How to Play Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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welcome to tabletop tactics my name is Lawrence this is Joe and together we'll be taking you through how to play Warhammer 40 000. [Music] we've both been playing 40K for many years and we are so excited to show you how to get started if you're new to the game and considering giving it a go or if you're an existing player and wanting to learn about the changes from previous editions there is something here for everyone although the setting of 40K is dark and brutal and beset by War raging across the Galaxy the spirit of the game is quite the opposite it's designed to be a shared experience enjoyed between friends over a kitchen table or amongst potential friends at gaming events there's no single player mode here so friendly and cooperative play is heavily encouraged and in doing so sets players up for unforgettable experiences at the gaming table encourage success on both sides commiserate when you obliterate your opponent's newly painted unit but most importantly lose yourself in the immersion of the game and the enjoyment of a shared experience with your friends before we get started there are some things that you're going to need in order to wage war on the tabletop a tape measure that shows inches a set of six-sided dice a selection of Miniatures for you and your opponents and finally a space to cool your Battlefield ideally you'll have some terrain to put on the battlefield as the game plays much better with it and creates a more immersive experience but if you're just starting out you can use coffee cups or books to represent ruined buildings and Battlefield debris if you're new to 40K and looking for a quick start you and a friend can purchase the Leviathan box game which has a selection of Space Marines and tyranids as well as the core rules and Mission cards but for the first time the core rules are free and available online from Games Workshop if you prefer to start with some different images assuming you've now got the core elements needed to play Let's have a closer look at the Miniatures and how their rules work in games of 40K [Music] today we've decided to take a small space reinforce which will be facing off against the alien threat known as the tyranids the Space Marines are an elite Army composed of Genetically Enhanced super soldiers cutting power armor and utilizing specialist combat doctrines to take out enemies at range or in brutal Close Quarters combat wielding a variety of weapons from High Caliber bolt guns to vicious chain swords these Elite killers were created for one purpose alone the extermination of any threat to the Imperium of man [Music] [Music] facing them is an alien threat of a measurable size swarming across the Galaxy and consuming all life before it driven with a single-minded intent of the hive mind the tyrionids fight in unison looking to strip the biomass of every species in their part let's take a look at our Space Marine Army from the ultramarines chapter this Terminator Captain will be leading our force today with a unit of five terminators under his command we also have a squad of close combat Specialists called blade guard veterans a unit of eradicators wielding devastating ranged weapons called melter rifles and a hulking ballista's dreadnoughts to deal with enemy armor we also have a fast unit of inceptors capable of flying across the battlefield and finally a vehicle called an impulsor that can transport one of our infantry units safely across the battlefield so let's take a look at all the individual units that make up our tyranism leading the force today is a neuro Tyrant a terrifying creature that can unleash psychic screams into enemy units as well as protecting the units it's leading next we have a unit of termigans this is my basic troops unit and they are here to help keep control of the battlefield these tyrionid Warriors here are ferocious Predators armed with both range bioweapons and Close Quarters claws we have some flying units next gargoyles here act similarly to term against but have the ability to move fast and can fly over enemy units and this is a parasite of more tricks it can move quickly like the Gargoyles but also has the ability to infect enemy units with parasites lovely moving on then we have a stealth unit next called leapers which are hard to hit and can infiltrate the battlefield to gain advantage over my opponent and lastly we have some big scary monsters this maliceptor is a giant beast that's tough to bring down as well as having devastating psychic abilities and finally rounding off the force is this screaming this is probably the most iconic unit in the New Leviathan box set but also provides me a brutal close combat asset for my Army that will hopefully rip those ultramarines to pieces now we've covered what's in our armies let's go over what they can do in the game each of the units in our army have a unit data card which gives us all the rules we need to use them in our game today let's start off with our Space Marine captain this is a data card and shows us all of the elements of what our unit can do these will be available as physical cards or available online for free from Games Workshop across the top we have the unit's name and underneath a series of letters and numbers M is for movement and shows us the speed in which a model moves across the battlefield and is measured in inches in this case our Terminator Captain can move 5 inches T is toughness and determines how resilient he is to enemy attacks SV is the saving characteristic indicating the protection a model's