Fence Post FIX / Leaning Fence Post Repair

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today we're doing a DIY fence post replacement this winter storm that hit us a couple weeks ago knocked this fence down it was leaning at a 45 degree gonna get these old posts out I got some new supplies for today I got some pressure treated four by fours eight foot in length I also have a couple bags of Quikrete I got all my hand tools out here I put a fresh Edge on those as well I got my air hammer ready for busting up some of the concrete let's get at it let's do this Army of roly-polies you ever seen so many roly-polies before look at that freaking spider in there foreign I'm thinking we'll take a Sawzall and we'll just slice slice [Music] foreign now what we're going to do is I'm going to mount this one up here on the front side all right and then we're going to put this bottom one on flush so we're going to have a nice wide surface to bite let's lay that down under there I got this tip from my old man shout out Rick always coming in clutch the man who started it all for me all right there goes the ply feeling pretty good foreign it's working beautiful mechanical advantage now it's hitting the jack just enough bite that Jack will catch but we need it far back so we can clear the cement all right she's pretty much out oh yeah baby oh yeah we did it look at that thing so they didn't put enough concrete that concrete was never wide enough and they set it nice and deep however the concrete didn't reach the base I'm going to open this up make it a little bit deeper clean it out a bit more and then we'll get after it with the new one just a little bit more that's pretty good 27 inches to surface level one foot wide I'm content with the depth and with the width right now for this post hole next step is going to be dropping in some Quick Crete getting a little bit of slurry going at the bottom drop our post in figure out a way to keep it level and then we'll let that thing cure I think I might just mount it to this fence because this is still somewhat sturdy and it should hold our post nice and flush however I know you're supposed to stake them but I don't have any steaks so I just got to make do with what I got and again I'm no construction professional I'm decent at working on cars I'm decent at some other things but this is all new for me so we might make some mistakes we might learn some things on the way but that's how you learn at least that's what my old man always says that's how you learn I'll just use this post to secure it so if I can get it level you want to take a little bit of meat off that horizontal then I think it'll be perfect and this fence is going to hold it while this concrete cures so that's flush that's nice and straight this side nice and straight on the front so we're good Let's uh drop some concrete start mixing it's going to be better than it was before that's for sure [Music] [Music] now I'm going to slope the sides to give it a slight grade try to create some separation from this conduit check it for level one last time good on the front good on the side we are straight we are choose an arrow I'm pretty happy with this I got a nice grade going away from the posts or direct any water I got plenty of concrete in there I got way more than there was last time go let this cure overnight call that a wrap let's get cleaned up this post cure overnight let's take a look at the concrete so it's looking good I got good clearance from my conduit here I graded it a little bit it's nice and rock hard I checked the post this morning it's really Stout and strong so we're going to get this back filled with some dirt right now then we're going to get cracking on post number two and post number three these are pretty surface level with the foundation so they should come out pretty easy um I might just take down the whole section of fence today while I do these two posts I think that would be the easiest way to go let's get this one back filled we'll get started on these posts yeah she's Stout let's get some tunes up in here need some tunes for some motivation today ready to get back to wrenching they're just double stacking two by fours up top for extra reinforcement same with down below I have no idea what that's about then over here we got this wonky wonky ass Junction two four bites going down with blocking then that's a poor surface Foundation and the corded Sawzall I got a wood with nails bit this time so it should chew through this stuff pretty easy see how she does actually I should probably uh pull this rear fence board real quick too I got a little Cowboy at the end I'm not even gonna dig this out I'm going to see if the floor jack can get it without putting in any extra work so we're gonna get the blocking that we used on the last four by I'll get this mounted up right here where it's braced and then try to floor jack this puppy out of place foreign so that second one was just in there to support that first one failed from rotting out above the concrete so too much Earthen contact I guess fossil that formed around the conduit if you're curious this is a rhino it's for hand Line Construction it's a firefighting tool it's a shovel that you bend cut the tip off sharpen the edges it's a good