How to Fix a Leaning Fence?

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Look at those cows coming up they thinking I'm gonna feed them. Anyways. I'm actually not going to be talking about the cows today What I'm gonna be talking about is fence like this you see this fence right here running out Completely and it broke off you see this completely broke off piece and just hanging on the other Pieces of the fence so we need to completely replace this piece of wood even though it looks really nice over here But because on the bottom with the dirt the moisture and all that dirt It's completely bought out and broke apart so I was wondering what is the easiest way to fix they have so much fence and a lot of them are like that and I was like wow I would have to replace so many posts on this fence It'll take me forever so I was looking online What is the easiest way to fix it and I come across these little gadgets? I'm going to put them to the test and see how they work boom I'm pretty sure each piece about seven dollars this whole piece is going to be seven bucks Anyways as well so instead of replacing it and actually take off each piece. It's gonna Take me forever to do so what I'm gonna. Do is actually Drive this thing inside over here and screw it all together. Hopefully it will actually work. Let's find out if it does or doesn't If I let go you see not standing normally because it's leaning on this letís Now I'm going to get bunch of schools and school together so As you can see it's a lot easier than me removing all this stuff We're moving the metal fence wire and then replacing this whole piece digging out a hole Replacing the new art piece You know what time is money this layer piece cost pretty much as much or maybe even a little bit cheaper than one of this Post burn ooh, so you be the judge is it worth it So next I'm gonna. Do is put bunch of net Nelson I mean school So next in what I would do to park the dirt insider is driving this wooden wedge. I Cut up whole bunch of wedges from All the way down To park all the dirt, and now it is much much tighter Maybe another wedge on the other side something to Park all the doors Maybe you can even bring the dog park out food extra dirt in see here and park it a little nice It says completely rotted out on the dirt Level and it broke open ha and it just hidden So that's what this got chicks for for Latin posts like that. So let me show you the close-up of me fixing this By the way, I have so many posts like that This posts fence post are pretty old I know how many years, but I'm pretty sure it's many many years old You can put it on both sides it tells you the instruction, but you just Takes a little bit of work, but this is why you need you Get some muscle Boom and that's how deep you want to go about now, I'm gonna get bunch of skulls and screw it all together Yeah, that's why I jumping because this goes a little bit too thick I'm just too lazy to go go get the other ones this ones will do You wanna score them pretty tight so it actually stays straight not doing again Hey Okay Well this one is early Stadium much much studio again. You can just fuck the dirt They don't some more Jordan to it and the little pocket to do it nicely Loose to it. I might get some kind of dirt compactor and actually put some more dirt And they'll it'll make it tough, so that way it doesn't shake but look at that It's amazing if I put another one of these on the other side this medal is Not going to a lot like the wood does it's going to stay there forever He is another good example You see it so book of this fence and this is one talk about it Completely rotted out and fell apart so what I'm gonna. Do instead of changing the whole piece I'm gonna lift it up with the car pull it up or something and then I'm gonna drive in that metal piece once again Just like I did with the other ones Yeah, I'm pretty sure this one broke down as well on the bottom idea so I would lift it up There IV Dinard here and put some wedges in here this wedges And it's going to be all fixed, but now it's solareenie so I might come back later. They said here is a perfect example One in this country you see how much Okay guys this pretty much it looks kind of getting caught Hopefully it will help somebody. I'm sure a lot of you Have a fence that is rusting out and writing out and falling down So that's what you can do to fix the bail quick, and it's gonna last a long time Let me know in comments below. What do you think thumbs up this video, and I'll see you next time
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 411,460
Rating: 4.8935623 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, Easy Fence Fix, gadgets, review, how to fix fance, farm, how to fix fence posts, How to Fix a Leaning Fence
Id: YCaGCXqm00E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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