Votann vs Tau. Who has the mightier big gun? Warhammer 40k in 40m

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big guns epic showdown who has the best guns Tau or votan this question can only be answered by 40K in 40 minutes this match between play on Heroes Nick freys and JT McDowell involves old friends and new grudges look for aggressive cunning play from both of these veteran 40K players hi everybody it's JT the residence space dwarf Enthusiast here at play on and I am super excited to be playing against Tao with my votan in a battle of who has the bigger railguns hints NYX is bigger but mine's more effective JT's at the Helm of the American glomer at votan anchored by the hecaton land Fortress and its massive rail Cannon three thunderkin a side guitar Pioneers Hearth card and cathodian berserks to get up in Nick's face three units of hearthkin warriors on the backbone led by a broke your iron master iron here Champion a call and a high call Tough cantankerous JT's voten are here to play I'm gonna go big or go home and I'm gonna bring some serious heavy Magnum rail action the Judgment core are here because call France has really not done well in the last several games so my own personal call is on the table to try to take control and right this ship for the votab hey guys Nicholas here I'm back playing my Tau and this time I get to go up against the dreaded votan they have stolen my railguns my unique weapon and now we get to see who has the better railguns stolen stolen sharp and aggressive mix borkan Tau forces star a hammerhead gunship Riptide battle suit and a pair of broadsides Pathfinders stealth suits and crisis suits support a core of breachers fire Warriors and crude an ethereal cold Star Commander and Commander Shadow Sun herself lead this hard-hitting Tau Army today I'm taking a variation of what I usually take I usually take a farsight hyper aggressive hyper in your face Army however against votan a lot of those strategies I can't really use I've got to rethink my entire list going against votan so today I'm bringing borkan and I'm leaning a bit more to Caillou rather than monka the patient Hunter rather than the overwhelming Force the mission is death and Zeal featuring five sticky objectives and the direct assault primary objective score for taking new objectives and destroying enemies on objectives two for one of those and three for both starting round two score four points for control of one objective four more for two objectives and finally four more for controlling more than the opponent we're playing death and Zeal today which means we have sticky objectives so if I control an objective start on my command phase with my heart can or my hurricane Pioneer bikers I will hold that for the rest of the turn until and it comes and takes it so I can mitigate my lack of Mobility sum up with that however I really need to be mindful of his crisis suits and that Hammerhead railgun go 10 secondaries are prospective of wealth he needs to scan objectives that are not in his deployment Zone ancestors are watching gaining points for killing units that have been judged and assassinate killing off the enemy characters I'm really nervous about his close combat abilities he has four amazing characters and three of them can just kill anything in my army with a single round of combat I have to keep far enough away from him so that he can't do that file secondaries are Aerospace targeting points for doing actions on board edges engage in all fronts he's going to spread out and get his units into every quadrant and assassinate kill off those characters you know there's an opportunity here for me to make a joke about Tau being fish I don't fry like that um the scales of Justice will balance themselves out in the end and I I genuinely think that you know if you breathe water or breathe air hey man there's space for you in the 40K Universe everybody can be purged there our sponsor today is tabletop Titans pop-up terrain nice quick and easy terrain all your gaming needs is super affordable ready out of the box makes for super easy storage instant setup and beautiful detailed designed for great competitive games they produce a really novel way of how you could do terrain pop-up foldable paper terrain it actually is more durable than I thought it would be and I can see how it could really fit for someone that doesn't have a lot of space in their apartment or maybe perhaps a tournament that it's really expensive to supply 100 tables full of terrain if you're troubled for space if you don't have a lot of room this stuff folds down and breaks down really really small tabletop Titans got you covered they've done a really nice job with this uh we're really happy and really pleased to have them on board a sponsor of this episode tabletop terrains pop-up battlefields are amazing super affordable ready right out of the box this terrain set will make your gaming smooth and fun JT is looking to kill