How to Play Black Templars in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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in this video we're going to be talking about how to play the Black Templars in Warhammer 40 000 tenth Edition my name's Jake Harding from Vanguard taxis I'm here joined with Michael Castello Michael how are you I am well thank you the black Templars are a very interesting army so in in the law they're a chapter of Space Marines um and their their space fairing so they're all aboard spaceships and they've got these big Crusades um and they hate psychic things beings um yeah so they're like a more like zealous um sort of faction in the Space Marine chapters I like that I've I'm a massive fan of black Templars as May long time VT viewers will know of my affiliation with them we even play the game with them once we did and I loved it but we got to talk about them in terms of gaming yes I can't talk about my love for them for the whole video um so let's start at the top what is their faction rule Michael all right their faction rule they are Space Marines and they have the fact action rule oath of moment very good okay so what this means is in your command phase you're going to pick one enemy unit and then all of the rest of your army so all of your army is going to reroll hits and wounds against that unit so you could re-roll your successful hits you could reroll your failed hits um and likewise with wounds yeah so there's nothing special there they don't have a different one but they are just have the same one the same one as Space Marines but which is still fantastic it's excellent um yeah black Templars are an army that will focus more on melee another units are more melee focused but there are some shooting assets you can put in there to fully make use of those at the moment yeah fantastic right so now let's go into the Detachment ability because this is slightly different to your normal space this is something that makes them unique yes and and what is that uh so the black Templars at the start of the game can choose one of four different vowels okay and this gives them an ability during the rest of the game right Michael say tell me about these vowels there's attachment ability thing the first one is suffer not the alien to live okay okay they don't like aliens much like the rest of the Imperium and what this does is it means that in melee you gain the lethal hits Special Rule okay which means any of your Critical Hits that's your sixes to hit your unmodified sixes and will automatically wound the target don't need to throttle wound yeah which is pretty decent you know into your higher toughness armies such as young heel Knights not chaos nights all that sort of thing um these are going to be that's going to be probably really good right exactly exactly nice one and so what's the next one the next one is uphold the honor of the emperor oh these all have really long names but I'll do my best guys um so this one uh gives your units the filner pain six plus uh ability okay nice yeah yeah and oh okay there's another bit and you get a leadership characteristic of five plus instead of six plus six okay well space around it's usually six plus and we can see how devastating Battleship can be yes so having that five plus could actually be super useful yeah I think this is um probably the go-to yeah uh anything defensive is usually very strong because you're gonna get this all the time um yeah so I really like this one I really like this one okay nice one the next one is a Paul the witch oh okay okay uh and what this does is it gives you a four plus invulnerable save against psychic attacks okay cool very good yeah yeah um and all of your melee attacks have the anti-cycle 4 plus ability yeah it means that's very good that any of your forced wound in melee count as sexist wound so they're always successful and in addition will trigger anything that triggers on a critical wound for six amazing that is really good if you can get something like devastating wounds in the Army it would make all of those fours count as sixes devastating women's that would be pretty cool yeah it does only work in melee yeah but still that's really good like obviously we've got armies of kicking about like gray Knights and thousand suns so maybe that could be like your little toolbox piece that you have for your army yeah um yeah really strong there massive fan of that yeah and what's the final one right the final one is accept any challenge no matter the odds okay all right uh and this one is also very very good um it gives you the sustained hits one uh ability in melee okay so again a very good so it exploding six is to hit so every every critical hit you get an additional hit you don't have to roll for you to have some wound for really good I think I think they're all solid to be honest I think probably my favorite one actually is that last one I think yeah the last one's very very good um once we come on to some of the enhancements and stratums you'll start to see how you can play around with some of these and of course some of the characters um but yeah very very flexible toolbox yeah no I like them so um let's talk about the stratagems all right but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today the link in the description below say Michael tell me about these stratagems all right the first stratagem is fervent acclimation you use this in your command phase and you'll pick one of your units and you can apply one of the vowels to that unit instead of one that's currently active okay yeah let's say you've chosen maybe sustained hits one the accept any odds uh vowel yeah and you're fighting now a psycho unit you could opt for a poor the witch on that unit instead and then you get your anti-cycle which means when you're fighting that psychic unit you're forced it you're going to be your your quicker wounds okay so you make your unit much better against that specific thing because some armies will