Hoi4 Guide: The Ultimate USA - No Step Back

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the united states of america are perhaps the most powerful country in hearts of iron for however it can be quite daunting for newer players to come to grips with this country so that is what this guide is for let's get going this is a 1936 start and we will play the us of a will turn iron man mode on with historical ai focuses and we'll leave things at regular difficulty this is what most people play at though this still works if you bump it up the veteran or even elite if you really want to torture yourself so what makes the us so great for a new player is the fact that it has won the geographical lottery it has no dangerous borders with canada to the north and mexico to the south mexico is more likely to go to war with itself than to threaten you and canada is always friendly anyone else is miles away in europe or miles away in asia and you are guarded by perhaps the single largest fleet in the game with the capacity to make it even bigger now it does have some drawbacks one of those being the great depression this really does hurt your political power gain and your overall country it's not great and we are currently stuck on undisturbed isolation a really really bad economy law that we cannot manually transition out of easily so we'll have to get rid of that fortunately we have a focus tree so let's start by taking a look at the focus tree i'm not gonna go into detail on what everything does here we'll just lay out a path that should work for you in a historical context this is a historical game mostly historical so we're not going any meme paths i can make videos on those later let's just do the basics and the basics start with continuing the new deal but i got ahead of myself there just cancel it before we get to the new deal we have to take a look at congress the house and the senate as in american politics they're annoying and the usa has to manage senate and house support easiest way to do that a star of the game when you still have nothing spent no political power being used on anything click medium lobbying effort so you can start building support and send it in the house you can see your pp has just gone down and now we can select national focus if you do it the other way around due to game mechanics it doesn't work so first do the lobbying effort then pick the focus research usa has a long time to go before it goes to war so we can focus heavily on industry that leaves us with one slot now there are several options you can use that slot for your air force however we're not really threatened with war anytime soon and anything you build at this point will be outdated by then same goes for the artillery same goes for the armor same goes for anything infantry related however what we can invest in but you don't have to is the navy the us navy is big enough at the start of the game that you don't really need to invest into it heavily if you don't want to play the naval game and don't care about the meta all i recommend you research is damage control this branch and fire control methods this branch and all of the ammunition types located under these battery types what these do is increase the damage the various ships do damage control just means your ships are less likely to blow up and then fire control again increases the damage your ships do those tech lines improve the ships you already have without needing to make a massive investment or think about it too much now if you are looking to play a little bit of a naval game i recommend we start out by getting improved torpedo launchers so our destroyers can pack a little bit more of a punch and also picking up active sonar so we can finally find those annoying submarines the ai tends to use let's start with the improved torpedo launchers the usa starts with 10 military factories not all that much but fortunately war is very very far off so what we do here is make a little bit of support equipment we'll always need this and it doesn't ever go out of date we have interwar carrier fighters these are terrible carrier fighters don't actually work the way they're supposed to so if you're watching this before the release of by blood loan just take your carrier fighters throw them away and replace them by let's say carrier naval bombers not only are they better planes because their naval bomber ones they actually do something that leaves us with four extra factories the usa could use some trucks so we'll put two factories on trucks trucks never go out of date and you do need them for just your basic logistics and the remaining factories can be spent on getting towed on the air getting a good amount of towed and the air produced early is always good there is never a case where toad anti-air is worthless if you can produce it do so and the final factory can either go towards extra towed anti-air or some more infantry equipment i usually like to produce a little bit of infantry equipment now we also have some ships in here what i like to do is just put everything down to a single dockyard first and then let's have a look around the wichita class is i'm sorry to say not very good and it takes too long to be built so i tend to delete this one you don't have to if you don't want to if you have some sort of emotional attachment to the wichita class cruiser i don't so bye bye the rest of the ships i usually leave them to produce it's they're cheap enough but it's better if we can start by dragging the heavy ships the big ships down to the bottom of the list i know it's a little bit clunky i wish paradox had some better controls for this and at the top here are all the destroyers what we do now is start filling these