How we learned Warhammer in a day #ad

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can you learn how to play Warhammer in a single day I'm talking about going from no knowledge at all to picking building painting and battling to the death on this battlefield I think you can I'm going to prove it so I found two perfect subjects to match off against each other people who have a lot of enthusiasm but absolutely no clue hey ravs it's me big Lids hey ravs it's me big lids and I'm here to say I'm going to take my tiny little plastic Warhammer Space Marine Goblin men and bro can we get one without the SW oh sorry hey ravs this is big lid and I'm here to say that I'm going to take my plastic little creature men Warhammer Space Marines and I'm going to ruin you see you on the battlefield peace heck you heck you you gosh darn Noob I'm going to crush you so hard I'm going to use that jump on you you give me like a nurgle I bet she was a lot meaner to me but you know what I think I owned her in Warhammer terms so you did I'll give you extra points for low accurate put Downs hell yeah I'm already winning so now we had Lydia and rabs I took them into the Warhammer store and with the help of my friend Tom they had a look around for an army so you like the uh like the tyranids yeah I like his I like his color scheme I like that he's kind of almost got like yeah like alien um Squid head tentacles coming out of his face Contender t tiid t tiid Okay so we've seen a load of boxes um but if you want to see some minis In the Flesh boys they've got their Starter Set it's my boy oh my God who's this man so that is the librarian and librarian like Li but he cast psychic powers and he's actually really powerful you haven't filed your book report that's what a librarian would say your your book is late do they have to be like this color scheme purple and pink and gray or no I'm also not super feeling the blue no no so you do not have to paint them these color schemes at all uh Space Marines and tyan is come in all kinds of different colors it could be anything like you can go as bold and as Bonkers as you want what are you thinking like um oh I'm so torn between making it like cool or making it fun you know uh they can be they don't have to be mutually exclusive can the same thing cool all confronted by a large wall of different colors Lydia had a crisis oh my God I'm so indecisive she finally picked out Apothecary white and Dreadful Visage for her tyranids let's see if she sticks to that what colors do you like to be I was feeling like black and yellow I don't know what if that's like a already uh this book basar call uh there's the size of the Emperor who wear black and yellow I meant it their their chapter got absolutely decimated by the tyranids their whole entire game is to murder tyranids and have their Vengeance and so they've got a lot of beef so these are actually a perfect that is literally why wanted to hear staying on brand with his favorite colors ravs picks up Imperial Fist and black Legion for his Space Marines you think they're ready for the next step you know they seem they seem pretty Keen they actually was impressed by how much they cared about the paints they were choosing and ravs is really excited that he's found a faction that has the exact color scheme that he wanted because I promise you he had no idea yeah that that D nicely the sides of the emperor because they are not they are Niche they are not a mainstream Space Marine faction at all and that he wanted something that loves to kill tyranids and is black and yellow he his with that absolutely perfect so we decided to pick up the ultimate starter set and left town but not before ravs insisted that we do the Beatles thing on the rainbow Crosser this is sucks stupid and then went to find a nice big table to start the next part of our journey so here we are yes let's do this this is the ultimate start set it's serious business can someone help me pull this bad boy out whoa oh my God this is this is what I wanted the little sheets oh my God there's so much of it first things first we pulled everything out of the box gave them some tools and put them to work removing gluing and building their units bam that's name is out I've built my first boy you've built that's a termal how did you find building your boy great job satisfying like it it's really satisfying chopping the bits off and then like fun putting it together I feel I'm accomplishing something yeah W it's satisfying your Space Marine is ready for battle his name is Jeremy Jeremy brother Jeremy he was a former convict who is now a Space Marine wa yeah Petty crames he stole some fruit wow and now he's just a cold blooded killer of aliens father Ron the librarian is finished he looks is very cool has an amazing Force axe that he's going to chop a million panid into a million pieces with that and he's going to do some big lightning moves is this correct to size how tall are scale so this the guy in that suit of armor is probably about 8T tall right the sup probably adds another to him so they grab him when like they get these um uh like teenagers before they've hit like their puberty growth spurt and then they fill them full of like extra organ implants and hormone justes Ballo out into like bigger than Arnold Schartz into giant mega dudes that are you know twoot taller