How to Prop Up a Fence

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hi my name is Simon and today I'm gonna explain how I fixed my leaning wooden fence so I had this fence in the background that was leaning towards my site quite badly and the way I decided to go about it was pretty simple I basically dug holes dug some holes by the post and just pushed the fence up slightly so the tools are used were an edger a sledgehammer a spade or shovel some wooden stakes that I got from the hardware store the fence section they had these were about four feet long and one and a half inches by one and a half inches I chopped them in half I also used some garbage bags and cardboard box to put the dirt on top of so the first thing I did was I I went to my neighbor's house and asked him to go into his backyard to help fix the fence and he said that was okay so I went back there and dug some holes around the main posts so these were the main posts here and I went down to the base on the other side and dug a hole about two feet by two feet around it so if this were the posts what I do is I take the edger about two feet and I'd just trace a hole along the ground like a square cut out the grass and I also dug the holes about two feet deep so the idea was I didn't know how deep the concrete went if it was like a long deep pillar of concrete or if it was just like them kind of a bowl of concrete I didn't know so I figured that it was worth a shot dig deep I think about two feet deep and when me and one of my neighbors pushed on the other side of the fence then the concrete moved a little bit and so that was just enough to get the pegs into the ground so I dug on the neighbor's side around on the back and then we just pushed we just pushed to the fence really hard and then we noticed that like a crack we could dug a little bit on this side and I kind of crack appeared where the where the concrete was right and then we just put the posts in to where that crack was and we just hit down these wooden pegs with a sledgehammer so I did not need any metal brackets between the wood of the post and the concrete the whole post move together with the concrete so we we just stuck the wooden pegs you know a little bit away from the post and just hammered them in you know as well as we could and it seems to have worked quite well I mean the fence is still a little bit leaning over but it's a lot better than it was and I think it'll definitely add a couple years to the fences life so I was able to prop it up I screwed in the wobbling panels and repainted it so good luck and happy fence mending
Channel: Simon Zak
Views: 54,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Propping, Fence, fixing, prop, leaning, toppling, fix, fences, post, falling
Id: Gw8-rR2Lo8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 54sec (174 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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