out so every time a destroyer finishes the factories filter down to the next one the next one to the next one and it will get a cascading effect as these factories finish and as a result everything will be built more quickly because the uh screening vessels are a lot faster to produce than these heavy ships now construction we could build civilian factories let's say here problem is look at that penalty a 50 penalty that is horrific what about mills then maybe we can start building mills again 50 penalty it's really not worth it at the start what is worth it though is building infrastructure infrastructure let me demonstrate here in texas if we build infrastructure not only will we increase the speed at which more buildings are built we also get more resources out of that state so we will be building up maximum infrastructure in the states that have resources we need and a lot of building slots texas has oil and a ton of aluminum and then we just go around looking for places that have a lot of aluminum tungsten or a combination of many resources like nevada here has a lot of different resources and we just maximize the infrastructure in those regions 36 divisions we're gonna unassign this one the big red one division just because it's the first i don't know it's a mental thing for me and delete the other 35 that leaves us with the one division they are currently this template we're going to change their templates to the national guard division which is a bigger template they're not good in combat but they are perfect for what we're about to do we're just going to hit this button and leave them to exercise permanently this is what used to be called the one division training trick it doesn't work for most nations because it needs time to kick into high gear and become worth it the usa is one of those nations that actually has the time it takes about six to seven months for this to start generating a respectable amount of experience because as you can see this is 0.004 daily xp that's nothing however once we get this train rolling we will get much much more what we do now is as we get more army experience just going to make this template bigger and bigger and bigger until this entire block is filled with infantry and you will watch the army xp pour in now the air force we do have a sizable air force but we're not going to be using it anytime soon so i usually just park it in my biggest airfield in california and that is the basics done that is how we start the game and now we unpause and we wait most of the us gameplay is just a waiting game oh and don't worry about this the insufficient resources are rubber and chromium rubber for your trucks and chromium for your two carriers here it doesn't matter you can trade for it if you want to maybe the chromium but the lack of resources really is not as intense as you think it might be as the usa you will get a variety of events like this one this one is great because we get extra support however there are also events that will take away support so this is an annoying mechanic but i suppose politics are annoying the reason why congress is important is throughout the focus tree you will see limitations on requirements for focuses like this one it requires a certain amount of senators and representatives of the house to be in favor of your government if you fail that you cannot take the focus and every time one of these focuses finishes people resent you for some reason and go into opposition i have no idea why it is what it is that is why we will use things like small and medium lobbying efforts throughout the game to keep house and senate support high it's a costly oh god this is one of those events i mentioned earlier it's a cost the us player has to pay to play the game apparently fun fact the us starts with almost 160 civilian factories of which they need to use 129 just for consumer goods so yeah that undisturbed isolation is pretty terrible anyway now with that first focus done we are going to do that trick again we do another medium lobbying effort because as you can see we don't really have overwhelming support in the house i would like to have that support and then we will select the wpa we'll take wpa agricultural adjustment act and then we will reconvene as for the political power we have available to us we are now going to hire robert half the silent workhorse just to get our daily political power moving it's moving down currently but we'd like to fix that select all of your ships and park them under one navy right click whichever navy you want to and all the other ships will reinforce there and will just form into a single giant ball of death we can set that to exercises our initial research will be focused on keeping the industry up to date we can safely ignore synthetics except for maybe fuel refining as our navy and air force grow but usually the u.s is fine for oil we also want to keep engineering up to date and then as we get more research slots we can work on the artillery we can work on the infantry equipment and of course the armor we finished the wpa now we get agricultural adjustment act after which we will take a little detour into suspended persecution and reach out to the wear group the wear group gives access to a couple of cheap cheap i mean free advisors like this guy production efficiency cap not bad the editor ppgate and stability pretty good and the financial expert also pretty good five percent consumer goods love that we also have a bunch of political power again and we're gonna make use of that now i said that we have infinite naval experience we're gonna quickly select the integrated designers switch out to flexible contracts go into our ship designer and hire a ship designer