One Lonely Outpost - (Planet Terraforming & Colonization Life Sim)

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one only Outpost it's a I think best way of describing it is well it says it here we're a Pioneer uh we're hitting the surface of a Barren alien world we're taking our space RV and powering up and getting this the world started and as the game progresses more folks are going to come in and join us on this planet and it has kind of a stardew v stardew Valley feel to it kind of looks like that uh kind of smells like a stardew valley except where it's a little more Colony we're more preparing the colony more than just living in it so um yeah I thought it was pretty neat so that we tried out and uh went to Kickstarter a long time ago and I guess I had a lot of things with like the developers changed the rebels just change lots of changes with the game and the game looks a lot different than I played it back in the old Kickstarter days so it's out now in Early Access it's on Steam uh it's on Gog of course they sent me the code so I'm staring you there um but it's everywhere and I'm gonna try it out try a new game hmm the art has definitely been changed since since Kickstarter days and we have a little bit of it it's it's not an it's not a heavy narrative thing but there's a little bit of a story but it is it is a space RV isn't it um but we do kind of follow like a story as in like Vince camo like day five this event happens and so you kind of sort of build up to this setting of a colony and I think this early access only has I'm not sure how much how many hours of gameplay there is here more than what we're gonna have today um but we get kind of the initial setup of this oh yeah Lone Star that's right yeah it is isn't it okay Mr toxic troposphere stagnance ecosphere analyzing no life forms detected what a lovely place if you're watching this on YouTube I need I need um Spaceballs jokes in the comments and feel free to have Spaceballs jokes quotes and and references in chat here as well that doesn't seem right does it it's toxic air no life wait follow the courts precisely we've been on autopilot most the time why would they I have robot cat by the way voiced by Joan Rivers qwerty steadfast beep says qwerty sorry about that buddy not sure what happened malfunction radiation electromagnetic waves frying the receiver weird but too little too late look outside we're here what I've gathered of just with the tinkering with the bits of this um it seems to be kind of a slower paced game I'll try to I'll try to move a little quicker just so we can kind of see the game and see how it progresses here but just so you know um it is like a like a take it easy casual kind of star dude not sorry about a life Sim kind of a thing Pizza the huts they've gone plaid no one gives me the raspberry it was a bit of rough landing at least we're both still intact oh crap the terminal's broken we can't buy supplies until we get it fixed just have to figure it out later all right um well we're here for better or worse uncertain beep I'm not completely certain about this QWERTY in fact the more time we spend here the lesser than I am this is a good idea after all I guess it's too late now we just have to face the music well whatever happens at least your tracks will be right next to my footprints let's go and see what the pgp sent us here to do so again we're first ones here we're gonna um start this thing up it's gonna hold our hand here we're gonna go in and uh no man's Sky laser some rocks and things and and plant some veggies and all kinds of stuff let's just kind of cruise around here it has this sort of 2D Sprites 3D like world there's our things and there's our there's our things so we got a mining laser we have a matter manipulator uh a spray a gust uh and other things the beeps the sweeps the creeps okay let's go we can go in oh this is this is our um our Farming tools go ahead and hit our first task there's a c on there but does it does not mean hit C dear star Steward your ship report to safe landing on Calypso as a star Steward you were tasked with establishing a colony on this new world congratulations on your first expedition Calypso falls under jurisdiction of the pan galactic Parliament share profits resulting in human Ventures uh yada yada we provide resources to ensure the common colony of calypso flourishes for instance we're giving you an all omnic gives us information about flora and fondly fine on the planet but there's no life signs your first task is star Stuart it's a cult land I'll call an easy reliable source of food researching your surroundings and clear the area debris in order to begin farming so start up in this first little Zone here and play the tutorial game basically grab our mining tool and go and and mine is that bad thing on a neck collect uh Cole collates knowledge of the new world just fills in uh as you discover new items uh and give us some information we get we get Omni stars that will earn you respect from your peers oh I would love to have respect for my peers there's the almanac we got iron ore we've got questionable animals we've got questionable animals we are questionable bugs let's go build this dang rope thing world yeah I need to make a you need to go in the business of making frying pans and name my company Pan Galactic oh I had no one tell me my butt is this big say I need to go um I need to watch some Spaceballs I just I just I subscribe to a week of MGM plus back I've been watching from and um like at 11 o'clock July 1st I was on like episode nine and then I couldn't watch episode 10 because then the month rolled over and it wasn't on Apple anymore so I had to subscribe to a week of MGM so I gotta get through the series before my my trial goes up so as soon as that's over I'll watch other things I'll watch some Spaceballs uh we're gonna heat the ice crystals with my laser tools where I fill my spray tool so we go if we fry some some crystals and we get water we use that water to plant things um we need to earn three Omni Stars over here archeology omnistars all right look at that big guy from is definitely interesting yeah oh Silo was great um I just finished silo and fin Stylo like as we were watching from Silo I think is one of my one of my favorites so far am I supposed to be doing something else with these on these um um to earn archeology on Stars I can use the Gus tool to find things oh fine artifacts okay yeah Silo I highly recommend silo I just the uh the first season is is out I'm gonna go blow these things away we gotta find three of these things again it's kind of a slow this is like a very slow Pace thing I'm just gonna go you know pull out the old hair dryer load some things around my cat's gonna follow me here so this is there's like there's several different regions here you can see this darker patch of dirt here is um farmable and what do we find this is The Farmstead region a little zone of clipso we have uploaded what'd you send me here for we uploaded coordinates to your Omni tool with survey data is needed I'll need to convert these coordinates points into AR beacons when you're nearby go to the coordinate in your army tool and collect the data about it so basically it's going to sell us we're going to bounce from point to point picking things up can I have that I mean I see it I can't quite pick on it I can't pick it up though hmm sparkly oh right click we right click on it from now on I'm just gonna ask for Spaceballs jokes in chat for the streams [Laughter] there we go we gotta find what we gotta find two more of these thing things sorry I'm supposed to be cat relaxing relaxing this is a relaxing game oh that is a seed we just found not another thing so when we fall out the other one we found before was what we were looking for uh there's the things we once was just to walk through these things we're getting sleepy we're gonna go back to the uh back to the Winnebago finish that one up let's go back to Winnebago and find our way well find our way back here in seconds let's go over there hey Burns how's it going okay anyway we found we figured out we're at The Farmstead right now okay I don't know if my uh my bus is over here or over here all right there it is okay well I'm pretty tired so let's go ahead and difficulty yeah I I I made that joke already I got my my peasant shirt on let's go take a nap the first space snap it's a good looking picture back there okay one person in the colony so far again as we play the game and as we unlock these things folks will come and join us and then they will uh they will they will become the town that we are trying to build here [Music] a new delivery I need to pick up hot dog in order to expand the farm and grow more produce uh you need to purchase farming supplies can be brought from my Landing terminal to help get started be provided with a delivery pad and some basic supplies you can find the pads on outside RV uh continue to expand the farm in order to stay on top of the van for food I don't have a farm at all unable to buy supplies if your land or terminal is broken so there's my delivery module it's very nice of them to draw some chalk on or whatever so I know what it is okay so I got some uh some Sprouts or those are potatoes carrots and bok choy okay manipulator will allow us to go go and grow this stuff uh we do that in the in the fertile soil which we saw some of that down south here excellent question Turok I know I'm not used to seeing spaceships without garbage all over the floor I don't know just such a such a great idea for a game I really want it I really wanted to do what they wanted to do and I'm sure I'm sure they will but what they did with Neil scavenger I'm sure we'll get there and one of these days we'll have like a 10 hour stream just so I can go fill up my spaceship with more junk another game just like this one it's a very slow uh that one was this one that's the watering tool I'm gonna use this guy I'm gonna go and Farm it Farms it breaks rocks it chews up crystals it's quite the tool do a little uh a little farm in here I'll make a little they can make a little shape out of this camera foreign plot if I ever saw one uh let's go get those things out there and we want the milk what do you call them whatever they're all to put them over there carrots have a little face on them and some leaks wait there's more by the way cats am I gonna make it no oh no um okay okay it's okay it's okay why is that why isn't it working major one yeah [Applause] okay okay oh no I screwed it all up no I didn't no I didn't no I didn't never mind [Applause] okay I don't know what it is uh but it's that whenever I die and and I'm just a husk on this planet and some other explore some of some other world will come and they'll they'll debate for years about what this is I'll bring some water out we're gonna go spray some water around water some plants there you go Craig even better if we had them all in just like in a row there we could do that all pretty quickly yeah when I get when I get eaten by my space cat I'm out of water we gotta go shoot a crystal here see it filling up over there does that one do it too no that one just does that go round one man I sure am I sure am a baby about being tired all the time okay I need one more of these things I think let's go make sure we don't have anything that's real close we can just quickly get done before my bed hey thanks for the bits Jeff thank you very much well I say that just like every stream of mine I say we're gonna we're gonna finish up go to bed and I'm out wandering around for hours hey look at that unlocked a new blueprint I got a blueprint detailing on how to fabricate a small metal smart Locker or snoring supplies and a decorative omnipot all right I gotta go get some nutrient paste now the game's kind of it's like kind of brownish you know there's not a whole lot here but um I did see some screenshots on the on the page and it's like at nighttime these things are all glowy and stuff we'll stay at night here one of these times and we'll see how pretty it