How to Play Tyranids in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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in this video we're going to be covering how to play tyranids I'm Stephen box from Vanguard tactics and I'm joined with Michael Costello Michael how are you doing I am so excited to talk about the nid's intense Edition Front Runners alongside the Space Marines with the New Leviathan box yes can't wait to get stuck in now Michael is our resident tyrannid coach you got a fantastic season with them in ninth Edition so I'm really excited to find out more about what tyrannists can do in 10th but before we continue a massive massive thank you to Games Workshop for our preview access so everything has been given to us to preview and we are really very much appreciative for this now you will be able to download and see all the rules that we're gonna be referring to but we're going to hopefully give you some top takes on everything we're going to be covering the unit rules the stratagems the enhancements the combos the strengths the weaknesses to give you a really good insight into this tyranid index so Michael let's kick off first of all with the Army rule so what do we get for being a tyranid all right so tyranids we get the synapse rule okay now there's two kind of rules we get synapse is the one that affects the whole Army um what this means is that some units in your army will have the synapse keyword so on your data sheet at the bottom you'll see it will say tyranids maybe what the unit is and also synapse on there for some of them is that like a particular type of unit like that what does the wind Hive Tyrant have that like one of the leaders yes so it's essentially like your leader bugs anything that's got like a brain on it you'll tend to find has the synapse keyword um and anything yeah leader bug some of the big ones like the turbogon um I do have synapse as well um so what synapse gives you is if you're within six inches of a synapse model or unit um you will do all of your battle shock tests on 3d6 instead of 2d6 so of course normally with battle shock we're going to roll two dice compare it to our leadership characteristic and we want to roll above our leadership characters yeah and why that's important is because battle shock is something new that's happened in 10th edition now battle shock will really impact you in a negative way if you fail what we call your battle shock check you normally do this in the command phase and you'll take a battle shock check for each of your units that is below half strength so half strength is either let's say it's got 10 models and now it's only got four left in the unit yep that's below half strength or you maybe started with 10 wounds and you're now on four wounds that would also require to take a battleship check as well and there are other some out of phases so some really powerful scary units can make you take a battleship check and if you do fail at any time then your objective control which basically helps you hold objectives will be zero so that's gonna be really impactful when it comes to holding objectives you won't be able to apply any stratagems to those units as well and stratums are a way to enhance your army um and finally there's some other checks as well if you want to fall back for example you could lose models you could lose models which is not nice either so having some extra reliability around you know passing these tests yeah is very powerful um okay love it so I think we've covered synapse in terms of the dates absolutely and when we go on to the stratagems you'll start to see that they're much better on units that are in sign ups too so it sort of links into the these structures okay nice yeah the second part of their rule is shadow in the warp um this will be on most of the units that do have that synapse keyword shadow in the warp and this is a once per game ability and it's very powerful so you can use this in either player's command phase okay again once per game uh what you do is all of your opponents units on the table will have to take a battle shot test wow yes so as we've mentioned if battle shock and you fail it um your OC zero yeah which means maybe if you use this in your opponent's turn yeah you would calculate controller objectives after the battle shock step yes okay and after they've done their Battleship tests they could end up not holding objectives because the OC has been reduced to zero nice likewise in your own turn it can make it much easier to take objectives away from your opponent yes and also kill enemy units because they won't be able to use defensive stratagems yeah so if your opponent has really good offensive stratums then it's probably best to use in there to yes if they've got really good defensive stratagems maybe it's better to use in your turn am I right by saying that yeah absolutely and if there's a ever a time when you've got to hold more objectives then you kind of need to figure out at what point is best doing that yeah because also if you do it in your opponent's turn you will stop them if they do become battle shocked and having a zero OC you stop them being able to perform certain actions like cleanse objectives that's very powerful yeah but along with that as well if I wanted to let's say take an objective off you and now you've just made my unit battle shocked yeah I got OC zero so I can't it's gonna be really