Global Reset Preps List

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glad that you're here i'm david gilmour known as lds prepper this is my wife hello everybody uh her name is sue let me see if i can get your head more into the frame and uh we are excited that you're here to talk about the global reset preps list uh first thing you want to grab a paper pencil pen uh something to take notes uh your tablet your phone but we're going to be giving a lot of information links that we want to share with you so [Music] you're going to want to write these things down so as we just get started go ahead and make sure that you grab something to take notes on it'll be critical so uh this is uh something that i think is very timely and we're not sure exactly what's going to happen but i've got my laptop down here and i'm just gonna flip to you know what is the great reset what is the global reset uh what can we expect from that so i am at the world forum world economic forum and i'm just reading off their website it says the great reset and this is a quote the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect reimagine and reset our world that is a quote from professor klaus schwab founder and executive chairman of the world economic forum so doing a little bit more research what does that look like i went to youtube i love youtube i call it youtube university it's where i go to learn things and they actually have the world economic forum has a channel there and i watched their video on kind of their synopsis of the of the great reset and uh in that video they say capitalism as we know it is dead so that's probably a pretty good foundation to kind of consider what can you expect in the reset um if capitalism is dead how would that look different so i'm just going to [Music] get back to my screens here so i can see your comments and questions and push the right buttons there we go first of all i'd like to welcome everybody to here we have too many people for me to you know welcome you individually but thank you very much for being here we feel that this will be well worth your time it's something that we have worked on for years which you'll see i apologize if there's buffering however we're having some pretty heavy rainstorms right now and that may affect the quality of the video so let's get into this first of all we do have a uh a global reset preps list outline and it came off of our list that we started in 2016. so you can download that list free you just go to reset list and that will give you a word document that you can just download on your computer i can also make it a pdf what do you want honey this is the one that you downloaded i know i i changed okay good because i have spelling arrows on here no because i used a renovation house renovation checklist as a template and so um under transportation it used to say paint the powder room and install the powder room baseboards that was just a leftover from the previous list that didn't get deleted that is that isn't really high on your priority list for the global reset the paint the powder room especially not under transportation okay so i did clean up the list i i we have the same categories on the list that you can download uh and it's a couple pages but uh anyway so paint the powder room is not on their list uh okay so this isn't a comprehensive list this is just to get you started and get you thinking now the reason why we have a list is because my wife and i had a conversation okay uh someone wants to uh the link here so let me just do that reset list okay um i put that in the in the comments there when i give you a link i'll i will put it in the comments that's a great suggestion thank you for suggesting that um okay so this is a com we want to have a conversation with you we're going to have a conversation with us now there are some questions that were posted from my in my uh intro video and we'll go over those questions so and we've got a lot of things here um and remind me at 9 30 i'm supposed to call then okay so and we're just going to show you what we did so we have uh just kind of give you an idea this was our prep list that we started in 2016. and you can see fortunately that there are a lot of check marks on there so when we sat down when was it last monday yeah but this list we created in 2016 of the things that we needed to do we had already done a lot yeah and this is what we still needed to do yep so it's not comprehensive not at all okay this is just us making a list from we've been from our preps we've been preparing for uh economic collapse for unemployment for health issues for you know whatever could happen and we you know i'm 62 i've been laid off more than one job uh you know we were kids in college when we got married uh we um you know we've had a whole life experiences that we've been trying to prepare for so uh you know we're talking about the the global reset or the great reset here that anything could happen to reset your your situation so um this isn't a political conversation here this is just hey what do i need to do if something happens but at any rate so this was our list from 2016 that we had we're kind of like oh we we need to do this because we haven't done this yet okay it's upside it's not upside down up there it's upside down [Laughter] all right so we had for example under fuel rotate gas gasoline in the garage so i store gasoline actually store it in our garden shed outside i keep it outside from our attached garage i think that's the safe thing to do so i notice on the list rotate gasoline well uh we went to go get gasoline cans they are crazy expensive i couldn't believe what kathleen kansas were so we we went to uh a big box store we went to walmart we went to costco we went to sam's club home depot and uh front range cal ranch local feed store and finally bought some five gallon gas cans but they're you know twenty dollars a gas can so um you know if you're going to rotate gas you need to have gas cans so do you have a gas can do you how many gas cans do you have okay do you have enough gas cans are you rotating them when i buy the gas i take some blue tape and i put it the date that i bought the gas on and so i'm rotating that every year now i also put the price of the gas when i bought it and it's quite interesting to see what the price of the gas is now compared to what it was a year ago so something i think we're going to see in the in the great reset is significant price increases i was reading the wall street journal report that grocery store owners are stockpiling supplies in the back so because the prices are going so so fast they don't want to be increasing the pricing on you know to the customers as fast as the prices are going up on their end so they're stockpiling because they're only getting about 80 percent according to this report of what they're ordering and what they're ordering is going up and i'm experiencing that myself as an authorized berkey dealer berkey has raised their prices 20 percent and you know they haven't raised them for years but they finally had to raise them because the costs of going up uh availability has been an issue uh they are now all available you can get your berkey water filtration system uh at my store there's another link lds prepper um and you can first of all you can know that whatever i have on my website is currently available unless it says sold out the imperials and the crowns i talked to my burpee rep and he just said due to the supply chain issues those are you know you're just not going to see them available uh so i would get a travel berkey a big berkey or a royal berkey i don't know if you can see our berkey behind yeah there's our berkey is behind us right here over there over there okay uh we're out on well water and we filter all our water and when we were in houston and we were on city water we filtered all our water our cooking water our drinking water we filtered all so uh make sure you grab your berkey water filter that is my number one prep besides my emotional and spiritual state is water filtration and when we travel we take our sports bottle this has been with us this one says david because i want to make sure i get my bottle sue has her own bottle we actually have backup bottles but this has been with us in china in russia in utah uh middle east middle east wherever we travel mexico mexico um central america central america all you know all over uh this goes with us and this i forget how many hundreds of times you can refill this i've had this for probably 10 years and i'm still using it it's really easy to know when this stops working is because when it stops filtering because it stops working you can't suck any water through it so how do you recommend the sports bottle this is our get up and go grab if we're leaving the house take this bottle with us here at home i have this bottle i probably had this for 10 years or more and this is just uh a water bottle i picked up at r e and i just take the water from the burki and put it in there so water filtration is extremely important the number one death across the world 7 365 days a year is people dying from tainted water so water availability