How to Pan for Gold with Parker Schnabel

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normally when I'm panning usually I'm trying to take it right from bedrock cantata so you can see right here this bedrock starts right there so that's where the gravels above that and bedrock below that and that's where the majority of the gold sits my grandpa taught me how to pan and that's been a lot of hands I hate to think about how many times I've done this when I used to mine with my grandpa big nugget I taught people how to pan tourists and stuff and the basic idea is just that the Gold's heavier then everything else so you want to just really get everything good and wet and in the water and give it a good shake it's pretty a pretty simple idea that hasn't changed for well since people started finding gold I would imagine and the big rocks you could just pick out you know you don't rush things but but don't take forever - I've seen some people get a pan full of dirt and spend an hour with it no you don't get anywhere doing that so you got to be patient but smart and the gold should be down in the bottom of the pan stay in the pan while everything else gets washed away you don't want to shake it out you want to make sure that you got the water washed everything out just like that so then once you're down to just a small amount of material there's any big rocks you can pick them out but then you just tilt it back like that swirl it around there's the gold right up top there nice to see there's a few nice flakes in there and quite a bit of it gold yeah I mean this is just a mini version of a wash plant a lot more painful but there's some good gold in that pan so that's a good sign so that's how to pan find my number one piece of advice for somebody that wants to pan don't invest more in gold-mining than a ten dollar gold pan as you'll probably go broke
Channel: Discovery
Views: 296,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold rush, parker schnabel, gold mining, american dream, motherlode, panning for gold, Gold (Chemical Element), Gold Panning, gold rush alaska, gold rush full episodes, discovery full episodes
Id: _rLyWrYHJ1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 13sec (133 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2015
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