Gold Panning Tutorial for Beginners - How to Pan for Gold

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so thanks a lot for buying my pay dirt if you scanned on the qr code it brought you to this video and i'm going to show you how to pan for some gold so let's go down to the pan station and i'll show you what you need to do okay in order to pan for gold at home there's a couple items that are mandatory that you absolutely need and then there's a few items that you don't really need but would make the job a lot easier so of course first you're going to need something to pan into that'll hold your water this is crusty rusty honestly crusty rusty is a little bit too thin and i don't like using them for that reason i would actually prefer getting something more like auto here from the auto parts store it's just a oiled drip pan then you're gonna need a gold pan links in the description for everything that i'm showing in this video by the way if i can find it you're going to need a gold pen these are under 10 bucks you're going to absolutely need a snuffer bottle this is to suck up your gold you're going to need something to put your gold in whether it's a bottle or a little vial like this or whatever even a piece of paper folded up and taped if that's all you have that's fine and you're also going to need some sort of a surfactant to break the surface tension of the water this is a very important step otherwise you have a high chance of actually losing gold so make sure you get some just dish soap just one tiny tiny drop of dish soap i actually prefer jet dry because unlike dish soap this leaves no suds okay now for the non-mandatory items i always like to wear a pair of gloves because your skin has natural oils on it which can actually contaminate the water making gold float away the jet dry does help with that a lot but just to be extra safe i always wear gloves a classifier is not mandatory but you can get these things for a dollar at the dollar store or pound land notice the size of the mesh on these things it's not super fine it's just a like a regular kitchen strainer i don't know how else to explain it these make the job a lot easier and then once you get into the more difficult pay dirts like the expert and the impossible bags get yourself some different size classifiers to separate the painter even more making the job that much easier and one of my favorite things are these squirt bottles they're so underrated i don't see anybody else using them but they're so handy it's crazy and they're only like two dollars on amazon when you get into the more difficult pay dirts it's always a big help to remove the magnetic material you can get one of these overpriced pickup tools that have a magnet inside or you can just make your own like i did and this thing works 10 times better than that other thing it's just a silver dollar tube and a strong neodymium magnet with a you know a nut driver from ace hardware or whatever it works great to remove magnetic material all right so we're going to start out by adding some water and just a drop of that jet dry or dish soap then we can take our bag of pay dirt and just open it up they are heat sealed pour it out pretty important to actually spray out the pay dirt bag into a different pan because you don't want to wet up your dry stuff you want to keep this separate and you just want to spray this out because gold can actually get trapped down in those little corners down there on the bottom i think we got everything out of this one and we're going to start by actually panning this to see if there was any gold in there yeah there's no gold in there so we're good all right next i always like to look through my pay dirt look at that there's a that's an amethyst right there there's my version eight guitar pick that is actually a rough emerald so now we're going to classify the material [Applause] okay i don't see any big pieces of gold in this side doesn't mean it's not there just means that we still have to pan this out and then here in the minus kitchen strainer i can actually see some gold right there right there there is a full gram of gold in this gold blast bag now this part of the video is more for the more difficult pay dirt but you can actually remove your magnetic material which will make the panning process easier so let's go ahead and do that i just do it two or three times you can only do this when the material is dry never do it wet or you can actually grab gold all right we'll just take our magnetic material and put it in a separate pan we would then pan the magnetic material just in case a little piece of gold came up with it most likely not though all right let's start panning it out so if you're a beginner i would suggest just doing like one spoonful at a time maybe two so just dunk in your pan completely submerge the dirt completely now i'm gonna shake it around this is called stratifying you don't want the dirt to stay on the bottom you want it to actually move so don't be afraid move that thing around get all that dirt stratified and we're going to tilt forward so as i tilt forward you can see now the material is here in the front of the pan so i'm going to dip it in and you can see the light material just washing off i'm not throwing it i'm being very gentle and you only want to do that about four or five times then you want to fill it with water again re-stratify tilt it forward pour it off and repeat the process until there's no more obviously light material coming off now we already removed the magnetic material from this so there shouldn't be too much in here but when you get into the more difficult pay dirt at this point you'll already have a lot of black sand here and you'll want to stop at that point because gold likes to stay with the black sand and if you start panning off your black sand you're actually going to start losing gold but this stuff here is obviously just moving very easily and i think we're far enough all right now that we have our little bit remaining now we want to keep it in the pan we don't want to pan anything else off but we do want to stratify one more time to get that material up into that corner you can also tap it like this if you are a right-handed person you're going to hold the pen with your thumb and index finger on this side you're going to tilt forward and you're going to tap with your hand up here that process is going to move the gold here i'll show you up close we'll put spread everything around now watch the gold as i tap i'm just going to tap it with my middle finger here look at that it's all it is right there now we can collect our gold so collecting the gold you have your snuffer bottle you squeeze it to let some air out and then as you go through i kind of like i squeeze this so it sucks in you know what i mean and then we have all of our gold so again submerge stratify [Applause] i can see little bubbles in here this is very dry pay dirt we want