hard then yeah to take the other objective off you so I could kill you but I might not take it off you um and if you've got any of those really cool rules that allows you to keep objectives under your control and yeah I don't know uh until the next turn so look we've got loads to talk about but it's a very very powerful Detachment rule as well so remember when you are picking your army and tearing it they'll have that army-wide rule which is synapse synapse and the shadow in the warp and the shadow of the warps are the two-parter you also then get a Detachment rule so let's talk about that next yeah okay before we do so we can take a short break and we'll be right back we wouldn't have been able to do any of these battle reports or any of this preview content without the helper Games Workshop so a massive massive thank you for sending us all of our preview copies so we can share with you and if you do enjoy this content please like And subscribe and make sure you tune in for more Warhammer 40K 10th edition Battle reports and content but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today Link in the description below okay Michael so the Detachment rule for the tyrannies let's talk about it what is it okay so their detachments The Invasion Fleet which obviously very thematic and what this means is at the start of your game um you're going to choose an adaptation okay and there are three three adaptations to choose from yep the first one is swarming instincts and this gives you sustained hits one on all of your melee attacks against enemy infantry and swarm units right now sustained hits is every time you roll a critical hit which is basically an unmodified roll of a six to hit will create an additional hit that's right okay that's awesome and this is one of those Universal special rules awesome so that's gonna be fantastic can't hold yeah lots and lots of infantry models yep okay awesome so you can really tailor this then you can yeah right you can yeah what's another one you can pick well the second one you can pick um this one only works against Monsters and vehicles okay but you gain lethal hits right so lethal hits every time you roll a critical hit roll of a six that will basically automatically wound the target but it won't trigger any other abilities like devastating wounds that normally trigger on a wound roll a critical wound roll that's right but again having you know like 18.3 of your because that's roughly what it is to roll a six isn't it yeah some say I've never seen them but apparently they're on the dice somewhere you roll those sixes automatically 18 of the first step wound yes and obviously then you go through to the wound allocation steps it's going to help you increase your output does that work on melee and range or just yeah so all of these abilities work on all of your attacks right what about the sustained hits one all of your attacks okay all of your attacks yeah I think I said melee but it is all of your attacks right okay that's really really good to keep it nice and simple yes so ranged or melee or psychic or psychic you can have sustained against infantry that's right or you could have lethal against these guys exactly and it's really good because obviously in 10th um vehicles and monsters their toughness is massively increased yeah compared to the strength of some weapons so really useful ability to have if you're playing against scenario there's mainly vehicles I would definitely say lethal hits is a real winner in 10th edition yes there were instances of it in ninth Edition not as strong as they are now agreed so because of the toughness scale has certainly increased so what's the third one the third one's pretty cool okay so this one's called Hive predators and what this means is that if you roll a critical hit yeah for any of your attacks so that's that six to hit um that attack has the Precision Special Rule okay now Precision means that if you can see a character you need visibility for precision to work but it does mean those attacks that have now hit can when they wound be allocated to a character that is leading a unit yes you still need to see them yes that's very good so my hot take on this Steve um is that the sustained hits one is a great go-to against infantry and swarms yeah and you know many armies in the game are going to revolve around infantry um the only ones I can think of that just don't have any are things like Knights that kind of thing um so you know they're going to be in the game that's a great one to have on all of your units yeah you don't need to be in synapse range for any of these abilities you just get them all the time great okay and there are some strategens later we can talk about which is the main reason why I choose this one um but of course there's going to be situations where lethal hits is useful yeah or even that Precision One hmm that sounds pretty good yeah especially if you're taking things like well coming to the second of his later let's not get too excited yeah yeah it's not ahead of ourselves okay so because we've taken this Detachment we then unlock some enhancements we do yes okay so Michael what are the enhancements but before we do that an enhancement is a paid for upgrade that's right that you can put on a non-epic hero so that's right epic Heroes are like the kind of named characters the one they've got enough built in don't need any more rules exactly so it's