HOW TO: DIY Leaning Fence Repair WITHOUT removing panels: Quick & Easy Method!

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hey guys if you got a loose colb on fence or any fence and it's due to a shallow footing that was put in I'll show you a quick and easy way to replace the footing sturdy it up without actually removing any of the panels or as little as panels as possible uh to do that first you want to take a few pieces of uh Timber and jam them under under the fence and what this will do is it'll give your fence something to sit on so this won't drop when you Jackhammer out the concrete so we'll do this to both sides next up you want to use a small narrow digging tool and just carve out a channel on the side of the footing and this will give you some space to Jackhammer the concrete into now you got a bit of room you can go ahead and Jackhammer like so and hopefully you'll get nice big pieces like that as you can see not a lot of concrete was used in this hole only about 300 M deep and not wide enough so what we're going to do now is we're going to make the hole bigger using a 450 w 100 or and I've just used a jackhammer that I had doesn't have variable speed but it does have a clutch so what we'll do now is we'll dig a couple of holes on this side of the fence and Jackhammer the rest of the footing into it again being careful and then use whatever method you want you can use a little hand tool like that but I'm going to use a post hole digger and these things are a lifesaver well time saer now we've gotten rid of the excess soil we've got plenty of room to Jackhammer the rest of the concrete from the foundation into the hole with M I've jackhammered the rest of that concrete out now you can either dig it from the other side just to make the hole a bit bigger um cuz I'll be going to probably just a smidge deeper than that and that's about 450 which should be fine for a fence like this if you're not in a high wind area but you can either dig it from this side with a crowbar or something or go on the other side which I'll do cuz I've got access right there um and just drill straight down with this guy and that way it'll just be the right dep all the way around and super easy I've gone ahead and dug the rest of the foundation out just make sure you got the right depth and width that you want and that you do square the bottom of the hle so you don't have a u shape this is just a quick time lapse to show the process that we've done so far it ended up only taking about 25 minutes after we got the hang of it per post and I just thought it was an easier way to do it than taking the whole fence apart and having to realign it again once you put it back together now that's the Hol is dug so what we'll do now is we'll throw a string line from the first post cuz it's staying to the post we did yesterday and then that'll let us know where to line up the bottom and the top we'll just support with two bits of Timber just leaning like an A-frame and then we'll get to concreting but I'll show you how to do the uh the A-frame if you don't really know what to do as you can see that will give us the line to follow to do the Bottom now we'll support the braces bracet Sports make sure line the bottom of the post up first before you brace the top now what I'll do is I'll be using this length of Timber and we'll be propping it up like so so you can see like so we're going to start pick at the bottom but so it doesn't slide up you could even clamp it here uh using just a a g clamp or something but cuz this is the backside and I'm not actually going to see it very often I'm just going to put a screw on it just like that and then this will sit just under there again it's not designed to take a huge amount of weight it's just to stop the top from tipping over right Now i' sort of brought that back and that's level then grab your star picket in your Hammer doesn't have to go far in it's just holding it there make sure that's level with it pop the level back on and that's once it pushes back from the other side that's good right we'll go and uh we'll do the other side now this side normally if you just had the ground here you put another one like that and instead of screwing it if you're going to see it just pop a clamp and I'll show you that soon and then we can to throw a clamp on here again this is what you do to the other side if you to both sides if you don't want to see the screw hole and that is going to be well and truly stable enough on a non- windy day like this top could go just in its head it's pretty good now we'll do the same for the rest of them and that's it all set up much much better so now we'll just do the concreting start mixing for the concrete I used a ratio of one part cement to seven part Hearts concrete mix which already had the sand and agregate mixed [Applause] together and now you're just going to fill them full of concrete give him a good jiggle so it gets the concrete all in around all right on to the next one concrete's done now come have a a look at this the base might have kicked out a little bit when you're putting the concrete in that's all right what you'll do is you'll just man handle it back into place and give it a good old tap cuz you want the concrete to settle around where you've uh where you've put that and then to finish off you can give it a bit of a smooth if you're going to see it like this one that way uh just looks that little bit neater and that's uh that's it next day and the concrete has dried enough so we will take everything off and do the next view grab the little ones out at the bottom there you have it so I hope you like the video it's just a different way to do fence post uh foundations them over than is what is out on on the internet at the moment that I could see so hope you learned a bit hope it's useful and if you do like it leave a comment and uh encourages me to do stuff like this but otherwise see you later
Channel: DIY Salmon
Views: 6,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Fence Repair, Home Improvement, Leaning Fence, No Panel Removal, Concrete Work, Fence Post Alignment, Drill Auger, Jack Hammer, Fence Bracing, Concrete Pouring, Fence Maintenance, Backyard Projects, Fence Restoration, DIY Fence, Straighten Fence, Fence Foundation, Secure Fence, Fence Tutorial, Home DIY
Id: X8y3JlfsaX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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