Tyranids vs Space Marines! New Edition. Warhammer 40k battle.

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foreign new 40K is upon us the 10th edition of the venerable game promises faster smoother gameplay and simpler not simplified we find out if that's the case as newcomer Rebecca takes on veteran Space Marine Steve in this our first ever 10th edition Battle report this is 40k in 40 minutes season five [Music] greetings fans JT McDowell here and boy oh boy do we have a fantastic game for you today most of you will recognize Rebecca from our first steps 40K video series we shot with her Steve Nick and Rahul Kohli she's bringing in Leviathan bugs to Nom Nom on some Space Marine Steve LED ultramarines special thanks to Games Workshop for the advanced copy of the Leviathan box set we had a blast painting them up for this report and are really looking forward to see how they play hi I'm Rebecca and I some more 40K I have a dream and it is beat Steve and it's going to be today we haven't faced each other since we played together in Kill team and so today's the day that I will beat him finally and I'm gonna do it in his house I'm gonna do it in front of his friends and it's going to be glorious the tyranids consists of the new screamer killer a neurotyrant a flying tyranid Prime the new psychophage 20 termagons some Ripper swarms 5 Barb gaunts 11 neuroguns and three Von Ryan leaper lichters what an amazing set and they were super fun to paint and build Rebecca has chosen to give her Wing Prime adaptive biology he gets a five up feel no pain that becomes a four-up once he's wounded the 10th edition is supposed to be easier for new people so let's put that to the test I think I'd be a really good candidate for that one of the ones that I took to right away is the psychophage I love the look of this one it's got a scary mouth it's got tentacles it's got a hooked body almost like a scorpion it looks really freaky and I can't wait to see what it does [Applause] hey everybody this is Space Marine Steve from play on tabletop and Tack back there is eye rolling because I start every single clip the same we're just gonna play them off I get to play against my very good friend Rebecca oh and it's a big day oh it's a big day why because this is not only the start to season five of play on tabletop but I get to play the ultramarine for the play on tabletop studio and we get to add a whole new section to it we are playing the Leviathan box set the ultramarines consist of a librarian a Terminator Captain an apothecary biologist a Phobos armored Lieutenant with cubby weapon five terminators five Stern guard and two squads of five in furnace Marines she's got lots of swarms and I've got all kinds of flamethrowers 10 of them to be exact so I am uh anything I'm doing pretty good those gaunts are not gonna get too close to me I think today we are playing only War right out of the Leviathan rulebook players place four objectives and holding these will score victory points starting on turn two most victory points wins the game however should either player wipe out the other completely score won't matter and they will win each objective is worth one Victory point to a maximum of three per turn starting again on turn two [Music] we have Hills and craters today but that's it that's all you'll get to see how simple terrain is in 10th edition I for one welcome the change both players have placed their objectives and declared their battle formation Steve is playing the Gladius task force to the Leviathan box set and Rebecca is playing The Invasion Fleet also from Leviathan and now what we need to do is establish who is attacker and who's Defender yeah you're the attire which means you're over here on the left okay I'm the defender so I'm over here on the right all right so what we're going to do is we're gonna put uh whatever unit attachments that we have so we're putting characters inside of units and we're going to place units into reserves I've actually decided to not put anything in the reserves so I'm going to put it all on the table it's a brand new box set I want to play with it all all game nothing's going in reserves all on the table baby yeah I think for today my strategy is going to be paying attention to the very top of the game where we start placing our armies I feel like I need to watch what Steve is doing which one he hasn't put on the table yet which ones are going on First and perhaps use that to my advantage to placing my own Army Steve has chosen to attach his librarian to his Terminator Squad and Rebecca is deep striking her Ripper swarms and has attached the neurotyrant to the nerdogans attached units are a big thing in tenth I'm excited to see how they play all right well uh so you are the attacker and what that means is that you get to deploy the first unit okay right up to the front and then he's gonna be like so I'm gonna take my first unit [Music] let's go Rebecca okay okay don't have points this is my neurotyrant and bloop a unit of stern guard veterans we're gonna go right back here the psycho phage so we want to put the psychophage somewhere close to these guys it's pretty far like you can put him right behind you know so I'm going to use my other unit of ferns Marines all right Rebecca next one's all yours now I'm going to place my barbagons they're very big guns they're all named Barb they're all named they're all my Barbie guns