Dark Angels vs Ultramarines. The Lion Challenges Guilliman. 40k in 40m

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these are dark times for the Imperium of man recently awakened Lionel Johnson Primark of the Dark Angels can feel the growing influence of chaos sweeping across the Galaxy he knows the mistakes of the past cannot be allowed to happen once again so he turns his gaze to gullumin Primark of the ultramarines a comrade and a brother and he wonders is this man worthy to lead the Imperium of man continues to burn Abaddon has succeeded his 13th Black Crusade the Galaxy is rent in half the Lioness challenged gullumin to see if this Primark is worth having on his side if not the consequences could be severe this is 40k in 40 minutes ultramarines vs Dark Angels Gilman versus the lion [Music] foreign [Music] has awoken to the Imperium burning around them and he's not very happy about it the lion is going to challenge Gilman to a fight to see if this man is worthy of his respect and to be by his side in this war Jack is back with his ultramarines and is dusting off some Classics when is the last time we saw Repulsor before the Skillman in it leading the charge is khalgar the chapter Master because it has to match up against Ezreal I've got tagirius I've got a squad of infiltrators I've got a six-pound Squad of Blade guard bets a redempted Dreadnought a brutalis Dreadnought I know I have done horribly with those but I'm going to try again I've got a primaris Apothecary which is a special name character he's in scepter Squad should give him some speed and he's got some real Heavy Hitters in his eradicators of course the aforementioned Repulsor might want to double check for dust on that bad boy this isn't a bit of an interesting battle because on the table is my ultimates that I've been painting for quite a long time and I've got some of my older ultramarines on the on this side while the Dark Angels are brand new painted Steve was playing a list that's somewhat unfamiliar however he looks pleases punch because he gets to play with the lion hey everybody this is Space Marine C from play on tabletop I'm so excited to welcome you back to the studio today today I am playing Dark Angels yes this is the closest I've ever been to chaos maybe no not quite not almost Steven is playing primarily what tech got painted up in the last week he's got asriel and a primary chaplain to provide a lot of support for his Dark Angels he also has only an infiltrator Squad in his troop slot a big Squad of Blade guard veterans a redemptor Dreadnought a brutalis Dreadnought on primaris Apothecary and some aggressors my list has got a lot of parallels to what tack is bringing today we're both rocking a couple of dreadnoughts uh I'm rocking uh asriel I've also got the lion and he's got golemen we both have got some blade guard veterans I've got some inceptors with some plasma of course weapons from the dark Peach his inceptors are loaded with plasma because Dark Angels love their plasma and he also has a Repulsor executioner that is brimming with plasma because it definitely fits the Dark Angel theme this is a little bit of a mirror match we're gonna put the loyalist primarks Against One other and as it goes into the story the tag was talking about this is a test of loyalty and I will say that the Dark Angels have more resiliency and a few more tricks in the alternative however it is Steve two forces that are almost mirrors of each other should make for an interesting matchup in lore uh what the line used to like to do would be to go to a world strip completely naked and then challenge the warlord of that planet to a duel today's mission is abandoned sanctuaries from the arks of omen GT book players will score four points for holding one objective four more points for holding two objectives and four more points for holding more objectives than their opponent to a maximum of 12 points per turn players have also scored additional two points for either holding the center or killing a unit in the center and an extra three if they do both primary scores a maximum 15 per turn and 45 per game Steve has taken assassination raised banners and shock tactics for his secondaries and has chosen also moment assassination and marched from a Crag both players are taking a mix of kill and objective-based secondaries it should be really interesting to see how the ultramarines fare against the Dark Angels and how our two generals will play their Space Marines what I'm really looking forward to is Office of the Primark battle I'm looking forward to seeing Gilman versus the lion the lion is Resurgence yes he has I'm so excited to play this model he looks so awesome and tactics is a good job painting him I can't just blows my mind hole and I love everything so let's see who is the attacker who's a Defender I mean narratively it seems like I'm the defender probably but three six yeah I would like to control the drop so I'm going to choose the view Defender pre-deployment tech places his victrix guard and his eradicators inside the Repulsor but starts the inceptors on the table interesting choice Steve's placing his inceptors and reserves as well as his repulsory executioner oh boy we've seen this from Steve before and that's a big shooting platform he's not gonna have access to turn one he's definitely worried about the eradicators just picking it up tax being very aggressive with the infiltrators here and he's already looking to get points with him right away