An Evening With Dr. Simone Gold hosted by Pastor Greg Denham Rise Church San Marcos, Ca.

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welcome everyone i'm so glad that you're here yay are you excited to be here hey thank you for your patience and we're going to keep those fluorescents off thank you so much i think thank you um hey a warm warm welcome when i say warm i mean like literally warm you know wait just the air conditioning is working over time and it's it's just it is what it is and but it's a it's a little cooler outside so hey hey listen i am so thrilled you are here i've been looking forward to this time for a long time i had a chance to meet dr gold a couple weeks ago i was up in thousand oaks speaking for uh my a dear friend a great leader pastor rob mccoy do you know pastor rob mccoy so here's what happens i'm not kidding i'm like in the front row getting ready to speak he comes up feel this presence hey man dude do you want to meet dr gold and i'm like wait a second there's bono of you too and there's dr gold of course i want to meet dr gold are you kidding i mean if that's the most rhetorical question i've ever ever asked me but anyways um and and i was just so thrilled that she was so gracious to say that she would come down and be with us tonight so that's the origin of it and i i i'm really looking forward to it we're going to jump right in usually we have some music but we're going to maximize as much as possible this evening i'd like to welcome those of you who are watching online as well let's pray at this time lord we love you and we're thinking of the genius plan that is unfolding from eternity past to eternity future in and through israel as uh we are amidst the fall feasts the holy days here on the eve of yom kippur which carries the idea one of the ideas is coming face to face and one day lord you will show your face in glory and thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven we believe it and so lord have your way tonight lead us and guide us thank you so much for dr gold and when i ask your hand upon her family uh for blessing and protection and um lord we we pray that everyone would leave here comforted and encouraged and edified and whole and we pray these things in jesus name and everyone who agreed said amen hey listen let's give a nice welcome to dr gold dr gold come on up yay yay well this is awesome love it so here's what we're going to do i'm going to ask just a few questions of dr gold and and then we're going to i'm actually going to read her some of the headlines for the last couple days and i'd love her response to it and i promised no football i'm not going to read anybody football we're going to read about some other things and then we're going to i if we you know dr gold would like to share a few things so we we may have time for that i'm sure we will as well as a time for you to ask her a question and so um you may be thinking about that as we are conversing with one another are you too cold with this fan right here are you okay okay and i love the fan i wish everyone had a personal fan i want you to know we have one right here and it's monstrositis um so a little context to the times in which we live and this is a unique time and we all know it and i you know one of the things i think of we think of scriptures the scriptures excuse me of the hebrew scriptures the new testament is often the authors are addressing very specific contexts what right application looks like in that context we're living in an interdependent world increasingly so stakes are only getting higher and it's almost like a perfect storm it seems to me because we have information disseminated so swiftly oftentimes outside of context and it's a perfect storm of confusion and chaos and um misunderstanding and who do you trust and and we've been living it and i think i think all of us here can resonate with that on one level or not and i'm just curious i want to ask you more of a little bit of a personal question and that is through through this year what have you witnessed among uh people in our country amidst this crazy time this an uneasy time that has inspired you that has given you an uplift during this unique storm in which we find ourself that's a tricky question there's been there's been a lot of difficulties this year right the last year year and a half but it's very good to start with a positive you know my life from the outside looks terrible people sometimes send me texts and emails of horrible articles that are written about me and it's kind of funny because from the outside i suppose it looks terrible sometimes my mom will send them to me you know there's an article written about me yesterday or two days ago npr and it was like really terrible and then i didn't get back to her right away because i was busy and then like an hour later she's like oh you know it must be really difficult i was like actually not at all i never read this stuff like i'm so sorry you were obsessing about it so i do that's what parents do moms and dads okay the truth is for me my life on the inside there's been unbelievable blessings this year unbelievable tremendous clarity i have been introduced to the fiercest warriors the most intelligent compassionate incredible people but i've had to seek them out right i've had to seek out the few doctors that are ethical the lawyers that are ethical the pastors that are ethical but i've been blessed to meet those people and hang out with those people and know those people so many ways my life has been very blessed this last year and a half and i would say that the lesson in that is the more you open your eyes and doors and heart to the possibility of it being very different than it's been until now the better your life can get in many ways my life is better that's awesome beautiful well you have certainly been a voice to us of great inspiration and courage and i know i speak for all of us so thank you very much you're exceptional thank you i i mean i think one of one of the concerns that i could just quickly say is that is that coved is uh to some like a trojan horse you know if you look back in history um like to be hyperbolic but look back in history revolutions have begun with um with sayings that can be embraced by the masses um and so i mean we in our country of course have has experienced a a season where we're hearing the term black lives matter and of course black lives matter my goodness gracious um but as it's knocking on the door we find it's marxism you know or um social justice and i say of course social justice my goodness that's awesome but we opened the door and i know some form of communism and and i'm i'm just i i now we're going from inspiration to like this is like pretty intense but i mean do do you do you see a trojan horse at play here wait until you hear the rest of my speech tonight okay do you want to save it till later no most definitely i want to say that the year has given tremendous clarity we're in a fight between god and no god that's the fight so the medical the medical is the pretext medical tyranny is only a pretext it could have been religious tyranny it could have been economic tyranny it happens to be medical tyranny i'll explain more later when i speak but 100 you're right pastor it's a trojan horse it's not as it seems it's god versus no god that's the battle so i'm just curious i mean it's incredible i'm just curious when when did you begin to [Music] feel that way when i'm just curious when what not tipped you over when did you start you stepped over and said not gonna man this is a a battle of world views here between like supernaturalism or naturalism okay so for those of you don't know i'm a doctor and a lawyer so i'm i i'm pretty educated so there and and i've been i graduated medical school when i was 23 and my father was a doctor so i sometimes joke and say i was a doctor really from the moment i was born he had an office in our house i used to go with him rounds to the hospital in the nursing homes so i've just been around medicine my entire life so i have a very like strong view how medicine is how doctors are i was absolutely raised to think doctors are exceptional and and and really when i looked around the world that's how it seemed it seemed accurate and i'm working in the er as a doctor as i've been doing for 20 years and when kovit came i over about a two-month period i realized that the doctors actually were not thinking at all and this was i can't even describe it it was invasion of the body snatchers i i'd had conversations with doctors and they would look very blank and i said well what do you think about hydroxychloroquine and this is before it got politicized like oh it's fine and then when it got politicized they're like oh no it's you know it's it's voodoo evil terrible horrible stuff and i'm like well what changed your mind did you read a journal article did you you know have a bad experience with it and it was nothing like that it was like that some powerful person said that to them and i was like but you're a doctor did you read the journals like why why are you not thinking then we had a reprieve in the hospitals where you were allowed to use hydroxy there was this temporary like one month period or a couple weeks all of a sudden my peers people i knew were like oh it's fine and again again what changed did you read a journal article did you talk to a smarter doctor like why are you okay with it now and there was like a blank stare then it got super politicized can't use it again can't use it won't use it i said again what changed and i came face to face with the fact that doctors were no better they were no they were not thinking they were getting their news from twitter and facebook like the rest of america right this is kind of when i realized we were in a much different fight than people thought we were so i would say i came to it early for that reason and i would say probably about april 2020. wow you know we were thinking we're talking about your wonderful father reuben earlier and um and i have daughters and i'm just remembering him in a moment here and i know he'd be so proud of you and your voice um and i'm as i mentioned i'm so grateful for it uh you know i just think you just just real quick like through through the hebraic lands of the pro of the prophets who understood the context of their times and they boldly brought like the truth of what reality was to their generation and i i think that you've been that type of voice so i thank you very much i'm just i'm curious um i mean what's been the cost that you have felt as a result of this really speaking contrary to group think and the narrative that is driven by the most powerful men and women on planet earth okay so i'll give you the truth skinny the cost has been exceedingly high