they're from the East Coast I'm gonna place my Apothecary right here Rebecca has deployed her Von Ryan leapers very forward very aggressive and Steve has countered with his lone operative Phobos Lieutenant similarly but on the opposite side of the table this should make for an interesting first turn oh okay he's so I'm gonna take my Terminators and my turn at hers are gonna go right here [Music] there yes then he would be interested all of these guys right you additional synapse pretty big captain and Terminator armor the captain of Terminator armor is gonna go back over here now what happens in the process this is like 40K is doing for me again I've played 40K for a long time but like we're I'm about to take my like first roll of 10th edition yeah and it's gonna be all the more devastating when you lose your first game at it too oh okay I feel like I wanna go second nope I have to go first I'm not a huge fan of having to go first I was really hoping that she would have to go first I'm out of hiding and then I would get better shooting Lanes at her however that didn't happen it's okay I'll just move up a little bit maybe try and get some shots at those Vaughn Ryan's leapers and we'll see if we can do a little bit of damage here at the beginning of the day I get to go first you get to go second this is the first game of tenth Edition I'm so excited have yourself a great game you too today's episode is sponsored by gamemat.eu if you're looking for everything or anything to build the battlefield of your dreams game at dot EU has you covered from beautiful neoprene mouse pad style mats to pre-painted terrain and all things in between they have everything you need ready to go right out of the box make sure to check out the link in the description below and tell them play on sent you prior to the beginning of the round Rebecca's choosing swarming instincts that's going to give sustained hits versus infantry and swarms to her entire Army so I'm gonna be sort of careful here you got to make sure you don't get the pounce on me because uh you can do a lot of damage I don't like that so uh we start with the command phase starter turn one and both players get a command Point Steve choosing oath of moment Target the Von Ryan leapers no doctorate choice for Steve this turn he only gets three and he's decided not to use one now so Space Marines now in 10th editioner is all about pre-planning making sure you know what's going to shoot what and so I owed the moment the Von Ryan's leapers and I think I'm gonna be able to get the stern guard into a good position to shoot at them and then maybe with the Dreadnought two to try and finish them off if that happens we'll see we'll see I think I can do it now I'm gonna go through my movement phase anyways we're gonna go this way with my Stern guard veterans and then I'm gonna take my unit of Terminators they are just gonna waddle forward a little bit and my uh in furnace Squad that's uh stack of ruins here is going to advance one whole inch nominal one in furnace Squad advances to this movement phase and everyone else is moving up looking to pop those Von Ryan's leapers [Music] and then a little breakfast and then this Infernus Squad [Music] and then I am going to go into the shooting freeze yes Stern guard targeting the leapers now they have stealth so they're going to be minus one to be hit but oh the moment is going to give them re-roll everything the combi weapons one of them is in rain in rapid fire range and one of them is not so three times being shot uh shooting you so I'm hitting you on fives re-rolling anti-infantry four plus devastating meaning any wound of a four up is going to be a critical wound and devastating makes critical wounds mortal wounds so I have a heavy Bolter that heavy Bolter is also devastating wounds and that means two Lakers are dead and one is left on one wound oh yes Stern guard veterans sustained hits devastating wounds for a devastatingly handsome space brain captain Oh I love it I'm gonna then take my ballistic Dreadnought and the ballistic Dreadnought is going to shoot over here at your bong I'm gonna go with the last Cannon first fours because of yourself free rolling on twos okay so two AP minus three wounds so I need to roll two sixes my guy Threat all right no she did not do it she does not do it an ideal a lot of damage to it oh no the Von Ryan leapers are gone that first Army getting taken away is always it's always hard to see within the first turn just an entire unit get wiped out and then uh going to my charge phase I don't have any charges to declare I go to the fight phase there's no uh nobody in engagement range right now so nobody's fighting and so I end my first turn that was a devastating first turn for the tyranids it wasn't great for you no the fact that they're gone right away is not great but that being said I'm not out of this game yet there's still a lot of battle to go anesthes turn one we see no score yet and command points still sit at one each let's see how Rebecca responds both players up to two command points and it's time to get to stomping nobody needs to make any battle shock tests this is where you would pick what units are going to be synapsed with the bugs brains so I will choose these termiconts yeah and the verb sounds good all right so now you can start moving stuff around now I can start moving after watching what Steve did with his army in my