armor gives them W is the wounds characteristic showing how much damage the model can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries if a model's wounds characteristic is reduced to zero it is destroyed LD is leadership and is a value that shows The Bravery determination or self-control of the model the lower the value the better the model's leadership is OC is objective control and shows how effectively a model can wheel control over an objective on the battlefield the characteristics of ranged and melee weapons a model is equipped with are shown in the section underneath the range shows how far a weapon can shoot and weapons with a range of melee can only be used in close combat A is for attacks and shows how many attacks are made each time the weapon is used BS is ballistic skill and determines how accurately the bearer can shoot its ranged weapons WS is weapon skill and reflects the bearer's skill when using the relevant close combat weapon s is strength and How likely the weapon is to wound an enemy AP is armor penetration which shows the weapon's ability to shred through the foe's defenses D is for damage and determines the amount of damage inflicted by a successful wound most units have special abilities shown here on the right of the data card which apply during the game these can highlight anything from core rules shared by your entire Army to bespoke rules related to specific units psychic abilities and invulnerable saves which we'll cover later on the back of the card we have a few more things to cover some units will have War gear options which are shown here you can use the option shown to change the wall gear Loadout of your model to suit how you want them to wage war unit composition will show the number and types of models in a unit and the default wall gear they are armed with it will also show what units a model can attach to if it is a leader in this case our captain can join a squad of up to 10 Terminators and lead them into battle now we've covered what's in our armies let's go over what they can do in the game the first thing we need to do is select a mission this will tell us how to muster our armies how to create the battlefield with objective markers and terrain and deploy your Army on the tabletop this will also tell us any special rules that apply to the battle as well as what players need to do to win the game we're going to jump into the action quickly by selecting the only War Mission found in the core rulebook that players can also choose a mission from the Leviathan Mission deck included in the Leviathan box which gives players countless Mission options that deliver a different game every time now we've selected our mission we can now follow the steps shown to get ready to play first we'll select our battle size this will determine how many points we can spend on forging our army as well as how long the game is likely to last points are a measure of the unit's power on the battlefields and the higher their points value the more powerful that unit is the points values for every Army will be available online for free from Games Workshop next players write down their selected Army lists this can be done digitally using various apps including the Warhammer 40 000 app or simply written down on a piece of paper and shared with their opponents including your selected Army faction Detachment rules your chosen units and your Warlord When selecting your units you must include at least one character and each time you include a unit in your army record any wall gear options upgrades or enhancements it has access to as well as its points value you can include as many units in your army as you like as long as you don't exceed the points limit for your chosen battle size one of your character models must be selected as your Army's warlord and noted in your list they will be the leader of your army your selected units must all have the same faction keyword and you can take up to three units using the same data sheet in your army or up to six that have the battle line or dedicated transport keywords found at the bottom of the unit's data cart the only other restriction to unit type selected for your list are epic Heroes they are amongst the most famous or probably Infamous Warriors in the entire galaxy and are unique and named characters with endless battle honors titles and conquests and thus you can only include one of these units in your army characters in your army can be given enhancements these are special upgrades that can be bestowed upon your finest leaders to give them special abilities these can range from increasing their lethality in combat or improving their ability to lead their Warriors to Victory through Precision strategy each character can take one unique enhancement and you can take up to three enhancements across your Army list now our army lists are complete we can read our mission objectives each Mission will state what the primary objectives are and can often include one or more special rules outlining unique situations scenarios and abilities that can be used in the battle each Mission will include details on the size of the battlefield that you will need the most common size is 44 by 60 inches and there are many Maps made specifically for games of 40K that are available just like the one that we have here in regards to terrain pieces there are guidelines available from the 10th edition core rules on how many pieces to use and where to set them up and will look something like this next comes our first ice roll of the game to determine who is the attacker who is the defender and in which portion of the board they'll deploy