How to Store Your Long Term Food Storage | Should You Hide Your Prepper Pantry?

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hello everyone today i want to talk about covert prepping and the best way to store your prepper pantry so i came across this really interesting website and she has some interesting thoughts on covert prepping and i wanted to just kind of run through a couple of the articles on her site give you my thoughts and i definitely want to hear your thoughts as well so be sure to leave them in the comments this is rebecca from simple suburban living okay so first of all she you can see here it says hide your stash and she shows this picture of a prepper pantry that looks like it's in a basement and it says you're doing it wrong and she says there's a lot of preppers out there who are only too happy to show off their cashes and stashes either on the website or youtube and she admits that she's you know pot calling the kettle black and usually the tour includes a spare bedroom basement or garage that's stacked floor to ceiling with five gallon buckets or wall-to-wall shelves piled with goods i always cringe when i see people prepping in this misguided manner there's a lot of problems with prepping this way which i'm only too happy to relate okay so first of all her first reason that she gives is that if somebody stops by your house and gets an eiffel of your pantry whether it's the plumber electrician babysitter whatever first they're going to think you're crazy but then after shtf they're going to remember where you live so second if you have all your food stored in one handy location it makes it simple for starving vandals and desperate looters to walk right in and help themselves loading up their trucks and wiping you out in one easy afternoon so before i go further i want to say that i've i do not have room to have a huge proper pantry i don't have a spare bedroom i don't have a basement all that and so i am one of those that i've got a small pantry and i'm putting things in bins and sticking them under beds and stuff like that okay so i've always kind of envied people who have either the spare bedroom or the basement or both or big walk-in closets or what have you that they're able to use for their prepper pantry second i personally and maybe this is me being naive but i'm personally not too worried about people coming in and robbing me me of my you know canned green beans and tuna and stuff like that now again maybe that's me being naive i do know if things got bad enough that could happen but i'm prepping more for economic collapse or for shortages like we've had with covet and things like that i'm not too worried personally about you know just people coming in with guns and taking my food okay now she does make a couple of other points though that i do think fit even for someone like me um she says if your stuff is sitting on a shelf in its original packaging and a single bag of rice or box of macaroni gets infected with grain moths or weevils that infection is going to spread throughout all your rice and macaroni and everything else i do think that's valid if you have everything together and there is any type of infestation it's going to spread to all of your preps okay in an earthquake everything will be dumped onto the floor into a huge mess especially if you store a lot of stuff in glass jars so i i live in california so earthquakes are a real potential problem and i do can so i do store things in glass jars really it depends on the severity of an earthquake it can hit one part of your house more than another or what have you but if there's a really severe earthquake it seems like anywhere you had your stuff stored in your home this could happen the next one i think is a good point as well broken plumbing shattered windows or holes and roofs anywhere above your preps will allow water to drench everything below the break ruining it with mold and i do think that that is a valid thing if there is some type of water leakage water damage and it happens above where all of your preps are everything could be ruined okay and then if you have to bug out in a hell of a hurry and you want to pack as much food as possible you've got to round up umpteen gillian sturdy boxes or containers first now personally i don't know what that has to do with having all of your preps in one place i think in some ways having all of them in one place would make it easier for you to gather things up okay now she says it's far safer to use basic principles of covert prepping and i've been a prepper for many years blah blah blah and there isn't a single place anywhere in my house not a cabinet cupboard closet bedroom or basement where anyone could find a single clue that i'm a stockpiler and i have a hefty horde of goods stashed in my home so that is kind of interesting is that anyone that comes into your home whether it's a neighbor or a plumber or what have you would have any idea that she's a prepper so that's kind of interesting so i want to show you some of the creative ways that she stores food and water and then share some of my thoughts on those so first let's look at her prepper pantry all right so she calls this a proper preppers pantry and what she did is she has a bed frame in an empty bedroom and you can see that she put these boards across the bottom of the bed frame and then she puts food inside of the different sections of the bed frame she put all of the grains in the middle as she says everything made of grain goes in the middle to discourage grain-loving insects from inviting themselves in these grains will end up being totally surrounded by a sea of canned goods this is the best possible place to store canned goods where the temperature is constant but cool and there's no chance of any sort of moisture okay now you can see how she's starting to fill up the bed underneath the bed the frame with canned goods and then here it is complete she has all of her canned goods dry goods full underneath the bed and she says there's gobs of tiny things poked into the little spaces between the cans cigarette lighters packs of gum matchbooks tea bags rolls of lifesaver candies etc if there was even a quarter inch of available space on top of the cans i used it to