Which Vinegar Works Best at REMOVING RUST From TOOLS

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what's going on y'all today we got a bit of a vinegar showdown going on in the past we've used a lot of vinegar to remove rust from tools and household materials but today we're going to find out which is better apple cider vinegar industrial vinegar or plain old regular white distilled vinegar i've had a lot of comments where people say different vinegars are better but we're going to put all that to rest and we're going to find out which one is better at removing rust from tools and other household items all right so we got apple cider vinegar 30 industrial strength vinegar and then we got plain old distilled vinegar right here uh we got three tupperware containers where we're gonna put the vinegar in and the vinegar will soak with the tools for 24 hours now i have several pairs of pliers and other different tools here i'm going to make sure that i try to distribute them equally amongst the three based on condition and then try to get a pretty accurate read on which of these vinegars do a better job at removing that rust without further ado let's go ahead and put these tools in these containers cover them with vinegar and come back 24 hours later i can definitely smell the 30 vinegar is a lot stronger boy it's got a real strong vinegar over to it almost locks your jaw up man that's still strong all right we have our tools soaking right now we're gonna give it 24 hours to come back check back in with y'all show y'all how they did all right so we've been sitting right at about 21 hours we wanted to take it 24 but it's looking like it might rain on us so we're going to stop it at 21 head over here and see what the vinegar did all right so looking at it right here with the apple cider vinegar it's hard to tell how much rust actually broke down because of the color of the apple cider vinegar so it was brown to begin with so we don't see much there now moving on to the industrial vinegar it's definitely taking on kind of a copper orangish color uh and looks like it's broken down a pretty good amount of rust and then over here at the distilled white vinegar you can see a lot of rust particles down in the bottom of the container but you don't see a whole lot of color change that's taking place with the actual vinegar itself all right so what we're going to do now is see how much the vinegar has broken down the rust on these tools to do that the first thing we're going to do is use a rag to see how much we can just wipe off of there see the ease of the rust removal after we use the rag we're going to apply a bristle brush to it and see you know how much effort it takes to get that rust off with a bristle brush and then lastly we're gonna put a wire brush on there and that should pretty much knock down uh the rest of the rust but we're pretty much just gonna see how easily the rust comes off using each of these steps all right so digging in here with the apple cider vinegar all right so go ahead and take our rag these had a pretty good amount of rust on them right here when we started they've pretty much taken on a black color right now so it's kind of hard to see a whole lot but that rust did pretty much just wipe off of there now these were locked up pretty good and they're no longer locked up at all i mean they're they feel pretty good right there got a little bit of rust that's still on the underneath of it take our bristle brush now all right and i mean the bristle brush didn't really remove much of the rust that was left on there which is just kind of underneath and whatnot go ahead and take our wire brush to it see what we can do with that and voila pretty much removed all that black tarnish that was on there so with a little bit more scrubbing i could say that we could probably get that close to back to new as possible it looks pretty good right there so i would say overall i'm not going to sit here and clean all these in front of you this is a pretty good testament the apple cider vinegar absolutely works at removing rust and restoring your tools back to like new all right moving on to the distilled white vinegar go ahead and pull these tools out that we're soaking in here so i believe these pliers were pretty close to locked up they've loosened up pretty good a lot of the rust that was on there has already been knocked off of them so go ahead and wipe these down a little bit so just using a rag with that right there it pretty much knocked off most of the rust we still see a little bit of pitting and stuff that's taking place from where the rust was but we can clean that up with a wire brush to get those back to new uh but what i want to really look at with this was this wrench right here this wrench was pretty well rusted go ahead and wipe it down and see what we can do with this wrench all right so we've wiped it down a little bit we still got a little bit of rust on both ends of it right there but for the most part most of the rust did just kind of wipe off of there take our bristle brush to it all right the bristle brush didn't really do much to remove the rust it was still sitting in those spots so see if we knock it off with a wire brush all right and that's pretty much what the wire brush has done we still got a little bit of pitting but this this thing was absolutely coated in rust maybe if we soaked it a little bit longer it would knock the rest of the rust off right there or if we had a grinder with a a wheel on it or something like that we can buff those spots out of there or we just work on a little bit longer with a wire brush but does distilled vinegar work at removing deep rust i would say so i mean this wrench was in pretty bad shape whenever we put it in this container and uh i'd say that it's turned out pretty decent right now i mean a little bit more work on that and i think we could get it to look close to new all right and then lastly we have our industrial strength 30 vinegar i've been told by a lot of people in other videos that i've done that this vinegar is the route to go uh when cleaning and restoring tools so we're about to pull them out here and see if it's made a big difference versus the apple cider and the distilled white vinegar what tool are we going to go with so look at that rust right there that's rust that is just flaking off of there and the these are my fishing pliers that stay in salt water they weren't locked up at all but i'd say that they were rusted pretty bad whenever i put them in there and that rust is wiping away oh yeah i mean it's pretty much removed it so you saw right there that that rust pretty much just wiped off with ease you still got that kind of black tarring or i don't really know what what it's called but like a tarnishing that happens with this process but i believe if we take that wire brush to it it will remove a lot of that tarnishing that's taking place and i mean that was only about 20 30 seconds of scrubbing with it i believe i can get a lot better than that with that uh wire brush a little bit extra work but overall i'd say that that worked probably the best all right so y'all pretty much saw it right there i'm gonna go ahead and give y'all my conclusion on everything we just saw right here okay and so of all of these things your distilled white vinegar and your apple cider vinegar cost the same at about five dollars a gallon the industrial 30 vinegar costs 21 a gallon so it's four times the cost of your other vinegars the other thing with the industrial vinegar is that you either have to order it online or find a place that has it like a lowe's i went to three different lows locally and finally found one that had it in stock but it's not something that you would just have in your cabinet also to something to take in keep in mind here is that the 30 vinegar comes with warning labels on it keep out of reach of children poison causes eye and skin burns harmful if swallowed okay your other two vinegars if your kids or dogs get a hold of it you're not going to have as much problems as if somebody gets a hold of that 30 vinegar so you're looking at a much more harsh chemical that's kept in your house and it's four times the cost so if it's me i'm probably gonna go with the distilled white vinegar first your cost is five dollars a gallon and most likely you're going to have it already at home so you don't have to make any extra trips out to get it it's something that you already have secondly i would probably go with the apple cider vinegar because once again it's only five dollars it did work very very well at removing the rust and it's cheaper and it's something that is also a little bit more likely for you to have it at home probably not as popular as distilled white vinegar but it is commonly sold at every walmart every grocery store so it's very very easy to get whenever you need it in a pinch lastly i would go with the industrial vinegar because the cost is 21 a gallon it is more harmful if uh swallowed or come in contact with your skin dogs children things like that and it's harder to find i can't just run out to the store and pick it up if i need it so that's pretty much our conclusion i hope you all enjoyed the video if y'all did hit the like button comment with any questions subscribe if you haven't already we'll see you all next time
Channel: Southern Salt
Views: 344,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust removal, easy rust removal, how to remove rust, tool restoration, remove rust from tools, vinegar, distilled vinegar, apple cider vinegar, vinegar tips, vinegar hacks, hacks, using vinegar to remove rust, vinegar uses, vinegar hacks for cleaning, rust removal tools, rust removal car
Id: Db0YvIl53Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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