than your average human and uh could could rip a a person in in to pieces with their bare hands that that's doping and that should be illegal in a battle and if there is some kind of organization that makes sure that everything is fair during this I hope that they are aware of this and they get involved drug testing beforeand everyone has to pee in a cup it was slow going at first but they really started to get the hang of it although it wasn't without its hiccups here we go on the table is it just a head stuck to a chunk just just bits together at random that makes those sense why why this is the first time you've had the instructions as well head bones connected to the hip bone next up we primed everything and then gave our contrast paints a good shake to make sure they were well mixed my God RS that is a technique then was time to paint oh I'm scared B I'm doing it though it is scary it's paint by numbers I'm painting I love this it's looking good you're doing very well great they both took to the painting really well and rav's got through his first few soldiers in no time oh R you only a good job getting all your flam guys yellowed up I'm also working on this boy here this is is Commander aelius oh nice yeah Commander Aurelius that's what he should be called did he do some kind of heroic deed to earn his promotion uh he was a craven he fled a lot and uh survived um very heroic no one saw that bit well nobody saw him fleeing and escaping he survived many many battles oh my God he he actually would just claim trophies and bring them back back as if he had done great Deeds however so he has a shameful secret he's a shameful secret but he looks really cool he just wanted to speedrun getting the nice armor is he lovely no they're an ugly monster lyia you pecking ugly monsters at least mes aren't cowards you lie about the battles they've won least M have backstory not just drooling Sil monsters hello big berther oh yeah tell me about big berther big berther was born on a farm in in Kansas City wow wow and she was born to a small family of milkers um nice and she um decided she wanted more from life than just milking cows so she went out into the Big Wide World New York City oh boy despite being pretty happy with big bera's backstory Lydia was feeling a little unsure about her color scheme it's not giving it's giving pastel beauty queen I want it to be a bit more round so I tried lifting her spirits with a bit of friendly advice I always find it's really important to remember and not to get disheartened when you put your first color or two on because yeah the finished product once you put all the different colors on and the Bas finished and everything it all comes together in the in the end but when you've only got one color on and it's kind of messy cuz you've got splotched all over you're kind of thinking I'm not so sure about this now trust me once you finish it all and you get rid of all the white M it all comes together and you looks way better did you say you have gold which she ignored and started painting them gold I can't wait to see how these have turned out after just a few models their painting confidence really started to improve ravs began adding flourishes to some of his more complex units and with each iteration lyia was getting closer to her perfect termagant that was super fun really L painting up my boys got a lot more boys to paint after they dry up a little bit more I really enjoyed that that's I love doing the painting obviously it took a while to decide on a color scheme but the what we've decided on and ended up with I love and I'm really excited to see them all with that that whole scheme way easier than I thought it would be as well like just put them all together and getting the paint on them just really it doesn't look like you found it easy so we've taken them to buy their first models we've built and painted them together and now with their final armies completed it was time to take to the battlefield and see who would emerge victorious in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War we're on the planet derilus 12 a jungle world filled with ancient industrial machinery and giant air vents that the tyranids have laid their eggs in tyranids are here to raise their eggs and replenish their forces and the Space Marines have come to destroy them finally The Showdown is here it's Lydia's tyranids against rav's Space Marines my God which Apprentice will come out Victorious okay well for your mission we're going to use the combat Patrol rules which is a like um a smaller scale slightly simplified version of the game for like new people to play battles in a pretty quick time and in this scenario we're in a jungle Planet which has got these four massive air vents where the tyranids have been laying all their eggs in these sort of like moist dark cabins Space Marines are here to clear them out Purge the planet the tyrans are here to defend their nests so whoever can hold these vents for the longest will score the most victory points and win the day okay so you rolled and you had to deploy first so what was going through your head what was like your your idea here I was I was really nervous about that I didn't want to go first because obviously it's like my first time playing it and I I didn't really know what I was doing but I went with I thought