How To Protect Your Food Storage From Others

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because i never know when this is going live but uh good morning this is david gilmour known as lds prepper you can find me on and this is my wife too the backyard herbalist and we are here today to answer your questions about preparedness specifically we're starting with a question that was uh posted last week right at the end of our live q a we do these live q and a's every saturday morning 9 a.m mountain time so um if if you're just joining us and finding our channel here i have about 500 videos on preparedness and then we do live videos every saturday morning so please subscribe and ring the bell so you get notifications i noticed that when i jumped on today we had four likes already and one unlike thumbs down so uh i noticed that the thumbs down is now gone which is nice but um not everybody will agree with what we have to share especially today and uh so uh if you do if you don't that's fine but we appreciate you being here if you have questions or comments uh please put them in the live chat so we can answer those here on the on this live and then also [Music] put comments down in the comment section once this live is over so we can get back to you on that too all right so it looks like we are streaming so i'm going to pop out the chat so i can see the chat here and i think i've got everything here so good morning everybody so the question that was posted last week that we didn't get to is how do you protect your food storage so sue has been awesome on talking about how to prepare food how to store food how to take that stored food and make it into great meals and now with today we're going to be talking about answering the question how do you prepare how do you prepare protect that stored food first of all i need to uh let you know that that the screenshot of the food storage pantry is not ours i just grabbed that uh online so uh that is not what you're gonna see if you come to my house because that's not what we have all right so let's get into these questions uh um one of the first things that i i did we we talked a lot about wendy dewitt and uh she in and i'll put a link down to her video we highly recommend you watch her video on food storage um i watched both of them this last week or this week and one is when she's in a church building and another one is when she's in a more professional uh building uh uh setting uh i think the one in the more professional setting actually gives more information and in there she talks about 10 reasons why people don't have a year supply of food so she's been teaching food storage for over 30 years and she people she keeps coming across people who don't have food storage and she's kind of come up with the top 10 list um and i'm just going to go through that list with you i think this is important information and some items that we should all consider so the uh the number 10 reason uh that i that she left is uh the reason i don't have a year supply of food is because my neighbor has two years supply now there is a myth uh going around the world especially here in the united states that members of the church of jesus christ latter-day saints have a year's supply of food i think most people think that probably 80 percent of the church members of the church of jesus christ lottery saints have a year's supply of food actually the inverse of that is more like uh is actually true eighty percent of the members of the church of jesus christ latter these saints have no food storage none they have what's in the pantry and they eat on a you know a daily basis but 80 don't have uh food storage now in my personal experience um in working with people my experience here in the us is that maybe two percent have a one-year supply of food so if you are not storing food because you think you're going to go to your neighbor's house and eat their food that's a bad plan first of all because they don't have the food to share with you and they probably haven't been storing food for you so if your plan is to eat somebody else's food i think you need a better plan item number two i'm going to move in with my parents or my children well the first thing i would do is have that conversation with your parents or your children and then ask them hey by the way do you have have you spent your time and your money and your resources in buying a year supply of food for me because i plan on moving in with you i pretty much the answer is going to be no so you're going to be moving in with somebody who does not have food for you and again if your plan is to eat somebody else's food i think you have a bad plan you should probably change your plan it's not their responsibility to feed you besides that as you've seen here in the last year if there is a pandemic or an epidemic you may not be able to actually go and stay with somebody else you may have to stay self-quarantined as you can see the sign up here that i have on the rady here uh i um reason number three i paid my taxes the government will take care of me well when sue and i were in houston texas and uh hurricane katrina came through ike came through uh fema showed up the federal emergency management association 10 days after the hurricane and they came into our area not even our neighborhood not not our development but um to a church in the area and they had maybe 150 meals and some ice and that was it and that was the only time we ever saw them so if you're planning on somebody else feeding you first of all that's a bad plan and you should call up fema and in your area and say hey do you have a year supply of food for me just ask them if they have a year supply of food shelter clothing power so forth for you and they'll just laugh at you when i was a scout master in washington state uh i actually took my scouts to an uh a underground fema um bunker yeah bunker and they