have maybe just one or two cycle units yeah um so you might want the leverage of the sustained hits more yeah I like that there's a nice little flexible part it also allows you to use more than one vow in the game so rather than you you know being lumbered with that choice you know you've got a bit of flexibility there really loves that um so what's the next one devout push our favorite of mine I liked this one in the previous Edition yeah you're gonna notice a theme here this one's to do with with movement so after a black Templars unit has been shot and lost one or more models okay you can then make a normal move with that unit of D6 inches nice if the abhor the witch vow is active for your army okay or your army so not just for that unit yeah um you can make a normal over six so flat six towards either the unit that shot you yeah um or the closest enemy cycle unit so in both cases you have to move towards the unit that shot you yeah but in the second case of all the witch you can move towards the closest psych unit instead very good yeah that's pretty good very good it's pretty good extra movement is always handy uh in one before okay yeah especially you know you can predict certain things and yeah exactly exactly getting the block on or you know block a charge that you didn't want to happen yeah very decent that um so let's talk about a few more stratagems so the next one is No Escape all right no it's one command Point uh and if an enemy unit is not a monster or vehicle starts a fallback move from one of yours um you could use a stratagem yeah I don't know four plus they can't fall back they have to remain stationary okay very good vast very very strong yeah really good yep um now it's a three plus if your army has taken the vow for accept any challenge no matter the odds okay three blasters stop someone from falling back from these very strong melee units is excellent and in either case if you don't roll the four or three um your enemy unit has to take the enemy unit has to take a desperate Escape tests which means they'll have to roll dice for each unit that's for each model that's falling back and on a one somebody dies yeah to remove a model decent pretty good you're getting very decent either way which I like which is yeah amazing like it would always be a feel bad when you spend that one CP you couldn't get that four plus and you know and then you've essentially felt like you've wasted it yeah whereas now even if you don't get that there's still a cool side so yeah really like that very strong next is armor of contempt um now if you're a Space Marine fan then I suggest you definitely check out the how to play Space Marines video that we've already done um hopefully you have if you're going to play Black Templars because they can take a lot of the same units yeah um so if you haven't watched it yet definitely go and watch that um they have the same strategy in their index as well armor of contempt whenever one of your units is targeted you can spend one command point and you reduce the incoming AP um of any of the attacks by one decent again very good you know we said that in the spaceman video anything that manipulates AP is super strong yes um so definitely a very useful strategy there yeah so AP1 attack reduced to ap0 yeah so fantastic on your higher armor saves of course and lower AP weapons awesome all right so the next stratagem is called vicious repost nice one nice one yeah this is one command Point yeah okay now when any of your models uh in melee are killed and you have to remove them from the board roll a dice on a four plus that model can fight before you remove it okay so again if we were to refer to our Space Marine video we did which again if you haven't checked that out um they have a similar strategy for TCP yes but it's automatic that's right but there's been one CP and on a four plus arguably is still is still good uh and I think for um black tumblers it's very very strong uh when we start to see some of these units uh in play uh now we do need to also mention that if you take the vowel up holding on at the emperor um it's actually on a three plus instead oh nice one okay one CP to find death on a free up if you're in that vowel pretty good that's another reason potentially to take the feel no pain though upon the honor so Michael what is the last strategy then last stratagem is Crusaders wrath okay and this gives you an extra AP in Melo just super strong as we've said manipulating AP and then if you take the vowel stuff not the aliens live okay nice you get plus one strength on your attacks as well Okay cool so again a whole other reason to have these vowels and again like we said at the start of doing these stratagems that is if your army has this that's right you can't use the stratagem to count as being in about and then use this to Auto count that that's right which is different to the Spaceman index yeah so just be very clear on the word yeah so make sure you always read those um awesome so now we talked about those I guess we could move into some enhancements yeah let's do it nice the very first enhancement is positions Edge all right and this is the bearer only only affects the bearer doesn't affect the unit and what they do is they get plus one to their AP and strength on their melee weapons nice and then if the suffer not the unclean to live I have been saying suffer not the aliens live I'm a death watch player at heart so that's where that's come from um but suffer not the unclean to live is the name of the vowel so if that's active you have plus one attacks on your melee weapon as well okay cool nice nice little buff to uh one of your characters it doesn't scream at me for like an auto take but the good thing about these pointed enhancements is that um if you've got points for it at the end of the you know choosing your army stick it in yeah exactly no I definitely am I agree with that you know some of them are in audio includes that you may see yeah but others are just