bigger mama I just wanted to get her out there I knew that she's going to be my main attack so she's there okay mhm and she's gorgeous I got my little guys out as well I know I want them to obviously get all the vents and everything do you like to make them talk and give them voices oh yeah yeah yeah you shut up I didn't I never wanted you no oh no wow all 20 of you were individual accidents a lot of this was just like get them out get them out apart from your leapers my leapers who can go on anywhere and I put them off to the side cuz I was planning on sort of ambushing some grabs units infiltrator ability they could run around and they're on the battlefield beforehand to try and Alpha strike him with uh with their attacks yeah it's a plan okay so at the moment father Ron and his Terminator Elite they're up in your spaceship ready to teleport down where they needed so you don't have to worry about them yet they turn up later these boys are later so that just means you've only got two units to worry about for now you've got your play thrower Squad and you've got your commander I was thinking okay I got to get my commander and my flame boys I need some presence on the board I need to get to my main objective so I was just keep the boys together so that nothing can overwhelm us get onto that point and get blast and some aliens this nice and F nice and Central we want to get straight on that V okay at the start of the game ravs wins The Dice off to go first come onab oh pipped at the post what are your first moves I feel like the flame boys are going to be the best at the doing a murder here I was like we got to get involved there the Commander's got to get on the point I need Point presence you're immediately worried about an ambush and you s your flamers to like Scorch them out of the jump It's a good plan I mean they can't M with the flamers at short range so you you open up fours or more to wound here more to wound okay oh we lost some days that was a three and that was a two you immediately burn one of the leakers to death so one has just taken all of the Flames goodbye Frederick oh Frederick Frederick oh only in death do they have names yes there's too many of them to name honor their ancestors B so with my little guys and Big Mama we were kind of just pushing forward but also making sure that we got both of these vents um so that was boom some points down my Bob gauns I purposfully put them here so they would have like sight that's a good like Corridor of fire that they can just shoot down yeah oh yikes okay so your commander is feeling super tough he's covered in bugs some Gunk and stuff M but only two of them risk even hurting me we didn't do any damage but we did to Gunk them which is you know better than nothing mhm uh Meanwhile my gu over here you're looking for three pluses o what with these Sexes 6:00 it was devastating God first Blood the first Marine's been killed that hurt that hurt a lot he trained for a long time yeah is uh a space Marine going down is a absolute catastrophe whereas uh tyranid dying that's Tuesday morning no one no one really Minds that [Music] much okay so start of turn two the big turn when the terminator's going to arrive and we're looking where all W stuff is like okay this seems to be the perfect spot to drop all my my kill team right C are here I noticed you stayed clear of the big mama well we got to kill a bunch of PS first we got we got a cavalry charge through that that this is what I probably felt the most powerful in the entire game is when I just started blasting it's murder time it's murder time it's murder time holy moly so you need to take 15 of your models off you are not kidding these are the cowboys that was I'm sure my face probably showed it I was thinking I'm going to lose like these guys are so strong the fact you wiped out 15 in one go it was like how can I physically stand up against them that unit is insane insan I don't know if I made a mistake by shooting the little lad so I'm wondering if I should have maybe helped my flamer because I left I left that crawler alive and yeah so one he end up one leapers leapers rather I left one leaper left thinking one leaper is going to die easily right mhm cool okay you get six attacks okay and I need to roll over three plus three plus excellent amazing that's five saves few revs five saves for your flamer boys four a more to save please baby oh that's another man ripped apart just cut down so far so agile just Cal these up they are not ready to deal with him suddenly the flame Squad ain't looking too hot that flame squad's struggling that combat's dragging on and on it's taking them way too long they're stuck in a bad part of the map so I knew that this lad couldn't just sit on that point because he I got victory points for everything that he killed fortunately M did get in there m to get four big big stabs in four wounds yeah I was a little bit worried but your leader almost gave as good as he got he managed to get two wounds back on the Marine Commander that same round of combat yeah but you know felt very powerful worry worry yeah um so my leader at this point only had two points and and he was just going to be killed by RS I had to get him out of here thankfully he can fly like a funny horse like a little funny horse Zoom along and managed to then tag this objective Point as