Ranking the 40K Combat Patrol Boxes - 40K 10th Edition

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foreign [Music] ER podcast episode 72. I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going all right we had a different plan for this week originally but I've gotten the same question from at least 10 different people so I'm just going to make this episode now so that I can stop getting the question we're going to be covering the value of all of the combat patrols for 10th edition and which ones are worth buying for you sounds good all right before we begin quick Rules of Engagement we're not talking about the combat Patrol format GW just released the rules for it every one of these boxes comes with different rules for that format which is potentially good potentially it's very good because it means there'll be more balanced against each other you're not going to have the issues of gray Knight's first admac or something well at least in theory yeah so we're taking that out of the equation we're talking about these as collection building options for going past the combat Patrol standpoint for the combat Patrol format I'm going to say I trust GW did a decent balance pass on it and it's probably good enough any of them is fine you're okay if that's as far as you're going into this game yeah it's kind of my expectation but I mean again we haven't really tested it yet because it just kind of came out so maybe in the future if things are really weird we'll bring it up again but I expect it's probably fine so we're looking at these as a way to start your army or expand upon a different starting point if one exists right there's a couple outliers like the ones that don't have combat patrols being the knights obviously and Quinn's because Quinns don't really exist anymore yeah four went out for our homies there for everyone else we're going to do a simple Yes No Maybe So scale I believe this is a classic yeah I learned that in grade school so let's keep it going let's start off with sisters adeptosaur artist gets you a canonist a rhino that's a sister's Rhino so it's like special looking the redemptor superior with the sisters Redemption Squad a Pennington engine and three archoflagellants five seraphim and ten sisters of battle that sounds like a lot it kinda is it kind of is the problem is sisters are very expensive to field as an army yeah I mean it's just because they're a very trade heavy Army of like get into action and then die in response kind of thing so the point costs aren't like Oh They'll they'll be around forever yeah they're all pointed low and the kits are pretty expensive so all of these models is only 500 points on the dot right now at the beginning of 10th which isn't bad it's not the worst and technically like four of this box equals a 2 000 Point Army not my favorite 2000 Point Army but it exists you've got a few too many rhinos at that point even though they are special rhinos yeah and I don't think you're there's no way to run for canonuses and you can only run a Max of three most squads but you could up Squad sizes for several of these units it's a good start point for the first box if you don't have anything and potentially a second one yeah so discount wise these are like 48 or so half off yeah the problem with them is it's hard to judge because these are the monopose kits from their original relaunch they're not full kits so the sisters have a static Loadout on them it's what would be considered half a box of repentia the seraphim can't dual build into zephyrim yeah and that's honestly out of all of those that's the biggest knock against it for me yeah you're very limited on this box compared to buying these kits normally which is why it's such a huge discount it's not a deal breaker for me and I think one is a snap keep you absolutely want to get one of these if you're into adeptice or artists then you may want to check if you want a second one and I don't think you're going past that amount of them and then you're probably just buying kits for the rest of the army I definitely agree on that a nice change from ninth is everything is legal to field there was an issue where like three Arco flagellants listen to legal size before and it was a half size Squad of repentia that doesn't scale up well because you ended up with two rebentious superiors and it was kind of a hot mess in the end of eighth slash beginning of night there but now this is a legal box so that's nice I'd say yes good pickup let's move on to an Elite Squad custodies they must be awesome so custodes is a very good value for the most part I mean they were insane before so for custodies here you get five guard one of which can be built as a captain you get three vertis preyators which are the bikes one of which could be built as a captain if you wanted to and you get 10 sisters one of which could be built as the sister's character although then you end up with a weird Squad size yeah this is where this kit actually got worse going in a tent than it was in ninth ten sisters is a little bit rougher of a cell now I feel like it's still fine to buy one of this box but they are a good chunk of the value and after you own enough sisters duplicates of this box are going to be worse than just buying more custodies yeah and witch Seekers are bad so like you don't have the like oh we'll just put them into that instead kind of thing as like more options but yeah my default Loadout for this is going to be like five prosecutors five vigilators yeah and if you want you could build one of them as the sister's character just by putting it on a slightly