now also while we're waiting to continue down the focus tree i know there are a couple of stability hits around the corner such as suspend the persecution five percent stability hit and giving refuse to scientists also takes stability hits now at this point i'd like to pick improved worker conditions just to preempt our next choices we are going to give refuge to german scientists maybe even italian scientists and we are going to suspend the persecution that is about 10 to 15 stability we're going to lose we can take that hit but i want to keep stability as high as possible as it directly affects consumer goods political power gain factory and dockyard output alright we have our active sonar what are we going to do now what i am going to do is design a new destroyer destroyers are vital to the current meta now this is all before by blood alone so this might be changed by the time you're watching this but what you want to do is pick a destroyer 1936 is fine and we're gonna make some changes to it we'll put the best engine possible on it the best torpedo possible on it we're gonna add sonar so i can find those annoying submarines we're gonna add one anti-submarine warfare thing here depth charges you don't have to i think your basic destroyers have this already but if you don't make sure you have this so it can actually sync those submarines you're finding and we're gonna add the cheapest light battery possible this is a fully featured destroyer and it will serve as our main screening force the purpose of these ships is to one get in the way of the enemy navy they will protect your capital ships and two once your capital ships have finished smashing the enemy's escort ships these torpedo launchers are going to wreck havoc on the enemy's capital ships they make a very good one-two combo currently with heavy cruisers i'll show you the heavy cruiser later so i'm gonna start producing these and the convoys can go we'll build more convoys later alright we have the agricultural adjustment act done now we cannot continue to fair labor standards act and federal housing act because there is a small cooldown associated with it legislation takes a while to finish so we'll need to do something else that is why we are now going to suspend the persecution and take a little trip down the communist path and reach out to the where group for those three advisors i mentioned earlier and then we come to 1936 november elections this one always happens this is where you choose between historical and historical gameplay this will be a historical run so we're not gonna do any shenanigans that means we pick the top options the democrats win the election more stability and a nice bit of infrastructure construction speed horror other people have spoken unfortunately let's go up here and on pause maybe the event hasn't kicked in but this tends to destroy your house support so this is gonna update eventually what that event does is really wreck house support so make sure you keep an eye on house support and keep doing your lobbying efforts and your farm subsidies so you can at least continue down your focus stream and again we have a lot of political power and we have a lot of stability might not be a bad time to invite ourselves some scientists germans or italians doesn't matter i do have a little bit of army experience i'm gonna use that to add a couple more infantry to this template just gonna keep making this bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger from this point forward we're also gonna get events like this one where senators ask for stuff in exchange for support we can either ignore it which i don't recommend or you can give in to their demands in this case they want me to build a new munitions plant in north carolina and if i do so i get 10 senators and 50 representatives in support i just need to make sure i build that factory within a year so let's build a mill in north carolina drag it to the top here and it should be built within a year perfect so those are usually worth doing especially if you see house support kind of floundering right we have reached out to the where group which is great that allows us to hire harry white for free five percent consumer goods and we can also hire whitaker chambers here for five percent political power game it's not that huge but he is free and also five percent stability i could replace him later if i feel like i don't really need him anymore and i can get the economist but the production efficiency cap right now doesn't really do anything for us our factories are so limited that this only affects mills so we have 10 of them this really isn't going to pay for anything while the extra political power game might be helpful and the extra stability means i can take refuge to italian scientists later on should i so choose as for focuses we can now get ourselves an extra research slot that's always a good idea while we wait for the fair labor standards again we can take it because legislation is still being drafted and we need more support so again keep your eye on support another thing you might want instead of the research slot i don't recommend it though is to go over here and get the word apart the war department has a few things under it that are interesting the selective training act can be very powerful as it sets your base war support to 10 so with a couple of tricks you can get like 15 percent war support out of this focus or we can go down the air war plans division and down to escort fighters giving you a very large bonus to uh heavy fighters usually heavy fighters are not great but with this you can get them way way ahead of time and heavy fighters actually perform well in the pacific because of the massive