their armies players roll off and the winner is the attacker their opponent is the defender the mission will show both players which section of the battlefield is their deployment Zone next both players will make a note of which leader units are attached to a bodyguard unit which of their units will be embarked within transports and which of their units will start the game in reserves players then alternate deploying their units starting with the attacker wholly within their designated deployment zones continuing setting up units in this manner until both players have deployed all their units onto the battlefield and now we're ready to begin our game and to determine who goes first both players roll off and The Winner Takes first turn now we know Lawrence is going first we can resolve any pre-battle rule shown in our units data cards for example the leapers can infiltrate and the Terminators can deep strike and now we can begin the battle here we go we're at the board we've just finished deployment and we're ready to begin our first game of 10th edition which is very exciting indeed yeah so in terms of our armies as you can see they're on the board here you might see some units are outside of the restricted deployment zones this unit a leapers over here are able to do that because on their data card they have an ability called infiltrate which means that they can be deployed anywhere on the board as long as they're nine inches or more away from enemy units and and the enemy deployment zone right whereas I've got a unit of Terminators and their leader which has joins them the Terminator captain in deep strike because they have the Deep strike ability which means that they can appear on the battlefield nine inches away from the opponent in turn two onwards very scary as well very scary um so Mission wise we are playing the only War Mission as we've stated from the main rule book with four objectives strewn across the battlefield here and each objective is worth one Victory Point starting from the second battle round and that it scored at the end of the command phase at the beginning of the battle round two so you can only score a maximum of three points in this way every turn and at the end of the game the person whose Army is destroyed automatically loses but if you've both got some models remaining then the person who has the most victory points scored throughout the game is the Victor indeedy this is the one mission for this size of game in the rule book in the Leviathan box you do also have this card set as well which has a heap of different missions which give you variety as we mentioned earlier on in this how to play video so now in the command phase we get a command Point each you do it'd be worth having some kind of token to um track that as you go through these are available from after table tactics dot TV forward slash shop get yours now um but with your command points you can spend those on various different stratagems there's a couple of pages in the core rulebook and there's also some available for every faction in their data called set perfect so with no further Ado you have to see who goes first my goodness why don't you go ahead and go first strong start a bold bold start not so bold but that's fine good luck sir the battle begins [Music] so as I am going first and it is my command phase and I've gained my command points what I'm actually going to do is I've got the option to use a combat Doctrine which is my Detachment rule I'm actually going to save them for later because I've only got three to choose from and I want to use them at an appropriate time but what I am going to do is use my Army Special Rule which is called oath of moments and what that allows me to do is pick an enemy unit and then I'll be able to re-roll hits and wounds against you all of my units in my Army which would be eligible for this so I'm going to pick your screen the killer okay so now we're in the movement phase and because it's my movement phase I can select a unit and it can either make a normal move it can advance or it can remain stationary the distance a unit can move is shown on its data card under M and we can move a unit any distance up to its move characteristic which in this case is eight inches with my ballistus Dreadnought the only restriction is that you cannot move with an engagement range of an enemy unit which is one inch my next unit to move now are these eradicators which are just about to move around to this terrain piece in regards to the terrain we have set up on our board the models we're moving can move over a Terrain feature but not through it for example a model can climb over a fence or a wall but not straight through it models can move freely over terrain two inches in height or less but can measure up and down a taller terrain feature deducting that distance from its movement characteristics models can't in there move mid-cline so if it's not possible to end a move as a result that move can't be made one final Quirk of movement is units that can fly any units that have fly on their data card can move over enemy models when they make a normal move Advance or 4 back fly models that include any horizontal movement onto terrain features measured diagonally when doing so the last unit to move is this impulsor and it's going to do an advanced move any model can advance in the movement phase and to do so roll a D6 and add the value to the unit's movement characteristic the only thing to bear in mind when doing an advanced move is that a model cannot shoot any of its weapons that turn following an advanced move unless they are equipped with a weapon with the assault