scraping tool let's try to break some of this up with the air hammer [Music] [Music] this one's a nightmare so so I got a string line installed this is my first time using strings so I'm open to any information you guys got I just put it flush to the post and this one is new I set this post yesterday and that post is new I sent that post yesterday as well so I know that I just need to get this post almost touching that string maybe a couple millimeters off so this holds about 30 inches deep right now so I'm going to pre-fill this with some Quikrete so I can get the height up a little bit then I'll get my post in I'll fasten it down to my steak and then we will continue pouring got my eight foot post all right I want this once this sets up a little bit I'm going to want to grade it straight both ways good distance from the string line I'm happy with this we just need to let this concrete cure it's a little wet but let's Let It Ride do its thing guys I really want to be done and only do three posts but this one's got to go too because it's just going to put extra stress on my new post and my new post over here so let's get DC in this and take this plate off and start the whole process over again all right y'all just got some tacos in me took Big Bertha out to get some Quikrete mix what's up Nona what's up Nona so we're gonna get back at it I got this last hole to get dug out and I'd love to get some concrete in it before evening my girl sent me a boba we got a mango mango nectar mango bits basil seed boba have a good day fix that fence it's a hitter especially with the Boba yes we're gonna be able to get it done today I can feel it I go deeper a little bit deeper all right guys we got the depth the width isn't perfect but we're going to run it because I'm running out of daylight and I need to get this concrete set in tonight because I am done fixing fences yo I'm ready to get back to BMWs and other things so I ran out for supplies and I found this fence post Quikrete instead of the regular Quikrete I was using for the last time so we're going to try this stuff out I don't think it holds a strong structurally but I think it sets a little faster foreign just going to get this staged real quick foreign [Music] mixed I'm going to grate it up to the post real quick I'm happy with it 12 inches wide 28 inches deep I think that's good enough this one was real wide too and this one's nice and wide that one was nice and wide so we'll be in good shape this fence will be plenty strong it's all right puppy I'm friendly foreign oh you're you're a girl come here hi Zoey hi she's never been sweet I love pits all right y'all just got done chopping it up with the neighbor I'm gonna get one last support piece down in here we'll start packing up for the night foreign I think that's good for the evening I'm going to let that post cure I'm gonna get cleaned up we done for the day I got a lot to clean up here floor jack Sawzall extension cord rubbish pile so it's a beautiful evening beautiful sunset final day on the fence build I hope we're looking pretty good this one cured up overnight I put some blockage in the way to keep my dog and the neighbor's dog from getting out so we'll get this out of the way be tough to get out oh yeah that works good all right we just gotta block out this last section because we deleted a 4x4 they had two posts stacked up put our last two fence boards on we done we done for now all right folks that is a wrap for the fence repair you can see here these old posts I got so many more to do they're all wobbly and blown out this fence has a lot of play however these four posts were my problem ones after we had that winter storm this month this fence was down at a 45 degree angle so all these posts were just like loose teeth however after doing some post repair on them I got these four posts replaced they're all cemented in they're strong they're Stout we got the fence back up it doesn't look much better but it's a whole lot stronger so we got a lot more posts to do in the future got the whole back fence to take care of I got my fence on the other side of the house and garage to take care of as well but at least I'll have my driveway free of obstructions and prop rods so we'll be able to get good access up and down the driveway job wasn't perfect but overall we did have a big Improvement in comparison to the previous fence so I'm real happy with it I got some good experience getting some pen some fence posts in that was the ultimate goal for this job I just wanted to cut my teeth on it I wanted to learn how to do it learn from mistakes and with that in mind we accomplished the goal so I appreciate you checking out the channel hopefully by the time we have this video up we've hit that 4 000 subscriber Mark we're so close so I just wanted to give another thank you to all my regulars all my viewers everybody that's been supporting the channel couldn't be doing it without you I appreciate you you're keeping me pushing forward so thanks again thanks for watching and until then I'll see you on my next day off
Channel: Day Off DIY
Views: 28,668
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Id: hMQ39m7jbzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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