How To Play Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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welcome to Warhammer 40 000 10th edition I'm Stephen box from Vanguard tactics and I'm going to teach you how to play [Music] warmer 40 for tabletop strategy again that allows you to wield your favorite armies whether you are defending Humanity one of the alien races or maybe even a slave to Darkness in a game of Warhammer 40 000 there are five battle rounds and in one battle round it will consist of a player turn for each of the two players in those turns those players will get the opportunity to score as many points as they possibly can on the primary and secondary objectives using their force to move around the table and hopefully destroy some of their opponents models a game of Warhammer 40 000 consists of five battle rounds and a battle round will consist of a turn for each of the two players in those turns those players will have the opportunity to score as many mission objectives as they possibly can and sometimes that does mean destroying their opponent's units in a player turn it will consist of five phases the first phase being the command phase where they can use their army abilities they can score points and also check for morale then we'll move on to the movement phase which is where the Miniatures will move around the table trying to capture different objectives or set themselves up for a fantastic firing position the next part is now the shooting phase players will utilize all the weapons in their army to try and Destroy as much as they possibly can from range then we're into the charge phase and this is an element where players will use their models which are fantastic in combat to get them into the fight to allow them to then fight in the fight phase once all players have completed their five phases then we'll move on to the other player to muster your army and Warhammer 40 000 you first of all need to pick a faction for example we've got the Space Marines they're going to get an army rule for being a Space Marine which is called oath of moment they're then going to be put into a Detachment this attachment will unlock certain extra abilities it will also give you some enhancements and some stratagems to use across the course of the game the next thing you need to do is pick one of the characters in the book To Be Your warlord this is the character that's going to lead your army into battle once you've picked your character to lead your army the next thing all you need to do is pick all the other units that you want to include in your army each unit has a point Associated to it depending on how powerful it is and you then need to bring that up to a certain total that you've agreed with your opponent to keep the game fair and balanced for the Space Marine force today we've got the character in Warlord the librarian in Terminator armor he has been signed to a unit determinators he'll give them some extra abilities by being the leader of that Squad we've also got five in furnace Marines we've got five Stern guard veterans and then we've got the ballista's Dreadnought that'll be offering some ranged Firepower from distance and then for the tyranid force the alien race the Invaders the character that's leading the force is the tyranid prime we've then also got 20 termagorns we've got three Von Brian's leapers we've got five Barbed gaunts we've got the massive and terrifying screamer killer once you've mustered your forces you then need to determine emission and in order to do so you're going to pick a series of cards to tell you exactly how you're gonna set up the battlefield and then also any specific Mission rules on how you can score those ever important Mission points the mission parameters for today players will be using the hammer and unveiled deployment we're then going to have one objective straight in the middle of the table and we're going to be trying to take and hold the center objective players will score five victory points if they can hold that Center objective when it comes to their command phase so we know the mission you're going to need a table you'll need some terrain you're going to need two forces and then you're gonna need some dice and a tape measure you're also going to need two players today we've got Michael who's me playing the tyranids and we've got Jordan that's gonna be taking on the Space Marines so for deployment first of all players need to roll a dice each and we're going to see who is going to deploy first this is cool the deployment roll off so Jordan's won the role and Jordan can now decide if he places the first unit or he's going to force Michael to deploy that first unit then player is going to alternate deploying a unit each until all the units are on the table so in all of Jordan's cunning he's decided to make Michael deploy the first unit now Michael needs to deploy one of his units up to 11 inches onto this table that's basically a third of this battle map while that we're playing on Michael's need to deploy his models anywhere in that area but they do need to be in unit coherency now this basically means keeping all your units nice and close and not getting them too far from each other so unit coherency is two inches so that means you need one of your models to be within two inches of another model from its same unit unless that unit goes beyond seven or more models in which point you need a model within two inches of two friendly models now Michael has a very special rule on his leaders they have the infiltrate now this is a universal Special Rule Universal special rules are a common language for these rules that are going to appear multiple times throughout all the different indexes and armies in the game so the infiltrate one allows you to set up your unit over nine inches away from your opponent's deployment Zone and their models but this does mean those units can be getting very close to the enemy turn one Jordan has a very special rule on his Terminators they have a universal Special Rule could deep strike now deep strike allows them to start up in the atmosphere and then deep strike down onto the tabletop in a later turn allowing him to really surprise Michael with that deployment so now both armies are either fully deployed on the tabletop they're either infiltrating or they might be in deep strike players now need to roll off once more and the winner of this roll-off has to go first there's no choice involved you absolutely have to go first if you win this role so let's see who's gonna be taking the first turn so Michael's won