is is generally okay water purity is the issue so make sure you get something to filter your water this is not scripted we've got lots of things here we're just going to be sharing uh with you so make sure you grab your berkey i would recommend and the and i've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars thousands of dollars on water filtration systems and the only one i recommend the only one that i use the only one that our family uses is the berkey water filtration system with the black filters if you if you are concerned about fluoride and arsenic filters i also have those on the website so everything you need comes in the box so if you want to get a stainless steel spigot uh yes you can get that but a high quality plastic spigot comes in with it everything you need in there if you want to get a stand those are out of stock right now when they are available i put i'll put them back on my website but i would recommend getting a royal berkey with four filters we have our system here with two filters but we have backup filters in our pantry because if our grandkids knock this off or we have an earthquake and it falls over and those those filters break i want to have backup that's just the mindset of being a preparedness minded person so you can go to lds pepper store and get your work your water filtration systems we had a severe supply issue uh berkey did in in over the last year uh they are now in stock the the travel the big and the in the royal it's just a quantity difference so travel you've got one and a half gallons per big berkey you get two and a half gallons and we're already have three and a half gallons so water filtration extremely important so as we're talking about the great reset just pretend that you're going to go on a camp camping trip for a year and you need to get the supplies you'll take for camping or you have a family cabin up in the mountain and you're going to go up there for a year and you're going to grow your food and and you're going to you know everything you need is going to be on that property and we're talking people to people who live in apartments in the city we're talking to people who live on in in the county and people have you know larger property like we have two and a half acres here now however when we were in houston we were in a gated community we'll talk about that so just think about what you're going to need if you're going to be needing to survive with no resources for you and that's what we're getting all right so uh you've got the list here we're not going to go down the list one by one but uh for a fuel we bought new gas cans and we filled them up and we rotate those you can also put what's called stabil in the wat in the gas to make it last longer than a year i don't put stable in it because i'm rotating it every year you can expect i would imagine in a in a reset where there's capitalism as we know it is dead that prices are going to go up on everything and literally everything and availability will become very restricted and uh and controlled so availability will be you know set on certain items that you have to qualify in order to get to buy and sell and so forth so if you don't have to buy or sell for a year what do you need to have on hand so we have here home see fuel rotate gas uh propane all right so we have propane tanks that we have stored buried under the ground and we re we refilled those um when they came and refilled them about a month ago he said this is what you use for a year i said yes he says that's not very much i said that's because we have a wood burning stove because the propane is primarily for the furnace and clothes dryer cooking cooking yeah so we're using we put in a wood burning stove so that really dropped the use of the propane down during winter and we bought a very very efficient uh stove actually had to drive all the way to wyoming to get that stove we'll talk about that later uh inventory of butane so if you want to cook inside the house and you don't have electricity because you don't qualify to get electricity after the the great reset or it just isn't available then uh you want to use propane not i mean you want to use butane inside the house not propane you don't want to use camping stoves in the house those will leak and you could you know you can kill yourself so uh butane um by five gas cans so we got that and that was checked off okay home defense um i don't know if i have a link for this but i have a video and this is the home defense this is our uh security system that we use all right and this is uh not attached to any service uh i'm not a fan of services i mean you can if i'm just sharing my personal experience but that has all the sensors on the doors and the windows and has motion sensors uh so we know when a door or window opens on our house and we know exactly which door or window opens and we can set uh we have the alarm set so we can hear that throughout the house uh secure what about security cameras we have security cameras in the house we have security cameras pointing outside of our house on the outside we have security cameras pointing into the property so i can see the greenhouses i can see the solar panels i can see when people approach um we had some people come yesterday and uh they were in the they pulled up to the driveway and and i was just waiting for them at the front door because i knew before they ever put the car in park that they were on the property so you need to be aware uh being aware let's talk about that in a second so uh we got a security system and then we have a alarm system and then we have a video survey video surveillance surveillance system okay we also have motion sensors on the our property that can detect two-legged and four-legged uh animals coming across our property line sends us an alarm so that we know when someone's on the property and these will all work whether you have a small property a large property so just go and look for motion sensors or security perimeter sensors online let's see uh also home defense uh inventory ammo by precision rifle buy bulletproof vest and social security system uh finish the basement basement but anyway um so whatever you want to use for self-protection not everybody is interested in uh having a firearm which i totally understand uh sue and i are we have hundreds of hours of training and thousands of hours in in training uh so not only do we have uh do we carry concealed but we also have a lot of training and and continue to practice on a daily basis with dry fire so if you're looking for a non-lethal uh uh item i would highly recommend this uh they were i recommended this a few about a month or two ago and they completely sold out okay this is a flashlight so you can see here it's just a regular flashlight but this is a a stun gun this is a great non-lethal way to protect yourself it has a safety switch on the back that you can just uh turn the stun gun on or off i have it on now and there's a button right here so if you're out walking your dog or whatever you have this in your purse you have this in your car and you feel threatened you just set that to stun and this is what happens okay that isn't enough to i mean you would just push that right onto somebody okay and that isn't enough to kill them we don't want to kill anybody if we don't have to but we are protecting ourselves but that's enough to stop them this is super lightweight it's made out of air craft aluminum super lightweight has a rechargeable battery in it um you get thousands of recharges uh we have i bought 10 of these i bought 11 of these okay so i highly recommend you can get this at lds flashlight or you can just go to the lds prepper store and i have a whole section on free items you can use to protect yourself so let me put that in the link obs flashlight okay um i got this for free this is a 70 stun gun flashlight you can get it for free why they have them last i don't know if they have any left but uh go to lds flashlight and all you do is pay for shipping it was like 12 bucks for shipping shipping now when you go there they have some other things already checked just make sure you uncheck the you know bonuses that you get so you only you're just paying for shipping it's like 12 or 15 really really worth it obviously i bought several of these um i highly recommend this if you're looking for a non-lethal way to protect yourself very very effective okay that's going to stop somebody i'll hold that onto them for anywhere from one to three seconds that's going to drop them down it's going to give you time to get away so make sure you you have your shelter protected and that you have yourself protected when you're away from your shelter your home all right the next thing we have is garden supplies in a reset and we when we look at other uh countries and have gone through this uh you know no longer capitalism as the primary source for the country um what we find is that food is the most valuable thing it's more valuable than gold and silver so let me just ask you this do you garden do you enjoy gardening do you have some plants growing but let me ask you this are you gardening as if your life depends