How to Play Dark Angels in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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in this how to play video we are going to be running through the dark angel Space Marine chapter in the Warhammer 40K Universe we shall be looking at the Army and Detachment rules available to the Dark Angels as well as the enhancements and stratagems available to them we should look at how these enhancements and stratums synergize with our top picks for the best units available to you with this index and if you stay to the end we will run you through our take on a competitive Dark Angels Army list welcome to Vanguard tactics I am Jordan I'm joined here with Jake Jake tell me about the Army rule for the Dark Angels well Jordan as a Space Marine you get the oath of moment Army rule okay okay so this is something that all Space Marines get no matter what chapter or faction or anything you are this is what you get cool so in your command phase you pick a unit in your opponent's Army and while you target that unit with ranged or melee attacks until you'll start your next command phase you can rewrite all hits and wounds oh brilliant very very strong rule so remember this is something you get no matter what okay this is your this is your baked in Army rule nice something that is different though is the Detachment rule okay so the dark angel specific one is called The Unforgiven task force what does this do it's got a very simple rule and it's while an adeptic starters unit from your army is Battle shocked change the objective control character of this model in oh sorry models in this unit to one rather than zero okay so it's increasing your ability to be able to hold objectives right yeah so it's something that may not come up as often with Space Marines obviously having not you know stereotypically a low model count yeah um their leadership also being very good so the fact of them being objective of control one rather than zero may not come up loads but in these situations it could come up in versus modifiers or even those clutch situations it's good to know that you can still at least hold an objective exactly so that's good there is some caveats for this as well so one of the restrictions is that your chapter must obviously be Dark Angels right yeah so thus meaning you can't have ultramarine units in this year while Dark Angels you can't have any other castle that's right sure so it's just something to note so it also means you can include obviously the dark angel units as you can normally right yeah so you're Lionel Johnson's your Deathwing Terminator yeah yeah sure all sorts right nice um so yes that is the main Detachment rule okay and with that comes stratum's enhancement oh right well it is important to note as well that you can take the Gladius task force with this Army you can so as as because you are a Space Marine faction yep you can take the Gladius task force okay um already on the surface for the Detachment rule the Gladius is already looking a lot better yes um just for the you know the sort of Swiss army knife of tactical play you have exactly exactly so already if we were to look at a column of four and against already on Detachment rule alone I'm sort of Leaning a bit towards the Gladius yeah I agree however we've got some stratum's enhancements to talk about okay swing us the other way all right well shall we look into the enhancements next yeah let's do it but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today Link in the description below okay Jake so tell me about the first enhancement happily so it's the shroud of Heroes okay so that's the start his model only the first time the Bears destroyed your roll of dice on a two plus you can set that model back up as close as possible to where it died right and but it comes back with three wounds remaining no it can't be an engagement range right okay however if you were battle shocked when dying you come back on four wounds rather than three okay right so we're seeing the Synergy with the Detachment rule right yeah so as you're going to notice there's a bit of a theme here and that is um being battle shocked yeah and something that normally you don't want to be yeah yeah um but I guess with some enhancements and some of the even some of the cool rules we have in the Dark Angels uh they do get a bit of benefit for being battle shocked yeah so already a great enhancement I'd say on a character that you really need to be able to stay alive such as like I don't know maybe a Primark Apothecary that could go in your unit desolation Marines yeah sure um even like some of the captains or anything like that that obviously allows some of your strategies to become free yes having having an enhancement like this so you can't just be sniped out as the term would be yeah it's really really useful so I am a big fan of this one okay cool another one I'm a big fan of is actually stubborn stubborn tenacity oh so this is a depth of Stark's model only right you get plus one to hit while you're leading a unit okay if the unit is below starting strength right and if that unit is Battle shocked you get plus one to wound as well also if the bear is so again another one of these enhancements where it has a good rule so plus one's a hit while they're shooting a unit below your starting strength it's good great yeah yeah and then that extra caveat if you're only in its battle sharks um again not a big fan of the fact I have to be battle shocked but still a nice thing it just means that