head I'm thinking I need to advance my Army as much as possible but I also still felt a little bit nervous of putting them up front too much because they can't all reach Steve within range for shooting it's going to take me a couple turns to get there but in my head I just need to keep advancing them I am just kind of going with the flow right now because aside from the tournament gone it's like I don't know what any of her stuff does like it's all and new so I will just have to assess each threat as it kind of pokes its head out and uh we'll see what happens so I'm going to advance my tourmigon Army here we go roll a die normally they move six plus two whole inches okay man re-roll here to change that advanced roll from a two into a one oh man did Steve touch Rebecca's dice [Music] the psychophage could Advance yeah psychophage advances forward so I'm just going to move them normal about six inches looks like she's trying to use that piece of terrain to hide behind by Rolling him to advance five whole inches on the so would they come with him yeah fine I am not going to bring in my Ripper swarm yet I think I'm gonna hold off on that until I feel ready yep all right so that means we're moving to the shooting phase yes I'm going to use my Barb guns and Target them against the Infernus Marines because I think they're one of the biggest threats on the table and I want to take them out right away Marvin guns Target the Infernus Marines D6 shots each plus one more for being blasted a unit of five that's 16 shots hitting on fours no it's pretty good and you and you have sustained hits against infantry all of your attacks against infantry because of that adaptation you did all those sixes add in an extra one so staying hits because of swarming instincts down go three in furnace Marines they are also now disrupted a special Barb got rule they're going to be minus two to charge some move in advance the barber guys do what what holy crap yes so I killed three out of the five that were there there's still another five somewhere else on this table but I took out most of that unit screamer killer has a range of 18 inches okay so my screamer can hit your ballistic yeah my ballistic ballistic Dreadnought yes screamer killer now targets that ballista's dread that's gonna force a battle shock test on the Dreadnought as well because of its Special Rule he's got leadership six plus but he's minus one and an eight succeeds nothing is in charge range so that's it that's it then because my Army is based around close combat once I get in there after a couple more turns I'll be able to take him out solid back and forth round one both sides have taken losses however Steve is in a bit of a commanding position here in that he can dictate the pace a bit he's got some breathing room as well and Rebecca needs to get to grips with him to secure a victory losing any Marines is a bad trade-off I don't like that Space Marines are like a really Elite Army and so every single time that you move one hurts I'm glad I didn't lose the whole unit but those barbagons those have got to yo so I go to three whole command points and I go to two two Devastator Doctrine first turn two and Steve's gonna be able to advance and shoot with all of his weapons not just assault weapons cool new Space Marine rule he selects that big unit of termagons for Oath a moment Steve's got a test for battle shock on those two Infernus Marines and he succeeds Steve also holds one objective for one Victory Point time to time to move around a little bit with my Stern guard veterans here move it face now and Steve's advancing his Stern guard towards that Wing at Prime I think I need to do a couple of things one I need to try and back off a little bit from the screamer killer and uh give buy myself a little bit more shooting time and I also want to try and collapse one of her flanks I'm going to advance with my Terminators what's up Terminators are going to reroll their advance for command Point Steve's down to two remaining and he gets another one oh Steve definitely did touch those dice you wasted all your hot rolls on that first round I'm gonna take this second in furnace Squad and they are also going to advance two whole inches scoot back this way a little bit so the reason this squad's actually going to move back this way is because if I move off of this objective and I just leave the Apothecary here they it is not going to be great facing up against those Ripper squads but an Infernus Squad you don't want to deep strike anywhere near them not at all move up ballista strad is going to advance Four Hole inches [Applause] Terminator Captain is going to advance as well oh we're gonna follow the Dreadnought and then the front the little baby in front of squad is going to do the same thing frequences they're going nine and they're just gonna follow up right next to him right next to it again uh so my moon phase is over and then we'll go to my shooting face shooting face now Steve spending storm of fire for one command point on his Terminators he's gonna ignore cover and give them an extra AP down to one command Point remaining and then we're gonna shoot everything at two times Rebecca responds with rapid regeneration those termigons are gonna get a five plus feel no pain so every wound they take they're gonna ignore in a five up she's also down to one command point I'll start with my assault cannons uh six times