How to Reach MAX LEVEL FAST in Palworld

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I've spent hours learning how to most effectively optimize experience gain in power world and I've combined all the info I found through playing and researching extensively into this video I'm going to debunk all the misconceptions people have spread about how the experience system works in this game and dive deep into how to perfectly optimize your progression whether you're a nerd when it comes to P world like me or just simply looking to understand how this surprisingly confusing part of the game works you've come to the right place a few weeks back me and my buddy slaved away making handgun ammo and spheres for 3 hours when we were measly level 29s we are Arc players so this is an average Tuesday evening for us our problem arose after a successful farming session of nearly 1,000 handgun ammo and just under 200 hyperspheres when we noticed something outrageous we had gained just under half an experience level each if we knew what I'm about to cover in this video back then we'd have progress to the next stage in the game and not wasted 3 hours grinding for items that fall off in Effectiveness rapidly so if you want to learn how to avoid one of the biggest causes of burnout for power world players sit back and relax first I'll rattle off every way you can gain experience in the game I can almost guarantee you there's something you didn't know about catching and killing Pals NPCs and Alpha bosses clearing out dungeons killing Tower bosses crafting building and having a pal in your party doing work are always this game dishes out XP I should note that Pals in your base slots also do get XP but it's incredibly slow and they will fall behind as you progress through the game also the pals in your party will gain XP in a distributed manner if one pal is earning XP all the pals will earn that XP and finally if you're gaining XP as the player and you have Pals in your party gaining XP they are not going to take away XP from you they're just going to gain XP by themselves just a quick disclaimer for Simplicity I'm considering catching and hatching a pal to be the same for this section of the video because XP is treated the same way for both while it may sound like there's a thousand different combinations you could choose from when it comes to leveling up through this game this couldn't be further from the truth in fact almost all of these strategies are so incredibly inefficient that you'd essentially never hit Level 50 using them so what are the best ways to level up impal World there is one method out of everything I mentioned that blows every other option for grinding XP out of the water catching Pals I know you've heard that before so let me dive deeper into how to most efficiently optimize this process I'll start by explaining how the experience system works in detail so you aren't as confused as I was when you catch or kill a pal you get a set amount of XP based on the type of pal it is and the level it is higher level and stronger species Pals yield more XP upon capturing or killing catching AEL is better for the first 10 encounters you have with it because of the catching XP bonus this game offers the catching and killing gives the same amount of XP after the first 10 are caught of a certain species so you can celebrate catching 10 of each pel by murdering their siblings in all seriousness killing the pal if you've already caught 10 of them is more efficient for XP gain but isn't the best option for farming with that pal drops the way the XP bonus Works in this game is shockingly simple but everybody online seems to be trying to over complicate it straight up if you catch a pal and it's one of the first 10 of that specific species that you've caught you will receive a bonus for it the amount the bonus is depends on how many bonus generating captures you've made throughout the game to that point for example look at the background in the section I go back and forth catching lamb balls and Chiapas and as I catch them you'll notice the XP bonus on the right side of the screen going up linearly every time I think the number is two in this scenario what should be noted is that it goes up a fixed amount every time and it goes up regardless of which bonus generating capture I'm making I could have gone and caught 10 jetrion if I skipped every other pan in the game and I would have gotten the same XP bonus that I got from catching a chicka the only way to change the amount of Base XP you get from a capture or kill is to change the type of pal and the level of the pal it is that you're catching or killing so basically the optimal way to gain XP is to just catch 10 of each pallet throughout the game don't overthink it don't freak out out you don't have to catch 10 of one pal and then catch 10 of the next pal i' I've seen that online you don't have to like wait until Level 30 to start catching Pals the game doesn't care what level you are it cares how many bonus generating captures you've made that is literally it it is that simple well if it's that simple you might be thinking to yourself is there any other way I can optimize this XP process throughout the game there is and I'll explain it now like I mentioned earlier I was considering catching and