for more those lesser characters and these enhancements typically buff your own unit or maybe it can have an effect on the model itself or sometimes the the units it's leading or like an army-wide ability as well which is cool so Michael what are the four and then I want to know which is your top two okay all right so we've got alien cunning okay this one allows you after both armies have deployed yeah to select up to three 200 units and redeploy them right okay okay so you could put this on like a brood Lord or something because these are not exactly he's a non-epic hero yeah stick him on The Brood Lord and cool now you've got basically redeploying your army yes thanks Mr President you can also put them into strap reserves for free reserves so they can come on later in the game from a board Edge that's cool that's really cool especially after opponent's deployed um so maybe you've seen like a flank is slightly stronger than yours and you want to just yeah um tactically redeploy uh so that's the first one yeah um we've then also got uh perfectly adapted which allows you to re-roll um hit roll wound roll damage roll save through charge roll Advanced role but it's all you don't get to be all of them sadly and it's once per turn so once per turn you get a re-roll essentially a bit like is that on the unit or the model the model so it will only affect the model itself yeah okay all right so you've got one that affects the entire Army one now that affects just that model yep okay what other ones we got um so we've got one which means that your synapse range for that model is increased to nine inches okay it's okay um it'd be fantastic on a character that isn't innately synapse but I don't think there are any unfortunately because it makes sense for a tournament Army that all of the leaders sure are the nodes for science but nine inch it's nice it's nice to have okay yeah especially later on in the game when the armies get a little bit more stretched out nice to have a big an aura now remember because the enhancements are paid for upgrades yes sometimes you might be in a position where you think do you know what I've got that many points left there's nothing else I can really tell you yeah I'll just put it in you might as well why not sure remember it nine inch synapse cool um okay now remember you can take three of these yeah only three up to three but what's the fourth one the fourth one okay all right the fourth one adaptive biology okay all right now this gives the bearer the feel no pain five plus rule now I feel no pain rule is essentially an additional save so you've taken your armor save or your invulnerable save you've failed it or maybe someone's done devastating wounds to you and Mortal wounds that have just gone straight through the armor this feel no pain save essentially allows you to shrug off some of that damage that might be inflicted on a five plus yeah so all basically 33 of all incoming damage is going to be completely well just nullified that's good or do you want better Steve don't don't do me one better so if at the start of any turn yeah the model has lost any wounds so if it's below its starting wounds okay okay yeah um the feel no pain becomes filner pain four plus until the end of the battle are you joking no so if that is the winged Hive Tyrant can he take it he can take it I've got a special place in my heart for the turvagon um because she has 16 wounds wow and this time is 11 with a two up save um so as soon as she's taken any wounds right she's now got a four up essentially until the end of the game um so you want to take this on a character that you know is going to survive like around a combat or yeah around a shooting um and if you can get like um this is very cheeky here but if you can find a character that has hazardous yeah um so hazardous after you've shot with the weapon oh no one you take more Wings because it's a character be three mortal wounds yeah and then they survive to the next turn you trigger your four plus feel no pain because you're below your starting number of wounds you are hoping for a one though you are hoping for a one but I like it but yeah okay cheeky yeah all right I like it can you guess what my top two are well I think your top two is going to be the redeploy yes I think that's very strong um and then I also think that one obviously now because those enhancements are so strong yeah and for me they are probably Auto includes yes I look at enhancements and correct me if I'm wrong if you've got a different approach Michael when I'm looking at enhancements I typically go right these are so strong they're going in my list even before I write anything else and then the other enhancements like maybe that third one in this case might be if I've got any points left yes I'll add it in yeah so I'm kind of putting my enhancements in two categories Auto takes nice to haves yes and maybe I'll probably forget because it's irrelevant yeah yeah maybe the extra three inch synapse anyway absolutely that's exactly how I think um you know when you're looking at your Army list build that's probably what you're going to do you split into those two groups yeah and make your decisions based on that okay so that's enhancements we're gonna take a look at the strategies before we do that we'll be back shortly let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our miniature is come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition and Vanguard tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program okay Michael let's talk about stratagems so these stratagems can be used throughout the game and it'll tell you on the strategy and when and who and what restrictions are when you are using them now remember when you start playing 10th edition you get a command point at the start of each player's command phase so term one you'll get one when it's your turn of to about round one we'll get another yes you'll slowly build them up and you can spend them and sometimes strategies are one CP sometimes they're two so on and so forth and yeah they're either reactive or active and they're just ways to really fuel your army we've got six to go through yes less cover stratagem number one okay so stratum number one is called rapid regeneration okay all right and you activate this when you're targeted so when a Turner's unit is targeted and that unit gains to feel no pain six plus Special Rule okay that's right all right pretty good do you want better go on if that unit is in synapse range it's filner pain five plus okay now that's very good one command point that went from good to exceptional very quickly for one CPS yeah absolutely obviously this is better on large units the more dice you roll the more you're going to get out of this basically yes okay nice and is it what's that new model that's just come out in the Leviathan box the one the big brain the neurotyrant and that allows you to put just units yeah yeah that's pretty strong that's pretty cool anyway that's cool anyway later okay I really like that strategy very good Strat what's strategy number two okay strategy number two is adrenal surge this is two command points so twice as expensive sounds good then now what you do you do this in the fight phase okay and you can select either two units in synapse range okay or one other two in this unit okay and this is a theme you'll see this in a few of these strategums all right now that unit when it fights it's Critical Hits are scored on unmodified successful hits of five plus right now this will relate back to your army-wide rule which allows you to get either sustained hits against infantries right if you've gone for that yep you know yeah what's it called uh it's called swarmy instincts swarming instinct or a lethal hits or even Precision you could be Precision on fives to hit yes this is a very very strong stratum the fact that it can affect two units yeah is absolutely Bonkers but there is a combo with this that goes one step further what's the combo so it's another shot and we'll come come to that in so you need to save up a lot of artists well yes yeah yeah well we'll see okay all right what's the next strategy and then so the next stratagem is death frenzy all-time favorite this one one command Point uh when a model in your unit is destroyed uh and this is melee obviously in the fight phase um on a four up that model fights before it's removed and you do all of those fights after your opponent's finished all of their attacks so 20 hormones for example um each one you kill on a four up is going to hit you back great I like the way you lead LED with favorite fight on death I think you knew what was coming when I said that though how was that favor and you're like oh God yeah that's that's very strong for one command Point as well I mean on the gene Steelers because yes they are the prime target with a big genius dealers and every single Gene stealer has the potential to do damage yes um and because you've got so many of them you will statistically roll fours if you were to do it on like a larger model it's like a 50 50 if it's going to go off or go not yeah go off on not go on anyway uh but I think something like a big unit of Genius dealers Warriors Big Unit Warriors um they're really those units it's gonna do a lot of work for okay nice so they're the first three strata gyms so let's take a look at the next three and now for a word from my sponsor C Studios they are the experts in providing professional miniature painting Services ensuring your armies always look their best on the battlefield whether you're a seasoned veterans or just starting out C Studios can help bring your ministers to life don't miss out on their quality craftsmanship okay Michael watch strategy number four strategy number four is overrun all right uh and this is similar to a stratagem called the same thing in the previous Edition um but to cover it now uh you will use this just before a Turnage unit consolidates now this used to be like the most busted strategy ever in ninth Edition I'm going to use overrun so what's it now it's still pretty good so um you'll consolidate six inches instead of three okay provided you can end that consolidation move in engagement range of an enemy unit and remember now that you can't consolidate um in 10th edition unless you can get within engagement range of an enemy unit um or closer to an object okay however if you're in synapse range you can just make a normal move of six inches provided the units not in engagement range when it is chosen to consolidate okay so let's say you go into combat you completely utterly kill your opponent's unit yes so you're there's no one near you yep you can either if you're in synapse range one CP yep go six inches and therefore get an engagement range yeah that's right yeah with the consolidation yeah with