I hit on threes but because you're my oldest moment Target my Fury of the first ability gives me plus one to hit so I hit on twos and then I re-roll because well there's a moment on choose foreign yikes so I have doing four Mortals so far and then storm vultures so these are all in twos you're rolling and then on threes 11 saves to make from the Terminators she makes one now 14 wounds total on five up field no pain and nine drop eleven remaining in the unit now and the Librarians Bolter takes one down and smite kills five more that's 15 kills in that Squad I am going to take my Stern guard veterans and they're going to shoot your turn is fine so I'm going to start with the heavy Bolter hitting on Fourth and then two uh Stern guard bolt guns these are hitting you on threes oh it's not good all of the Mist and then I've got convy weapons all right here we go so this is on Force force your anteater infantry pour-ups devastating wounds so one devastating move only one mortal wound at a five up ignores it I am going to take my Phobos lieutenants there that guy yep Lieutenant Morris and he's going to shoot your barbagons Lieutenant with copy weapon into the Barb Johnson no joy so the ballistic dread is going to shoot everything at the guns is you can use a frag off its ballistus missile launcher so 2d6 shots re-rolling the number of frag missiles he's out of command points but he gets an eight so this is on threes three rolling whoop threes re-rolling storm Bolter into the termagos as well 10 more UPS followed by five up feel no pains one more last candid to save one of the last two dudes and no joy only one tournament left well I was hoping I'd be able to bring it down but I guess not he didn't kill all my tourmigons I still have one left still on the board maybe he'll be able to do something heroic if she fails her battle shock test her object control drops to zero this is a cool thing what happens is you're not able to hold any objectives I have effectively even though I didn't kill the unit taking her off that point and then I'm gonna go to my charge fires and I am going to charge the barbagons with uh Lieutenant Norris so if you're charging at my Barb guns my barbs your barbs I'm going to spend my last command point to put this psychophage into OverWatch and he's going to release or use all his weapons I'm Mr Norris here Auto hitting strength 6 AP1 damage one shots and Steve takes a wound I have three remaining and I need to roll a seven or greater and I don't do it with snake eyes it's not going anywhere sexy fails to charge sucks that she's gonna get to use those barbagons but but I believe in Norris alright so uh that is the end of my turn yeah nsd's turn two sees neither player with any command points but Steve has one Victory point Rebecca's turn two so we each gain a command Point screamer killer and Barb gaunts get the synapse buff the termagons will test for battle shock and they are battle shocked that failure means no Victory point for her on that objective so she only gains one this turn to make our game tied at one so my termigan failed the battle shock test which is okay he's not removed from the board hopefully he'll pass it again next time be able to do something so the termagot has now retreated the winged Prime sets up the charge to take out Steve's unit on the other side of the rock there hopefully he'll be able to deal some damage I really need to start taking Steve off this board screamer killer moving up now she's got to get to grips with Steve right away that last shooting phase was just devastating Lieutenant with Combi weapon using evade and survive that's his ability to move once per turn if an enemy closes within nine inches he's gonna move backwards he's gonna make her think about where to send that screamer killer the cycle phage is a bit out of position here but she's going to run it over to claim another objective at toughness nine it's tough enough to hold an objective all on its own we're gonna bring out the Ripper's forms the Rippers drop into the back corner forcing Steve to make some choices here now I will go into a shooting phase right so we'll start with the screamer screamer killer tarting those two in furnace Marines and Steve rolls box cars to save what is going on okay now I will use my neurotyrant to shoot at that same unit same Squad so seven so you roll seven dice neuro Tyrant now and Steve rolls trip sixes and one guy dies this guy right here I'm shooting the Barb gaunts at the Terminator because they've got the longest range with their shooting weapons it also disrupts them so it gets minus two to his advance to his charge and to his move barbagall it's firing of the Terminators looking to thin that unit a bit and slow it down only one wound but they are disrupted that's gonna make the minus two to move advanced in charge I think Rebecca knows if the Terminators close with her she's in trouble so we go to then charges my winged pyramid Prime prime chart my Stern guard veterans Stern Guard veteran so I will roll two D6 died how far I charge no no oh that is nine so we just bumped you right in because you're only two inches away screamer killer into the ballistic dread with an 11. the screamer charges the Dreadnought and I'm thinking it's gonna work out pretty well narrow Tyrant and its retinue charge the Phobos lieutenant let's start here so your turn in Prime fight phase Wing Prime does nothing