hatching to be the same sort of process for XP because the game treats it the same way throughout the map you're going to be finding a lot of eggs throughout your playthrough always pick them up and incubate them if you're trying to max out your level as fast as possible this is because those eggs are literally made to give you Pals that you have not gotten 10 of yet if I get a verdant egg in the area with elizabe right and I have 10 elizabe caught and I don't have any verd dases or mandas I will get a vdash or Manda because it's trying to fill out things that I'm not fully finished with to give me more XP there's no reason not to pick them up and just incubate them it's extremely easy to just put them in an incubator and leave them for a few hours the only other way I could imagine doing anything with maximizing XP throughout the game besides just catching what you see and grabbing eggs that you find is breeding for stuff that you just don't have access to catching yet but that's sort of up to you if you want to do that it can take away from the fun of the game if you don't go and catch stuff for the first time if you're on a repeat playthrough I would definitely recommend doing this uh it makes it way faster but yeah that's pretty much all I can think of for ways to optimize XP it's not super complicated but everybody tries to over complicate it so I figured I'd make a video about it so now you know that catching 10 of each pal is the best way to level fast you also know the ins and outs of how the game gives out XP bonuses for catching Pals to put your optimal level grinding over the top make sure to kill Alpha Pals closest to you in level whenever they spawn indoor Alpha PALS like bushie pen King and catas take an hour to respawn while outdoor PALS like mamist chillet and legendaries respawn every 30 minutes note alphas and caves are considered to be outdoors the indoor Alphas are strictly the ones that you have to press F to teleport to the arena for the method I just spelled out can be incredibly effective but can also be tedious to play if you leave yourself no leeway we're all just trying to enjoy our playthroughs as much as we can after all my advice is simply to try and finish sets of 10 whenever you see a surplus of a pal in a certain area or are already close to finishing the set following this advice and killing or catching Alpha bosses repetitively will yield you the most possible XP that you can earn whilst not playing the game using any gamebreaking bugs but what if you just wanted to level up as fast as possible whether it be you leveling a new team of Pals or just wanting to Max your character with little to no effort this Farm may be for you well it is M slower than catching and killing Pals just like every other method I mentioned in that list earlier it can be abused with a glitch to level up your pals and character with literally zero effort you can just use this Farm to it L crank out levels while you're not even at your computer it's that easy let me show you how absurdly simple the setup is now go make a PO box somewhere on a very flat surface to get this started you need the PO Box because you need to be utilizing transporting PS to make this farm work as efficiently as possible then in the range of your new PO Box you want to build three connected foundations that are elevated by placing it at an angle with your camera like this place walls across one of the sides of the foundation now go to the corner climb on top of this wall and place a roof here Place stairs coming down from this roof connect to the wall like this place a chest somewhere generally under the roof but not directly under it this is a good example of where you could put it now simply put as many Transporters as you can in the worker slots in the box and get ready for the easiest XP of your life literally just right click place a wall so you don't need to reopen the build menu every time you gain XP from building and you get the resources back immediately because for some reason this setup auto demolishes the place structure without preventing you from placing it setting up a macro or putting your server's XP multiplier to 20x to do this AFK and speed it up up is something I suggest if you're already going about leveling in this way also don't worry about Pal's getting hungry or anything the way you set this up makes this so they don't have to move almost at all to transport the resources back to the chest for you to place it again so stress or hunger doesn't really matter another bonus tip for this method if you place your base here on the map then raids won't interfere with you at all because they glitch out pathing to this spot every time and it's perfectly flat if you found this video useful and want to see more uptate pal World tutorials and content consider liking and subscribing I put hours and hours into all of these videos and the support is greatly appreciated if you have any tutorial requests leave it in the comments or on my Discord server and I might just make it this has been Jace and I hope to see you next time
Channel: Jase
Views: 8,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, xp, experience, tutorial, farm, fast, easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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