with March from a Craig Steve places his infiltrators on his home objective probably gonna raise the banner with him right away I would think so my inceptors with the salt bolters are going to go down here down there dread oh it's going after my uh and soon knock me off that objective maybe Dark Angels love their secrets have been told you've been told their secrets I've been told that they love them oh this is the not broken Repulsor yeah okay asriel right here the blade guard vets are gonna go Dark Angels have a better Advantage when it comes to deployment here whether they go first or second because of their defensive capabilities targaryus is going to be just outside of exploding range okay just in case aggressor Squad right here tagar wants to uh meet your asriel yeah okay chaplain it's gonna go right here all right brutal's Dreadnought is uh back over there back over there behind the the forest come on Lion's going right here so Gilman is no coward and sees your lion and says me too I'm placing my Dreadnought right here which is basically like 33 inches away from that brutalis dread I'm gonna put my dreadnoughts unfortunately he's a little further back than I want him to be there is three objectives that I know I can reach if I do the right things so I'm really hoping that with this deployment I can go first if I'm nervous as you should be oh yeah six baby that's the stuff I'm not going first but tank uses two command points on rapid redeployment he still got eyes with his objectives but it's gonna have to be patient now and react to Steve's moves rather than just go out and take them this redempt to try not is going to go there but I can weather his shots for uh even a turn I'll be able to get the pounce on him and I'm just going to win this war of attrition and that's the whole point of this list is to win the war of attrition best of luck best of luck man have yourself a good game are you gonna let me have a good game no this episode is brought to you by Baron of dice Baron of dice is your go-to source for Resident dice that's right hands World resin and silicon molds provide a heavier more balanced and more importantly bubble free dye that is in Precision machined and engraved they offer square corners round corners matte finish six-sided or polyhedral die sets and of course custom dice for your gaming needs new metal dice tins are just launched for Barona dice 25 count sets as well as their 12 millimeter dice custom made for Barona dice make sure to check out bear to dice and as always tell them play on sent you from the start of the face Tiggy would say minus one hit the Blige You're Going first that puts me in a a bit of a bind because I was going to go off to a heart start or a hot start nope now I get to do it command face now for Steve turn one Steve using asriel's chapter Master ability on the aggressors bit of singing from the chaplain and away they go and the redemptor dread is gonna get plus one to hit a recitation of focus so on a three up plus one to hit oh baby plus one hit movement time uh the blade guard veterans are gonna advance three whole inches so nine I really wanted that objective never my Apothecary is also gonna run forward three whole inches [Music] and then the uh chaplain uh is gonna run for it as well a bail I'm gonna Advance with the brutalis dread because I want to be on that objective that's not going to do it I'm going to CB rear of this so I give you something better four oof with a little more his brutalis could have reset objective still gonna make it hard for attack to take it though as expected infiltrator's race Banner on Steve's home objective I'm gonna go into the shooting phase so the sergeant of the aggressors is shooting into the infiltrators that aggressor Sergeant has been honored by the rock so his master crafter bolt storm Gauntlet does two damage threes fail them all I fell too so I will command Point rule hoping for three that is a three and then uh D6 shots five whole shots tax try to save the infiltrators here is having some dice challenges already I thought the aggressives would be kind of inconsequential shooting but I've lost an infiltrator so 2d6 shots into the Repulsor from the grenades seven whole shots huzzah re-rolling yeah I need six is rude ones the good thing about playing another space stream player is just you just know yeah and it's fine knowledge is power oh I guess so it's not bad you know what to happen three three UPS come on fail a few I failed them all awesome all of them why have I been rolling so badly recently no so I go to uh 13 wounds remaining of the repulsar asriel is gonna shoot both halves of his uh Combi weapon packs somehow gotta weather the storm smoke screening that repulsory to make it minus one to be hit should help before I do that let's see if I actually spend the command point I don't for the Mastercraft bolt gun half hitting on threes yes on sixes no for the angry half I hit it on Fords done 11. you're going to bracket my Repulsor right away that sucks I'm going to take the uh redemptor dread overcharge the macro plasma Steve's using weapons of the Dark Age on the redemptor to get extra damage from his plasma maximum shots oh no maximum shots yes this could be curtains for the Repulsor it's barely got to do anything you have no way to stop that no yep I let it take 12 and it dies weapons of the Dark Ages is such a good stratum for that plasma and yeah there goes the Repulsor no save allowed just like that the repulsors