gets only three o'clock right now Chi Day uh what do you do Fabricators and so oh the fabricator okay so I can have you make me some crates folding chairs packaging smart Locker there's a smart Locker we just picked up we need some ingots and some some ingots fabric junk sign red crate there's the omnipots red crate decorative thing for organizing belongings this one's likely to get pulled over for speeding because it's red yeah uh I think we had to wait for the next day so let's go back to sleep I don't know sorry I missed your comment I don't know if you can rename QWERTY or not a hydrates okay it's pre-season they send down space chairs great we're near a fall line of course we are annoyed beep s so we can cross over now I wonder where it leads all right so QWERTY has set up the elections there oh my cat did that well thanks cats okay we got a survey about me we gotta make some nutrient paste I brought some nutrient paste with me it's in QWERTY storage units I gotta go talk to Cordy and get it out okay thanks QWERTY uh I missed the other one how do I go back to that this one so now that I can leave the the farm side I can go explore other regions so we can go to reach coordinate one which is through that over that path there where do you got some uh some meals in your butt there or something open your chest hey thanks qwerty okay if you don't eat you're gonna start next day tired uh yeah a little bit I can see that I wonder about that let's go pop these into my bar here and eat one why do I eat it how to eat it not how to eat it oh there it goes okay okay uh let's talk to the cats hello cats don't ask how I made the pace [Laughter] um let's go water my plants real quick oh we got question marks knowledge and knowledge I'm sure it's gonna show up in my omnipedia plants which we carrots and get sex we're gonna see oh yeah the different stages of the plants yeah whether it's good at Dusty and things yeah I probably know that stuff before I got here but you know maybe they sent me because uh I don't know anything we're gonna walk into a spaceship it's gonna be a bunch of eggs inside of it sorry wrong wrong Space movie let's go explore oh another one we found some new entries of things curious I'm curious about all that stuff uh those right here we go Starship Black Box an old beat up data pad registered to Captain Valerie Clark a Valerie clerk Valerie Kirk uh part three of nine of a data pad so it's a metal scrap the material looks human but beyond that it could be anything like a giant toenail clippers reach coordinate one there it is there's the canyon got it anything else around here I suppose we can just go kind of scoop some things up while we're over here nice cool thanks 21 months it is almost two years we got red crystals over here I know I was getting close the uh the birthday stream is getting real close they both coincide pretty pretty close I think I started the um twitch thing I think I think it's in like October is that right well I guess it's three months from now October so we're about a month off but I had I had an itch itching to play some Sid Myers Pirates but we got to save that for birthday strain this is blue stuff I think as long as my my boot my blue food thing up there is fine I think I'm I think I'm okay with that not having to eat just kidding me it doesn't really say but it's get it's giving me that one maybe what is that copper oh there it is um eldracite and Abyssal translucent metal with glossy luster don't break the Abyssal stuff you're gonna get Cthulhu at you that looks movable that wall okay uh let's run run on back how many other real jobs here right now sure what that's all about there let's go to The Farmstead um we will uh we'll put that one out we get another star cool we have more stars for ichthyological fauna prospecting and entomological I don't know if we're gonna bring the bugs in or if the bugs just sort of show up I need a lot of these guys again a little better it wouldn't be as cool though if any more water we can always go grab it I don't think I've found any more seeds have I no what is that that's some bauxite all right uh let's go um let's go nap for tomorrow and see what we get on ode I don't think I have the ability to do anything else here kind of thing with this just gonna prepare more about myself I know I don't talk to you record it can I change your name no Corey's we're stopping for you what's up with me too I didn't get anything customizable about myself either it's for making some stuff which I got nothing I'm gonna make a flower pot we'll open those up one flower pot this is decorative it resizes itself to its content so I'm not sure how it works but especially black magic uh so we can put in like I can put my dirt in there huh interesting all right we got some Stars got no sales I suppose we'll get some food running up and that'll be our sale thing [Music] okay uh Pan Galactic Parliament is taking note of your efforts to expand the Outpost of calypso attached our fabricator blueprint and a uh omniforge blueprint to assist you fabricator I'm using my fabricator to construct items from blueprints a falconer is talking in another fabricator if I want why would I need another one is the omniforge which can I hook that up yes we need one more iron ore and then we'll go whip that thing up and then under why we need a second fabricator but we'll we'll get this going into the boxite and into the iron ore so let's go do that we'll go and um one of my plants on the way out there crafting on the forge [Applause] there's still a lot of stuff out here I haven't picked up yet so maybe yeah I was we made that uh that pot was instant instantaneous but you heard me right about probably other things that aren't so fast um I got the iron there I need some box lights I think this is all just Stone here oh maybe yeah maybe it's the pots what's this copper curious what this is six three three five four three then I have a little pop-up for us okay it's bauxite okay you jiggle the plants do a little water in mm-hmm sell some lemonade uh we got enough stuff let's go make our let's go make it power just came on uh I want one of these okay must be placed in the range of power source of function each power source can always power so many things extraterrestrial lemonade that's right good stuff [Applause] I'm gonna go right there okay use it to refine or put ore in stuff comes out oh I have it I got one more so yeah do it it's doing it it's just slow okay let's go uh let's give you some more and we'll get this thing get this thing we're running we got a bunch of boxes over here I'm gonna pick up some iron yeah but on Mars you don't call them Mars bucks you call it Mars Bars it's very tasty fill up the old water container [Music] this certainly has a stardew valley feel to it just he's breaking the Rocks you know it's already valid and you're thinking how can I make this sci-fi give my laser not one of those I wonder if we hit these double nothing it's already value people talk to this one's kind of lonely well it's only lonely right now it won't be lonely much longer just you wait I think that I know there's romance in the game like we go and chat you know that whole thing um and it was going to be Romance I'm not actually sure if that's in the game yet I'm not sure how much of the interactions are there you know and all that with I think it's mostly just the early stuff for the Early Access yeah the romance the rocks oh my cat and my fabricator whatever he's called omniforge oh I got a rock I gotta I gotta oh yeah look at that stealing it okay I don't really have a job right now it's just you know we go out and use your omniforge okay I'll go do it normally I complain about games holding my hand too firmly on the tutorial mode this one just sort of lets you let me go free figure it out yourself I hope we get some aliens here speaking of the slimes see some aliens there's got to be something though because we can see that I don't know I gotta be animals and bugs that's showing up unless there are like things that come from Earth yeah I'm I'm I understand that as well Slow Burn is sort of the name of this one oh it's one oh it's one per one so we can't it doesn't make another one until the other one's gone I need a few of those sleepy time what day is it hello cat 's behind all this it's been hard keeping smiling lately tell you once why don't we take a break just us a hollow fire and the Stars see let's see see fancy Chloe I think we've even made a mistake I took this job I was expecting the pgp do you know help I think the um what I just said is is part of the storyline [Music] snarky beep I knew it was gonna be hard but I thought I'd have help can't believe the pgp's idea of support is it effective Starship and some seeds what am I supposed to do with that when it took when I look out into the dark I swear it looks back I don't feel safe I feel insignificant like space dust circling in nebula melancholic beep like I won that time okay day five starving okay oh eat one of those on the docket today nothing like you know so oh it did do okay okay good keep opening those up um I suppose we can put some copper in there that was yeah but then there um we can make another one of those I suppose it might as well maybe fabric I don't know we need that we need four more eldracite and five iron ore we can go with whip up that we make a silver crates pets and Wildlife alike are apps to make a bet out of it more for organizing belongings junk sign we got the red crate the pot uh there's a locker folding chair yellow crate fabric and wood green waste curious I don't want to sit in the chair I'm gonna go sit in the chair with my cat we'll grab a bunch of iron and we'll get a second fabricator going we want a little bit of a little bit of a journey today see if we can get made yeah so I I guess I get it the uh the I'm all alone feeling it's kind of what they're going for here it's working other than the uh the Spaceballs quotes I'd feel all alone too it smells like they're almost done those milkweed things aren't looking too good look we did the one that that um like butterflies like the monarchs the milkweed let me know what um milk root blue root vegetable potatoes are the ones that are growing pretty good huh they lay their eggs on milkweed oh you didn't like no man's sky went up um you liked it when it launched and didn't like it whenever all the when you were able to get closer to people I've I've said it before but I what I've heard no man's sky is supposed to be really good now I haven't I played it um probably four years ago now I think I played it whenever they added what they had there was a big update came out several years ago are they are they still developing just as quickly as much as before I remember watching watch I watch somebody playing it and it's it seemed like all those games was a really neat to start with but it seemed like it would get real tedious after a while like you just do the same thing over and over again it's like like Animal Crossing Animal Crossing is great I love it however um it's very grindy and tedious after a while there's Parts with it with a lot of people in lots of areas with no one every update gets better that's what I hear every time I see no man's Sky mention this way here I love it and every update gets better all right so we're getting tired again a clock uh we watered our plants we got a few I don't think I got enough stuff I got seven of those I didn't get either any of the purple ones or the the rainbow ones so we'll grab some of those real quick with shaky over here maybe just my screen too cheeky I'm sure what's wearing me out I'm just pointing the laser gun at it but something's wearing me out I can start you when you're swinging that that pick around I understand I wear you out there's a No Man's Sky Community expedition going on right now most people in one area oh neat that's cool they do that yeah hard work point in a later laser I guess you're picking up the Rocks I suppose it's a future I can have a vacuum I don't know if I'm