kill kill and take a peek in objectives as the Smoke Clears while Nick will be looking to spread out and everywhere at once the map is thick with pop-up terrain all buildings are ruins and their bases are area terrain giving infantry light cover who's gonna deploy first name berserks are in the sagittar Beamer hearthkin in the hecaton and the thunderkin are walking on from strategic Reserves towel breachers will deploy in their devil fish I have one of our special uh character from our patreon they've named one of my broadsides rosgrind is on the table here leading the squad of broadsides pioneers come down an aggressive position [Music] and the crisis suits find cover deep in Nick's Zone the side guitar tucks in in a good forward position Riptide is the queen of Nick's Castle able to move and shoot and scoot back into cover more hardkin to secure the votan home objective the devil fish grab it with preachers deploys All the Way Forward here comes the hackathon land Fortress hecaton going in behind the big building fire Warriors deploy in position to set up Aerospace targeting my second Squad of hearthkin the horse kid bunch in around the hecaton the Ethereal goes up with the fire Warriors not sure what the plan is for him Conrad it's gonna drop right back here the fruit occupy Nick's home base I'm going to take my cold Star Commander it's going to go right here there you go my broker character unit I'm going to drop them right here Nick has more units on the map so here comes the hammer head that railgun seems incredibly large compared to mine yeah compensating for something sports car with a big gun I don't know it's bigger is he having a midlife crisis bigger Longer significantly more girth uncut more fire Warriors and Pathfinders round out next drops [Music] foreign [Music] objective in no man's land giving JT something to think about here that's it now the fabled who goes first move looking at this deployment uh I actually want to go second if I go first and I don't pull my head out I'm I'm gonna get shot off the table and Nick's gonna surround me I can't give up that more present so this is big go first do you want it uh meh for the two I don't think I'm gonna have much choice JT takes first go and Nick Picks Caillou to give him major bonuses in the late game and allows him to redeploy three units so I do the first move I believe my pregame move on my bikes has to stay nine from you and nine from your deployment Zone pre-game moves could change things around here a bit the Pioneers zip out and grab the objective the stealth suits are odd as they have objective secured and this will claim the objective as the game begins yay eye of the ancestors Nick shuffles a bit but no big redeploy Shenanigans a mixed bag of aggression and defensive posture from him oh uh read it for the fireworks so that's number two they're gonna good luck sir best of luck so I'm gonna start with high call dread JT hands out judgment tokens to the devil fish and fire Warriors and re-rolls to the hearthkin Warriors broker oh the broker can give a plus one to hit so he's actually going to give plus one to hit to the hackathon land Fortress so it's gonna go on to my moon phase and start by moving my Hearth Cannon because he's just gonna go there he goes eight inches automatic Advance is nice the bikes make sure of the objective and scan it to score three points for prospects of wealth hackathon land Fortress [Music] a bold push into the objectives for the votan turn one JT is tracking down targets for his fancy votan guns alrighty sir Jimmy let us bring the pain because I'm within six inches of the call and he has unrelenting coil they're going to be able to shoot and still complete that action my eye on Beamer is going to start the broadsides and it's going to clip through your fire wars as it does so I'm sending Auto cannons into your stealth suits and then I'm going to send the shotgun into your fire Warriors here so I'm going to start with my ion Beamer Pioneers split fire and whiff with the big Beamer the shotguns drop three fire Warriors and the Cannons killed two stealth suits well the bikes didn't kill the stealth suits that's unfortunate yes gadgetar firing Alice guns here we go sekitar blast the devil fish down to one wound with some scary dice as Nick saves Escape him again High call dread is gonna have to down you now so these are strength four they go to strength three which means I'm only going six today but six is to hit you will automatically move that's so good two four-ups command re-roll to save the devil fish succeeds finally a break but down to two command points my devil fish is holding on with one wound the goal here the plan here was to blow it up and then shoot the guys that come out with that Squad of Hearth skin sitting there but Nick made the saves the respite is brief here comes the heckaton Magna rail autocannon is going to Target the draw time all of the bolt cannons are going to Target