the roll off so that means it's gonna be a tyranny turn one and in the first battle round of the game the first phase of the game is the command phase and both players will receive one command Point each these can be spent later on for things like a command point re-roll or other really cool strategyms that are either in the core rules of the game or found in their army detachments we're going to be using just the core stratums in today's game once you've done your CP you'll then need to use any command abilities that you have now in these rules that we're not using any of those command abilities just to make this a little bit more streamlined but players in this phase will also check for any battle shock and there won't be any because the armies are completely fully functioning at this time and also they'll score any points but we only score points from turn two onwards so we're going to move straight on to Michael's first movement phase Michael's going to first of all move the leapers now they've got a movement value of 10 inches and you'll see this on your data sheet he doesn't quite have enough movement to go up and over the terrain so he's just going to move around it and Michael's going to move from the front of the base to the front of the base this this is classified as a normal move and will later allow him to charge or shoot later on in the game next up Michael's going to advance the termagons now in making an advanced move means you roll a D6 and add that result to your normal movement characteristic their normal characteristic is six again found on the data sheet Michael's roller one which allows him to move one extra inch closer to that objective by advancing would normally stop him from shooting unless he's got any particular rules that allow him to still shoot whilst making this Advance will run move next up Michael is going to move his screamer killer now he's only going to move a normal move which is 10 inches towards the middle of the objective and this will allow Michael to shoot the screamer killer later on in the game next up is the Tyranny Prime now the Tyranny Prime is currently on the piece of terrain and in order to get down from there he can use the fly keyword and when doing so you measure diagonally towards the place where you want to end this bass move is 12 inches if Michael didn't have the fly keyword what you'd have to do is measure vertically down and then across next up Michael is going to make a normal move with the barbed corns now what he's going to do is set himself up within range of 24 inches because that is the range of their gun so that he can not only shoot this turn but maybe even get some benefits next turn the kick off the shooting phase you first of all need to pick one of your units that is actually eligible to shoot now Michael's chosen the termagons now the term are going to have the assault Special Rule on their weapon which allows them to advance and still shoot later on in that turn so Michael with this unit of termagaunts needs to first of all pick a unit that is within range of its weapons and the range of its weapons is 18 inches as we've determined the stern guard veterans are within 18 inches of some of those models so some of those models will be able to fire against the stern guard veterans he then needs to decide who has visibility but you can only shoot what you can see now we've got five models here that can see but the others are too far behind the terrain and those walls will be blocking their visibility so that means Michael has five of its termagons that can make attacks so to make an attack what you need to do is roll one dice for each of the attack's characteristics on your weapon now the flesh borers have one attack each Michael's got five models so that's going to be five dice that Michael can roll all together in one go just to save a little bit of time we call this fast rolling so Michael first of all needs to roll to hit and he needs to check what he needs on his ballistic skill it's a four plus so as you can see here we've got three that have been successful because it's a four or more and the other two are gonna fail so now Michael's hit with three we then need to see if they actually can hurt the Space Marines so you need to check the strength of the weapon which in this case is five versus the toughness of the Target in which point is four and you'll see this on the data sheet of the Space Marines so if your strength is equal to the toughness of a unit you would need fours if your strength is greater than the target's toughness which is in this case you would need threes being slightly easier because you're stronger than they are tough if however you are double the strength of their toughness then you would only need twos so as you can see here we've got two successful wounds and one which has failed now two have successfully wounded those Stern guard veterans Jordan has a chance to hopefully save them so what Jordan needs to do is check the saving throw into this is how good the armor value is and as you can see it's a three plus on the data sheet if Jordan rolls any threes he'll negate those wounds and as you can see Jordan has Shrugged off both of those with rolling a four and a five which is greater than the saving value which means they're successful and no stone guard will be dying from their shooting attack so we're now going to go with the barbed gaunts they have a 24 inch range we've determine the visibility and you need to look the true line of sight so can your models actually see your opponent's models so Michael's determined that three of the barbed gaunts are able to shoot the stern guard veterans and then the other two that can't see can shoot somewhere else this is called split firing and he's going to put those shots into the Dreadnought so Michael has a weapon here that is a D6 shot weapon so that means it's not a fixed number of shots it's actually random so what Michael needs to do is roll one D6 for each of the models that's going to fire and that's going to determine how many shots this unit gets Mike was rolled two sixes in a two so that's 14 total shots but this unit has a universal Special Rule called Blast now when your unit has blast you're going to add one shot per five models in the enemy unit so we've got a unit of five so each of these Barbed gaunts will shoot one more shot each so that now is going to be a total of 17 shots 14 plus 3 17 and now we're gonna need to roll to see who can hit these Barb gaunts they hit on fours so we're gonna remove all of the fails now the successes will be taken through