however that should not fill you with fear because i have sought the fight i feel equipped to fight it that doesn't mean other people will face the same repercussions that i have faced to the same extent there is trouble coming for all of us if we don't win that's what i'm going to talk to you about tonight but you don't have to live like in mortal fear that like you know next week you're going to go through the same thing i went through right there after me particularly you know i had to hire security recently and i remember the security uh the guy who owned the firm said you know you are literally going after the most powerful people in the world and like he goes oh yeah much more powerful than the united states government it's big pharma i'm like oh my god like i had no idea i didn't really set out to do that you know i'm saying but but people say well why do you do this the cost is so high and i said i don't really see that there's a choice i i i have children i don't want my children to grow up in china that's where we're going if people don't stand up so i can go through the specifics of the cost of people are curious but uh i i actually am going to go through the specifics a little bit awesome thank you so much i love it yeah your your comment on on a few headlines let's just talk about kind of what's been in the headlines the last couple days i mean september 14th right yesterday times of israel health ministry chief says coronavirus spread reaching record heights as over ten thousand new cases are diagnosed nakaman ash tells lawmakers he had hoped recent downtrend would continue health ministry director general nakamesh said tuesday that the current wave of coronavized infections is surpassing anything seen in previous outbreaks and that he's disappointed that a recent downward trend appeared to be reversing newsweek just today the the headline is israel world leader in vaccine booster shots hit by surge in covid cases cases of cloven 19 are surging in israel despite the nation leading the world in vaccine booster shots the booster wave of infections has surpassed numbers seen in previous outbreaks bucks the recent downward trend that's similar to that earlier article i mean i actually could go on and on uh covet spike and highly vaccinated israel holds grim omens for other economies one headline reads your thoughts i'm so glad you're here by the way did i tell you that already so glad you're here i'm actually so glad that you get to hear the truth because everything that you [Applause] i don't actually listen to the news at all that is like all false and i will break it down for you okay so you don't have to live in fear first of all if you're a person of faith you don't live in fear anyway right right [Applause] but it's kind of nice to know that you actually don't have to just as an objective measure from a physician so the i'm going to go into some specifics to answer what you're saying but in general had they let this virus run its natural course without interfering with the vaccines we would have been over this and it would have been done it would have been in the rear view mirror now what they did though they did a lot of things basically everything was wrong they they separated people so it didn't kind of naturally go through the young and the healthy and eventually kind of peter out they then sort of vaccinating with a vaccine i can't call it a vaccine what is the common understanding of the word vaccine it's to stop transmission right well if you go back and you actually look at the application for pfizer and modernity that they gave to the fda it clearly states it doesn't stop transmission they didn't apply for it to stop transmission all it was approved for was to do symptom reduction from moderate to mild that's it wasn't proven to reduce transmission wasn't proven to reduce hospitalization or death so we scientists were frantic because we knew once they released it it was really going to end up in a situation a common way to understand it was like resistant antibacteria right you've all kind of heard that expression if you take antibiotics enough then you end up with resistant strains it's not exactly the same science but it's similar so if you start giving a thing to people that doesn't actually kill the thing outright you end up selecting for other strains that can survive that thing if you're shooting a bullet and the person's impervious to that bullet more of that will will be around that's exactly what we're seeing so as soon as the numbers started people got highly vaccinated this strain that existed when the vaccine was developed that is the wuhan strain the wuhan strain is completely gone from america that is not my opinion that is from the cdc director rochelle wallensky she said it on august 6th that you had to say it because all the evidence was there more than 99.5 of the virus that's out there in america now is the delta variant but the vaccine to the extent that it worked or the shot to the extent that it worked never it doesn't work for delta how do i know that she said the same thing she said these shots don't stop the delta transmission so when you look at countries that have high vaccination rates israel seychelles the the numbers are vaccinated and then the number of people who are getting sick if you're vaccinated or unvaccinated are the same which if you've had like a second grade education makes sense because it doesn't work for delta i don't know why i used to think it was all corruption i don't think so i think people have lost their ability to think i read it i read a study recently and it was saying it was the university of california san diego 83 of their health care force was vaccinated that's like a very high number then over the summer june july or so july august something like that delta swept through and guess what it turned out like 57 of the vaccinated healthcare workers came down with delta so the scientists are writing the this article you know documented properly and all the numbers and the time and the dates and then i read the conclusion and it's like they lost the ability to think because what do they conclude not that the thing doesn't work but what must happen are boosters and masks and i'm reading this and i'm thinking i really think a third grader could come up with a better solution right so really they're scaring people just like they did last year about the case number the only thing that matters right is death maybe hospitalization because those are objective measures this case number is a thing it's a phenomena that we never talked about in medicine we didn't talk about how many colds somebody had we nobody like talked like that so how what how how do you put that in context of 10 000. i don't know what that means 10 000 cases by the way the pcr test that they use i'm sure you all know it's wildly inaccurate so inaccurate the cdc is pulling it did you know that they're pulling it they're pulling it off the market they said it's so inaccurate well of course we've known for a year that it's inaccurate so pay no attention like the wizard of oz right pay no attention to the man behind the curtain okay the the case numbers is an irrelevant meaningless thing you can pay attention to the hospitalization or the death numbers they're not going up with delta the vaccinated are not being protected against delta and i hope that when you know vaccinated or clearly spreading it for the fact checkers who might be watching ciao lead author chow c-h-a-u out of vietnam university of oxford has already shown that the vaccinated carry the virus in very large numbers 251 times higher than last year's version the vaccinated also showing lead author lou liu from japan that the vaccinated are spreading it to other vaccinated people so i guess the silver lining is you know if they keep spreading it we'll we'll getting closer to getting done once you have it it's another thing i was going to say once you've had it you are immune you are immune don't let anyone tell you differently we know this is true for all of you know immunology the past we know that's true we also happen to know it's true specifically with stars too the science is there that immunity from stars to is robust durable we have every expectation be lifelong or about as long as you know you know you know decades we have no reason to think it's going to be different and if you caught dr fauci recently when he was caught even on cnn they said well why do people have been covert recovered have to take the shot and you heard him stammer well uh not really very good reason okay so at the very least if you've had it stop living in fear beautiful [Applause] so you earlier said this is really an issue between like like this is less you're like god versus not right can we go back to that could you elaborate a little bit more about that you know it's been an interesting year for me so here i am i'm fighting as hard as i can thank you and the people i get i keep getting thrown with really are evangelical christians and kind of freedom lawyers who tend to be devout christians one day one of them you might know robert tyler so he right so he said to me on the phone when we were talking about a case he said well i really think you should bring this as a freedom of religion like my case is a freedom of religion case i'm like what are you talking about he goes well you ha you're having a religious objection to the people being treated like this and i have to say i had never thought of it that way i never thought of it that way and he was right like i i every cell in my being is offended because i not only do i believe in god i know god believes in humans right so when you start taking away human freedom and human free will or caring about humans you're offending god so he kind of crystallized it for me and it's very clear that we're going into a situation where the government is trying to compete with god and the family right is the representative of god on earth right you know family the parents for the children so it's very very clear to me that the government is the form of the state is trying to usurp god's position very specific examples you know they're they're really taking away parental rights especially in this state and you can't do that really if you believe in god right how do you do that you know that god has said the parents stand and teach the child for god right so it's very very clear yeah beautiful well said um yeah love it where do you believe this medical authoritarianism will head in the next year or two or three years ahead it's a hard question to answer because we're fighting so hard so we have filed five lawsuits there's two more coming and a win in any of these areas will really stave off the worst of the authoritarianism so i'd say that the it's unknown