yeah if you are put in that weird situation of let's say in the charge phase you're forced to take a battle shot check as an example it now means that on that charge yeah you're getting plus one to wound essentially true and so again really nice little ability there but not something that I would see in every listing no it's no no um something that can be maybe in every list however is the penitent of remembrance now this is actually my favorite enhancement right the law all right not so not period just just no no okay right sorry in this small small little four enhancement yeah this one's my favorite right right um so this can only this is a bit different it's not just any adapter society's model right this is any ancient model so to clarify that would be Banner bearers so yeah your Terminator ancient your blade guard ancient or primaries ancient yep and what this does is while you're leading a unit you give that unit six plus still no pain okay nice if the unit is Battle shot October you get a four plus feel no pain oh now really really good yeah especially on your Terminator H and in the beginning of Terminators again it's just that caveat of being battle shot but even just giving your unit a six-up feel no pain is very useful if you think for every free damage you maybe could save one that could be a whole Terminator alive yeah especially with the Terminators with the shields that have a full wound profile and let's say they you know you've got the damage coming in there's a chance that you can maybe save a whole Terminator Yeah Yeah from it so um really really solid solid little upgrade there and then going on to the final one we have the heaven full blade okay this is that's the status model only you get plus one strength attack and damage and if your battle shots you get plus two strength attacks and damage on your melee weapons okay right so this one's nice if you have some spare points you want to boost up a character melee yeah but I'm always captain we're looking at you someone that can sort of you know increase their damage profile even more sure so you just have one turn of just an absolute hit um but again it's more of an enhancement I'd sort of look at if you are sort of you know spare on point it's got nothing exactly exactly but I'd more look at your sort of stubborn tenacity dependent of remembrance and child of Heroes before you look at the heaven yeah yeah exactly they seem okay um again the theme is we're building off this battle shocking the Army yeah we've got the theme here so if you notice each one of these are better if you are battle shocked yeah um which again is not something you really want to be so I guess if you are forced to be it or something happens like that it's nice to know you have a buff exactly exactly but it's very Niche isn't it and that's the thing yeah um overall if I was to compare these to our equivalent in the Gladius yeah um I'd probably say the Gladiators went out just for me um just because you've got things like Bowl to discipline yeah um and other sort of amazing sort of information is good I think I do think that the the Gladius enhancements here Trump needs um even just because if you're comparing the Detachment Rule and that you just get straight box yeah um but I do really like the pendant of remembrance I just think it's the idea of having this on a terminate ancient they could join maybe a unit of uh Deathwing Knights which we are going to talk about oh and foreshadowing yeah so I just think having that just makes this unit so tough to shift even just by having the six I feel no pain yeah if we disregard the four plus and still just look at this from this and upgrade these music I feel no pain yeah I I think it's really good oh yeah I'm in agreeance with that I think if you look at it as well it's all Terminators like three wounds each right potentially four I think with their storm Shields yeah that is correct so with a six up feel no pain when damage three stuff is coming in you'll potentially mitigating that and saving an extra Terminator model exactly that and I think I think it's just so important today that you you can if you've got four damage attacks which are very rare in 40K that's true um in the game of 140 000 then you know to be able to at least roll one six out of those four to potentially take a whole extra damage on the Terminator when you think about it that terminal is then taken eight damage rather than exactly and if we just go into the little nuances of that yeah that's when it becomes super work exactly exactly and let's say you play chaos Knights yeah making you take it a lot yeah exactly exactly um but yeah anyway they they seem decent enough yeah yeah but should we move on to some stratagems next yeah let's do it let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project okay Jake so what's the first stratagem you want to look at mate so first I'm going to talk about is one that actually has in common with the Gladius task force and that is the armor of contempt so if you're unfamiliar with what this does your opponent's shooting or fight phase in which a an enemy has selected you as a Target yep you pick one of the Adaptive starters units that were declared as a target of that attack and until the end of the phase each time an attack targets that unit you worsen the AP characteristics armor penetration by one really great we if you if you're a Space Marine fan or know anything about it you'll know how integral this is to a Space Marine Army so the fact that you get this