well good move so then you had some command points and you spent one to bring back a whole load of GS so if you want to roll o five will come back okay so they can start as far as this as long as they're near their squadmates you can chain them along wait you guys in chain them forward yeah actually it's a three meter high thing and they need to be within two of their squadmates true but vertical height they could be within five as long as they're within two horizontally I tried to tried to War I tried you know I know I know where I went wrong I didn't push my glasses up if you had done that overall mix Stu up the best bit about bringing these guys back though is that due to the distance and being able to come back anywhere on the board I could immediately capture rav's home base I'm feeling like super pretty confident because I've got lots of fingers and lots of Pies you know getting lots of points so I'm thinking I've got these big beefy boys here they're now on the board this is the time I want to be using them and I'm like it's OverWatch time so with OverWatch you're all to shoot during Lydia's movement phase yeah but it's fine he's only hitting on Sixers how many can he even kill uh so you're saving on a five or a six five or six oh baby not enough to stop them camping the point but enough to to to have the satisfaction of taking them back off the board when they just get back on so close you killed seven of them I think there was only like two or three of these little like nine or something of them yeah so I think they just about had it you almost stopped them yeah Meanwhile my Barb GS around the corner I know they won't be able to take out the Terminators but I can at least try and slow them down so you on four pluses as long as you get a single four plus here they are gunked great C and goo gooe gooey gooey that works so well because they're so far away from the rest of your stuff yeah they didn't want to be slowed down but then my big girl my big bir time to shine really comes out now because I can just push her forward and engage in battle with r's leader big mama is going into a Feeding Frenzy okay amazing right I have to armor God here yeah so now these three you've got to make all of them oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh minus one to your save so you a one or a two you die come on one two just went in this is a terrible day for the emperor I love you big mama big Bera let's go just absolutely decimates him and it feels amazing which then led us into the uh the ongoing melee of flamers versus leapers got to make both of these to live two four plus saves on your leaper God you really need to make one of these otherwise sand oh Snake Eyes baby wowe that couldn't have gone anywhere God so after three rounds of combat the flamers finally dragged down the last Leeper yeah just the boat managed to take out the last finally pull it through yeah then fists and knives yeah take off his last wounds I I was I was a bit worried at this point I think that worked really well because the flame flame guys always hit right yeah so keeping them busy for such a long time yeah they missed two rounds of shooting because of that yeah turn three yeah we're into turn three now RS it's your turn mhm you're in a tough spot Commander's dead you've got to get those bugs off your home base I got to I am up against it I'm like has already got all these points I'm really worried about that I need to get my boys onto some points I'm thinking with these flamers I can go over here and get what what they called the little Lads the termagon the termagon like got to get up and these termagant they're back now I can flame them then I find out as I charge at them though those guys um cuz they're real sneaky and stealthy if anyone ends their move nearby um you can just make a movement and so you can move further away from his guys ooh so I'm like oh man but at least I'm on the point um I had to use my move to get on the point so yeah I managed to get my boys on to that point it's a shame didn't get to shoot but I was in there at least like it's a smart play you're playing for the objective rather than for killing at this point yeah super frustrating for me though cuz my secondary objective was to hold on to your base so running away from that immediately means I don't get those extra points at the end of the turn you're sad about points I'm sad about not being able to kill you I'm worrying again you know like these Lads are wasted so much time I've had to advance with them and I have to advance with my kill squad for another turn of them not shooting I got lucky and got on to the point to get some victory points which was nice cuz I really behind on those but it did mean I was just sitting there like a second up okay so um very eventful movement phase basically no shooting phase at all cuz you allowed to too busy running up to try and complete their objectives also no assault phase either cuz you ran so that's the end of your turn yep so beginning of this round I get to spawn in more gauns which is great but I now have the issue of well now you're concerned about uh rams's OverWatch because now that your squad's pretty small and your leader is so hurt and those flamers can see it I need to absolutely deal with this situation ASAP and unfortunately I'm so sorry Sons if anyone is