on it can you grow food as if your life depends on it because i know we have a lot of hobby gardens and those are great and that's a good skill builder but if you can't buy food because it's not available or because if you don't have the income to buy it or because it's too expensive and you have to spend money on rent or your mortgage whatever can you grow food as you as your life depends on it i don't you can see the squash behind us that's on the counter for breakfast well you can barely see it okay yeah there's a squash right there i picked this up from our food storage this morning this is from last year this we grew this last year this is what nine ten months old okay so this probably cost us a few pennies to to grow and we've been able to ha and we there's still a bunch more down there and we have a bunch more that we're growing in our garden so can you grow food as if your life depends on it well i don't really care how you grow food but there are six laws of plant growth that you have to understand so watch my video on how to grow food as if your life depends on it make sure you watch that video one of those laws is nutrition as we as we have gone through our gardening experience and as we look at other people's gardens we see the number one problem they have is nutrition those plants are starving to death even if they're composting or mulching or bringing in manures you don't have the right amounts you don't have the right balance so if you want to grow food as if your life depends on it and you want to be able to have that uh you do that in an apartment or a small in hoa or property make sure that you get the lds prepper premium micronutrient mix and this has all of the micronutrients that you need to grow plants healthy so this comes with two 10 ounce bags this will make 60 pounds of plant food all natural 100 natural plant food this is crushed rock it has an indefinite shelf life and this has the magnesium and the sodium and the boron the manganese zinc iron copper molybdenum and so forth that are very difficult to very expensive to get so i provide these for you you just buy these packages and then you get the nitrogen phosphorus and potassium from your local hardware store or feed store so forth you mix that together and you've got 60 pounds of new property balance all natural food food uh please watch that plant food please watch the video how to grow food as if your life depends on it um now you're gonna need to i mean if i just gave you a bunch of uh ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies and you've never made chocolate chip cookies before brownies you wouldn't know what ratios to use and how to do it so absolutely make sure that you grab the uh i thought i had another one here um this is my copy you can see it's a little bedded up and but anyway grab yourself the midland gardening course book you can get this at this is a step-by-step how to grow food as if your life depends on it if you have a very small space if you have very little time if you have very limited water this book teaches you how to grow food as if your life depends on it and i take the time and i do uh autograph it uh the book is 24.95 uh right now so in a hundred years this will be worth 24.95 with the autograph in it um that this could literally save your life if you have the mint lighter gardening course book and the lds prepper premium micronutrient mix and you're learning how to grow food that could literally save your life and provide an income for you i cost me two cents for all the plant food that i mix and feed to my tomato plants and i sell those two cents per tomato and i sell those tomatoes for four dollars a pound cost me two cents to grow tomato and i sell it for four dollars a pound that's a pretty good return on investment if you purchase the micronutrients you purchase eight of these i pay for the shipping that's going to save you anywhere between 12 and 18 dollars uh some people will buy two packets of eight or three packets of eight and so they're saving 30 or more dollars on shipping order the mid ladder gardening course book at the same time i'll put that in there for you at the end uh when you order the book with the micronutrients with eight micronutrients or more then uh i pay for the shipping for the whole order so pick that up um at the lds prepper store so my wife and i sat down we went through this list last monday and then we went shopping we hit home depot sam's club kellran cal ranch costco costco and this was our costco list yeah we had a few things on our list that we needed to get and then with this is our walmart list that we got gas cans at walmart um here we we went over to cal ranch and i don't know if that focuses this is what we picked up at cal ranch um and it was kind of surprising uh what we didn't have so what did we have well i didn't have windshield wipers for my truck they're worn out so i bought some windshield wipers because and um because i needed the winch wipers surprisingly enough at home depot i do not own a handsaw can you believe that why own a handsaw when you have an electric saw okay i bought a hands-on what if i don't have electricity uh i have our bag here from home depot what else did i buy it's 9 30. one of the things i want to talk to you about is communications communications is paramount um what we have uh i mean we i mean we got stuff all over the place here where's my dirty bag and here it is uh anything with electronics you want to protect it from an emp so we have these in the faraday bag you can get these at titan so let me put that in there and a verity bag will protect your titan uh that will protect your electronics from an emp whether it's from an atomic bomb or from the sun anyway so inside of here i've got my charger for my ham radio i've got my m radio in here of course doesn't do any good just to have one hem radial you want to have someone to talk to but and then the antenna took the antenna off to make it fit better i have this already pre-programmed to the local frequencies that we use here in this area you need a license for that it's a 14 license and a simple test sue scored 100 on her test she's never had even picked up a ham radio uh they had three people checking because they couldn't believe that she got 100 on the test um i passed if i would have get one more question wrong i would have failed so we both are licensed uh it's worth it uh get th this is a frs radio a family radio you can pick up what we have experienced is in the communications issue that the frs radios are given to all the kids in the neighborhood so for if you have emergency information you need to transmit to your neighbors or whatever this is not very very practical at all so ham radio is much better but you're only able to talk to ham radio operators so in addition to that what i have done is uh we now both sue and i have satellite phones right um and you can go you can get the satellite phones we have a special promotion going on right now at um ld sat phone uh make sure that's right lds yes and that to get you to the podcast promo promo where they'll actually send you this 800 phone free and you just have the monthly subscription what i like about this um is that this there's we won't go a lot into this there's a lot of information there's two different satellite networks uh on the planet well some of them are one of them um i like this because once i have a lock then i don't lose the lock uh how big is this well here's my wife's phone this is a samsung nine or eight okay so it's a nice small size i need to call my son he's out camping right now i'm just going to turn on my sat phone i'm going to step outside and let sue talk for a minute about what anything you want um and i'm going to step outside because i need to get be able to get a reception so you can see it's charging up but i need to be outside to to and point this south to get connection and i can call any mobile phone i can call any satellite phone there are no international charges i get 150 hours a minute and they roll over uh you know indefinitely so i got my phones now i don't i'm not in an emergency right now but um i'm kind of banking my minutes and so i get a free sat phone last time i heard last saturday they only had 500 less left they're having a supply chain issue getting the circuitry for the sat phone so uh if you think about communications which is absolutely critical i'll talk about that in a second um go ahead and go to satphone and get them before they're gone um i'll be right back i'm gonna go out and get a signal and then i'm gonna call my son he's camping out in the sticks i don't know if he's in a rainstorm right now but we're gonna see if we can get a hold of him okay so i'm just gonna continue down this list with let's see uh what what's on the list that dave hasn't talked about yet under garden supplies the extra ingredients that you need in addition to the micronutrients the npk some epsom salts some boron and gypsum those are all part of the mitt lighter gardening method recipes for the complete fertilizers also be good to have some two-way hose and some rakes maybe some shovels whatever you like to garden with