store flat things like fruit leather suit packets lots of extra ziploc baggies pouches of gravy seasoning packets every square inch of space is used up okay so what she did next is she put boards down over the canned goods and other items it looks like she yeah she actually screws the boards to the frame not only for stability but also so that vandals will have to have a screwdriver and a lot of time in order to break into this pantry and you can see here's where it's pretty much done bed frame all assembled and headboard in place as well a year's supply of food for two people is totally out of sight and protected and then she also is into storing lumber so that if there's any type of catastrophe she has a stash of lumber so that she can for example board up windows and things like that okay and again she's putting more shelving more more wood basically over the top and then she's alternating layers of wool blankets tarps and air mattresses because storing these things here is far better than having them take up the limited space i have available in my closets and basements all right and then finally this is what it looks like she says in the mattress the sheets the blankets and the pillows and here you have a perfect and proper preppers pantry do you have any idea how soundly i sleep knowing what i'm sleeping on so first i have to give her props because she has a ton of stuff stored all under her bed and it's very secure now the challenge that i have with this is that she cannot get she herself cannot get into any of this stuff easily she can but she has to of course take all that stuff off all the boards off and so on i personally believe in having a working pantry and i like to use the food that i store and then replenish it that would be very difficult to do in with this type of setup okay so that's the biggest problem that i have with it to me if you were going to do something this extreme it would be better to buy the long-term survival food and stored in there so i'm talking like the cases of food from you know augason farms or mountain house or whatever the ones with a really long shelf life and then doing all the tarps and things like that and putting it under there okay but anyway i wanted to show this because i do think it's it's quite amazing and interesting what she did i just don't know about making it secure to the point that even it would it would be even hard for her to get to it all right now let's look at under the bed water storage okay so she did a simple a similar thing here under one bed in my home i store food under the other bed in my home i store water this is because i was spooked after a small earthquake and so on so she has all this water storage under her bed now that i actually think is kind of a good idea because you don't need to rotate it out a lot she did very similar to what she did on the the first bed that i showed you and so that i think makes perfect sense i think it's a great idea and it says she says a dust ruffle hides the bottled water from view so that also kind of gives me the impression that she could get to the water if needed so that i thought was a really nice idea and you can see how much water she can store under the bed there is another creative idea that she had and this is hoard and seek is what she called it now she has this armoire and you can see that behind it she's put all of these canned goods and so she says but wait behind the ordinary old-fashioned armoire a stash of canned goods conveniently stored in a temperature stable environment free from the danger of getting wet or freezing solid with a stack of duct tape cans exactly as high and as wide as the armoire several hundred cans take up only a three inch strip of the bedroom floor so again i thought that was kind of interesting but it kind of goes back to the same challenge of actually getting to the food and using it i suspect that her whole prepping philosophy centers around a really extreme extreme issue and wanting to have food stored again not getting access to it regularly not rotating the food out just putting it in there and in case there's some type of big catastrophe okay here's another thing that she shows an ordinary closet constructed using two by fours forming the frame and paneling forming the exterior on the interior side of the closet there's plenty of room for canned goods in between the post that form the frame it's another perfect environment for long-term storage of canned goods next looks get them hidden from view and you can see that she puts boards to cover them up and so again it's very creative way to store food it is a way to keep it hidden it is a way to keep it safe but it also would be difficult to access and to rotate out so my personal thought is i love some of her ideas i love the way that she has stored a lot of food in a small space i do agree that it's good to have your food storage spread out so that if there was ever a problem such as water leaking it'd be great to have it in different areas i'm just not so sure about storing it in such a way that it's difficult for even you to access it but let me hear your thoughts do you think that her method is the right method or a method that you should use do you think it's bad to use just a spare bedroom or a basement or that type of thing one big area for all of your food storage or do you think it's good to spread it out so i would love to hear your thoughts please share them in the comments below and i'd also appreciate it if you would like this video and if you haven't already done so if you would subscribe to my youtube channel thanks so much everyone have a great day
Channel: Stocking My Pantry
Views: 14,487
Rating: 4.9059563 out of 5
Keywords: How to store your long term food storage, should you hide your prepper pantry, storing food under your bed, under bed food storage ideas, emergency preparedness, long term food storage, prepper pantry, short term food storage, store food under bed, food storage ideas for small spaces, prepper pantry storage ideas for small spaces, covert prepping, shtf, long term food storage pantry, long term food storage on a budget
Id: f7-6BBPDTUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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