down and one victrix guard dies of the wreckage and then my eradicators also get out you know I think that my list is is really Keen right now on just holding on to the center of the table I don't think he's got the mobility to really stretch over into the objectives that are in my territory so I feel pretty good very effective first turn from Steve he's moved up in a good position and is already in some prime scoring spots losing that Repulsor is a bit unexpected let's see how tack responds Steve leads at the end of his half a turn one two to nothing I'll get some I'm definitely gonna come get some I need a volume in order to crack that castle and losing that Repulsor mixes a lot of my volume tack now moving up midboard it looks like he plans to bring the fight right to the Dark Angels head on see what I'm gonna because I'm not in melting so I'm just gonna pull that way in movement there's a couple objectives I can get for March from Craig as well as I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to go and try to own the center of the board I've got oza moment so I need to be there and what's the primary scoring uh you get points for being on the center objective infiltrators claim the objective on the flag from a Crag that last victrex guard claims another objective from a Craig that's going to put tack on the scoreboard second so I'll do second Fortress Mighty Heroes on galliman it looks like he's gonna try to bring the big guy out to play right away interesting choice on to the shooting phase macro plasma first everything into the gorilla so I'm gonna need to focus far here on those blade guard bets try to wheel them down because I'm in a good position to charge into them and finish them off in the fight phase right how many shots do I get threes on fours I have a four up and vulnerable save we do I'm fine uh I got six shots from the uh chest fours anyway which is double ones this lock is a D3 packs still need Force so it's all about Steve's really hot you heard it here folks Steve is rolling hot the aggressives are T5 so my bolters assaulters would be winning on fours your transhuman on the blade guard bets so also on Force what I think I need to do is just Whittle down the uh that's attack is pouring a ton of Firepower to those blade guard vets and he just can't crack them so one of them takes one wound blade guard shooting now and have cursed my dice uh-oh and I am rolling a little a little bit below average or perhaps I cursed them for over dinner I came and rubbed them upon my body I'm gonna be sick internet picture hey wounding on fours oh look at that uh two three UPS oh failing both that's not great the past one this guy takes a wound oh why is this so hard this is not good attack no you got problems now I do very observable problems yes it's now Gilman's turn to try to whittle that one boomed off of you [Music] three UPS all of them wow okay so yep the brutality is going to go into the big Garden vets as well and I will do the heavy eight first before I go into the melters oh yeah okay nothing uh so then the mouth is into where the Blake our vets yeah uh we were on the one and then wounding on fours because of transcumin nothing can we just hit that F key for attack in the chat right now oh you can hit it again oh dude yeah lesson learned I'm not going to get through the blade guard vest in the shooting phase I'm going to take these eradicators they're going to go into a Target they know that they can probably name or kill which is the redemptor here we go drop three so far how that happens on threes though rolling uh so drop one okay let's see if I can kill something all right kill it there you go Steve same boat tack was in no save means no more model the redemptor goes down got myself a kill at least I got myself a kill I feel pretty good about that but now let's see what I can do in the fight phase I've got command points do it because I have to I have to declare both right do it I think I've got to because at these points it's uh like so much has not gone my way do it but uh if if I don't play do it if I don't if I don't go for the chances I'm just gonna lose do it it'll be Gilman first Gilman is going into the blade guard vets you blew it I did I did blow it if none of me charges land I'm just going to continue it's bad it's just like it's not gonna be good let's go see what happens oh they make it looks like tack wants points he's gonna send those Brave blade guard all by themselves forward under the enemy brave Soldiers attack has split his attacks here as he's multi-charged and those blade guard are no joke they can bring some serious pain re-rolling uh once [Music] uh uh fail two uh so the first one you know folks you don't just win or lose games on dice but when your dice abandon you like what we are witnessing right now it could be tough I am reading The Energy in the room and the energy and the dice gods and the dice tell stories the dice want to tell a story about Stephen continue real hot and Tack rolling knot all right then the other uh two are gonna need to go into the dressers all right here we go three rolling runs on sixes uh so one saves the other ones go through first one takes it and then dies and the next guy a single aggressor dies and now Steve gets the clap back then I'm going to immediately spend two command points uh on transhuman so I get transhuman that's go first of course we really wants uh all right so did movement really take tax orange dice Mojo editor roll the clip