supposed to put anything in here you think I'm supposed to dump anything in we could like we could try to sell um I might pick up just one of these splits in we'll sell nine rocks we'll see what happens no I can't put them in there was there another box somewhere let me make before I go to sleep let me get one of these made [Applause] okay copper out I only got four of them so I need it but there we go this box I turn into box side doesn't turn in anything does it yellow and red is cosmetic don't craft okay thanks no only Stars nothing today okay day six bauxite aluminum okay I need a bite to eat that seems like I'm not a reviewer but so I'm gonna listen to this but it almost feels like like sometimes I right click sometimes I left click it's like they haven't quite made up their mind which one is going to do which job yet but we're still in Early Access still in very early access so you know expect those kind of things water maybe there is maybe there is a um oops um some sort of a order to it because it seems like picking things up is left click or sorry right click and using my tools is is left I might just need to get used to it I got a neighbor in no man's sky huh okay um I don't have any S I do have one more seed I guess we can throw that in the ground these ones aren't growing real well put it over there maybe we'll learn it grows better at certain places a lot of rocks over here I feel like I'm just clearing them out for no reason maybe what I'll do is I'm gonna go we'll clear some of the stuff out and then we'll go we're gonna go to bed and then tomorrow I think we'll just go run down past the zone to the right do a little Explorer and see what we can find over there we know on the map that there's a lot more zones here I was kind of guessing just kind of waiting for them to open up but they might be some things we just sort of find just by walking out there people just stumble upon them let's do a little do a little time advancement it's nice that it keeps on going so having two of these is probably pretty good it's uh yeah let's nap 11 30 in the morning time for bed [Music] mom says are you eating right Mom kiddo sorry not a kid anymore I just can't stop thinking of you as my little Dove no matter how old you get so I want to check in to see if how you're doing on that great big adventure of yours and thanks mashless is there a farming Sim with stock trading or vertical farming I don't know uh cooking is an important skill and yeah it takes time to learn but I believe you can do it imagine you're out there in that new Colony just eating raw ingredients and upsets me from a sick and your own cook food I have attached to cooker blueprints in case you don't have anything to go with and your favorite raspberry pie recipe thanks Mom so I can eat raspberry pie and cat feces thanks okay mom got caught on my old my poor diet and she's included a cooking blueprints craft one of the fabricator and make it and cook up some carrots okay and we also had a little folding chair yeah we gotta make uh we need one more steel you can get one more aluminum magnet one more stuff I guess it's harvesting time take some carrots carrots came out quick looks like I got some green waste should probably put I should put these things together so I know what they are my carrots came back actually I got two extra seeds out of that okay let's get them watering done that is a good way to we could line this up my sprayer all good hey Dover how's it going uh three rows would have been in it that's all we needed that's quicker we gotta go get some stuff and they're all in the other Zone over there so let's just go do a little bit of mine in the day so we can dig out over there so I can get some Hops and Pie I'm gonna go for some pie I have a feeling I'm gonna be eating a lot of pie tomorrow a dad joke speaking of of this weekends do you know why there aren't any knock-knock jokes uh about America because freedom rings let's go let's go do some mining I saw that one on there I was like oh gold that one's gold sorry that one's red white and blue foreign October 13th or whatever recording this a couple days before the 4th of July we're streaming this whatever I'm doing but if you're watching this on October 13th make sure to give us some Spaceballs jokes jokes quotes you know leaps and creeps I'm gonna have to lay down after that one I'm sorry I took it out of me too a little bit I'm afraid for the calendar it's days are numbered uh is that all we need here we got four of those we got five well we need more iron let's see if we can scrounge up some more iron around here thanks thanks oh we had a new spots oh we've had a new spot Seaside Nexus I could have just walked over here what's the red thing looks like an egg uh there should be a large coastal region past narrid Canyon ideal for a colony so I should go and check what state it's in in order to learn more about this region and expand my map I want to travel at each of the new survey coordinates there's three of them over here all right I don't know what that red thing was but I'm pretty sure it's come out of my chest in a minute Scarlet sodium mix Scarlet salt I got a thousand bucks and I haven't spent any of that more of those I don't want to go I gotta make sure these things in before time's up why does America celebrate independence when it does because it's a fourth to be reckoned with I say that but I can't I can't resist breaking the scary orange orange eggs or red eggs there's one there's number two what's this I think it's supposed to be water maybe it's ice let me feel real silly if there if there isn't if there's a run option I don't think there is but I just thought I wonder if there is one that I'm just not hitting countertop is K map is in we can actually candidate with that relationships are okay there's anything I named another thing oh M does do something okay aim didn't used to do anything but it does not okay cool cool yeah if I remember in the demo um a long I mean this is way different than a demo demo was like um well it's just a lot different same idea but certainly different our screen oh hey look me and my cat foreign okay uh that's enough stuff to to make um the cooker I think we got some boxite we got one boxite we find some more we'll grab some more I'm gonna grab the swell on here come along cat I think it's getting dark the wrong way inanna Falls um another location we got three more blueprints to go look at over here what'd it say about it a different music for each Zone uh should have a waterfall and be full of rare Metals then again we don't exactly have been right about much or to learn more about this region expand my map I want to travel to each of these new survey coordinates some of that stuff I got a star for it foreign might be passing out on the way out here my cat's gonna carrying me home I need some more aluminum see look how cool it is at night it's so much cooler looking at night which looks like this during the day like I don't know really not I'll just play at night okay my sleep meter has the shakes there's one oh metal like um are these like being beamed from space and like these my space companies just like shooting these things down for me to go walk to them foreign I'm done here Naval is talking about being able to fish and to run a restaurant in the trailer I wonder if that would be oh yeah Oracle vertical farming I cannot wait for Nevada's it's one that I'm looking forward to it for a long time and I think that's like we may spend some time we may spend some streams on that one if it's if it's what I hope it is going to be it looks really good it actually looks a lot better than what how it's going to look like um just from what I've seen the trailers so if you're not familiar with novalis uh go look it up go to steam steam page and look up navalas the canyon I'm gonna fall asleep foreign make it getting late it is 10 o'clock cool looking down there the man actually made it back home I think I can I can do the job oh I need I need oh I need I'll just Ingot also oh let's see if it'll let me do it put those in I got five of them so we can get those tomorrow all right assistant we got some biology where to get those from those eggs yeah hard day at work already but that's Colony life glad you're here to share with me it's all a bit more bearable with company isn't it wanna take a walk because we just walked forever yesterday I know life out here is tough and it's not what either of us expected but there's been a bright side it has to be a bright side right it's been a bit easier the past few days maybe our luck is finally starting to turn and there's so many possibilities for us out here right we could be daring explorers that yesterday swashbuckling beep the music brilliant scientists I know this I saw the soundtrack is on the steam page [Music] um well maybe we'll die out here alone and so die out here alone in obscurity I knew it I knew it that's strange [Music] by the moons above [Music] um is that building breathing I guess we rude to refuse the invitation not ready excellent this is what I was hoping for I knew it was a slow burn and I I knew things got like really ramped up as the game went on and I was hoping that a slow pace of it was kind of just to get us like feeling the loneliness and seclusion of it good stuff they were never seen again game over what is all this is it there was something similar I think in the demo where it like it kind of brought you into I think the colonists started coming in in the demo and then it cut you out right if things started getting a little bit picking up a little bit I don't remember this though oh Courtney my cat where are you you must repair the infrastructure didn't think I could read alien did you finish what was started did you break down I can't get any parts out here please don't leave me oh now I got a sad face don't leave me all alone me and the aliens will son Gordy I'm so sorry after all this time if only I knew how to repair you if only we'd never gone to those stupid ruins how do I do this without you buddy you go out there without it okay it's kind of sad now um I'll pop that one out I'm gonna put in the the fancy stuff to make one of those what is that one uh palacyte parasite uh we got another one of these uh these oh a Noah nuts scene healthy alien nuts these 12 days oh I found those um I found one of those those more of those things yeah alien nuts hmm [Applause] if it was in there there's a little watering all right um I'm very hungry I'm very sweet I didn't eat today basically did I missed no I'm just tired now because I didn't eat enough hey Raven man how's it going uh I don't know how these I think we just needed one of those and ooh fancy green okay let's make a box here pretty soon uh I do make uh whip up that's I mean the blueprint yeah okay so we'll get the cooker going oh my cat's right there sorry Cory I said all kinds of mean things to you earlier I'm sorry what the cooker um it's big can I rotate it no well uh it'll sit like over here I have lots of carrots let's whip up some of this stuff Rose carrots I'm assuming that yeah we like a little little symbol if we can if we can Farm those uh go ahead and go back to bed I think I've got everything done that we need to do now we're gonna do some more exploring here uh tomorrow but we're sad about our cat you can probably go a little longer I got money for what I want to get money for nothing happens today we'll go back and look at those ruins [Music] oh dust storm time is it getting exciting as well the taters are ready that thing is [Music] okay 13 of them now okay we're gonna have to use a little bit of a rearranging now we can keep it as it is but I think for the sake of saving time we're gonna Phillies in oh it might have been yeah paycheck it was well we're at what was day nine though oh it's lose day that's not a good day maybe I think my I think my technique was actually was actually good because I can't actually see those zones now mm-hmm yeah I'm sure this game's made by made by Matt Damon tater's precious boiling