there to fill gaps yeah no idea absolutely well let's have a look at the next one say Michael the next enhancement is which Seeker bolts and what's that do okay so Bearer only once again and it gives you the Precision the anti-cycle four plus and the devastating wounds special rules onto your ranged attacks okay yeah so let's go through that combo yeah so Precision means that if you successfully wound the target you can allocate that wound to a character that is visible nice okay yeah pretty good uh the next one anti-cycle four plus um as I think we've covered already that means your four pluses against a psycho unit um will count as a six to wound again fantastic this now Stacks with devastating wounds which means on sixes to wound so fours against the psycho yeah you're going to do the damage of your weapon um as mortal wounds yeah instead that's pretty cool yeah and if the abhor the witch um destroy the witch vow is active then you get to re-roll hits and wounds against psychers as well cycle units with this ranged weapon as well very decent now that's cool it's cool I think um there's you're gonna have to look hard for some characters that can really make use of this uh as we mentioned Templars are a pretty melee orientated Army yeah um but I'm sure there's someone out there um one of these characters that has got some fancy uh gun that will make most of this make most of this yeah definitely definitely yeah all right so next announcement the next enhancement the third one is sigismund Seal uh this gives plus one attack to the bearer nice which is okay um but if the accept any challenge no matter the odds vow is active for your army then you also give the unit they're leading Critical Hits on fives decent that's pretty good yeah remember that accepts any challenge gives you sustained it's one yeah which means that any of your fives to hit with that unit are going to be an additional hit yes we start to see uh uh some nastiness coming in here no I definitely I definitely rate that definitely rate that because that's pretty good that's the one that leaps out with me so I'm yeah I did I like this last one Jake okay tan houses bones yeah okay uh now it halves damage for the bearer all right that's that's the thing it does for the model that has it and then if the uphold the honor of the emperor vow is active then it also gives the unit their leading the filner pain five plus ability cool though half in damage is very good anyway yeah um and then obviously having the ability for the feel no pain is just even better right so I think that is also quite fantastic and may even be a reason to take that vowel even more so yeah I think exactly I think when you're looking at making your army and picking your enhancements just think am I going to mainly go for um uphold the honor of the emperor for the feeling of pain yeah if I am then I want to build into this enhancement and give one of my units feeling the pain five plus or you go for the sustained hits and you probably take sigism seal for exploding five so additional hits on fives for your unit so yeah have a think about that when you're writing your black Templars list awesome so I guess with all the enhancements done let's talk about some of the actual units the black Templars can take yeah and now for a word from my sponsor C Studios they are the experts in providing professional miniature painting Services ensuring your armies always look their best on the battlefield whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out C Studio can help bring your ministers to life don't miss out on their quality craftsmanship say Michael characters and units you're a character I'm the unit but let's see what these ones do okay say talk me through what's the first one actually what's the first one so I think we should talk about the backbone of the black templar's Army okay okay and this is the primarus Crusader Squad all right so this unit can be up to 20 strong wow okay it comes with a sprinkling of uh neophytes which kind of like um the scouts but they're fighting alongside they're like learning um how to go and kill things and their vowels and stuff how intense there's some initiates which are in natural power armor and a sword brother leads the squad um these guys can reroll their advancing charge rolls wow it's very nice it still works if a character joins them um they do also have the Scout Special Rule so Scout six however um you do need both the character so you need the whole unit to have that special uh okay in order to benefit from it so if you're going to attach some of the other characters that don't have Scout um you won't be able to use that rule they're great are you great though if you run these on their own yeah um they're just gonna be moving up the table at the start of the game Big 20-man bricks just waddling up before it even gets to start so yeah so Scouts you can move start the game and they'll go six inches after your determined who's going first nice um which is fantastic you take a couple of power Fists in the unit um or you can take flamers um and they're mostly kicked out with chain swords and that kind of thing so these guys have oc2 nice which is very good on a Space Marine unit so that means that when you add up who's got the highest level of control on an objective it's going to be two per Crusader okay and there's 20 of them so you've got a potential on an objective if you can fit them all on an OC of at least 40. oh why why you guys yeah that's really right okay so we've mentioned there's a bunch of Buffs um for uh characters like if they're leading a unit um you know with some of these enhancements okay um if there's 20 models in that unit that buff is going a long way yes a 100 a very long way you're looking at like 80 or something attacks from 20 Crusades um so getting exploding fives on them or even 20. that's 40 wounds of Space Marine for that five five I'm feeling a pain so um if you're looking at black Templars these are Rock Solid