to make sure we pop all these little bubbles of dirt clumps of dirt that are floating there's even grass and stuff in here we're stratifying we're tilting it forward and we're gonna pan off the light stuff two three four five that's good enough start again stratify tilt forward one two three four five and we'll continue that process again until we're almost at the end these pans have little riffles in them you can see right here you will always want to have the riffles where your dirt is going off so i'm holding it on the side with no riffles those ripples prevent the gold from leaving the pan because your gold is the heaviest thing in this pen your gold is going to be at the very bottom along with your black sands and other heavy things like garnets and lead all right we're getting pretty close to the end here i can see some black sand starting to show up you can see it's starting to get dark here it means we're getting close to the end so we really don't want to go much further than that okay i can see some gold actually appearing down here as you can see the gold is at the very bottom so now i have some water in the back half of the pan here and my dirt is on this side all i'm going to do is i'm going to lightly swirl and have the water do all the work for me here the water is washing back the top layer of that pile of dirt at the top and i'm keeping my eyes here to see if any gold is coming down with it if i usually if there is gold coming down like right there see that little bit of gold right there i'll grab it with the snuffer bottle as i see it and then once i know there's no gold back here i'll just take my spray bottle and squirt it off like that so i don't have to worry about it anymore and then i'll re-stratify and repeat the process all right as you can see we're starting to get little pieces of gold coming down so we're going to go ahead and like i said we'll grab those or we can clean it out re-stratify [Applause] so now there's a big pile of gold right here i'm just going to grab it with the snuffer bottle just like that and there we go we've got all the gold out of there and now all of our gold is in our snuffer bottle okay i'm gonna pan out the big stuff this is a lot easier to pan than the small stuff we'll grab our gemstones we'll throw in that other pan now you can sit and pick through this and look for more gemstones if you like there's sometimes a lot of garnets and quartz crystals and emeralds amethyst all sorts of things so we'll just pan this out stratify really well tilt it forward and the big rocks will actually float off the gold is heavier than those rocks [Applause] but you still want to be gentle all right all right now we'll just pan it back see if we got any bigger gold i didn't see any i don't know oh yeah there's a couple pieces in there there's three pieces of gold in there three pickers and even a flake in there too so that's always nice to find a nice picker we can grab those with the snuffer bottle too and then we can go on to the next step all right the next step is clean up so now we can unscrew our snuffer bottle notice i haven't been wearing gloves it's all right all right now you want to spray out your snuffer bottle see what i mean this squirt bottle is so handy for so many different things also in the lid of the snuffer bottle gold likes to get trapped up in here all the time so this would be considered your concentrates right so we're still not done there's a lot of black sand mixed in with that and all sorts of stuff so we want to make sure we separate that so this is probably the most difficult part of the entire process is separating the black sand from the gold itself you can do it in smaller amounts i'm just going to go ahead and do it this way the gold is still heavier than the black sand so we want to wash that black sand back very gently take your time with it again if you see gold coming down grab it with your snuffer bottle we're not done with our snuffer bottle just yet tapping it does help separate so keep washing your black sands back this is where you really get a feel for panning for gold and then you can clear out the bottom okay once you have most of the black sands out you'll never get a hundred percent okay but you'll get pretty close then it's time to actually dry this stuff out so we can weigh it up so what i like to do is hold the pan up on an angle and you'll get your little puddle of water and just soak it up with a paper towel or something get as much of that liquid water out of there as possible be sure not to grab your gold because it'll stick to your paper towel so now in order to dry the gold in your plastic pan i use a heat gun i wouldn't suggest using one of these because i've already melted pans by holding it in one spot too long but a hair dryer should work pretty good the only problem with the hair dryer is they blow a lot more air and it could blow your flower gold away this is just the way i do it a lot of people prefer to take a little pan and just cook it on your stove just to cook off the dirt which is probably a better method but this is the way that i do it [Applause] okay now that our pay dirt is completely dry as you can see we now have to get it into the vial so how do we do that so i'll just take a regular piece of printer paper fold it in half and we'll just pour our gold carefully onto it at this point i also like to take my magnet one more time just to get any black sands that i may have missed before and then over a pan we can carefully pour this in and as you can see here on the paper there's still some black sand left over which is not gold so we don't count that and there you go so there you go a very basic demonstration and tutorial on how to pan for gold if you guys have any questions please just ask in the comments and i'll get back to you if you would like to buy any of this equipment there are links below for you and yeah it shouldn't cost you more than maybe 25 30 for everything you need to pan for gold other than the paid dirt all right thanks for watching if you're still here you're one of the 42 percent that haven't left so thanks so much and also big thanks to all my major credit patreon supporters and channel members scrolling right there and also if you enjoyed this video you're really gonna like the other ones linked here so definitely check those out and i'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Klesh
Views: 123,051
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Keywords: gold panning tutorial, how to pan for gold, how to pan for gold for beginners, klesh tutorial, panning for gold, how to do paydirt, how to pan for paydirt, how to pan out paydirt, gold panning tutorial for beginners, gold panning, gold panning tutorial klesh, best gold panning tutorial, gold tutorial, gold pan tutorial, How to use a gold pan
Id: Y2z5ScWa3Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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