walked us through they gave us a tour uh we were doing a merit badge uh at the time and we had a tour a government facility and they were very proud of what they had the show down there and they had um uh beds laid out i mean it was it was the whole the whole deal there and so i i kind of jokingly said so where's my bed and the the person looked at me and absolutely dead faced uh and said you're not coming here this is for government this is for us to maintain government in a an emergency so again if you're waiting for the government to feed you and you're planning on eating somebody else's food you have a bad plan item number four uh i financially supported my church for 20 years the church can give me some food well i can tell you this that i don't know of any church including the church of jesus christ ladies saints who's storing food for you if that is your plan give them a call and ask them ask your pastor ask your minister ask your priest ask your bishop hey my plan since i've been supporting the church for 20 years is to uh when an emergency comes is for the church to feed me do you have a year's supply of food for me you'll you'll hear first of all they'll look at you very strangely for even asking the question then you'll say they'll say no and then say what do you have a six month supply they'll say no do you have a three month supply they'll say no so uh if you plan on eating somebody else's food that's a bad plan it's not their stewardship it's not the government it's not your families it's not your church's responsibility to feed you it's your responsibility so why are we talking about this well because food scarcity is becoming a a very very reality it's no more theory it's no more uh uh talk it's uh it's becoming a reality so again i mentioned as a wholesaler as a distributor for berkeley water filter systems and other products heirloom seeds i can tell on the wholesale side that availability is becoming very critical and foods the cost of food has gone up 80 percent on the wholesale market we're talking about uh farmers uh bringing their crops in so they can be those items can be sold to food processing plants those costs have gone up 80 fuel costs have gone up everything's gone up and and uh you just need to start growing your own food so you haven't probably seen a lot of it in the grocery store yet that i can tell you it's coming and you need to be prepared for if you're prepared for it it's just an event if you're not prepared it's an emergency and can be life-threatening so let's see item number five i have a year's supply of food and the bullets go with it so uh a lot of people say well why should i store food and i've heard this before why should i store food when somebody's just going to come and they're just going to uh break in my house and they're going to shoot my wife or they're going to shoot me to steal our food that's a fair question so the the question is um if someone broke into your house to attack your wife or yourself what is your plan for that regardless of whether you have food storage or not regardless of the reason why they're breaking into your house what have you done to prepare for self-defense now i have this next to my bed and this is a 40 flashlight it's a very bright flashlight you can see here so not only is it a great flashlight but it's also a great self-defense tool all right so i've actually been able to locate these i get this one for free all i paid was for was shipping and i keep this by my bed i would also have one in the car uh have one on your wife's side of the bed in your purse now everybody wants to have a firearm but uh i tell you what this is uh something you can grab go to flashlight if they still have some available i don't know if they did i got this about a week ago uh you can get it for just cost of shipping so if you need a self-defense tool and you don't want to carry a firearm um you know and you're out walking your dog at night and you get your flashlight or something goes bump in the house at night and you get your flashlight and you need to defend yourself that will slow them down so you may want to consider that if you're not looking for a lethal way of protecting yourself i i believe i am a provider and protector for my family and so both sue and i are are well trained have hundreds of hours of self-defense firearms training uh and we carry um 24 7. okay all right so the question is why should i store food uh if someone's gonna come steal it well um again uh what are you gonna do to protect your family uh really the question should be asked so do you want to not store food so people don't come steal it from you then what are you gonna tell your kids when they're there's no food and what are you gonna do when there's no food and you see your daughter or your granddaughter starving to death are you going to lie are you going to steal are you going to do things worse to keep your family alive don't put yourself in that position simply take time and your resources now and prepare for your family it's your stewardship you're accountable to your lord on how you care for your family okay item number six the boat and the four-wheelers are taking up all my storage space well i i can just tell you that you uh can't eat a boat and you can't eat four-wheelers but david i'm i have these so i can go fishing and i can go kill a deer and get my elk very good as long as you have fuel for those items that you can take out and how let me just ask you how many other people have that same idea i've had so many people hundreds of people tell me oh i'm just going to go out and shoot deer well how long do you think the deer is going to last when all your neighbors that have firearms are going to go out there and start shooting deer and then when someone shoots deer and there's 50 people out there after that one deer who else is going to get shot so i would not want to be in a