ranges involved i'm not gonna do that this run just gonna keep it conservative gonna keep it nice and easy and get the research slots and you can see the army experience flooding in this is a far cry from what we had at the start of the game this is definitely worth it while we're swimming in naval experience let's quickly go over the doctrines shall we again it doesn't really matter too much if you're not playing a naval game each one of these will do just fine it's okay your navy is big enough for none of this to really matter however if you want to focus a little bit more on navy and if you're playing into the current meta like i am it might not be the best idea to go base strike base rank is good it supports your carrier focus very well the us starts with a lot of carriers has the potential to build many more but carriers right now just are not as strong as they could be and the downside of base strike is it does have some bonuses to destroyers but it has virtually no bonuses to heavy cruisers that's why we are far better off in the current meta to pick either trade interdiction which does have several bonuses to heavy cruisers or fleet in being which is a more balanced approach possibly i prefer trade interdiction because it just really allows you to shred enemy convoys and enemy navies alike and in the wrong numbers i think traitor interdiction ends up on top but you don't have to feel forced into either one let's just go with fleet in being i prefer to just go with fate interdiction it has a lot of targeting in it i i just think this is overall the best while we're here you know this one here the bureau of ordnance this is what the u.s starts with it's a straight up debuff to your torpedoes you might want to get rid of this you don't have to do it right away but since we're swimming in naval experience anyway i recommend picking night fighting the spotting and attack are nice but the visibility is always great alright so we've got our extra research slot let's put it to work the industry again is being worked on let's go get radios as for focuses we still cannot take the fair labor standards act because they're still drafting legislation it's gonna take a bunch more days so let's instead hop over here and take that ward apartment we discussed earlier now in terms of research we've just finished off the industry we're still working on engineering anything else here is ahead of time a bit too much for my liking so at this point we can go for air air there are currently two philosophies one is just fighters and casts they are the dream team they work very well but as the us you will be fighting asia so you'll be fighting against japan which means the pacific very long ranges so as the us it might be worth going for heavy fighters and tactical bombers instead personally i just don't like heavy fighters i know that we can get the next level of heavy fighter way ahead of time i just don't like them so personally i'm going for these fighters and i'll just upgrade their range manually second slot i'm going to put on tactical bombers because these are going to be very useful tactical bombers are pretty good at playing the casserole and they just have massive range as far as construction is concerned we have built that initial line of infrastructure and if we took a look around i think we've got most states that produce a respectable amount of aluminum and tungsten so found a couple more once these finish we'll start working on civilian factories yes we'll still have the penalty to civilian factories but we'll get rid of that soon enough once we can get to the arsenal of democracy and the giant wicks there we go we finished the war department and we can now continue on to the fair labor standards act now before we move on there is another neat little trick that we could play at the expense of not being able to send an attache to china right away what do i mean by that well you can see here we have six percent war support pretty bad right and five percent of that comes from our pride of the fleet what we could do is go to our navy select the pride of the fleet and make it no longer our pride of the fleet we would just have no pride and as a result we would lose five percent war support sounds terrible that would put us at one percent war support and it would cost us a hundred political power yes i know what we can do then is go over here and pick selective training act this one will set our base war support up to ten percent no matter how low it was it will become ten percent once we do this as a result we essentially get nine percent war support for free and on top of that with another 100 political power we can then assign a new pride of the fleet and we will be at 15 war support and that is without counting all of the world tension that is still going to pop in as a result we might actually just maybe be able to get to where are we here this one the giant wakes a little bit sooner as this requires 30 percent war support now that is a little bit me and it does require us to delay sending the attache to china so i'm not gonna do that but this is a line of thought worth considering gonna do selective training act and just before it finishes i'm going to uh oh there we go i'm going to unassign my pride of the fleet all right things have kicked off in china so let's just send an attache that will give us 10 worse oh oh i see what the problem is you know that whole thing i explained earlier yeah that really only works if you do this before the war in china kicks off this is not gonna be as valuable as i thought it would be and we have finished our focus that means we cannot continue to the federal housing act what we could do now is head into neutrality act