from game one of the series not rolling as hot as you did I take your orange dice Juju away from you maybe leadership so they've got a leadership eight because my surgeon's still in there nine because the ultra rings I only fail on the six yeah that's a five I almost failed well attack that was rough that was rough that was a abysmal abysmal turn but focusing on where it could get the points I still managed a 12 point turn despite being on the short end of dice luck taka scored 12 secondary points to take a 10 point lead at the end of round one however he's fairly stretched out here Addie's a bit exposed Steve's Dark Angel clap back could be huge will you both go up in a command points are you changing your uh Doctrine yeah I'm gonna move forward into the Tactical Doctrine I am also going to move forward into fact here we go eight points on primary and a banner makes the score 12 to 11 still in tax favor asriel again chapter mastering re-rolls to those aggressors my chaplain is gonna Litany of hate to give me full re-rolls in the uh charge in the fight phase I do going into turn two I think I just want to continue controlling the center of the table Steve using the strategy of wisdom of the Ancients on the brutalis dread that's going to give rerolls to hit to it and anybody within six tigarius is going to try to keep my eradicators alive that's a good call Steve moves the Apothecary up to heal a blade Guard veteran and he's gonna bring back an aggressor he's managed to maintain the core on that Center objective and it's gonna make him really hard to shift off of it infiltrators are going back there the lion is sweet sweet nine inch charge away gorilla tactics are the infiltrators and they're gonna go back into strategic reserves to come back later you're utilizing the sticky rule that's on the good stuff coming out of reserves whoever his inceptors have taken an objective and raised a banner and finally the Repulsor executioner is in with Steve's reserves it puts a lot of pressure now on that flank psychic phase I got nothing but shooting phase is where all the Magic's happening uh so I'm going to start with the blade guard better let's see what you're gonna shoot there my shooting phase is all about chewing away at the Eunice that he has left to get to those juicy juicy characters sitting on the inside so uh the eradicators have got to go that vitrix guard really really annoying has got to get a gown you're gonna shoot into the blade guard vets I Stood Still so on twos we're rolling once fours we rolling ones think positive no what and the dice walls continue but I'm gonna try to stay positive it has been a very long time since I've rolled this badly so the sergeant will shoot everything at the infiltrators and the one up front is going to shoot everything at the same for payers the other one is going to shoot everything after the eradicators here the guy in the back goes into the eradicators okay minus one hit D6 shots five shots threes re-rolling fives uh re-rolling once and then the ball from it I'm pretty easy to Rolly on fives really long ones Force all right McDonald's uh 2d6 shots uh five shots into the um infiltrators from the two uh from the two aggressors moving on twos oh so then on forests you're rolling once UPS uh I lose two moves but I will uh Helix Scotland one of them away uh and then on four is really once uh three more AP minus ones whoops uh you kill the one with one move Master crafted all of them hit or is your wrong ones oh goodbye infiltrators we barely got to know you asriel rapid fires both halves of his Kami weapon here we go so uh it's both sides so I'm minus one anyways because of uh Tiggy so on threes we're rolling once fives re-rolling ones two hits AP minus two with five UPS I make one so one's down in one Moon six different one paint remember thank you but no plasma time on threes or long ones because it's aura that is not all right he tried he tried I think that's the first six I roll ball game it might be the lion shoots his plasma his Plasma Pistol haza always overcharged always overcharged all the time so three open mode I'll make that I'm gonna send the brutalis dread is shooting all of his guns okay so the twin multi-melt is uh on threes we rolling once breakfast card one of the only things left in the game with three up involved which is going to save me right here oh that lone victrix guard Is Standing Tall iron hails of course I lose one got two left two twin Victor scar just tagged the brutalis things could be turning around for tack Rick's guard is alive still I have to dedicate more to it than I really wanted to but I think the the repulsory Executioner is going to get it back the heavy stubber the twin heavy stubber and the Gatling Cannon are all shooting into the Matrix guard and then the twin heavy Boulder is gonna go into The Eradicator and then I'm gonna overcharge and weapons of the Dark Age and go into the brutalis dread with the macroplasma incinerator twin heavy Bolter right into the uh Eradicator so this is hitting on Force on Force one AP minus one so uh take one gallon cannon into the Victor's charge I'm expecting this to kill a veterans guard but we'll see victrix guard finally go down what a stand The Virtuous Garden has now gone down there goes my bodyguard and the characters are exposed this is dangerous because Steve has assassinate and could start racking up the points uh so D6 shots off of the macroplasma six what a classic run though a bad Dice look from