right now but if left unchecked there will be no human freedom none medical tyranny is the fastest way to lose freedom i mentioned earlier you can oppress people through like religious tyranny or economic tyranny but religious tyranny really takes centuries if it's ever fully extinguished economic tyranny even in the fastest of circumstances in venezuela you know it's like a decade but medical tyranny is very very swift right because it's silent and it's stealth and it leaves people feeling helpless and dependent on authority figures so they're using medical tyranny to control you if there's one lesson i can leave you with tonight it's don't obsess about the medical obsess about the tyranny we're we're pushing we are pushing back hard on the medical tyranny because i know it's all about tyranny thank you very much you know i'm reminded of a passage pinned by paul and of course was a jew and he came face to face with yeshua the risen christ but one of the things he noted was that prior to the second coming of jesus i i believe in it i believe that he's coming again thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven in fact as i mentioned i mean we're on the eve of yom kippur this evening i believe right i mean this is this evening is literally on kapoor um and then a few days ago he had feast of trumpets and tabernacles which these these are maybe some big terms for some here but these these are the biblical feasts and appointed times that speak of historical events but also speak of future events as well and i believe there's a future and i and i believe that the lord holds that future and um now i forgot what i was going to say but anyways i hope you enjoyed that no and there's me getting to paul so sorry man thank you very much i'm almost done i'm so sorry one of the things he said was prior to the second coming is that is is that there will be an absence of love for the truth and you know it's like what is truth that's that's something that pilate asked jesus jesus and i am the way the truth and the life but uh there's such a thing as fact-based truth i mean is it just factual is that accurate there's a reality there's revelation based truth and what i hear you saying is you're you're concerned that we're living in a culture that is is decreasing in just the embracing what is fact-based truth it's like not facing the facts am i hearing that correctly a hundred percent 100 so would you like me please elaborate yeah so for a year year and a half now i've been i've been like yelling the facts and the doctors have been yelling the facts and i don't even mostly talk about the facts anymore because for me it's like water is wet if someone said to you tylenol doesn't work for a headache you would throw them out of the room you'd say i'm not listening to you that to someone who knows science is is what the other side is saying and they're convincing americans and they're convincing people all over the world the tylenol doesn't work for headaches so water isn't wet this is very very dangerous very dangerous very dangerous i i was seeing it first and i talk a lot about the medical because it not so much because i'm a doctor but because it's very black and white we have all the science to support it that the facts and you've read the book 1984 right many of you right so you know that they shift the facts and and they shift the language and that's exactly what we're living exactly where we're living there is it's a slightly off your question but there's a there was an initiative december 2020 called the trusted news initiative it's right out of 1984. the trusted news initiative is all the media got together and said that we're not going to report anything that deviates from the narrative that you know i don't know big farmer government whatever wanted to say the important point is that all the media did it ap news right new york times la times usa today washington post all of them they all did it meaning you couldn't even get anything that was on the other side and all i could think about as well this is like the ministry of truth and the ministry of love you know in in george orwell's 1984 when we don't know the facts we can't even make an informed decision then you're left only with faith and faith is good faith is important faith is critical but it just so happens it doesn't the facts and faith don't actually deviate that's why you're here you know that there's a disconnect and you're falling on the side of faith but i'm here to tell you that the facts support your faith that's right that's right well said love it so i think i think if it's okay we in in the next few minutes i said i think one more question and then maybe we can transition because you would like to share and um john i'm going to ask you how your help what's that mom okay we got it okay okay good um got it john um but you know we we're we heard that the governor of uh our state um last night i i mean i i wasn't watching but i mean i heard that he said this that you know we we follow the science we follow the science you know and which by the way i just want to say quickly um you know it is said of abraham that righteousness is what is accredited to his account because of faith so i mean faith introduces you to the world of the intangible we're talking about ideas ideas matter right so for abraham he he believed in the lord god of israel he was informed by intangible realities ideas are intangible god is the greatest intangible reality um and what gives meaning to life is our intangible realize of my beautiful wife in the front row we have so much between us that is unseen but it's um that's intangible memory and experience in the lord jesus and all of these things but it's the reason why my most favorite place is just to be i'm digressing okay i'm almost done but to be in her presence sorry talk to us a little bit about to follow the science i mean what we are following the science you are following the science what do they mean when they say follow the science you don't have to answer that ministry of love that causes war and it's the ministry of plenty that rations food and it's the ministry of education that's what follow the science means to newsom and fauci and biden what science means to me is a well-developed scientifics genuinely curious about the answer and are not predisposed to find a particular answer we'll see kind of a neat um shut up and listen and follow obey it's every phrase follow the science they're telling you obey you know and not and not obey god right obey a human man which is idolatry yeah well said i love that i love that 100 percent so let's make a transition we're going to bring up a podium up here is that going to be okay with you and i and um we get to hear a wonderful message i know you just recently prepared and uh thank you so much brian vector for making that adjustment with the camera so may please we thank you i'm i'm so delighted to be here and you actually asked me a lot of questions that are kind of similar so it's good to know we're very much on the same page so i think most of you do know me but let me just start with who i am right i'm a physician and i'm an attorney i said i went to medical school chicago medical school stanford university law school and starting around march 2020 i started saying that we had a medical issue but we had a legal crisis and it's so horrible to say that it's only gotten worse the reality is that we're living under a tyranny that we never thought was possible in america and it appears that most people do not realize what has already happened and what will happen if we don't fight hard and intelligently let me tell you first what the current reality is then i'll describe what the real war is and lastly what effective fighting looks like first a dose of hard reality we have lost almost all of our constitutional rights i pray that this loss is temporary but you must awaken to the fact that they are lost we only retain with a big struggle the second amendment the first amendment of course the freedom of religion we all saw that this past year year and a half churches were closed liquor stores were open as a person who went through law school i couldn't believe this it was so flagrantly illegal i i still can't even believe i'm saying this it was beyond comprehension that walmart marijuana shops forget you know abortion providers liquor stores open open open and churches close illegal this is when i started to lose my mind i don't know by the way i'm not i'm really not such a religious deeply religious person but it was i went to law school and it's the first thing in the constitution so i knew that if the churches weren't protected none of us were going to be protected in any endeavor i've never i don't believe anything like this has happened in the history of our nation just to put this in perspective for you free speech is gone the silencing of the majority and the silencing of the critical thinkers they've been tremendous threats to doctors who speak up i'll get to that in a moment but you don't need free speech to say roses are beautiful you need free speech to say things that other people don't want to hear and we can't free press gone i explained to you about the trusted news initiative it's corrupted but it's also worse than corruption is the monopoly right you could deal with corruption if it was even on both sides they're both lying on both sides and they're both represented but it's a monopoly peacefully assembled gone i knew that was a huge threat right we had a former president who was a community organizer i said how are you going to organize people if you can't see their faces they're six feet apart only 10 people can get together two people can get together i knew that was a direct threat on people right what could make a communist happier than not being able to let the people ever talk to each other to organize that's why we have a right to peacefully assemble and by the way nobody protested this there were some protests you know about the church and the press and the speech nobody seemed to care about the right to peacefully assemble right to petition the government gone i'll explain more about that later that's all the first amendment the fourth amendment is the right to bodily integrity i would say that that's gone voluntarily people are giving it up due to propaganda and involuntary through coercion threat of job loss fifth amendment is due process i don't even have to tell you like the due process abridgements that have happened for those of you who don't know i was arrested earlier this year and what i saw the lack of due process i was not read miranda rights not given a phone call gone the sixth amendment right to a speedy and public trial totally gone in the era of lockdowns people just languish in jail in america i