have some gardening gloves um a sun hat you know if you're a gardener kind of think through what you like to have with you when you're gardening and make sure that you have plenty of those on hand tools and hardware on our list we needed to buy an axe we needed to buy a hatchet we were anticipating and as an as an additional method of heating our house so what do we need in order to you know from when we buy the wood to to chop it down make sure that it fits in the wood burning stove we needed to get an axe a hatchet a wood splitting all be good to have a limb saw if if there's a tree that goes down and you want to collect the wood and store it you're going to need a limb saw maybe you won't have a chainsaw so what other tools would you need uh we put a bow saw on the list we have not gotten that yet so it's not checked we bought a standard saw the handsaw dave showed you that by a tool sharpener do you have power tools do you have the oil and the lubricants that you need to keep those running we thought it would be a good idea to stock up on things like nails screws hammer screwdrivers i mean if you don't have the power tools for making repairs on your home or your property uh you're you're gonna need hand tools and nails and screws and things that you might need to have in order to make repairs or maintain your property um something we experienced with hurricane ike a lot of people in the area you know trees fell on their houses they had holes in their roofs do you have extra tarp paper do you have extra shingles on hand for those kinds of repairs that you would need to make you have tarps that you could put over the roof keep the rain out or keep birds out um etc did you get a hold of ben no so he's out camping with his family and i s adam set his alarm for 9 30 so he could turn on the sat phone because he's not where cell phone reception is available so it's just going to voicemail so he hadn't turned it on however um when we were in houston uh hurricane ike first thing fema did is shut off all the mobile cell phone towers okay the internet was down for two weeks cell phone towers were down for two weeks they prioritized those cell phone towers for the first responders so i don't know how many millions of people it's the fourth largest city in the united states we're without communications basically because most people just use cell phones um having a sat phone uh and is could be critical if you need to get a hold of a family member they need to get a hold of you schedule time you know we're going to meet a quarter after the hour every hour something like that because you're not going to have these things running all the time i keep it in an emp bag so it's protected from an emp and get them while they're available i really don't know supply issues are becoming a big concern right now i have a blue tape on here because when they send it to you they give you your sat phone number which is your international number and then they give you a local number i have a local 208 number on here and i just don't want to show it to the world right now so i have a piece of blue tape over here but everything you need it comes in the box you're ready to go up and running so if communications is important to you uh which is extremely important to me i would recommend getting a sat phone and start kind of baking the hours so that you can have those available to you so we need to move faster you need to move faster i know there's so much to do uh we don't want you to feel overwhelmed uh just get started sit down and do what my wife and i did we had a conversation we made a list and we started working down that list you may need to re-prioritize what you're spending money on but uh start on the list um okay so what else did we got four sets of gloves from from uh home depot talked about communication we got the saw we talked about water filtration personal safety growing food as if your life depends on it i am dead serious the most the most valuable thing you will have is food uh when we went to costco i checked they have lots of rice they have lots of beans they have lots of actually here in idaho they have big tubs of wheat hard wheat that you can buy all right prices are going to go up availability is going to go down not everybody's going to have food you may have people come knock on your door one of the things that they're not going to have if they're not going to have electricity they're not going to have a stove they're not going to be able to cook okay what can you do to help them so what did we do who doesn't like mac and cheese right we got some of these right big packages of these we didn't just buy one so when someone comes to the door and they need help can we help them uh could we give them uh all the ingredients to make cookies or whatever no because they don't have any way to do that can they boil water well hopefully they've got some matches or something they can start a fire with but who doesn't like mac and cheese right you need a pot you need to boil water and you get you get dinner so um something we're considering is how do how do we help other people not mac and cheese was a good idea um but also do you know how to cook when there's no sun when there's no electricity when there's no gas when there's no fuel when you know how do you cook food well i would recommend and what we have is a sun oven so another link here is go to sun oven lds sun oven right now we have a discounted pricing on the sun ovens there are a lot of different solar ovens out there the only one that i recommend um and the best one made the one that you can absolutely rely on in winter summer spring or fall is the sun oven probably a lot of people here already have a sun oven you don't need any supplies for it you just put it outside you face it towards south if you're in in america and you cook your food it's going to take longer it's like a slow cooker but you'll be able to cook food and we've cooked all kinds of things in our solar ovens so if you don't have a way to cook off grid that is a good way to do that and let me just close these pop up here all right um so we have that we picked that up at costco uh we could get this at costco uh 150 pieces of chocolate candy this is not for the grandkids this is for granddad this is for me right if you have enough for a year um that's for me that's not for sue this is for sue okay we have these she keeps these in her office right and you know she was at another grocery store and she picked up several cans of peril she has a morning breakfast drink that she makes with perro and you can add herbs to it herbs and coconut butter or something so forth so she didn't just buy one she bought you know half a dozen or so okay so if you're going to go camping for a year or you're going out to the homestead for the year what are you going to need to have with you what we didn't buy was what what did we buy i don't know what you're thinking toilet paper no right that's right we did not buy toilet paper toilet paper we got plenty you know why because we have plenty we started years ago stocking up we have plenty toilet paper so there's plenty of toilet paper out there for all of you who have not stocked up yep so when people were panicking and buying toilet paper we had it from years ago so you buy one thing you know a case of this uh when you're shopping look for sales um what else did we pick up oh at home depot oh man okay 16 penny nails yeah i while you were out i talked about having hammers and screwdrivers and some screws and some nails and some tar paper and shingles and you know something happens to your house and you need to make repairs you know think think through those things we spent a lot of time after hurricane i on other people's roofs helping them while it took months for their insurance companies to to get things taken care of but we were putting up tarps we had that we had the shingle nails we had everything we needed we already had them and so while it took weeks or months to get help because they were the insurance companies were so overwhelmed we as neighbors were helping each other because we had the items on hand okay um picked up grilla tape who doesn't want gorilla duct tape all right best tape in the world uh let's see so a lot of things here um we talked about growing food as if your life depends on it well you have to have seeds to grow food make sure you go to lds prepper store and get your seed bank okay rat proof mouse proof insect proof highest quality heirloom seeds that's rc bank that we have here at our house get the one that's appropriate for your family for this year and maybe next year i guarantee you you're not going to be a great gardener out of the gate okay you're going to need to learn how to water how to how to feed how to shade how to live those you know those six laws of plant growth that's that are in the midland gardening course book get your seeds when i talk to the seed supplier they can't get any more seeds because of the drought the the seed growers aren't unable to grow seeds um so 18 months is that when they estimated they'd be able to get more seeds i don't you know this is not an alarmist i'm just