in The Unforgiven task force is really really nice yeah if I had to pick any of the strats out of it it'd probably be this one that I'd like to have in here you are going to be using it so much yeah um in a game where AP is reduced massively um I think armor contempt is so so good it's an extremely strong rule yeah exactly exactly so yeah nice that's the only one they have in common right so now the rest of these five are going to be unique to this Unforgiven task force okay so we're gonna go with unforgiving theories the next one or sister uh so you pick your shooting phase or fight phase one adapt to the starters unit that has not been selected to shoot or fight okay until the end of the phase you gain leave four hits on your attacks oh um however if one or more um if that's the starters unit from the Army are currently battle shocked until the end of the phase each other model in your unit makes an attack a successful unmodified hit roll of a five plus that scores a critical hit okay this is where it gets a bit techy so this strategy so how many can't use stratagems on units that are battle shocked which is still the case here what it does mean is that if you do have another unit in your army that is Battle shots you can use this one CP yeah or you could use it anyway to give you lethal hits yeah and it's better if you have a unit in your arm that's battle shot yeah exactly exactly any issue with that is that it's very few and far between that could happen exactly um so at least at least it's giving you the bonus but still having lethal hits one CP is quite good it means that units like desolation Marines or stanleyard veterans an example anything with bolters even like the tanks yeah the Masters Black Knights anything like that just become a bit more deadly and yeah and it's just that Brucey bonus if you do if you exactly I think lethal hits is really really strong it's a really strong rule it helps you against some vehicle armies so your Terminators are going to hit much harder in combat yeah um so yeah I think yeah brilliant I liked it for one CP that's really good yeah what is really nice as well is this is shooting and all fighting exactly it's not what it's not just lock to one I think it was locked to one it would definitely feel a lot worse but the fact you've got the versatility there is really really helpful so next we've got one TP intractable okay so this is your movement phase just after an adapter starts unit from the Army has fallen back you select that if that's the starters unit and that unit can shoot or charge or and charge you okay right so we're getting if we're going to compare it to the Gladius we're going to get the Tactical Doctrine yeah so you get one CP taxable Doctrine here cool would it be better to be tactical Doctrine would it be better just put that unit in the doctrine yes but at least it still has some versatility exactly at least at least we have the option yeah um really great strap for one CP to be able to fall back and still act normally it means that you're not going to be had the jump on with any units that you know if your opponent's fighting first they're defending units because it's in your turn you're not going to be locked in there or getting hit or you could fall back do stuff on objectives actions in that sense so yeah so much you can do here with it and I think it's a great strap yeah really good also a great Strat fire discipline one CP you're shooting phase one Adept the starters unit from your army that has not been selected to shoot until the end of the phase range weapons equipped by models in that unit have the assault heavy and ignores cover abilities oh okay really really good yeah yeah I think this is a really great stratagem so the fact that you can um you can obviously run and shoot a unit without weapons uh you could stand still with some weapons and make them better ignores cover is fantastic as well um there's just a plethora of reasons I think this is a really great stratum so um definitely yeah I think that's fantastic um yeah really really good good for Mission play as well yeah 100 next we've got unbreakable lines this is probably one of the most useful stratums in the whole book related around one unit in particular right in my opinion so this is in your opponents charge face just after an enemy unit has ended a charge move right you select one of your units and until the end of the turn each time an attack is allocated to a model in that unit you subtract one from the damage characteristic so you're getting -1 to damage in combat but only if they charge you right okay so again bit of a caveat and the fact they have to charge you but I think for a particular unit mainly look at these Deathwing Knights which we will go into and I will explain why this is so important or even something like the lion or tanks and the fact you can use this on any unit really I think is really useful yeah turns into two damage to one damage we know in combat has sort of been toned down a bit in if you were if you were familiar with 9th Edition you know a lot of combat now doesn't feel sometimes feel as heavy that's true so at least having having this sort of ability you just sort of can neuter it a bit more Yep definitely would have been great if it was just fight phase but because you have to preempt it a bit you know your opponent's charge phase after they finish a charge yeah it's a reactive strategy so it's going to be very Niche yeah you're playing towel or shooting line you're not going to be using this