Mashems to commit us too and I want some of those and I want we're going to get that guy cooking and what is that oh potatoes okay the red guys go in there right guys don't go in there okay Stone you go in there oh Stone does go in there all right we gotta mash it up let's see what it does it's a little a lot of little trial and error kind of things and I think maybe that helps with the with the feeling of like I'm out here alone didn't give me any like jobs they're just like hey go do this I'll make up some packaging I can whip up I can make up wood oh I'll make one of each of those things I can make a box someone told me not to make a box though um there's a junk sign more packaging more pots okay um I got some potatoes we can make up some more food also we'll do that um I'll make a couple of those a couple of those around inventory space might need to make one of those boxes that was a storage bin I could make maybe we should whip that up or was it great smart Locker good I hate dumb Walkers are the worst can I keep it in my house what is that packaging made it 100 materials this box comes with a fruit motif oh I can put it in no [Music] it's like a box of veggies you know it's just for looks okay uh smart Locker what's so smart about you can I put like my food over there [Music] dump my food over there not on all this junk big box okay um okay let's go and um I'm gonna explore those ruins today we're on day nine is what it is and I I think day 10 isn't is an exciting one I could be wrong [Music] all right I want my cat back you dang aliens oh man it's July 2nd that's when the aliens show up somewhere else you're gonna make an install an interfere interface relay to that terminal okay I'm gonna sleep um you know I don't wonder if we should go and look at some more stuff we can go we can cut down here and see these zones let's see if we can do that [Music] let's go let's do some exploring foreign that way how do we get over there is there a way over here so we came in oh friendly right let's not talk about my cat right now I'm still a little little a little heartbroken the best robot friend a guy ever had [Music] big Crystal you already came out here didn't we oh there's a big thing blocking us cut down in the prime of their programming go to this side yeah that's I'm not sure how to get over there that's oh yeah blood cuts off let's go over here well maybe not might be at the edge the hole there more more funny walls I don't know there's any way to get across across there grab some of this stuff over here who cares what that Stone's gonna turn into [Music] okay well I think it's anywhere else let's go uh go back because we go back home that could connect up over there let's go back home I'm thinking I'm gonna see what happens maybe something exciting happening on the day 10 we'll see what it is foreign I'm sure the cat will come back we wouldn't just keep him we would just keep his robot corpse laying on our floor that looks like life [Music] fossilized insects dragonfly like insects with three heads preserved in Amber weird I don't recall seeing Amber anywhere on this world [Music] estimate age that's a long time here a couple hundred years ago [Music] yeah a pie will do me well I didn't bring anything with me speaking of pie how do I make it I need raspberries sugar and flour thanks Mom I just want to eat one of these foreign [Music] that's how you run as you eat up you eat soup and all that dang walking for nothing can get through there let's let's go let's go nap I wanna see what happens tomorrow it's so exciting's gonna happen tomorrow I know it suit gives you the runs day 10. [Music] dear star Stuart recruitment is vital to a successful Colony as new residents may run shops provide upgrades and offer essential Services they're legally required to provide uh here at the colony Outreach committee we managed volunteer colonists we met we managed volunteer colonists and recommend them to Star stewards due to your difficult situation we have dispatched Aaron Hernandez to Calypso the baseball player Aaron Hernandez holds degrees and electrical and environmental engineering from Rexburg University on Earth you'll assist us with electrical inter infrastructure and maintenance he'll arrive in two days all right oh what was another one payroll information is all verified as your contract with us you'll receive a weekly wage for being star Steward uh weeks are eight days in length um on home day okay go back outside maybe we can like look at my I I I'm sure I have to fix my cats or to figure out forget a way of doing that and well now in a way we can run let's get the runs do a little watering oh yeah engineer will fix my cat eat more soup so I can run places yeah the whole Trek the whole time so this doesn't go anywhere but I'm gonna try running down since I Nexus and up that way see what that takes us and we're gonna have like unlimited amounts of food with those carrots coming out we can eat a soup every day I think I've been over here yeah these red things are in the way can I cut these am I getting there we're gonna let the spot to try see what's over here yeah down this way oh there's our there's our cut off there okay I think I've gone everywhere that I can so we Aaron Hernandez here in a couple couple days pick up a bit of stuff yeah there's got to be something that'll give us uh teleporting around or yeah yeah dune buggy kind of things oh my soup ran out I wonder if the other soups do other things this was just a carrot I think wasn't it yeah this is just a carrot one it gives me a five percent it's more than five percent boosts for 180 minutes it increases my heart rate was just like speed soup [Music] real nice I wonder if it's it's in here I think um somewhere in here it's all that I saw something um I thought I did maybe not I thought I saw something that alluded to like the if there's that alluded to like Planet changing things Maybe not maybe I'm maybe I'm dreaming of things quite possible need a better gun pick this stuff up because I know we'll need a bunch and we'll get when when we get that point of the game we'll have to have more things to make we need more iron and all that so we'll go ahead and get some stuff collected up because in two days it's gonna get exciting whenever when Noel Hernandez shows up so we'll um I'll get a bunch of the stuff done get my plants running get prepared for making some things later on this all gave like a shine like like a click Me Shine [Music] see if I do it again maybe oh it's just as I'm walking more bits [Applause] maybe I'll go through that suit pretty quick all right okay getting tired okay let's run on back what we got there Jewel fruit you spending my time scooping these up this is where all the new stuff comes in just like that or Jewel fruits a few different things at each of the zones no today we're gonna we're gonna pass out let's see what happens uh if it goes just black screen and it says game over and it's gonna be hilarious okay we survive seems you passed out yesterday passing out influx a lingering stamina penalty from a penalty go to bed or consume specific Foods okay same is going same as not eating the next day I made it to bed somehow okay um we got one more day to go until once his face shows up that's um well right down here and do a little watering oh my my leaks are ready to go okay Excellence are you guys ready no we got information on you though let's go plant some leeks [Music] you know if we can't star I might as well pass out oh bok choy you're right you're right not weak [Music] okay now um I'm really curious to see what this guy is I'm just gonna pop some things in here I'm gonna go to sleep I'm gonna see what happens tomorrow um I'm gonna crank in whatever we can in here oh I put these seeds over there too the Box lights would you make glass silicon okay and you're still you're still cooking there aren't you okay maybe I'll make another one of those we'll find these last couple seeds here I found I'm very eager to see what happens when this guy shows up so I'm going to bed you know like real life something exciting is happening tomorrow don't even worry about getting out of bed just sleep for the week until this exciting thing happens it'll be there in no time [Music] thank you [Music] another person welcome who are you again a human you scared me half to death that wouldn't be great you look half dead already oh Aaron all right now all right now I'm just teasing you I'm Aaron your electrical engineer and there's nothing better than an engineer who's a bit engineered himself at least that's what they say on my Galactic ID Paul says there's nothing like a good handshake to start a friendship friendship huh um uh pleasure to meet you much is all mine and you know what I get the feeling this place could be a good home foreign you should go check out if I'm done with this that is looking pretty rough a present no offense anyway on to more important matters the pan galactic Parliament sent me here to help you out why no idea but it's not for me to question their wisdom I'm just here to do some work speaking of which I have to get settled in I've got a lot to unpack preliminary scans to conduct we'll talk more later okay sir my cat talk to Aaron he can repair the uh the astrobago's computer talk to him about it hello my Lander terminal is broken could you take a look at it it probably just needs a bit of a percussive maintenance I'll take a look at it I he should have said he should say did you try turning an off back on again I'll fix my noon tomorrow assuming there's no surprises that's a nice Shippy guy there I like the green stuff you got over here is it's like a bathroom wow I get a space Winnebago and he gets he gets this fancy thing man wait for tomorrow noon okay remember I had a game tip say just wait it's just don't just go back to bed yeah his babe layer that's what that's what you call it next one comes down we'll make sure we we'll get some flirting going on well one of them anyway see who he gets next one's gonna be like a I don't like a insect man or something like that I don't wanna flirt with insect man okay let's go it says just to wait till tomorrow I suppose it's fine I'm gonna cook up some food here before and um we'll go to bed let's go over here awesome Noah nuts we should probably tell him about the about the ruin up there um yeah let's whip up some food here I got a whole bunch um we gotta use a lot of um rearranging here so can I toss those over there okay uh this thing's giant I'm gonna grab all the things I've got and we'll pop up whip up some stews and things um I'll grab the income Oh no you're done incomplete stuff too we'll put them together that's that one paliscite okay okay farming game of the money tree ah that sounds familiar like I think maybe I have played a game that has a money tree like like what you're thinking [Music] uh if I I should make what if I should make another one of these because I got the stones taking forever you know I got nothing else to do let me wait till tomorrow I'm gonna Forge or any more ore which I just put in my in there I'll get it for the first time okay so this one doesn't say what it does it's a mystery so we'll make um make some veggies too I hope it's good do they do different things so this one potato five percent speed I think the same thing right oh no it's five percent energy this one gives me the oh the carrot gives me the speed boost it doesn't do anything this one does what this one gives me a 10 energy boost I don't want to add garbage out with a carrot one carrot one's the best okay I have intended this stuff yet have I think ready yet oh carrots already did it just why do you get dark did I fry it or something hey rainbow T Kitty how's it going I'm sure we're having there do some do some sprinkle in Sims 4 has a money tree you're right yeah some Sims is a money tree it might be what I'm thinking yeah who's my train you can make a seller Goblin um it was and nine carrots 10 carrots okay everything right so we're being planted yeah I guess wait till tomorrow