Steve that's more on brand brother plasma Kushner only manages to deal four wounds to itself the inceptors they're going to use uncompromising fire for two command points uncompromising fire means those plasma inceptors will still be able to fire while putting up a banner that's a solid if expensive stratagem and a smart play here as he can really put the hammer down on tack said one of them is overcharging and going into The Eliminator uh The Eradicator and then two of them are just shooting into calgar uh the two of them just shooting into calgar uh get four D3 shots and then on threes all right Halo four UPS nope and then two D3 overcharged shots Into The Eradicator so on Force re-rolling Ones oh and then these are on threes fives the last Eradicator has now left the building yikes tack is running out of big damage dealers the lion is gonna charge No Limit I guess okay let's just make it happen so I need a nine this is what you uh came all the way to the studio for nope so then the aggressors are gonna charge into the blade guard veterans aggressors charging this is big it's a nice attack being able to strike first when he charges and probably means curtain for the last two standing there so I'm going to uh spend two command points or one command point because they're now only two of them six AP minus threes you can do this leg guard veterans are wiped out my saves still aren't there despite tack trying to coax some life out of his dice it seems like they are just dead cold like dead fish I mean they even smell bad can you smell that scores me three on my primary oh yeah solid plays from Steve here he really knows what to do with the tools he has and despite being only up by two at the end of his turn two he's poised to really take control here the characters have all survived and now it is my turn and I think I've got to play here to bring some pain to the Dark Angels ultramarines actually managed to stay on two objectives and that scores eight primary points for tack to take him up to 20 propelling him back into the lead 20-14 Marius calgar chapter Master re-rolls the brutalis Dreadnought let's hope that it can do some work so going to the movement phase this is what everyone has paid to see oh baby looks like it's hero Hammer Time galliman strikes fourth and sets his sights on the lion wow foster care is going to go forward talgar is gonna move forward that Dreadnought is going to move there gotta roll a four at four that's a three I'm sure by one come on reroll here because I need a four or better with my Advanced attack years yeah because I need no Zone that is a six so Tigers is gonna go there which can tag the blade guard vets as well as the aggressors I'm going to advance inceptors try to fly and hide on the other side of that down building but only roll a one for their Advance this could be big and then this Dreadnought is just gonna move let's see if I can turn this game around psychic face and you still have two denies okay dice If You're Gonna Go hot now Now's the Time I need the dice to go hot this turn tigurious casting nozzo it succeeds but with a low number the lion and asriel can both deny the witch so attack's gonna re-roll for a bigger number big risk possible big reward now zone is active things are about to get bloody nobody has an invulnerable save anymore this could be messy thankfully that worked out I've got no Zone off I need to now melt the aggressors and the blade guard bats and then I will just do uh mighty heroes again on Gilman but he has a reroll wow my dice are just cold today just not good uh so that is a 10. mighty heroes goes off and galliman is absolutely ready to lay a Smackdown so then into the shooting phase so these are the receptors going into the blade yard vets I only scored five hits of course [Music] uh one of them saves cowgirl is going to go first with the crystal Ultramar here we go on twos we're rolling once because he's in range of uh Gilly [Music] we'd have to try not now gonna go Michael Plazma into the blade guard bets yep and all the other guns are going to go into the aggressors sounds good decent shots two we're on fours three that's two of course I'm failed both from now it's the first round how many shots hitting on threes fives I fail to I do you do kill that one so the sergeants left the missile pod yeah it does wound I yeah I take two damage now macroplasma are going into the Lego vets how many shots do I get one it does hit the winning on a four so you have a six up uh which I don't pass and then I get three six up feeling pains which I pass one so one guy takes two damage and dies now comes the reductor uh pistol not the solver I'm gonna shoot you with the reductor so it hits on a five and that aggressor is iced it's a five finally tack takes down Steve's aggressors Gilman will fire uh into the bigger vets as well because he's a rapid fire range always waiting on fours four UPS three of them go through so the first one uh does one damage the second one does one damage nice and the last one does two damage so you kill one blade Guard veteran so the maltes are gonna go into the poster and then the twin Iron Hill will go to the uh okay this is iron here first let's uh eight shots through then sixes uh none of them so you're killing one of my blade guard veterans multimelta into the Repulsor I still miss two uh five damage so that puts you at second bracket I think so going into the charge phase calgar will charge the bigger bats okay here we go uh that