keyword next I'm going to move the Repulsor just around this building so that I can get line of sight Targets in a shooting phase sure and now we enter my shooting phase so as it's my shooting phase I can select any of my units check their data sheet and attack with all of the weapons on their profile depending on the type of weapons that they are I cannot pick the impulse of this turn because I've just Advanced with it and it doesn't have any weapons with the assault keyword so instead I will begin with the ballista dreadnoughts now the ballista Dreadnought is going to Target your screamer killer which if you remember back to my command phase is my unit that I selected for the oath of moment meaning I can re-roll my hits and my wounds against you oh no so I'm going to use my two big guns because that seems appropriate and we will begin with the ballistus missile launcher which has two attacks on the profile and it hits on a three four five or a six I hit you both times didn't even need the re-roll didn't need the re-roll I now wound you on a three plus because my strength is 10 but you are very tough at toughness nine toughness nine yes now if I was double your toughness I would wound you on a two plus but because my strength is better but not double I wound on a three plus very good so threes or more I wound you once but I can re-roll the wound with the oath of moments and I get two sixes so your AP characteristic on the missile is two correct okay very good now because I have a armor uh save of a two plus that means that that is then reduced by two because of your armor penetration ability because I'm in front of this terrain piece here and partially visible that gives me a plus one to my cover say yeah the wall is in between the firing model and the target indeed so that means I get a three up save instead of a four up which I ordinarily would do and he's okay but you need another wound oh yes of course I do he's not okay oh so a wound goes through okay well now I have to consult the damage which is D6 on the ballistus crack variant okay so how many points of damage do you take it's just the one okay so you reduce your wounds by one now what does that make you win so I'm now down to nine wounds remaining I started on ten but you have blown off a piece of my carapace so that just leaves the ballistic Laz Cannon also has two attacks on the profile also hitting on a three plus right well one has here on the three but with oath of moment I can re-roll the other one that missed both hit on a three very good okay now to wound you I am strength 12 this time sadly it's still not double your toughness so it's still a three plus and I can re-roll with the oath of moments that's two wounds now I don't want to alarm you or you guys at home but the AP on this one is minus three so more difficult for me to say we should also mention for everyone following along this the the re-rolling I know the moment is specifically for Space Marine so this isn't for every faction this is their special faction that's a Detachment rule yeah so I've got two saves to make do I that's right very good so I know this will now be on a four up safe that's right it's two weeks right nervous oh you failed both okay now this would be a good moment to show off one of our strata gyms because I could potentially take a huge amount of damage here from those devastating last cannons so I'm going to use the command reroll stratagem which will allow me to re-roll one of these dice there's loads of stressums you can use but in this instance it feels prudent to try and keep him alive for a bit longer so I'm going to use my command point which I've got in my command phase to reroll the result of this saving throw oh nice okay that may have saved my bacon right well my damage on the ballistic last Cannon is D6 plus one okay so now I will roll this D6 I wrote off the die straight but I did get a four and I had one to it so five okay and that will reduce you from nine wounds down to four weeks he's struggling now you blew a big hole in my Scream the killer dude he's not dead though no he is Gravely wounded but he's alive and hopefully for long enough that he can do some damage in my turn right um which yes but what we should also say as well is that I wasn't able to Target the screamer killer and try and finish him off because this large structure in the middle which we're counting as a ruin today has the obscuring keyword which means that you cannot see through it because it's over five inches high exactly it's like a screaming kid I was hidden from the repulsa for now so now that we've covered an example of how a unit shoots another unit and we've seen some terrain interaction too it's now time to get an example of a fight in the fight phase which I'm sure will happen in your turn one I hope so yeah so um ordinarily we then move on to the charge phase and the fight phase is the next part of a player turn based on where the Space Marines are at the moment there's not anything that's able to declare a charge and then move on to the fighting phase but there should be plenty over here for the tyrions to get their claws into so it'll be my turn in a minute [Music] right so it comes to the tyranids term one we're in the command phase we've both gained a command Point as we did in the previous uh command phase for the Space Marines and part of the command phase is the new battle shock mechanic so in the battle shock step of the command phase I must make battle shock tests for each of my units on the battlefield that is below half strength if a unit has a starting strength of one like my screamer killer then it's said to be