the fire Warriors and the auto Cannon the Mater Auto Cannon is six dollars one oh give me the five fails to take up the devil fish Nick's armor comes up big DT you're sure to split fire I heard it here folks I should not have split fire four bolt cats into the fireworks here on twos we rolling and winning on two on auto so far sorry oh I got four of them all right so now the big Rail Gun the full first test in this game because really this game is really just a big practice range of how good railguns are and Views are better you know what I think my real guns are better I mean honestly this is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel yep the Magna rail pegs a broadside after a command re-roll on a one however I'm gonna use um I'm gonna use one command point to take it on a local drone and then I'll take it on one of the drones from the Crescent Squad there you go parth Quinn Warriors blast down some of the fire Warriors and finish the devil fish killing two breachers as the transport wrecks I've tried to cleverly put my one breacher in range of the objective to hold at the beginning of my command phase and it comes out of my charger and it's out of your charge it's out of shooting so I think I've held that objective and I hold currently two objectives all right so uh that's the end of your turn I gotta take some Morel test for you here I lost here how are they leadership nine though I can fail that um so these guys right here the judge guys a fire warrior quits the fight but that is all despite losses all over I look around the battlefield and I think there's no way you can judge me more I haven't done anything to you because you're standing on an objective any unit so you know what I need to kill characters the cold Stars character I'm judging your cold star the votan scored two for primary as they have taken a new objective secondary scores two for killing a judge devil fish and the scan on the top left objective for three more seven zip into the Tao turn one here we go now we get to see whose railgun is better okay it's the start of my turn I have some interesting choices there's a lot of big threats on the board that I really need to take one major important thing I need to clean up is this side of the board here where the bikes and the call is if I can kill both of those units I'm getting points from taking the objective from him I'm denying him ground I'm getting assassinate points but more importantly because of how slow his units are I may control that quarter for the rest of the game command phase Commander Shadow Sun puts full re-rolls onto the crisis suits ethereal gives the fire Warriors ignore damage and generates a command Point Nick is now up to three in JT with two as we move into the movement phase Nova charge on the riptide will power up its weapon I can move my stealth suit within range of the objective but outside of these firewires are gonna be within six inches of this table Edge Nick gets in position for Aerospace targeting on two board edges and to take back the objective the Pioneers took from him Gold Star Commander Jets forward aggressively my crews are gonna move up in advance actually that's one inch my Pathfinders hugging the terrain and hiding behind us my Hammerhead oh he's coming after me now it's time to be aggressive a little bit [Laughter] breachers show Nick's True Colors he can't help but be aggressive and push up to challenge the Warriors and hecaton the crisis suits follow and expose themselves I thought he was playing coyoon Nick can't help but make aggressive moves it's in his blood marker light phase marker lights wink onto the Pioneer jet bikes land Fortress and Carl Franz and earn judgment tokens for their efforts Nick may be a little overloaded he did not use the strike and fade stratage him on his crisis suits they may suffer a bit for his oversight all right you got your giant railgun now it's time for my giant railgun and I'm gonna shoot my giant railgun at your Exxon Ram Fortress alright now the true test of railgun on railgun action is right now Hammerhead into the hackathon I've also got two secret missiles that are gonna go with it do I get it I hit you it hits awesome oh Wonder wound are you serious is void armor means that I can't re-roll to wound uh two secret missiles uh drink nine so that's one wound four secret missiles strike home but a command re-roll keeps the paint pristine my ignor yeah he's gonna fire everything JT puts his last command Point into mag Riders to make his Pioneers minus one to hit for the rest of the phase all right the cold start Commander is gonna go in the bikes he's got a really cool ability to do Mortal wounds on sixes to wound I I expect to get a couple if I can get in there and blow up a few of those bikes that'd be beautiful all right so the big giant Fusion Blaster hitting on a two nope 86 plus two damage it does four or five six damage damage is gonna kill a dude causing rifle shoots hits