units that will be the core of your army I love that I'm so happy that they are as well because they are the most iconic thing aren't they right they are yeah yeah amazing um let's talk about another iconic unit but not character we'll come to those afterwards which is the primaris sword brethren these guys are great they come in with three wounds instead of two okay yeah like veterans are a bit tougher they're sort of similar to uh blade guard veterans okay um from the Space Marines um okay so these guys have a really cool rule in the fight face right so they can choose to either have plus one attacks on their melee weapons okay or plus one damage on their melee weapons a okay and so they're two damage they're two damage base so they'll go up to three times all of their attacks wow uh and these guys are punching these guys have got like four attacks with the attack four attacks with the Relic swords yeah um ap2 two damage hitting on twos as well unbelievable yeah these guys are really strong really really strong unit um and I think probably my favorite one in the black Templars index yeah I'm sorry I'm just a bit taken back but they can have a flat free damage on their weapons you can run them in 10 10 10 man units as well yeah wow really three wounds each uh sticker character in with that enhancement for exploding fives with your damage three weapons yeah and uh and they somebody's probably gonna cry the other thing is as well they take up one space in the transport right because they're not like a gravis or Terminator exactly so they can go in a land Raider repulsory okay these guys are real good may have to be looking at my own Army and going they seem cool and to be fair the models for them are beautiful as well they are amazing yeah awesome so all right well let's take a look at one of the big names of the black Templars yeah we'll have a look at the chapter Master himself the high Marshal um Hilbert let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project helbrecht is a solid character for the black Templars so he hits really hard in combat um six attacks strength eight AP three three damage so he can do some damage yeah um and there's the core strategy from epic challenge as well and which is perfect for him because he will definitely kill characters that one lets you get Precision on your attacks so that's pretty nasty yeah um okay so he can lead any of the black Templar units so he can lead the Crusader squads he could lead our beloved sword Brethren yeah and he gets two special rules so the first one he'll apply to his unit which is plus one strength on their melee attacks so they're melee weapons cool yeah very decent yeah it really helps with the wound table yeah um and then his other ability well it's actually the second part to that ability oh okay which means that they're Critical Hits are scored on fives wow okay so you don't even need well yeah enhancement but well equally you could have that enhancement in another unit yeah oh wow okay he's uh yeah he's pretty he's been good enough you could have him with the sword Brethren giving them the potential uh sustained hits on fives and then you can have a different character with um 20 Crusaders getting potential extra hits on on fire um yeah he's great he's probably the nice in my opinion he's one of my favorite Spaceman models as well super iconic he looks the part and I'm so glad that it seems like he has the rules to fit the part as well yeah so yeah yeah but it doesn't end there it's nice second whole ability hi Marshall and what's that so start the fight phase you pick an enemy unit in engagement range and you roll a dice okay okay so on a two to three they take D3 More Wings on a fortified they take three mortal wounds hi and out of six they take D3 plus three more wins that's what just because it's job role I I can I don't know I am a manager frankly bang I guess six more boys that is super good wow like even just to do d three more wins right like on a two up after you know while he's an engagement mate that is incredible um something to note about him as well which is probably more like a little new ones he's he's got a big bass oh yes right and well I'll let you take this one Michael so you can be able to explain it better but I'm gonna let you talk yeah this is an excellent point and this is a very um this is one of those nuances and for more nuances obviously we've got our Academy we've got all of our courses which we go over um some real tactical stuff uh but this guy hellbeth has a bigger base and what that means is that when he joins a unit um and charges you can fight through your allies in your unit if you're in base contact with them and they're in base contact with the Enemy um he's on a 60 mil base it's pretty big and yeah you know Crusaders are on 32s um that's a bit smaller a fair bit smaller so what that means you can fit more of those Crusaders around hellbreak space which means you can get more models fighting through hell breath let's say there's like a narrow Corridor of fighting yeah helbert can stand in the front and you get a bunch of guys fighting through using this base so yeah I think there's something very important to note just how you can you know in this light you know these types videos obviously not only do we want to tell you about the Army also want to give you some tips but not too many not to know that you have to go down to save the good stuff Link in the description for more but that is just one of them and I think another Testament to I think he's probably in every list right I mean how could you not he's the he's the high Marshall the high Marshall yeah exactly if you don't take it nice one um yeah but there is is one other character there is one other that you're quite up on oh yeah yeah chaplain grimaldus yeah so the other named character in the black Templars that's right that's right and he comes with his server to friends so Jake you thought hellbert was good grimaldus is on another level