How To Fix A Leaning Fence Post-Easiest Method

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hey everybody i'm here today to show you how to fix a leaning fence post easily this is one of the easiest and the most inexpensive methods that you can use and you probably have the majority of this stuff lying around in your garage anyways let's get right into the tutorial as you can see this is a leaning fence post it is significantly leaning this thing is ready to fall practically no it's not going to fall it's definitely not going to fall but it is leaning significantly i've seen fence posts that are far worse than this and they're just hanging by a thread and you can use this method whether your fence post is leaning just a little bit or a significant amount once again this is not going to fall i'm not worried like i can i can you know smash on this it's not going to fall over but i do want to straighten it out so let's get right into the video as you can see what i did here is i got just a just a regular uh fence pole and you can use anything that is sturdy this is just a thin metal fence pole um but you can use anything like you can use if you have a spare piece of like a scaffolding uh pull um if you have a piece of 2x4 you can cut the edge of it to make a tip and what i did was i used the sledge hammer to smash it down into place i really went far down it's not really going any further it went about four feet underground now you're going to want to go at least three feet because that's like the frost line if you live somewhere where it snows where it gets cold where it gets i see i live in canada so you need to go at least three feet underground that's why this is leaning it's not three feet underground okay it broke they tried to fix it they didn't do a great job so this is gonna be not the most appealing not the most visually appealing way of fixing it but it's unbelievably cheap and if you're gonna you know replace your fence in the future um like this person is um then this is just a quick way to sort of make it there if you're going to replace it in a few years so you want to get your pole or your piece of wood any structure smash it down into the ground until it's really really sturdy then what you're going to want to get is some steel strapping okay so what i have here is just some steel strapping it comes in a box like this this is uh this is called all round but they're all going to be very similar there's many different kinds it's just some steel strapping okay what it is it's a long strip of steel like that and it has little holes bigger holes and smaller holes in it what we're gonna do is we're gonna attach a few of these around the pole because the pole is secure to the fence post okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna screw one side in i'm gonna pull it towards me wrap it around the pole tightly and screw the other side in and the greatest thing about this is that we can keep going tighter and tighter by going further and further down the strapping um so as you know so like i'll do one and then i'll keep going tighter and tighter so i just have some uh standard deck screws right here we're gonna start off by screwing this into this side right here so let's get a deck screw we're going to place it through the last hole right here i don't want to have much sticking out i think these are maybe two inch and we're going to sorry about that i'm gonna have to stand in front of the camera i apologize do my best to let you see what i'm doing but uh i'm gonna put this right over here just like this all right so that's in there now what we're gonna do is we're gonna twist this okay i'm gonna get another screw ready over here all right we're going to pull this loosely so i'm not going to pull it like we're not going all the way straight just yet we're just using this to hold it in place so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to pull it let's let's get the drill right here so we're ready to go pull it like that wrap this around the pole like that and i'm going to screw this in over here on the other side and it's going to essentially be holding everything in place okay i'm going to screw it in place and like i said this isn't going to be perfect yet we're going to end up making it perfect in the long run okay i got the screw in place i'm going to hold it towards me okay so now we have it sort of being held upright now you notice i can still pull it further towards me so this isn't good enough and this amount of of uh holding is not good enough okay so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna cut another piece of oops got another piece of steel strapping and we're gonna do right below so it's okay if it's too long because then you cut off the excess after i'm gonna measure this roughly to size okay that looks good and we're gonna cut this off i just use these uh tin snips you can use anything pretty much um quick shout out if you are a company that sells these mine are broke and i have a screw holding them together they're like ready to break if you are a company that sells these and you want to reach out to me um to send me a handful of them or a handful of tools then just you know what reach out to me um the best way to get into contact with me is through instagram reach out to me and uh let's work something out because i need new tin snips and i'm looking for a really good pair maybe we can work something out okay so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna once again do the same thing but below you want to attach at least three of them three of these steel straps on the fence post okay at least three so i'm gonna do three in total but you can do more like i said this is going to be replaced in the somewhat near future so that's why we're not going crazy with it now before i screw this into place i'm going to pull the fence a little bit more okay and i'm going to try and guess which hole let's try and get it through this hole yeah that looks good let's see if we can get this in place okay now check this out look at how much extra strapping there is now i can get my finger in there that's how much extra there is so we can tighten up the top and we're going to alternate we're going to tighten the top tighten the bottom tighten the top tighten the bottom and the third one as well so i'm going to loosen this one up right here and now i'm going to tighten it up so i oops let's not leave that there i removed the screw i'm going to tighten it up a little bit more we're going to put a new screw in place and we're kind of using the leverage of the other strap to feed the leverage of the strap that we're working with oops i went so i actually went right through i went right i got to use one of the smaller holes i went right through one of the big holes i'm going to use a smaller hole not a problem not a problem at all okay let's go ahead come