Best Free Audio Recording Software for Voiceover and Voice Acting - MAC/WIN

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hey welcome back to the channel in today's video i want to discuss free voice over apps or apps that can be used for free to record voiceovers for voiceover talent that's just starting out perhaps they're just doing castings or they're just trying to figure out if this is the field they want to get into so i'm going to give you guys several options that you can use and why one might be a little better than the other i'll throw some pros and cons out there for each one and you guys decide which one works best for you guys the first app we have in front of us is i believe it's pronounced osin audio it's a free completely free app but the developer also has a paypal link so you can donate for his work and i would definitely recommend to any of these that are donationware to eventually send something because that keeps the app growing and developing so what i like about this app it's very simple it is really easy to get in start recording and you're done um here you have this tab and you can have several audio files open at a time it's as simple as file new you set your sample rate your channel and your resolution simple as that there's your new audio the audio that was there before it's here it's tabbed so here you are in the new clean slate you can just go ahead and hit record it'll start recording your voice over you make a mistake easy to stop clean up a section get to the end of the the file and you can just start recording again and it'll pick up wherever your last edit is very simple to use um now this is the part where i think it's one app separates from the other this has dynamic processing which is a compressor expander limiter and noise gate which is good this is some of the things that you want to have when recording voiceover you always you know it's always good to add a little bit of compression just to touch up the peaks sometimes it's you know you don't have to get aggressive with the compressor you just want to get that voice to sit nice and even um you never want to over process your voice unless you're going for that boomy radio broadcast sound where they're you know the compression seems to be a little bit heavier um the expander you definitely need that it's not you have a gate and an expander the expander is going to be a little bit more gentle as it brings down the level between your words and takes um not as aggressive as the gate um it also has the noise gate and if you want to put a little you know peak limiting at the end of it you can obviously do that now more more so is you want an equalizer now as you can see as i'm popping these windows up these plugins are pretty basic but they'll get you there they'll get to getting you somewhere where you can definitely edit your audio make it sound better so one last feature i forgot to point out is in under the effects you have noise reduction um i've never really used this noise reduction plug-in so i i really can't speak into how good and you know but it's the typical you profile the noise and then you go in and you make your adjustments to you know reduce the noise you also have a gates setting here also so there's definitely the tools the tools are there that you can get your audio to sound better you know earlier i popped up the other eq the the 11 band you have the 31 band it's got plenty of adjustments here to get you you know to get your audio to sound better okay this next app is called studio one prime this is the free version that presonus makes if you buy one of their audio interfaces they make the next level up which is studio one artist the difference there are several differences but one of the main differences for you know voice over talent is the prime version does not allow you to add third-party audio plug-ins the artist version does so if you have you know waves plug-ins or plug-in alliance or fab filter what you know whatever plug-ins you may you know have out there they won't work in this version but this app is very usable it's very good um i like starting with an empty song i set my audio recordings to 48.24 44 16 should be enough for voiceover work to you know deliver and that that would be fine all right so we get started here we go ahead and add a track and again i like to try to keep that interface as simple as possible so here i'll pop up the mixer i'll turn these things off over here don't really need them and i'll keep this side over here set on effects just because i can grab the plugins and just drag them over now the only thing you need to do so once you get in here is you arm the track for recording and you hit record so now you start recording your voiceover um again just like the previous app it's very easy to stop um if you need to you know make an edit you can go ahead and make an edit and you can just go ahead and leave the track armed and hit record again and you're recording the next portion or take of your voiceover pretty simple to use what i like about using a digital audio workstation is that something like this you can just set it and forget it once you set up your project you save that project and you can use it as your template you don't have to go back and reset you know things now one of the things that you'll see here is it has the fat channel this is a extra plug-in that is part that i have part of studio artist this does not come with this version of the app so when it comes to plugins for this particular app you're going to be limited this one you're going to have compression and you're going to have eq i mean in reality that's that's basically all you have here you're not going to have a gate you're not going to have a de-esser you're not going to have noise reduction like some of the apps that we're going to talk about here you want to have those plugins you want to have the ability to eq you want to have the ability to compress do some gating or expansion to help silence the room a little bit and you know denoise in case you got a somehow ac rumble or something gets you know gets caught up in your voice you want to be able to clean that up so in this particular app you're not going to have a lot of those tools but again this app will work to do a simple record eq compression and send off so definitely an app that you want to look at okay this next app should sound familiar it's pro tools it's pro