don't care if they're guilty or innocent that's not the law the seventh amendment right to a jury trial also completely eliminated during the pandemic during the lockdowns excuse me eighth amendment no excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment you all know some stories of people who are arrested after january 6 pre-trial right before they've been adjudicated guilty of anything being held in solitary confinement in america this is all illegal in the constitution i say all these very depressing things to you because you must accept that medical tyranny is just the mechanism it's just the means to control us it could have been religious or economic tyranny it happens to be medical and because i am a doctor and a lawyer and the founder very happy proud founder of america's frontline doctors i have some special expertise but stop worrying about the medical and start worrying about the tyranny don't come up to me and ask me like a medical question i put all the medical facts you need to know on the website you do not need to like obsess about this the reason the communists decided to use medical tyranny over other forms of tyranny is because it's so effective it makes people have great fear and become very cowardly it causes a hyper reliance on authority and it distracts people from the real enemy the vaxxed think their enemy are the normals and the normals think their enemy are the vaxxed but a mutual enemy is the tyrannical overlords who want to divide and conquer both groups they pit black against white rich against poor male against female vaxxed and the normals are just another exploitable division let me just spend two minutes on the medical facts because i know that like people are dying to know like just a few medical facts you don't have to accept anything in fact you shouldn't accept anything i say in face value everything i'm saying is is documented and referenced on our website you can find the documents for yourself six facts seven facts the vir i think i mentioned this the virus initially was the wuhan variant but that is now gone it is now the delta variant it's like the one that was there last year is not in existence anymore at least in america i can't speak for the rest of the world but i believe it's the whole world number two the shots were modestly effective at reducing symptoms for wuhan they are totally ineffective against delta not only are independent doctors saying this as i said the cdc director was forced to admit this rochelle lewinsky she said it several times but i think the first was on august 6th number three the vaccinated are the super spreaders of delta the vaccinated do not have permanent sterilizing antibodies they do not kill the virus and the shot also bypasses the natural killer cells in the mouth and the nose for the fact checkers that's from chao oxford and liu in japan also in israel showing that all the vaccinated people are passing the delta variant around to each other four if you already had covid like a majority of people in america have you had full you have full immunity and that will continue now if you have not had covid but you had the shot your risk is the same as having never had a shot right because it's a new variant and the shot doesn't work as an aside the shot the shot caused people to create billions of spiked proteins but the spike proteins were just like a little piece of similarity to the native virus to the sars2 so the new variant is not susceptible to those particular like mechanisms that were in the shot like i can't believe they're even talking about boosters it doesn't make any sense now the good news is delta also is overwhelmingly recoverable do not live in fear it is not warranted it does seem to make people sick longer we think this is due to the fact that the vaccinated have a very high viral load that they're carrying in the chow study from vietnam oxford the viral load was 251 times the viral load from last year so when you're coming if you haven't had covet and you come into contact with people are vaccinated who are carrying the delta it's a very high amount so we think that's why people who are catching it are sick longer because they're getting hit with a lot of delta at once that's our best theory it makes sense to me however you still recover from it okay that's the point and by the way if we hadn't you can obviously see if we hadn't fooled around with it it would you wouldn't be running around with people having 251 times the original viral load like if they just let nature run its course the best news is that early treatment will always work no matter what variant okay now early early treatment right is hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin everyone should have some in their medicine cabinet just so that they don't worry and if you do come down with it you start it really early and it will never get very serious i like to encourage pastors and other community leaders to to get some and keep some for those people who don't plan ahead of time but you should plan ahead you're a full-grown adult you should plan ahead okay we used to have a saying in the er lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part so you've now been put on notice get yourself some now you might say easier said than done dr gold so the answer is you go to our wet first of all we are not selling anything if your own doctor prescribes it go to your own doctor but if you can't get it from your own doctor you can do a telemedicine consult through our website and then they mail you the medicine now we are overwhelmed on a regular basis we are hit with cyber attacks sometimes there's much more of a weight than i would like but i can tell you serving the whole nation is very difficult so i would i would get on it tomorrow get yourself in the queue and just get yourself some again not that you need to live in fear of this but why shouldn't you have it i have some you should have some as well now now that you know the facts you should turn your attention to the real enemy and the real war which is really vaccine passports vaccine passports are communist tool in the infrastructure to control you and me let me give you a specific example that just happened to me we went to a dodgers game recently and we won't wear masks but we said okay just for this once just to get in through we'll wear it because this is la and it's really crazy up there so we kind of made a little bit of a fuss at the door not much we've made more fuss in other places but we have decided ahead of time we're just going to try to get through so we made a little bit of a fuss but we eventually complied and i mentioned that because it was just minor like it wasn't a lot and then we're walking through and we take the mask off and people keep coming up to us you know put the mask on and we put it up till they walk away and then we keep going then we went to stop to get a drink and we go to pay for the drink and we're swiping a credit card when it hit me that's what we're experiencing is nothing compared to what's coming if we don't stop this train wreck now let me explain to you we had to go to like the unpleasantness of going in without a mask and and you know people telling you to put a mask on keep harassing you throughout that but then we went to buy the drink what would happen if i misbehave like that you know just mildly misbehaving and then with an invisible flick of the switch 10 minutes later my credit cards don't work that would certainly keep those pesky non-sheep like people like me and you in line once digital currency replaces hard currency any deviation becomes impossible vaccine passports are the first step towards digital everything including digital currency it's getting us used to the idea very dangerous if we don't fight this and maintain to maintain our individual rights including the right to not be tracked to be anonymous we will soon lose human freedom now another example in case you think this is all a little too far-fetched is something you would ask me pastor i was arrested by the fbi because i was in the capitol on january 6th many some of you know some of you don't i was there as an invited guest speaker just as an aside and they cancelled all the speakers and i was physically there physically present so i got arrested on january 18th no matter what you think of that episode let me tell you what happened since okay now mind you i've just been arrested essentially on trespassing charges there will never of course be any evidence of anything violent or disorderly right i am who i am i give speeches that's who i am right so so eventually i'll have my day in court but let me tell you what's happened to our nation since being arrested i was illegally put on a no-fly list a private person who loaned me a plane he's being harassed he owns an air ambulance company and they're stopping his pilots when they leave america when they come back he says in his 30 years of running an air ambulance company he's never once had a plane ever be stopped leaving america and now they're being stopped leaving and coming i've actually never met this person i've never had ever talked with him on the phone even before this happened my the plane i was on was illegally searched and i was told they thought they heard there there were narcotics on board right this is the one thing that got me scared we put the cameras on i mean it was a mess but you could see how like frightening this is i was ostensibly removed from the no-fly list but now when i go to the airport hours and hours ahead of time they pull me out for this extra screening which is pretty terrible but fine the problem is they can pull you out again and again until you miss your flight that's what's happened now maybe you think or maybe one person in here thinks well you know she got arrested maybe that's the way it should be maybe one person here i know outside others might think that but what do you feel about this my security man who i hired they do this to him now now they do it to my minor son they do it to my security guard's wife they're no connection to me i opened up i tried to open up a bank account does anybody here know what the best credit score is the top number i'm told it's 8.50 i'm told it's a 50. so i go in to open up a bank account right after this happened because i thought well they're going to they're you know you heard bank of america was chart like they were targeting people right so i was like i better you know not be there let's open so i go to open up different bank accounts right for america's frontline doctors and one of them i'm sitting there across from the lady she's like oh you've got such a good credit score it's 8.50 that's the highest she goes i never see that and she let me take a screenshot of it it was like so kind of cool okay