arsenal of democracy and then eventually the giant wakes or we could head into selective training act however if we do this we have to wait 70 days to send an attache to china i think it's worth it i think it would have even been worth it to take selective training acts before taking fair labor standards act you can argue about it i i still think it's probably worth it alright selective training act is about to finish that will bump us up to 10 more support so if we had done selective training act before we did fair labor standards act it would have a bigger return but it's not something i can guarantee you being able to do due to the amount of support you need from the house we've been lucky with getting a lot of positive events and not needing to do too many lobbying efforts you might not be that lucky so i cannot guarantee you being able to do this every time there you can see our war support has shot up base war support is 10 along with whatever world tension that brings us up to 14 now let us pick our next focus neutrality acts we are going to talk to china we're going to send them an attache perfect that's another 10 that brings us up to 24 let's talk to our navy guys and where were we we'll pick the uss enterprise here love that ship and she can be the pride of the fleet another five percent war support and that puts us pretty close to the required 30 war support for the giant wakes world tension is going to get us there and now with our attache in place our army experience is just going to explode perfect templates also done so this is uh the perfect training template 50 with infantry all this has to do is draw in more army experience as far as research is concerned it's late 37 so i'm still so i've got my fighters i've got my tactical bombers gonna go towards the next tank so i'm gonna start work on tanks so we can get the 1940s produced relatively early and keep an eye on anything else like computing machine here and now that we have our attache in place we can start using that command power to hire military staff obvious picks are mark clark the infantry expert the army logistics experts also good and if you want to focus really on the infantry you can get the commando expert but i don't really use marines all that often it's also a good choice to pick the tactical bombing expert for your tacticals or the carrier export or well whatever really the choice is yours just make sure you get the infantry expert and the army logistics expert as far as the chief of the army dwight eisenhower is always the choice here who doesn't like dwight that's the neutrality act done time for the arsenal of democracy the us of a and with arsenal of democracy in that should give us a couple more military factories we're gonna assign those on to making a couple of fighters fighter ones they're not that great but we'll be making fighter 2 soon enough and i can upgrade them as well just so we can fill out our deficits and anything extra can go on to either toad anti-air and just support equipment so we can start building some stockpiles maybe a little bit of toad artillery as well from now on mostly we're gonna be building infantry equipment toward artillery and support equipment so something like this and then as we get more and more factories we can just exponentially ramp up the us will have no problems with military factories you don't even have to choose just bake stuff make all the stuff trust me as for focuses time for the giant to wake up this is gonna remove that isolation law and give us the power of being a real country this is going to supercharge our economy there we go early 1938 and we've just researched 1940 cruisers so i'm gonna make a design again we're making the same design as we did earlier one heavy battery the cheapest one top row full of these rapid fire guns light cruiser batteries down here we can add another secondary battery no armor best engine possible we could add radar this is sonar so now that is what we want essentially the only thing that i have cheated with a little bit is i picked fire control zero the bad one trust me i'll make it i'll explain now we're producing these 1940 cruisers with the bad fire controls as you can see they have the coastal designer meaning they're cheap once they've all been produced or the number that i want has been produced i am going to go back into the officer corps go back to flexible contracts and hire somebody else maybe the atlantic fleet designer or the pacific fleet designer it doesn't really matter i can pick whichever one of these i would want after which i changed the design a little bit i go back to my new fancy cruisers upgrade their fire control from 0 to 1 and they would have the new designer applied and it would be a measly 350 cost to refit meaning it's very quick but we can make it even quicker by then going here and pick naval refit yards meaning i can refit an entire fleet in record time having them built quickly and still having them perform optimally just because we have all that navy experience but i'll show you in a bit there you go the giant wakes finishes and now we move on to the federal housing act and get rid of the great depression suddenly we have a lot more civilian factories at our disposal this is a lot better already and it's gonna get even more glorious once we can ramp up to partial mobilization now we have 150 political power it's time to go to partial mobilization and lock the full might of the us of a and look at that that has a lot of factories building civilian factories it's actually a little bit too many so i'm gonna let the ones that have something invested in them build let's put it down to one factory each this is more than enough trust me canis you can build