and I'm gonna use option or alt forward slash and play through the clip and adjust my EQ to see if I can find a frequency I might be able to drop down to get rid of some of that noise alright what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here I've got a little bit of background noise and we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve cool alright what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here I've got a little bit of background noise and we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve cool alright what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here I've got a little bit of background noise and we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve cool alright what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove okay so see I just tried a bunch of different things here just to see if I could hear a difference and in this case it works a little bit to reduce the high end frequencies here but I don't think that this is the way I would go it's not really giving me a result that I want I think it's making the voice sound not so good and I probably wouldn't use this method on this particular clip but keep in mind if you have one frequency that's giving you a high-pitched whine or something maybe you can boost one of these up sweep around find it and then drop that frequency down and it may get rid of it I've had that happen before and it can work very well moving on to the next method that you can try is the noise reduction that comes as part of DaVinci Resolve this noise reduction comes in the free version and in the studio version and we're gonna give it a try here sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it's worth a try though to see if it'll help out your clip so the first thing I want to do is come over to my track in this case I'm on noise reduction DaVinci Resolve and this is actually an effect so you want to click on the effects you want to come down to noise reduction Fairlight and noise reduction and that's going to bring up the noise reduction tool here for you so you've got a bunch of different options here I'm not going to go over every single one of these and how they work you can try starting with the auto speech mode and see how that does so let's start with that I'm gonna play through the clip and see how it sounds try and remove it right here individuals off okay so in that part we can see it helps a little if we turn it off and then turn it on while we're playing let's see what happens so you can hear it's definitely reducing the background noise you can also tell it to learn the area of the background noise so you need a section that has just the background noise you can't do it if there's talking but if you have a section like I do here with no talking I can go to manual click learn play through a little bit of the clip and DaVinci Resolve is gonna learn what that noise sounds like and hopefully eliminate it so I'm gonna stop there and if I come back to the beginning of my clip and then we play through what's up guys here's a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here got a little bit of background noise and we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve so you can see it gets quite loud if I turn it off there so again you're gonna have to play with some of these settings here once you can try to begin with is the frequency smoothing if you boost it up to 200 I find that helps a little bit smooth it out because you can hear that audio of me talking gets a little weird sounding I don't even know how to describe it but it does it sounds a little weird so you can also try boosting the wet/dry mix and what that means is dry is no effect wet at a hundred percent is the full power of the effect being applied to your audio clip or audio track in this case so you can try those things and adjust the other settings to which I'm not gonna go over right now but you can try to work with this noise reduction tool and sometimes it does work pretty good and you did see a difference here in the area where I just had noise in the background it did reduce it so that's one option for you to try out alright and the last option that I have here is third-party plugins so you can get VST plugins for DaVinci Resolve from different places different companies make them and recently I did a review of the Accu Sonos plugins and they have a noise remover there that works really well so I'm gonna show you how that works on this clip if maybe it works good maybe doesn't again you need to try all these things and see which technique works best for your situation so I'm on my track here I want to come over to my track come and add the effect and for me I know it's down under Uncategorized VST and actually it's under au here and come to noise remover so I'm gonna leave this at the default which is 40 percent processing if you want to know more about these plugins I'll link to the video up top of the screen here you can go over and check out the review I did on all these different plugins they're pretty good so you can go check that out if you're interested so let's play through this clip and we're at 40 percent here processing and what's nice about this broom noise remover here it's just one dial and that's it so let's play through and hear how it sounds with the processing at 40 percent alright what's up guys use a test we're gonna try and remove the background noise I have a fan going over here got a little bit of background noise we're gonna try and remove it right here in DaVinci Resolve and if I turn it off cool so you can hear that that does a pretty good job of removing the background noise - but I also noticed it does make you know my talking sound a little weird - a little I don't know processed pixelated I don't even how to describe it but it makes it sound a little weird so maybe we need to just drop it back reduce it or whatever or you know if you cranked it all the way up you would definitely kill all the noise here that's just there you go see it doesn't get anything through so that can work out pretty good too so you would just need to play with the settings a little bit you can boost the output on this one a little bit if you need to and there's different ways that this plug-in will process the noise and reduce the noise alright guys so there you go there's a few different ways that you can try and reduce that background noise right here in DaVinci Resolve and again some of them are gonna work some are not and if the background noise is too much you may not even be able to do anything with it you might have a clip that just is either stuck with background noise or you got to redo it or maybe got junky I don't know so I hope this was helpful if you have any questions leave a comment down below if you want to see more specifics about how to use any one of these tools let me know in the comments down below I'd be happy to make a video about any one of these tools and a little more in depth about it if you like this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I look forward to see you guys in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 151,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Remove Background Noise DaVinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial, Davinci Resolve, how to remove background noise from audio in davinci resolve 16, how to remove hiss, professional sounding audio, clean up audio track, remove audio noise davinci resolve, Equalizer, Gate, Audio Plugins, enhance audio davinci resolve, remove background noise in video, how to remove background noise in davinci resolve 16, better audio for youtube videos
Id: i9EBywEpX9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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