going to die it's the guys that I can regen the ones that come back the ones that come back I think it makes a lot of sense if you can make two of these and just one mix it in amazing uh or make just make all of them all of them would be great but barbecue time okay we killed them all okay roasty toasty time again being stuck in combat was going to be horrible for my flamy boys so I I just had to yeah I only the one point as I just had to take the shot so next up it's it's the big mama Bera herself the psycho phas what are you thinking here she sat on an objective she could see the terminator's kill Squad advancing on her this was probably the hardest choice and moment of the game for me because I know how powerful hit his Terminators are I know they can absolutely wipe out Bera the events of what happened next shook me to my core I'm slightly concerned that on rav's go he's just going to charge at me and fight me anyway so I think I'm just going to push forward take my chances and just go for it really that's exactly what I was going to do good so charge went fine I got in there D6 plus one attacks uh you want to roll a real high number here yeah this is the important one two is really bad happy with that I like kill any boys it's you know it's not terrible and she could potentially be able to defend his attack yeah you had a command point to spend and so maybe you'd want to use that in defense or roll that dice which is always risky the hugest risk especially because my rol is just so unpredictable I mean as they are you know random so threes will wound and he'll get to save um not great four or more is just immediate damage magic juice Happening Here you've spent all your all your juice uhoh but if they're all four pluses hilariously rabs so good come on so I see people do it like this in the movies okay that is that's some that's some I didn't know they could do that much damage I didn't know that they LED My Wizard brain I that's true she all out for I just thought they were a tank that did Chip damage no they were like I eat free boys I was like I only have sex boys yeah I think we were all blow we all surprised by that one clearly your Terminators were as shocked by it as you were because when they returned their attacks he one wound back did one wound yeah he barely ch believe it see as you have 10 wounds uh that was a good trade at that moment three Terminators for one wound on big birth I was looking around the board at that point though like you don't have a lot of units left like you might I I don't have a lot of units left I'm doing a lot of damage but I I'm worried about big beer at this point makes it heart sick doesn't it mhm so start of turn four RS you've got two objectives not great not great but there are only two models left that you got to worry about right now yeah good VI aren't doing nothing they're not getting any objectives all right so like next up I'm like okay cool we banked some points I managed to hold on to an objective got to deal with this leader he's still hiding so now you got a chance to make a big gamble you can play it safe and stay on your home objective or you can go for gold and charge him with your not very good in combat troops if you can get that single wound in you'll kill the prime and steal the objective it's a big swing I got to do it for the glory of the emperor and I have to do it for me need fives for this how many fives fives uh one okay now so one armor save if you pass it you live and will'll likely kill them both if you fail it your Prime is dead so you need a four plus oh God okay oh my God it all comes down to this roll oh come on the prime is there is ready waiting you need threes or more how many winds have these boys got two you got two WS each but this guy does two wins with every attack oh my God ooh not great not great so you got to make two armor saves each failed armor save is a dead man because this guy does two wounds with each minus one to your save so you're saveing on four plus mhm yes where where's my poing off face dude oh that is grim the most satisfying moment of just murdering you after you failed your roles and we're trying to do this big heroic thing was so satisfying I'm sweating because Big Mama now gets to take a turn on me oh good two regular wounds so you do get your armor now okay didn't trigger a special anti psychic attack boys this is the time so only minus one to your save so this is on three pluses okay the boys are okay absolutely tank it oh it's a swing a I mean it makes sense have you ever had like a big roast dinner have you ever eaten three whole veteran Space Marines and then thought I need an NA I am slug she'd had her appetizer of the captain who's pretty big already then three whole turbic like that's a lot of that's a lot of food M need a NP M need a n exactly what you needed was absolutely glorious and call it the well of the Emperor or cheer Spike from me I I'm channeling myself uh father Ron is in there with his axe so these are going to be hitting on fives but you can roll them again oh oh space wizard is he's CR it was incredible they just went from zeros to Heroes yeah well I'm sitting here thinking like I am I'm doomed there's so much map control Le is racking up the points big be fin needs to go down it is however the end of my turn Okay so fresh new turn mhm classic maneuver