How to Recruit Minthara Without Killing the Tieflings - Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - How to Romance Minthara

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okay you're going to want to start after you've been to the emerald Grove and you have the save the refugees Mission and they have talked to you about clearing out the goblin leaders so that they can walk free so now we're at the goblin Camp you've talked your way in you are not fighting at this point don't fight anyone you're you're not host style you've just talked your way into the goblin Camp you're going to come all the way back to mantha's Lair or office or you know this area that she's in and you're going to talk to her okay then she's going to engage you and talk to you about a battle we're going to start with a hunt who's the target leading her to the teelings might Doom them but it would earn you her Trust we don't need the prisoner I already know the place you're looking for nothing stays hidden from me now I try to obscure my memories the first time and I'm successful here I don't know that it's fully necessary because then she sort of stops talking to you and then you're going to need to re-engage her in a conversation TR you haveed your mind I for battle and this time you're just going to say let me see your map I'll show you where the Grove is so and then it shall be so those are all your responses now she starts to walk away and you're going to want to quickly get ahead of her or catch up with her go into turn-based mode all right now we're in turn-based mode and we're going to attack her with a simple hand attack and that's going to start combat but it's important to note here that she is just temporarily hostile so you haven't engaged the entire Goblin camp and you haven't even gotten her to be fully hostile she was temporarily hostile right and now we are fighting her with non-lethal attacks very important right we're going to be in non-lethal attack mode you can see that's right here non-lethal attack we toggle that on before we go after manthara because we just want to knock her out then you can fight the other hostile people in the area with lethal attacks but we attack manthara with non-lethal and you can see she is just knocked out unconscious we defeated the other people in the area right and now we're just going to start to walk back out through the goblin camp but nobody's attacking us we're not fighting so we're not at war in the goblin Camp that's important if you are at War at this point you may have to go back and try again you just tell men thara that you're going to help her at the goblin camp and then as she starts to walk away go to turn-based mode and knock her out now you see here that nobody's hostile towards us so we save our game and then we go into combat mode in the goblin camp and I wiped everybody out you'll have to do the same thing it's a big battle I use cheats myself but if you don't use cheats and mods it's going to be a big battle we cleared everything everybody out killed everybody and I just ran back into manara's area to make sure she's still there and unconscious but you see in our Journal that we have completed the mission and it's time to talk to zor so that means we were successful in completing that mission saving the teelings but we did not kill Menara so then you can go to the camp talk to zor hson is back there now after all that you're going to keep going through chapter one and do all your stuff but eventually the story will lead you to moonrise Towers when you get to moonrise Towers it's easy to talk your way in at first you're not battling anybody that will screw things up so you easily just talk your way in here to moonrise Tower you're in the shadow cursed lands you you can do other stuff before you get here to moonrise Tower but this is your first visit to the towers so we're going to head in here straight inside up these steps and through this door and who do we see talking to the general and to Zell it's our buddy manthara she's in trouble because the attack on the emerald Grove obviously did not go well for her and all of them I'm going to mentally influence zel to make her show Menara Mercy now you're going to have saved your game because you need a big role here but when you're successful you will influence Zell and she will not kill Menara a cous then after some conversation they will grab Menara and drag her away to a prison cell for tortur strin there's a side door in this throne room that you're in there's a side door and there's going to be a trail of blood you can follow once they pull out of there have to consider her fate byebye princess here's the side door coming out of that room following that blood trail then you head down these steps once you're in this new area you can continue to follow the trail enter this room where they' brought manthara and you can engage the guards in conversation I tried a couple different choices in the conversation but for me it ended up just wanting to attack them well not that I wanted to attack them but attacking them got me to my goal so I ch Ed with them and then I attack I'm victorious in the attack against the guards I expect to be now me and manthara start to have a chat theed to my mind she's going to tell you some things about herself yada yada but then we're going to talk about getting her out of here we need to get you out of here and then we say let's go now you're going to maybe want to save your game again because you're going to have some rolls coming up and you're going to want to obviously be successful in those roles or else you could lose Menara here so you walk out of that room here's a guard you're going to have a role to try to deceive them or you can intimidate or do whatever you want but you need to get manthara out of the moonrise Towers without starting combat so we deceived that fella there back up those steps going to walk nicely and calmly out this front door which brings us to the sort of main lobby that we were in for Moonrise Towers just going to calmly walk out the way we came in Menara is going to follow us but we're going to have another couple rolls coming up here because here's two more guards and they're wondering what we're doing with manthara so I will be prepared to make a couple more successful roles to just deceive these guards or however you want to get past them and then we're in the clear excellent antic so that worked and off we go across the bridge once we clear the bridge going to have a little conversation with manthara that's the easy part because there's really nothing more to do she'll talk about meeting you somewhere you're going to guide her to your Camp Exile but you risked your life to rescue me for that I am grateful the artifact connects with her pulling your minds together and showing her all that you have seen the prism your dream visitor the protection that keeps you from obeying the absolute and becoming a liid she knows it all in a moment her mind reels but is no longer clouded she accepts the truth no choice there is much we must discuss do you have a safe place to camp nearby tell her where to find your Camp goodbye for now I will see you soon and you have officially recruited Menara we're going to go find her at the campsite depending on the campsite of course she could be in a little bit of a different area but she will be there going to go chat her up she is now an ally and recruited and also available for Romance
Channel: Pop Pop Games
Views: 13,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v_tpUC5tGdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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