trying to help you get prepared because when the time for action comes the time for preparation is over when you wake up one morning like i did when i was in mexico and they had moved the decimal on the bank so if you had a uh a thousand dollars when you went to bed on friday and you woke up on saturday you had 100 those things happen those are real uh you may wake up and there may not be any internet you may not have any electricity you may not be able to go buy gas you may not be able to buy food your credit cards are not going to work if our rule is this if you can't touch it you don't own it if it's digital if if you look at your bank account and you've got 50 million dollars in the bank account and there's no electricity there's no internet or by federal law the bank says that's our money which is the law it's not your money once you deposit into a bank um you may not have access or ever get to it if you've got 50 million dollars in bitcoin that's zeros and ones if you can't touch it you don't own it so take that money take that bitcoin and put it in something that you can touch think about you know if there is going to be a earthquake and you knew there was going to be an earthquake in a week what or tomorrow what would you go buy you know we bought a bunch of batteries we bought a bunch of batteries and i told my wife buy double there's lots of batteries in the storage right now that may not be the case first what runs out of stores we've been in hurricanes uh wildfires floods tornadoes earthquakes tornadoes what is sold out fastest batteries water food okay the alcohol is usually left because people prior to you know it's not a high priority get those things now and stay in your home where it's safe um oh what else light okay i just bought these this one here these are little inflatable lights they they're solar so it doesn't take any power i don't have to plug them in and they have different brightnesses okay this is the brightest one uh super lightweight you're going to set these around the house i bought eight of these not too impressed with this particular one this one here i i do like a lot i inflated it and stuck it outside yesterday and charged it up it has different colors of lights you can change so if you want to change the mood in the house but the thing i like about this really is that i'm able to charge up your your ipad or your phone or so forth and you say well that those won't be available well you know what if you have some entertainment or some information some books that you've downloaded to your your tablet or your phone or whatever your computer and you want to charge that you can do that with this right and you just stick this out in the sun and you have light uh during the evening and you can charge up your your small devices um can you grow protein okay this is quail eggs uh if you live in an apartment you can and you can have a cat or a dog you can have quail quail are a pet but unlike a cat or a dog they produce food every day i get i right now i have seven hens and i get seven eggs a day one egg a day every day 365 days a year from those hens i have two males with those hens so these eggs are fertile and we do have an incubator so we can continue growing our phlox so can you provide protein you know it's gonna not everybody has where they can you know have pigs or horses or cows or what sheep or whatever okay i'm trying to turn this light off um all right so we need to move things out over here what do i have here what am i missing cover all this stuff batteries oh uh we haven't got the medical this is a kit that my wife picked up you want to tell them about this kit this is a birthing kit it's everything you need you have a daughter daughter-in-law neighbor or yourself going to give birth and medical services are not available this will help instructions and supplies that you would need and after birth do you have you have diapers um i mean how many pallets of disposable diapers would you need to store for and for a new baby for a couple of years before they're potty trained um so instead do you have cloth diapers do you have laundry supplies do you have household cleaners and you could just kind of gotta think through what would life be like on a camping trip for a long term and do you have those supplies how are do you know how to wash clothes by hand do you know how to wash dishes by hand do you have those kinds of supplies and soaps you have to be your own doctor your own grocery store your own power plant we haven't talked about off-grid power other than the little lights here but uh do we have portable solar generator yes uh go to titan did i type that one in yes okay and take a look there's a comprehensive comparison between all the different portable solar generators out there and uh availability is is becoming an issue has been an issue i order yours get on the line you know get on that list and get it we had someone come over this morning um to give us a quote on a 40 by 60 building that we're building here on the property and he told us he could build it when next spring next spring almost a year from now so are we getting on his list yeah we're getting on his list uh are we calling other people to see if we can get it done earlier yeah we're going to call some other people too but availability is is the real issue get what you can now prioritize what you can what you need to get now and and do it now we had some questions i want to go with some questions let's do some other things here something to think about if you are living in an apartment or in the city and as services and food services disappear and food becomes unavailable do you have a plan do you have somewhere to go can you go to a family member and live with them maybe out in the country what do you need to bring with you so that you are are self-sufficient and not draining their supplies do you can you provide shelter for yourself can you provide sanitation for yourself what skills can you bring to that that family that you're going to do you know how to grow and cook food you know how to you know you know what what repair skills do you have you know what can you contribute is really important as much as your parents may love you or as much as you may love your kids or grandkids if you only have enough food for one person and six people show up and they're expecting to for you to shelter them and feed them you're just all gonna die sooner so if your plan is to go to your parents house or if your plan is to go to your kids house have that conversation with them and get it get it staged get it ready get your supplies there get their supplies to your place whatever it is have that already prepared okay we this is uh and a way to protect themselves from those who might want to physically violently take it away from them and so we know who's coming here we know where we're going if if we need to uh we and and we know from our own experiences that community is really important so you know gathering together with other like-minded people family and friends is really critical to have those conversations with your neighbors and your family and your friends decide you know how you're how you're going to work and live together yeah you don't want to be broadcasting like we are that you've got food storage and so forth but we're also broadcasting that we have the capability and the training to protect ourselves and we have security and surveillance systems but i can't watch the security system 24 7. soon i just can't do that by ourselves so we have a community we have family and we will come together and we've had that discussion a good way to start that discussion is simply by saying what do you think about this don't say hey i've got a year's supply of food you guys want to get together and just start asking questions from your neighbors find out who's like-minded because uh you do not want to be an island you do not want to be the only person growing food you do not want the only person that has resources so there are some questions i want to get to uh while i'm doing that uh yeah take a look at that and maybe you can reply some of these questions uh you want to talk about your your guardian your brooks because herbs are critical could be life-saving also right what are you going to do if there's no doctor something to consider in your family friend's neighbor community is there somebody there who has a paramedic skills or medical skills or nursing skills um you know is that what you know can they contribute that and you help them in another way you know that's a really critical part of any survival community uh is there a family herbalist is there somebody who understands the medicinal value of the plants that grow where you are and that's one of the things that i started looking at after i got my master herbalist certification several people said well i i don't necessarily want to go to an herbal school i just want to know what plants are here that i can use for medicine and so that's what i started doing is what plants grow here and we found over 75 plants on our property that provide medicinal value and you know how do you keep all that information in your