on a two it hits does a wound it does at minus four three damage good nice cold Star Commander a seeker of perfection stays cool and Aces the unit all right so the first Unity fired on my bikes blew him up wow that's interesting I did not expect that I don't think Nick expected that he took the whole Squad Pathfinders they don't have a different a different Target they're gonna fire everything into call Franz all right so three rail rifles right here to see if my rifles are any good rail rifles out of the Pathfinders find more ones and then the rest of the carbines freeze the wound two ups yep fail one four wounds remaining okay I'm gonna fire both broadsides to your high call I've got my heavy rail rifles four shots from them and then two plasma shots in addition to that hitting on threes Vic has to spend a command point to get the broadsides On Target and manages to put Carl Franz on Ice that's a big kill for the towel call Franz is dead I mean I'm not sad the guy's a chump he hasn't performed yet I did kind of leave him out hanging in the wind it feels like you know uh he took the long walk to extend the Judge Dread metaphors I gave call the law conference The Long Walk he's out in the Wasteland he can just go be there now my Riptide with his drones missile drones not gonna fire everything into that Hector landforms can I take it out it's I'm also spending two command points on the borkan's special ability to ignore influencing don't ignore my info don't spin the two command points because at 83 goes to ap2 and I get a four up save energy okay I'm not spending my two Commandments because I appreciate that that is a very void armor the minus one I'm wearing eight shots with this big giant gun on flat four damage three oh it's only three wounds 12 wounds into the Fortress good shot but the big bus survives really preachers they're gonna go into those infantry over there yeah the preachers Blast away at the Warriors and drop four even with the medic ation Shadows isn't gonna go first uh fire all of our weapons into this sagittar it's on twos oh only one wound one wound but I have a five event vulnerable safe and I fail it uh D6 damage oh it does too wow okay that's okay the crisis secret fire plasmos into the hexagon and everything else into the sagittar can I down it this is the last shot I have against it here we go uh I hit you three times Forge comes to my four pinball oh no it does it only does three nodes you're down to one wheel shades of the devil fish the heckington land Fortress has one freaking wound on it one wound he's gonna be able to uh you know my sagittar sir hitting on fours ruling all fails straight five on the side star SO waiting on fives three UPS down to six on the sagittar Nick has shot up my Army but good but really my hecaton landforce is living with a single wound against all that Firepower that's pretty good Nick doesn't know this but for one command point I can make the heckaton act as if it's at full wounds for the rest of this turn so really what I'm doing is jamming It Forward 10 inches on turn two charging it into his giant Squad sucking up the OverWatch not caring if I blow up and then just murder wrecking the rest of his army as much as I possibly can what a banger of a first turn the railguns were not the story here but the Deads Stack Up on both sides great Focus from Nick to kick off the scoring in a big way three for primary six for installing two Aerospace targeting relays and two unengage in all fronts and assassinated Carl Franz for three points puts him decidedly in the lead 14-7 JT has judged most of the Tau Army and found them fishy I just need to hammer him hard make him back up otherwise he's gonna run away with this game real quick routeans score eight on primary for holding two objectives votan into the lead 15-14 started by turn two and I'm up against it my thunderkin are coming in Nick has castled up really well and I'm I'm concerned about how much work I can do here in the command phase JT blows his last command point on Bastion running to make the one wound hackathon land Fortress act at its top bracket Judge Dread gives rerolls to the hearthkin and the Iron master bumps the land Fortress to two plus to him JT uses his orb strike to put the Hearth guard into reserve for later this phase and they will come back at the end of this moon phase in the reinforcement step outside at night just like a standard deep strike makes sense I'm gonna make your crisis dudes go up two more jajid Hammerhead that's the one on the Hammerhead and then it's movement phase I think it's time Eugene bossart Coming For You chief [Music] these are my ion Beamers if my hackathon can get across the board um then if it blows up it's not going to hurt me because you know both Nick's Hammerhead and my hackathon blow up and do D6 mortal wounds that could seriously decimate my Army if it happens in my back lines so hopefully I can do it to Nick call who's up behind here