to the wound roll again and the strength of this attack is five so once more needs threes to win a Target now there is zero armor penetration on these saves which means we don't need to modify Jordan's armor saving throw in any way whatsoever so he's just gonna get his base save of a three plus and because that has zero AP he's also not going to get any benefits of the cover that he stood on Jordan's failed three and he's past three now each one of these has one damage one of these damage points will go through and take off one wound off one of the models that Jordan has so the stern guard veterans have two wounds each which means it would require two of these dice to go through to inflict two damage on that model to remove it and then the other damage spills over because it's a single damage attack onto the model next to it Jordan can then allocate any of these wounds to the models that he has he chooses who the wounds go on he also chooses Which models are removed so now the models are removed and will then allocate any more shooting the unit has to onto the dreadnill so now we need to resolve the other two Barbed gaunts That Couldn't Shoot with the stern guard veterans they're shooting the Dreadnought so they need to determine how many shots they're going to get Michael's order four and a one so that's five total shots and because he's fighting against a model with just one model he's not going to get that blast benefit so he needs to roll to hit on fours the two that have been successful now need to wound now Michael's strength five but the toughness of this Dreadnought is toughness 10. now because the toughness of the vehicle is double Michael strength that's going to require sixes to be rolled to wound here which is incredibly unlikely but Michael actually has pulled something miraculously out the bag here and actually rolled two sixes so they are actually two successful wounds and now Jordan needs to try and make a save of a two plus on this Dreadnought in order to keep the Dreadnought from being unharmed I don't know how you've just done that so now Jordan needs to roll those sleeves to see if he can keep the Dreadnought from being harmed and he's completely fine with two plus saves now on the data sheet of the barbed gaunts they have a really cool special ability now most units in the game do have their own unique rule theirs is called disruption bombardment and they can pick an infantry unit that they shot at and then in the next turn so Jordan's Next Movement phase they'll suffer a minus two to their movement characteristics really slowing down that unit of those Stone guard veterans the next unit Michael fired was the screamer killer however due to the toughness of the Dreadnought he was unable to hit and wound successfully but it does have a special rule which allows Michael to then pick that unit to take a battle shock check now this battle shock check May if failed then have negative consequences on Jordan's model we won't be able to use any stratagems on it it's OC or its objective control will go to zero meaning it won't be any good at holding object whatsoever and if it makes a fallback move we'll have to take a test to see if it basically dies explodes or takes wounds so now Jordan needs to roll above his leadership characteristic he needs to roll this on two dice and he needs to equal or exceed that value and for the Dreadnought it's a six plus so that means Jordan needs to roll two dice get a six equal or more Jordan now needs to roll those two dice to see if he can exceed his leadership however the rule on the data sheet also modifies the dice by one so now this result of a four is removed by one down to a three that's under the six required so therefore this is a failed test this unit is now battle shocked and its OC will be zero and we won't be able to use any stratagems on the Dreadnought until the start of Jordan's next command phase so once you've concluded the shooting phase it's time for the charge phase now in order to declare a charge you need to be eligible first of all to be eligible you need to be not an engagement range which basically means not already in combat the next thing is that you didn't advance in your movement phase unless you've got a special rule that allows you to do so and then the third thing is to make sure you've got a unit you can actually declare a charge against and in order to do so you need one unit of yours within 12 inches of one or more enemy units so the leapers are within six inches of this unit of Infernus Marines now Michael in order to make a successful charge here needs to roll two dice and needs to equal the distance required and the distance required is five because you need to end with an engagement range and that is one inch so that five plus one is that six inches difference between the two units Mike was rolled a nine that completes his charge now when Michael makes a charge move if possible needs to put his models in Base to Base contact with one of Jordan's models so Michael's now going to move those models nine inches towards the closest model possible and get them in Base to Base contact now we've concluded the charge move only one model was able to make it in Base to Base contact but the others still need to remain incoherency which is two inches of a friendly model but also Now with an engagement range of one inch within one of Jordan's models to so that they can actually fight in the fight phase so now we're going to move on to the fight phase and we're going to see what these leapers can do in combat so we're now into the combat phase because there was no other charges Michael can make so we're going to look at the combat profile on the data sheet of the leapers they get six attacks per model so Michael now needs to roll these six attacks just like we did in the shooting phase once more so he needs to hit on threes we need to remove any fails which are all the ones in the twos because they are under the three required now Michael's strength is strength five Jordan's toughness is toughness four so that means Michael's gonna need threes in order to be successful so again removing any ones and twos from the pile the armor penetration on these leapers is AP1 which means we need to roll those three plus saves and then we're going to modify the dice so any fours become threes which also then pass but the three now becomes a two which now fails so three have been unsuccessful they failed and these are one damage each so now like in the shooting phase we need to allocate one of those points of damage to one of the wounds on those models