okay I'm I'm nervous for this but I'm also excited he's okay on his own he's not quite as much of a Powerhouse himself um he does have fun to paint five plus yeah which is really cool um now he has three abilities he can choose from in the command phase to buff his unit okay so the unit that he's leading and he can lead sword Brethren primaries Crusaders that kind of thing okay um one of them allows his unit to advance and still charge okay nice another one gives his unit the filter paying five possibility this again okay so again you can have two units 20 Crusaders yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good yeah just a tad yeah ain't it um and then if you want to switch into high gears later in the game you can give your unit an extra AP and melee which again is is very good yeah it's pretty good it's pretty good wow okay but he does have a data sheet ability too um but you always get this okay well he's leading a unit they can re-roll hits in melee okay so we've got our A3 rolls we've now got history roles and there's a potential so we've got the same hits five plus on a few places nice he's yeah he's uh I mean you're gonna take Grimaldi's and Albert I think yeah in your list and how could you not they're great they're great model they're yeah fantastic Miniatures but also fantastic rules to get with it so glad to see that named characters are feeling the part yes you know they should be these epic Heroes they've been through so much more than the rest of them they shouldn't just be a different version of that and I think it's so great to see that they've held back and grimalderson yeah really good absolutely absolutely um so yeah a few other units that do work well with the black Templars um we've mentioned this one a couple of times is the land Raider yeah um I quite like well most variants of the land Riders will work um the Redeemer is especially good um because of course it's got those flamers um and in addition has a capacity of 14. um so you could take grimaldus and a 10 person unit because he's got three services with him oh of course yeah so yeah so that would make the unit 10 uh in size yeah so you could put them in a land Raider you probably won't go I was walking up the field though because he does activate his ability in the command please yeah exactly you want him on the table so you can use that ability but land Raiders are super tough um two plus save toughest 12 16 wounds um and of course you can put hell breath in your your sword brethren in there and uh they can charge after they've disembarked after the land rate is moved yes so very good it gives you great reach with the Army um and then you know a few other units you might want to look at uh potentially the judicia yeah even a Judicial with 20 Crusaders because the judicia gives your unit fight first yes which means that oh you're gonna fight at the start of the fight face the first step no matter what um because you always start with the player whose turn is not taking place yeah so if your opponent charges you you're 20 Crusaders and judicia are going to hit them before they get to hit you wow okay so there's you know any ways you can manipulate the fight phase black Templars is the Army for it I love that and it's again it's great to see you know them being you know obviously they had a release a few years ago um and I hope that we get to see so many many more of these awesome models yeah absolutely absolutely and um yeah I guess with that in mind we talk about you it's all about enhancements data sheets all the factions and stuff I guess we'll just do a quick bit about the Old Mission play yes yeah Mission play Black Templars it's an army that's very easy to get carried away taking like six different units yeah and that's it with just like characters everywhere massive units obviously you've got these 20 person squads right um but you do still need some tactical flexibility um take a few little other units um we've got some eradicators here just for some dedicated anti-tank um because the anti-tank melee options aren't amazing but you could look at um uh sort of Dual Purpose units like dreadnoughts the redemptors are very good I personally love the brutalis which does come with multi-melters so um very thematic for the black Templars they'll feel no pain on that yeah um it should be mentioned as well of course you can't have psychos in the black Templar Army so you leave the Librarians at home and you'll notice as well with the black Templars index they've got a data sheet for all of the repulses Gladiators and impulses yes that's because they can have multi-melters whereas the normal Spaceman index Vehicles equivalents can't have my emails and another bonus right another bonus yeah just have a few multimeters just a bit of anti-tank on those vehicles that you know sometimes you wouldn't expect from like the impulsor yeah would probably definitely would from the Repulsor right yeah absolutely so yeah that's that's black Templars uh in 10th edition uh we hope you've learned a lot from this video uh and drop a like subscribe and leave a comment for what your favorite unit for the black Templars Army is and we'll see you all in another video soon we wouldn't have been able to do any of these battle reports or any of this preview content without the helper Games Workshop so a massive massive thank you for sending us all of our preview copies so we can share with you and if you do enjoy this content please like And subscribe and make sure you tune in for more Warhammer 40K 10th edition Battle reports and content
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 30,370
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Keywords: #blacktemplars, #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #AdeptusAstartes, #SpaceMarines, #EmperorsFinest
Id: 1wS6_2zl67c
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Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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