so my catholian berserks are going to pop out here so they're gonna place inside the building up against the wall our skin Warriors are going to move up and takes me here the Thunder Kid wander in on the lower right and the Hearth guard drop right into the heart of the map dead center I believe that is the end of my movement phase it's on to my shooting face my sagittar in the Pathfinders the side guitar swaps the Pathfinders and exposes the cold star to the tender attentions of the cathodian Berserkers my on your heart card now I am going to throw my grenade launchers and I'm going to throw my five minutes all into this unit of Grace got it hearthgard grenades put 13 wounds under the crisis suits and clear out their drones easily the plasma Lashes in and drops a suit and wounds another I'm gonna switch over to my thunder my hexathon landforgeous it is hitting you on two I'm gonna put everything into the Hammerhead eight bolt cannons fives no ev2 though 6 damage of 14 Mater autocannon strength seven sixes will Auto wound you and then strength I'm winning of five and I got one two wounds remaining big bada boom you can do it here we go Hawkeye oh yes who's railguns are better oh man that Hammerhead is taking a pounding and you have no come on boys I feel it yes this is worth the dance they borrowed him from the guard and he used to Pilot a vanquisher cannon he's like I got this boys I know how this thing works look at me I'm shooting the Pretty Lights oh my gosh oh how did that happen man I just wanna cry oh my goodness Eugene boss heart right here yep four shots with his uh Bolter 28 inch range the einhardt champ tries his luck and drops the hammer head down to one wound it is still alive I really want to kill those broadsides and I really want to kill that Hammerhead because that Hammerhead just can't live more split fire into the Hammerhead and crude three four five six bolters into the crew down and then the Magna rail here yeah I gotta kill her don't get a one give me a second no I've seen you get doesn't explode down and boom goes the Hammerhead Nick loves his explosions but not like this an explosion in my back lines I love it I hate it I don't know what to do I don't know what to feel Shadow sun takes one but four Mortals to the crisis suits and fire Warriors puts Nick in a terrible position with a big smoking Crater where his army once stood I blew up Nick's Hammerhead and it blew up and took out half of his back line it kills so much ah I've got so very little left here Blast away at the fire Warriors but the Ethereal sense of stone keeps them alive so I've got two guys left there I can see your crisis I got three guys into the crisis Suits now my thunder can have to go Thunder Kid draw a beat on the remains of the crisis suits and kill a suit and two fire Warriors do that okay uh so I'm going to put five shots into Shadows one five into the crunch Hearth can keep the Avalanche of fire going blasting Shadow Sun's last drone into next week the broker is the only guy who can shoot his graviton rifle is three shots hitting you on twos threes 21 freaks I just need to add to my dead pile hecaton land Fortress is going to charge Pakistan land Fortress leads the way charging the breachers and Nick wants revenge OverWatch taking out the land Fortress here would make him nothing but happy uh I got one six five to wound ya all I need is a five I got it now you need to fail at minus two minus two so it's minus one a three up can you give me a one or two oh Rock the stone oh come on boys no no please please please explode he does it amazing so close to an explosion but no oh my gosh it wasn't five I saw a six I swear I saw a six that could have been so bad I'll pick up 310 points votan characters charge into the preachers and we'll have Revenge my sagittar will charge recruit okay with a six I'm going to send the five inch charge from the cathodonian berserks the circus look to cut down the cold star before it murders more of their brethren I'm hitting you on Force so Force oh my the cold star survives a berserk charge one wound amazing it's got one Moon left got one wound left I'll take it oh crap my berserks don't kill his cold Star Commander he could theoretically kick the crap out of them right now in combat you know what this is you know who he is no shaso the unjudged oh not for long the unjudged fruit three attacks on sixes and you're on Judge so does a wound I don't want you Eugene bossart laying the Smackdown Here We Go gotcha that silly I wound you three times ab3 yes so they're everyone's dead hi caldred with your sports ax and he has the hard fist too I got one guy left oh my okay so do I get you back now my lone guy he's uh did I hit you and then my Crews actually are all gonna attack you here they get two attacks each um I did one wound tee over here at AP1 all right three up ah another wound for you um and now we go with my chassis all right first he's gonna do his flamer because