How to MOVE a DaVinci Resolve Project File Location EASILY! - Tutorial

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Resolve project files use a DIFFERENT WORKFLOW than Premiere, Final Cut Pro, and Avid. Learn ALL the super SIMPLE ways to stay organized with your Davinci Resolve projects and databases in this week’s Creative Video Tips.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CreativeVideoTips 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the video. I'll take a look later.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/changingdaname 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

When this method doesn’t actually a bad tip

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RocketToTheMoonlight 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
Maybe you know you can double click a  davinci resolve project file to import   it on a mac but did you know that if you  hold option and right click to import that   you can actually set your gallery stills  location automatically with import plus   or maybe you're curious where are my projects  even saved to and what the heck is a database   and what if davinci resolve crashes will i  lose all my hard work i've got answers to   those important questions and more broken into  three chapters in today's creative video tips super quick first things first make sure you  go turn on auto saves right now if you haven't   already done so because they are not on by  default and this is how you do that to turn   your auto saves on in davinci resolve 17 disk  databases you go to preferences and then across   to user preferences project save and load and then  right under save settings we have live save turn   live save on that is going to save every change  you make as you make it it's a lot like saving in   final cut pro so if the system goes down it can  come right back up right away project backups   is basically incremental saves based off of these  settings that you you turn on here so they're full   davinci resolve project files that you can load  in in the project manager so i set mine to every   10 minutes that's how much i'm comfortable  with losing work is 10 minutes worth of work   basically for a day and then a week's worth  of work and the important thing is you want   to set your project backup location and set it  to a location that's different from where you're   storing your disk database and we'll get into  that in the next section here but i set mine to   creative cloud files so it's automatically  uploading to the cloud i don't have to worry   about it i can get to it from anywhere but it  could also go to an external hard drive and that   would work great as well let's click ok and then  save and then how do you load those in so those   are saving right every 10 minutes but you use the  project manager which is a little house down here   in the lower right or you can hit shift 1 to get  there and you load them in by right clicking on   the project and then go down to project backups  and then you see all your projects right there so   these are all time stamped choose the one you want  to load from you know just click it right there   say load and then it's going to want to create  a new project file based off of a copy of that   i just give it a second it's going to create  that for you and then you can go back to your   project manager click on it and get going right  from where you left off now that we have live   save and project backups turned on we don't have  all our eggs in one basket and trust me this is   gonna save your bacon big time one day so you  don't lose those perfect edits and color grades Now the first time you create a new project  in davinci resolve it creates a database for   you and the way you find it is by clicking  this little home button the project manager   and clicking this guy right here and you can  click this info button it's going to give you a   little bit more information but what i suggest  is you right click you say reveal in finder   that takes you right to where it's located i keep  mine in my documents folder it's probably buried   in your library somewhere um and an application  support if you haven't changed the default of it   but if you just go down the trail here it's inside  users and inside guest um for legacy purposes is   why it's in the guest folder um there used to be  like you know multiple users on a single station   and they don't do that anymore but they're in the  guest folder but within here we have all of these   folders and the project name is always  project.db and the reason i want to show you this   is because you do not want to be renaming anything  or changing inside the finder level with davinci   resolve you want to do it within the project  manager so let's say we wanted to rename something   you right click on it instead and you say rename  and we can just call this v2 and you can see   it updates itself in the finder so just leave  finder alone do it all within the project manager   and you should be good to go now what if we  want to organize everything that's in here well   that's where folders come in so we  can create a new folder really easily   by um just you know clicking new folder give  it a name and then the way you get projects   in it is you just click and drag until you  get that little plus and it's going to dump   it in there for you you can even do folders  inside folders do the whole inception thing   but now that we're stuck in here how do i get  back out to that root level i can't click here   that doesn't do anything you actually click  this breadcrumb trail and that gets us back   out but what if i want to get the project back  out of that folder this is a little trick uh that   a lot of people don't know about so if you're  inside of there you can't just click and drag   it doesn't come right out what you need to do is  cut and paste you can right click and you say cut   okay and it looks like it didn't do anything  chadwick you're like you're you're nuts it did   so let's go back over to projects and then we can  right click and say paste and just like that it   