a month later they canceled me it happened at another bank a third bank wouldn't let me open my professional certification as a physician has been threatened not just me but other doctors with me and my professional certification as an attorney has been threatened i want to remind everybody i earned those they were not gifted to me by the federal government i went to school a long time amazon threatened and then did delete our website all this becomes expensive and difficult they then threatened and tried to harm the telemedicine not amazon but others right they threaten the pharmacies now regularly pharmacies that have nothing to do with us just in general pharmacies that are dispensing ivermectin have all been told now that they're going to be audited so they're scared they're scared that's why i'm saying you should get your medicines early preferably like last month so i share these details to highlight the most important part of this is none of these punishments came from a judge a jury or a trial none even really came from a person i'm able to be punished by a bureaucratic state that is doing the overlords bidding you will comply or a computer program will ruin your life now how does one percent control 99 it's not by having more policemen this version of communism will be shining and bright appearing with all the evil hidden on the underside no one to even complain to it will be bureaucratic social control do you know i can't even figure out who to communicate or who to sue or who to go against for the flying stuff i've hired so many lawyers and they're like well we don't even know where to start can you imagine that's where you're going us i'm jumping ahead so you can see what is at stake what is at stake is all of human freedom so don't worry about the vaccine don't worry about the virus if you do you're in the wrong fight now that you understand the fight that you're fighting communism that's what you're asking let your inner warrior out go on the offensive don't be defensive every single person can push back to some degree one of the most important ways you can fight back something that gives me great hope is focusing on the children communist lenin said give me four years to teach the children and the seed i have sown will never be uprooted give us the child for eight years and the child will be socialist forever destroy the family you destroy the country so why am i hopeful because i know what effective fighting looks like and it appears that americans are getting on board effective fighting is rescuing the future and with home schooling which has doubled in the past year we can do this we still have an unfettered right to homeschool the children nations that are further along on the communist path than we are prohibit children from being primarily educated by their parents because that would allow parental love and filial obligation to flourish but when children belong to the state of course parents cannot be their educators we must thank the patriotic warriors to ensure that we still have this right now i find it interesting that i'm standing up here as a doctor lawyer mom like talking about home schooling this wasn't my mission in life or so i thought my children went through public school i went through public school and quite frankly if you had said to me two years ago homeschool your children i would have been like in shock like that it just wasn't even anything i considered but we live in very different times never did you and i think that the children would be turned against god against country against family by the schools but that is exactly what is happening you must leave the public school system it must be bankrupted you must right you must do this for two reasons you must do it for your own sake and you must do it for the nation's sake i will explain both if you do not pull your children the odds of your children having the same value system as you at best in my opinion is 50 50. and that's if you do everything else right i really think it's more like 10 because young people are heavily influenced by the social environment how heartbroken will you be to discover your son or daughter is lost to communism most of you who do not pull your children out will face this very lonely very heartbreaking situation in a few years lenin said we must rescue children from the harmful influence of the family we must nationalize them from the earliest days of their little lives they must find themselves under the beneficent influence of communist schools to oblige the mother to give her child to the state and so for your own sake you don't want to be sitting across the table from a communist and and i'm really using that word to shake you up because i've seen it now the children who are about 20 24 years old i know parents of that age group and they're pretty hateful to their parents it's pretty terrible so for your own selfish sake consider this and for the nation's sake consider that children are homeschooled are not going to become little commies that's for sure so let's talk about the obstacles they come into three categories one is i don't have time i don't know enough i'm not smart enough or i can't afford it these are completely wrong think about how much time is expended this last year on the debacle and ridiculousness of what happened with the schools in or out i was just so grateful that like my children were a little bit older i was like i don't know what i like would have pulled them out immediately like it's ridiculous to comply like are they in are they out are they wearing masks are they not wearing masks can they go to sports can they not go to sports literally it's easier not to deal with that kind of like overlord in your own life and you can step away so i think the time argument i i do think people understand now that it's not really easier from a time perspective the big thing i think that holds people back is they think they're not smart enough they think they're not clever enough like i don't know algebra i don't know geography i don't know history like how do i do that my goodness there's so many amazing online learning programs you don't have to do it at all like your perception maybe of homeschooling is you know mom sitting and teaching little daniel that's really not it at all there's tremendous homeschooling programs what you do the way to do it in the modern era cheap and easy and convenient is you set up a what i call a micro school i don't know where that term came from but it's basically like five families get together you might have 10 or 12 kids it can be different ages because they're doing an online learning program and you hire a college age student you know girl or boy to supervise so there's not a lot of tension between parents and child right you don't need that negativity in your home where like you're nagging your kids so it shouldn't be you but you five families pull together and the children sit and they do the online learning with this college student just kind of making sure that they're getting it done and this takes three to four hours a day instead of the seven hour day that they're already sitting with masks at school and you're done by like noon one that's it and talking about affording it that's the whole expense is like five families getting together with you know hiring a college age young person that's the entire expense home schooling has doubled this past year i'm talking about this because the fight is communism right and this is very encouraging news it was 5.5 and now it's 11 that is the way out of this raising sensible god-loving patriotic human beings that's how you stop your children from ingesting poison stop being selfish and holding out your own convenience as the reason not to home school stop making excuses you downsize if you must and i don't even think you have to but if you do you do save your children in the process you will be rewarded with a better relationship with them while also helping the nation because the war on the u.s is here america's frontline doctors does offer some relief from this tyranny for those of you who are ready to stand up for yourselves for those of you who are not enslaved which is this room we are here for you i speak at i speak for pastors like believing pastors and believing christians because i know that this is just a fight for godliness i stand with those pastors because a person who is not free cannot worship either because they're so burdened by the toils of being enslaved or because the book itself has been censored i am grateful beyond measure for righteous god-fearing religious leaders like pastor greg and his wife and i stand with them and i thank them so i just a quick like like calls to action or things that you can do like in your own life to guard your own personal freedom medical employment spiritual one please obtain early treatment medicines now before you need them so you don't worry that's at a you can go to your own doctor or meds two consider joining the citizen corps citizen we set this up simply is like a matchmaking service so that you could be connected with people in your area who are like-minded who kind of maybe want to go fight the school board together go fight mass mandates or whatever it is you need a posse right you need people to fight with so you just citizen join the citizen corps it's not really one more thing on your to-do list it's really just getting more friends who agree with you and want to stand with you we have legal information and news on our website there's a lot of lawsuits that we're bringing we essentially see ourselves as a civil rights organization so we've brought just to brief you really quick we brought a lawsuit against the university of california on behalf of the covert recovered we brought a lawsuit against the department of defense on behalf of the covert recovered soldier sorry those those are still being adjudicated of course we'll see what happens we recently brought i laughed because it's my favorite case right now until my next come along but we just sued mayor de blasio of new york city this is this is a really fun case because we learn as we go we had filed um i think in may or june our first case was in alabama and that was to protect the children from getting the shots that case is still sitting on the judge's desk because they don't see the urgency in the same way we do but i'm learning in the process that these cases are kind of complicated for judges you know we present this overwhelming amount of signs overwhelming amount of facts and i think that they're kind of flummoxed because for them to believe us even though there's all the data really they have to accept that the system is unbelievably corrupt and that's a pretty tall order if you haven't been you know if you've been drinking the kool-aid