because something you've got to bear in mind is that you've got to sit you've got to do it after the unit's charged right so if you charge one unit in and you go okay I think they're going to charge more I'm going to pay the 1cp now yeah it would have been better if in my opinion if it was you know end of your opponent's charge page you can do this finally we have a stratagem that if you are familiar with any of these videos we are a fan of these videos and you've seen me talk about this type of strategy before you'll know what I'm about to say what are you gonna say Jake one command Point Grim retribution that wasn't the thing right your opponent shooting phase just after an Irene has shot right one adapt to the starters unit from from your army that had one or more models destroyed as a result of the attacking units attacks your unit can shoot as if it was your shooting phase but it must Target the enemy unit that just attacked and it can only do so if that enemy unit is an eligible Target right this is the first time we've seen it in Marines yeah okay because normally your armies that have this stratagem your adapters mechanicus your necrons your sisters of battle your boatan yeah um great strap it's amazing like I'm gonna be honest it's great because you have things like desolation Marines you can shoot them indirectly yeah um really great strategy none of this you don't have to be battle shots but there is one thing all of these stratagems are the same and different yes they all involve you either losing wounds or losing models or not losing anything or having tokens or anything like that yeah just for Simplicity can they all be the same but all that but in all seriousness it's a great strategy great strike um you you're half expected reading it going if there's a unit battle shot in your army type of thing yeah I was expecting that to be the caveat but this one stratum alone in my opinion can actually make this whole Detachment worth it yeah definitely definitely because of just how powerful this stratum is to be able to to be able to shoot in your opponent's turn and scop us so many plans that could be a unit that's done on objective they've decided to shoot you try and get some damage they fail it you can shoot back at them again if we were to compare the strats to the Gladius yep I actually think it's a bit closer now obviously so if we look at the Gladius stratage we've got one CP to put in in any Doctrine yep that's amazing it's fantastic that's very similar to our intraceable intractable intractable um stratum yeah you've got um The Assault heavy and it nose cover strap that shows storm uh yeah so ignorance cover on that one extra AP if he was taking a glass yeah probably a bit better in the Gladius for the storm of fire first to fight the splint yeah and but I actually think then if we look at it from the other point of view the minus one damage stratagem the unbreakable lines Grim resolve and arm of contempt yeah I actually think I don't think there's a winner here I think they both equally have great strategy they have really good play I am glad that it's not all six of them are locked to battle shock yeah like the specific things if that was the case then this would definitely be nowhere near the Gladiator like I'm all good with having a mechanic that is revolving around battle shock yeah just not me taking it yeah that's okay yeah with everyone involved or maybe maybe what they could have done is saying that you could still use like you can act normally when you're battle shocked or something basically ignore the downside is if if Ingram resolve it just had another little bullet point that said a unit can use one strand gym yeah a turn yeah like if they're so so you're still having to pick between these but it would make it feel so really really good because then it means Battleship really doesn't have that much of effect on Dark Angels at all exactly exactly whereas the OC OC one's okay ones can be really good for Missions where you know you're you know you're having to score at the end of the game yeah if they did battle shots in the charge phase example you don't get a command phase one battle shot yep have being AC one's great it still means you can flip an objective let's say you've got a storm hostile objective in you yeah you fail a battle shock you know it means you can spend your own CP elsewhere as well true um so there's so many reasons for it but yeah I think in terms of stratagems I'd give it a draw yeah I actually which again if you do disagree put it in the comment section below I'd love to yeah most definitely um but I think in terms of if we were to compare the two I actually think it's a lot closer than than the detachments yes and the you know I think the stratums give this um army real play but I think if we're gonna compare them both now um I think both of them I think the Gladius just overall gives a lot more I think is the most optimal way to run any Space Marine faction this is in my opinion um I think it just gives you so much versatility it gives you so much Choice yes um it allows you to sort of morph on the Fly thinking and you're not having to pre-plan anything just to how the um the doctrines work yeah um I just think for that reason alone you're probably looking more at wanting to run a Gladius with Dark Angels yes I agree um yeah yeah brilliant all right well this seems like a a decent enough um Detachment we've spoken about the Detachment enough and yeah we spoke about all the things it does right I think we