position where i'm having to hunt or forage for food when there's a bunch of other people doing the same thing so you just may want to reconsider what you're putting you know what you have on hand for your food storage instead of what you can go get um besides that if you're out there and you get an elk or a deer or some fish um and there's a no electricity no fuel how are you gonna how are you gonna preserve that meat do you know how to do salt rubs do you know how to smoke what are you going to do to cure that meat all right item number seven i've got a thousand pounds of wheat what else do i need well let me just tell you that unless you are eating that wheat right now that we can kill you faster than a famine uh for breakfast this morning i had some quail eggs from the quails that i raised i had that on some toast that my from wheat that we have from our pantry that my wife ground and she made whole wheat bread from i i have strawberries from our garden that my wife picked last night uh yesterday um and so we're eating what we're storing and we're growing what we're eating so uh if there is a food crisis and food does go up 80 percent on the retail you know in the grocery store we still have plenty of food here for ourselves we may be supplementing that food by going buying fresh things if we need to but we're not dependent on the food in the grocery stores all right item number eight from when you do it i'm going to store gold and silver and bitcoin and then i'm just going to trade for food well let me just tell you that when people are starving they're not going to want to share their food and they're not willing to trade their food because the food is more valuable than gold silver or bitcoin and if they do trade you your gold silver bitcoin for food it's going to be the most expensive bowl of soup you've ever bought the reason is if ethical people are doing this it's simply they have to have enough money to to restock what you bought from them and when there's a food crisis and a food shortage and they're having to pay to get more food it's going to be very expensive for them to replace it so yes that will be the most expensive bowl of soup or beans that you'll ever buy take your gold and silver now and get some food storage at today's prices before the big price increases happen in the grocery store again if you're planning on eating somebody else's food that's a bad idea and if you plan on going and buying food from people go to them now and say hey i have gold and silver and when hard times comes i plan coming to your house and buying it from you do you have a year's supply of food for me and find out what they have to say okay item number nine i can't afford my hobbies and my food storage well um we have learned that food storage costs about a dollar a day per person so if you've got one person in your family you're living by yourself it's going to be about 365 dollars for you to store your supply of food just do the math it's very very inexpensive it's substantially less expensive than going to the grocery store than going to fast food or to a restaurant we were with my father-in-law last week and he bought us dinner or this week and before we flew back here and i couldn't believe the prices at the restaurant it was shocking how expensive the food was at the restaurant so we could make that same meal that we had for pennies on the dollar here at home and it'd be much more uh it'd be much better tasting and much healthier um okay if you can't afford uh food storage uh let me just ask you what can you get live without do you have a hulu subscription do you have a disney plus ex subscription do you have a netflix subscription do you have a youtube prime prime or whatever it's called subscription amazon no youtube where they don't they don't show ads um do you have a amazon prime subscription those are all fine if you already have the highest priorities taking care of your family if you're saying i can't buy food for my family then tell your daughter who's starving to death go ahead and watch disney we don't have any food but our subscription is still you know live i don't think that's the conversation you want to have now like i said a lot of people aren't going to like this [Music] it is a wake-up call and in this reality this is a proper channel this is a channel to help people get prepared i think a great way to get prepared is to grow your own food not just store it but also produce it be a producer to be your own medical emergency medical staff to be your own uh power supply company to be your own fuel company have these things on hand uh so that you have them you don't need to go get them when there's a time of crisis okay and by the way you can put a year supply of food in number 10 cans or just cans underneath a twin size bed so it doesn't take a bunch of food storage space you don't have to think you have to have a whole room in your house to store food if you're storing food for everybody in your house just put their your supply of food underneath their bed and you're done and the last reason why people don't have food storage is i'm waiting for freeze-dried papa john's pizza well food storage has a stigma of being bland and tasteless and just kind of survival beans rice and wheat that's not at all uh what we're planning on eating if you go back to previous videos with my wife you'll see that we have a large items a variety of food that we're going to be eating delicious breakfast that we already eat now delicious dinners and delicious desserts so we have beans rice and wheat so we can make other things so we can make tortillas so we can make chicken enchiladas so we can make a homemade bread so we can make cherry cheesecakes so we can make chocolate brownies and all the other good things that we eat so we'll be making those out of the items that we have on our food storage all right so what do i think might happen