head there's just no way and so that's why i started creating reference manuals this one is all about the medicinal weeds i narrowed it down to 20 weeds that were growing on our property i've since found more but these you know this is where i keep all the information what i need to know how to use those herbs now those weeds grow all over the world yes they do so it's not just idaho falls weeds right so how to identify the weeds how to harvest the weeds whether you're using the flowers the stems the roots and then how to uh what yeah what remedies can you make uh which remedies are best you know should you turn that into a tea a tincture um teas are easy it only requires water and the weeds come back every year pain of our life right but um they have a purpose and they can serve us if you know how to use them uh what have you got in your kitchen kitchen pantry your kitchen cupboards culinary herbs and spices are powerhouses of nutrition and medicine and this is this reference manual is all about how to tap into that and use that what first aid first aid kit herbs what would you like to have on hand for cuts and scrapes and bruises and stomach aches and constipation and you know the stuff that you really don't need to go to a doctor for first aid a lot of these several of these are weeds that grow here that or around the world that you can use for first aid so really good reference manual for first aid and how to use that and then and you can put these in pots and put them on your back porch or your patio and they don't need you don't need to have a thousand of these plants you know yeah just have a small you know a little variety of whatever that you find that's useful in these books and just grow them in your back porch you can walk outside and you get fresh sage for your your stew and fresh whatever for your your meals and have it for first aid and to have it for you know other needs that you have and then i've got a making herbal remedies reference manual basic instructions for making teas decoctions the difference between the two poultices compresses tinctures oils oil infusions which you can turn into ointments and salves all those recipes and basic instructions are at my fingertips in here i refer to my manuals all the time as i need to make remedies know where they can get it oh yes you can get these references these are all just for her sorry this is what we have two bad guys she made these for herself and then thought hey other other people said hey can i get a copy so she's actually made them and they are available and uh if you buy all four of those you get a nice discount free shipping she also has a fifth one that she just uh produced it's a digital book and it comes with uh how many like nine hours of class or six hours of class yeah i did a class in conjunction with this book you know sign up for the class and you get the book free i'll be doing that class a couple of times a year it was a really really good class i got really good feedback and that's three secrets to choosing the best herbal remedy so you know we talked about yeah because there are lots of herbs out there that are good for coughs for instance how do you know which one is best for you so those are the secrets how do you how do you narrow down what's out there to get the best dermal herbal remedy for you so there are some people who say you know just you know herbs don't work the problem is is they probably didn't pick the right herb for them because herbs do work they the chemicals constituents are there they do what they say they're going to do you just need to know which herb is going to work best for you for what's going on in your body with your tissue states so that's that's what that class is all about and that ebook someone just commented that uh honey is good uh yep we have honey uh we have beehives we had beehives in texas in our backyard in our hoa guard guarded community so they take very little space you can get a lot of honey a lot of benefit from having honeybees in your backyard i highly recommend it we have over 500 videos on this youtube channel is where you'll find all my videos go there take a look at those videos that all about being prepared and and literally we spend more money on taking care of our cat and more time taking care of our cat than i do on the bees and the bees give us honey okay yeah but the the ma the the cat keeps the mice population down keeps them from invading the pantry yes so the cat has a function as long as that cat is functioning we'll keep feeding it taking care of it uh all right so let's get to some questions here we're gonna do this pretty quickly but we want to address questions that were already posted here uh this is ms taz christie i mentioned yesterday i just ordered a berkey extra filters from your store thank you very much do you know when i can find the stand the stand is temporarily out of stock from berkey they don't have them they said it'll be several weeks as soon as those stands are available to me as an authorized dealer i will put them back on my store and you'll be able to see them you'll be able to order those so thank you for getting the sys berkey system thank you for ordering it from us it supports us if you feel that this information that we're sharing with you has value then you know you can thank us by simply going to the store we don't have a patreon all our videos are free this is how you can help us is by going to the store getting sue's herbal remedy reference books getting the the seed banks getting the micronutrients i'm telling you i'm having a very very difficult time getting these nutrients i don't know how much longer i'll be able to have them i'm trying to get as many as i can uh i would not wait on getting the micronutrients or the midland guarding course book get go over there get your eight pack or more multiples of eight and your your book and get that while you can can i just say before berkey had stands uh we got our berkey before they had stands and so i found a plant stand at walmart that worked they come in different widths and different sizes and that's what we use to get the berkey up off the counter to make it easier to dispense the water so check that out in the meantime yeah absolutely or just get right i mean we used that in texas that was our stand it was like a little wood stand no it was a little kind of looked like wrought iron little plants oh that's right that's right okay question for our grab bags we have a tradition of rotating them every six months at general conference great idea giving snacks and such to enjoy during conference love that idea do you have any such tips for keeping up on things like your list here i feel like it can be otherwise overwhelming otherwise um i don't know that we have a system of keeping up we just an anniversary date something that you do every year some you know a birth date some date that you just attached to you know that's the date that i'm going to go through our bug out bag or our get home bag or the emergency supplies and you know check the food replace what you need to i like this idea of you know taking the snacks out of the bag and and using them and replacing them associated with an activity that's a really good idea i know on the first of the month i refill the water in my solar panel battery bank that's just something that comes up on my phone on my calendar first of every month i just do that as a routine uh so set up a routine first of all congratulations for having that right having a grab bag that if something happens an earthquake happens or whatever a fire is coming you can grab and leave that's one of the things on our list is having a 24-hour warning you know items that we have that we put in when we have 24-hour warning and other items that we have when we have a one-hour warning so find a schedule that works for you and congratulations for you know having that prepared uh we purchased the micro newton this is from linda hansen we purchased the micronutrient product and mixed as directed it seems it seems really most kind of oily or moist okay so yes that will happen if you're in a hot temperature or humid so here on the instructions it has a recommendation for um a half right here half a pound of perlite and we put that in ours too and that will keep the moisture out so if it's already kind of moist and kind of oily it's really not oily it's just kind of sticky kind of turns into like syrup there's no oil in it it's all minerals you may not be able to get put perlite in and take that moisture out so just use it it doesn't change the effectiveness of it at all but go ahead and add half a pound of perlite per 30 pound mix and i did that this last mix and it sat out in the greenhouse and in the heat and did not have any problems at all with clumping or so forth so uh add and just follow those instructions that come on on the back okay uh this is one that we did something that sue did while we were in texas uh this next one is by i don't know how you pronounce it how do you turn front lawn into food production crops without getting complaints from the hoa we did that in our front yard oh yeah in houston and peop we had