the consolidation move so if there's a unit within seven inches of any of your models in your unit and that's quite big seven inches um you can basically get them in combat yeah right you can tag them yep stop them from you know falling back and shooting falling like a charge and whatever or if that's not the case you can just move six inches yes towards like an objective crit anywhere you want get back you know get back out of danger jump in terrain yeah that's very strong yeah yeah a very very good structure so well I think we're four for four for good strategum so far there's knocking them at the park so far yeah well it wasn't the five okay so um number five is synaptic Insight okay right now this is the one I was talking about with the combos and you'll start to see these you'll see Steve's reaction as he registers all of this so we can get critical fives this is where you're going to combo this with yes yes all right continue okay so in your command phase yeah you can pick one of the adaptations that you didn't pick at the start of the game and you can apply it to up to two synapse range units or one other unit okay okay should we cover the combo now yes I think you're working it out so you can pick two of your units essentially that are in synapse range yes what you can do is you can if your arm is in sustained hits you then you know that you've got um sixes or additional hits then when you get into combat you know that you can play as adrenal surge for both of those units to have fives being additional hits yes you can now in the command phase spend this and give Precision on sixes to hit to those units as well so now two of your units are going into combat every five they roll is a Precision hit and one additional hit that isn't Precision yes because the sustained hit will not trigger a Precision that's right so this is gonna be quite a strong combo I can see this you're going into a unit maybe it's got a couple of characters in there yeah you know maybe there's like a big really durable unit yeah and you can just go right all these attacks on the unit all these attacks on the characters kill the characters first and then all of a sudden there's all those leader abilities won't apply to the unit maybe if they're defensive things that's right so that makes actually killing the unit even easier because you knocked out the characters first that's strong I like that yeah wait till you see some of the unit highlights Steve okay any more strategies yeah there's one more strategy yeah one of my all-time favorites for the tyranids yeah um this is called uh endless swarm okay and use this in your command phase yeah and you can pick up to two uh endless multitude units it's a keyword yeah you'll see at the bottom of your date sheets pretty much on hormigants yep um and other horde units like term against okay as well so you'll pick these units in your command phase and return D3 plus three destroyed models to each unit okay that's good so that's the potential 12 models back across two different units but not only that that's like increasing your OC your objective control yes and also it is where they are on the table yep so you can affect objectives I like it for the fact that if you're below half strength of the unit you can then suddenly be not below half strength yeah and therefore not have to take a battle shock test that's cool yeah um so the timing of these abilities is is very critical and this is an absolutely outstanding distraction I mean you've got six facilities like the rest yeah they're all outstanding there 200 players you cannot complain with the six dungeons who've been dealt they are in a strong yeah okay awesome so we're going to go on to some units next and we'll start looking at those top combos we're grateful to have Frontline gaming as our sponsor there are truly One-Stop shop for all your gaming needs from terrain and mats to an extensive range of Miniatures in the United States plus their Community focused events are known to Foster what we call the Warhammer 40K spirit so if you want to start playing an event and you're truly passionate about the game then make sure you attend one of the next Frontline gaming events okay Michael let's take a look at the first unit you want to cover all right so everybody remembers this Menace from any previous edition if they've played it but the flying the winged Hive Tyrant okay okay now both Hive tyrants uh variants get this Special Rule okay um and it's the will of the hive mind what it means is that um you can use a stratagem for zero command points even if it's already been used on a tyranny's unit within 12 inches of this model not just itself then no okay so you could go ah like a bit of overrun want that in two places I like a little bit a bit of that Critical Hits on a five plus and I'll just sprinkle it onto that one too that's good yeah I'd like feeling a pain five plus on two different units yeah that's quite good yeah that's pretty good yeah that's very good um now the winged higher Tyrant also has a really cool psychic ability yeah in the fight phase uh on a one it takes D3 wounds on a two plus you select an enemy unit within 12. yeah even an engagement range okay yeah and you subtract one from the attacks characteristic of their melee weapons sorry when do you trigger this start with white face right any turn well obviously because it's it's just a constant it's just their