oh no these screamer killer I make two so I take one it did not work out for camera killer takes the ballistics down to nine wounds remaining and now your neuro tyrants their retirement Squad into the focus Lieutenant Tyrant takes him to one wound the neurogance now and Steve says them all why are the dice hating me today Norris lives Norris lives but you know what Norris would live Norris would live Lieutenant Norris is a hero damn it how dare you even insinuate that he will at all die Norris will live in every game through every role all the time now I get to fight back Dreadnought has this little armored feet and I kick you with my little armored Boozies threes the ballistic dread kicks the screamer killer in The Shins and does two wounds to it this is the year of Steve the return of the Steve so everyone's face so all of my Stern guard veterans are getting in there we've got a close combat weapon each of them attacked four times Stern guard do a couple of wounds to the prime he's got a far up field of pain now for the rest of the game and Norris the lieutenant has killed three neurogawns and a turn two and Rebecca's in combat where she wants to be but Steve still has a trick or two up his sleeve scores one to one both players have a command point this should be an interesting turn three so I think for this next round I need to keep on top of Steve's units but I also just want to get some payback I think I need if he falls back I need to chase him down what I also did is was I went and stole some of his dice because he's been rolling so hot and I'm gonna rub them with mine and see if that helps at all yeah all right so each of us gain a command Point Steve's using tactical doctor now that's gonna allow him to fall back and still shoot and charge so then I move to battle shark I have to battle shock with these singular and furnace green that single and furnace Marine is now battle shocked oh it's a moment into the screamer killer now Steve's gonna get re-roll everything against it it's gonna take a little bit of doing I'm gonna oh there's a moment the screamer killer and hopefully with all of my guns and all of my attacks bring it down so I'm going to use one of my arms abilities and I'm going to use shadow in the warp which means you have to do a battle shock test for every unit on the board so we'll start with the five-man unit here we go uh five six seven eight goes down to seven it's good other in furnace Waters already battle track so my Terminator Squad the Terminators fail Steve is contemplating insane Bravery here and decides against it they really don't need objective control at this point my captain over there uh five six seven he's good with a six the Dreadnought uh The ballistus Dread fails Steve's going to use his command point on insane bravery on the Dreadnought to ignore he's down to one command Point remaining the Apothecary the stern guard and Lieutenant Norris all succeed continuing on with my amazing okay so I'm gonna start with the Infernus Marines in the back Stern guard fall back out of combat The Dread also falls back as well as Lieutenant Norris [Music] okay uh so then we'll go into shooting so my in furnace Marines at the back of the board here three of them are going to shoot into the Ripper squads one of them is going to shoot into the tyranid uh Prime with wings so a D6 shots into the tyranid prime fives four up two no see failed and then you have a four up feel no pain it's on a four up you ignore two take another wound the furnace Marines Target the Rippers we're gonna go to my Terminator captive and it's gonna shoot everything at the neuro Tyrant unit generator Captain shooting the neurogons no joy then I'm gonna take the Infernus model the one guy and he's gonna DEC he's gonna shoot his tire Blaster at the neurotyrant unit as well single and furnace Marine fails to wound the Dreadnought and it's going to shoot everything into the 100 into the screamer killer missiles firing the cracked missiles dread into the screamer killer now the screamer killer re-rolling a four-up save down to one command point for Rebecca and it succeeds so I'm going to spend a CP and I'm gonna use Rapid regeneration on my screamer now feeling no pain on fives or better the screamer killer needs to make one five up on eight dice it makes three it is still up so it has three wounds remaining uh so then uh Norris is gonna shoot back at the neural guns Norris is popping neuro gaunts like bubble wrap now two wounds six up saves and she makes one and then all my Stern guard veterans are gonna shoot your tyranid Prime of course here we go and then uh stir guard bolt rifles Stern guard into the wing Prime two Mortals it's down to two wounds left two wounds remaining all of my terminators are gonna shoot into the barbed guns storm Boulder Terminators go to the Barb gods and one goes down oh four baps all right so charges my Stern guard veterans are gonna charge your 200 Prime and I go Captain charges the screamer killer he's in [Music] Terminators charge the screamer killer they're in it [Music] Norris back into the narrow Gods he's in [Music] stronger veterans are going into the tuners Prime foreign guard fighting the winged Prime Five Wounds fours and fours to save him does he live one one left he's still up I am gonna go with my captain so hit you on twos me rolling because you are the odds of moment so I'm Mooney on fives re-roll thank