people come up to our house they were so impressed is that broccoli is that cabbage we had purple cabbies we had broccoli and kale and swiss chard you know just edible greens growing in the front flower bed along with the flowers yeah and instead of having a pine tree which was required by the hoa we had plum tree yeah so yes people were very impressed and it was beautiful so first of all ask for forgiveness not for permission that's my experience with hoas and just do it all right put some purple cabbage out there put some broccoli out there put some whatever you want to grow out there and you can do it and we did turn the backyard into a mit lighter garden and you know how do you turn the front lawn into food production crops um you know without getting complaints from your neighbor just you know incorporate your food into your flower beds but in your backyard put down cardboard and newspaper and build up from there it's a lot of work to take out a lawn and start from scratch so what i would someone emailed me about how to get rid of the grass because they want to convert their lawn to to food storage which i really recommend and they have um some really bad grass uh crabgrass sweat grass couch grass anyway it's people have for lawns uh but anyway um i suggested that you get a torch and torch the grass first burn it okay and then put down cardboard and uh and then you grow on top of that so yeah you want to do that so first of all thank you for thinking about making your food production in your front yard but also put in the backyard because people will walk by and just steal it out of your front yard okay let's see pat murphy i got the lds prepper gardening book right here the midland garden course book and the mineral micronutrients been using them for the last three weeks and i am amazed my tomatoes and peppers have taken off like a rocket thank you for everything you do thank you pat for sharing that um for doing that and for doing it yeah because you're not just hearer of the word only but the doer and so you may already have a garden but i guarantee you that your garden will transform once you start feeding them and watering and following these six laws in the book yep start where you are and build from there if you have plants in the in the ground right now take time today order your micronutrients order the book and start feeding them so you get the nutrients from those plants um i would be interested in finding out what to prep to keep things cold cold without solar solar would be wonderful but it's not in the budget completely understand that i have a milk cow and would lose a lot of milk without ways to keep it cold yes i understand that however that milk will become very valuable and you'll be able to get a lot in return for that milk and we thought about propane fridge but there's a very good possibility that prom pain will become hard to get eventually yes is there anything that can still yeah so uh someone suggested dig a hole in the ground a large hole should be a cooler yes go find an old refrigerator go to the junkyard get an old refrigerator dig a hole bury the refrigerator in the ground and then you have a very easy and lay it down on the back and then you have that you can open it up like a lid like a coffin and that that's your refrigerator dig a hole in the ground the ground will be cool the refrigerator will help keep it nice and cool so uh i would i completely agree with that dig a hole and uh and and something to consider with food preparation learn how to cook just what you need to eat enough so that you get enough to eat but you don't have leftovers that you need to store um one thing you want to mention your your food storage calendar my food storage calendar that's on lds prepper store yeah and it's a free download and a friend said that some people would find my recipes valuable so i am in the process of making that into a cookbook that people could use as a reference it's a food storage cookbook it's a food storage cookbook how to take rice beans and wheat and make wonderful meals make meals with it yeah so that'll you know keep keep coming back checking back and looking for that um and but there was one thing that we learned or one thing that i learned when we went camping off grid for a week to chest to test out our preps uh i was cooking way too much food we went from eating three meals a day and snacks you know to two meals a day and that's and we were very satisfied didn't need all the extra food we were busy with other stuff um and so we also had a refrigeration issue they were bringing an ice truck in every day or two and we were buying bags of ice you don't do that in a grid down situation so you need to be eating what you're cooking [Music] and not having a lot of food that is going to go bad because you made too much food so you need to practice how to you know how much to make and how to make it really yeah the best way to know what you what you're going to need in a grid down situation is to take a week or at least a weekend and go grid down and make your own list of what you need and what you would do better or you know make we had what 35 things that we learned from that we had a big first week big list things that we would do differently that we have now done differently uh now when you do this uh when you go off grid for a weekend or a week there needs to be harmony in the family so i told my wife when i was in texas that hey i'm going to turn off the power i'm going to turn off the gas i'm going to turn off the the water and we're going to see how good we can live with in a week she says not while i'm here so she laughed at i don't you wanted to say something in your defense or no it's just that that first week of off-grid camping that we did the first day uh you know my son and dave were trying to erect this huge tent didn't have instructions and you know and they were thirsty it was hot they were hungry and they were kind of got at each other's throats you know we should do it this way now we're going to come over here and do this too and there and we realized okay we need to have water and we need to have snacks and we need to have food so that people don't get hangry which is a combination of hungry and angry angry i love that and entertainment for the grandkids yes yeah so i had set up the tent before we hadn't set up together uh he's very smart i i love him as a son and i appreciate him as a friend he's very smart guy and he actually came up with some ways that helped but we were we were hangry yes you have to experience those things so i have a complete video series when i went off grid for a week and what an eye-opener this is a prepper we've been doing this for decades now going off grid and and uh realizing hey i need to make some improvements so go to uh and just look through um my videos on you know how to how to survive or i forget what the video series was called but i went for a week and uh i learned a lot sue was up here in idaho hot showers fresh food and i was uh learning a lot in texas um let's see if you're so someone says how much gold silver and cash should you have saved on hand well that's a great question because you have on hand having a thousand dollars in the bank is not having it on hand so if you are going to save gold silver and cash have it on hand now as we've seen other countries go through this transition where what what the what you know is going to be a global reset as we've seen in individual countries so far go through this process cash has value for a while gold always retains its value silva always retains its value but what's going to be more valuable than cash gold or silver's food absolutely the ability to produce and food to grow food was going to be more value you'll be you'll get all your teeth taken care of you'll get you know grain for your horses whatever you need to trade for if you have food and you can produce food that's going to be very very valuable so so if you that being said um dave ramsey has some excellent books on being financially prepared and in those books he talks about having a three to six month cash assets for three to six months of living expenses you should just always have that on hand if you lose your job you've got three to six months of cash on hand to pay the bills until you can get another job and get income coming in again that reduces a lot of stress and that whole process of trying to provide for a family and make ends meet and eat and yeah so that's just really good advice yes that we have followed have that cash on hand for not not necessarily for the global reset but it just makes good financial sense to be prepared for the unexpected my wife and i were working at the same company uh when we were many years ago and we both got laid off in the same day yeah here here's your christmas ham and your pink slip but we had assets and so we made it through that we had food storage she took care of us i went out and got another job um so if you don't have that reserve um things can be difficult uh also don't expect that your church or your country is gonna you know all sudden show up with all this food for you uh you may want to watch the