it's just so much fun D6 plus two shots so that's gonna be my final which I make none two die and a guy with a wound okay um and then I still have further attacks normally yeah because that was just a weapon that you got to use in close combat I hit you three four more times I wounded you two more times at C5 yep so five UPS I make one fail one damage one one so on a four up no killed another so three guys he is the unjudged I owe you leadership checks yeah give me leadership test here I'm good and I lead a leadership test here I need a one you need a one he's running this guy's running away I think leadership test here need a one he's running away lose two to morale JT has smashed so much of Nick's Army but left the cold star still fighting turn-ins with votan scoring three primary and four for the Ancients are watching making the score 22-14 Nick scores eight to tie the game at the top of his turn crisis suits will re-roll things but the stick fails and no sense of stone for the fire Warriors he does whoever gain a command point up to four CP for Tau and one for votan well it's the start of my turn I've got to really change my tactics here there are too many dwarves up in my grill I've got to protect what units I have remaining get as far away from his as I can with my Long Range Guns and do as much damage as I can so this turn I am going to do some Shenanigans my Riptide is going to boost his engines so I get to do a command uh get out of Dodge building and then we're gonna move on to the movement phase in the moon phase on Hispanic command Point going down to three for a wall of mirrors wall of mirrors pick up my uh stealth suit and put it somewhere else and do the action the Aerospace targeting action in the corner maybe I can pull it off and score extra points my cold star could also pick up and replace somewhere else so I've got shots here because of my extra range uh my Fusion yep and my plasma can hit you and my flames can go here I'm going to charge phase move my Nova charge Riptide to get them as far as way as possible everything is moving back forcing him to come forwards and I think I've managed to hold on to two objectives and take in the center my my crisis suit is going to be dead anyways so he's gonna suicide to give me engage in all fronts that is a new change for the new arcs of omen GT so because so you because you're going for all four if I go for all four I only have to be three inches outside of the line instead of six which puts from the other table from the table corner so that now he's the table core give me the extra point he's dead anyways he's got two judgment tokens on him no matter where I put them you're able to shoot them yeah um so might as well give them scoring points and he's close enough now to use his flamers shadow sun and she is going to motor onto the opposite side of this building and I think that'll mean that these guys do not have any Target this turn I'm also lastly as a interesting move here gonna fall back these crude to be within three inches and outside of one of the center to hold this objective because I'm objective secured yeah I've answered advancing ethereal four inches left or right maybe she goes back towards the broadsides and hides there and now we try the shooting phase and see what it goes the unjudged the unjudgeable unjudged with one judgment he's uh I gotta go first here and he's gonna pour His flamer into these guys over here and then I'm going to pour his uh Fusion Blaster and his uh plasma center guys here the plasma hits you and wounds yeah minus five I'm good and a fusion Blaster uh fails to hit you okay and then the flamer into these guys right here trans neutronics I get three shots that is something to re-roll I will spin a command point to get out of two more shots down to two I get three shots three four five total all right it also finds and I wounded you one so one and I save it not so great uh he failed might leave this crisis suit right here he's gonna fire into this character here and fire my character yes everything plasma hits it wounds that's minus four good five six for his burst Cannon re-rolling all fails uh I save it then lastly he is flamer so this isn't actually gonna do all that much crisis suit fails as well ugly dice these broads lines are gonna fire all four of the railgun shots they're gonna fire the plasma real guns into that guy right there I hit you once oh my gosh Nick strength silly dice telling stories is one of our favorite things to say on this channel because it's very true you can think that you have the world beat you can make All the Right Moves but if your dice say Nene then there's nothing you can do about it and Nick's dice not just said Nene they said no way Jose they said I don't think so they said what are you thinking and they completely abandoned him this turn Shadow sun is gonna fire her Fusion Blaster into the Sagittarian with Shadow sun right here yep uh Fusion blasters hit