should go into some units let's do it mate with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition and Vanguard tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about Ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guide on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program okay Jake so let's run through some units so what's the first unit you want to talk about it would be very rude of me not to speak about the line in the room the Johnson the Johnson Lionel Johnson for me we got to talk about him he's the most key uh model potentially in the whole Army yeah because he's the Primark so exactly he's got a plethora of rules nice plethora so he's got fights first and deep strike they're his main abilities right and obviously on top of a for the moment yeah um so fight first we we cover in a members video so if you're not a member make sure to go check that out yeah and we'll talk about how important fights first is but what that means is because of the interaction between fights first it means if he gets charged and because he's your defensive player you'd get to activate your unit with fights first first yes say many words first first first Legion is fact he and he would get to activate it means he's borderline unchargeable because he does so much damage in combat I would go as far to say as he is unchargeable and on top of that he has the dark Angel's bodyguard so why all this models within three inches of one or more friendly adapt to the started inventory unit this model has the loan operative ability oh so not only can he not really be charged he also can't really be sure so wow um and when you do get around to shooting him he's a tough cookie at toughness nine two plus save 10 wounds and he does have the emperor's Shield ability which is he's also minus one to be wounded ease he's a tough cookie R Johnson um on top of that each time in Malay he makes a modified saving roll of a six you'd have for a mortal wound after you so he's deflecting stuff back at you he is he's just like Captain America yeah Captain John's Captain Johnson uh Captain Rock Captain Rock um he's got a really good damage profile as well so we look just quickly on his shooting he's got pistols for both of his attacks um he is also a monster something to note obviously can be shot he has big guns never tire but because of the pistol he doesn't have to take any of that yeah sure um he's got a four shot bolt pistol hitting on two strength four minus one two damage he's got a two shot Plasma Pistol uh hitting on two strength eight minus three two damage and then he has the melee weapon fletti uh faletti filthy fealty filthy fealty he will feel feel tea right field the tea he will feel the tea um so this had lethal hits for this big swing profile eight attacks hitting on two strength twelve minus four flat four damage flat four yes um and if you thought that was bad wait till you hear about his sweep attack 16 attacks taking on two strength six minus three two damage to Stained hits one all right this guy can deal with anything he can deal with your big vehicles or he can deal with your small Infantry or is that I say small infantry there's two damage on that I'm in shock mate it's amazing yeah um and then finally we have Primark of the first Legion so this is his um if you're again if you're unfamiliar with rules like this you get basically three abilities you pick one and that's the rule you get cool when'd you pick it you pick it in your command phase oh okay so this isn't a battle round one this is a command phase one cool so the ones we have no hiding from the watches so while we're within six inches you get four plus feel no pain against Mortal wounds oh productive startes units really good to that really good um again with Mortal wounds being very prevalent in the game at the moment having a four plus three on a pain against them that's fantastic on your Terminators it is fantastic on our Terminators and the tanks and our tanks yeah um then we've got martial exempt class so while I know that's the starters Union stations this model each time they make a melee attack you get plus one to hit oh pretty good okay very good defensive buff there yeah um again for your Terminators or even for any unit really yeah um and then finally we hit him in my opinion we have the best one uh all secrets revealed once per turn when your opponent targets a unit from their army with a stratium but before that stratum effects are resolved if that unit is within 12 inch of this model you gain one command point right and it must take a battle shot check if the test is failed in addition to that unit being battle shot the stratum has no effect and the CP still has well sorry the CP hasn't been used but the stratum still has is counted as being used so you can't use it on another unit and try and get it off on that unit right so this is great this is probably the best thing so the first part of it is you're just getting a CP if they use a strap within 12. does that count towards your CP limits uh I presume say because you are gaining a special point right um so that's super super good um so you're just getting a CP when your opponent's spending CPS yeah um but then for the fact of making them take a battle shock and if they fail it they then can't use that strategy in it's really really good yeah really solid I think he's fantastic he's he's nearly unchargeable he's untargetable really also include I think so yeah I think so I have another Contender for including I think you take one or