they've got two wounds each so we're gonna lose one model and one model is going to take one wound now Michael's conclude his attacks it's now time for Jordan to strike back now Jordan has the opportunity like everybody does in the fight phase to do something called a piling move now this allows you to move one of your or more models within three inches to get as close as possible to the closest enemy model and if doing so you have to end in Base to Base contact so Jordan's just going to move that model now to make sure they can all fight and all attack so Jordan can come through the wall and get within Base to Base contact of that leaper now these four remaining models can all fight because they're all an engagement range now Jordan gets the hit back they've all piled in they get three attacks per model so 12 dice they need threes in order to hit him to combat removing all of the ones and twos that are gonna fail now the toughness of these leapers is toughness five but Jordan is only strength four so that means he's going to need a five or more in order to be successful two have been successful and the others have failed so now this has got zero AP so it's just on Michael's armor save in order to be successful the leap is of a four-up save the one in the two have both failed and these models do have three wounds each so now one of these points of damage which is two needs to be allocated to one of those models but it's not gonna mean any of those leapers are destroyed in this phase so that concludes the combat phase there's no other combats to fight with so the kick off Jordan's turn one both players will receive one command point in the clan for he's giving both players two command points total we then need to check for any battle shock now any units already battle shocked at this point becomes unbattle shocked like the Dreadnought had earlier and then we now need to check for any units that are under half strength to determine half strength you need to look at the starting amount of wounds a model has so for example the Dreadnought and if it goes below half its starting wounds it's under half strength or its starting unit size so if a unit is 10 as soon as it gets to that four Mark is under half strength and then requires a battle shock for each of those units that are in that category once we've done that which there are none of at present we then move on to scoring and in turn one there's no points scored so we go straight on to the movement phase Jordan's first of all going to make a fullback move now to make a fullback move he's basically running out of combat his normal movement characteristic and he's going to move six inches because that's what it says on his data sheet now this means he cannot Advance during a fallback move and must end outside of an engagement range which is that one inch of those leapers that he was in combat with before the Dreadnought is going to decide to remain stationary this is another type of move that you can get and also there's sometimes if you've got the heavy keyword on your weapons will give you some type of ability or benefit for remaining stationary but as it doesn't need to move it's got range to the entire Battlefield it can stay exactly where it is the next unit that needs to move is the stern guard veterans now they remember have got minus two on their data characteristic and they just want to get within 12 inches of those Keepers so that they can shoot them with their rapid fire Combi weapons now you might be wondering where the Terminators and when they're going to show up deep strike or reserves only allows you to come onto the tabletop from turn two onwards so between two and two and turn three is when all those deep strikes need to come in it's still turn one so no Terminators as of yet so we're now going to move on to the shooting phase to kick off the shooting phase we're going to start with the stern guard veterans they've got a special rule on their Combi weapon which says rapid fire if you have this rule if you get within half your total range then if you are able to do so you gain additional amount of shots based on what it says next to Rapid Fire so for example in this case it says rapid fire one that means Jordan will get one shot extra per model if he gets within half range of 24 so if he's within 12 which he is he'll get an additional shot so that means Jordan's gonna get eight shots in total for the four models here now Jordan needs to roll fives to hit and the reason why it's fives is because any fours that would normally hit are actually modified down by one and that's modified down by one because Michael has the stealth Universal Special Rule and anytime you see this it just means you're going to be a little bit harder to hit so Jordan's rolled only four hits out of the eight now Jordan needs to wound now with a Combi weapon it has says anti-infantry this is another Universal Special Rule anytime you see an ante then keyword it only requires you to roll the dice next to where it says anti-inventory so in this case a four plus and what this does is it turns anything that is a 4 into a six and when a six is rolled either naturally or through having the anti-word now means this is a critical wound roll and a critical wound roll will now because it has the devastating keyword on these Combi weapons specifically turn all of this damage straight into something we call mortal wounds now mortal wounds there is no save against no normal armor save no invulnerable save the only thing you could do is maybe use something like a fill no pain if you could shrug off that damage in this case Michael doesn't have any of those rules so therefore Michael needs to allocate three of the damage because each of those damage that of the weapon which is one is now transferred into one mortal wound one of those wounds is going to kill the remaining model on a wound and then the other two more tools are then going to carry over to the next model and Mortal wounds always carry over regardless of the damage inflict next up is the ballistic Dreadnought and the ballistic Dreadnought is going to look at the screamer killer get it in its sights and hopefully do as much damage as we possibly can so the blisters Dreadnought has a really cool inbuilt rule that allows it to actually re-roll its hit rolls so if you miss you get another opportunity to re-roll some of those dice to convert them into hits now you can only do this with the Dreadnought if the target unit is not under half strength the screamer kill is completely Fresh So this rule will be in play so we're going to