goodness for Oaths of moment giving him those re-rolls four wounds six up who ignore no joy down it goes screamer killer is dead out it goes together oh no and the captain does it oh the captain does it I love this thing all right Norris Norris tattoos on four threes actually how about two up four neurogans [Music] do you want to rule your six packs for your tournament crime yes tyranny Prime kills two Stern guard [Music] take down Lieutenant Norris never on threes oh a six and a four and a one here we go oh two of them two of them oh boy the threes I make them both gosh darn it six attacks from the neurotyrant neuro Tyrant time three five up ignores and no no he dies yes down goes Norris whatever Rebecca okay whatever so I'm gonna consolidate towards this objective so that's the end of my turn so now we go to your turn Etta Steve's turn three and wow the screamer killer is down but the psychovage is right there the Dreadnought though is still a big time threat I wonder what Rebecca's gonna do Anna Steve's three sees a score of two to one in his favor with one command point to Rebecca zero Rebecca turn three now Steve goes up to two command points Rebecca goes up to one Rebecca has to test battle shock on that lone terma gun as he's below half and she uses insane bravery for one command point to automatically pass the test that is huge as it's gonna be a victory point out of command points but in the lead three to two so I lost my screamer in that round but I did gain another objective point so technically I'm actually winning at the moment so I haven't lost hope yet I just need to keep grinding keep rolling those Dice and hope that things turn cables for me you can give your synapse tokens to two units within 12 inches so yeah you give it to the psychophage and the bar because Barbie Barbie guns moving time okay movement phase now not a lot of movement for her to do just time to blast away let's go we're gonna do what everyone's waiting for is the barbs against the Terminator the Terminators are still a huge pain in the tyranid neck so I need to turn my barbicons on the Terminators and hopefully wipe out as many as I can fingers crossed Barb guns firing into the Terminators with 18 shots let's go sixes sustained hits get them terminators 14 dice scores only Five Wounds oh no two ups I passed them all but I get all tangled up I might assuming my movement I'm also minus two my charge rolls too neuro Tyrant I'm going to Target the captain seven shots now into the captain needs forced to wound okay so if I roll three ones and twos he dies hey I've been rolling lots of words you Dice Oh yay I'm down to one command what do you have to roll if I roll a three or above he lives and if I get a one or a two again he dies it's a one third chance [Applause] psychophage come on six threes Force uh no he dies bye bye don't work charge pays all right uh yes ten ah five plus one hitting on freeze I am here we go here we are ah oh bollocks two whole hits and no wounds fails shoot sucks veterans I'm attacking your 200 Prime with my stone guard reference Stern guard ruined the prime and she shrugs it I'm gonna fight you hear that this is your demise Shake It Up is it I'm going to wait oh no it's fine threes again your demise is getting shaken up threes huh or UPS another Stern guard goes down oh yeah that's right now has to fight here it is in we go here we go on fives I wound you twice ones and twos here we go ah you failed one four out of two six nope we both lost quite a bit I lost my captain you lost your uh screamer killer wow what a turn it's getting to be a bit of a bloodbath end of turn three he sees a score of three to two in Rebecca's favor Steve has one command Point Rebecca has none I'm actually excited like now we're so close together that you might get a lot more people think or you might get a lot more of your army taken off the sport all right so uh command phase each of us gain a command Point woohoo I am going to spend one command Point Steve's turned four he's using adaptive strategy for one command Point takes him down to one but that's going to put tactile Doctrine on the dread so he can fall back and shoot both players sit at one command point I got to connect with this stupid Barbies so I'm gonna trigger the assault Doctrine for everything in advance because I can advance charge in the assault barbagalls are targeted for oath of moment Steve asked to test battle shock for the stern Garden they succeed he scores two victory points this turn that puts him into the lead what a seesaw battle 4-3 as we head to Steve's movement phase so the string guard vets are going to fall back and they're going to fall back towards this objective here furnace Marines here are going to just walk forward with a normal move the uh Terminators are going to advance one whole inch not great you see it's out of command points here to try to get the Terminators close with the re-roll advance those Barb guns are strong The Dread and tactile dropped and backs up and looks to unload uh four of my Infernus Marines can get within range of your Prime shooting into the Prime from the Infernus Marines and finally down it goes the wing Tyrant went down which is unfortunate but he did manage to do some damage to his Stern guard so I was happy about that he did he did he did Dreadnought splits fire to Lone turmagon and the cycle phase it's like Overkill threes storm vulture