a little bit more it doesn't really hurt but from this point forward we are going to militarize and we're going to militarize heavily by building military factories in every state that has high development and that has free slots and oh boy the us is truly going to be the arsenal of democracy in this game and with the federal housing act that essentially gets rid of all those terrible debuffs we've just got the neutrality act but that one really doesn't matter what we can do now is get wartime industry it's not that great we could get scientist haven another research slot it's pretty useful but yeah again nothing perfect military construction gets us a lot of military factories and some army xp and the usace projects again more military factories and xp these two are pretty good but there are also options here we can build a lot of military factories on our own what this branch here offers though is even better to ocean navy act if you're into the naval game this is going to give you a lot of naval dockyards with the bureau of ships giving you cheaper ships which is always good air war plan divisions is gonna give you a lot of bonuses to both production and research for your aircraft and under the selective training act we have rock island towards tank experiments for bonuses there and just overall really good bonuses i'm going to go down to tank experiments so i can get to work on my armor tech you pick whatever you want at this point it's mostly just going to be getting the focuses here and picking up all the bonuses that you feel are appropriate in this branch there's no reason to hold your hand you still have plenty of time to get all of these that you want you can totally ignore the two ocean navy act if you're not into the naval stuff at all air war plans division is pretty good though i would recommend going down here to tactical bomber effort and us army air force and here as well main battle tanks this is also pretty nice one more thing now that we are off undisturbed isolation the law is gone you can't see it anymore we could finally start work on the agency the oss why are we waiting for that until now well one we now have a lot of sieves available so we can easily do this and two undisturbed isolation has a huge 100 penalty to any agency upgrade meaning it's really not worth doing this early speaking about agency my usual choices are cryptology with as much of it as i can the unfortunately named pills invisible inc and then army economy and air force department the rest is okay doesn't really matter it's time to replace this editor by the economist five percent production efficiency cap does end up being considerably better in the long run our first spy personally i'm just gonna put him in japan while we're doing our build up let's have a look at the philippines the philippines is going to be a bit of a flash point in the coming war and we want to be prepared so what i like to do is just plug in railways here so the island is actually connected otherwise a lot of this will have to go via sea and trust me the japanese are gonna be sinking a lot of your stuff [Music] oh oh so much for my agent all right there goes the naval treaty so that's good and europe is embroiled in war we'll be arriving at that party soon enough once 1940 rolls in we'll start building up an army we'll reorganize our navy and we'll really get ready to start throwing punches speaking of throwing punches we've also built the railway most of the way in the philippines we're building the dockyards or the naval bases probably not a bad idea to also build up an air base there because you know getting to japan is going to be important now as you can see the refitting is done very very quickly i've also thrown a bunch of destroyers in there by accident like a lot of destroyers in here by accident they shouldn't matter they take nine days each so i think i should be able to get all of that done before things get critical and if it doesn't i can just delete them you don't have to do any of this naval stuff now that we have our mech research let's also design the armor template that should win us the war i get a lot of criticism about my templates that they're not optimal i know they're not optimal i don't know what optimal is these days because they change everything that used to be optimal generally the rule of thumb here is keep organization over 30 around 30 and get as many armored units in here as you can at the same time so balance between mech and armor until you get to around 30 organization should be okay this is going to be very very expensive unit but it is going to win us the war very expensive in terms of production and with that we can start producing our actual army so how many of these will i need well a lot now the quickest way to get these units out is not to train them like this i'm limited by training a hundred thousand men it's gonna take forever what i'm gonna do instead is go into our division designer create something new and just a single infantry battalion there we go this is very small but i can train a whole lot of these babies and i want to train as many of them as possible i want to train a full army group so how many is that 120 let's start with 101 and go from there we're just gonna force deploy them whenever they're ready and as we finish military factories we queue up fresh ones we always need more mills we're gonna pick up wartime industry next that will unlock the general motors industrial concern giving us another five percent factory output and we're really gonna start churning out military equipment fighters bombers cannons tanks everything and our first batch here is ready to be force deployed just force deploy them convert the template