on there you go okay we're gonna put another strap on the bottom so this will be our third strap let's make sure you can see this um you know we're going to put actually on the top i'd rather do it somewhere right here i feel like this is going to give us more leverage on the top over here so we're going to do another strap on the top why don't we cut it to size okay i always like to cut a little bit extra you end up wasting a little bit but you know what it's better than wasting an entire piece because you cut it to be too short so once again and then i'll show you the beauty of it stay tuned until the end because this is just holding it in place when you want to get it nice and straight there's a little bit more that you can do and i'll show you in just a moment so i don't mind going and hiding this screw because uh i'm not like i'm not gonna be adjusting this side only this side sorry about that they're actually mowing the lawn behind the house over here uh you know i'm gonna stop beating around the bush this is my house this is my fence who am i kidding i was trying to you know maybe not see it because i'm kind of embarrassed but it's a new house that we just bought i didn't make this fence like this it just you know i'm i'm dealing with it as a new home owner basically but they're cutting the lawn behind my house it might get a little bit loud i do apologize but you know they got to do what they got to do so we're going to wrap this around and sorry another quick note you'll notice that this pole is not directly in front of here i would have liked to put it directly in front of here really close to it right so you don't need that much strapping but unfortunately there's a lot of concrete under here so i couldn't smash the pole down far enough so i had to bring it out and to the side okay once again i'm going to get ready to screw this in place i'm going to pull this towards me oops so you know what like i said it does take a little bit of patience i'm trying to do it so that i don't waste your time in the video so you're not watching me for too long and you don't get bored but we want to do it properly so i'm going to go through this hole right here let's and and get it through this hole right here there we go okay no problem there we go so now as you can see this is a little bit loose this is a little bit loose we're going to try and tighten it up okay so i'm going to take this screw out over here and we're going to redo the bottom one tighter i'm going to go a couple notches i'm going a couple notches towards the pole okay pulling the fence towards me and we're going to screw it in come on come on there we go now this is loose again so we're tightening it up one by one we're tightening it up i'm gonna remove this screw right here we're gonna go a couple notches towards the pole okay i'm gonna get the screw through the hole to sort of save some time and get it in place and we're gonna tighten this up right here there we go now look look at this one this one's loose right so we're every time we do this we're bringing the fence closer to the pole we're straightening it out more and more so i'm removing this screw and i'm going a little bit closer to the pole to the metal pole here okay we're gonna pull this towards us let's fill it in there we go so and one more the middle one here we're gonna tighten one more time you're just constantly going and moving it closer and closer you know what i think i'm gonna bring the camera on this side to show you because i realize that you probably can't see exactly what i'm doing so i'm going to bring it on this side over here okay right over here so as you can see now we're on the other side i'm going to try and stay out of the way of the camera's view what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna loosen this right here okay right here and i'm gonna go up like two notches closer to the metal pole put the screw through there okay pull the fence towards me let's try again get the screw bit further pull the fence towards me tighten this in place right there okay so as you can see every time we do that we're able to tighten it up now i think this this post is straight enough for me so what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to tighten them i'm not going to crank the post more i'm just tightening them in place so what i'm going to do now remove this screw over here okay just making sure you can see right there and then this is loose again as you can see because the pole came so much so close so much closer to me move that one now we're not cranking the pole anymore oops we are just gonna be straightening the strapping so i'll put this right here like this i can go a little bit tighter even like let's get a little bit tighter like this there we go this is something that is cheap very inexpensive very easy to do and it works wonders and sorry the one down here i got to tighten it up just a little bit more i really want to make sure it doesn't go anywhere there we go just like that as you can see right here it is really easy to do what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take some electrical tape and i'm going to just wrap this with electrical tape just because not the edges are really sharp but you know i don't want anyone touching this and being like ow that hurts not it shouldn't really cut you but definitely it because it's thin metal you want to watch out for so i'm going to wrap the whole thing with electrical tape i'm also going to cut off the edges over here it's like i would go and i'm going to cut off this i am going to leave just a touch that i can hide away like that because just in case i ever need to adjust it you want to have that extra just in case but i'm going to cut off the edges right here okay i'm just leaving like one extra notch that i can hide away like that okay just like that okay once again everything's gonna get wrapped with electrical tape just to make sure it's good to go but as you can see right here this is by no means perfect it is by no means good looking at all it doesn't look great it's not perfect at all but when you look at it that fence post is absolutely straight i have fixed the problem i fixed the leaning fence post and that's it if you like this video please be sure to give it a thumbs up let me know what you think down below as a comment and of course be sure to subscribe for more great videos just like this one and that's all i have for you today thanks for watching
Channel: Helpful DIY
Views: 48,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix a leaning fence post easily, how to fix a leaning fence post, fix a leaning fence post, fixing a leaning fence post, leaning fence post, how to fix a leaning fence, how to fix a leaning fence easily, fix a leaning fence
Id: VCIUFiyd2cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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