the other okay um because of just how many points Lionel Johnson this is 380 points to put in contact so he's quite points heavy but I think every all the rules and benefits he's given you as well as being just an absolute monster himself no keyword intended but yeah what is what he gives you is something very rare and that's a model that can just be completely independent and completely Untouchable yeah and I think if that's your style of play I think he goes in yeah and in our case for the competitive list yes all right he's in so we've got Lionel Johnson next we have his second in command used to be first in command did asriel so he's he received a very cool primaries model yeah and I love the model so I had to add one here but well that is all like sort of take on him and we made that a long time ago yes um so something say two things he does the first thing is while this model is leading a unit he gives you sustained hits one okay and at the start of your command phases and models on the battlefield you gain one command point fantastic rules amazing rules for 120 points he is oh wow the other rule he has the Lions Helm say while while um sorry models in this unit have a four plus model save oh brilliant okay right sure yeah yeah um and then in addition once per battle at any time the bearer can summon the Watcher in the dark when it does so until the end of the phase models in the Bears unit have a four plus four no playing against Mortals right very good so yes if we look at what units he can join he can join assaulting sessors blade guard veterans hell blasters now that is something that is really good yeah sustained on helpless sustained on help blasters uh in furnace Marines incestors and sternulife Veterans so I think for me if you're looking at running asriel I would sort of more look at your hell blasters and your Stern yard veterans yeah the reason being is just because I think she we're shooting you say prevalent having sustained hits on it is really good yeah yeah having the four plus four no pain is really good as well yeah sure um and then just a fast gives you command points so asriel he he's he for me is a tide sort of has to be in the list if you wanted a cheaper version to Lionel Johnson he's a he's a good option for it very very thematic as well that you know they're both beef up there yeah and the only reason I would not recommend taking both is just point it's purely a points thing yeah exactly you know next year literally spending 600 points on one character or two characters uh yeah it would be 500 points 500 oh yeah sorry yeah yeah it's right sorry my masters so so then going into an effect this is the next key unit I want to talk about this last key unit I want to talk about cholesterol honorable mentions yeah sure is definitely Knights okay these guys are absolutely fantastic ballers they are a lot of points but they are worth it yeah I love the models for these guys so main reasons being these are toughness five two plus eight models with four wounds each right their ability is in a circle okay not just as they're sanding in a circle uh it's also because they get minus one damage all the time off on Terminators yes so and for wound Terminators at that so you know for your free damage down to two damage not making too much of a difference but it means for four damage down to what down to three damage means you need two lots of that attack yeah for your two damage down to one damage it's a lot this is a unit with 40 wounds in it so much it's absolutely fantastic comboed with our dark instrumentation for minus one damage if you charge you can potentially make something minus two damage oh wow yeah you can can't you it's great on yeah these guys are indomitable indomitable in a circle in a circle um and even in combat they're not too bad either so they've got um Mace of absolution four attacks hitting on two strength six minus one free damage and then one of the models has the flow of The Unforgiven this has devastating wounds and sustained five attack taking on two strength six minus two two damage so either way profile wise in combat's really good they also have the Watcher in the dark very similar to asriel so once per battle they can have a four plus feel no pain against Mortals really solids overall unit um key things for them uh any character that can join a Terminator Squad can join this unit so Captain Angel Terminator Captain ancient which you can then give the banner yeah so you can have you can have a captain in there for three strats for Gladius would be super useful for free fight on death yeah um the free armor of contempts or anything like that Terminator librarian could give you sustained yeah that that was going to be the other one terminally librarian's super solid there yeah overall I think this is a absolutely fantastic unit and definitely a must include I think you're taking a ten of these yeah um it's a lot of points people it's 470 points so why ten not fives so I like the ten just so it can blob on an objective okay cool right so you can just stick it there and then all the stratagems you're going to be using on it yep it means your opponent can't sort of pick him off like a bit it also is like if you want to use a fight on death on them it's the whole unit get stuff you're having to pick between the two halves yeah so that's just my tip there for that so they're my three key units so go over them Lionel Johnson asriel and definitely Knights okay nice next we've got some honorable mentions for Dark Angels in