or what kind of situation do you think you may be in where you need to supply uh store your food well um if you have a farm i think people are uh would you know in in desperation start and go out and start looting a farm if you have a garden i think people will start looting gardens um if you have a store i think people are going to start looting stores really our experience is that most people are nine days away from anarchy when all morals seem to go out the window because you're thinking about not starving to death or not having your family starved to death i would rather be the guy with the food storage protecting my food storage been than the guy out there trying to grab somebody else's food um so um what do i recommend that you do i recommend that you grow your own food that's why i recommend the midland gardening course book i did not write this book i found this book after lots of research and we put it to the test it is the most efficient most effective highest nutrient dense way to grow food that i'm aware of and i highly recommend it and i use it that's why we have strawberries for breakfast this morning and we were watching a movie last night um pelican the pelican pelican brief from 1993 uh eating what did we eat you made me some potato soup and it had corn you got out of a can jar i don't even know how old that corn was it was like six years old six years old called corn um i had strawberries for dessert i had carrots from the garden carrots fresh carrots from the garden yeah what did you have yeah it's nachos nachos so she had she opened up a can went down at beans okay we have some chips here so she had nachos she went to a cheese making class we do what we tell people to do okay we live this and so you need to start experiencing this before you have to experience this so i recommend you grow your own food the reason why this book is so good is because it lays out step by step um all the things that you need to be doing to be a successful gardener now a lot of people say i have a i have a brown thumb well that's because you don't have this book and you haven't applied the principles from this book uh what goes hand in hand with this is the the fourth law of plant growth which is nutrition and and that is the lds prep premium micronutrient mix you can get this book and the lds prepper premium micronutrient mix at we have to place an order for new supply because we we have everything we have is bagged and we need to get some more in so uh get them now because i will tell you right now that when we get restocked the price will have to go up because my costs will be going up how much i don't know i'm hoping it's less than 50 percent but i'll find out in a week or so but anyway go to don't just think of this year and what michael you know what you need to grow your food for this year but i would also be thinking uh like joseph of egypt how many years down the road do you need to store and listen to the spirit listen to the holy spirit um and what you need to have on hand for your family but anyway if you buy eight packages you i pay for the shipping that cost me somewhere around eight to fifteen fifteen dollars for shipping but i'm glad to do that um that isn't our primary source of income i do online marketing but i make that here and employ my neighbor uh kids uh high school kids to help me bag it give them some income and provide that for you so get your midladder gardening course book and your eight pack of lds prepper micronutrient mix okay so grow your own food do you have security cameras uh we have security cameras in our house and around our house and all around our property so i said when i'm working here at my desk i can see when the delivery truck comes and delivers cabinets yesterday was it kitchen with the bathroom bathroom cabinet i i tell so hey there's a truck out front now i can see the woods pile behind me i can see our solar panels i can see our greenhouses i can see our entire property so do you have security cameras i did a a a video on a security system do you have a security system i recommend i use and recommend a security system go back to my videos here last few weeks and take a look at the security system that i recommend and that we use and so when we have contractors coming in and out of our house they hear zone one door open zone two door open and i want them to hear that because i don't know who these people are as much as we trust them to have them in our house i don't know who who they're talking about what they've seen in our house to somebody else i want them to know that our house is protected it is secure and that's not just secured by electronics uh it's secured by our training that we've had on firearms and self hand defense edge weapons and firearms if you can move out of the city that's exactly what sue and i did we took our own advice and we moved out of the city we live in southeast idaho if you can move sooner than later the better because every day it seems like houses get more and more expensive expensive so move to an area where do you want to move well there's a great book here by joel skousen called strategic relocation you can get this book and you can look at every almost well it's certainly every major city in the united states and it talks about uh how how safe it is to be there as far as taxes as far as schools as far as preparedness-minded people uh you know far as far as other uh availabilities of resources so if you're wondering where to go you might just go to uh strategic relocation you can buy this on joel's website i'm not sure what it is i just do a search for joel skousen's strategic relocation i'll find a link and put it down below after this recording and take a look where you might want to live but uh being in a city in a crisis is uh not my first choice i would rather be have some property around me that can protect me i talked to a young couple yesterday