has come right back out of that folder the folder  is empty it's on the root level of that database   so that's how you move the projects out and around  another really useful organizational thing that's   in the databases over here is if you click the  list view and then go over to columns there's a   section for notes the way you add notes is real  simple inside the project when you're working   in it you go down to project notes and you type  something that might be useful to someone like   um that you know and then once you do that  you just hit the x it automatically saves   it you can go back to project manager with  shift one or it's a little heist a house icon   and it shows up right there alongside all the  rest of your projects so that's super useful   let's click thumbnail right back over here  so we can see nice little pictures again   and one of the complaints i get a lot with  the resolve is i can't have two projects   open at the same time we kind of can and the way  you do that is you right click and you say dynamic   project switching turn that sucker on and now  i can open up another project and kind of have   them both loaded into ram at the same time so if  i double click this one this through the loom one   i can switch between the two really quickly i can  copy and paste between the two really quickly so   one way you can do that is up here at the  top you just click that drop down you can   go to the other project or you could go to file  switch project through the loom i'm over there   really simple and the way we can double  check to make sure what's loaded into ram   is this little house icon the project manager  we both have uh check marks here for this one   and this one so they're both essentially open at  the same time that's dynamic project switching   what if i have a new client or i just need to  make a new database because i've got too many   projects in one but i want to take a project from  one database and put in the other let me show you   how to do that first we're going to create a new  database by clicking new database we'll call this   demo and we have to put it in a new empty folder  so we'll click browse to find the location where   we want to be putting in i'm going to put it on my  internal hard drive because that's what's fastest   and we'll create a new folder inside there that's  empty we'll call it demo i like to make sure my   my folders match my database names it's not  necessary but i do that click open and create and   just like that we have a new empty database i'm  going to get rid of this info thing so we have a   little bit more space to work with and see but  if i want to get a new project in there it's   really simple all you're going to do is go to  the database that has the project you want to   copy over you select it you hit command c on the  keyboard you go to the other database and i think   you know where i'm going with this i hit command  v and boom just like that that project a copy of   it is placed in the other database now you can  even copy and paste between different types of   databases so we've been in the disk database  but i also have a postgres sql database for   shared projects over here so if i click on that  i could take this project here hit command c   go back to our demo one that we had just created  hit command v and in just a second that project is   pasted over there so it works both ways and by the  way if you want to know more about shared projects   with davinci resolve like you can have multiple  editors in the same projects or colorists   working at the same time on the same timeline  basically if you want to know more about that   leave a comment down below so i know how much  interest there is in that that's something i do   at my office and it's a super cool workflow so  i'd love to share that if it's useful if it's   not i don't want to waste my time doing  i'll get something that you need to know   okay so let's say we are done with this database  we want to delete it we want to get rid of it the   way you do that is you actually disconnect it you  disconnect it by right clicking on the database   saying disconnect and yes we're going to  disconnect it i know what i'm doing here   it's gone from resolve but it's not gone from  your computer you need to actually do that from   the finer so you go back over to where you  know you have it located we called it demo i   would just put this in the trash it's as simple as  that so let's say we pretend we had deleted that   but what if we wanted to bring it back what if we  had just misplaced it or is coming from another   system or something you can actually link and  sort of reconnect to it so the way we do that   is there's a button right here that's what  this two-way error thing is connect databases   you click that and this would actually give you an  opportunity to rename the the database what if we   want to call this one database uh you know demo2  instead of demo and then you just point to where   it's located which is of course this demo folder  and then say connect give it a second and boom   it's it's back up ready to rock and roll another  thing resolve makes it super easy is to back up   your database if you just click this button right  here when you have your database selected you want   to back up you click backup we will put it on  the desktop because that's kind of what you do   in tutorials right you click save we say backup  and it's going to take a few minutes for sure   and boom it's done so if we go into a new  machine we're going to update our software   this is something you probably want to do before  that and then the way you bring it back is the   button right next to it so it's called restore  you hit restore you choose that disk db file you   say open and again we have an option here to give  it a new name because we're making a new database   from that it's kind of like when we were doing  the autosaves and doing a new project so we'll   call this one cvt i don't know 2 or something  like that we'll tell it where we want it to go   and again we create a new empty folder called cvt2  