kick off first of all with the two Laz cannon shots so we get two shots from the last cannons we need threes to hit we have two successful hits now if Jordan would have rolled a 2 which would have failed Jordan because of this rule could have picked up the two and then re-rolled it and hoped for another success but as we roll two threes we've got two successes now this is strength 12 this is more than the toughness of the screamer killer which is only toughness nine which means we need threes to wound so we've got two successful wounds the armor penetration is minus three so Michael has a two plus Save which means he's gonna need a roll of five because it's going to be modified by three in order to get there now Michael's unfortunately failed both of those saves he can at this time use a CP re-roll if he chooses to maybe re-roll one of the dice or he could save it and this is using one of his precious command points I think he's going to go for it so he's going to use one of those two CPS to re-roll one of those unsuccessfuls and try and hope for a five the Michael has been successful he's rolled a six which means only one of these last cannons has penetrated the screamer killer now we need to determine the damage and it says D6 so this means again like we saw with the blast weapons Jordan now needs to roll one dice and this is exactly how much damage it's gonna do plus one because it says D6 plus one so the screamer killer has just taken a massive seven wounds out of its starting ten next up we've got a rocket launcher now the rocket launcher also gets Two Shots hits on threes we've got two hits it strengths 10 into toughness nine which means we need threes to wound we've got two wounds here but the armor penetration is minus two so Michael's gonna need fours in order to stay alive we've got one's fail so that means there is a chance to screamer killer could go down to the blisters Dreadnought so Jordan needs to roll a D6 in order to determine the damage and he's only roller one which means the screamer killer is going to be alive with two wounds left we concluded the storm bolters and nothing happened because what could you expect from a strength four weapon into a toughness with a two-up save it's not happening next up we've got the Infernus Marines now the Infernus Marines cannot shoot and the reason why they cannot shoot is because they made that fullback move and that does prevent them this turn from shooting so that concludes the shooting phase we're now going to move on to the charge phase but it doesn't look like Jordan wants to make any charges because his units are built for shooting rather than combat so he's going to stay outside of combat this turn so we're going to skip the charge phase we're going to skip the combat phase and we're going to go straight to Michael's turn two it's battle round two and we once again start with Michael so both players once again get a command Point taking Jordan up to three and Michael up to two because he spent one earlier on that command point re-roll so now Michael needs to check for battle shock and the only unit that is under its half strength is the screamer killer so Michael needs to roll two dice and roll equal to or over its leadership Michael's roller seven which is under the eight needed so that is a fail which means his objective control is now zero and that is no good for holding the middle objective but there is a strategy Michael can use and that strategy was called insane bravery it's one CP and basically this allows Michael to ignore that result and remain unharmed from battle shock so I think it's probably a good idea Michael does that because it would allow Michael to score some points as he goes into his turn to giving the tyranids a lead in this game that does mean at the end of command phase Michael will score the five points for the taking hold Mission because he is the only person with OC or should I say Michael's OC is greater than Jordan's in the middle and objective range is three inches so what you need to do is check how many units are within three inches of any part of that objective it is only Michael's and therefore Michael will get those all-important five points now we head on to the movement phase for the tyranids so Michael was going to make a normal move with the leapers getting to the other side of the Dreadnought the barbed gaunts have decided to remain stationary because they're already in range and they have the heavy keyword which we're going to cover later but that's going to actually improve Michael's accuracy when it comes to shooting the screamer killer is making a normal move over the objective and then getting nice and close to those and furnace Marines allowing a charge later on in the turn and now Michael's making a normal move with those gaunts getting them onto the objective and putting more OC on that objective to try and hold that from Jordan as we go into Jordan's next turn now Michael's finished that move with the gaunts however there is a stratagem a reactive stratum that Jordan can play called OverWatch this is an incredibly powerful stratum that basically allows Jordan to shoot any unit in his army within 24 inches of that unit that either starts a move or ends a move now this stratagem can only be played once per turn which means Jordan's going to use it now and hopefully flamethrow some of those gaunts down as they move into that objective so with OverWatch you normally can only hit on a six which means you're very unlikely to actually hit regardless of how many shots you have however these flamethrowers have the torrent keyword and this torrent keyword means that once you determine how many shots you get you don't need to roll to hip so they automatically hit meaning when you combine torrent and OverWatch together it's incredibly powerful so Jordan has four models within range of its gun which is 12. within 12 of this gaunt unit here so we need to determine the amount of shots he's got 14 shots that also means 14 hits because he doesn't need to roll to hit Jordan's strength is five and Michael's toughness is three so he needs three to wound we remove all the ones and twos now Michael is on terrain and any models that are wholly on the terrain feature so on the footprint would normally get plus one to their saving throw because they're receiving the benefits of cover however Jordan has the ignores cover keyword so there is no terrain benefit whatsoever so Michael is just on his armor safe Michael's past five and failed six each of these are one damage each on those one wound gone so that does mean six