bigger rock or cork board or whatever oh yeah and then just say it's the sergeant when you don't want it to be a character because there's no like distinction between those models it's still a very good starting point for custodies one box is still a slam dunk it's still 670 points the first box is still like a 35 discount more or less I think the second box is a really hard sell at this point because it's very unlikely you're going to need more than 10 sisters should things change up over the Edition two boxes of this might be fine yeah it kind of depends just because sisters has so much of the value essentially and while custody's box got a little worse in my opinion add max box actually improved strangely enough from complete trash to uh sort of trash so for adeptus mechanicus the box is one Tech priest engine Seer one onager Doom crawler three cataphron destroyers slash breachers and tens guitari Rangers slash vanguards with how 10th has priced admac comments about balance aside the box is a better value now it's approximately like 460 points if you Max built everything if you Min built everything to the cheaper squads it's like 405 points I think my build is somewhere in between with what I like currently in the Army which like isn't terrible if you just look at it like point value cost but it's on the low end it's on the low end and there's some balanced discussion on the point calls for scary in my opinion but I think vanguard's at 100 points isn't the worst Rangers are criminal right now if someone was asking which to build I would say Vanguard right now but I don't know in six months right it's hard to tell when their actual codex comes out things could change drastically but this is not terrible given how expensive admac is to actually build yeah that's the thing is this is still a 33 discount even though it's low in points just because ad Mech are such expensive awful kits to have to deal with when you have to buy them individually this Army is not cheap if you're new no and I think my only real problem with this box that keeps me from recommending multiples is the engine Seer is the worst character if it had just been a tech priest Dominus this box I would say buy two of them at least so this is something that I actually don't know is there any way to like kit bash hack together or something with engines here no you could probably trick them into a different bad character but the problem is like the engines here it's an old guard model that got turned into an ad Mech model because it used to represent the ad making guard before they were a thing and it very much is not like the rest of them yeah he's just a dude with an ax it's not like Dominus or manipulous where they're like horrible aberrations okay so that does make it pretty disappointing to have multiple of yeah if you could find a way to Kit bash it into a skatari marshall probably using bits from like the Vanguard kit or something yeah you might be able to get away with that and if there's a way to do that then two of this is probably fine the engine Seer when you take it out of the equation the box is like barely a discount anymore and I guess at that point if you need exactly everything else you could buy it yeah that's true I mean even if it is like oh it's just a free agency here at that point yeah but like breachers are good this Edition destroyers look pretty good the Dune crawler looks pretty good I actually think the Dune crawler is legit I do as well both tanks are quite good this Edition this Qatari are the elephant in the room right now it's a point thing we'll see yeah it could all be fixed in three months that's why it's not worth getting into that yeah first one good for admac uh let's move into eldari next I guess is alphabetical what you don't like your silent A's Eric no and also I have problems with it being eldari yeah so the eldari box is a farseer a wraith Lord six wind Riders and ten Guardians with their little extra thing yeah the box is a good value it's like a 40 discount it's 495 points you might be able to Kit bash duplicates into other units because I know like the farseer can be on a bike I don't know how different it is if you can torso swap one of the bikes I'm not sure on this exact one but I have seen posts of people doing the farsier on a bike so I don't know how much effort that was and multiple wraith Lords probably is fine multiple units of Guardians it's a basic troop it's not my favorite troop and eldari they've got a lot of options but it'll do fine my only problem is it's a lot of bikes I don't hate that but you have to like the bikes once you get to like okay we've got two of them well now do you really need more so like if you like bikes this is probably a snap pickup in multiples if you're not a big fan of bikes in Eldar then I would say I think the first one's still good yeah it's probably still worth getting one hopefully when it comes back in stock all right let's talk about one of my least favorites guard wait no Astra militarum so yeah the Imperial Guard slash astrom box is still an awful design in my opinion it's a Acadian command Squad it's such a stupid thing even if it was Point cost well and it worked out in like balance or whatever it doesn't have a tank so it's a Canadian command Squad it's 20 of the Acadian shock troops it's one armored Sentinel which you could build as a scout Sentinel and it's got two field ordinance batteries which is one unit now I mean it's not many points and it's missing a tank but then again guard is not a particularly cheap Army to get into anyways so 365 points it's super low in