We Got the Army Games Workshop Never Made!

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foreign [Music] decade since the first of the demon engines were introduced into Warhammer 40 000. these mechanical atrocities take on many forms and models to represent them have been introduced over the years from walking gun platforms known as Forge fiends to Flame belching helldrakes scuttling magic infused arachnids and giant track Titans capable of unimaginable destruction they're often seen driven forward into battle by the legions of the chaos Space Marines which have an extensive range of Miniatures enjoyed by hobbyists and Gamers alike for years but what about the traitorous Tech priests and dark Mage either build these war machines for the forces of chaos why don't they have a range of miniatures the aesthetic of the dart mechanicum has been depicted as recently as 2023 in the arcs of omen's books showing some truly nightmarest depictions of mechanically infused Warriors zealots and Priests and they're certainly depicted in the law as well but outside of demon engines Games Workshop have never made any models to represent the dark mechanic for hobbyists and they certainly haven't been represented on the table top until now [Music] foreign [Music] new studio Army the dark mechanicum who saw that coming we certainly didn't this project has been lovingly created built conceived kit bashed theorized by one of our on-demand bosses Phil Henderson we were absolutely blown away when he got in touch and then once again when he brought the Army into US recently he's donated the Army to us which was a huge huge blessing a dark blessing upon the studio so please join me in thanking Phil for donating the Army to us where we absolutely love it and we're so excited to be using it very soon in battle reports for you guys and onwards into the future and what I mean soon I actually mean right now so our on-demand bosses you can go over to the website right now and you can actually see the very first bathroom Report featuring the dark mechanicum which is available now if you're not an on-demand member please consider signing up it's a pretty good time to do so because we've got this brand new Army that you just don't see anywhere else it's available now table or tactics.tv you can sign up for a monthly or yearly membership you can get access to that battery report amongst hundreds of other videos consider signing up support us support Phil say thank you again to Phil and join us in looking at this wonderful new Army with that out the way let's have a closer look at this incredible Army I'm so excited to take you through it because I get a chance to look at it once again which makes me very happy you just don't see dart mechanicum out in the wild you will occasionally if you're lucky you might see a passion project out at conventions or at your friendly local gaming store or tournaments I've seen Eldar exodites in my time I've seen a full crude Army in the past lovingly crafted theorized and put together in the absence of models made by Games Workshop because they love the law or they love the theoretical aesthetic of the army but this one this one right here is probably the finest example I've seen of an unrepresented faction in 40K and we're so excited to have it now although the Army's completely custom it is also wysiwyg so all of the War gear is correct and one of the objectives Phil had when making this force is that although they all look very different to the usual abmic range of models they're still recognizable enough as not to confuse anyone playing against the Army but he has managed to balance this with mixing in all sorts of different kits so you've got necromander in here age of Sigma of course you've got chaos space stream bits and pieces as well but there is a heap of different bits from all types of factions and they all fit together so well to make a really cohesive look to the Army and with that in mind let's have a look through all of the units right now starting with the leader of this Force belisarius core so with our dark leader here he's very recognizable as representing cool as he's used the cool body and parts from The necromonda delac Specialist box as well as parts from the Lord discordant Venom crawler and the wartsmith kids I really like the opened up pose of this model it still retains the whole multi-layer map human body stuff from the original cool kit but it just makes him feel a bit more unpredictable and enraged compared to the hunched over plodding nature of the original cool model now luckily with this project the admit range is already pretty creepy so sometimes less is more when making something appear like they're aligned to the dark God so with the Dominus and manipulous models we can see that there's not a huge amount of changes to the core of these kits he's mainly swapped out some of the warp Smith parts and the necron technomancer skull data storm thing it looks really cool this techno archaeologist here is based on the gene Steeler biophagus but he's also added in some really cool flying skitari infiltrator heads which work really well as drones to carry in all of his extra equipment to battle our Tech priest is mostly from the Lord discordant kit he's got this really creepy spidery lower body from the servo arms in the cool kit and he also uses Cool Swiss Army act now something that's really cool I like about this project is that he's managed to use bits from everything so there's not much that's gone to waste here at all now this one makes me very happy this is a data Smith aka the dark jacaro I imagine this was a really nice palette cleanser in the midst of this massive project now some of you might not recognize what this is it is quite an old model it's still available as far as I'm aware from Forge World it's the jacaro but with a lot of heavy conversion work he's the monkey head here is made from a lower jaw of an orc and one of the skulls from that amazing skulls box that Games Workshop makes and there's also some really nice green stuff sculpting this is such a cool model I love it now on to some troops and these are the scatari of our Dart mechanicum Force now it's mainly simple weapon swaps here from some necromonda and Gene steel occult kits but often simple is best when