Animal Crossing has one is that might be that um that's probably what I'm thinking of yeah you plant the money bags and in a Sprouts that's gotta be what I'm thinking of yeah okay by 10 a.m tomorrow what time do I wake up [Music] picked up a signal from my broken QWERTY bot while doing some preliminary scans in the area unless there's something else someone else here I don't know about I'm willing to bet the bot is yours I got some spare parts lying around I'm pretty handy I can buy some time at the bottom I might be able to fix it for you okay okay I picked up my cat there he is uh I'm gonna whip up another one of these uh one of these fellas no I'm not I don't have the Beats for it okay tomorrow noon we got exciting things happening um that cooking and that's still cooking potato I'm gonna just dump all the stuff in there let's go yeah old friends right now um it's not this way is it where is he at is he in is he in the canyon or is he in the Nexus he's down here he is hey buddy um Quest items one bot ing strong relationships is essential to Growing your Colony gifts quests and dialogue choices can prove worse or worse in relationships find out what gifts each colonist prefers keep track of the relationships on the Omni tool oh I can't see what you're saying uh shouldn't be hard to fix though I could probably have it ready for you by tomorrow morning and in fact uh that's good with your hands huh tomorrow morning that's pretty slow well you're welcome to try and fix it yourself so I had to try it probably already would have if he could though so I'm guessing you need my help which can take as long as it takes talk more later for now I got a robot to fix uh let's shop what do you got a twin tank uh upgrade that adds second water tank doubling your water capacity for how much I'll take one 1500 bucks what do you do with the money well yeah yeah we gotta we got a hyper compressor which extends the range of my gusts uh how to fabricate basic circuitry a blueprint detailing how to fabricate a robust solar panel circuitry and then an all-purpose cooker can cook bake pulp deep fry steep preserve and cure this one's free since it raises the gusts I'll buy that one I'll take the free one okay have a good day he says so is it just automatically better oh wow yeah that thing really blows sort of change that to the squares any did it change blue now there's another one that was free okay let me go look I think I get with the solar panels because we have a range you know on our stuff when we build it so I can understand where the solar panel comes in I don't have a need for it right now though I'll wait and see what the tutorial is gonna I'm afraid it's gonna I'm gonna buy something I saw some folks in the in the comments on Steam complaining about the tutorial a little bit um and I'm afraid I'm gonna if I do something that I shouldn't do I'm afraid it's gonna ruin everything okay was there no nothing else was free 1500 for each of those let's talk uh my paw would sometimes put Band-Aids on my arms when they malfunctioned I think it was more for him than me oh yeah yeah yeah good good story buddy good good story so my friend will be here tomorrow um while I'm over here let's we'll do a little eating and I'm gonna do some mining because I my friend back I'm gonna install that you have successfully registered your delivery PAD as registered user you can now buy items from Quantum quick largest retailer in space simply access our store using your terminal we'll deliver order next day all right I wish I had some money coming in we need uh some of that we need some of that rainbow stuff which is in the other Zone foreign is this the place where we've got the uh the other stuff I think it is like a like an Iron Man hand s that way does that one look like that too oh yeah it comes out of my hand i'm Iron Man oh look at that it's not a gun fancy good thank you it's a little different doesn't it maybe not [Applause] there is a new Nova pop scene yeah I think it must be it varies by whatever Zone you're in whether you get Noah pop or whatever the nut one was foreign let's go run back home um I think I've had enough stuff you know night time's coming up nighttime's really cool looking let's go home we'll wait for tomorrow I'll get my we'll get my cat back what am I doing awake my cat's coming gonna be back tomorrow you can hear some of his melancholic beeps one second one second okay [Applause] well they have like okay it's my catch uh you don't mind water but you can mine the crystals to get water okay uh crystals are humming yeah the crystal they weren't humming during the day I didn't hear them okay did I water things I think I did okay too bad dream about my cat is it humming or Screaming because we murder their children here we go oh it's a slow walk of reunification [Music] hello cat are you okay qwerty cheerful beep beep where do you back I miss you so much you have no idea I had to talk to this guy affectionate beep I took some fiddling around but I managed to get him back into working States even expanded his storage container too now Corey can carry more things he seems to have retained all his memories too which I wasn't completely sure he would because the damage he sustained so that's good uh but I couldn't help but notice one odd thing there were traces of an alien energy in cordy's system what do you know of alien Energies all right makes sense actually we ran into some functional alien ruins a while back pieces you're telling me this now wait seriously that's incredible I hate to cut the reading short but you gotta take me there right now alien Tech in action there's no way I can pass that up um fine don't send everything okay uh you should be nosy of course I'll show you awesome I can't believe I'm gonna go see some working alien Tech all right then let's go oh man you better not be pranking me don't you worry buddy um Cordy why don't you stay outside foreign beep what's the matter buddy you feel nervous about coming back here a scenting beep that's okay if anything happens star Stewart and I are gonna be right here to bail you out I don't really no no don't go don't bring my cat in here oh he's on the alien side [Music] I just know it [Music] [Music] now what's happening again you have returned why would I bring my cat here 40 alone I cannot I apologize for breaking this one but it is urgent I speak with you I have adjusted communication safer Transmissions this is too much to take in gotta remember to breathe I require assistance create interface communicate with terminals exchange terminals or store this broken world human work quickly what do you what are you what's your name oh come on buddy get a hold of yourself Gordy okay cheerful beep are you sure is he going thank you I should give this guy some carrots too walk a little faster I had a voice say these terminals could help us if we can trust it does that mean we can terraform his planets is that even possible hold on let me just see something don't touch it you idiot let me see if I just then went then yeah that should work star Stewart I got a pretty good idea how to do this I'll just Mark a blueprint using my Omni tool let me name this cat robot with my password [Laughter] and there we go there's relay blueprints which should work as an input output out translator which you need to use these strange terminals all right we're gonna alien that Reef thing uh did we just meet a real alien I'm struggling to take this in I'm definitely writing this down in my journal where'd he go okay uh freaky to begin that's very freaky you can answer a transforming uh terrifying we need to craft an interference or interface relay using the fabricator and make a um install it in the alien terminal to make basic circuitry I have to buy the blueprint from Aaron's shop and then craft it right to buy it from his shop for why can't you just oh oops I open the terminal uh uh okay there we go okay don't hit Escape dang Aaron I'm gonna he's gonna make me buy it isn't he I said cheer I hate him I don't I'm getting the wrong the wrong feelings about this game oh it can't decide to come back uh we gotta whip up this thing I may need to get the thing from him first where is this I need circuitry ingots ingots glass glass I don't have any Sands I got oh my God sort of looks like glass silicon is a source of glass I wonder if I if I put this is it raining if I put the glass in here oh look at that look at this okay yeah so you cook up some glass and you got me some of them um pop that in there what else did I I need besides circuitry we need I got everything else I'm sorry I gotta go buy it from jerk face that over there okay I'll hang out all that stuff I guess uh what is this this is the veggie stew I don't really care oh you know if it goes on there it goes out of my inventory doesn't it no look at that that's handy okay there's my ingots that I need um I'll go plant these things real quick I'm crying about water now some water which other cat okay uh is that water that last one okay let me go back over to this guy and get that that circuit board I'm not sure what that means sorted remember when you're all remember when you're all excited about the terraforming the planets maybe you can give that to me for free yeah I'm glad I didn't buy anything else they wouldn't have money for it hey Carl 10 months thank you very much thank you thank you have you been claro oh the eagle five was the Lone Star Winnebago is that what it's called man I do have to I'm I'm gonna have to go and watch re-watch re-watch the movie now I I even asked for Spaceballs quotes and references and I'm and I'm missing I'm clueless I'm ashamed of myself I think those and hey look glass I didn't put my plants in the ground okay one of the these please let's move around uh ingots okay wait it's already make the circuitry first silicon ingots okay grab my ingots all right map up one of these what is that because that's not in my list anywhere and yet it's right there okay that needs to go I need to go not not here though I need to go over by the alien stuff make some more uh carrots do also okay oh okay but I'm clicking for some reason okay back over here uh let's go whip up some some stew real quick yep that's the one I guess one I don't know what this one does we have that one yet I think I do we want this one there what an annoying sound [Music] okay what do you do come on okay there's my Boost okay you alien I'm here to talk and I'm not happy what you did to my cats no there's no no animals or plants on the planet uh but they're in my my thing I think we're about to be terraforming this thing and making it possible hey who invited you can start a log on detected from a procedure override oh Spacey stuff the crystals are singing [Music] this can't be right what's up let's cancel the case significant changes in atmospheric and composition atmospheric composition is now safe for humans to breathe it has to be a bug right it's a trap there's one way to check for sure you go first buddy by the stars above I can breathe joyous beep um finally some good news around here is more than just good news this is real progress I wonder what else these ruins can do think uh you think we might see grass on calypso you got anything else to say to me no terrifying processes are underway all right it's a trap um we'll see what he says let's go talk with that guy wait me when your left is open now left open on the in the ruin room here oh yeah look at that yeah it's still freezing so we're still freezing you know what's the point of this what now I'm so closed I'm happy about it it's not frozen in my face there's some freezing here but I'll be all right at least I can breathe we'll stop and talk with this guy maybe he's got something else to say to us hey there buddy what you doing I used to share with my youngest brother Lewis he would ask me to keep my robot eye open as a nightlight I miss Lewis okay okay well let's go sleep I'm excited to see what's happening tomorrow you know those times you know um exciting things are happening just