who called me to place an order for berkey and they said we live in california but we're shipping this to florida can you help them with the order so i helped them place the order and i said is this a wedding gift and they said yes i was very impressed with this young couple and they said we're moving to 10 acres outside of the city and i said why and they say well just because it seems to be safer out there and they're absolutely correct find yourself a place where you have like-minded preparedness-minded people and um go buy property there and build a house if you can if you can't do your best make sure you have a good security system good security cameras good alarm system and good self-defense training okay so um you might also i highly encourage you that i i do this everywhere we've lived and that is help your neighbors grow their own food help your neighbors um with solar power help your neighbors with whatever you can do to help them to get prepared when i purchase a hand pump on my well i talked to all my neighbors and 40 of them bought hand pumps for their well in case the power goes out when i built solar many of my neighbors came over and took a look of it took a look at it and now several of our neighbors now have solar several of our neighbors have greenhouses neighbors that haven't grown gardens now are growing gardens so i'm building a community around me so i'm not the only person that has food shelter and so forth so build a community around you so you can all help each other in a crisis now everybody will have the same things somebody you may have a neighbor who's a dentist i happen to have a friend that's a dentist and so we've already talked about helping each other out i've been over to his home many many times countless times helping him with his garden and and emergency preparedness items so what resources do you have what experience do you have that you can share and help in that community so build a community um you i would recommend that you uh what follow the state laws and your in your law in your state for concealed carry uh you never know when or where you will need to protect your family in a situation and so we always carry conceal so if you see me you can just simply assume that i am carrying concealed uh a firearm you can always assume that i have a knife on me and you can assume that i have many hours of hand defense and edge weapons defense and firearms protection why because i think it's my responsibility my stewardship to be to to protect life and protect my family so um what i will do what i need to do to fulfill that stewardship and you never know what that may that situation may be there just maybe some crazy guy that uh happens to show up at your restaurant or your school that happened here last week here in idaho and start shooting uh fortunately the per the person that started shooting here in the school last week in idaho was immediately uh subdued by the janitor and some other people in the school who were quick on their feet and knew what to do so you never know where that's going to happen just always be prepared and then it's not an emergency get firearms training my wife and i have hundreds of hours of firearms training my best book on firearms training is this one right here it's called navy seal shooter uh i believe i don't i i don't remember where i get this i'll put a link down i'm sure you get both these books i've recommended um this strategically relocation and navy seal shooter shooting on amazon but there may be other places you can get this uh this is a pretty thick book and i've gone through it a couple times it is uh very very well written and i encourage you if if you're looking for some material to read to pick up that book um if you look on my youtube channels i also recommend going to front sight in nevada and get hands-on professional firearms training it's very affordable uh we have a lifetime membership we've given lifetime memberships to all of our children we've all gone down there we spent a christmas at front sight that was our christmas gift to everybody is we took our children and their spouses to front sight and we spent four days on the range with great guys and great women instructors and we became very familiar and much more confident with our firearms do i practice every day yes i practice every single day how many days a week well only i only practice on days that end in y and so i am practicing every single day and i drive fire practice and so it doesn't i'm not using up ammunition but i'm walking through the house i'm walking on the property i'm i'm doing what-if scenarios and i'm you know sharpening my skills i do have a targets out here that i use moving targets and uh and i i practice doing that so do what you can i live in the county it's legal for me to shoot here on my property and i do so i've got a nice i don't know what is it 20 foot worm behind where i shoot so it's very safe but anyway uh get the training that you need uh you know getting a firearm without training is like giving the keys there's a car to a teenager without any driver's ed don't do that don't be the person that has a firearm and doesn't know how to use it and then it gets taken away from you and it's used against you or you hurt somebody because you don't know how to use it so get some security training if you don't want to get a firearm i completely understand that go to and pick up your free flashlight as long as they last it's a great flashlight and i'll tell you what that will give you some time to get it away without uh killing uh anybody so uh what about hiding your food hiding your food is a good idea there is a great another book by joel skousen and this is called the high security shelter you can get this at the same place they can get strategic location and this tells you shows you how to build a shelter in an existing house now there's a much thicker book and