below half strength whilst its remaining number of wounds is less than half of its wounds characteristic for any other unit while the number of models in that unit is less than half of its starting strength that unit is said to also be below half strength so because my screaming killer counts as being below half strength I must now make a battle shock test I roll 2d6 and if the result is greater or equal to my leadership characteristic the test is passed otherwise the test is failed until the start of my next command phase that unit is Battle shocked now because of my tyranids Army rule called synapse this allows me to roll three D6 instead of 2d6 when I'm taking any battle shock tests that comes into effects when I'm within six inches of any other tyranid units in my Army unfortunately on 3d6 I still fail so because I failed the battle shock test my objective control characteristic for my screaming killer is now zero so he's unable to control objectives if I fall back I have to make a desperate Escape test for the unit which we'll cover later and on top of that I can't use any stratagems that will affect my screaming killer until my next command phase well that's that I mean he has been shot by a Laz Cannon it's I guess it makes sense he's got a little bit of battle shock he's shrugging off the wounds I'd be shocked if it was me um so that's the command phase done battle shock has been completed so now I'll move on to my movement phase great that's my movement phase complete as you can see I've swarmed forward as much as I can with my tyranid units um I have kept a couple of units on the objective so I can get the points for our mission in this game in the next turn in my next turn exactly because they're scored in the command phase from terms exactly um so ordinarily we now move on to the shooting phase and unleash some bio cannons Etc but because we've already covered that in the Space Marines term we'll move on to what we didn't cover with Space Marines which is the charge phase and the fight phase So based on where I am at the moment I've made a normal move with my screamer killer down there although he has a rather large hole in his carapace at the moment he is still able to charge um so as it stands I am just over seven inches away from this impulsor here which means I can make a charge because it is less than 12 inches away from me right which are the parameters engagement range which is what you need to be in to get into combat is one inch so because I'm just over seven inches away I need to roll a six plus on 2d6 hey good luck come on Scream a killer he's done it seven nice marvelous well we'll move him in and then we'll get ready for the fight phase it's the fight face so I have done my charge move um I've piled in but because you are the closest model within Base to Base contact that's pretty much as far as he can go yeah if you have larger units you can sort of move around and get more models into Base to Base contact to do more attacks but for now I have one giant monster fighting your impulsor so I have 10 attacks with my screamer killer Talons uh my weapon skill is three for him so I'll be hitting you on three pluses with these D6 oh that's a lot of hits not bad at all so a couple of Misses there but I have hit you eight times um my strength with my Talons is 10. my toughness is nine so it'll be three's to win yeah I guess your strength is greater than my tough okay not bad at all so much Five Wounds Five Wounds go through with the talents just like with shooting there's an AP modifier for this melee weapon what's the AP the AP is two two and I have a base armor saver of three plus six so I need fives how many wounds was it five indeed I need five fives or sixes and I only make one wow so what's the damage so so the damage for those attacks are damaged three oh so that means that 12 wounds have gone through to your impulse well I only have 11 words that means it is destroyed sir how exciting well I have to set the demise rule being no vehicle and that means that on the roll of a six I would do in this instance D3 mortal wounds in a six inch radius it explodes it explodes does it explode it doesn't it doesn't explode okay that now brings me to the unit inside I have six blade guard veterans which means I need to roll one D6 for each model inside the impulsor on the rollover one I will take mortal wounds one mortal wound for each roller for one do take two mortal wounds so one of the blade guard veterans is very badly wounded but now they must disembark the destroyed transport and ends their move wholly within three inches of the vehicle indeed so mortal wounds we should explain uh ignore saving throw characteristics essentially so any mortal wounds that go through they're so Grievous yeah but the armor doesn't know it's right through onto my wound profile ouch so that's everything disembarked right it's one blade guard Holding On by thread just about yeah will you consolidate yes so consolidation now will be done with the screaming killer this is done after you've completed the uh the the fight step uh which he has done very successfully so you can move up to three inches as you can see over here so he can now move in to engagement range no less with your blade guard veterans you do and when you do that a consolidation step you must move towards the closest enemy model as well if you are within three inches so in this instance you've gone right into the blade Guard veteran who draws his blades with the rest of his Squad and I could Now activate in the fight phase as it would be my turn to do so however we'll have to leave that to your imagination we can only