go to sleep I wonder if we can explore some others um other uh regions now in there oh you know what I think I'm gonna make I think I make one more of these I think I need iron raw iron for it um yeah I'll just heighten box Heights um no it'll be fine it should be pretty handy handy to have it but oh you know I could go by the I forgot I can go buy stuff uh at that place we can go see what they sell was it a 15 payday tomorrow Jim Bob oops I just ate something it's a great surprise that we confirmed your last report the equipment is not capable of detoxifying clips of atmosphere within the reported time frame time frame however your Omni tool reading support no other explanation curious how you achieved it such a feat this is mine we've pleased to announce a new candidate for Colony residence to ensure their arrival we must demonstrate our Colony meets their transfer conditions Jim Bob Whitman mechanical engineer so transfer uh five stealing it's in one rental Root Stew really five steel and a stew okay okay all right stop eating I can't wait on my click left click uses the thing in my hands but it also clicks the button over there dispatch Jim Bob Whitman to Calypso set to arrive in two days he holds a two-year degree in mechanical and environmental environmental engineering and two certifications it's extensive work history in the field and has assisted with multiple research papers in the fields of mechanical and environmental engineering one dependent Alicia age 10. get off that thing so I stop eating stuff uh okay hello Jim Bob I want to see what we got over here so you're telling me I can buy stuff from here it sure sounded like it isn't it what does this do I can also stash stuff in his belly what you got oh you guys got a good sized chest there um go put some meals in there I guess about that um [Music] my favorite things about these kinds of games is when chests are um shared like shared with inventory so I can go over here I can pick up the potatoes and cook with them without actually having them in my hands I can just leave them in the box favorite one of my favorite things it just remove so much tediousness you know [Music] um I don't know what to do with it right now um we can go do more exploring I suppose we wait two days for Jim Bob to show up a dad joke well um speaking of all these aliens and um all this alien heresy whatever's going on here um I got a I got abducted last night I want to talk about it but when I got there they made me wash my hands eat my vegetables they made me clean my room turned out I was on the mother ship foreign found some good topical jokes today run out of water wouldn't sure how long I should leave that silence there after that joke is that is that a five second silence or just like a 10 second silence or like a one second silence all right anything else worth picking here I don't think so okay uh I don't have more seeds either do I well um you should check the computer in the Winnie okay I'm not gonna do anything with this I tried before you know there's no hitting that oh look at that oh there it is okay I can buy these kinds of things like myself I can buy a wooden torch um what else is what do we what else we got we got a compactor bin blueprint like trash fabricate into garbage contractor to reduce waste into cubes there's more of those um cat feces biscuits I get some torches but I never go out at night I'll get a couple of them I'm guessing they'll just be here tomorrow you think this layout is inefficient for my farm layouts you should have seen it yesterday or before I plant all those things um so we got still some places to go explore I'm curious about it and I think maybe where they go I just I think maybe we should go and do a little explore again today we can go try to run over here we'll just take a quick look see if anything's opened up I doubt it but while we're out here we'll do some do some blowing on this stuff yeah like this kind of stuff over here red spooky stuff over there yeah abducted by the fathership you get up to my grades yeah you know all right you get the lecture about grades there's gotta be something in there protected by the fathership something about something about Ben Kenobi it's only the fathership from a certain point of view foreign yeah dad jokes on the fathership yeah yeah okay well we can't go that way Farm we've already been over here no picking going on that um you know what I I just want to see what happens when he shows up so I'm gonna wait around I'm just gonna go to sleep because we're excited Jim Bob's coming okay plus my my uh torches will be here at some points the fathership has The High Ground yeah wouldn't it just let you know I'm off this I'm going to be staying inside for a while solar storms make my arms malfunction you should check any electrical equipment you have make sure it hasn't been damaged by the storm see when the storm's over storm oh we have to play a little puzzle game When Storms Break Stuff okay all right the solar storm has damaged the fabricator oh this one right here uh where does it need to go I see screen I don't see it's so loud I think that's just that's just a ignore this stuff okay fabric I'm kind of curious about the fabric I like the folding chair like what do I do with this stuff I kind of want to see what it does oh it's all creepy out here hey that's SpongeBob house yeah seems to be something that's tricky tricky to get down is those sound effects there's a um I don't know I have it all the time where I have um sound isn't quite quite balanced right foreign I'll go buy that thing that a water upgrade I'm kind of nervous about it about it ruining my uh with the tutorial and all that these things just cranking out some glass um I've only got three left we got plenty of stones though so we can always make some more Stone stuff 45 glass now guys working and when these are ingots we'll go make some mats out of there okay everything's been popped in I'm gonna hang on to some of the some of the stuff I get all the time like these these guys okay so hang on to those too because we use that stuff to craft hang onto those everything else like all the um all the stuff we've been flying around the place we'll just leave those back here potatoes can go with them I don't know where's my food oh there's a fox right there what's that oh my torches of course I forgot I forgot about my torches one right there and one there yes when I come outside I want it to feel like I want to feel like a king this is the fanciest Winnebago I've ever seen thank you here's my pay pgp pay from a PG there's Jim gosh darn it girl let's take a nasty tumble quit running around says Jim I'm tired of being stuffed in a spaceship I'm gonna go and stash the toolbox if you don't quit up this tomfoolery fine whatever oh I think I gotta backwards hello Jim hello there we're with a new colonists mechanics mower precisely might not have been expecting my little girl I reckon yeah she'll be following me everywhere and there ain't a thing on a planet she can't fix if she goes and puts her mind to it that is two more earthlings on an alien planet so have you seen any alien ruins yet uh she's one of the aliens come on Alicia don't go bothering anyone with that nonsense funny you should ask so you've seen alien ruins yeah you can breathe here because of him I got tons of theoretical data and I've written several papers on the subject though they've all been rejected so far but Dad all right that's enough for now girls gotta learn not to interrupt be right interrupt in every conversation with talk about aliens okay um I gotta go get started I'm sure we'll be seeing lots of each other okay um yeah let's go talk ah cool he's got a cool ship let's see inside of it I've had like a he's got like a second story oh he does have it oh welcome now that my ship's oh my Shop's open I can sell you water pumps and sprinklers look can we just work together here ain't gonna help no uh help none unless you know how to use them I did have a good look at that I did have a good system with my I think sprinklers before first you're going to want to place a water pump near water make sure it's powered you'll get I know he's out of it and you can daisy chain water pumps you got your water pump sorted out play sprinklers okay uh don't go and spray me out of nowhere when I'm walking by I'm in raw sense how wait how do I shop with you hello Dad says scrubbing the shop builds character so I'm gonna build a shop scrubbing robot and name it character good jokes okay I want to buy that sprinkler from you huh let me go back in there I want to buy that oh I'll buy that blueprint so let's see if this guy has anything to say we need to eat today we'll eat um some of that good stuff so you just oh I can give you a thing right because you need Buddies um I uh what is that oh that's the twin tank that's the um improves tilling speed there's the the solar panel and there's the cooker which I don't need that stuff just yet okay well let's go eat some of that and let's see about this this water thing which I guess we'll have to get tomorrow maybe he says when he said when his shop is open not now that it's open oh I think I'll just oh I probably will need a solar panel I think those I think those pumps are any power okay okay we'll see we'll see what he says okay and it's popping here today no junk sign I'll make a junk sign well I just likely that lay it outside here somewhere there you go now now it's homie um I'm gonna wait I'm gonna go sleep until tomorrow I think I did I water yet and um you know what buddy we never talk anymore that's why foreign more stuff because we're gonna need to find a spot for that sprinkler it looks like it was um like every two like two square out [Music] I'm gonna wait oh oh we just we'll just be outside the outside perimeter there taters we'll just keep planting them you know but I'm gonna focus on the carrots because that's good stuff I'm sure they will be able to make new things with potatoes eventually probably need to put one there okay let's let's nap and see what we get tomorrow what is this one what day we on like 18. okay four people living here now [Music] okay uh well please do announce a new candidate for Calypso I'm sure the Rival must demonstrate our Colony reach the transverse quid uh conditions they did not submit uh whatever um a metallurgists for Geology almond stars and one veggie stew I've done all that stuff yeah it asked me to do that before and I didn't actually have to right it just wants me okay so like like once I've done it then they come in but I've already done it gotcha so we got uh Dewey Rising today's he's a former academic philosopher author and PhD in applied philosophy and start more University he's Stark since turn his Focus to middle lurgy and has excelled in complex metal working in mining operations um precluding proclivity for meditation difficult to find he prefers quiet outer way areas you can't locate them find them stuck underneath the boulder contact us immediately and we'll dispatch another metallurgist okay he'll be here in two days um okay no quests so uh I'm gonna do a quick little run around well we'll go do our watering oh I know I'm gonna run I'm gonna buy those blueprints forget watering water is for Chumps or no jump we let machines do our work sorry I can't this guy's over here no no no I get lost hey Jim let me buy you stuff are you still upstairs here Jim how am I supposed to buy from you um you imagine the kind of tech they must have bet I could have a real light yeah look buddy I want to buy you danks your bank danks stuff why is he just staying in that same spot sprinkler all right all right Jim what a metallurgists do for us I'm sure some of the ruins [Music] what if we need them to get past like this stuff because these are the next things that are kind of blocking my way down here somewhere I think we have Jewel fruit foreign yeah these fellas hello cat grab a couple of these just make sure we have enough so if something comes in we can we can get it cooked up um did I go that side