How to REMOVE bad audio in Davinci Resolve 17 | Sample Level Audio Editing

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don't you just hate it when you've been out filming all day only to realize that when you get back to the edit suite that some of your audio has been affected by a glitch a pop some static or something that essentially is rendering that clip completely unusable well the great news is that inside of diminished resolve 17 we have some really advanced audio cleanup tools which can help us because we can edit audio at the sample level now if you don't know what that means or how it's actually going to apply to you then stick around because i'll show you how we can use this particular tool inside of dimension resolve to clean up your audio so here we are in davinci resolve 17 and i'm on the fairlight page and the reason i'm on the fellow page is because this is where we get access to the sample level editing that i've been talking about so just to show you what i mean by that if i come to the edit page firstly and you can see here we've got a timeline we have audio only in audio track one now of course when we are editing with video we are limited to frames per second we are capturing one frame every single second of video so that's why when we zoom in all the way on our timeline we are only able to move the play head forward or backward a frame at a time as you can see here going through with the left and right arrow keys i'm moving forward a single frame every single time and those frames are denoted here by these little markers on the play range so moving through or backwards frame at a time is all very well and good but let's say we want to get in a bit closer than that because we're trying to isolate a particular spike of audio that we want to get rid of well we can't do that on the edit page because we can't zoom in close enough at all and again if we come back to the fill up page and i'll show you again what happens if i zoom in all the way here so let me just jump to the red marker and i'll zoom in all the way and i'll keep going so now we're sort of at frame level and you can see how we're moving through there's our glitch that we want to remove now we're going to zoom in and we're going to keep zooming in and now when we see these little dots appearing on our waveform we are at sample level so this is however num many thousand samples you're recording every single second this is now where they will display it and because we've now got access to this in the fairlight page we can actually edit that so this is where it's really helpful let me just zoom out again and we'll just play back the problem we've got so we've got a nice bit of music here but there is a spike which is a glitch in the audio and it means that it's technically not usable right just let's do that again let me just zoom a bit further so you get a bit of context okay so not helpful that little bit of audio is really just causing a problem and again if we were to kind of come into some frame level let me just show you what frame level here would look like if i place my timeline playhead on it it will help there we go so when i zoom in you'll see that if i wanted to remove a frame that's a big space right so it's from the red marker all the way over there so that's a huge space that i would actually be taking out of our music if i just were to try and delete that frame so there's too much there to remove so this is where sample audio editing comes in because we can dial in a lot closer and we can completely remove this spike before we do that though i want to just give you a little tip because as you can see here when we move forward a frame at a time we're jumping an awfully large space so you can get quickly out of hand if you still start playing it before you know it you're way down the timeline right so what i want to do is actually let's just zoom out a second again we're going to press shift z to zoom out i'm going to position my playhead over the red marker and i'm going to zoom in again just going to jump in here to say really quickly that the channel recently passed 4 000 subscribers and i couldn't be happier thank you so much indeed to all of you who have helped make that happen it really does mean the world and i want to take this channel onwards and upwards so hopefully we can maybe hit 5000 by the end of the year that would be a great thing i'm hoping that we can do that and again it really helps by just letting people know about the channel and make sure you hit like whenever you can and of course making sure you're subscribed because actually as it happens most people who watch this video will probably not be subscribed already so if you're not click the channel make sure you're subscribed and watch a few more videos as well that'll be cool thank you very much indeed guys let's jump back into the video so what i want to do this time is just create a small play range to make it very easy for us to not get lost in the particular timeline so let's move our timeline playhead over the actual glitch itself and then what we're going to do is just zoom right in so it stays nice and centered okay and we're going to zoom in just to when the samples start to appear on the timeline i'm going to center that up a bit and we're just going to use the range selection mode to create our range so let's do that now so click that from the toolbar and then just drag out a small area just around your particular sample you want to get rid of and then what we're going to do is when the cursor turns into the hand so just hovering over that selected part of the clip make sure it's in the hand and then left click hold and drag down ever so slightly and what that's done now and you may not be