twice uh wounded twice minus four AP silly which is three which six which goes by five vulnerable safe and I fail both D6 plus two for each so it's a minimum of six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen I explode you know what the only unit in range of that next margin is she is my recruit I killed one of my Groot but my sagittar's dead uh all I got left is this oh boy it's all down to the riptide Nick needs a big shot here Possible's into here missile launchers just give me some extra extra oomph is gonna go in here yeah so Center my command point on votan stratagem overcharge Shield Crest uh that effectively gives him transhuman physiology uh oh yeah what do you mean on fours are better I got two yeah two at minus three minus three goes to minus two four damage each I need to save one of these I don't have a command Point see what are you saving on the force oh I saved one you did 40 damage yep my Riptide gets to do a charge move uh four five six seven five Shadow Sun ever Nick did not manage to kill much just the sagittar yikes Nick has a slight lead but his dice are not cooperating let's see if Nick can hang on the score is 27-22 for the Tao at the bottom of two well that was rough the amount of ones I rolled was disappointing to say the least but I am not phased yet he's still ahead on points however not being able to effectively remove anything from the table this turn he outguns and outnumbers me if I can hold on I may be able to squeak him in here and it's a close thing I can designate a Target to have an extra judgment token because if it's within range of an objective at the end of your turn yeah so I'm going to actually judge Shadow Sun the end of the turn because you're within range of an objective marker I think by turn four I have him dead to rights and that's going to end the game there but I have to keep scoring and I have to keep the pressure on walking round three here we go CP take up to one for the vote 10 and three for Tau call dread who do you want to judge judge shadowson the crew don't have any judgment tokens on them do they nope they do now re-rolls and plus one to hit for the hearthkin I think I got this I need to position properly I need to score score he does have me on score by a couple points but I think I'm gonna start racking it up now call dread takes cover with the hearthkin who will scan the objectives are gonna move forward the votan are moving up as best they can the berserks are still in play and move to run down the cold star the tide of squats rolls on but broker is going to go inside the building so I will start my shooting phase with the mole grenade launcher it's decent shots it's five so six is water wound you I need uh four UPS first one dead oh second one saves so I'm gonna use a command Point try to save his life here bull grenade from the berserks take down the cold star with ease JT's dice are hot uh I killed co-star with Subterranean Mo launcher and I don't actually know how that happened that was pretty cool and I'm gonna take it as a win two two vultures are gonna be here so four shots here Magna Rail and five other bolters Magna rail wins the Riptide for six wounds eight wins remaining the other dead and then the bullfish into him on a three up got him call dread uh he's gonna shoot the person so we're into here foreign just one damage one damage got three wins remaining I will shoot Shadow Sun from the eye here Champion it's not blocked ah save one save one those eight I mean cover save two the hard skin Warriors yeah shooting everything from these I'm here harsh guard the Heart Card all of them see you because I can't see from that side let's do the plasma of the Shadows on first minus one to hit you oh my gosh I got it um the grenades hitting you on Force but those will automatically move oh my three UPS how much damage to do I want one damage all right she's down to she's down to six wounds remaining uh the Hearth guard I'm here harston everything in the shops so these are bolters good thing you get to reroll because that was yeah these are all at 81 and that does for you all three UPS rough same all man how many wins left six all right shoot the magnet rail here we go are we rolling I'm going to start with these guys around the corner charge them here oh yeah that's it I'm gonna send uh the I'm here champion in he's gonna go 10. what's your toughness five uh YouTube I'm down to two wounds because he goes the crew to get dogpiled by Harvey dwarves of every description [Music] I'm gonna charge your two Pathfinders physics 11. the berserks get a big charge Into the Fire Warriors and tagged on top left objective those guys are doing work uh we'll start with Eugene Butler okay and so will these I'll let AP ridiculous yeah he's just gum bracelet suit is definitely in crisis here but a Fail-Safe Detonator Strat destroys a thunder kid now that's how town do a fight phase the whatever these infantry guys give me a three ah