point cost I just can't recommend it like like one of it is probably fine if you picked it up it's not like you've wasted money no it's just guard is very expensive to feel it's not one of those like oh yes go get it it feels like half a box which sounds stupid because it's a lot of models but it needs a centerpiece model in the box and that would still only bring it up to about right in point cost compared to everything else exactly so I mean if you saw it and you got one sure it's definitely a maybe it's not the worst thing ever if you pick up if you have no command squads yet you've got no troops yeah this is your first box ever you're going to use everything in this box that's not the issue it's just I feel like the Box could have had more in it and also it's like still currently out of stock so wouldn't go out of my way to try and track it down for higher money or something like that but moving on let's hit chaos stuff we're in chaos demons okay chaos demons is actually really good as long as you like corn yeah that's the rub isn't it so it's a blood Master two 10-man blood letter squads three blood Crushers and then ten flesh hounds it's a lot yeah it's 665 points right now which I'd argue is a little high because I think bloodletters are slightly over costed currently more than slightly uh yeah I'm not sure I completely agree on how much but I agree that it is over even if they dropped by like 20 points per unit you're still looking at over 600 points of models it's a 45 discount price wise so long as you like corn get it and it's even fine like if you're just kind of interested in getting into chaos demons it's a solid pickup even if you're mostly interested in one of the other I will never tell a demon player to pick up a part of demons they hate because you're not going to like running them no I I agree if you completely hate it don't get it but if you're like yeah it's not my favorite but it's kind of okay I think it's good value as like a starting point to learning and and seeing if you actually do like it I think straight up if you like corn two copies of this is really good as a starting point and then you can start getting into buying blood third series and stuff yeah you want ways to having six blood Crushers 40 blood letters 20 flesh hounds two blood Masters at some point you'll build a list that uses that many of each of those units sometimes many more yeah sometimes many more but it's just a good corn intro box essentially it's weird because it's like slam dunk for corn lovers maybe for chaos demon players and no if you don't like corn don't get it yeah all right so chaos based Marines it's real hard to evaluate this box without remembering what they took from us you get a dark Apostle with his little guys a hell brute five havocs and 10 chaos bass Marines it doesn't sound like much but yeah it's 575 points price wise it's right about average at like a 33 discount there's problems though mostly the havocs only come with the weird one of each gun thing they might have two of one of the options but you're going to want to run them all with the same gun havocs are on a weird spot right now like all of the old Devastators scourges and drukari all of that one of the kit is annoying and buying four of it just to get the right gun is terrible practice right so like you gotta find bits online and the Havoc is one of those really you just get everything it's not the War gear option kind of thing yeah you just pick which gun you're going to pick which is nice but if they don't give you the option to build the gun that you want to pick for all of your units kind of yeah so if you care about wysiwyg havocs lose some ground the hell brood is only okay I don't think it's the best thing ever but it's better than it was and I think that there's a decent amount of people that like the hell brute yeah overall it's a fine box to start off with I don't think it screams that you should buy it it's very much up to your taste because CSM has a wide range you have to look at what you like in the Army and if you want to pick this box up I feel like you're more down on it because you know what it was there's that as well rip the old start collecting box which was two-thirds of this Box's price and had 40 percent more points within the box and the units in the Box were just straight up better yeah so taking a step back from that I think it's good value if you're interested in this part of chaos based Marines but like you said there's a bunch of different flavors so like it's not a slam dunk but I think the first one's good if you're interested in this part of it yeah solid maybe for me uh let's go to one that's not a maybe death guard is a God no don't do this to yourself you get typhus a biologist putrefier seven plague Marines and 30 pox Walkers let's dissect this turd technically it's 555 points and a 36 discount if you needed every model wow that sounds good why do I hate it in ninth Edition it wasn't legal because you couldn't run 30 pox Walkers with seven plague Marines in 10th edition that's not the problem the problem is plague Marines can only be played as paying for five of them or 10 of them but are sold in sevens they are a hot dog and hot dog bun problem yeah and infuriating one at that it's fine for the first one I don't even think it's fine for the first one you have to like typhus he's at least not locked to a single detachment anymore yeah okay I guess you do still have to like typhus but because he's not locked I think it's fine yeah he's a named character so you would never ever want a second one you're getting 30 pox