tools first it's the free entry level version of their app and this should be enough to get you started and recording voiceovers with a nice set of plugins recording in this app is similar to studio one you want to arm your track hit record up here and as soon as you're ready you hit the space bar and you started recording your voice over um the second that you need to stop you have a retake or something just go ahead and hit the spacebar now you want to make sure you're not on grid you want to set it to split to i'm sorry slip i slipped um and you can just go ahead and do your edit as soon as you're ready to record make sure you're got your record set up here you hit the space bar you started recording your next take it's pretty simple once you have it all set up um the set of plugins that it comes with is very nice i got used to the eq in an avid media composer which is the same eq here it's a very useful and effective eq you can go in and you know cut out some make some sharp cuts and cut out some frequencies that are room noise or uh muddiness uh resonances that just aren't pleasing um easy to make a boost add some air do a high pass to get some of the rumble out um their compressor is just as good it's very effective again you just want to get some of those top peaks and you know some of these little high peaks and and just get a tighter sound you have the gate and expander which is also very useful and you also have a de-esser which um studio one and ocean audio does not have i mean yeah this is this is definitely a great option to get your stuff recorded and sent off i would say that the only con is perhaps probably a steeper learning curve than the others but it's definitely a great option um it does take a while in my system at least to start whenever you start up the app it takes a while for some reason it scans all my plugins but pro tools first doesn't really allow third-party plugins if you look at my list here there's not a lot of plugins that are being shown up and for some reason again it scans all my plugins so it takes a while to start the app but again not a lot of cons on this one either great option if you need to get your voiceover recorded processed and sent out great app this is the final app that i recommend and probably my favorite app before you freak out and look at the screen and say wait that's a coloring app it is it's davinci resolve and if you go on youtube and you do a search you'll see people talking about how great it is for coloring and editing and it is but here i am to tell you that this is probably your best free option to record voiceovers and i'll show you why um come over here to fairlight now i already did this uh you can go ahead and hit command n and you'll set up a timeline you'll set it to mono you go ahead and label your timeline sequence and hit create now i already did that here it's called voiceover casting the next step you want to do is you want to come over here to the mixer and you want to go ahead and hit input you want to select your audio one audio one and then hit patch which i've already done same thing as the other apps you hit record and as soon as you're ready go ahead and hit record and you start recording your voiceover again pretty simple i think most of these apps are basically you know give you the same steps to get recorded you go in you edit you do your retakes same as the other apps now here is where i think this app shines over the rest of them you have a nice eq that again pro tools gave you the same type of eq but this is definitely better than studio one and ocean audio but here we go we're gonna get better um we also have a built-in compressor again the other apps had this here you are with compression expansion gate limiting now you go to the plugins section or the effects library and you'll see under fair light all the other tools you have you have a de-esser you have d-hummer which is great for those low frequency sounds like air conditioning rumble or anything like that that you can help reduce you have this plugin called dialog processor and here you have a strip where you basically have the d rumble the pop ds compressor expander and excite um these are great tools to have we have also um you have a limiter um you also have the multi-band compressor if you want to do some multi-band compressing and get into that um you have noise reduction that will help you reduce noise um without third-party plug-ins and finally down here you have vocal channel again i'm just adding all these to the mixer not that i would add all of these to do my voiceover but this i'm just showing you the tools that you have and the options that you have in this app where you can pick and choose which is the right uh channel strip that you want to use once you set up the channel strip the way you like it again you save this project it becomes your template you come in here you record and you have your settings already saved as you like and you obviously go in and tweak as you go because one day you'll hear something another day you'll be like wait a minute maybe i didn't like the way that sounded you you know tweak a little bit here and there and yet you keep saving this project and you will have your channel strip the way you're used to i'm using right now the studio version but all this is included in the free version of the app and you can also add third party plugins to the free app or the studio app so you have a lot of possibilities here um and if you're going to get into content creation at some point and you want to start working into video you got your hands in this app so um again it's a free app there's um the four options that i gave you but i would say this is probably my favorite one
Channel: Paul M Diaz
Views: 2,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free audio editing software, audio recording software, recording software, pro tools first, streaming audio recorder, Free daw, recording, mixing, free, best, top, free plugins, free audio software, free recording software, Wavelab, studio one prime, tutorial, free download, GarageBand, Audacity, software, davinci, resolve, ocenaudio, voiceover, voice, recorder, voice-over, voice over, app, mac, plugins, record, edit, IOS, audio, audio recording, voice acting, acting, Vo, PC, WIN, windows, twistedwave, EQ
Id: 0PXADFuyi_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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