rounds oh really wants to win seven four apps you can do this I'm so sorry there's such such Overkill he's like he's looking up at me like why why [Music] the gaunt goes down that's huge and the cycle phase takes two wounds so then next I go to the charge phase my Terminators are gonna charge into your Barbie guns Terminators charge the Barb Gods Rebecca overwatches with psychic scream from the Nero Tyrant as it auto hits to try to put a hurt on him oh a six and a four ten hits I can do this I can do this I can do this oh that's pretty good so that's not it so I'm going to threes here we are so I fail to so i k you kill one Terminator and wound another there are minus two to this because the stupid tangling that the Barbie guns gave me the Terminators are slow now real slow those Barb cons man like if you have a unit that is like five inches or four inches of movement it is over four and above I saw the two and I panicked but it's a six they'll go first because you're the only things anyways we'll start with the Terminators the Barbie guns get Terminator slapped now and they are all picked up just knew that was gonna happen those Terminators hit hard neurogon so the Tyrant now no wounds but she still holds that objective because of objective control the damn brain bug could actually hold on to an objective okay so currently the score is four three at the end of as of the end of your turn what a big turn on turn four for Steve lots of cleanup here but I think his X-ray units are gonna pull this one out for him Rebecca needs to score as much as she can and I'm not sure if she can even take down the dread with the way the dice have been rolling score is four to three in Steve's favor at the end of his turn four neither player has any command points Rebecca turned four now both players gain a command Point everybody has synapse range and battle shock is passed all around Rebecca uses endless swarm on those neurocons that might actually keep them around and hold that objective she does score one more Victory point to make our game a tie through four so looking at the board where everything is at right now I think the best thing to do is to draw back that psychophage to the unattended objective point and maybe just try to hold that to gain another point now I can shoot yeah so I'm going to use my psycho phage to shoot your Stern veteran Garden cycleface manages to kill a Stern guard the narrow Tyrant shoots the Terminators Steve responds with armor of contempt for one command Point that's going to let him save on twos oh no I got two up saves down goes another Terminator though Terminators go first to the fight face here and this is important if she holds I think she can pull this Victory off so this is on Force so six of them die and one of them is left over and then the librarian on trees oh no the neurogaunts are white alternator is wounded but they hit just hard enough yes that is the stop oh makes me feel all tingly it's tantalizing I can feel it that's all I can do right yeah end of round four it's a tie game 4-4 with both players have a command point but this may be it [Music] the neurotyron only gains three objective control points and it's not enough to control the objective over Steve's Army that's in there Steve scores three on primary and with only two units left on the board and no way to effectively table Steve I think that's where they're gonna call it so that means I only have two units left and I can't catch his three-point lead which is so unfortunate however it was a good game what a game seven to five is your final that was amazingly close Rebecca knew those Terminators were going to be her death and she did everything to try to stop them from getting to her ultimately though dice tell stories and their story today was ultramarine Victory congratulations Steve on your Victory and thank you both for a fantastic contest our special thanks of course to you for watching if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around that's it for us here at play on as always this is JT McDowell saying until the next time we see you in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on the final it's a clean win great game back and forth I I cannot say how happy I am and how lucky I am to get to play this game with Rebecca here in the studio my first game of 10th edition I got to play with my best friend I really love trying out this version of 40K because not only did it bring in some new tyranid Warriors aliens bugs disgusting looking things it simplified the rules for me which there's anyone who's tried 40K will know that there are a lot of rules it can be a little bit intimidating 10th edition feels really great and so I think uh I was I know I was a little bit nervous in the lead up to it all big changes uh to the game make me a little bit nervous but you know what I'm I'm feeling pretty good about this I think 10th is going to be a great addition if not one of the best editions of 40K thank you to everyone at the play on studio for having me here I'm excited to be invited back hopefully I'll have a little more grasp on the rules and I'll come back with a better dice rolling lock [Music] foreign
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 382,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: BWfzuzt5nUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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