you may be able to see it here behind me on the shelves on how to build a house with a with a a security room in there but this one tells you and shows you very quickly and efficiently how to build one in an existing home so you may want to pick up joe skeletons the high security shelter again i'll have links down below i'm not affiliated with joe i know joel he's been her home he's a great guy he speaks at our preparedness fairs he knows what he's talking about and he's been doing this for a long long time he also has a weekly world brief newsletter i recommend that you sign up for that and i'll have links down below for that too so where can you hide food in your home well if you knew somebody was going to come to your home and you knew that they were going to come and try to steal your food and you had to hide it in your home and you had a month to prepare what would you do where would you hide that food think about that and just do that before the people show up now who's going to show up well in the past here in the united states the government has shown up and taken demanded food and if they can see it they'll take it so you may have some food that they can see and a lot of food that they can't see is there places cubbies um so forth that you could that you can have in your home where you can put canned foods long storage items and then wall it back up and we hear about people who tear down 100 year old homes and they find stacked piles of gold and silver because that's what people used to do when they put in the walls so where could you put your food in on your property that it won't be seen um who else might come well your neighbor may show up one day with a shotgun and say i'm sorry david but it's come to this point and i can't feed my family so i'm here to take your food do you have some food that they can have that they won't see all your food storage so you still have some food for your family unfortunately that's probably the situation where we're going to find ourselves is where our neighbors and our government are going to be coming to our home forcefully to take food you don't want to get killed and you don't want to kill somebody over food uh certainly if your life is in danger then you would protect yourself but have some food that they can see that they can have and then have your food stored where they're not going to see it and you can take care of your responsibility you could bury in the backyard one of the things that i have seen that has worked very well is an underground container i would take a look at a 500 gallon to 1500 gallon septic plastic septic container they're kind of roundish typically and they have a cap that seals on it you can just rent a backhoe for a day from your local back you know uh tool rental place a1 rinse yeah whatever it is and dig a hole and bury a 500 gallon septic tank it's sealed you can put a lot of food in there you get a 1500 gallon one and you have a buried shelter you could actually go in and hide hide yourself but they're very affordable they're they are watertight you know one thing to consider is make sure that uh because they're plastic they're not gonna decompose but make sure you know what your water what's it called water water table water table is so it doesn't float up in the in in the rainy season so uh secure it or make sure that it you know it doesn't doesn't float up but you could put um a lot of food in a 500 gallon septic uh tank something i've heard people talk about is a buy clothes that are too big for you so that you look like you're hungry like everybody else i i think that's an interesting idea uh so you might do that or just if you're losing some weight then you know keep the old clothes uh other people talk about gorilla gardening so you can hide some plants over here under the you know mulberry bush and under the you know this tree here and you know kind of scatter around your property well you know 95 or more people live in the city they don't have property they can they can have a gorilla garden in um i i would find it very very difficult to grow food enough food in a gorilla gardening situation to sustain my my family um but we have two greenhouses that are very obvious and we have cameras on those greenhouses and we have security motion alarms uh out there and we know when people are either four-legged people or two-legged people are out there if you want to do some edible uh this is a very good book i recommend the illustrated guide to edible wild plants and it's by the department of the army it's illus it's got a lot of good pictures in there if you want to find edibles around your area you might pick that book up this is for all 50 states so take a look at that [Music] um my wife is going i haven't seen this book before if you're um wondering what what should i prepare for well i she's finding the weeds in there uh my mind soon i've had this conversation and you need to have this conversation with your spouse or your family you know what are we going to prepare for are we preparing for a flood are we preparing for a hail storm are we preparing for unemployment are we preparing for economic collapse are we preparing for emp well we're preparing for emp and because that kind of covers everything there won't be any place there won't be any food store grocery stores there won't be any fuel there won't be any medical uh you have a long-term uh emp outage uh where there's no power basically everything shuts down if you're wondering what's happening in the last days uh this is my favorite book for the last days it's called a prophecy the key to the future and it's written by i can't read this backward dwayne cruthers dwayne crothers okay uh you can pick this up on amazon you can go to i believe is where it is uh also cedar fort um [Music] horizon publishers uh this was written many decades ago and i think it's the most accurate book i've read on what's