you're doing an enormous project such as this and it does take quite a lot of stamina so I think this was probably Phil's fair warning to everyone that might be embarking on a huge project not to over exert yourself with some of the more basic stuff but just add in a nice bit of flair here and there to make it look different enough but don't weigh yourself out you need to save all your energy for the big stuff and speaking of big stuff here are the cataphrons so these are a mix of obliterators on tracks as well as some necromonda Bots like the ambot and the new Palatine kit and he's very graciously magnetized all of these so we have all of the weapon options for our games now these Doom Riders are so cool so Phil wanted something a bit more heavy and brutal in its style compared to the original kit without using a space spring tank which should have been the obvious thing to do so he's taken the mortar out the top of a blade burst crawler kit and repurposed the inside to make a platform from the squads that will be transported by it I like to imagine those dozer blades will probably rise up when the transport gets close enough to unleash its deadly cargo it's very exciting so these priests May well be embarked on one of those Doom Riders so this is another fully magnetized unit which is brilliant they're made up of the necrom under corpse grinder gang kits and have also got some of those really creepy spider heads from one of the walkway boxes so next up these rust stalkers and infiltracers are probably the biggest departure away from the original look of the admit kits but I think they are still recognizable in comparison to the Abbott units that they're designed to represent and these were a combination of a lot of really interesting Parts left over at the end of the project including servitors from the caterprons the weapons from some chaos Knights and also some accursed cultist bits a very cool detail I like here is how the cultist body parts and the leftovers guitar heads have been mixed up to create a sort of dark merging of Flesh and machine yeah it's gross so next up the Cerberus Raiders sulfur hounds are made up of one of the kits that I think are one of the big favorites by ad Mech fans people are very fond of the space cowboy look unsurprisingly but I think these are even cooler he swapped in some of the heads from the chaos knights in the ocean bone Reaper Cavalry as well as some of the skull faces from the Aussie Arc stalker kit I think this is one of my favorite units in the Army it's just awesome so these are the teraxi sterilizers now this is one kit personally which I have never got on with because the original kit just Falls over really easily but these also just look amazing as well so these are also made up of some necromondor models I really like the Green Goblin glider look that these have got with the rust Orca heads they're very very cool next up we've got a depiction of one of the most iconic admit units it's the chicken walkers aka the balustari or the dragoons so these are made up from Venom crawlers war dogs drones and bloat drones and they look so good I know I said the last one was one of my favorites but I think these might be my favorites so these are castle and robots they are made from the hell brew and the contempted Dreadnought parts to keep with the sort of smallest Dreadnought design that the originals have he's used some of the Canon muzzles from the forge fiend kits I think one thing I don't like so much about this one is that it makes the chaos Bay Spring held Roots look even sillier than they already do so then but good for the dark mechanicum so the Scorpius disintegrator here used the same play cooler chassis idea as the June Rider um Phil got a bit stuck finding the right top part for it but somehow ended up using the carapace from a knight Dominus of all things so what do you get if you mix a hell Drake with an Ico copter this the engines are from the bloat drone kit and the pilot is from the servitor from the June crawler and again another example of how no bits have gone to waste in this project and finally we come to the last couple of models in this beautiful dark mechanicum Army the June crawlers so in film Zone was he went a bit nuts with these ones mainly because the massive base of the original does make it kind of hard to get them confused with anything else the first one here is inspired by the kaban machine artwork which has been around for a long time you can search for it online to see an example of that that artwork was one of the main Inspirations for the project the model itself was made mainly with the catafront tracks and Forge fiend Parts you can definitely see a resemblance to the artwork and you can see how Phil took that original piece of artwork and then expanded it throughout the whole arm it's very very cool the second one is wild so this is a very cool way to work vast or the arcophane into the army he sat upon his ancient Throne overseeing the Majesty of this mechanical force for up on high as am I oh and there you have it that is our brand new dart mechanicum Force for the studio it's been lovingly and painstakingly created by Phil we're so excited to feature it regularly on the channel and one last thing I wanted to mention so when I'm speaking to Phil about this project just to get his thoughts and feelings and inspiration for the project I asked how I can credit his work in the video so people can see it and he told me he doesn't post anything online at all which in this day and age for me is incredibly refreshing and that should be a reminder to all of us that sometimes the pure joy of the Hobby in its simplest form is often enough and that's it thank you for being here I've been your humble host chaos Lord beard thank you for joining us here at tabletop tactics we'll see you very soon for some more videos right here on YouTube and like I said before there is a whole heap of extra stuff including the first dark Mechanical Battle report available now on demand we hope to see you there I'll see you soon [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 61,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS, Showcase
Id: A-3jkOuww4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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