video on how to protect your food storage from others uh i think that's a very good video to watch too let's see your type list says global rest yeah i changed that okay if your list doesn't include items that can be used after a major cme which is coronal mass ejection from the sun you'll be very disappointed you may have just a few days before you realize how right this statement was so cme so a cma basically electrical magnetic pulse that will cause all electronics to stop working unless you shielded them from an enp so you may have a a portable saw that no longer works and so what do i have i have a post cme saw this does not need to plug in anywhere it doesn't take batteries uh it will cut wood um i have uh on here we had a list of getting an axe to i talked about that and hatchets and you know those kind of things uh you may be uh needing gloves like we mentioned earlier because you're doing a lot more physical work so uh for sun protection if you're gonna be out in the sun yeah not necessarily sun lotions or screens but you know big hats gloves long sleeves i was doing some volunteer work at the uh uh local airport here because we had a fly-in and i'm i'm a new pilot and so i was volunteering with the group and i had long sleeves and long pants and a big brim hat and i did not get sunburned and other people got sunburned and they were lathering all these chemicals on themselves to protect from the sun so i just you chose clothing that would protect me um okay uh jessica says i've been trying to tell all these youtube preppers think long term like 10 years plus yes start with a year start with then expand that but you're going to go camping for a year you're going to go live in the cabin up in the in the mountains for a year what are you going to need for a year why do you need a year supply of food so you can figure out in that first year trying to grow food how to do that and you have food that you can live off of because you have food storage i tell you what our our food production really enhances our food storage you need to have both food storage and food production okay go ahead no the next one i looked up chips and but can't figure out what you need it for yeah so j she's uh gypsum is uh calcium and so uh that plants it's essential plant food it's in the midland garden course book you use the gypsum or lime depending on your rainfall for uh your pre-plant mix and that pre-plant mix is on page 52 in the book tells you how to mix it how to use it so forth i have a greenhouse here that it helps us to extend our gardening season we actually can grow year round here you don't need to have a greenhouse you can grow plenty of food during the typical growing season but you'll grow much more food much faster uh we were growing corn that was like 62 day 72 day corn we're growing it in this 84 i think that much faster 20 days faster because it was properly fed and watered so you'll be able to grow more food faster more nutrient dense food higher quality food you'll control the availability and the price of it by growing yourself okay we're at an hour and a half running do you we want to give us some more questions or we need to jump off it's good to call it a day we can always do this next week yeah we can we can we'll take a look at the questions you guys have been awesome here uh appreciate all the thumbs up uh if you liked what you we've shared with you today please uh take a second right now give us a thumbs up please share this with your friends and family again you don't want to be the only person in your church you don't want to be the only person in your neighborhood or your community growing food and being prepared you want a community of preparedness people i drive down my road and many of my neighbors most of my neighbors are are prepared and are preparing even more because we openly share we realize that we're kind of showing our cards here but that's our passion is to help us we don't want to be the only survivors okay we want other people to be survivors we want other people to thrive we want other people to be prepared and we want to build that community your most important preparation is spiritual preparation be good with your god and ask your father in heaven what do you need for your family for and how to help you with your resources um i do believe in the law of attraction i do believe that when we put our minds to it we put it on paper we have that conversation that that the forces around us um come together in our behalf and make things happen so the reason why we have things on our lds prepper store is because those are things that we have found that have worked for us that work really well get yourself a solar oven so you can cook year round uh get yourself some micronutrients a garden course book so you can produce your own food find out about the herbal books get a water filtration system i have a water i have a video i put up i have several videos on water filtration a recent one i put up was how to choose the best water filter for yourself i talk about all the different kinds of water filters what they do and what they don't do after spending all the time in research we've boiled it down to one that's the berkey with the blackberry filters it doesn't take electricity it doesn't take a water pressure we've taken it camping a long-term survival camping uh it just goes with us we have the bottles that we take with us when we when we leave the house if you need uh non-lethal self-protection grab yourself a flashlight while those are still available ham radio license is easy to get it doesn't interfere with any of your fourth amendment rights and it is a great device to have all our kids have them we've uh set up tower antennas of their houses if you want to be able to talk to people on a regular cell phone call them from your sat phone uh i'm going to be flying so this will be with me in the airplanes i will be flying over areas that don't have satellite i mean that i don't have cell phone service when we go family camping uh when my son and i go hunting we'll have our sat phone with us we'll be able to communicate with everybody that whether it's a landline a sat phone or a mobile phone all i can just say is think long term camping and just start buying stuff like you're going to camp out i mean what's more fun than going on a camp out so don't be stressed about this thinking hey honey we're going to go on a camp out for a year what do we need and what do we have on our back porch we got a 16 by 32 army tent that we have set up more than once now and and and uh so yeah even the two of us together have set it up and we survived the process yep still married and uh she when we set that up you had your kitchen all set up we had a portable solar generator with us so we had lights and we had i made a diy air conditioner it was hot and i had a video on that and how to how to make that and and so we really thrived in our survival camping and made it enjoyable and if you are prepared you shall not fear so about pretty much how it goes thank you so much for your time thank you for taking time and having interest uh i try to put all the links in the chat i will put clickable links below this video so you can go and and and get the items that we talked about um my phone number people they say i'm nuts my phone number is on my store if i can help you call me it's there for a reason i answer the phone i don't have any employees they answer my phone i answer that phone so if you have a question about the the micronutrients or the gardening course book or sub's herbal manuals she talked to somebody yesterday who had a question about herbs we're here to help uh as much as we can we're here to help you to teach you how to fish so that you can eat for a lifetime instead of just giving you a fish for a day so god bless you god bless america um this is this is our passion we have lots of videos on my youtube channel uh take time to watch those sue has some great videos and herbs um and stay tuned because we will be doing that yeah we'll be back and we do follow-up call a follow-up uh we'll i'm sure with all the conversations here that we'll probably have a follow-up email a video thank you so much this is lds prepper reminding you if you are prepared you shall not fear and the backyard herbalist what's my tagline throw it over here grow your own make your own do it do it do it get started have fun with it have that discussion make a list and uh and start the process because it's better to start it now than it is later when i bought those 16 penny nails i couldn't buy i could when we looked for them last monday they were out of stock i bought those nails six seven months ago in wyoming because they didn't have them in idaho you see something it's on your list get it now while you can get it i gotta stop talking we have we have we have to we have to take off thanks so much love you guys uh have a great day bye i'm
Channel: LDSPrepper
Views: 83,841
Rating: 4.9023561 out of 5
Id: oVTLM9qMw34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 17sec (5477 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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