so i've been thinking you know for months like we have to be able to bring more narrow suits that the judges can get behind and that's what led to the my thinking of the protecting the covert recovered because there was precedent in the schools and in the um military for not giving shots to people who already had the thing so we're very hopeful about that and we'll see but this other one that i brought against mayor de blasio it was really fun because uh because he's racist he's racist so he said that everyone in new york really should get the shots but if black people getting the shots at a much lower rate than white people then you're having a disparate impact and when you have a disparate impact on black people or or people of you know one group that's illegal on its face you don't have to prove racist intent so i i don't know how we lose that case people sometimes ask me you know how do i think they're going i'm like in any you know my any understanding of law as i understood it for my entire years on the planet earth like of course we're going to prevail in that case but we'll see you know we're living in a new time that case is very important to you all and me right well i guess meme knows calif was it california or no la county just said that they're going to have mandates of like a vaccine passport so we specifically brought this in new york because the law in new york is even stronger than other jurisdictions so if we win in new york it'll make national headlines and it will give us a lot of sale in our wind for los angeles i'm just going to throw a teaser out it's not a thing yet but america's frontline doctors is planning to open clinics that's good you know it's very really what i want to do that's what i want to do right i don't want to be spending all my time in this litigation it's a negative experience right to have to just right the ship but what's really positive is going to be able to set up a system where people can get solid good clean information that isn't tainted by big pharma or government it will absolutely be cash based but it will be a fair exchange like our telemedicine you know rachel maddow tweeted that we were making a lot of money on this telemedicine i was just like laughing i'm like anyone who thinks i'm doing this for money like like like needs their head examined you know you can't you can't pay you can't pay me for the hours that i do but the amount of money that we charged on the telemedicine was 90 so people were tweeting back and oh gee my my doctor charge is 250. right so the aflts clinics are going to be honorable ethical places where you can go and get straight information and you pay a reasonable fee and there's no way around you paying and you receiving there just isn't when you put that intermediary in that intermediary gets corrupted and that's the end that's what's happened to all of you now so i'm very excited about that and yeah i just wanted to give you like a little bit of optimism there and please consider of course becoming a paying member of aflgs3 of course it's free like all the content's free to everybody it was a decision we made a long time ago that everything has to be free and so it's all free but again right these things take money to do so please consider now in terms of you know worldwide freedom right we have these strategic lawsuits going on we're soon we're right now working to bring a lawsuit against kaiser i don't know if anybody here works for kaiser so it's awful like they've said everybody has to get their shots and by the way they they tip their hand they reveal their agenda when they say the people not on the front lines not that frontline workers should get the shots either listen i'm an er doctor i my sympathies are there but i could see how a judge might be confused that like a frontline worker might need it more than the average joe right but they've tipped their hand right because they're saying insurance agents and sales agents and people who work from home have to get it right so this like has nothing to do with anything but a power grab so like we couldn't sit still so we're taking that case and there's another case where we're suing the city and county of san francisco on behalf of a lot of their people so those are the other two cases that we'll be bringing i want to encourage everyone maybe not in this room but just talk it up amongst other people social media there's going to have to start being people in the streets people protesting people not showing up for work sick outs days off like like we're literally facing tyranny we're looking at it square in the eye and if we continue to be so obedient we're going to get steamrolled you remember the picture of tiananmen square the one the one kid the older people who teach the younger people what i'm talking about right we are that man we are that person we're getting steamrolled we need to get to the streets so the war in the united states is here and i ask will you join me as a soldier will you join me so and and i say i am not here to wake up the sheep i am here to wake up the other lions that's you beautiful beautiful listen remain standing i'm going to pray that we're going to have some time for court questions so lord um lord thank you for life you created us you made us your genius you're beautiful you're holy you're indescribable and and you've said in your word uh that that we that we worship you in the beauty of your holiness that speaks of the fact that you're you're beyond what we could ever uh ever adequately identify with words so we just join the heavenly host in crying holy holy holy times a billion you are holy you're indescribable you're all your beautiful attributes we believe it we thank you for everyone in this room we thank you for the foundational story of your revelation we think back to your call upon abraham that in and through him the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob the entire world would be blessed that has certainly taken place in messiah we think of passover this incredible love rescue and justice rescue we think of your promises that you gave of course through to david and of a future davidic king and every jew and every christian all share that foundational story and we thank you lord for the story here in america we thank you for the declaration of independence constitution emancipation proclamation and um we we pray just i just want to quickly just pray lord help us help us never to forget these stories that define who we are and uh not to forget your promise given to abraham your love rescue had passover and then of course lord you given your life on passover itself and this great country have given to us we know it's not the salvation of the world the messiah of israel yeshua is but lord you have called us to be salt and light and to live out our purposes to your glory and to know that we are here on planet earth largely for others that you might use us to to bring a blessing and protection to others so help us live it out thank you for our precious dr gold thank you so much for her and for her incredible family in jesus name we pray and everyone who agreed said amen amen amen you may have a seat thank you thank you that was just absolutely exceptional thank you so much jeremy so we're going to open up for a time of questions okay oh my goodness oh so okay hey listen we have about 20 minutes okay so here's the thing if anyone would like to ask a question uh to dr golden thank you for this opportunity to be able to ask you a question um you need to come on over albert is right here in the front here's the thing listen okay not to be not to freak control on this but um i learned this from charlie kirk okay okay to ask listen you need to ask a question i mean i bet you you want to say you love dr gold and everything and and that's fine but you need to say dr gold my question is okay and so did you guys ever hear that we have to be disciplined here we need to ask a question thank you very much okay denise you're first hi dr gold um i would like to know how is the supply chain holding up as far as the things that you are prescribing so ask that one more time and one more time yeah let's turn her up just a little bit if it's possible uh chuck thank you go ahead how is the supply chain holding up for the things you're prescribing oh oh yeah no there's no supply chain problem there's a threatening of pharmacies and threatening of doctors problem there's no supply chain problem you can get these medicines in china in um mexico easily and china too china for sure they've been using it the whole time this is a western nation problem by the way but you literally can go to mexico and pick up the medicines like at the tijuana airport like literally like an hour away also um as these virus mutates from the wuhan to the delta and then whatever is rolling next um is that going to change what you're going to prescribe excellent question so they're talking about mu the mu variant right so i kind of make a joke and i say it's a long greek alphabet we're going to be here a long time as long as we allow ourselves to be controlled by fear the last variant will be totalitarianism to answer your medical question the early treatment meds will continue to work and i just want to say because we're here in like the san diego area seriously you should organize a trip do what you got to do okay you got it i will i'm listening to the doctor the mother and the lawyer that's a powerful combination right there yeah hi dr gold i'm a federal contractor and i'm wondering if you have any advice on how to resist the the mandates that they're trying to push on all of us right now [Applause] your starting point has to be that you cannot allow yourself to be bullied become a changed person when you take a knee to a human authority and it changes you in your soul so just make that your starting point and make the best decision you can if you feel like the shot is not for you which of course makes sense to me that's your starting point on a personal one-off you apply for a religious exemption you go to religious or you also wait and see how these lawsuits turn out we'll see there are lawsuits not by us but we're going to assist about the federal mandate my brother is an officer in the army he's 17 years he's just a few short years away from retirement and he's facing this forced vaccine as well now he did get his um religious exemption thing rolling so we're crossing our fingers that he's buying himself a little bit of time so i have two questions one any advice and number two he is waiting to see if he has the immunity from the t cells and if he does how can he go about joining the class for the colorado lawsuit for the military so first of all you don't have to join the class if we win it benefits everyone i think it's highly