able to see that it's done anything if we come back to our selection mode you can see that we've actually created a new clip so this is now a brand new clip or not a brand new clip but a section of the clip and we can independently select it but more importantly we can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate to the front and end of this particular clip which is really helpful because for example if we get lost let me just clear my range completely if we play forward from here and we're way down the timeline now if i just press the up and arrow down arrow keys i can get back to the particular sample that i'm working on so that's really helpful and it saves a lot of time trust me i've navigated way down the timeline before got completely lost and it's zooming out and zooming back in again so it can take a lot of time so here we are we have that particular problem audio that we want to remove so how do we do that well now that we're in sample level you'll notice that as i hover my mouse over the samples they turn red and we're going to find the one that we like the look of that's close to this middle line because this middle line obviously represents zero audio so no audio whatsoever so we're going to select one that we like when we've got the one we like we're going to left click down and hold and i'm going to slowly drag to the right keeping things as close to that center line as possible like so and we're going to do the same again this side about here because of course remember this is a stereo clip so we need to do the top and bottom channels so the left and right channel there we go and we've now drawn a nice straight line so this audio has now been removed taken away completely and just to show that we have done that let's move back out and i'm going to play this forward from here for you just to get a feel for it [Music] there we go it's gone and if you feel like you need to do some work on it you can simply zoom back in and again we're going to use the up and down arrows to help us here zoom back in and we can re-edit things so for example if let's say we'd made a mistake we probably weren't quite close enough we we could actually zoom in a bit closer if we wanted to be a bit more detailed make sure we're on the right level and let's say that maybe here we weren't close enough to the line so we could just simply hover over the sample left click down hold and drag and you can drag back and forth a number of different times until you're happy there we go and if you're happy then we can then simply come back out again if we wanted to we could completely redraw no problem at all without if you wanted to do that but again we don't need to just come out again let's say you've made a complete mess as well let's say that oh i know i've gone all over the show not happy i just want to reset things back to how they were don't worry it's completely non-destructive so you simply make sure your clip selected right click and then come down to reset edited samples and voila everything is back to normal but for now i'm just going to undo that because i'm quite happy with the sample and the fix that we've made i'm going to zoom out one more time and just really listen to this piece awesome very good so you can see that the fairlight page has got some useful little tricks up its sleeve especially when it comes to editing audio at the sample level so there we go really quite a simple technique when you know what you're doing but i hope that was helpful to you guys and again this is an opportune moment to say if it was useful pop the like button on let me know that it was a good job it makes me feel great to know that i put some good content out but also it helps other people know that it's worth watching the video as well so thank you very much if you've been able to pop the like button on for me that does mean the world but also let me know in the comments below did you know about this particular technique already if you did that's smashing let me know chat it out a little bit but if you didn't let me know as well because i'd be really interested because i think this is a little bit of a hidden feature that you wouldn't necessarily know about unless you've done some advanced training now again that's it from me though thank you very much indeed guys if you'd like to follow me on instagram you're more than welcome to i'd love to see you there equally if you'd like to help support the channel then you're more than welcome to do so and i'll be incredibly indebted to you equally if you have any questions then you can pop them in the comments below i will try to get them as quickly as possible but for all of the supporters on the channel by heading over to buy me a coffee dot com forward slash alex cameron and supporting the channel i will definitely endeavor to get back to you much much faster so if you've got particular burning questions about davinci resolve 17 then i may well be able to help and i'd love to do that if i can but in the meantime guys stay safe keep editing and i'll see you very soon bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Alex Cameron - Depiqd
Views: 1,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix bad audio in davinci resolve, edit audio at sample level in davinci resolve, editing audio in davinci resolve 17, sample level audio editing, davinci resolve sample level audio editing, remove bad audio, davinci resolve fix bad audio, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve trainer, learn davinci resolve 17, depiqd, alex cameron, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, remove noise from audio
Id: QZOrcgkWvio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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