Walkers and that's half the Box Walkers you can leave field so I have trouble recommending this box at all I would never ever recommend a second copy no God no no no I think just stay away from this death guard box and wait for things to get better that is probably the right choice let's move on to Jakari so this is quite the opposite drakari is a very good combat Patrol notoriously good so drukari it comes with an archon 10 cab light Warriors 5 incubi a ravenger and a Raider the downside is it's cabals only so if you like witch Cults or you like covens you get nothing from this box but most people tend to like cable lights in addition to one of the other two or they like all three and give in 10th index it's pushing you to use all three essentially that's an index problem that's temporary it's because of a single Detachment we'll see I don't know about that but it's not a terrible idea to have the options of these even if you're mostly interested in the other parts but that's if it's a good deal and it is a good deal because like ignoring the fact that most people will take all of the extra cab lights off of the boats and put them onto some cheap 25 mil bases you still get a 39 discount before doing that which is pretty nice it's not quite as good as it was in ninth because the extra dudes like to actually feel them were stuck in 10 kind of thing yeah but you do get like a whole extra 10 dudes out of this box at least I always have okay yeah I mean it's one of those like if you get five well that is nice and that helps but no I would argue one of the main problems now is with cab lights they're priced like you're always going to take your special weapons yeah and the old reason you used to love the extra bodies is you could have more basic Splinter rifle loadouts you could have more special weapons that you could choose not to field because they're bonus dudes now now if you're always fielding all your special weapons then the bonus bodies mean less because it's less likely you're going to get full value out of them yeah they did help the amount of gunfire even if it wasn't the best gunfire type thing then you would use them for back Point holders just for you know Five Guys with a splinter rifle before I mean I still think the first one is good I still think buying two of this is good it's just I no longer think buying three to five of them is good if you're into the cab side three is probably fine three is still probably good if you're into Cabo lights there's not a wasted thing in this box you should magnetize your ravagers to be spare Raiders when you want them to be it's literally four magnets in two little Pairs and you're done yeah ravagers look good right now Raiders are always good in Drew Carey you're always going to want to own three plus Raiders the time that drakari doesn't want a bunch of boats is when Jakari isn't your car anymore yes it's when drakari is very bad right like so having a bunch of boats is good incubai are not in the best spot right now but they are a core unit of the army archons he's now with the new leader system you will probably be running multiples more often than when you used to run only one so that actually improves the value of the Box a bit I still think it's a slam dunk and if you like cable lights multiple are a slam dunk all right Jean Steelers all right Gene Steeler Cults this is what I consider to be the most important box of all of them if you are looking to get into Jean Steeler Cults this box is a godsend you get a Magus a Goliath Rock grinder which could also be a truck five aberrance five acolyte hybrid slash hybrid metamorphs and 20 neophytes this maxes out at like 610 points there are other builds you can do that are less points it's a 46 discount and these are full kits meaning that's the real discount if you need them all and given that Gene Steeler Cults is an expensive Army to put together the discount on this is huge yes building Gene sealer Cults without this box would be a nightmarish task you would never want to do yeah this box if you are building Gene Steeler Cults is a times to buy for sure times three by ninety nine percent of the time and you may actually buy four copies of this box someday that's not insane to think about oh yeah I wouldn't recommend that but the first one is insane value second one's just pretty much a slam dunk so here's the thing this covers all but two boxes not counting character blister packs or whatever this is all but two boxes of the army you're getting one of each and two of each for the hybrids which yeah I mean given that that's basically the entire Army options not only is it good value it's also here's a box here's two of them and you have all the options basically in your army you don't have to go tracking down it comes with your main tank slash your main transport unit it comes with your heavy melee bruisers it comes with your Elite Choice one of two of them and it comes with your basic troops that you're going to be spamming 80 plus in an army usually it has everything you want ignoring the Magus which the first Magus you'll probably play you might run two sometimes after that you probably won't run them but whatever it's such a huge discount even if you take out the Magus it's still a massive discount and if you're looking to get into Gene Steeler Cults get this get two of them and then keep an eye out for the third or fourth yeah this is something that you will not regret buying if you're into Jean Steelers and it's what Garden admex should be looking at this is what a box should look like for an army that's that expensive to buy