is a seven on the nose and he goes so he's gonna go there makes it on the nose hey you know what happens to all of us it's not like he's gonna make the next one on the nose Emperor James is also going to try a long bomb charge that is innate on the nose and he goes Gilman is going to just charge the line okay uh that's a four plus one and g-band makes it you know what this is what everybody paid to see brother against brother G-Man against the lion I think lion wins though I mean I don't want to be too prideful about it or anything like that look at it see one of the line's abilities is Marshall Exemplar so that gives him a fight first so attack has to elect government as his first combatant and hope he takes him down I am going to go with the emperor's sword so hitting on twos looking for four ups and then six is whoops slaying a mortal back to you two Max of three so I take three and then I take D3 but you survived uh take two so you take five total yeah so you have four left Steve's save rolls continue to be hot he only takes one wound from Gilman and with The Mortals that's only five you can actually now fight with uh the line I can in fact if I read the line and I'm gonna on twos [Applause] did you just look at your own face would you look at that all of them hit the lion is naked and fighting and winning he's winning he's naked oiled and winning and it's exciting and then on three on three I can afford to feel too I'm naked oiled and ready to fight it's one of those like it's from The Simpsons and Homer's like stupid sexy Flanders stupid sexy Johnson please death are you filled to ah not enough nope he live with one uh cowgar is gonna go now yep he's gonna obviously going to the playground vets better leave it you calgar whiffs of the blade guard vets that was unexpected coyote didn't do it the played card best survive oh that's rough and then all you get to just go to Chicago huzzah climb UPS I make one three whole points down three so I might take three but what really happens is I take three we live down so we've got a little bit of a game yeah one heck of a turn two tack really needed the lion dead and those assassination points he still scores three throws a moment and another two in primary for killing the aggressors in the center of the board but the other two scores 25 for tag to stees 14 however Steve is in a really good position we're gonna have to see if there's enough in the tank for the ultramarines to hold that lead still in the lead I've still got points on the scoreboard and I am in the lead however uh once it passes over to Steve he is going to Max on the primary and then it's going to come down again to surviving 12 points on primary for holding more objectives attack and two banners points bring Steve into the lead with a score of 28 to 25. you've evaporated my lead just like that it looks like the momentum is Shifting to the Dark Angels there may be no stomping the choo choo train to caliban now asriel chapter Masters himself because hey why not chaplain chance the Litany of hate so I'm gonna spend the two command points and I'm gonna make the Pulsar executioner uh operate as though it had full wounds and I am remaining in the Tactical Doctrine just so everyone's aware so first things first I'm going to take the inceptors and they are going to advance with a two I move my power of the machine spirited Repulsor executioner just to get as many shots in as I possibly can and I'm probably gunning for characters with it Apothecary is going to combat restoratives and we're going to put a blade there of it right here infiltrators come back from reserves to re-enter the fight one that matters is uh can your pistol take out Gilman I'm gonna try my best pistol against Gilman it's a Combi pistol wow onto's re-rolling I hit them both on fives do you do with a pistol I do I'm probably gonna do it with this pistol I still have the plasma thing to go no the plasma re-roll it I hate you okay this is on three zeroing ones now what's the surf of it the straight eight oh wait don't do it asriel shoots both halves of his Combi weapon into the apothecary so on force force five up that is a one two hole damage no nope two so he's down to uh three I think the plasma side yep two hits two all right so two AP fours just four four damage yep you need at least two sixes here to save him two sixes sure yep and that's three points for you Emperor James is gone see you buds two heavy bold pistols from the blade guard vets into calgar and then the pistol from the chaplain into Tiggy redactor pistol into Tiggy oh baby this is the stuff totally one ep one hit to Tiggy for two damage four up holders in the game but Steve knows tack wants more March from a crack points for those inceptors and guns them down right away so first one shoots four times second one shoots five times and the third one shoots five times fours because I Advanced three rolling once and then on threes we're all in ones how many sixes do you need to roll until you're satisfied worry not four or three rolling ones right three more so three more in the last one AP minus fours so I I said Squad here yes goodbye I was hoping Steve would ignore the receptors because that is my final scoring unit for Marshall mccrack but he's too smart of a player he knew exactly what I was gonna do I'm gonna try my best to just kind of maim the brutalis so let's start with the melters and see what happens oh the Portales Dreadnought is down only one Dreadnought left for tack I'm