general sure um so the first being just the Deathwing Terminator Squad uh so these guys are basically the exact same as normal Terminators right just have a different bit of a different weapon Loadout okay so these guys can have uh heavy flame as plasma cannons they can have um the Thunder ham and Storm Shield in their unit right so it means unlike your Terminators in the space Wing codex where they have to have assault Terminator yeah take this they don't have that yeah so really really solid there love these guys uh for that Samuel yeah so Samuel's really really cool uh he allows you um he makes your desperate Escape for units that are falling back from him harder to do okay they also he also allows while he's leading a unit they can advance and shoot in charge oh okay that's nice it's really really nice really good there he combos really well with the Raven win command Squad which is just a more souped-up version of your Raven Wing Black Knights right sure um so they've got better rules in there single plus one now you see they can bring back models which is great as well um they can hopefully intervene for free all these sort of things uh that just make them really useful and then finally for the actual just uh Dark Angel units we've got the Raven Wing dark shroud nice now this thing's actually quite cheap 125 points yeah that is really cheap and it has an amazing aura this Aura is one of the Adaptive starters units within six inches of this model models in that unit have stealth and the benefit of cover um such a strong combination yeah it's really good and the other thing with it as well is is toughness eight ten wounds with five plus model will save yeah and it moves 14 inches so you can really just get it to where you need to play some Mission parts for you for any reason it can I just think it's a really really solid piece and I think it's maybe even another Auto including these archangels I think so too just because as we we've mentioned in quite a few videos now shooting is so prevalent um this Army it likes to see a mix of combat and shooting but what this is doing is it's giving you protection against your opponent shooting right um yeah I think he's for 125 bargain I think he's great um a few other units just to quickly go over that from the main Spaceman index yeah hell blasters yes vesselation Marines yeah any of the Gladiator tanks are really good yeah outriders as well and they're for absolutely Fantastic Four Dark Angels with a few combos we can go through well should we actually look at the list that we've created should we do that next yeah let's do it okay Jake so let's run through this list so what's what we begin with who's leading the army so before all of that one thing we need to mention here is because this is a very rare thing for armies that we did we do have the two Detachment options yes and so we've decided to go with the Gladius today okay more for if you've been following during the video the reasons why we just fill the stratagems about the enhancements about somebody's can be better um but it doesn't mean that it the other one isn't as you know it's completely useless it just means this is the way we wanted to go with our competitiveness exactly so leading the line the warlord today we've gone with Lionel Johnson the big Johnson himself yeah so we thought one it'd be cool to have him in the list uh here's the Primark after all exactly the two for all the other reasons we listed uh regarding obviously his ability just to be able to hold a point do all these things he literally nearly unkillable exactly he literally has pretty much all the best roles in the game Stacks into his profile really doesn't he so yeah he's um he's definitely there for competitive reasons as well completely competitive reasons yeah so next we've got the we've actually you've got two left tenants with Combi weapons yes now the reason for this is because one loan operative cheap loan operative We Love Lane operative here at Vanguard taxes again we did a members video on loan operative as a whole um so that you can go check out on a member's side exactly um but these two guys they allow you to do two things right the first thing they do is that they give you some sort of dictation around objectives so um you know putting them on objectives so then you can hold points because you will notice a bit of a theme Here is that we're a bit a bit tight on units here right yeah just because of how expensive a lot of them are yeah sure um so having this sort of thing is really good the other thing is how it actually combates with Lionel Johnson so due to the fact of the left-handed with common weapon is a loan operator it means that you can stick them on an objective as an example and you could stick Lionel Johnson next to them because they're on adaptive status inventory unit and they'll both become loan operative right okay so we're making use of both rules of the units just to make it and if you stick um the uh Lieutenant three inches away from Lionel Johnson backwards you then essentially has to be within 15 to get that one to shoot him off to then stop lying exactly exactly so just really solid that little bit of tippet there a bit of play you can do with that next we've got a pronounce Apothecary with a Bolter discipline enhancement I think I can see where this one's going really really solid here um it's it's a staple of most marine armies so no reason why it shouldn't be for our Gladius exactly exactly um we have no battle line okay no don't get transports