assume that the Estates would of course cut the screamer killer down [Music] so we begin my turn two command phase normally I'd be doing things like battle shock here but uh as I have no units which are eligible to make a battle shock test because they're all over half strength and there are no other rules affecting them I can go straight onto my other things such as the Army rules again and the combat doctrines this turn I'm going to pick the assault Doctrine for the first time and that will allow my units to advance and charge might be nice for those tasty blade guard which did indeed cut down your screamer killer it did look you killed it my boy so with no further Ado I will also now put my oath of moments ability which is the re-roll kits and wounds onto your psychic mouth scepter oh dear now at the end of the command phase we can now show a great example of me scoring one victory points for having my eradicators within three inches of that objective now I am only holding one objective so I will only get the one Victory point this turn but that's a good start and hopefully I can score some more later on I also being a command phase gain one command point as do you but it was both players gained the command points in each command phase so with no further Ado we've got a couple of extra examples that we want to show you in game so you've got full grips with the rules let's do some special embarkation movements Now with an embarkation move I can move the eradicators to within three inches of the Repulsor if they're within three inches of the Repulsor they can then embark on this transport allowing it to move off and carry them inside also if the Repulsor had the firing deck Special Rule these eradicators would be able to shoot out of it depending on the number next to the firing deck value I.E firing deck 3 would allow each Eradicator to fire one weapon each sadly the Repulsor doesn't have the firing deck rule so we'll just have to act as a transport here now at the end of my movement phase I've moved my Repulsor inceptors the blister stradnought back to hold the objective and the blade guard have advanced as I'm in the combat Doctrine which will set them up for a charge in my later phases now however at the end of the movement phase my Terminators led by the captain use their deep strike rule to arrive just over nine inches away from all enemy models this will set me up for a charge also in the charge phase where I'm eyeing up the term against holding the objective skipping forward to the charge phase let's see if I can make that nine inch charge now that I've completed the charge move it's time to Pile in in the fight phase here my captain has to Pile in closer to the closest model which is this time again here but he is allowed to go around it as he will still end his move closer whilst also getting closer to this one the other remaining Terminator here has to pile into this term against and so forth it continues each model piling in if it can make base contact it must do so to the closest enemy model as we mentioned before the OC or objective control value on our units data cards determine how effectively they can exert their control over objectives on the battlefield in the Space Marine charge phase the Terminators made a nine inch charge from Deep strike moving into engagement range of the terminal gaunts and within the three inch range required to contest this objective in this example Joe's term against have an OC of two where my Terminators have an OC of one so at full strength the term against count as 20 models where the Terminators only count as six so the term against control the objective currently however in the subsequent fight phase the Terminators destroyed eight of the term against in combat and suffered no casualties in return so now the OC value of the termigons is 4 to the terminator's OC of six meaning the objective is now controlled by the Terminators this means in the next turn the tyranids have been denied a point for holding an objective for the mission and there we have it so with my turn to complete the Valiant Terminators have cut the term against down nice smooth thank you and now with the last few examples of 10th edition in the bag let's wrap up and cover the summary and there you have it we've covered every face of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition the command the movement the shooting the charge and we finish with the fight face that should be enough to get you started in your games of 10th edition now the game is simplified compared to previous editions but certainly not simple the thing you need to bear in mind as you start playing your games the 10th edition is that the core rules are available for free online that includes all the things you need to know for any army because also the index cars will also be available online so anything you need if you get stuck in your games if you go to Games Workshop you can get access to all of that stuff so you can pick up if you do get stuck at any point that's right and we hope that the examples that we provided in this how to play have given you a good real understanding of what the units can do and how the data sheets work and how they work in conjunction with the rules of the game so for now I've been Lawrence he's been Joe this has been in the how to play from tabletop tactics we'll see you in another video very soon [Music] on the floor [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 182,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000
Id: s3xJudBU2dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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