going to happen in the last days and what i'm seeing as i've read this book a couple times now and what i'm saying happened in my life is everything he's saying that was going to happen that he takes from scripture is happening and it's not happening linearly it's happening on a compounded basis where multiple things are happening multiple biblical prophecies are happening at the same time and so we don't have as much time as i thought we had um we may be in the last seven years of what we you know consider normal life or we may be you know i think we're in the last days for sure so uh the only book i recommend at this point uh would be this book uh if you're gonna just get one book uh it's this is written by a member of the church of jesus christ ladies saints and he takes his uh his information from scripture prophecy the key to the future okay so [Music] uh we talked about uh buying clothes that are too big for you how about start eating less so your body gets used to less food so we were at my father-in-law's house last week and i took a shower and got out and stick you know drying off and notice that in the mirror that i put on too much weight during this pandemic being here at home and uh not getting out and exercising like i should and so i right then i decided okay i'm only going to have i'm going to dramatically reduce my caloric intake and i'm going to get back to what i was doing when i was at my my fittest and that is on my potato diet and i have a video on the potato diet and so we have potatoes my potatoes while we were gone she came up in the greenhouse i'm growing yellow potatoes this year and i had potato soup for dinner last night so i'm no longer just eating potatoes but i'm also i'm expanding that like we had last night with the carrots and the and the corn and so forth i'm cutting back on the sugars which means um the m m's are going to last longer and the candy bowl is going to be fuller longer not removing them from my lifestyle i'm just cutting back just three little mini candy bars a day that's a killer all right but you know if i need to be healthy if my body needs to be healthy um then i need to take care of my body that's my stewardship also and so um i'm working on uh dropping some weight and getting uh in better shape and that will help me be healthier and have a better immune system uh and be able to do you know do things i need to do around the property here okay um probably your most my most important recommendation is to trust the lord trust god have a relationship with him ask for his inspiration ask for his direction what should i do in my family how should i best fulfill my stewardship he's your father in heaven he loves you he will inspire you he will direct you he will give you inspiration and your situation is different than mine so and and it's different than your brothers or your sisters so ask your father in heaven for direction and then listen to the whisperings of the holy spirit and you will know exactly what to do that is why we live in idaho people ask us why did you move to idaho and we tell them [Music] because we were looking for a cold and windy place and that's why we moved to idaho but in reality we moved to idaho because the spirit told us to move to idaho literally moved to idaho that is what i heard and that is what my wife heard and we confirmed it with each other we looked at each other and we both said i think we're supposed to move to idaho we would have never picked idaho it's cold and windy and winter is nine months out of the year are we grateful that we're in idaho we are always grateful to follow the inspiration and the direction of the holy spirit and yes we have great neighbors we're in a great location and we think this is where we should be at this time so your father in heaven loves you and he will he will direct you buy food now buy food now before it goes crazy expensive uh just ask the people who live in venezuela okay ask the people who live in cuba okay what was it like before and after uh things changed um so buy the food now it's gonna it's expensive it's more expensive than it was a year ago but it's going to be a lot less expensive than it's going to be in a year or two so get it now while it's available and while you can get it at a good price buy seeds now i can't emphasize how important this is we have the very best unq equivalently the very best heirloom seeds available at any price at the go there today and get your seed bank these are heirloom seeds that you can grow over that you can harvest the seeds from the plants and grow over and over get a large enough one more than just one year uh get one that you can share with your neighbors if they don't have them so you're not the only person growing food and get it send it for christmas buy it now and and i've done this for our kids i said this is your early birthday present i installed a ham radio antenna on their house and um and i did it they didn't do it i did it because i wanted to help them and instead of giving them some electronic gadget we give preparedness items go and be like that young couple who sent a friend a berkey water filter to florida we cannot ship to california um by the way berkey will have stock this monday so place your orders now because it's first in first out so they will have big berkeys in stock this coming monday they have not mentioned that they will have royals in stock but get yourself a berkey if you're getting a water filter and you get one you're lucky because uh it's getting harder and harder every month to get supplies from berkey and from other manufacturers get your seed banks today don't wait get your gardening books and your micronutrients today why am i emphasizing today because tomorrow never comes and tomorrow you're doing something else and spending money on something else and it may not be to help your family grow food or preserve food or move to a