psychic ability I don't it's really good isn't it yeah that's really strong yeah that's really good yeah yeah manipulating a tax characteristic mad good well if you think about it if a model's got like four attacks you've now cut out 25 of their effectiveness if they've only got two attacks you've cut out 50 yeah yeah it's good um what does need to be say though is the winged higher Target can be shot okay um can't join like Tyrant guard the foot Tyrant can join Tyrant guard but doesn't have that psychic ability okay what's the defense profiles like two plus save now okay um so and then the high toughness you can expect from yeah uh in the game as it is and a four opinion of course I mean that is good I would definitely be thinking this could be one for that five possible no pain for me because that sounds like a real utility unit yeah it's very good very sounds really good very good okay so what unit you want to look at next well um let's touch on very briefly the Swarm Lord okay um so it was previewed by 100 Community um but he basically in your command phase gives you an extra command point which is obviously fantastic so few let's talk about that right now because every time you can get a unit that gives you an additional command point this is actually increasing your total CPS providing this motion on the table obviously by the end of the game by 50 100 because it's double in it no because that's 50 you're of course because it's your opponent's turn as well you won't get it in your opponent's command phase but I like where your heads at yeah it's very very effective very good if all of a sudden I had 50 other resources you name it yes points yeah time on the table whatever other resource we want to think about and you go right just have 50 extra for your army that's ridiculously good especially when you combine that with six incredible stratagems and yes if you combine it with his other rule which certainly makes it feel like you've got 100 more resources yeah so after your opponents use the stratagem yeah he can trigger this ability and any future uses of that stratum by your opponent cost an additional command point right so the command Point re-roll say next time I use it it's gonna cost me two CPS that's right or maybe OverWatch or okay that is disgusting that's now starting to get closer to the 100 Effectiveness yeah um he's an auto include he's pretty good how would you not depending on his points but how do you not put him in a list I don't know it's a very difficult decision and he can joined tiring guard like you're walking out yeah and speaking of lists we will be doing a lot more members content so if you want to become a YouTube member then all the links are below to become a member and when everything's out all the points along with everything else we'll be doing a full SWOT analysis of the tyrionid army along with a list we'll go over how it roughly plays what we've included and why and whether we've been able to equate and all the points together with the rules that's all coming as members content so if you do want to get that and access to our Discord Channel where we can discuss 10th edition then do consider becoming a member okay cool cool so what do you want to talk about next let's talk about The Brood Lord um who can lead a unit Gene stealer so we're going to cover the brutal first The Brood Lord first let's cover The Brood Lord what does he do um so The Brood Lord um he's kind of like a reasonable beat stick in combat so um he's got six attacks he's got twin linked okay two pairs of Claws and he's got devastating wounds so that twin linked combining then with devastating wounds so twin length allows you to re-roll the wound roll if you don't like what you see in front of you just pick it up and re-roll it yeah and devastating wounds is a critical wound roll of a six plus that turns all of your damage into mortal wounds which skips any armor save or invulnerable save and it also creates damage to spill over from one model to another which is very different to normal damage in the game yeah the knees damage too so that means every six to wound is going to be two more wounds great which is excellent yeah that's pretty good okay so he's got a psychic ability on his data sheet and in the fight phase he could pick an enemy unit within engagement range and then minus one to their hit rolls so minus one hit yeah cool and you can combine that with minus one attack yeah if you really wanted to say hey that unit over there that's not fighting this turn yeah might as well hit minus one attack yeah okay cool yeah very good um okay so here's the kicker yep if he's leading a unit yeah that unit gets devastating wounds right so now the genius dealers are also getting devastated wins yes right so let's talk about the genius dealers okay how many attacks do they get each four four okay do they have any rerolls to wound well their rule is that they were a ones to wound okay but if they're fighting someone on an objective Steve don't roll all of those so they re-roll all wounds when fighting a unit on an objective that's right and with devastating wounds that's right with four attacks a model yeah you're pretty much dead yeah and don't worry about getting there though yeah because they've got Scout eight okay so the Scout is a you know the universal Special Rule that allows you at the start of the basically game before whoever takes the