see what's over here I'm pretty sure I did find a way that way that goes to the water oh yeah it does yeah the harvesting is the insect sound yeah you're right sounds like it will never in Rim world yeah this is a this is the one we couldn't get by no no it's not what we can't get across that bridge there wherever it is it doesn't like it does on the map over here unless that's what that is that we're crossing right now so we've actually crossed that bridge yeah well foreign more things Noble pop yep ain't no going over there oh yeah there's the waterfall I didn't mention a waterfall something strange about that all right let me look at my objectives here okay so we know his his birthday is 12th day we're on 18th day he's he's not too big of a fan of us our birthday is the 17th which was yesterday Jim uh 37th we don't mean anything about him we had one little hex filled in with this guy so he kind of knows us I'm nothing but our cat we can give him weekly weekly gifts what if we should start doing that oh oh God I thought that was like a big potato man with with a hat I see you're outside now it's good I think my inside collection is Big go check out my scrap collection I wish she was trying I thought it was an alien we need to go to Seaside if she's out there running around that means he's maybe not in his it's the same spot anymore foreign yeah it's still still below freezing Hey where's your dad there he is hey give you think you'd have to go and do a thing like that what I give you did I give you a oh I think I gave you my stew buddy I just want to buy the dang sprinklers I clearly missed something okay all right back home we have another one of these games um roots of Pacha that came out real recently we need to check back in with that one some points he's gonna be here today or tomorrow it's tomorrow for the sky yeah so he'll be here tomorrow um I think we should go out we'll do some watering probably some picking stormy day do oh those are good let's see what those things make for us foreign that's the milk root refinable blue root vegetable named uh milk-like sapid uses kin to a spicy milky umami [Music] yeah a few things playing there actually it's gonna wait for the sprinklers but only I'm debating whether they'll ever show up let's plan [Music] yeah um which batch is really good really well done this one had a rough start I think um it's it's definitely Early Access I think was what I was reading in the uh in the reviews um I think a lot of it has to do with it it's such a slow burn I think I could see that putting some people off like if you put but 30 minutes into the game and then you're gonna be missing out on they're gonna be missing out on like the story looks like it really it really eases you in there that and maybe maybe too much of an ease uh for some folks because you've been we've been playing for what we're on we're on two and a half hours yeah we're just now starting to get to the get to the the meaty bits so that's refinable so I wonder if we can stick it in here and do this can you fit in there if I take this out refinable maybe oh you know what it's gonna be at the other kitchen the the fancy kitchen we can put it in there okay we've done our job we're gonna sleep because we want this guy to show up see what you can see about him compared to force of nature too I don't know if that comparison force in H2 unfortunately she's more of a more Base building survival um yeah I think it's I don't think it cool I don't think it's the same oh yeah he's doing some mine and hello you must be star Stewart it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Dewey Dewey the new metallurgist I've been also responsible for prospecting and mining equipment so just been looking around for good spot to sit down and meditates I suppose you know of any um uh everyone's kind of the same around here that means everything is just as good as places any that's good give me ample room to roam I'll begin a minute meditation soon but before I do want to let you know that I'm collecting Omnia uh omniac data on the oil around here or is anything interesting please let me know I'll find that mining turns out the most fascinating things before either of us can do any mining though we should set up an auto winch probably is my blueprints don't match the specifications of the mine shaft here talk to Jim Bob he should be able to give you a better blueprint for an auto winch I have a blueprint here for prospecting Suite suit prospecting suit like you'd like to be interested in uh need it and the auto winch if you want to do any mining okay are you gonna go find a place to sit Okay so get the prospecting suit blueprints talk to Jim Bob got it what you got over here so he's gonna he's gonna cut our way through there yep he's gonna be that that phony wall right there and he's down here in the in the bottom whatever that someone is down here yeah so we'll stop by Jim Bob all right Jim where you at uh I get you yeah I can go make a blueprint for you be good to get some proper mining going on this planet if I'm making that I won't have time to fix my hyper condenser I'm gonna repair it ASAP before it starts wearing down the cables repair the hyper condenser for me would you it's right on my desk come see when you're when you're done and talk anything and say uh let me give you I'm gonna give you start giving these stews away because I don't want to like them I'll give you some Veggie stews uh so our one there you go and there you go moons above I can't go and take this from you right now all right fine down here there ain't no blueprints oh you want me to fix this thing oh okay I can fix this um not need to go in there oh what it is no that's not gonna work foreign okay here's my blueprints thank you I can't get out of this oh here's a few bucks but nothing nothing game breaking just some little annoying things see what we need for this we may not have the bits for it hopefully we do not this guy we need ah four bags of circuitry and we can only get those from I know we make those don't we just gave us a blueprint for him We need oh yeah foreign suit um I forget where I make that at um um uh okay so he already gave me this the blueprint is it in here there it is I need three circuitry more three more secretary okay freaky things okay so everything's done we gotta go deliver them to our buddy here we'll water those in a second big farming spot here foreign if I've actually come looking over here if I did early on this doesn't count anywhere does it though [Music] okay let's go back to where we're supposed to be going here now we're just playing the running game all right now that man just up and running you should know that of mine safely it's a useful skill to have it's for certain let me run you through the basics you can use the auto winch you can okay follow that and down you go the better numbers on the ground indicate how close you are to any hazards are we playing Minesweeper we're playing Minesweeper okay yeah let's go okay it's hilarious okay oh one okay I see I see ah okay okay I get it let me back on there so the one okay there's two there all right foreign but that would be if I use my thing again yeah fries us [Laughter] one more one more maybe best if you stay see it on your cat Okay so so okay this is the this is two here so it's gonna be these two are both mined okay I don't play my sweeper I know what I'm doing I'm not an idiot okay so once we either that one or that one's some people so those are both mines those are both mines I guess there's some bacteria but I can actually get to that one so the only chance of this is just gonna be luck then right because one or two oh unless it does diagonals I might do diagonals you think it does diagonals am I some rocking Tunes and it might share diagonals yeah Minesweeper does was there one there when I was like that one one more one more wait was that back there I can't read it I need I can't do isometric Minesweeper I can't handle it uh okay it's possible that does both those and then I don't I'm gonna guess this one's a safe one it could be that way there's just luck here so I'm gonna guess that one's one of them it has to be right because there's one there so that has to be one um which is what this guy's pointing to it means this one's fine all right so there's that one there and whatever this one's pointing to probably yeah so yeah what's one of those from safe that one and probably that one okay we don't know that one's gonna be gonna say this is probably safe because those are both pointing the same one um that one and maybe that one no because that would be yeah yeah jackpot three how'd that why did that what that happened for we got some sort of like little um little like guide here holding our hands all right we gotta go over there they're both sharing the same one so it means it's not going to be one it's probably gonna be that one right there then yep two and not this one not one a little dangerous hmm well we know this one's not so that could be those two that would be three and that would be it's two so that one and that one [Applause] that one's trickier so we know that one is one um one it could be those two we don't know I don't know actually how to so these three are them so that means this one's safe there's only once with that don't touch that one I'll come back sometimes does that mean there's like what's that mean it means there's good stuff there I'm gonna go ahead and one yeah I'm gonna hit that one and see what it does jackpot no don't do that probably the one then so that one and not that I didn't mean it I meant it I mean can I go back up what happens we just leave all right that's fun I'm eating cares to go home where's this guy live does he have a home put so many hours in Minesweeper back in um computer lab days the only time really you want to play mindsweepers whenever you're that's cool um I didn't do any water we should go Waters plants took a bit took a bit so he was all there and then it's I'm gonna go plant these fellas okay what is that oh those are those Foods um I got no more plots okay water today already okay cats bedtime what's gonna happen tomorrow day 21. uh as per code whatever a pony of four more is required to have a designated food supplier and seller part of the star Stuart's role to provide that for you to comply results in Starvation of the colony I'm used to that extended failure to reply may result in the drop of the colony's population which would then resolve you of the food vendor requirement it's not a desirable outcome okay got it um talk to Jim Bob now there's more people are calling you need to figure out how to distribute food maybe we want to call us will have a good advice um if you need to craft anything zip back to the fabricator okay suppose if we have like solar panels we could build we could place um I'm assuming we don't build in this little area we place like little zones if I saw something um like I could set up like a little shop or whatever um over in a different Zone I suppose right we'll see what uh what Jim Bob has folks is he up here again he's always up here um I'll give you one of those I guess I'm giving you too much stuff all right I'm just here to talk uh you've gone and started a decent Farm star so it's all small but it's heading in the right direction I reckon how dare you how can I lived on a farm we had a uh we used a community box it's where we put the crops we weren't using it for the neighbors to come buy them from us I need to do it with a community box of your own okay just my two cents okay okay I thought you didn't sell me something talk to who's Aaron Aaron's this guy sorry Aaron I forgot all about you know blueprint for this community box make that happen at first I need three Palestine five Scarlet sodium for the beacon I'm gonna have it oh I'm missing one of the Palisades uh where does Palestine come from that's the yellow stuff that's right over here this one okay there you go buddy thanks for the ore here's a blueprints okay yeah there's some problems with that okay