gaunts have just been absolutely torched foreign now the OverWatch has been completed the Tyranny Prime can now make its move moving 12 inches and it can fly over or through its own units now there's one more stratagem that I know Jordan wants to play and it's called rapid Ingress those Terminators that were in deep strike can spend one command point to now enter the battlefield actually in Michael's turn normally they would come into deep strike in Jordan's term but this allows him to skip a stage and actually come in right now at the end of Michael's movement phase so Jordan can set this unit to Terminators up anywhere on the table providing that they are over nine inches away from any enemy model so the start of the shooting phase we're going to kick off with the barbed gaunts they only have 24 inch range which is why it's incredibly important for Michael at this time to shoot them first because if he was to shoot another unit and take some of them out of range they wouldn't no longer be able to shoot and if you want more great tactics like this then consider following Vanguard tactics so the barbed gaunts they get those D6 shots each and remember their blast but the unit is under five so no blast benefit no extra shots he's only gonna get what Michael can roll Michael's got 17 hits but this weapon has the heavy keyword and if you have the heavy keyword and remain stationary you get plus one to the hit roll so normally he would need fours but any threes we're going to add one to it and they're gonna become successes so we've got 13 hits they're strength five toughest four so we need threes to wound so we remove all the ones and twos Jordan needs to make his three plus save Jordan's failed three these are all single damage each so one of them it will pip off the last wound on the wounded model and then the two more damage will go through and kill one more so that is a total of two Stern glad veterans killed the next up is the screamer killer and he's also going to Target the stern guard veterans it gets D6 plus three shots we've got a total of seven shots here we hit on fours remove all the fails now this is strength a because that is double the toughness of Jordan's Marines he's only gonna need twos to wound we've got three successes so the armor penetration is minus two so that would normally mean Jordan needs fives in order to be successful however because his models are wholly on the terrain feature and there is some AP to this value that means we are going to get the benefits of cover AP value on this is minus two however Jordan is in cover so we'll get a plus one to his saving through so therefore it would normally be a five because of the minus two but we get plus one to that bringing it back down to a four plus oh Jordan has failed to these are one damage each and that's going to kill one more Stern guard Jordan had to take that battle shot check because of the rules and was able to successfully pass that one now we've only got one unit left to shoot and that is these terminal gaunts they've already lost six models and they've got one shot each going in that remaining Stern guard so it's 14 shots hitting on fours Jordan's got a three plus save let's hope he passes some he has failed too so that means the remaining stirred guard is dead that concludes the shooting phase now it is onto the charge phase now this would be an ideal time to use the OverWatch stratum because you could also use that in the charge phase however it is only once per turn and Jordan's already used it so it's on to Michael can charge with free reign knowing that there's no more OverWatch so again it cannot charge if he's already in combat he can't charge any units that are outside of 12 inches and you can't charge any units that Advance this turn so Michael's first of all going to charge with the leapers into the Dreadnought he's obviously made it he's rolled in eight and because he can end eight inches in Base to Base he absolutely has to do that next up is the screamer killer he's rolled a three and that is just enough to get him with an engagement range and Base to Base of those in furnace Marines and then he's finally got the tyranid prime he's rolled a six again allowing him to end Base to Base contact with these Infernus Marines and that concludes the charge phase it's finally time for the screamer killer to see how ferocious he can actually be in combat now the screamer killer has 10 attacks he's looking for threes to hit so we're going to remove all the fails so that's three are gonna fail within strength 10 so we need twos to wound here we've got six saving throws to make now this is minus two AP there is no cover because you do not get covering combat which means Jordan does need a five plus in order to save his models in every single fail we'll kill an Infernus Marine because it's flat damage three he has failed five he's actually failed all six which means the entire unit is obliterated from the face of the planet we've concluded the attacks in the screamer killer the models have been removed which now allows Michael to consolidate three inches if he can get within engagement range and remember that's one inch now Michael's screamer killer was within four inches of the Dreadnought which allows him to move three and get within that ever important engagement range so this does mean the Dreadnought could attack and maybe kill that screamer killer if he's lucky and if not then the screamer killer is going to destroy that Dreadnought next turn now next up is the Tyranny Prime so the Tyranny Prime is over four inches away from the Dreadnought which means it cannot Pile in to get an engagement range so the only thing left it can do is consolidate towards the closest objective if and only if it's within six inches because you can consolidate three inches and then you need to end within three inches of that objective marker range so it can move back a little bit to claim this objective in the middle we concluded the leapers off camera and as you can probably imagine did absolutely nothing to a Dreadnought with that two-up save and only wounding on fives and sixes next up we're going to go with the Dreadnought so after all the units have charged because they get to fight first by charging that's a benefit from charging you gain the fight first keyword so therefore we resolve all the fight firsts now any units that don't have that keyword such as the Dreadnought now get to fight and we would actually alternate the next up we've got the Dreadnought now the Dreadnought is going to attack those leapers it gets five attacks hitting