first turn this allows this unit to pre-game move in this case eight inches eight inches now do you know what you know earlier we said about a um an enhancement to re-roll a charge when you reroll a charge with that ability yeah yeah yeah he could actually be a really good candidate because you definitely want this unit to hit yeah because it is quite fragile obviously Gene Steelers now got two moons each bit of a glow up there but yeah and I think rerolling a hit roll on him is quite nice as well it is because it can be quite damaging so if you did make that charge and you didn't need the re-roll I think that's quite if you've got the points left I think you throw on him and it's very scary charging this unit because you can use that death frenzy stratum to find out with those devastating wounds and if you're on an objective yourself yeah your opponent's going to be on the objective too um so very scary unit yeah and I think we're definitely need some members content on how to kill tyranids Okay so we've got two members contents to make list review and then alternatively how to deal with tyranids yeah you're definitely going to need it for this next one Steve go on this is probably my top pick from the code from the index go on what is it uh old One Eye all right okay he's cool yeah right so he's got a feeling of pain five plus strong good to start off with he's toughness nine two plus save and nine wounds yeah and he's basically the named Khan effects um so he's decent in combat yeah right so this is not where it stops okay okay because he can lead a unit of carnifexes which can go up to two Okay so he can lead two count of Texas yeah okay and while he's leading a unit yeah they can reroll any hit roles for their attacks so he acts like a chapter master of ninth Edition for the carnifexes yeah okay great with a five plus spoon of pain he's got a five plus one of pain yes and you could give the unit a five plus phone a pain oh you could with the stratogen yes um they move eight inches okay okay and uh of course the carnifexes themselves are two plus save nine runes um they've got a really cool Special Rule which is um after you've shot them yeah if they've taken one or more woons yeah they can make a normal move towards the closest enemy unit which can end in engagement range really yes so although it says you can make a normal move yes you can still end an engagement range so how far do the card fixes move then uh so you roll on Dice and then you add two to the result and that's the number of inches they can move so if you roll the four you had two so they can move six inches and again of course the finishing engagement range that's very strong pretty mad right okay yeah I'm scared now next unit okay so the next units um these are very brief ones and it's more like their utility in the game so the turvagon I'm always going to shout out the turbogum she can bring back in the command phase D3 plus three term against it within six inches okay now let's say you've got a unit 20 turbines with a and you weren't happy with bringing back just D3 plus three you could use the stratum for another D3 plus three now you you remember you can't go above your starting strength okay so if you're taking a 20 you could always go up to 20 you can't go beyond that that's right so that's where quite big units does come in handy yes and she can only bring back just turbulance systems and uh needs to be said they are Max size 20. cool in 10th edition all right cool so she's awesome um and she's got a psychic ability that gives them lethal hits on their weapon so it makes the tournaments a bit better um wounding enemy units cool yeah in that wood stack we've sustained if you took that yes yes so each six you'd roll yeah would lead to one automatic wound and one hit roll that you'd then have to wound with yeah yeah so it works quite well good combo there yeah yeah um the next beastie we're going to talk about yeah is the to run effects okay what does the trying to fix do right the tyrannifix uh Steve is toughness 12 yeah a two plus save and 16 wounds yes if that wasn't difficult enough to kill yeah it has an innate ability called resilient organism where it's -1 to incoming damage oh no weapons no no you've got a damage two weapons shooting this guy it becomes damage one um needless to say okay so I'll explain um how devastating wounds work so devastating wounds on sex inflicts your damage characteristic of the weapon um as mortal wounds if you go against a unit that has damage reduction it does also reduce the water wounds inflicted because you're affecting the characteristic that's being converted into Mortals okay he's quite hard to kill yes and he's objective control is five okay so he could just sit on an objective count in this five cannons regular models Never Dying no let's be real yeah and then he can shoot his rupture Cannon okay what does that do well it's two shots yeah um here's some threes but it has the heavy keyword so if he stays still just want to hit plus one hit nice hit on twos yeah it's strength 18 that's quite strong yeah it's one of the strongest guns I've actually ever heard of yes ever yeah yeah that's strong yeah okay AP minus four yeah damage 2d6 okay so he is your bespoke anti-vehicle anti-monster monster monster yes this guy stick him at the back stick on that objective keep him still and just let him in a good Firing Line take out anything