safe area so please do it today people keep talking about going back to normal let me just tell you this is straight up we're not going back to normal okay there is no every day is going to be a new normal there is no going back um that's just the way it is that's the way it is in the in the end times it's just way uh it is right now so don't keep waiting for things to go back to normal don't keep waiting for prices go back don't keep waiting for things to become available before you place an order we're not going back to normal people okay i'm sorry if this is kind of hard to hear but i'm just trying to help you get prepared so you don't have to suffer [Music] all right i don't know why anybody who's lived through 2020 is not a prepper i don't know why anybody lived through 2020 doesn't have a year's supply of food it just doesn't make sense to me just look at what happened to toilet paper okay in 2020 what's going to happen with food when food becomes as scarce as toilet paper okay it's going to get really really ugly if you live through 2020 and you have two working brain cells i would think that you would be working very very hard on getting your food storage and your food production in place getting your self-defense and home security in place getting your water filtration in place i've talked to my father-in-law he doesn't have a water filter he doesn't have a berkey he's 92 years old he's kind of eliminating things from his life and i said dad what are you going to do for water filtration he goes i got i have a swimming pool well his swimming pool the entire time we were there was unswimmable because it had so much moss and junk and algae and i mean i put on my swimming suit i went in and i literally scraped algae out of the pool uh i worked the whole week on getting this pool you can't drink that water usually there's enough water for for you to live on if you can filter it if you can't filter it you're dead you're literally dead okay so um think about what happened last year if that wasn't a wake-up call i don't know what it is and i can't help you okay a lot of people who are not preparing believe that the jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not go dry as talked about in the old testament well you know what that lady who had that jar of oil and in the jar of flour she had that okay she had it that's why the prophet went there because she had food okay he didn't go to the neighbors who didn't have food so uh she had food and because she followed the prophet's advice she and her son and the prophet were sustained during the famine don't be the one who plans on eating somebody else's food the prophet went there because she had food be the person that has the food who has the shelter who has the fuel who has the security uh who has the medical training um and knows how to grow food and use herbs i haven't mentioned my wife's herbal books but all of her herbal reference manuals are on sale right now at lds get all four of them we ship them to you again we paid for the shipping and we're just trying to get these resources in your hands uh very very well written books on how to grow herbs how to identify herbs that are growing around your medicinal plants that are growing around your property so that's my rant and we're about to add an hour right now i haven't looked at any any comments yet it looks like we have a lot of comments here i apologize if this is not the warm i don't apologize if this is not the warm and fuzzy experience that you were looking for and i don't apologize if this is a wake-up call i'm trying to help as much as possible that's why we spend the time and the money and resources in making these videos and living the lifestyle that we do and sharing it with you so that you can be prepared to now have peace and preparation i always end my videos by saying or never say always and never say never right um if ye are prepared you shall not fear there is peace in preparation so i don't like to live in a stressful situation that stress is i mean you're creating yourself by not preparing we were in california i can't believe how stressful people are in california just on the roads my goodness if i wasn't doing 10 miles an hour over the speed limit and in the slow lane i was getting you know passed up everywhere so um i i don't drive that way i don't live that way i try to live a peaceful life um have peace by having spiritual preparation and have peace by having temple preparation and have peace knowing that you've done what you need to do to fulfill your stewardship for yourself and your family and providing for them spiritually and temporarily we will not get into any questions right now because the the the chat is full of them we will review these and go over these next week for you from our heart and our home we um hope that you take steps immediately and get prepared and if it's a year before you need anything that's awesome if it's six months or six weeks and you have it that's awesome but if you wait six months or six weeks or you wait a year it just may not be available and it may not be affordable so do what you can today sit down and have that conversation with your family set your priorities and pretend that you're living in the 1800s with no electricity you're the you're the local doctor you're going to provide your own firewood you've got to provide your own food and what do you need to to sustain life and start working on that and let us know in the comments and how that's going and where you are and how we can help you this is lds proper reminding you if you are prepared you shall not fear and the backyard herbalist herbalist grow your own and make your own have a blessed life we'll talk to you next saturday
Channel: LDSPrepper
Views: 121,346
Rating: 4.8797293 out of 5
Id: 7GAH9QoxFuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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