on threes but it no longer gets that re-roll because it only works it with ranged attacks he's only had one two successes he's wounding on threes because it strengths seven into toughness five that's one wound zero EP we're looking for a four up that fails and that kills the model with only one wound remaining so now it's Jordan's turn two and it's time for a command point for both players taking both Jordan and Michael up to two CPS to spend on any of those core strategies we're also going to see if Jordan needs to take any battle shock however Michael didn't just take those units to half strength he absolutely obliterated them so there is no battle shot required for Jordan we're then going to see if Jordan scores any points and Jordan has zero models within range of that objective so Jordan is going to score zero points on the primary objective but it's still only early days and hopefully Jordan can make a comeback in later turns of the game so now we're on to the movement phase for the Space Marines let's see if they can crush the aliens cup so we're going to start with the Dreadnought and it's already in combat now the Dreadnought has a really cool rule called Big Guns Never tire so if it stays in combat is actually on the rare occasion able to shoot because it is a vehicle or a monster and has the big guns never tie keyword so Jordan's going to remain stationary with the Dreadnought and hopefully just shoot the screamer killer into Annihilation but he does have that unit of Terminators left and they're going to move a flat five inches towards either the objective or another unit that they might choose to shoot or charge later on so the kick off the shooting phase we're going to start with the Terminators and Jordan has decided to shoot the barbed gaunts so these storm bolt was a rapid fire two they get two shots plus the additional two which it says Rapid Fire 2 giving four shots per model for a total of 16 shots now the librarian gives a really cool rule called sustained hits when he's leading the unit which he is now every time Jordan rolls a critical hit roll which is basically every time you roll a six that's going to trigger the sustained Rule now the sustained hits for every hit you get gives you an additional hit if it for example says sustain one you get one additional hit if it's a said sustain two you would get two additional hits so Jordan puts one more dice in because that counts as one extra hit for that one roll of a six we're now looking at strength four into toughness four meaning we need fours on the wound roll now Michael has a four up save however because all the models are getting the benefits to cover and they do not originally have a three plus save we add plus one to their savings row meaning Michael is looking for threes in order to be successful now the bar of God's got two wounds each four damages gone through so that does take four wins off the unit and therefore kills two Barbed gods next up is the classic Soul Cannon the most one of the most nostalgic weapons in the game this gets six shots is hitting on threes it's missed four times however this is a strength six weapon meaning we are looking for threes to wound but because we did roll one six that gives you one additional hit because of the librarian we're looking for threes we've got two successful wound rolls but the six is a devastating wound because that is a critical wound roll of a six that inflicts one mortal straight away no save required and then Michael has to make two more armor saves he's failed one and the Mortal wound would then kill one more model so next up is the librarian it's going to unleash a Smite attack this is a psychic power and he's gone to essentially overcharge this attack it's making it a lot more damaging and a lot more powerful it's D6 shots we've got a three We Roll three hit rolls on a three up to be successful we've got three successful hits now this is strength six and toughness four so we only need threes to wound that is two successful wounds now each of these are minus two AP but Michael is gonna get the benefits to cover one is passed and one is failed this is a D3 damage attack so a D3 you might be wondering what's that will you roll a D6 and if you roll a one or a two the result is a one if you roll a three or a four the result is a two and if you roll a five or a six it's going to be a result of a three we've got a three that does two damage killing a two wound model now it's time for that hazardous check in order to do that any unit that fired a hazardous weapon or psychic ability has to roll a dice on the result of a one either one of the models if it's a non-vehicle non-monster or non-character model would just be slain or if it is a character Vault vehicle a monster it will just take three wounds so do not roll a one otherwise you could suffer the perils you rolled a three you've successfully passed your hazardous check and you are okay to proceed so next up we've got the Dreadnought to shoot now the Dreadnought is going to allocate all of its shots to try and take down that screamer killer so that's the storm bolters the rocket launchers and the last cannons now this is a vehicle so it does get the rule benefit of big guns never Tire which does allow it to shoot in combat however it will suffer a minus one to hit because clearly it's just harder to hit something when they're that close so Jordan needs to roll two shots for those last cannons to see if they can hit and we're looking for fours we no longer get that re-rolls because it's no longer over its half strength so therefore it's only one hit we're looking for a three little wound we've rolled a four so this will successfully wound but this is ap3 meaning that Michael needs to roll anything for five or six he's rolled a one now Michael could re-roll this but with the amount of shots left it's probably not worth the idea so this is going to be D6 plus one damage so this literally cannot fail because even if Jordan rolls a one which he rolls a four we add plus one to it because the last Cannon rule of D6 plus one taking the last two wounds off the screamer killer so the screamer kill is dead but however it has a rule called deadly demise now on a six plus it essentially explodes or lashes out as it goes down and it might inflict some Mortal wounds it doesn't so therefore Jordan has unfortunately got off safe from the screamer Killers being destroyed now the Rockets the storm bolters that are also allocated to that screamer killer at this point cannot be allocated anywhere else so therefore all those shots are wasted and we