likely to win so if he's already had covid i don't see how we lose that one the case that we filed in colorado against the department of defense it's very clear there's a regulation in the department of defense that if you had something you don't need to be inoculated against it actually said that the secretary of defense lloyd austin literally made things up when he said you have to take the shot anyway it was just like just something he said it completely deviated from what's in the regulations for the department of defense so if he's had covet i think it's likely that we're going to win that case which will solve his problem um and then he's done the religious exemptions it sounds like he's done everything he could um i believe the judge denied that temporary restraining order is that going to be appealed no no we're we're in good shape on that case it's going to be heard as a preliminary injunction i think thank you thank you oh yes hi dr gold this is uh my question is a personal one i had covered last december um of course i'm still here um my taste is not and i don't know how long this is gonna go on and um what maybe you know remedies there are for that so that's a tough one the i i recently talked to somebody who had lost their taste for eight months and it just came back so i don't know that there's anything that can improve that they do seem to be damaged in some people i don't have any awesome advice for you and i hope it comes back and we can pray we can pray amen yep hello thank you um you have not really addressed what a a lot of us are concerned with taking the vaccines right so i'm wondering if you just want to touch on a little bit maybe with the proteins do you know what i'm saying because we've heard so much about what could be happening to the body in the blood if we take it so so i don't i'm very happy to answer that question i speak mostly about the freedom issue because i think everyone's allowed to make whatever choice that they want to make and all the evidence you need to take it or not take it is on our website but let's do like a brief recap you have to start with do you actually need something right right do you need something like are you like should you be in the doctor's office to begin with like if you're going to the doctor's office to get you know hip replacement and you're explaining and the doctor's saying to you well you know you're going to get great mobility it's going to work really well you're not going to be more pain and it's great and then you say to the doctor but my hip works well what should the doctor say like get out of the office right so first of all there's huge groups of people who this isn't even a conversation right anyone certainly under age 50 who's healthy this is not a conversation you don't take things that you don't need and per and per the cdc chance of surviving stars cove 2 with no treatment at all under age 50 is 99 point wait under age 20 is 99.997 percent under age 50 is 99.98 okay even in the group that's over 70 with no treatment at all per the cdc it approaches 95 and that number gets closer to 100 with early treatment so the first place is if you're under 50 there's questions about fertility there's questions about autoimmune disease these are real concerns because this thing didn't exist last year and there are no long-term animal trials no long-term studies at all it's never happened this fast so you don't take anything when you've got decades of life ahead of you and you don't need the thing so right away from an age perspective under 50 this is a no okay if you're over age 50 and you wanted to consider it our recommendation used to be you could consider but we were against it simply because there are safe alternatives that work hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin so why would you take the new stuff if you got the old cheap safe generic stuff that's been around for 65 years so the only group we even felt it was a conversation was if you were over 75 or had serious comorbid conditions and quite and we were split as a group to say if you could even recommend it or not we decided to say it's it's okay but discouraged and the reason we fell down on that side is because people are so panicked in so much fear that if it almost felt cruel to take away the hope that someone who's like 75 or 85 years old that they could get back to their normal life so we kind of left it up our official recommendation was whatever you think was best but we still favored early treatment specifically what our medical concerns are about the vaccine relate to the fact we don't have enough data so this spike we have a lot of reason to believe that autoimmune disease is going to skyrocket based on the spike proteins we know the spike proteins by themselves without the virus attached to endothelial cells they attach to pulmonary cells and they attack heart cells the spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier they cause headaches they cause neurologic problems they cause clotting 64 of people who've had the shots or had coven have elevated d dimer which is an a blood test that you do which goes along with clotting so that means though those people having like micro clots and they're and they're doing fine like they're recovering but some of those people a minority of those people are going to get strokes and and other things right so for this reason we're mostly against it but we we don't go down other you know we don't go down the more fanciful conspiracy stuff what i'm telling you is fact they attack the endothelial cells they attack the pulmonary cells it attacks the heart cells it's going to cause autoimmune disease in some unspecified numbers of people and we don't know the downstream fertility effects yet thank you okay thank you for everything you've done my daughter's in the air force and she was denied medical exemption when she wrote that she's trying to get actively pregnant she's heard that um pregnancy is not an exemption either so i sent your website thank you so my question is what is the best thing a person should do if they find themselves in the hospital with no particular advocate is there someone they can contact to monitor their treatment and it's based on a lie uh someone who's pneumonia turned into coc pneumonia now there's they don't have anyone so this is a very painful question i'm i'm speaking to you as somebody who was a board-certified er doctor for more than 20 years and i would do everything to stay out of the hospital and i mean everything but now he's in and he's stuck yeah he's stuck you honestly i'm not joking like you pray there isn't much to do they're they're holding some people against their will they're not letting them out you you go i had a situation where somebody went with a med ambulance was sitting outside they wouldn't let him out it's terrible i uh it's to me this is all illegal false imprisonment if you want to leave you're not a prisoner right so the hospitals unfortunately have been financially incentivized to do a certain treatment and they've been shielded from liability if they follow that treatment that treatment happens to be bad for people ventilator and then dissevere and i can't believe these words are coming out of my mouth you must stay out of the hospital like i'm sorry hi ma'am um my question's appealing to the legal side of you your gifting and the question is maybe to be offensive instead of defense but more offense and um these corporations that are monopolized they're evil they're they're built on the back of a lot of our money i i heard this and i just was wondering what you think about it it may be naive question it may be totally off but what if once a month you know the conservative groups or i don't know got together and we didn't buy we didn't buy to we know a list of corporations that that we normally buy to or whatever i don't want to say names and we stopped by for that day we just stopped do you see any good coming from that or no 100 it's really really critical you know i i ultimately think to some extent we're going to live in severed societies right we're going to live side by side next to people but have separate kind of societies separate kind of businesses and we're going to have to support the ones that support us if not here but if you're tithing a church that that stayed closed like stop it okay stop it you know i just heard yesterday when i was at oh i was i was i was at awaken church um with pastor jurgen and there's there's a new thing coming across called have you heard this yet public square public square yeah right and so i think we're going to start hearing more about that which is going to be a list of conservative businesses that you have to support 100 we're going to have to speak with our dollars for sure hi um i've been a nurse for 30 years my husband actually does work for the federal government and um he put in his medical exemption or his religious exemption do it they really need you sometimes they'll let you just jump through all the hoops and keep you i have three boys they've swam the whole entire pandemic thank you jesus um they've never been on antibiotics since like kindergarten they're 14 15 and 16. i want to know your views on high doses of vitamin c i've seen that in treatment in iv for some people and also about um collateral silver so they're healthy boys why are you yeah leave it if it ain't broke don't fix it yell at me because they don't come for annual visits and i'm like they're not sick no no if no so one of the things that's i think that's going to come out of this whole movement in the last year and a half i really think society is going to change a bit one of the changes i think at least i'm going to work towards is is a de-emphasis on medicalization of things right we medicalize everything every headache needs a doctor every stomach act needs a doctor every backache needs a doctor every child needs well child visits what is it it's crazy lee they're doing great they're 14 15 16 they swam they're healthy leave it be they're good um whenever they are sick they make their own tumeric with honey and garlic and lemon they make it themselves [Applause] hi i've got a really strange situation my husband's 71 february last year got covered we understood it was coveted he doesn't throw up he got all i mean literally he got all the way to dry heaves he was deathly sick had what we later found out were coveted symptoms this year february i'm going to try and condense this he got it again we had ivermectin in the pantry and when he felt his chest tighten the second day he took it and within i believe 24 hours all of his symptoms were gone this year that's this february he's been home for two weeks from oklahoma he was visiting my daughter is there a question and he got the delta virus