Where the Gold Hides in Creeks - Gravels and Inside Bends

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hey guys it's doc from the gold hog and I figured I'd just drag you along today I'm going to be doing two things number one we're moving our dredge crew way up on a creek into an area that we really haven't explored so this should be interesting and it did turn out interesting I'll tell you now because we found this big s turn corner that I call crushing corner and I call it crushing corner because we're finding so much fine gold up there I mean it's just absolutely packed with 50s 100's 150 s 200 super super fine gold ore running the big dredge up there and it's doing a great job catching the stuff then the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take you over to the commercial operation up there up a golden gems and I'm retrofitting that with a new matte configuration because their system really runs like a dredge they the rocks that they run through are not waste product are actually by-product because they sell some of the gravel plus they have gems up there so they can't discard it so they actually have to have the rocks go through their system and gold is just one of the byproducts of their operation so it's kind of interesting I actually put sort of a dredge configuration into their commercial sluice and it runs really well we run the tests on it and I'll show you that too so hopefully you'll have some fun okay guys I'm going to take you on a little learning lesson here but this is this is a really cool corner we call this the SPS turn because it really turns really sharp but you can see these gravel bars in here and I'm going to show you the erosion further up here but I'm going to show you something about this corner now this is not man-made this is amazing this is such a good lesson to learn from this is the way we found this we haven't touched it we walk up on it we're actually throwing some gear up on this big sharp sharp sharp turn but what I want you to see about this pile is I want you to look at the back of it okay the back of it is all sand now as we start to go around the front of this as we start to go around the front of this look what happens all of a sudden this starts to turn to gravels so you got that so now we're into gravel so without me taking a slim here you can take a look at this and this corner comes in and just completely turns does a u-turn but you can see that as it comes across here once it the water hits this point this is a low-pressure or a stopping point or just just the inside then really you have all your heavy stuff will drop right here so you can see that I've got gravels here but as we go around on this it becomes sand and this is huge up here this is manna but it's a real good lesson to learn this really shows you how this is a real good view on on an inside band at the front of that inside then how the heavy stuff wants to drop as soon as it can it wants to drop out and then as we come back here you can see that it turns to sand over here it's just amazing this thing we came out a few months ago and it was only about up to here and now it's way up to here it's a really cool corner but now this isn't California and this isn't Alaska if you walk up anyplace in Georgia and you take a pan full of stuff and you paint it out you won't you you may have to go through 30 pounds before you find a color but on this corner every time I come up here I just did it today I grabbed a little handful of the front I've got a bunch of black sand in my pan and I had five colors one pan and every time I come up here and take gold out of this area or take dirt I'm getting five to ten colors in every pan up here now for us it's the most ly fine stuff of course it's flood gold so for us we're yeah we'll probably run some of this corner we'll come to the inside the end of this corner but we're really looking for a larger goal we want to catch the fine stuff but it's that larger stuff we're looking for we're looking for that old old dead president gold if you've ever seen that video we're looking for the goal that's down on the bedrock that's been there hundreds thousands of years so you know that's really what we're looking but I wanted to show you the other side of this Bank and the erosion on it and you can see that this Creek here has moved over this way over time but you can see all the erosion up in here I mean this Creek has moved a good 20 feet you can tell it's just completely eroded back in there now I really want to go down in here that's some beautiful looking stuff down there because it's just full of cobbles all down in here nice deep channel so we're going to come we're going to run this area all through in here - all down this center line and we'll probably come over if we we can only deal with so much sand but we're going to come over this way - but again here's that soft hillside and then you can see all the gravel piles down there as that water comes around here you have that inside then it gravels all through it here pretty cool alright guys well we just shut down I'm going to go ahead and show you you can see that again up at the top this map gets really bare I mean there's really not a lot of black sand up there and then as you come down the more you come down you'll have more and more even and then when you get towards the back here we'll have a lot of black sand so I've got a lot of black sand behind these riffles but what's interesting you might think that's good and I'm sure it is we find very little gold down here most of our gold is up here in these any spots that look pretty bare so anyways I wanted to show you that this is a lot like the commercial op setup we did I'm gonna put this I'm just