now just need to remove the screamer killer so that concludes the shooting phase so it's just time for now Jordan to try and make his charge into the tournament he's within seven so that means you need a six he's rolled a nine which allows him to move all of his models obviously keeping coherency nine inches towards the gaunts and getting every model that can into Base to Base contact without ending his move on the objective so now we're in the combat phase we start with all the units that have the fight first keyword so that is any charging unit or the leapers now when units have the fight first keyword they're gonna fight at the top level okay so they're gonna fight before anybody else and we always start with the non-active player and the non-active player is Michael so Michael gets to select his leaper first of all to fight into that Dreadnought we resolve the attacks and the leaper did absolutely nothing to that Dreadnought with its two plus save being only minus one AP so now it's time to see what the Terminators can do in combat now not all models are in Base to Base contact so that does mean Jordan can make a three-inch piling move to get any models in Base to Base contact and if they cannot end within three what they can do is end within Base to Base contact of another model of its same unit that is also in Base to Base contact so this Librarian Is Base to Base with this gun and this Terminator is now Base to Base with this guy which allows him to fight through that model as well so it essentially allows you to fight in two ranks providing all those models a Base to Base and Base to Base is Terminator time and the Terminators have four power Fists in the squad and one of the Terminators has a power sword so we're just going to resolve all of the Power fists first of all they get three attacks each they hit on threes any sixes explode because of the librarian or sustain so they'll put in two additional hits now because we roll two sixes then we are strength eight on toughness three which means we're needing twos because we are double the toughness or all of them have been successful so that will mean each of these because it's -2 AP will go straight through the armor of the torment and kill a model per one that is successful so that means 12 gaunts are now absolutely obliterating one thing to note here is that the Terminators do have a two damage weapon but damage doesn't carry over so although the gaunts only have one wound each the two damage just stops at that one wound model it's only mortal wounds where the damage would continue to spill so it's only 12 models although it technically would have caused 24 damage in total next up is the sergeant with the Power sword it's four attacks hitting on threes we have a sustained hit means that one miss basically goes back in we're looking for threes to wound and an ap2 will slay any model because it's only five up saves that kills the rest of the squad and therefore all those models will be removed so we've concluded all Terminators attacks and the entire unit has been destroyed that does mean the librarian will not have anything to attack because at this point he's not an engagement range of anybody else so once we've finished the attack sequence for the Terminators they can consolidate they can consolidate up to three inches if they so wish into the closest enemy model now they can get with an engagement range of the Prime and it's probably a good idea to do so so it can't move away and charge something else so by tagging it means that it has to stay in combat next turn so the Terminators have finished their consolidation move and they are with an engagement range of the Tyranny Prime which does allow it to actually activate because you can either fight after you've charged or if you find yourself an engagement range you can then attack so in this case the tyrionid prime can start to put all of its attacks onto the Terminator unit or if you've got some command points left like Michael has you can do an epic challenge now the Epic challenge allows you to Target that character model in that unit so instead of just putting all the attacks on the Terminators the bodyguards to soak up those wounds you can actually directly Target that character unit and try and kill the warlord so Michael by spinning that one CP gets the Precision Rule and that allows him to do this so all these attacks can now be allocated to the librarian you get six attacks hitting on twos Michael's got six hits his strengths six into toughness five which means he needs three still wounds he's got Five Wounds and he's at AP1 and two damage each could actually kill the librarian to see what he rolls Jordan has rolled a one a one and a two but because it's AP1 this 2 is reduced by one meaning that we have now three fails each of those are two damage each that's six total wounds on the character but he's only got five so that means the librarian has been utterly destroyed by that tyranny Pride we resolved the dreadnoughts combat and that didn't do anything to the leaper either so that concludes our game for today and we would normally play this out to a natural conclusion at the end of battle round five but we want to leave you in suspense and hopefully bring you back to watch some of our more epic 40K battle reports in the future we play 2 000 points so much larger games and really helping you through all those processes through a little bit of entertainment but mainly education our efos is all about sportsmanship and fair play and we really want to help you improve your gameplay in the awesome game that is Warhammer 40 000 10th edition and if you want to pick up your love for iPhone box do check out some of the links below as it really helps us and also our sponsors of the channel but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today the link in the description below and one final thing a massive thank you to Games Workshop for not only making this incredible hobby for us to enjoy but also for sending us this preview box to actually show to you and if you have enjoyed this video make sure you like subscribe and write below exactly what you found useful and if you found this video helpful so we'll see you on some more epic battle reports and take care
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 158,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer40k, 10th edition, leviathan, coaching, vanguardtactics, tabletopgaming, warhammer, games workshop, battlereport, new40k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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