without this I would say stay away from those armies because they're criminally expensive yeah I mean it's one of those like if you're just getting in and you like Jean Steelers and you can't find this box uh don't basically like it's that simple I mean at a certain point go find some 3D prints or something like that because like tracking down all the boxes for them individually you're going to waste so much money and time it's insane so Gene steal your Cults get the boxes they're good slam junk uh let's move on to another one gray nights this is always been good value it's still the best value if we're just going by Point count yeah you get a librarian you get a nemesis Strat which can be the character you get five terminators which is the full kit and can be paladins and you get five strike Marines which can be any of the strike marine equivalents it's the entire gray Knight Army in a box it is basically the Army in a box this is the one that it's only a 20 discount if you need all the units but like Librarians are so good now that I think you're gonna want two or three in your army and you can always kit bash it into a chaplain very easily and now the Terminators are a good option in comparison to strikes you don't have to be like oh I wish I wish I could play my Terminators if you're sitting on the shelf and looking so cool that's just your integrate night player bitching right now it absolutely is a bit of salt yeah it's been a long three years but the fact that you like individually the boxes price wise is not a huge discount doesn't make a massive deal because it is a discount you're going to use all of these and it's also just just nice to have it all in one box yeah it's 775 points if you Max loaded out everything right like you pick the paladins the purgation squad the character dread just in like a pretty normal Loadout it's 740 points still taking the librarian out of the equation it's still over 500 points a box and it's not like wasted points either these are all models that you're going to play it's your whole Army you buy the first one you buy the second one and you probably buy a third and then the librarian and that one becomes a chaplain you probably at a certain point start building characters out of your Terminators so that you can have like a Grand Master on foot or a brother captain or whatever yeah I think with the final third box or whatever you can take those Terminators and turn them into characters and you're going to buy more than this like yeah at a certain point with gray nights you're going to end up buying everything in this at least times three at some point in your gray night collecting career probably more most gray night players have 20 to 40 terminal later sitting on a shelf somewhere or more depends on if you're counting paladins as well you're just like I've got 40 Terminators I got 40 paladins [Laughter] yeah I mean it's just it's a fantastic box get it not much more to say about that all right let's move into leagues of photon it was good previously in ninth because of how points were forced yeah that was not on purpose no so it comes with a call which can also be the named call it comes with five berserks which are still not called Berserkers and makes me mad three Pioneers which are the bikes and then 10 basic Warriors it's only 465 points it's still under 500 points even with the named call votan changed from last Edition which was not a purposeful change they weren't supposed to be custodies to your last Edition they just because of the army rules had to be point to that to be fair essentially so this box is looking a lot worse now I still think it's fine if you want to get into the army you're probably going to have at least double of what's in this box for each of the units in the box and it is a discount so like sure yeah and because you get to change the call into the other ones there's a few options there you're gonna want at least two of them and basically everyone Army I think double call will be pretty common just because you need to guarantee one of them stays alive all game yeah judgment tokens are just so important so this is probably a two of hopefully you can find these they're out of stock and not the most common so hopefully you can pick it up that said it's also going to be an expensive Army to start collecting because they have Point balanced again to what they should be kind of in original intent not to the point of Gene Steelers or admac but it's definitely one of the more expensive yeah they're not that expensive to feel but they're still it's rough when you're paying like literally over a hundred dollars for your main tank that's a big problem yeah but this is a good pickup let's talk about necrons which used to be awful necrons just changed the new kit isn't technically out yet when we're releasing this but they already showed it off you're going to get an Overlord 10 Warriors which come with three scarabs on the sprue three score pack destroyers and a doom stalker here this is a much better box than what we had last Edition which was the worst absolute worst one I disagree on that but it was pretty terrible it was offensive to the eyes so the new one is pretty decent I would prefer it be a different Overlord in the Box than the one that's in there just because it's different Overlord Spruce have different options on them which is very obnoxious yeah I guess I didn't know that I was asking earlier when we were talking about these and apparently the overlord in necrons is like four different yeah there's so many different builds you have to go hunt down if you want to