hit create hit open hit create and it's going to   say it's going to take some time it's not going  to take that long we'll just hit restore boom   it's it's already done how fast was that so we  have cvt 2 right here so that's basically how   you backup and restore databases here in davinci  resolve 17. databases are great things they help   resolve access the information that it needs much  faster and that's why if you've ever heard of avid   having good media management it's because avid  uses a database to keep track of all the footage   resolve is basically doing the same thing except  with projects and the databases can also save you   time because you're never guessing where did i  store that one specific project file at now no   footage actually lives inside the database instead  it stores the projects and then the projects store   all the metadata about your timelines your clips  your bins and creative video tips which is the   channel you're watching right now stores all kinds  of great tutorials and tricks to help you create   videos that make a difference and stand out i'm  chadwick and if you've learned anything new today   i'd love for you to consider subscribing right  now so you don't miss out on more great tips   and it's totally free next up i want to show  you how to move projects between editing systems if you work for multiple machines like i do  you're going to be exporting projects a lot   to do that you go to file export project  and i like to just give them a date or   increment them with a new number call it v2  and this has just created a self-contained   you know project file that you can then email  you can load on a hard drive it's really easy and   portable and it's it's actually very small if i do  command i it's you know this one's two megabytes   um but the thing that's really important to  understand is that this is an exported project   it's just like a way to transfer the material so  if when we open this up let's say we double click   it to open it and launch it you are now working on  an imported project that is not referring to this   at all anymore it's just like that was the  starting point so you can't like take v2   work on it and then think you can send this v2  to someone else and it has all the changes no   the changes are now inside the imported project  that wouldn't then you would need to export again   which you could do with the same name  and you know replace files or whatever   the the file name and write over it that would  be fine but it's not actually happening to that   file and like i showed at the beginning of the  video one of the coolest ways to import something   if we go back to our project manager with shift  1 is to option right click because this gives   us the import plus import project plus option  which is going to transfer over things like our   gallery stills so that it's updated to what's  on your current machine and they're not stuck   to what's on the other machine you click open and  this like we see here this is importing it's not   it's not actually working from that version so  we've exported project files backed up databases   but those are only metadata what if we need to  include footage with it that's where archives   come in if we right click on a project here  and we say export project archive what this   is going to let us do well it tells us where do  we want to save it let's put on a desktop because   that's what we do in tutorials and we're going  to turn off render cache we have the option of   including our original media or our proxy media  or just one of the other so if you needed to send   this to someone and it's coming back you could  just do proxy media would make it really small   let's say in this instance i want to do four res  media files i just have that checked i click ok   and it starts cooking and exporting that for us  right now it's bundling up all the footage that's   used in that project so that someone else can  open it on another machine and we check over here   in our finder and we get this nice little folder  called the dra davinci resolve archive and within   it it's got all our media in it and it's got a drp  file to work from now if you wanted to bring that   back into another system that's super simple  too all you need to do is right click and say   restore project archive super simple right and  you point to that archive you click open and   we're gonna call this one you know version three  smart reframe demo three we'll click ok and it   has brought all that stuff in just like that and  lastly i want to point out davinci resolve 17 has   a new feature called timeline files if you go up  to file export timeline there is a davinci resolve   timeline file so if you're going from davinci to  davinci this is a great way to do it it has a lot   more compatibility and information than an xml  or af edl does you could just hit uh save and it   just exported this timeline only and you can see  they're really small files so you could easily   just message this to someone put it in email it's  251 kilobytes so that's that's a quick way to just   move a timeline from one resolve system to another  now that you've mastered davinci resolve databases   and projects that's really just the beginning  click right up here right now to learn more   about davinci resolve and since there's so much  more to learn i'll see you in that next video
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 12,835
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Keywords: How to MOVE a DaVinci Resolve Project File, MOVE a DaVinci Resolve Project File Location, DaVinci Resolve Project File Location, DaVinci Resolve project file, find resolve project file, move davinci resolve project, resolve project file location, davinci project file location, Davinci Resolve 17 tutorials, Resolve project manager, import resolve project, resolve export project, resolve export project with media, project backups, connect resolve database, resolve disk database
Id: TsKwaJtQFA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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