Fix Your Fence Quick, Easy & Cheap! (Under $50)

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everyone Danny Jose here D DIY guy with another do yourself video and this time I'm gonna repair my fallen down fence it came down with major gust of winds a few weeks ago and it was as you can tell like the bottoms of the posts were rotting over basically that's very common supposedly these fences go down quite easily once the bottom part of the post gets rotten and it just spits it's really weak and it just collapses so I'm going to show you how to repair it use the existing panels and the posts and salvage for less than $20 you can repair your broken-down fence I have four posts that came down so I'm gonna use the existing posts and show you how to repost them back onto the concrete already because in concrete that's on the ground alright here we go alright so I'm gonna cut these posts down to about six feet I can get about six feet left on these ends here and that should be good I wanna cut it with a circular saw and then afterwards I'm gonna go and coat this with some protective coating I'm gonna show you the can it's this green stuff that just goes on top of this wood seals it keeps it nice and dry and so it doesn't get rotten so I measured down to about six feet and that gives me enough to cut off the the end pieces that are rotten and then I use a circular saw to do that and once that's done to help the wood from getting rotten again I use this can of n cut preserve preservative had this lying around so that helps protect the the the pieces that are exposed to water helps it from rotting and then you can see how rotten this wood got just gets when it gets this wrong and it just breaks like a twig in the wind it's very common for fences I put like two coats of that preservative to help protect it from getting rotten again and then I bought these what's called aluminum angles and they're about $12 for 48 inches so I've cut them down to about 12 to 14 inches and with this jig saw so this is where my fence blew down here is the post area this is about 7 feet so it's going to step down once I put the 6-foot post on back on and then I'll dig this up right down to the concrete where I'm and then I'm just going to start hammering the aluminum corners right down to the sides of the concrete and then I place the posts right in between those aluminum angles and then once that's done I bought these deck screws and washers there I have to buy the washers because the the deck screws don't fit in these holes so that just allows me to just grip the angles angle brackets right onto the posts I also had to cut the panel's a little shorter I did that with a circular saw about a foot shorter to match with the shorter posts and once that's done I put the panels up and and put two by sixes along the bottom to support the bottom panels and there you have it a fixed fence cost effective and using the existing wood and it's as strong as ever
Channel: DDIY GUY Danny Jose
Views: 125,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix fence, existing fence, blown down, wind storm, existing posts, salvage fence, easy and cheap fix, fence post fix
Id: Kcj72-8nIN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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