wysiwyg them all that's dumb but it's still an Overlord that's good yeah an Overlord you'll end up running at least one Warriors You're Gonna Want More than ten eventually scarabs are always good they're best boys score packs are great the Doom stalker is finally playable I thought it was playable before but that's because I thought it was so cool but it's solid now yeah the box is just solid all around now it has the problem that people are pointing out where currently a with the ninth Edition box is still available you can buy this box for ten dollars less and get a bunch of free Space Marines so technically this is a worse deal than what exists currently but that's kind of disingenuous since all of those boxes are discontinued yeah I was like those boxes aren't going to be around forever and this is like the new way to get into it yeah and it's a much better starting point than accidentally buying that garbage combat Patrol that existed before yeah I mean even right now maybe you're not getting the best value because you could have gotten the Space Marines for free as well but this is still a correct pickup just because it's going to be used essentially and I don't think a second copy of this is even bad like everything in here you'll end up running two in some list eventually overlords maybe not but I yeah I have no idea on that one I feel like they probably will but it's hard to tell yeah caps and equivalents are weird the Warriors you're definitely going to use and I think you should use more Doom stalkers because those are cool and like it's 480 points so it's fine Point wise it is it going to be a discount I'm aware it's not currently a discount but when the current discount boxes are all gone this will still be a discount perfectly fine starting point A Plus Moving On Orcs Orcs is a pretty good one so there's a little bit of a problem you get a war boss and mega armor you get three death coptas one def dread and then 20 orc boys the problem is the new orc boy kit is monopos and a mixed Loadout yes it is a problem you're going to want a lot of boys so it's good to have 20 is not like oh my God that's so many I'm only gonna want 20 if you're running boys you want a lot of them and there are fixable ways for the monopose yes you can fix them there's tutorials online on how to combine a bunch of kits and Orcs to fix up these boys to have the correct arms which you'll probably have when you're getting into Orcs don't worry about it and if you built the first 20 wysiwyg it's fine you can end up fixing their loadouts between each other and once you start building past that you'll be fine it's Orcs you can kit bash as much as you want and make things work and you're encouraged to Kit bash a lot yeah so the monopose is not optimal but the first box I think is still great value if you're getting into it it's a 43 discount it's over 500 points of models yeah I mean there's death copters and death dreader it's debatable on point cost right now but that's still it's in the ballpark and it's a great discount in the first place totally good all right Space Marines this is we're gonna get into some nose again I'm gonna run through this pretty quick here Space Marines is getting a new start collecting that is based off of the kits that are in the Leviathan box set because they are the introductory Army you end up getting a bunch of intro sets for like a little versus box at different tiers like they did the last two editions that will be available the entire Edition that usually makes the models in the Edition Launch Box less of of a deal than they look like on paper so currently this is 480 points and we don't know the prices of the kits yet but it comes down to the problem of you're going to have other ways to acquire most of the models in this combat Patrol box and I don't think you're gonna want them one of this is probably fine but you should check whatever intro box comes out in a few months if it's better or look on eBay to see if space green halves of Leviathan is just cheaper than buying this box which it probably will be for at least like six months or so maybe even the entirety of the year and then we get into all of the chapter exclusive Space Marine sets and these all come with the same issue they have little upgrade sprues that are just like shoulder pads and little knickknacks to put on your guys to make them one of the other chapters these should be valued at zero dollars and are instead valued at full price which is a wildly overpriced amount so they're all bad discounts with one exception in my opinion The Only Exception case is Dark Angels so the dark angel box comes with a primaris chaplain three inceptors one redemptor dread five intercessors and then it comes with the upgrade Spruce this would normally make the Box not worth it however it's still 500 points and all of these units are fine to straight up great so you're getting a lot of actual value that you're going to put on the table often and enjoy so the Dark Angels box is probably my space brain box of choice at this point especially if you have a different entry point that you can use instead of the Space Marine generic one alright then that's enough Space Marines let's move on to A Thousand Suns how do you like thousand suns you love zongers I love thousand suns I love zongores too but I'm not gonna recommend someone pay money for them all right so thousand Sons what to say about this box uh it's bad it's real bad don't buy it so it's 410 points which is low for a combat Patrol You could argue the termies are under cost so the zangor over cost it blah blah blah