into the infantry division we designed and we should be able to equip all of them there we go now the big red one division no longer serves a purpose it can also be the standard infantry template and we're gonna start assigning these things to uh you know the actual armies now so i'll need about 18 more i'll give me one army group and i can work with that these guys can all be put under a field marshal best one i've got is probably gonna be eisenhower for his logistics wizard macarthur is also not bad the generals you assign don't really matter too much they're all pretty good and these boys can now all exercise until trained because they're gonna need it all of their xp has been wiped out by the conversion but this is the quick way to get yourself a real army i could train them over in the usa but i'd like to have them available you know in in the philippines where they will have to do significant amounts of heavy lifting so i'm gonna start deploying these armies to the philippines where they will be serving as port guards while they prepare for the invasion it is 1940 now so it's about time we start looking towards naval techs and specifically naval invasion tech just so we can invade a little quicker throw some more men at the japanese speaking of more men we are still recruiting additional divisions and we're going to start adding some tanks to the mix these will take a while to build but a run of 12 should be able to get enough stuff built before now this looks terrible we're lacking a lot of tanks and mech but we should be able to produce quite a few of those we are still heavily heavily mobilizing our industry and we have our wartime industry that means we've unlocked another great industrial concern general motors the industrial research speed is not that relevant but five percent extra factory output well we're gonna pump out so many tanks and the marine corps will be led by i think the commando is a pretty good choice here lucian truscott or alexander patch i think patch is the best choice supply consumption is always a good idea i'm gonna draw my marines down to northern philippines and with these marines now in the field i'm going to send them to the naval base in aparri northern philippines and we are going to be hitting nagasaki and bring an end to the japanese so the tanks we're producing i'll just put under patton i'll keep him around washington for now once we join the allies i'm going to funnel all of them over to the uk you shouldn't need tanks for japan besides the terrain isn't optimal roosevelt versus wilkie why would we ever want to get rid of roosevelt really due to the sheer economic might of the usa we're actually able to refit most if not all of our destroyers oh japan is gonna be having such a bad day here and now we've actually finished up almost every destroyer we're just gonna be building more convoys this is a respectable amount but more is always better and afterwards we can produce more of our cruisers and more of our newer destroyers should we choose now because we know japan is coming it is march of 1941 time for war plan orange that should give us a bunch of bonuses against japan you don't need them i'm mostly doing this because i've run out of good stuff to take we've done everything that is relevant there's a lot of navy stuff left but really our fleet is more than big enough and there's a couple of bonuses left here that aren't really that important women's integration act is pretty good two percent recruitable pop though and there you go japan has declared war on the philippines and conveniently we've just finished war plan orange so we are now at war with japan we're gonna pull our fleet back should have had these babies in port we'll put them on naval invasion support so we're gonna pull our fleet back to lausanne we didn't get a warning like up top here that japan was justifying against us or our puppet that's a little annoying so first things first we're gonna pull the fleet back to port so they can recover some organization do not send a fleet out when it's low on orc it will lose and you'll regret it so they're gonna go back and recover as for the air force they can go on logistics strike close air support and maybe some naval strike and i'll use the tacticals here to uh start wrecking havoc on the japanese and yeah the japanese immediately launch a series of invasions they are quite pointless if i'm honest like it's they're not gonna get anywhere anyway with our navy recovered i'm gonna split them in half that way we'll have a little more flexibility to massive navies giving us easy naval invasion supremacy so we should be able to launch everything at once our air force is up and i'm gonna make sure that they are there to support the naval invasions and now we simply launch should not be a real issue here what is unfortunate is my naval invasion of taiwan did not go as planned again doesn't matter in the slightest because our naval invasion of pretty much anywhere else has gone off without a hitch and we can do whatever we want now so as we take ports make sure to bring up the reinforcements and go to town so we've established two respectable beach heads and this really is all we're gonna need taking the area around osaka and the area around what is this uh nagasaki and from there we'll simply crush the japanese they're still over committed in china they will not have any time to bring enough troops home and we're still struggling a little with the royal navy wait the imperial navy but that should all disappear soon enough and japan is steadily being crushed by the sheer weight of american numbers they might be able to mount a small defense for a little bit but air is going to start crushing them we are