let's go build a box I started with the first game to put in like the like the Box I know there's been other like versions of it but the idea of just having like a box that you put things that were a chest um that you do your farm work and you toss stuff in a box and it goes and buys it surely those other games they did before them but now it's just like it's like standard you uh you got a farming game you got a box okay one farming box I need uh another Ingot and two basic circuitry steel I'm out of steel ingots story of Seasons had its Harvest oh Harvest Moon had the box also I didn't realize that I know a lot of a lot of the starting stuff came from start uh from Harvest Moon I didn't realize they had they had the Box foreign box I'm calling you hungry people to feed let me tell you a couple things you don't go and starve us to death causing food to live we get that food from you might be oblivious obvious to you but I thought I'd go and say just the case I should put the food in the re-request every week in the Box you're on a premium on any items sold to complete those quests and since that's essential for successful happy Colony anything else you add will also be sold overnight but you won't get any bonuses for those okay uh they can now they've expanded their inventory on the computer so the objective is is three leaks two of them that's my soup I don't want to put all of them in there [Music] because you can have four of them my soup um I don't have any leaks I'll take those out and oh you want a box um I can eat the boxes they're going on the ground over there but I'll make another one box and three leaks all right I keep calling them leaks Joy not ready yet it's just a weekly thing though I think right hurry that guy's done no we're not yeah it's like a little Barb of it um how that is that is that bar growing as time goes on it's always been there fast wings how's it going so slow burn that's that's the theme of today I don't think it fits this one best Slow Burn sci-fi stardew started started with a with a heavier story for sure um actually I'm I might have some in here I guess I cooked them all well all right all right all right um so let's see um speaking of going to the doctor earlier today that's how that joke earlier today I don't remember well a few years ago I went to the doctor he told me I was going deaf I haven't heard from him since that's it's not it's not not the top tier of what we had today but but uh it's acceptable Scarlet salt oh I can almost make a Miner's pastry sauce and flour I don't know what flower comes from um I I kind of see what's going on we're gonna get near end of of stream time so I'm I'm curious what's going to happen with um some of the stuff so we're gonna pass some time we're gonna go to bed what I'm trying to say yeah yeah not not two or oof Worthy so those things I guess it doesn't count I think he said weekly hopefully it's not daily if we walk around we see him just dead and on the planet we'll know geosphere uh can only relay short message provide data and I will restore geosphere uh use the alien terminal to start geospheric transforming I want to upload research data to earn required 15 geology botany and omnistars combine or harvest produce from crops once I have enough omnistars I can upload the data by using alien terminal okay let's go use the terminal let's see if my bok choy is ready it is ready okay let me get those planted here while I'm here putting these things down is a little tedious foreign [Applause] yeah the only energy oh yeah um doing all the planting stuff doesn't cost any energy yeah it seems like that's gonna be kind of that's kind of a side note too because especially with the sprinklers if we can figure out how to get sprinklers working um and I'm not having having the water at all it seems like farming is kind of like a s like it's important but it's not it's not like um spend your whole day you know go outside and use all your energy farming for the day kind of thing thank you and then we'll go uh I'm curious about this storyline where this is gonna go we're getting near our end of street I'm getting tired the old leak in there I don't know why I can't leaks bok choy put that in there some more things I suppose if you really wanted to but I want to see what this is all about like if the ground started turning green like grass started growing that would be real cool I don't care if it doesn't mean anything and it just it doesn't you know matter at all but if if green starts green stuff starts that'd be great like the game is I was saying earlier it's kind of bland you know during the day there's not like crystals are fancy but nighttime's a cool time but if start turning green that'd be great upload completes log on detected quite a Swagger there foreign the water maybe it's not below freezing anymore [Music] changes in ecospheric conditions volcanic activity has resumed temperatures are increasing substantially nearby water composition is fresh water fresh water looks like I don't have to rely on ice crystals anymore that's a relief cheerful beep oh maybe we needed the pump maybe that's refill your spray tool by interacting with a body of water oh grass maybe we can't get to the pump because we needed water first uh set up shop now he can he can never there's fresh water I'm selling Sprinklers and water pumps of course got a variety of seeds around take a look on the market for that kind of okay he's got water Jim what you got so there's the sprinklers for 300 bucks those are a bread recipe blueprint I can just buy a sprinkler uh wheelbarrow decorative wheelbarrow uh omnipot we've got a Milk Pail there's cabbage and green tea I guess I'll take one of those whoops quiet in here um I'll just buy one I don't need a blue print I'll just buy one of each of these maybe I'll buy a couple sprinklers okay it's expensive should I buy the water pump yeah so I got it okay in there okay I'm checking on this guy see if he has anything to say nope okay I can't even give oh you know what I think I have to get I can give them a gift I just have to have it highlighted talking about buddy does that mean he didn't like it it's still four below there's the pump we're pretty close to the water I think we'll be all right yeah I want to never water my lawn again uh we can't quite reach over there but we can we can oh the tiny can't be on tilled soil already um [Applause] does that need power you think so oh it might I thought maybe there's just a pot like I could just turn it on but I think you're right yeah it needs power okay well no big deal I guess we'll come back and fix it we'll fiddle it a little bit later um see what else we can do here sure we'll get something new with this uh we don't have any more jobs do we before I run off the bid like him I want to see what we can get to let's do a couple days and see where this this runs this off to [Music] okay okay food requests are done oh we have new ones now and we don't just insist on nutrient pastes says whoever that is fideli who's that okay so they want some taters wish I could just pick sure there's a way of just doing one and what is that I made that I've made that one okay and five boxes easy enough uh not sure what else put in here my everybody's full put some things in my cat I guess um all right um I'm gonna go to bed but um that solar panel was 1500 bucks we can't get this thing done yet uh I'll get some watering done but uh we're gonna I'm gonna just pass a day or two here and see what what we lead well it leads to oh my ice crystals are gone isn't it so I have to go and fill up here how do we get water I didn't say to get water [Music] that wasn't it foreign just go to a nearby body of water and you can suck it up all the crystals are gone I don't know where to get water from now hmm oh yeah watering can I do it ah there we go oh I think that it's getting late I'm getting tired okay things I assume you just point lasers at it it'll work fine hello cat okay Harvest Moon like yellow it's already they're all a team okay was there one here I can pick all right okay just to see what we can get to a hello cat by the way I'm trying to sleep it's noon my bedtime we could get a lot of money we could sell a bunch of jump we can get all kinds of cash and get the sellers to solar panel pretty quickly [Music] okay new targets I guess that just happens there it just resets every time and uh thanks for that yesterday okay well I think we're uh I think we're about about at end of stream time I do believe we'll go one more day let's see if something pops up tomorrow I hate when they take my good stuff and five boxes we'll go dump the boxes in there thanks for hanging out Samurai Oh I wanna make four round of green stuff okay um yeah we'll go water there's a crate in my drop-off zone is there all right I'm working here you may have to run all the way over there just to fill my water no plants aren't getting watered today [Music] uh let's go um I'm not really full of stuff let's dump some stuff in here we'll jump everything in there if it wants to fit in there we'll dump it okay um and you said there was a thing up here yeah what is that more torches why'd you give me more torches foreign it's getting colder it's five wasn't it four below before maybe because it's morning 25 good day to end it I'm just making something exciting's gonna happen today we got a green tea recipe tea recipes more recipes bread recipe Jim Bob you have a food processing unit in stock uh you make flour and rice uh thanks for the food and new new request in the Box okay and a new task is to buy a food processing unit from him my task is to buy things from him so we can make some food more complex foods for him but it's a fancy farmer basically another box here is it more torches who was a chair who sent me that yeah let's put that right there gotta sit in it well what's the point of it if I can't sit in it oh come on now outrageous that's what that is it's getting a little a little warmer all right um oh yeah I'm calling it a day here I said I gotta be strong um hey Aaron kind of likes us all right we're getting there well there is one lonely Outpost it is certainly a slow burn but it's uh I I like it so I think I like the um I'll say it does a good job of of giving you that that feeling of your your loneliness on an open planet in all ass I'm really curious to see how the how the colony coming in and building all that stuff comes in later on but uh we'll I'll find that out today so thanks for hanging out this is out in Early Access as of uh oh when would it come out just like a couple days I think the 26th of June I think it came out yeah 26th of June is when it came out it's early access so we'll see where it ends up going I know that um like romance and things are supposed to be in there at some point they'll say a plethora of fish and bugs also inhabit the planets go uncover them to fill out your collection maybe they're behind those walls that we haven't got to yet because we just got to the robust meal making so there are bugs and planet and animals around ushering a new dawn for Humanity feeling a genuine off-world Utopia cultivate relationships and who knows maybe even find love among the pioneers delve into the past of the old world what lies hidden behind underneath the the planet surface yeah I kind of wish I flirted with him at the beginning to see if we could gotten any romance romance but I don't think there is any in the game just yet but anyway thanks for hanging out uh I'll see you tomorrow and we'll play something else I hope everyone has a good one and um we're gonna go do a little raiding today
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 7,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Lonely Outpost game, One Lonely Outpost gameplay, One Lonely Outpost, simluation, life sim, terraforming, gameplay, pc game, gog, stream, sim, space sim
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 5sec (11705 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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