whatever yeah you do get some point but it's roughly 400 and it's low compared to the other combat patrols money wise it has a major issue it's an infernal Master five Scarab occult Terminators and 20 zongor half the price of this box is 20 zongor they priced it like you really want to pay for zongores at a slight discount yeah don't do that especially not 20 of them you may run tensongor semi-frequently in a list you might have a list where you run 20 zongor every once in a while but you are locking yourself out of any time they ever make a box with zongor again being at all useful to you as a discount yeah and I think that's the main thing is like must go buy a box of Terminators and one infernal Master it's cheaper than buying this box and you can wait for better combo boxes in the future spend the rest of the money on buying some rubrics they'll go further than 20 freaking zangor yeah just a bit so thousand Sun sucks tyranids exact same problem as space brains the new box is based off the Leviathan sprues it's only 450 points it's stuff that just came in a combo box and is going to have repeats in the intro versus set boxes I can't recommend this it's got the weird issue of the termigons because the Leviathan box set ones only come with one of their three guns which is even weirder stay away from this one okay let's move on to towel okay towel will you get an ethereal a Cadre Fire Blade a ghost Keel three stealth suits and ten fire Warriors so strike teams and breacher teams it's a pretty good box I wouldn't recommend multiples but I'd recommend the first one at least the problem is it's got two characters in it which is part of why it looks like a good discount and it is for the first one yeah but you're probably not going to be running three ethereals and three Cadre fire blades so you're not gonna care that much about the secondary boxes Tau tends to run more suit heavy than infantry heavy so getting a bunch of Fire Warriors is less useful than in most armies the ghost Keel is cool it's a nice centerpiece unit in this box something sorely missing from boxes like Astra militarum I think that that is why like the first one I recommend because it has a good spread you get your centerpiece you get extra battle suits you have some Warriors you get characters and like it is still a decent value but the second one you're losing some value because you're probably not going to need four characters in most taoists well not those four it's a good box times one okay let's end up with World eaters all right World eaters the ultimate may be so I would say no but I'll give it a maybe so for General people you get one world leaders Lord on Juggernaut which can be the named one you get 10 jackals and 20 corn Berserkers and I just named the whole box it's kind of rough to recommend this here's a problem 20 corn Berserkers is four or five mans ten jackals is probably the amount you'll end up running on list I think so you might run 20 jackals every once in a while you're probably only gonna run one of your Juggernaut Lords maybe two in certain lists but that means that if you buy this box any world leaders box that includes your basic troops is going to probably not be a discount for you ever again for a box that's not very good to begin with however if you play world leaders you're probably the type of person to not give a and you see 20 corn Berserkers and you go yeah boy and then it's good for you so it's a maybe so I think it probably is a good pickup on the first one it looks like a great deal points wise because it's like you can go up to almost 700 points in it but I think that's mostly because corn Berserkers are slightly overpriced slightly slightly a lot over price compared to like assault intercessors they're like 20 overpriced from what they should be it's insane like it's it's like whatever fine the world leaders box has the problem of the world leaders as an army it's half an army and this box has half the variety it should is kind of indicative of all of the chaos solo Legions and the problem that Emperor's Children is going to have later this Edition when they appear yeah and I've got a rant for that but that's not what this this episode's going to be talking about but the world leaders box is fine just not in multiple I'm never gonna say above a maybe and I would say a no personally fair enough overall I mean most of them pretty good at least for the first yeah and the fact that several of them are debatable up to three or four means they're fantastic deals like a lot of combat patrols are very good pickups when you're new it's just there's a couple that can be a bit of a trap or might not be the best starting point compared to doing other stuff but hopefully this solves that problem because we've been getting a lot of questions about this over the last week partly because you know 10th edition and people wanting an update on intro boxes as they're just starting out there you go hopefully this was helpful if you want other help check our YouTube channel all sorts of intro oriented stuff we've released quite recently to help you for our more experienced people I promise next week will be something entirely different as always should be fun alright without any further Ado let's get out of here sounds good [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 352,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40K, Budget, New army, Combat Patrol, space marines, necrons, tyranids, value box, start collecting
Id: QuBB4mfk9Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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