going to drop this down here real quick so you get an idea for it but our water enters here it's an interruption point and then this is a quarter inch perf with bolts holding at about three quarters or an inch off the mat and then we have a separate section this is about 50 percent open area and this is about sixty percent open area and we have two separate pieces over the top which is nice but I wanted to show you that it's a lot like the commercial op setup we do okay so I'm continuing my little lesson about that inside bed thing and the guys came out here and they picked a spot they were behind let me show you where they were they were actually behind this sort of stump over here and they were dredging back over in here and I want you to look at the difference of the tailings piles okay so here are the tailings piles here and you can see that it's almost all sand or maybe you can see it but it's all sand okay very very little rock this is just all sand in here now and the run was like crap it was a one of our worst runs of the year so now I want to come over but I'll fall and we get covered now I'm going to come over and yesterday's last run which was a good run decent gold in it now I want you to look at the tailings pile from yesterday's run and what you'll see is is you'll notice that it's full of these rocks so it's full of gravels and that's one thing I'm trying to teach them is that wherever you start to see those gravels drop or you're running gravels you're going to probably see a lot more goal than bigger gold than you are versus that sand stuff even though it's maybe on an inside Bend you still want to go towards the gravel so gravels lots of gravels lots of rocks good goal all sand basically all sand crappy gold good lesson to learn but I wanted to show you this so here's the Creek over here and here's when it floods it gets real high here but look at this beautiful gravel right in here I was running a high banker I'd be in here digging this this is just gorgeous though hey guys I got a long walk out I figured I'd shoot some stuff while I'm walking out show you real quick but first of all those are some trees you do not want to dredge under they are just rotting those are cool looking though you see all that bamboo all right so this is one of the walls I want to show you those stone walls right there we think they're back probably we're thinking those little stone walls because they're really just property marker walls stone walls we think that they're back to probably late 1800s they just run all the way down there they're really cool okay and this will show you how a Creek moves right in here as you can see that stone wall that stone wall goes along it's going along it's going along and all of a sudden you hit an inside Bend and look at it to collapse so you can see the stone wall is up here and then it collapses down in and as you go along and down over here they're all it's all collapsed in over here so it's moved all the way across there that's really cool hey guys I know this is kind of weird but I'm at the truck I just walked back man it's a good half mile back in that's a walk there but anyway starting to drizzle out here a little bit cool and I hope you enjoyed that lesson about that sandbar up there and I hope you learned something about maybe setting up mat configuration if you've got a big dredge but I'm getting ready to go back to camp it's just nasty out here it's waders but we're going to come out next week I want to let you know we're going to come out next week and we're going to film some plan to shoot about three different runs on that dredge plus we're going to be doing I'm going to be doing a new mat video that breaks out all different mat configurations for almost every type of equipment so I'll be doing that a couple of - so I wanted to finish this up so I can get out of here go get something something warm to eat hey guys I'm actually uh I'm actually back here and at the camp and this is interesting this is some of the cons I've got a five-gallon bucket full and stuff weighs about 100 pounds and these are from that upper area that we just started running where I showed you that big sand bar that big s turn and what's interesting about this is the cons have changed all the sand is very very light lots of quartz sand in here but look at all the black garnets in here let's see if that's the amazing part to me on this as you can see them as I sort of pin it off you can see all those garnets are there let's see them all over there that's amazing now the other thing is this corner holds a ton of super super fine gold and I'm going to show you what I mean we're not finding the big chunky stuff we're finding a ton of super fines in here and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna I'm going to get some of it to show it to you here in the set okay so I did that pan this is about I've got a five gallon bucket of this stuff full and this is about it this is about a big handful and I want you to look at there's just a total final and there's stuff in there you really can't see hey guys I hope you enjoyed this trip we had a good time even those a little bit cold up there we had a good time and we're going to be coming out with a new map video to pretty soon so stay tuned you
Channel: Gold Hog
Views: 1,760,804
Rating: 4.5162578 out of 5
Keywords: where to find gold, locating gold in a river, best places for gold, placer gold, reading creeks for gold, gold dredging, gold prospecting, Gold Prospecting (Literature Subject), Gold Prospectors Association Of America (Organization), gold sluice, building a sluice
Id: 5FU0gEF1t_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2013
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