big and nasty yep that's pretty good yes very cool and they've got two more units I really want to talk about yeah um so the lichter one of my favorites from the previous Edition yeah has a really cool keyword fight first So Special Rule yeah uh what that means is he fights in the fight first step of the fight phase yeah um which means if you charge him yeah because you always start with the non-active player yeah the lifter will hit you before you fight him right okay okay and his attacks have the Precision keyword inbuilt that's cool yeah and because I really like the new Von Ryan's leapers I think those models are really nice yeah um can he join them no he's not a leader uh he's not even a character but in a very rare situation he is loan operative okay so you can't shoot this guy unless you're within 12 inches long but you could maybe have a big group of online three lichters yeah death leaper yeah and some Von Ryan's is a little package they'll all infiltrate they'll have the infiltrated uh raw fight first they're all fight first stealthy or loan operative stealth so they minus one to hit as well from range yeah that's quite a cool little like stealthy package it's all precision as well so yeah they're very good at taking characters out that's very good yeah very cool any other units you want to talk about then the last one is is one of my favorites it's the Trigon okay what's he doing um this guy has deep strike yeah and when it's when it's setting up on the board yeah from Deep strike so that's at nine inches horizontally of enemy units yeah anywhere on the board um you can set this one up horizontally more than three inches okay but it can't charge in the same turn right so there is a core stratagem yes rapid Ingress yes so you could set this guy up in your opponent's turn yes and using deep strike yeah you could be out of three inches like just over three okay yeah yeah and then in your next turn this guy move 10 inches and charge something charge something with 12 attacks at strength nine ap2 yeah damage three what yes damage three this guy slaps oh my I thought you're gonna say like damage one with 12 attacks like like an anti-infantry but no he will kill anything good choice for sustained hits on fives to hit yeah wow packing a punch yeah that is very strong yeah I mean we've covered some fantastic combos there um now just to quickly touch on do you think the Army has some good play around the Tactical objectives or would you go more fixed objectives um I think you can definitely build tyranids with the index to complete a variety of um the Tactical missions yeah drawing the random cards there's plenty of little units that can run around um to do different things like even lichters fantastic they set up further at the boards and objectives do cards early on um so they've definitely got the utility to do um the random objectives yeah they're also less susceptible to some of the fixed objectives you're not taking a huge amount of characters leading Union it's um yeah you're not taking tons of monsters to bring it down um so you're you're nice and resilient against uh secondary picks from your opponent as well that's one thing that we will talk about as well in terms of members content more around the you know the use of those kind of secondaries how to build so you don't give up any as well or give up very minimal yeah that allows you to control your margins a little bit easier when it comes to being successful on the table well Michael it's been fantastic I'm super excited I'm not actually I can't I can't wait who am I kidding um I actually wish I liked needs more yeah because they do their army does seem cool yeah their rules are appealing they've got such a great play style I think um so yeah let's see what this can do in 10th edition yeah absolutely if you've liked this review please let us know in the comments below remember to like And subscribe and do consider becoming a member if that's something that you would like to consider you'll get loads more content on lists and tactical analysis we do tournament reports and of course obviously so that sort of come thank you so much and we'll see you on the next video are you looking to start playing Warhammer 40K 10th edition and if so maybe you feel slightly daunted by some of the complex rules learning any game for the first time can be slightly difficult so we've put together the most essential course for you and that is our start playing course this course isn't for everyone and it is exactly made for those people that are first of all getting into the game we've got step-by-step tutorials which are going to break down everything so that it's simple to understand each phase of the game and then we've created missions and games that you can play with a friend or by yourself to ensure that you're maximizing your learning and over the course of the week become really confident with the rules and if you want to sign up for our start playing course then all you need to do is check out the links below and get signed up
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 66,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #Tyranids, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #HiveMind, #MastertheSwarm, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics
Id: M7HJPqkG42c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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