all right so you take deep three more to lose oh man if you hold on a second let me just check how many moves oh they only have three oh that means your characters might be in trouble and then uh do I get any wounds on Eugene no I do not Eugene managed to save it that's coming that is two more points for killing a unit do you want me to roll for your three crews no I'm just gonna take no surprises here folks every model that JT charged is dead Nick I'm gonna pile into your Riptide okay piling into the riptide is an interesting move here forcing the riptide to shoot into combat rather than pick targets so this objective now so you on a five up it's a rich deposit it is so you found a rich deposit there it means it's worth more points okay so I have six attacks hitting on fives and the riptide fists they are strengths seven at minus two two damage oh boy oh it got dicey there but the vote 10 saves are hot as usual the zerks only take one wound The Tipping Point may have been reached votan scoring big here three points on primary four for ancestors are watching three for assassinate and three points for prospects of wealth but the score 43-27 the attrition is real Nick will have to play his heart out to find a win okay uh so um my turn let's see if I can just do something only four on primary and three on secondary Tau at 34 points to the votan 43. Nick is desperate now not much left not many options command points three for Tau two for votan so I'm gonna do um so Nova charging here is going to uh boost his uh he's gonna get a five up ignore damage Okay add a spite this guy's gonna advance and take your home objective four inches it's mine now so that is going to give you two on primary right there there you go I'm gonna go for a character kill okay and I'm gonna move the broadside to try to pop start boss art right there and then the Ethereal is just gonna run two actually this guy does because he had two uh two drones of them uh because it's unit size three there you go and the shooting phase we're gonna fire these railguns all four into boxers and they're gonna fire those plasma shots from these guys in front Okay so we're gonna do all four railguns into here let's see if I can shift to you give me something better than ones there we go five and I do have six I want you three times these are flat four right uh no these are D3 plus three animal wounds I save all three you saved all freaking three yeah and you take three more wounds like you take three more wounds plasma into these guys I hit none I'm going to try to see if I can actually get these broadsides uh he's he's spread fire I've got two command points let's see if reactive reprisal works we just shot plasma the Heart Card spend my two command points on reactive reprisal I didn't hit you though you shot me they got angry they're gonna shoot you back so I'm hitting you on threes I I figured three four railroad should kill him uh sixes I got none and then the uh threes all threes um hey killed one guy the one guy has four wins remaining react to reprisal took out a broadside that kind of deflated Nick that's it all right sir that was a good game Frank it's amazing Nick is not thrown in the towel that trap card was nasty our final score with pink and three votan secondary points for prospects of wealth's Rich deposits 44 points for Tau and 56 for the votan wow what a wild game it seemed like Nick had a chance for a bit but was brutalized by the end good job JT to bring home the wind and make solid moves throughout this vicious game who has the better railguns votan emphatically plant their flag in that one tabletop terrains pop-up battlefields are amazing super affordable ready right out of the box beautiful detailed and designed for great games this terrain set will make your gaming smooth and fun if you like what you saw folks please support us by liking subscribing and possibly looking into joining our YouTube membership or patreon there's lots to see behind the paywall and we have a fantastic Discord with a wonderful community of like-minded fun oriented gamers well until we see you next time hide from railguns of all kinds and play on the dice told the story and today it was it was rock and stone it was it was we are the dwarves it was a victory victory for the votan victory for the diggy diggy holes that's it I love it I love this new shirt nice design tack Nick always a fantastic opponent we'll always love playing you that was a great game uh rematch absolutely I'd love to do a rematch different deployment I'd like to see in a longer deployment where I have to stretch and you don't have to as much I think you chew me apart before I get there but that is a story for another time victory for the full-time [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 196,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: hJ-N1Z0q52A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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