the variant and he was so sick and we're when you say and i bel i believe what you've been saying but when you say that once you have antibodies you can't get it again we're curious how this has happened i understand that ivermectinism is responsive with delta is that what this was uh no i can't i don't know your specific situation but what i know as a factual matter is we have not had confirmed cases where we definitely had kobe the first time and definitely had it the second time we think there's probably a couple of people out there like that but we really don't have that as a proven factual thing what we know for sure is people don't get very sick if they did indeed have it twice ivermectin definitely works definitely works he got pneumonia he got he maybe it wasn't coven my question to you is if the government can force us to get vaccines that force us to get passports what's to stop them from forcing us to get tattoos or in you know a chip like animals right so that's exactly what we're saying that this is a communism fight this is like are we humans are we free or are we slaves and widgets this is the fight one more question is can you explain um the herd immunity to the group here yeah so when you have a virus that goes around you actually want it to go around the community so bounces around amongst the young healthy people and kind of dies out and during that process you protect the frail right maybe they stay home while that bounces around until the viruses know where to bounce to right it's gone through the community and then we're done that's normal public health precepts right up until 2020. so listen we're gonna do like seven more minutes because dr gold has a very long drive tonight so uh so so just come with my question is so let's try to get let's try to get all in if we possibly can yeah hello thank you for coming to san diego county yeah i already have my stash of hydroxychloroquine at home so i'm good uh my question is you talked about in the past asymptomatics patients with coronavirus that they don't infect other people what can studies have been done to affirm that there have been a lot of studies to show that asymptomatic transmission is the boogeyman that does not exist the largest one is there's a study in wuhan china 10 million people they tested 10 million people who were pcr positive but no symptoms at all and they looked to see how many people those 10 million made clinically ill the actual number that those 10 million pcr positive made clinically ill was zero zero zero that's not the only one but it's the largest it's not a thing okay just after this you've got one question i am so sorry that's the last time i'll say it though just one question just yet okay studies are there on the subject besides that one what what other study studies are there on the subject besides the one you mentioned there are multiple studies are on our website i don't know them off the name off the top of my head thank you real quick um hi thank you very much for everything you're doing dr gold but um two two quite well okay sorry i'm wasting time all right for ivor mctin do you recommend it for those who've had covid for those who've been vaccinated and then obviously those who haven't had covert or been vaccinated if you've had cob and you know you had colebrook you're good to go if you haven't what i tell people because it's harder to get ivermectin is just hold it in reserve for that person who gets really sick when you're very sick with covet because you didn't take medicines early ivermectin works where hydroxy is more iffy so i tell people it's a little easier to get hydro keep hydro at home you can start the one early immediately reserve the ivermectin for your friends who maybe didn't get it and that's how my husband had it diagnosed i gave it to him so i know i had it but my doctor would not do the antibody titer and that's the only way to know definitely that you've had it and what can you do to get your doctor to do an antibody tighter yeah a new doctor because plenty of people do do the titers yeah thank you thank you guys are awesome one question we're gonna i think we can all we can get it hopefully no more we we can't have anybody else on the line okay can you speak about the risk and reward calculations is uh like antibodies pass from baby to mom for a pregnant woman um as it relates to trisomy 21 and congenital heart defects as it relates to trisomy 21 and congenital heart defects about getting the shot for a pregnant woman who has who's pregnant with a try uh down syndrome baby with a heart defect is that i don't even know specific it's too specific but but the answer is the answer is to use your brain use your noodle not you but in general la a long long time ago right remember like last year when a pregnant woman didn't take a puff of a cigarette didn't take a sip of wine and definitely didn't have a bite of sushi right and now they're saying roll up my arm you know roll up my sleeve and give me the new stuff insane the point is to recognize when you're being propagandized in real time that's propaganda because it doesn't match anything you heard about all your other years of living on the planet no to pregnant women okay you said you came not to wake up the sheep but to wake up the other lions so my question is how how do we get groups that are large enough to make a huge impact don't talk about the vaccine this is a freedom fight don't try to convince anybody in the facts try to get people on board with the freedom the freedom my body my choice right we ought to be able to get a lot of people that way get people on your side that way and don't sweat the people who absolutely won't agree with you saints and sinners right you don't need the saints you don't need the sinners you need the people in between most americans still deeply believe in freedom love it thank you so much for being here all right my question is with a group like this you have a plethora of people that are here just because you've got a platform you're amazing you got plethora of information what can they do tonight and here on out to be activated to actually do something with this information and actually create a movement yeah you're you're man you're a person after my heart i only like to come to activate people like to get active right two things you need information and you need a posse to fight with all the information you need is on our website i kid you not we have a news section and we have the legal news you could read the press releases you could find out about the lawsuits you can educate yourself about covid you can find out information about masks in the law vaccines in the law then you need people to fight with the citizen court citizen you'll be paired with people in your neighbor in your in your area then you go to the school board meetings you go to the school superintendent meeting and you throw the bums out the ones who are oppressing you that's what you do the citizen core and being informed beautiful beautiful so you were talking about if you had koba that you're immune to it but you said that there's different variants so if you have the wuhan there uh covet now there's a delta are you still immune to all variants i'm glad for the question because i want to be crystal clear once you've had covid you're finished you're immune you're done all variants hi what are your thoughts on norofax say it again i'm sorry no noravax norum is that the russian one it's the one that chinese traditional protein-based factors yes so if if i was being forced to take one i would take one of the traditional ones like that but until they come and like force me to do it i'm not doing it right because as a younger healthier person i don't need it but yes i do think it's better than like the maduro if that's the traditional vaccinia um today i received my letter with the ultimatum so i wanted to know what rights do i have legally if they give you a deadline and if you do the religious can they reject it and what would you what are the options okay it's a great it's actually a great question first of all do not quit your job if push comes to shove at the end of all this you end up getting fired you get unemployment and they need to suffer the pain of paying out the unemployment so first of all do not quit do not quit this is for everybody the answers for everybody you don't you don't quit you don't let them call you something like voluntary resigning or whatever none of that okay you file a religious exemption the threshold for being granted a religious exemption is having a quote sincere religious belief that is the threshold you don't have to have your pastor write it you don't have to be going to church every day every sunday it's a sincere religious belief the supreme court ruled a long time ago that nobody can really look into your heart and determine like what's in your heart on that subject but it's up to you to convey to your employer what is your sincere religious belief to help you articulate effectively what you might want to say to your employer aflds see how there's this common theme religious we have 10 different um like essays written by different religious leaders of different faiths pastors ministers catholic priests a couple of rabbis up there and you read it and you get inspired and you write down what is your sincere religious objection you submit it and you should win follow up blind unemployment too i'm sorry i didn't hear that i didn't hear that what if they declined the unemployment rate i don't think they can if you're fired you get unemployment if you're an employee if you're an employee this would be our last one thank you for coming uh i have a question for those who've been vaccinated is there anything we can do for them that will help them in any way physically from from the damages from taking a vaccine that that's no good for them this is not where i put most of my energy so there's probably better sources for that sort of thing very few people really do get like permanent damage it's not the concern most doctors have so i don't know your specific situation or your friend's situation so i'm not really the best person to answer that question let me just leave it there okay we can try ivermectin for a week we've had success with that with some people who had ongoing neurologic complaints but that's a very nuanced question that you're asking let's all stand at this time dr gold we thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you're a sweetheart hold on i'm just thinking of you
Channel: Rise Church
Views: 3,317
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: q70MC1iX7-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 11sec (5651 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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