right sure but what we do have is we have 10 Deathwing Knights right okay yeah um so again we spoke about why we think they're so good uh they've just got really tanky unit really solid you can sit them in the middle of the battlefield hold that objective yeah just bunker down a point just be just a general just massive anchor yeah and a big problem for your opponent as well exactly exactly and next you've got 10 desolation Marines yep again another staple that is so good that indirect fire is incredible yeah we like to combo this with our promise puff K with the bolt discipline yep that's the stains and all that it's just insanely good yeah there's there's so many reasons you can go over these desolation Marines um and every single reason is good for them so they can fit they can sit very safe if they need to come out to deal with something they can um but you may not need to because of the other units we have in the Army well I've got two Gladiator Lancers brilliant so amazing at killing tanks really really points efficient and we've got a gladiator Reaper as well to deal with our infantry Okay cool so we've more sort of Gone with the tank route just because of um how efficient they are for their points yeah sure so we've got these two sort of Big Blocks we've got the Gladiators and we've got all our loan operatives to sort of sit around objectives and then finally rounding out the Army we have a raven Wing dark shroud so this is the uh unit that we alluded to that gives you stealth and cover yes so reason for this you can sit next to the tanks and make them even tankier you can sit next to the death wing and make them to be any tanky yeah it's just so many reasons why this sort of particular unit is just really useful yeah it just gives you that that aura buff to make your unit safer yeah that is 2 000 points now you may notice we don't have a lot of units yeah I was gonna say that yeah so game plan and wise we're more sort of looking at your sort of deploy teleport home as cleanse type of style right okay so you're looking at um let's say we're playing a five objective Mission I'm taking home style you sort of blob this definitely night unit in the middle of the board um that can just do your teleport homes every day because it's not gonna be shooting anyway right no exactly it doesn't need to and worst case scenario if you need to you can pay for fall back and fall back and do stuff so you can still shoot or you know so you can still do the actions or equally you've got a few little units like your lieutenant or even the land speed that could try it yeah sure and then cleanse on the other objective just so then the one that you're sat on on the far left yeah so you know that's going to get you a solid wall like 30 points or secondaries yeah exactly and and that's like not guaranteed but it's it's enough right exactly you just you know you're getting a decent amount of score you've got your units that are able to go in there and just score you points and hunker down on that objective and literally just go I'm not moving yeah no you've got a common deal yeah the main thing is the primary game yeah the the fact that you're going to be pretty much definitely holding two objectives exactly and not including your home Fields you're holding free so that's the list we've gone for isn't it Jake I think it really does it gives us all of the elements that we look for in a competitive list yeah we've got a bit of everything now it is a bit limited by it's it's more fixed based for its Mission cards yeah but I think that with Marines they they are quite expensive with some of their units you've got their damage dealing units you need a lot of them right so I think we've done the best with the tools we're given yeah um guys obviously if you do have a different list in mind let us know in the comment section below um something else to mention as well is coming up on our members side we actually have a bit of dark angel content coming forward we do and so first being a unit Spotlight online Edward Johnson himself we're gonna go a bit more in depth with him really sort of do what we do in our unit spotlights and sort of breaking apart sort of tell you all the reasons why it's good how you could counter him all the best ways to use them as well exactly and which would be really really useful and then the other one is actually going to do a themed list so instead of doing our competitive list we're still going to try and make as competitive as possible but we're actually going to be doing a themed Raven Wing Army as as per requested by the members of Vanguard tactics so again if you want an opportunity to have a say in any sort of theme list or you want to see us make them in videos you become a Vanguard tactics members check out those videos and also just have a say in a lot of the content we do here exactly we want to be able to make content that you guys enjoy and helps you create the best armies and get the best out of the units that you actually own um so yeah well and also don't forget to comment subscribe uh turn on the notification Bell because we got plenty of content coming out so loud um so yeah guys hope you've enjoyed the video um make sure to put a comment down and yeah we'll see you in a video very soon
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 30,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #Darkangels, #spacemarines
Id: zykk1XYeUDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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