sinking whatever they're putting out to see and we're sinking it in significant numbers all in all really not much of a challenge look at them crumble look at that crumble america land of the free home of the brave it really like they don't stand a chance there we go now for a quick peace deal just gonna make this uh as as not stupid as possible all right peace deal reasonable we've just turned japan democratic and giving korea also a sort of democratic leader japan hasn't even gone to war with european colonizers oh oh japan anyway china gobbled up the rest china should be fine now and this is where we bring all of our boys home and by home i mean the united kingdom now the biggest wait here is just waiting for all of these troops to make it to the united kingdom that's the hardest part it's waiting well all in all naval invasion seems to be off to a good start and there we go we have taken a port and that means we can start expanding note i am only committing a fraction of my forces and it should be more than enough to deal with whatever germany has here they are quite busy screwing up operation barbarossa so we will have pretty much free reign in france for a couple of months at least before they can redeploy troops this entire region along with all of vichy france's territories and its troops and its navies will flip to free france so it's always worth rushing for paris and our armor is just shredding their units meanwhile encircle and destroy is the name of the game destroys many german units before they're able to withdraw back into germany and just make your life a little bit easier while giving the germans a very very hard time let's see if we can break through here our tanks are really good it's just a very narrow gap to push through it might be better to just wait for my marines to make the naval landing happen italy is now effectively going to be cut in half i'm gonna move my armor into that breach that way i don't have to worry about fighting my way through the mountains with them and the marines will make that gap a little bit wider the armor is already underway this should be a lot of fun once we get there and this is the final death rattle of italy bye bye italy bye bye pushing my tanks north to make use of the fact that everybody here is out of position and i'm pushing my marines south because it's a very narrow front and the marines will be more than capable of dealing with whatever is down there meanwhile omar bradley is guarding the alpine front so i'm gonna have him attack as well just to keep those italian divisions forcibly in place so they cannot redeploy to help out their brothers and it shouldn't really take long for italy to go uh the way of the dodo i think all we need now is turin and that's gonna be it december of 1941 we've pretty much defeated the axis i haven't crushed germany because i chosen not to i want to deal with italy first if i had set my infantry to start grinding we would have ground germany into dust by now but it is an expensive little thing and i'd rather spend my strength a little more carefully there it goes italy good omar bradley can take care of whatever's left there and we're going to make use of the speed of this armor to get a bit of german land see if we can get the wells up there now with germany responding to its threat in the alps i am pulling the tanks away tanks really don't do well in mountains i'll leave the infantry in place just as a holding force i'm not gonna push into the mountains like that i'm gonna redirect my armor towards the low countries i'm gonna try and push up there to wilhelm's haven cut off as many divisions as i can around amsterdam and lei warden and then swing that entire army towards berlin we are going to crush them under a weight of tanks and infantry should be a decently sized pocket and with the navy we can also start convoy raiding that area just to prevent them from getting their troops out should be a respectable amount of troops we can kill here oh yeah that is a good amount of divisions just disappearing so yeah our tanks are just going wild and american tanks are already threatening berlin i can drive right in there we've cracked the defenses wide there's nothing germany can do about us they're fighting on way too many fronts and they're fighting me oh so many divisions encircled and there goes germany we have ended the war i really don't want to do this peace deal because it's going to be stupid either way but let's just get it done and there we go i think this peace deal wasn't too stupid if you look closely you'll see the stupidity but all in all that was okay anyway with this strategy and a little tweaks for your personal preference you should be able to turn the united states of america into a global superpower nobody's going to be able to touch you and we've not even untapped our full economic potential because look at all these factories i have not even been using look at all of our stockpiles after about a year of hard-fought war i think it took about a year of grinding and we've not really lost all that much anyway i hope you have enjoyed this video and i hope you enjoy the next one see ya
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 416,371
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Keywords: no step back, hoi4, hoi4 no step back, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 dlc, hoi4 guide, hoi4 soviet union, hoi4 tutorial, no supply hoi4, hearts of iron 4 no step back, hoi4 no step back dlc, hoi4 bittersteel, hoi4 bitt3rsteel, hoi4 achievements guide, hoi4 achievement, hoi4 memes, hoi4 usa, hoi4 usa guide
Id: i5-P0k0Ab8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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