gonna take my Repulsor executioner all of his Small Arms guns into Portuguese into Tiggy except for the 18 inch ones can't hit him and then the plasma will overcharge and go into the redemptor okay actually you know what the heavy bolters are gonna go into Tiggy and the gallon Cannon is going to go into the repolster into the redemptor okay heavy Bolter three on threes uh hitting on threes and then winning on threes poor to you you don't you don't I am doing so horrible he just he gets to get shredded and then the gallon cannon into the dread what's going on I'll keep believing that my saves are going to come through foreign I go to 11. and then D6 shots like they will come right my saves are coming macro plasma two on threes two hits yep on three threes uh one so one cuts through for three which downgrades to two so it took two from the first volley two so I should be at um nine and then the infiltrators back there are just all gonna shoot at the presenter okay all right six is auto wounds uh so two AP minus ones run all right made saves all right sounds good asriel charges calgar yep he does it mm-hmm but the Lion's gonna take uh fealty and swing with 10 attacks in the Goldman take this hit one of these I hit with all of them on three is really ones oh my nine of them so nine three ups and it's death all the way I keep saying this and the editors really tired of me hearing it I'm hearing this but yeah my dice are gonna turn around I can make saves you can make saves cannot support that goes away temporarily and uh yeah he's Gilman is down but he didn't do it in the shooting phase he did in the fight phase which means I could get him back up and there is still games he had and then asriel strength seven AP minus four three damage with seven attacks whoa so on twos are you rolling once on threes and sixes are morals we're rolling ones you six AP minus fours three damage a hit so you gotta get all these four reps all right maybe good you can make saves you know what maybe it's a reverse psychology maybe right you're not gonna use any of these I'm not gonna make a thing you don't make things the pep talk doesn't work the uh reverse psychology doesn't work yeah you know what the problem is try to communicate with uh unsentient inanimate object no amount of motivational speaking is going to work here so and the phase is goleming coming back wait I have my rolling really well you haven't and you still don't and of course that's a one this is how Steve feels I may have lived too good of a life I just never understood how it felt I understand now this is Steve I've been Steve how do I get out help um taxis the writing on the wall here and he calls it congratulations Steve on a very impressive Victory on short notice victory points at the end of Steve's turn 46 of the Dark Angels to ultramarines for 25 brings us to a score of 56 to 35 in favor of your winner Steve Well Done sir the lion no longer sleeps he apparently slaps congratulations on your Victory special thanks again to Baron of dice the sponsor of this video and crafter of all of our dice they have a wide selection of dice for all kinds of games at their web store check out the link in the description below and as always make sure to tell them play on senchy we hope you enjoyed this Primark on Primark Smackdown let us know what you think of the comments we love hearing what you have to say and if you haven't already please subscribe to our channel so you won't miss any future shows we've got some big plans with a new edition of Warhammer 40K there's even more content available for YouTube members and patreon patrons members and patrons get access to early releases of 40K in 40 minutes as well as exclusive content Like Hell on Wheels Wheels a custom scenario game where the battlefield actually moved you don't want to miss the escapades of Speedy the Dreadnought in this one membership also gains you access to our Discord Community an active and happening place where you can discuss all things Hobby and tabletop gaming related links to patreon and YouTube membership are in our description below well that's it from all of us here folks thank you again for watching and as always this is JT McDowell saying until the next time you see us at the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on Steve is an Entertainer he is a lot of fun to play as an opponent and I know that he gives a good show so I had a blast playing I know it may have not looked like that and at points of the game I was trying really hard not to cry we always have such a good time and today was no exception my final thoughts the lion I love it he is so cool and he hits like a truck he hits like a track he's kind of a glass Cannon though he's only got a four-up involved he has Shield's sort of cool but I'm excited to play around with him and see what he can and what he can't do ultimately it's about telling stories and the story we really wanted to Showcase today was Primark this is Primark brother versus brother and for Gilman to hopefully have proven himself worthy to the lion I don't think kills Workshop is watching our content anyway and this is not going to make it into lore but killerman didn't I don't know what that means I'm sorry the window up away [Music] [Music] um
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 181,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: Yeh50aafKAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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