obviously going to bring in more of my dearly departed tiny boys and then the whole rest of the turn just goes amazingly oh yeah really really good so because it's your turn ravs gets a chance to swing first in melee I have my command point back I can't OverWatch I've got nothing left I might as well go for the glory of the emperor activate my ability and just go to town on big Bera so you got to see how many wounds the X does uh I seven God Seven wounds from the X hey right you have to R seven fives or sixes uh it could happen technically possible technically you know but W good he only fa four of them oh and uh big mama is dead Big Mama there was no sweeter Joy than seeing Lydia take that piece off the board like the biggest piece on the board has been failed by my magical wizard Highway of the game was me murdering like be I'm very happy very happy space greine at this point devastated I've become very emotionally attached to Bera at this point you know she's got a name a backstory a career hopes dreams love interests highs lows law she's got everything um very very attached to her and she's the reason that I'm even doing as well at this point as I am so to have her killed and taken off was a massive kind of like deflate you know it's kind a I've barely got anyone left now and my strongest my strongest fighter is down sleep well sweet princess okay so turn five final turn of the game I know it's not looking good I just got to we got to get off this pet but I want to take a few more suckers with me so I decided to move my the remainder of my boys need to make a run back to home base to get to the chopper on the way there we might as well take a couple of cheeky pot shots I think we took two of them down to that point my gauns had been pretty shocking they had missed basically basically we haven't talked about their shooting at all because it never achieved anything there was like times where you were firing like right seven of them going to shoot I don't roll a single four plus five are going to shoot not a single for okay now very important and then all that was left was their last heroic charge the last charge of the Terminators yeah the last charge of the Terminators if you could make two of these mhm uh one will stay alive which might matter could be good who knows how many plus points get uh you all sixes oh my goodness okay well that's what I just murdered you murdered them all I love these boys yeah they're great half of them are dead and they're still murdering everything they find holy smokes T great how satisfying it is to just move in with like barely any boys and do Mass damage take out a handful okay which makes it Lydia's last turn my last turn so at this point um I'm I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty good I I figure I might as well go out with a bit of a bang and and try something this guy can he can charge in and try and eat them if he wants to it would would probably be cool and if you get really lucky you'll take it and get Five Points yeah he flies into the sky crashes down over watch Uber Uber watch Uber watch oh my Go Lightning reflexes threes to w and I warn you you remember how Mama ignored your armor when she rolled High any sixes you roll here will ignore her armor that's great that doesn't feel good oh my God that didn't that didn't work they add one more dead alien to the list and that was it end of game so R you've literally got three Terminators left Lydia's got like three barbs and two turant yeah two terms that had come on the side of the table did nothing so there we go at the end of the day almost everything's dead I think if they' been a bunch more turns the Terminators would have eventually mopped everything up yeah one more turn I think I probably could have taken a blest army but you ran out of time and they tyet had laid enough eggs scored enough victory points to secure a strong Victory point lead and the Terminators were forced to retreat and get out of here yeah that was a toughy yeah so although a lot of the tyranids were killed MH uh you have done the work that you need to do um this planet has now been absolutely infested you have covered this place in horrible biomatter and uh yeah you take the field thank you good match well played I I wish I could have ended with Bera alive that was my own secret personal go to end was when we were painting you were like I'm going to take out Bera first cuz I said I was most attached to her so secretly I wanted to finish with her so on a personal level I lost but on a more important level you lost so I actually had the same feeling with this guy who died on turn two I really hope she doesn't kill my leader oh God he's dead already yeah yikes oh B There we go did you guys enjoy your first Warhammer battle did very very much so very much so awesome I you to do it again sometime definitely 100% good well see you next time bye
Channel: Games Night
Views: 370,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, board, games, rpgs, warhammer, warhammer 40k, lydia, yogs lydia, ravs, squidgaming, tom, angory tom, angory, scythes of the emperor, tyranids, learning warhammer, warhammer starter set, warhammer starter kit, warhammer painting, miniature painting
Id: DAnvFIL72Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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